The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    4. "'.y .
The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleeu - Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Febrcary 15,1933
Lodal News Br ief s
Grieg Geta Yean Joe. Griff
appeared before Judge McMahan
Tuesday, morning and admitted
Ala pact In .theft ot poultry, for
which, Marion Miller and Law
ranee Addison were sentenced to
" two years in the penitentiary.
Orlgf was sentenced to a year
and taken to the penitentiary
-along with Miller. Addison was
taken ont by the sheriff here last
week. The trio of poultry thleres,
- caid to be leaders of a second
' large ring In the eonnty, were
t arrested by the sheriffs force.
Reward, $S for return of my
v also red bicycle. Phone Billy
Brssean Jr., 4939.
Two Get Licenses Marriage
Mlteenses were issued here yester
day to two couples: William F.
.yEarage, 25, 435 Howe. VancouTer,
B. 0., real estate, and Insurance,
. and Belyn Jane Hendrickson, 1540
South Cottage, saleslady; and to
R. Max Neff, 85, Rocknway, clerk,
and Ooldie Leonard. Salem, honse
, wife. The latter were married here
yesterday by Judge Hayden, and
the Sarage-Hendrickson nnptfals
will be performed February 15 by
Rer. J. R. Buck. '
Hearings Set Final hearings
in two probate matters, estates of
Oscar I. Morris and Ida M
Calrnes. hare been set tor March
21. Elrira F.' Morris, executrix ot
the Oscar I. Morris estate, re-
ports a balance of $814.08 in
t her final account. Final hearing
on the James M. Newton estate
is set for March 20.
Hearing March 17 Final
''- hearing on the account of Ruth
Arnold and Remoh F. Schulx as
- executrices of the estate of Helen
Erans has been set for March 17,
following tiling ot final report
which shows a balance ot $884
; 26, excIuslTe of real property
allied at $2000.
Bala is Visitor Supt. V. D,
Bain of the Woodburn schools
was a business visitor in Salem
yesterday, and while here con-
;' terred with the county school sn
perintendent relative to program
for the second county teachers
institute, to be held in Wood-
burn March 11.
Auto insurance, 1 5 down, bal. $5
mo. IL II. Smith Ins. Agency.
Attachments Certificates of
- attachment hare been filed in
suits of Knute and Merene Dlger-
ness vs. Fred Clow, and Don
Christensen vs. P. A. Eiker. In the
r latter. C. 8. Pratt, garnishee, re-
Dorts nossesslon of an auto be
longing to defendant.
Allen to Talk George Allen
president of the State Harware
' association for the past two years
will give a 10-mlnute talk on the
recent state convention in Port
' land at the meeting this noon ot
the Salem Retail Credit associa
; tion.
Sarah Hewitt Answers Gener
al denial to answers Is made in
, reply of Sarah M. Hewitt to de
' fendant In connection with her
suits against the Central Public
". Service corporation and others
The suit involves rescision of con
, Goods Eats Cafe, 184 N. Liberty,
' under new management. H
Time Extended On stipula
tion, toe American Surety com
pany of New York is given until
March 10 to enter its plea as
Joint defendant with Fischer
-Warehouse company in suit
brought by Cawrse Brothers.
' . Visit Portland A. A. Lee, man
"ager and Dr. B. F. Pound, dlrec
tor, of the Mutual Savings and
' Loan association went to, Port
- land yesterday to attend a meet
lag with Franklin Fort, head of
."- the federal home loan bank.
University Man to Speaks Prof.
Warrea D. Smith, professor ot
reorranhv at the University ot
Honor Kosciusko City Re
corder Mark Poulsen yesterday re
ceived a request to the city coun
cil from Ignatius K. WerwlnskL
U. S. commissioner of deeds at
South Bend, Ind asking that the
local aldermen memorialist con
gress to honor the 150th anniver
sary of General Thaddeus Kosciu
sko's naturalisation as a U. S. citi
zen, by the issue ot a three-cent
stamp bearing the revolutionary
war officers picture. The sesqui
centennlal comes on October 13 ot
this year.
Turkey dinner 1st M. E. church
Thurs. 0:30 p.m.. 35c Come.
Accident Reported Motor
vehicle accidents reported to city
police yesterday were as follows:
C, R. Thompson, 1880 South
Commercial street, and Dr. Ray
M. waits, U. 8. National Bank
building, at Waverly and State:
H- p. Elklns of Woodburn, and
Frank M. Highland. 1596 South
Cottage street, at State and Com
mercial; Mrs. Pearl Wlthrow.
Monmouth route two, and George
Chrlstenson of Dayton, at Liberty
ana sroaaway.
Big hard time dance Thurs.
Park Hall. Free Lunch.
"Buy American" Movement
Is Tied In Vith Stata
Benefit Program
Finish Road Map County
engineer Heoaa Swart Is com
pleting the third of three large
maps in color designating the
approximately 70 road districts
in the county. The maps will be
placed in offices of the county
court, the county clerk and the
engineer. They are not only a
material convenience to the offi
cials, bat are also an aid to
county delegations who come in
upon matters.
Spelling Tests Soon County-
wide spelling contests will be
held February 28 in all schools
of the county for the third
through the eighth grade, County
School Superintendent Fulker
son said yesterday. Grades on
these will be filed with the
county school superintendent.
Ob ituary
In this city, February 13. Cecil
K. Pollock:, aged 15 years. Funeral
announcements later by W. T.
Rigdon & Son.
At the residence In Talbot Mon
day, February 13, Sarah F. .Tay
lor, aged 69 years. Survived by
widower, George N. Taylor; five
sons, William, Charles, Samuel,
James and Nathan Taylor; one
sister, Nancy Boohrer; two grand
children. Funeral services will be
held from the chapel ot W. T. Rig-
don & Son Wednesday, February
15, at 10:30 a. m. Interment in
old Dallas cemetery.
At the residence, Salem route
9. Sunday, February 12, Simon
Willis, aged 72 years. Survived by
widow, Mrs. Mattle Willis; two
children. Miss Eunice Willis ot
Nebraska and Bruce Willis ot Sa
lem; nephew, Davie Willis n-Sa
lein; two grandchildren, Billy and
Betty Ann Willis ot Salem. Funer
al services will be held from the
W. T. Rigdon & Son chapel Wed
nesday, February 15, at 1:30 p.m.,
Rev. Earl Cochran officiating. De
ceased was a member of Calvary
Baptist church.
Incidents and l Personalities
11 ue ' AapilOl t More or Less Connected With
rY i t .tho State Legislature and Its
'BatUenonF. i :.
This city will participate in the
movement being promoted to ef
fect wider sales of American, and
particularly, Oregon products -a
movement sponsored by the re
cently organised Oregon-American-First
association, and en
dorsed by the Salem chamber ot
commerce. It was learned Tues
day from F. J. Gnbralth, Tics
president of the Oregon Manufae-
tors association. '
Organisation, of The Oregon-American-First
association is this
state's interpretation of the "Bay
American" movement being posh
ed by patriotic leaders through
out the country to fend off the
damage being done American pro
ducts and labor through the
flooding here of foreign products
from countries with depreciated
currencies and cheaper labor.
The cost of the advertising and
publicity campaign soon to be
launched by this organisation will
be met solely with funds to be de
rived through the sale of stamps.
buttons, display cards, etc. -Plans
have already been developed to
the finest detail and endorsed by
The Oregon Manufacturers asso
ciation. The estate executive
committee of the American Le
gion, Department ot Oregon, has
passed a resolution urging the
adoption of the "Buy American"
program in this state.
The "Buy American" plan is
simply this: to prefer American
made goods to those made in for
eign lands, so that labor involved
in making them may be done by
American workmen, of American
materials, for American wages.
in lending the endorsement of
the Oregon Manufacturers' saseei
atiohf to The Oregon-American-
First association plan, T. Morris
Dunne, president, states in part:
"The prosperity of Oregon and
the Pacific northwest depends to
a great extent on all business pos
sible being done In this section.
. . . The wage payments and ma
terial purchases of our factories
will spread prosperity clear down
the line to the farmer. We think
there is good reason for every
body to buy more American and
Oregon-P a c I f I c northwest pro-
Local manufacturers, retailers
and professional men will be call
ed upon immediately and will be
asked to cooperate with this
movement so that the future suc
cess of the "Buy American" prin
ciple wm be assured.
inougn the local movement
will not be officially under way
until Monday, the following Sa
lem firms and individuals have
already been prominent In Klvinc
to the movement Its Initial impe
tus and endorse it as a movement
wnich they believe will do much
to better only in
satem, not only in Oregon, but In
mis country as a whole
Salem Linen Mill, Miles Linen
ms, juregon Pulp and Paper
xmnpany, rnos. Kay Woolen Mills,
The New Salem Hotel. WestM-n
man ot the Home Loan bank,
snaJia an avvjl Alt
as ana as es a wa aansaya -aw aw wan
legislators. He Is an upstanding.
good-looking man In his 50 s. Fort
was more articulate than most
bankers and more tactful than
several Washington office holders
who have recently eomo west. He
knew legislative temperament bet
ter than many people who appear
before committees and excoriate
or demand: Fort merely "sug
gested" that a moratorium would
Six-Inch Trout Minimum is
Removed; Commission
Given More Power.
bo a boomerang and ''suggested'
how members would react with
their own loaning ot money If tho
state made It Impossible for credi
tors to collect. The strategy was
good: the analogy Poor, forMew
legislators are money leaders.
The game commission bill,
which makes numerous changes
in the existing game laws ot the
state, passed the house at noon
Tuesday after a debate which ex
tended throughout the entire
morning session. The bill was a
substitute measure tor the one
first introduced by Representative
Wyers and bore the name ot the
committee on game in the house.
Representative Wyers led the
house presentation of the measure.
Major changes provided for ta
the law are:
Tho game commission is given
power to open as well as to close
game seasons and to regulate the
bag limits-
Shops which dress and store
game birds are allowed to do so
without a tag provided an annual
license for such work is taken.
The six-inch minimum limit on
trout is removed.
Failure to answer summons on
a game charge makes a law viola- i
tor guilty of a misdemeanor.
Penalties for violations of cer
tain laws are reduced from 3100
to $25.
Hunters Most Tell
What They Bagged
Hunters in securing annual li
censes must make a written state
ment on the approximate bags of
game or catch of fish made by
the Individual In the previous
The game commission Is em
powered to sell scrip whleh hunt
ers will use to pay farmers for
the privilege of using their fields
tor hunting.
Representative Wyers said the
six-inch trout limit was a moot
question, with game wardens
agreeing that 90 per cent of fish
thrown back for being too short
died because of hook injuries. He
said Information sought on the li
cense applications was to be used
by the game commission In secur
ing more accurate annual infor
mation on the fish and game tak
en In the state. He defended the
scrip plan as on successfully
used In many states and while an
experiment here, Wyers held the
Bltst Bemavter
daughter la at tho
an onlooker nad a home tow a
reporter but she's not on tho
payroll . . . unlike most legis
lators. Senator Stray or does not
practice nnpotism . . . W. S.
ITRem, who did so ranch work
ta framing1 Oregon's electloa
laws. Is at tho sessloa dlscase
ing .certain changes ho wowld
like introduced ... Governor
Meier was noticeably absent
when, the swpremo court sat oa '
tho rostrum ot the Lincoln day
observance ... Wallace McCam-.
ant also is peroaa aoa grata
with tho Josephltea ... he Is
a law partner of Lawyer Lair
Thompson and the latter was
one of tho coansel which
brought oa the Joseph disbar
ment ... heard from Senator
Rnrke while the Gettysburg ad
dress was being read: "Those
are the sentiments we are work
ing for. ... Jim Preble, free
lance newsman, was first to his
feet whea Treasurer Holmaa
came to the exercises . . . Preble
is now la the Holmaa vanguard
. . . Frank Davey gave a bit of
the old declamatory school
touch to his reading of the
Gettysburg address ... and tho
effect was better than the care
less, ja edera, expressionless
declamation . . .
Paper Converting company, Glea-1 Pin would probably induce the
son Glove company. Cherry City I opening up ot many privately
Baking company. C. P. BlshoD. T. owned areas now closed to hunt-
J. Gllbraith. J. T. DpIjuiat m n ers.
Moynihan. F. Q. Myers. R. L. ni. Opposes Numerous
loway, Ercel Kay, L. W. Gleason. Changes ln Code
representative eich opposed
the bill as one too filled with
words, one giving too much au
thority to the enforcing officers
and one which unnecessarily
changed the existing game codes.
were tired of
the never-ending changes ln game
Demurrer to indictment s?in. Uwa-
Charles R. Archerd. ,.. r I Other representatives objected
larceny of about $600 worth of to ?he crlD P1"- elatatof
Herewith the resolution which
huose clerks prepared and Elbert
Bede read to the CO honorable
members on St. Valentine's day:
WHEREAS, we, the blonde,
brunette and red-haired stenog
raphers ot the House ot Repre
sentatives ot the State ot Oregon
consider Speaker Earl Snell the
handsomest member; Representa
tive Lonergan the grandest mem
ber; Representative Earl Day the
most distinguished member; Rep
resentative Miller the nicest mem
ber: Representative Snedecor the
most gracious member; Represen
tative Hilton the most loquacious
member; Representative Wells
the most effervescent member;
and the remainder ot the house
the swellest bunch of guys who
ever graeed these legislative
halls: now, therefore.
That we hereby extend these
gallant gentlement ....
Senate Disapproves Bill on
Demand for Limitation
Of Estimates
The senate Tuesday afternoon
adopted an adverse report ot the
revision of laws committee on a
bill introduced by Senator Dunne
authorising tho governor to de
mand estimates ot requirements
of state departments and to limit
expenditures to such amounts as
ho might approve.
Senator Dunne declared that
this measure was la the interest
of real economy and that Its ap
proval would place tho state on a
sound business basis. 'This Is
one bill which gives tho governor
power to curtail expenditures in
governmental expenses," Dunne
The measure also received tho
support ot Senator Upton. "Gov
ernor Meier has given tho people
ot this state a business adminis
tration." Upton continued, "and
tho passage ot this measure would
make It possible tor him to bring
about oven greater savings."
Senator Bynon charged that
the bill attempted to legislate for
an individual and not for princi
ple. "It is the function ot this
legislature to appropriate money
for the operation ot state depart
ments, Bynon said, "and nothing
should be done to upset this pre
rogative." -
"I can see no reason for a ways
and means committee to go over
the budget and make recommend
ations and then allow one individ
ual to say what should be done
all the way down the line," Sena
tor Strayer said. "We are legis
lating for a number ot years in
the future and this Is s dangerous
bin. We coml wsat dictatorship.'
. Strayer said this measure was
so broad that it would permit tho
governor to prevent any expendi
ture in a state department.
. The - adverse .. report was sup
ported by It senators: 1 Toting'
against the majority report were'
Senators Dickson; Dunne, Goes, '
Jones, - Stsples, Upton , and Wood-v
wmrd.j-;-, "y : . 'tS,: ','
Continue All This Week
with crease and ofl change, or
Wash Job at Half Price
cheap Job it is a genuine Day sV Hoes wash Job.
with either lubrication ot el 1 change. . . . This hi net a
Special Prices on 100'
Pennsylvania Oil
Eastern 100 Pennsylvania Oil
5-gaHon CO QC
sealed can , ey7J
2-gallon f 4
sealed can- vlttv
Bulk brin&r your own
container 5allons
Battery Special
1-year guarantee, 15
plato, hard rubber case
. with your do QC
Brake Adjusting
Brake adjusting and
relining- with genuine
Baybestos or U. S.
Royal Master Lining.
Get our low prices for.
your car.
Chemeketa at High
Phone 6192
Demurrer Made
To Indictment.
' Archerd C a s e He ld porumen
his mother, Mrs. Wilhelmlna Peets
and a brother, Herman R. Peets,
both of Turner. Funeral an-
Oregon, will speak on "The Phil- nouncements later from the Salem
Edward M. Peets passed away
in Oakland, Cal., Sunday, Febru
ary 12. He was born September 7,
189. He is survived by his widow.
Minnie B. Peets of Oakland, and
the following children: Mrs.
Frank Anderson, Jr., and Judge
Peets ot Oakland, Mrs. Clyde S.
setts ana Mrs. uarvey w. rarxer, wheat belonrlnr ta T t w,iv I wouia inaqce more and more
both of Salem. Also survived by WM med with the ennntr riu-t farmers to torbid hunting on their
Ip pines and our part in the drama
f the Pacific" at the Salem Ro
tary club today noon.
Hair cut 2 Sc. Glvens Barber ahop.
' Beedsport Bonds In connec-
. tlon with liquidation of the bans
of Stayton, order has been en
Mortuary. 54S North
street, phone SS72.
At the residence, 1191 Sixth
street. Salem, February 14, James
B. Wyant at the age of es years.
Survived by one son, Charles ot
West 8alem. Remains in care of
.tered for sale ot two par value Salem Mortuary. 545 North Capt-
s&oa city or Beeasport oonas ioitoL Funeral announcements later.
Stanley D. Chspls ot Portland at
S9 flat.
yesterday by C. v. pa. i premises and thus to commercial-
Grants Pass. ArehM' i "w unus. Ninety
Grounds for the demurrer are pr Mnt cf th Proceeds of the
stated la T)ri: Th I scrip, it was pointed out, to to
Jurisdiction on the indictment or tn termer; tea per cent go to tho
on the defendant: the indium.. m commission for overhead.
does not conform to th ranniM.1 iU" cuiaunMioB aeisnuwe ine
ments ot Oregon law: facta stated
ln the Indictment do not consti
tute a crime: and failure to al
lege particular circumstances of
the crime.
No time for hearing the de
murrer has been set.
scrip price from time to time.
The measure carried. 41 mei
oers voting aye, is voting nay
and Representative Nichols ab
r Account Approved Final ac-
sount oX Edith Heime orou as
,- administratrix ot the estate of
Roweaa M. Helme has been ap-
, proved.
Foreclosure Sheriffs report
n execution In foreclosure suit ot
rravelers Insurance company vs.
""Walter I. Fuller shows property
iold to plaintiff tor $11.523. JO.
Klnser Visitor J. X. Klnzer
At the residence, 568 North
Cottage street. Tuesday, Febru
ary 14, Martin J. PetseU aged 71
years. Beloved husband ot Carrie
Petsel, brother of Dr. Aiex pet
sel ot Portland. Albert J. Petsel
of Salem, Mrs. Thomas Moisan of
Noti. Ore., and Mrs. C. Hayes ot
Portland. Recitation or tne rosary
this evening at Salem Mortuary,
545 North Capitol, under auspices
ot Holy Name society. Funeral
services Thursday, February 16,
-4r t OrMVft Flarer section of I at 10 a. m.. from St, Joseph's
cnurcn, .trainer duck oiuewum.
Interment ln St. Barbaras ceme
Marlon county was a business
visitor in Salem Tuesday.
- Application ' Application to
place on motion docket has been
f made ln esse of Royal Insurance
tompany vs. J. B. Bronkey.
Sues for Judgment L. M. Pur-
r rine has filed snlt against c. v.
Purvine tor Judgment on a prom-
, ; ssory note.
Appraisal Made M. O. Gun-
- r aeron, c. c. Rue ana o. a. An
lerson have appraised estate of
' r Lewis Olson at 5 4 6.1 S.
Coming Events
Feb. 15 Polk County
Federation of Rural Wom
en's Club at Dallast all-day
meetlsg; EUensdale club
" Joint hostesses; Mrs. A. E.
TJtley, president.
February 24-25 Afnrlon
eonnty 8unday school coa
veatloa at First Presbyter
Mar. t Coaeert of 8a.
Philharmonic , orches
March 15-18 State high
school basketball tourna
ment. ' .' - . -
Stare To Mr. and Mrs. Chan-
cle Fay Starr, route eight, a boy.
on February 13, at tne residence, i
Given To Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Given of Turner, a boy, Ronald
Charles, born on February 3, at I
Salem General hospital.
Baeeeti To Mr. and Mrs.
Fennlmore Jay Baggett, ISO
North ltth street, a boy, Laur
ence Avery, born on February I,
at Salem General hospital.
Hunters Not Ouflty Judge
MUler B. Hayden gave a verdict
of not guilty after the trial in Jus
tice court yesterday morning ot
n. n. ana W. R. Hunter, brothers.
ana si. u. Aaen, who were chars-
ed with trespass. In a complaint
mea ny A. m. Krueger.
N. S. P. Checks Charged VeV
ma Edgar was arrested yesterday
on a charge of giving an n. s. f.
check, according to-justice corut
records. She was charged specifi
cally with tendering a worthless
szo check to a local grocer.
Xo Building. Week The first
building permit Issued by the city
building Inspector in seven days
was granted yesterday to Mrs. E.
Byrd to alter a dwelling at 649
Union street at cost ot $35..
To Get Wood The Salem post
office has received authorisation
to adverttise for 85 cords ot wood
and 2000 pounds of ice, to be used
during the next fiscal year, June
1939 to June 1934.
Lansing Estate $3702 F. EL
Fuller. E. W. Kitchen and D. L.
Spalding have reported a valua
tion ot $3702 for the estate of
Margaret C. Lansing.
School Director James Lctta
has been appointed school direc
tor of the St. Louis district to
take the position held by Dave
Duboys. removed. The appoint
ment was made by the county
school ssperintendeat, -
Elastle $10 to $&50
Spring . 3X0 to $10.00
Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal
.. . Belts
Perry Druj Stort
113 8. Coasneerdal St,
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
Call 0910, Used FurnltBre
" Department -
15f North High ' - '
Gassy Stomachs
Made Yell
ftrerr persoe whe Is troubled wK
ru ta tne stomach and bowels should
ft a pack of Baalmaaa's Oaf
Taktets ana aoa how quickly the via
reliove an distress Lac ayinptoaa
Share ptiei la the abdoaMa or
about the esart aro of tea Sue aUraby.
to cms art fa, Somotlmos the oir
euhttioa la reatrlctod, earning- the
bauds aaS foet to (row aumb. Useaur
there is aauch curguaff or rumbUag at
the bowela, H say sufferers eoutplal
of a gaawlac f Mllnf la the stomach,
eztrome aervousneaa, hoartbura,
drowstaaw after eating, hosflachsa
dinr suaas or labored broathiag.
Baalmaaa's Gas Tablota taken at
meal tint aot only urovoat aB bad af
fects from ga but thor Invigorate
tho wash norves of the stomach aad
assist ta restoring tho whole digestive
ratom to proper working order.
Genuine Baalmaaa's Gas Tablets
la the yellow uorrego can bo ob
tained at any good drug store. Price
tl everywhere.
Always on hand at
Daniel J. Fry, Adv.
Here and there: Governor
Meter win have six milltary
aides at Washington If he is
able, with his party, to attend
the inaugural ball . . . the chain
store men think the legislature
has been better to them than
the Idaho aad Washington law
groups and are glad ex-Senator
J. K. Bennett is not among
those present . . . Representa
tive Don Ryan Is going to prac
tice law when he returns to
Oregon City ... he has been
Clackamas county clerk for a
number of years . . . Represen
tative Lynch Is a bachelor aad
is said to be aa A-l housekeep
er . . . the senate is about ready
to settle down to the monoton
ous though rapid passage of the
several hundred minor house
bills It has yet before It, along;
with a hundred or so of its own
minor Important meaeuree . .
adjournsneat by Saturday, Feb
ruaryga, a wow tho goal of the
speaker and the president ...
if tho governor goes east, Mr.
Kiddle wfll stay la Salens until
bis return.
Twsl it sb sbsfsvistioa of auJsmwsV
aweafhau linH i of the rsmchaoV
, SMsatss s taw" fata that eis
sad wm aepasd to out type ef
bectsja ef as Cxhc bam lias i
CafrMrcssM frost the leaiea tmprUto
" sh goa" ThifT w
P'lagoank WHko) fuSlhRn aWssuwsljWiaB
The New Webster's Interna
tional as well as other Web
ster Dictionaries may be pur
chased at
A. A. Oseffroy
ICS Korta Commercial Street
Moving Storing - Carting
v " Larmer. Transfer. & Storage .
' PHONE 3131T
W e Also Handle Fuel Oil, Coal and Briquets and High
v Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and Oil Bornert
Put On Your
Women's Soles
Men's Soles
Boy's Soleo
Children's Soles
according to size.
We us a only the finest leathers and there can fcj c3
finer work produced In any shop. .
ThU it only a tpecial tor on week to tett th
pulling power of. our ad
l ml s-
ill J
I - Iff " '
IP ,' T. - - ' i ' 2.--.- t-t j4 -'I
- II E' r- -.
.. 4 tM". All
KgfWikzi .itA te- . W Jtt -es- "a -