The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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Cloture Rules Unlikely to
Avail in Ending Session
By Coming Weekend
(Continued from pa fa 1)
to the general fund. Neither of
thece proposals has been drafted
into a biH: botn haTe been ac
feptP(i lu tentative TOtea taken by
tlie ,-onimittee. There ia much
likelihood that the self-sustaining
fund diversions will die aborning
while lusher education advocates
are pulling every string to cut
down their reductions. Which
ever ay the ways and means
committee decide on these tick
lish matters may precipitate a de
bate. Appropriations hare not been
allowed, although hey are being
ardently sought, for the Industrial
accident commission and the vet
erans' aid commission. The I. A.
C undT the law must operate on
a fiied percentage of income. The
commission has cut its operating
expenses tremendously but reve
nue drop-off has been so huge the
commission is afraid it cannot
itrugple through another blen
uiam without general fund help.
Th? veterans' commission has
rotnted out with the law entirely
in its favor, that last year it did
tot receive h half-mill appro
bation of $500,000 which was
It., Ieal rlehf. If the amount is
withheld in 1933, that commission
likewise prediots a financial pre
dicament will ensue.
Holman Tosses New
Wrench in Machine
A further appropriation hurdle
tb wavs and means committee
and thC legislature must Jump is
the recurrent Holman-Einxig-Han-.pD
dispute which flared up as the
last week closed. Holman con
tends both Hansen and Einiig
j,ave padded their budgets, rais
in -net- employes salaries and
otherwise Juggling figures to se-
car appropriations wmcu m
1933-14 will permit these two
men to operate more comfortably
than other department heads. A
nt,-r:nmUtee of ways and means
b probing the accusations; thus
i 4 found as a certainty that
one Hanzen employe has been
v A frnm S125 to $190, less
lis apportioned salary euW-and it
1, HhKlv this salary uem win cu"
down pronto. The item Itself is
incnr.seonential: the Importance
f affair, if it has any, lies in
the fact that Treasurer Holman
m tht time unearthed a real,
fancied woodpile nigger,
ihn. tfndine to Increase preyious
hostility to the budget. It la pos
sible, not probable, that the bud
get may be combed again for Pos
sible cuts thus far not seen by the
ways and means committee, which
lias given moit or tne nenu
fine-tooth combing.
When yor eyes tmlfer freaa
H strain they lee Uebr clans.
Kwtore their sparkle wlUl
vtB-fitted glasses.
1EN! Here's VALUE
A Haw SaSaty nazo
Y Wain
'ha SmarftH
Sharing Pufufi
ance bf the Lone
BUds Is tkl Naw
Durham Doom
Safaty Kmo PlodaT
N. ht
& Hegg
Drag Store
Court at Liberty TeL S444
SAFETY storage, is
the only worth
while kind. We wffl
care for your goods
with discretion and
"kill. Call as on the
phone and get our fig
Telepkont 777 '
5lt?r la-Ad.
L2f '
Not At
r g sTg dJf 'Lj I
Wnici leimi tha f anbi
aevr taxes. n;th, final, chor to
Sales Tail Coming -Oat
of Committee j
Tho representatives and senator
had beat polls p their special
session speeches on tho sales tax:
it Is coming out of r committee,
f. umaea report, but
it is coming out for no legislator
now admits that tho budget can
bo balanced, tho deficit handled
simply by providing a few mis
cellaneous taxes, slashing the ap-
f uj.iuob ana. eliminating tho
direct levy on real property. The
legislature mast either (1) ac
cept a budget of almnt iiaaa.
000 for 1933-34. un ithe Inenm
and inheritance taxa an n.r.
haps add some miscellaneous rev
enue measures and leave a two
or three-mill levy on real prop
erty ior state purposes, or (2) it
ranst.accept a $9,000,000 hudrot.
up Income and inheritance
and replace a state nronertv !.
who a sates tax. Higher income
twice as nign as present
income taxes by the state are
sure to come, the Inheritance tax
rates are bound to ellmh th
real nubbin of legislative debate
next week on tax matters is the
sales tax to be or not to be.
What ever the legislative out
come, on the sales tax, the fight
win ge on, lor a referendum im
penas and the sales tax, Its faults
and benefits, will be argued from
many a rostrowrtt is not unlike-
j .uai xsmxw re a 1934 cm-
paign Issue with the democrat
conorts. encouraged bv Mr Roo
sevelt and in Oregon led on by
The Journal in Portland, making
it a rallying erv for
FUND OF 511,1
(Continued from paa 1)
ments. Then all other bills in
curred in the relief work by each
county will be listed with the
state committee twice a month,
and paid from the one general
fund for the state.
The relief money secured from
the R. p. C. can be used only
where there is real need, and
based upon case Investigation.
Such f nds covrr clothing and
shelter, which Includes rent, wa
ter and some kind of lighting as
designated by the county relief
The application which will go
to Washington contains manv
pages, setting forth in detail the
needs of Marion county, the pres
ent financial condition and other
items. It was prepared with co
operation of the county court, the
chamber ,of commerce, the Com
munity 8ervice and Red Cross.
Mrs. I60bel Thomas died in Ba
sin, Wyo., February 18. She for
merly made her home In Salem
with a daughter, Mrs. G. M.
Besides the daughter here she
is survived by children, Mrs. W.
J. Hardie of Salem, Mrs. C. C.
Deal of Basin, Mrs. O. G. Noland
of Portland and George Thomas
of Boone, Ia. She is also sur
vived by 10 grandchildren.
Mrs. Thomas has been visiting
with her daughter in Ba3in since
leaving Salem last November.
Funeral services will be held
here from the chapel of the
Clough-Barrick mortuary Tues
day, February 21, at 10:30 a. m.
with Rev. Swift officiating. In
terment will be made at Belcrest
Memorial park.
Frosh and Rook
Series is Split
EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 18
(AP) The University of Oregon
Freshmen defeated the Oregon
State Rooks here tonight 39 to
23, thus splitting evenly he four
game series between the first year
squads. This was the only game
of the four not closely contested.
Fewer School Days
Lost Due to Colds
Greensboro, N. C. Testa
among hundreds of children show
a saving of almost two-thirds of
time out from school due to colds!
with the new Vicka Plan for bet
ter Control of Colds. How to fol
low the Plan Is explained in each
package of Vicks VapoRub and
the new Vicks Nose & Throat
Drops. Adv. '
17t? TTihhp
Our interest in safeguard
ing your health and your
welfare is paramount here
in Schaefer's prescription
You can be assured that
the utmost care is tajcen
xthfn we compound your
rarintion. Our service is
nromct and reasonably
Drug Store
ens v. cosnsnerslal - Dial 819T
Th -Oviflnal v Yellow Front
sSlOF Sr
Soong Declares China Will
Never . Surrender Jehol;
Attack Expected
(Continued Jrom peg 1)
members of the new administra
tion.. :
A government spokesman said
that a summons to Mr. Matsnoka
to return home by the shortest
route in order to make prepara
tion for Japan's secession from th
league, probably would make it
impossible for him to visit the
United States.
This matter is not wholly set
tled, but the cabinet may decide
to consult with the Geneva rep
resentative before taking final ac
tion. In this event, he would be
called home immediately after the
anticipated- acceptance by the
league asembly next week ot the
prepared Manchurian report which
censures Japan.
(Continued from pas 1)
sign a release to claims against
the bank in which he had a
deposit of about $1000.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Fannie Tur
ner, 02, his wife, screamed and
tried to rush for help, she told
the Investigating deputies, but
was caught, by two of the men
and held while the other three
continued to attack her husband.
The five, after obtaining the
signature, escaped in an automo
bile driven by a sixth man, the
Turners told the deputies. They
said Mrs. Turner told them she
recognized two of the men. A
warrant was issued by O. A.
Eastman, justice of the peace at
Gresham. charging George Fer
guson, "John Doe" Lambert and
three other "John Does" with as
sault and battery.
The sheriff's office phoned
Sheriff R, E. Goad of Pendle
ton to learn if the alleged as
sailants are known there. Com
mittees in charge of the clean-up
campaign for the bank said bank
officials emphatically denied that
they were representatives of the
All but one or two depositors
of the Pendleton bank have sign
ed releases, officials said, and
they expressed hope that they
will be able to open the institu
tion Monday on the assumption
that the board of the Reconstruc
tion Finance corporation will
early next week approve plans
for such resumption of operation.
New Grocery, Paint
Shop for Woodburn
WOODBURN, Feb. 18. Two
new businesses have been estab
lished in Woodbnrn the past
week. R. D. Bright of Eugene
haa rented half of the storeroom
of the Sanitary Market and is
opening a grocery which will be
Individually owned but conduct
ed in 'the same room with the
! market, which is owned by W. P.
j Lessard.
T. L. McCullough of Pacific
City is opening a paint and paper-
hanging business, and will also
do automobile painting.
Willamina Beats
Dough Boys Five
The Cherry City Baking com
pany Dough Boys scored two more
field . goals than the Willamina
hoopsters In a game at Willamina
Saturday night, but lost on tne
distribution of aift shots. Willa
mina won 40 to 87. The Dougn
Boys made a spectacular rally in
the second half.
J. R. Miller of West Salem In
formed city police last night that
bis light roadster had been stol
en from Cnureh street. It bore
i Oregon license 116-714.
Too Late to Classify
14 N. list. bedrooms moeera.
Its N. 14th, rooms mown,
II 15 N. lfth, furnished.
221 Oregon Bid. Phone
Hogg Bros.
456 State '
in all makes of
White Sewing
New and Used Sewing
Machines At Bar
gain Prices
We Ren t
Sewing Machines
Washing Machines
Hess DffC3.
Telephone 6022
V 456 State
Solons Avert
Foul Fate For
Saturday was dog day in the
house, IX ot Its members voting
down Senator Woodward's 8. B.
IS 4. authorising persons to kill
dogs deemed vicious when off the
owner's premises.
Member after member arose to
speak a good word for the canine
class and to declare that the pro
posed law-went too far in allow
ing persons who hated doga to
vent their spite on a straying an
imal. Defenders of the bill said the
law already made out a prima fe
cit ease against sheep-killing dogs
and contended failure of the
Woodward bill Indicated legislat
ors cared more for animals than
for people.
The Woodward bill would have
empowered persons who were at
tacked by dogs or had justifiable
grounds to think them vicious to
kill the animals without first ap
pealing to their owners for re
lief. II. F. W. T
Capital post and auxiliary.
American Legion, will be hosts
Monday night to members of the
local Veterans or Foreign Wars
post, its auxiliary and legislators
for a varied musical program at
Fraternal temple. The legion aux
iliary. In addition, will hold a
bridge party for members and
guests following its business ses
sion, according to Mrs. J. T.
Delaney, president.
At the post meeting. Speaker
Earl Snell of the house of repre
sentatives, will give an address
explaining the bills passed by the
legislature to date. He has made
special arrangements at the capi
tol so that he can attend the le
gion session. '
The musical program will be
as follows:
Earl E. Kennell, tenor, accom
panied by Miss Lois Plumroer.
James Parkhill, banjo num
bers. Willamette university Philhar
monic choir, under direction ot
Prof. Cameron Marshal, "Listen
to the Lambs," Dett; "Day
break," Fanning; "Morning,"
Speaks; "Give a Man a Horse Ha
Can Ride," O'Hara, (Baritone so
lo by Prof. Marshall); "Moun
tains," Rasbach.
Prof. Frank E. O'Hara, direc
tor of Balem Institute of Music,
violin solos.
"Alfalfa Four," classic and jais
selections under direction of Dr. .
A. D. Woodmansee. ;
J. T. Delaney, chairman of the i
entertainment committee, has ar
ranged for the program.
BROOKS, Feb. 19. A large
crowd attended the Brooks Par
ent-Teacher meeting held In the
schoolhouse Friday night. The
school gave a fine program under
supervision of the teachers, Clyde
Hoffer, Miss Alice Massey and
Mrs. Emily VanSanten:
Duet, Mickey Tamiyasu and
John Zarle, Mr. Hoffer at the
piano; dialogue, Kenneth Reed,
Richard Ogura, Forrest McCoy
and Oral Lee Fltts; reading, Rob
ert Bailey; song, primary room,
Mrs . VanSanten accompanying;
dialogue, Ivan McCoy and Doro
thy McKnlght; vocal solo, Robert
Massey, Miss Marie Harold at the
piano; dialogue, Ronald Jones,
Alfred McCoy, Audie Earls, De
lores Johnson, Sonny Snyder and
Leslie Lowery; reading Clifford
Wright; dialogue, Charles Hutto
and Francis Johnson; harmonica
duet, Luther and Ross Chapln;
dialogue, Minnie Cutslnger, Geni-
vere Snyder, Charles Dowe, Del-
phlne Loom is and George Lowery;
reading, Aoda Hutto; play, Arleta
Wood, Pearl LaFlemme, John
Hutto, Minnie Ogura, . Robert
Fltts, Gladys Epley, Junior Port
ner and Nagoa Nlnomlyla.
Grand Opening
Mellow Moon's
New Annex
Wed. Nite, Feb. 22
Washington's Birthday
Broadcast g and Recording
Band from Cotton club,
and Entertainers In a battle
of Bands
Extra - Extra!
gee America's most perfect
shaped girl In person
Pennsylvania's beauty queen
f nis-'JS-tavtl. who
mitt select Misa Balem of
A Prtne to the "Winner
A Am. iAdlee 8Sc eata 40c
1 X. WOODBT, Mgr.
' . ,
Ways-Means Group Conduc
Hearing on Charges; of r
Padded Budget
What action will be taken by
the ways and means committee In
connection with charges that Wil
liam Elnsig, secretary of the state
board of control, had padded his
payroll and otherwise misrepre
sented his budget requirements to
the legislature, will not be deter
mined definitely until Monday.
At a preliminary hearing held
in the board of control offices Sat
urday members of the committee
made it plain that they were not
interested in the feud between
Holman and Einzig, and that the
investigation would be confined to
consideration of the figures con
tained In Elnxlg's budget.
Elnsig branded a statement by
Holman "that he was not aware
of the departmental budgets" as
a lie. He submitted minutes of
board meeting at which the bud
get items were considered to the
committee. These minutes were
signed by Holman as well as by
the other two members of the
board of control.
Budget Figures Asked
Representative Walker charged
that Holman's figures were inac
curate, and asked Einzig to pre
pare his accurate budget figures
and have them available at the
next meeting of the wars and
means committee.
"The committee had found
nothing up to this time which
would substantiate Holman's char
ges against Einzig", Representa
tive Hill declared at the conclu
sion ot the meeting. Hill asked
Einzig when the feud between
himself and Holman originated
Einzig replied that the trouble
dates back several months.
"Holman's figures are about as
accurate as some of his state
ments", Einzig said. Senator
Woodward took exception to this
remark and warned Elnsig to be
careful. "I can prove what I have
said," Einzig retorted.
Einzig then referred to a report
credited to Holman in which the
state treasurer asked Governor
Meier why it was necessary for
the secretary ot the board of con
trol to have a woman with him on
a trip to Crater Lake.
"I do not consider It any of
Holman's business where I take
my wife," Einzig declared. Einzig
said he paid all of the expenses
incurred on the trip, and that not
one cent was contributed out of
state funds. Snider informed Ein
zig that the investigation com
mittee was not interested In trips
to Crater Lake, but that it desired
to determine whether Holman's
charges against the board secre
tary were true.
A proposed increase of from
$125 to 190 a month In the sal
ary of Walter Robinson, statis
tician in the state budget depart
ment, was defended by Einzig, In
the absence of Henry M. Hansen,
state budget director. Members of
the committee indicated that they
would report unfavorably on this
Increase. Einzig said that Robin
son had threatened to retire from
the state service in case the in
crease was refused.
r Joint Meeting of
W.C.T.U. Slated
For Hazel Green
pleasant afternoon was spent at
the home of Mrs. Anna Hammer
Wednesday, when women from
Hazel Green Women's missionary
society met in Joint session with
Middle Grove W. M. 8.
Helpful Hints for
ed miraculous to
the ancients.
Where Science and Educs Reign
405 State St Phone 3118
J. H. WuTett
Moving - Storing - Carting
Larmer Transfer & Storage ::;
We Ala Handle Fuel OH, Coal and Briquets and Disk
Grade Diesel OH for Tractor Engines and Qfl Burners
Mrs. Necia Back, state organ
iser, of W-.C. T, JJ.. was mnable
to fee pretest, however a meeting,
composing the W. C. T. TJ. groups
of Keizer, . Clear Lake, Brooks,
Labis h. Center, Hazel Green and
Middle Grove, wiU be held Tues
day,, ren. 2tV beginning it U
o'clock, -with potlnck lunch at the
Basel Green church. Mrs. Buck as
well aa two other W. C. ;T. U. of
ficers expect to be present ' and
assist with tho program.
mm o n I
(Continued from p&o .1)
Moore, Miami psychiatrists, was
aa follows:
"The examination ot this indi
vidual reveals a perverse charac
ter, wilfully wrong, remorseless
and expressing contempt xor tne
opinions of others. While his In
telligence is not necessarily in
ferior, his distorted judgment and
temperament is incapable of ad
justment to the average social
"He is inherently suspicious
and anti-social. Such ill balanced
erratic types are classified as a
psychopathic personality. From
this class are recruited the crim
inals and 'cranks' whose pet
schemes and morbid emotions run
in conflict with the established
order of society.'"
Dr. Agos, commenting on the
report, said "the question of ap
plying the term 'sane' or 'insane'
to such misfits is purely a mat
ter of legal Interpretation or ex
pediency, which the courts are
privileged to decide."
Cutting Offered
Cabinet Job but
Declines, Rumor
(AP) Senator Bronson Cutting,
Independent New Mexico republi
can, was represented by friends
on Capitol Hill today as having
decided against accepting a
Roosevelt cabinet offer in the be
lief he would be of greater serv
ice in the senate.
One of the staunchest admirers
and supporters of Mr. Roosevelt,
for whom he spoke in the cam
paign. Cutting maintained an ab
solute silence as to whether he
had been offered or had declined
the portfolio of secretary ot the
Woman Lost
20 Pounds
In 4 Weeks
Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis,
Mo., writes: "I'm osdy 28 yrs. old
and weighed 170 lbs. until taking
one box of your Knuchen Salts
just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh ISO
lbe. I also have more energy and
fnrthn more rra never had a
hungry moment."
Fat folks shonld take one
teasnoontul ot Krnschen Salts
glass of hot water in the morning
before breakfast it's the SAFE,
harmless way to reduce aa tens of
thousands of men and women
For your health's sake ask for
and get Kjuschen at Perry's Drug
Store, Capital Drug Store, or any
drug store the cost tor a bottle
that lasts 4 weeks is but a trifle
and if after the first bottle you are
not Joyfully satisfied with results
money back. Adv.
Healthful living
The symbol R be
fore a physician's
prescription was
originally used as
a prayer to Jupiter
to make the treat
ment effective. The
modern R stands
for the wonderful
work of modern
medicine which
would have seem
Mileage Waiver
By Senators is
Upton Proposal
Senators woo desire to waive
acceptance of their mileage vouch
er la connection with the regular
legislative session will have such
an opportunity under a proposal
offered by Senator Upton Satur
Ill DE
invites you to drive its new
and almost entirely
C3ME, see and drive these sensational new Stude
bakers that operate almost entirely without phys
ical effort. See how Studebaker engineering genius
has succeeded in giving you cars in which you need
scarcely ever touch the clutch in which you switch
on the ignition and start the engine at the turn of a
key in the dash.
You never have to work a choke or adjust a carbu
retor. Gears shift as smoothly, silently and safely at
any driving speed as though there were no gears;
Shock absorbers instantly and infallibly adjust them
selves to all conditions.
Especially see how Power Brakes, the year's great
est engineering development, make brake operation
practically automatic in all of the new Studebakera.
You'll be amazed to find that the slightest pressure of
your toe tip on the brake pedal brings the car smoothly,
surely to a stop. You'll be literally astonished at the
advances these Studebakers offer that your present
car, no matter how new, does not give you.
St ud thaler' 4 grtst Una ftr 1933 rmngt
in prict Jrm $840 to $2040 . e. . factory
Stiatie RtottcsDiFGo Himo
525 ChemekeU St.
Build a better home than you ever thought you could
own! Present money standards' mean that now you
only pay half aa much for the house you wantl We
have every kind of quality lumber and building ma
terial in stock now.
C10 N. Capitol
Manufacturers of
' -I . Support Oregon Products
Specify "Saira lladt Paper for Tour
Of flea Stationery
day afternoon., Upton's : proposal t J
was made daring a discussion on , f .
the report of tho per diem com-r ; Jt
mittee. Upton said that all of tho 7 T
senators had accepted mileage for ;
attending tho special legislative
session, and that some ot them,
probably would not want to claim
mileage for the regular session.
He said this particularly waa true)
of those senators who did not re
turn to their homes on tho one
day intervening between the spe
cial and regular legislative assent
Tel. 8400
ITou Cam
Have a
ae TTo3ay
n Powder an d
Supply Co.
TeL 9191
rv4-rntftiml Store) off Balesa