The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salenu Oregon, Tuesday Morning. February 21. 133
Hours of Debate Result in
-Passaga of two Bills,
Defeat of Others
Late Sports
CCtmtlnn4 tram pas t)
resolrt tit house Into committee
of a whole, whence the interest
rate vu reduced from three to
two and one-half per cent. It vu
on the final rotes that Dickson
and his group tailed to secure the
necessary II rotes which consti
tute a house majority.
Standing with Dtpkson In his
Today James Cagney and
Mary Brian In "Hard to
Handle." Laurel and Har-
dy comedy.
Wednesday Barbara Stan-
Survey of Department Will
Be Made, Hope to Offsef
Underwriters' Data
(Continued from pas 1)
wyck In 'Ladles They Talk th mVa recommended
AbOUt." would rout USA and tha Other
w m a aa I
snaay nancy (jurrou iu I three. ISO each.
"Child of Manhattan." LZ. about i
Today Joel McCrea and
Fay Wray In "Most Dan-
rurntii Haiti a".
tight to loVlnr-rai:, on WlS!S.1Ylrr Km
n t.nM.Mt.tiM. and Loretta Young In Em-
pnisn tvu wvav? awss w
Hilton who said three per cent
rate monthly were unconsclon
able, and Mrs. Hannah Martin of
this county who asserted It was
common gossip at the capital that
a strong lobby, with ample money.
had worked against the bills.
While the spoke a number of the
lobbyists headed by Portland at
torneys looked on as did Ex-Got
ernor Os West who had previous-
ly wared a strong fight in com
jnttlee for interest rate reduction.
Representatives "Wyers and
Paulas horetbe brunt of the
-bouse fight against lowering the
three per cent rate. They both
held that a thorough investigation
by the committee showed a lower
rate would work a hardship on
borrowers since loan companies
could not continue with less gross
! Income. Both men said the prob
lem of small loans had been Irk
some and said It had occupied the
attention of their committee for
weeks. - Reduction of the Interest
rate, both representatives claim
ed, would lead to illegal lending
and hisher Interest rates for
small borrowers than now paid
The Russet Sage foundation re
port, favorable to the three per
cent rate, was frequently quoted
in debate.
Representative Weatherford ex
plained his votes for smaij-loan
rate reductions as a protest
against "legalized usury.
The auto interest rate cut re
ceived 2 ayes to 30 nos.
The interest rate cut on loans
to 300 first received 31 ayes but
two members changed to no and
the measure lost.
ployea Entrance."
Satnrdav Tlnnhla hill: "Man
Against Woman", and "No
Greater Love".
Today Edmund Lowe
"Hot Pepper."
Thursday Ann Dvorak and
Lee Tracy in "Strange Love
of Molly Louvaln'
Asked about these masks, Fire
Chief Harry Hutton said. "This Is
the first I knew of it. Thoea
masks are fine, all right, but a
man has to be specially trained to
use them."
"We hare men here to train
firemen," Olson replied. "We are
providing the equipment, then
training; the men to use them. If
our firemen can't be trained, we
can get somebody who can."
Hutton retorted that "yon ex
pect two men here to do the work
of six or eight. I have as good
men as any department in the
United States but don't expect
these few men to do what they do
In Portland or San Francisco."
"The only criticism of the fire
Friday Vaudeville and screen
future. William nnlliAi- Jr. . vwui i iu
and Joan Marsh in "Speed
equipped, under-manned," Alder
man David O Hara spoke up
Today Joe E. Brown
"You Said a Mouthful."
Wednesday George Arliss
"A Successful Calamity.
Friday Ken Maynard In "Dy
namite Ranch."
Salem's milk supply has -im
proved steadily since the city
adopted the standard milk ordin
ance, according to J. E. Blink
horn, county dairy and food in
spector. All pasteurized milk sold
here in the past six months had
WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 (API 4 AAA rich rnf1 on Mm at ar m Aa-
TV"115 louay J""Pea 10 me crease of 200 since the July. 1132
states mat nauonai proniomon, grading, and raw milk an aver
after Its thirteenth years of tur- aea of 6000 ner c. c. a decrease
bulent trial, be done away with of $000. Twenty-three per cent of
uj repeal ot me ioia amendment, tho nasteurised milk averaced
ine nouse Dy a Vote or 289 to n-vcr SK.OOft rr e. r. dnrlnr tha
121, 15 more than necessary, ap- first year of inspection and 33 per
The American Legion drum
corps here will start Its strenuous
training schedule March 1, It was
announced at last night's meeting states remaining dry,
proved the repeal resolution pass
ed last week by the senate. Un
der It for the first time in Ameri
can history, conventions of the
people are to decide whether the
states shall ratify or reject a
change In the constitution.
Thirty six of the 48 states must
ratify to carve the 18th amend
ment out of the national charter
and substitute for it a twenty
the rat- CU J.. TlA-4.
lflcation must all occur within UlCdU U HUCl LUUC
seven years from today. With re- r TJ T
peal, the amendment carries a ferVSaWS W OOIS
specmc pronibiuon or importation
of Intoxicating liquors Into any
cent of the raw milk exceeded this
During the past grading per
iod, several dairies placed exhib
its at the Pacific International
Livestock exposition and every
entry but one earned at least a
i bronze medal. One entry, that
of market cream, received first
PORTLAND. Ore- Feb. s
(AP) Yaqul Joe. Sonors, Mexico,
Indian, defeated Harold Heibert
of St Helens. Ore., two tails oat
of three In the main event of to
night's wrestling card here. Both
weighed 1C0.
Rex Mobley. Ill, Birmingham,
Ala., was given his match with
Joe Reno, 16t, New Orleans,
when the latter was disqualified
for slugging.
Jess McCann, 111, Bremerton,
defeated Art O'Reilly, 131. Eu
gene, taking one tall in the
no 1 n
Col. Lawson Declares That
Spirit of Revolution is
Developed Instead
Depression has not brought an
increase in crime, despite protes
tations to the contrary, but rath
er it has brought a spirit of revo
lution, which Is, the problem of
all citizens rather than police
alone. Col. B. K. Lawson, who
will be Portland's chief of police
after July 1, in substance told the
chamber of commerce yesterday
noon. Chief Jenkins of Portland
shared the program.
Unless there is honesty and
sincerity among the people, there
will not be such among the police
and other officials, Lawson said.
for he holds that police are hon
est or dishonest as citizens dic
The habitual criminal Is caus
ing most of the , crime news la
depression. Just as in good times,
Lawson said. The visitor, who
was from 1912 te 191S superin
tendent of the state prison here,
declared that the parole law and
West system have been successes.
except that they have gone too
far In the case of the habitual
criminal. He holds little hope for
the second-timer, and none for
the third-timer.
Chief L. V. Jenkins, who re
tires July 1 after 14 years of
service, outlined the organization
of the Portland police system,
which today has 450 men. He
particularly stressed the excep
tionally fine work done in mak
ing 2000 arrests In the 11 months
that Portland has had 40 police
cars equipped with radio. Radio
has cut the average running time
down from 30 minutes to a min
ute and a half, he said.
Cosmeticians' Regulation
Is Argued at Hearing;
Lonergan Expert
Experts la the art of enhancing
feminine pulchritude filled the
house Judiciary committee room
at a public hearing last night.
Women and some men suuea
in the manipulations of cosmetic
therapy; halrdresslng, cosmetol
ogy, electrology and permanent
waving; considered the pro and
eon phases of house bill 4 ST In
troduced by Representanres Laa
ergan and Wells.
The bill to amend numerous
sections of the Oregon code of
1920. would require schools oi
beauty culture to post bond In
suring fulfillment of their con
tracts. It also would set up cei
tain educational requirements for
cosmeticians, make nine montns
attendance at a recognised beauty
college compulsory and provide at
least a nine months apprentice
ship training.
Opponents to the bill Included
J. E. Gordon of Portland, repre
sentative of beauty schools, who
charged that the measure is an
effort to put many present insti
tutions out of business. He de-
ur.ui nrMnt regulations are
stringent enough.
Proponents of the bill Included
Tiniaa Palmer Weber and John
F. Logan, attorney, both of Port-
PHnHnal araumenti of the bill
unnorters stressed that "fly by
arhnnia" and itinerant cos
metoloxists should be regulated.
Requirements of the beauty oper
ator's art have increases uunac
the last several years to an extent
that requires more stringent reg
ulations in the interests of the
Mihltn. Loaan said.
Representative Frank J. Loner-
nne of the bill's authors, pro
vided a touch of levity to the
hearing with a facetious explana
tion of his standing as an aumor
it-r to deal in cosmetic therapy.
"Why i ve com dog. my nair mr
50 years," commented the repre
against William A. Rosenthal,
started la circuit court yesterday
before Judge McMahan and will
likely go to the jury today.
Mrs. Cheney la suing for dam
ages as result of injuries sustain
ed la aa automobile accident
which occurred last July, and for
which aha alleges Rosenthal was
NEW YORK, Feb. 20. (AP)
Security markets skidded again
today, but commodities maintain
ed the leaning toward firmness
that characterised them last
Volume was only 858,600
Passage of the prohibition re
peal resolution by the house was
received quietly. "Wet" stocks
were np a little at one time, but
showed no exuberance and fell
back. National distillers retained
only a traction of a 3 point rise.
Crown Cork and U. S. Industrial
Alcohol finished slightly lower;
so did Owens-Illinois Glass.
Union Pacific, off more than
2, Pennsylvania and Santa Fe
down one or so, and several
smaller declines put carriers in
line with the day's trend. U. S.
Steel, Da Pont, Union Carbide,
Standard Oil of New Jersey, Gen
eral Motors, Case, Harvester and
National Biscuit sagged fractions
to a point. Allied Chemical and
American Tobacco B" lost 2.
Westinghouse, quoted "ex" the
radio stock dividend, was fairly
steady. North American and Pub
lic Service of New Jersey dipped
more than a point.
But Market Quiet
er Capital post. Rudy Scnultz,
corps instructor, will come here
from Portland at that time to
rive full time Instruction,
Meanwhile the post membership
will be conducting a membership
contest with two teams under
leadership of Commander Allan G
Carson and Adjutant William
Blhren. A meeting of all past com
menders and past adjutants has
been called for 7:30 o'elock to
-morrow night in Bliven's office
to formulate plans for this cam
paign, which Is In line with a na
tloa contest.
The post Instructed the com
mander to appoint a committee as
As though touched off by an 1 BOSTON. Feb. 20 f AP)
eiectno signal, immediately arter The wool market la aulet and auo-
tne nouse vote legislative action
was started In more than half a
dozen states to make ready tor
the conventions.
Barrett Buys Out
Hislop, Ladies
Apparel Business
The ladles' apparel shop at 415
State street, formerly owned by
W. T. Hislop, hss been purchased
tationa are largely nominal owing
to limited demand. Despite some
Irregularity on asking prices on
scattered lots there is a steady
undertone as holders of the nrln- i by A. M. Barrett. The store will
cipal offerings show no disposl- be operated by Mrs. M. B. Gil
tlon to rrant material concessions I more, who has been associated
on good wools. Receipts of domes- irlth the store for the past several
tie wool here durinr the week I months, under the nsme of "Ml-
uiU. t( u. . v I ladvB filvns 1
DriVP TOT $100 th Boston Graia and Flour Ex- Mrs. Oilmore was formerly ea-
Mission Starts
Expense Paying
gsged In the ladles ready to wear
mv. ',... vi.v Pounds, compared with 912.700 I business In the east, and more re-
auv upoa uuur nussiuu, imwu KM,, 4. .. x. I rantlv lit Ci,,... ah. will k
aisas ivvu vusjfSSVcu ui a ctii n vt a
Ha alnra fijsrtHA? will ran sa
m.Va Kisvsassn SM TitHtt I., . - . ...
. w terivft ror 9100 to meet ontstuna 1 tt rr
mna otaer occasion. !llfJP vm. vtnr IT w. HonTnn an- I V Tll&nT n nflTl&T
w n mi j - I
nouaces. n. r . r ieia, jx-bwttico
A varied musical program was
. . - A.0 1 . i .a tV a
nuinsmeuv "V" "f Vl man who has been active in
Leglonaires. and : members of the y orsaBlzatlon wUl h
were honor guests.
be In
charge of the drive.
C onion says the Mission, at
115 North Commercial, has
Tied for First
With Jason Lee
stated by Mrs. M. Keeton. Mr.
Barrett, the new owner, wUl not
be actively engaged la the bus
birthday party waa held Wednes
day at Monmouth high school. In
the form of a luncheon, for H. X.
Slckaroose, who has served the
DALLAS. Feb. 20. Mrs. O. C
Smith, 59, died at her home here
Sandar at 12:20 p. m. runerai
services will be held at 2 p. m
Tuesday, from the HInkle ana
Thomas funeral parlors. Bunai
will he made In the I. O. O. F
cemeterr here.
Mrs. Smith was the daughter of
John and Rachel Klmberlln, born
March 18. 1874, In Hamilton
countr. Iowa. She came with her
parents to Pendleton, in 1884. In
1991 she was married to O. C.
Smith at Wallace. Idaho, and the
couple moved to Dallas, August l
She la survived by husband
one sister. Mrs. Jessie Ogg of Led
ger. Moat., half-brother, George
Hamblln of Portland; son, J. o.
Smith ot Eugene: daughters. Mrs
Edward B. Hamilton and Marian
Smith of Dallas; also five grand
Rural day at the Red Cross-
Community Service-county court
relief office Saturday brought in
110 persons seeking food and
clothing. Work of determining
needs and making ont requisitions
was speeded along so that by
o'clock all callers had been cared
for, It was reported.
The relief warehouse, 147
North Front street, presented
busy scene, with dozens of men
snd women lined up awaiting
their bundles of food or articles
of clothing, and half a dozen
clerks rushing about to fill the
Shoes for children was one
order, however, that could not be
filled. Despite numerous contribu
tions of shoes made last week,
only one pair ot children's ox
fords was on hand and that was
scarcely worth repairing.
. II
mis n
March 1 Is Date; 12 Pupils
Now Named, More to be
Selected Later
license revocations la Oregon dar
ing tna month or January, n 0f
which cover a period of oae year,
uai k. hoss, secretary of state.
announced Saturday. The remain
ing six revocations covered lesser
periods of time. Ten persons were
convicted of driving their auto
mobiles while intoxicated.
March 1 has been selected as
the dste for the formal Installa
tion of members la the chapter
of the National Honor society
that is being organised at Salem
high school. Plans for this event.
which is expected to be one ot the
most important of the school
yesr, are being worked out by
the honor society faculty coun
cil. R. W. Tarenner is the head
of this group, with Beryl Holt,
Leah Hogue. Garnle Cranor and
Elizabeth Hogg the other members.
National regulations which gov
ern the actions of the local chap
ter require that the initiation of
members be a public and formal
affair. Efforts are being made to
secure the assistance of one ot
the other five chapters already
established in the Willamette ral-
ley in conducting the ceremony.
The National Honor society has
been endorsed by the state high
school principals association and
Salem is the largest high school
in the state to Join the move
ment. Selection of members is
made by the faculty on the basis
ot scholarship, service, leadership
and character. Only seniors and
Juniors may be considered, and
not more than 15 per cent of any
one class msy be included.
The Salem high school- faculty
has so far chosen but 12 out of
a senior class that numbers 313
It is expected that an additional
number will be selected shortly
before the end ot the year, and
at that time about 5 per cent of
the Juniors will also be Installed
in order that the organization can
be carried over to next year.
There were IT motor vehicle
Park Estate is
Valued $88,466
Estate of Charles A. Park la
valued at 288,449.23 ot which
only $1100 is real property, ac
cording to inventory filed with the
county clerk yesterday by H. R.
Crawford, Harold E. Eakla and
Belle -N. Brown, appraisers.
About half the estate Is first
mortgage bonds et the Valley
Motor company.
""olc it at
Middle Age
T tMkOtTitMakb
--- I fait htttmt Altar cb tnt
twttto. I etm take U whmrrmt I
slea't f ! ate par."
S7S Stmjrmmmt Ave Irvteataa, HJ.
Tm cm 4epw4 mpem a saedlctee
WfckSth tawrttf wiinwl
ot mm ttaa twlf tuUUoa women.
Sole stall awe
ytmm (Dflfliwiii
Th Willamette Valley Asses
sors' association held its annual
meeting at the courthouse here
Saturday with members in at
tendance from Marion, Polk, Ben
ton. Linn, Lane, Lincoln, Yamhill,
Washington, Clackamas and Tilla
mook counties. Much of the- time
was devoted to a discussion of per
sonal property taxes and valuations.
see Hagg and Quirt
frolicking, fighting sad
chasing a new dame
through the New York
yfcta-4 riant i
x J
r V o
"-HX. V I
I aight
1 Witt?
1 wttk
mund LOVJB
Lupe Velcz
El Drcndel
Blracted fey ioha StrstaMM
At the finish of tha Innlnr
served 12.000 free mesls since Oc- church leaame baskethall aamea
teber, given 2,000 persons lodg- at the T. M. O. A. Saturday at school as Janitor for the past 21
bk, surra iivu ien aa ernoon Knignt uemoriai and Jf I years, senior students and faculty
snqes to needy persons. Four fam- soa Lea were tied for first place members sponsored the celebra-
Mash Possession
Charze DroDDed
- ni.. .v .. .viu ,i - :i ,t " : ' . i
rf-;. TJlJx . w " cuuurw, lire in i at uie wp oi me percentage eoi-I lion, z eeing present te enjoy
DUl Diair ilCiti the mission home. The $100 Umn with Highland Friends and the occasion.
sougnt now will go for overhead, united Brethren running a close
State nolica Saturday dropped I second.
charges against Elmer Blair of wage group NAMED Saturday's games resulted as
possession of msah and wort with- rresiaent Kiddie Saturday ap- follows: Knight Memorial IT,
out a license but held him to a ori orrayer, woou- i iigoiana snenus ; jason juee
ward and Dunne as members of If. Tamnle Bantist 7: Evaacali-
eense. Blair pleaded not guilty to ttt ?er J1111 commiUee of the J cal II, Calvary Baptist 8; Presby- J eaU
the latter charge In Justice court. 1 iw cumauKw vui pw unn is, inrsi steuoaisi xs;
Judge Miller B. Hsyden ordered on in" ssianes ana wages to be I United Brethren 35, American La
him committed to the eounty Jail
when he failed to furnish $50
ball, and set the trial for 10
o'clock .Tuesday morning.
Blair waa arrested Friday near
Scotts Mills on a warrant made
out against "John Doe Blair.
received by all senate employes, 'theran 8.
FALLS CITT, Feb. 20 Rer.
Ira C. Bailes has Just recently or
ganized a troop et Cub Scouts.
About 20 scouts report to roll
each Saturday afternoon.
Much Interest Is being shown la a
contest between the two organised
groups of scouts.
Car Crash Basis
For Damage Suit
Damage actios tor $7500.
brought by Mrs. Elisabeth Cheney
wa aaa te
strata bctags.
f-'23TCW;ftV tit WU:
Newcomers Feted
By Chamber Soon
Newcomers to Salem will be
feted by tha chamber of com
merce again one week from Mon
day night when tha second "New
comers' night" program will be
held la the chamber auditorium.
The entertainment will be pro
vided by the Salem Music Teach
ers' association. Fred D. Thielsen,
director of the chamber's social
department, will have charge ot
the reception.
fJT ABoOwncdThcalw tj
Home of 25c, Talkies
' Wednesday Nite Is
Dime Nit. .
nv n n TiTi
Zfnitorr. i:V,1rof-r-r:
2:15 P. it.
Any Seat
600 Seats
Special Added Attraction!
Stan iaOffOl
OUver H02?dS7
UW a S - ; J;;
with Joel McCrea - Fay Wray . Robt. Armstrong-
Ed. G. Robinson in
"Five Star Final?
Mat. Dally 2:15 P. M.
Any Any
Thuro. - Friday!
The Capitol sxnaahee
thru with aaothfir
BJg Hit . . . Tsra
Gifeat Stan to
gether for tha first
tins ... Its real
Now yow can. thrill aaeir' to gla
luoroaa Barbara Stanwjk la. her
latest creea triumph -
wtttt " - ' " ' " '
Preston Foster TJUlaa Roth
- '4
a ' i
. i
as Great as
on aGenuine
Special Sale of NEW and USED
Only a few available So don't put
6.9 S4. Ft. Porcelain
SJ0 S Ft Pore Int.
9-8 S. Ft. AH Pore.
t8 84. Ft. Pore. Int.
9J&J.FL All Pore.
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1U So Ft. AH Pore.
24.7 Sl FL AH Pore.
14.7 Sq. Ft. All Pore.
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romxB roc you
rues fay says
.$123.00 $ 61.50 $ 6X50
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- 185.00 75J)0 110.00
. U&50 119JJ0 ' SS.00
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-184-50 1490 25.00
. 2110 1540 570
. 212.00 175.00 37.00
. 242.00 1870 55.00
. 494.00 259.50 2340
. 494.00 28230 21130
The same fine quality, the same features that
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Cold Control Life Time Porcelain
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Phone 9119