The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning;rebrnary l5, 133 ' -
4 i
i I
-; -
Society IN
ews an
Ouve M. Doak, Society Editor
Dinners. Parties
Preceed Gay ?
Mr. and Mrs.' Leo Page and
Mr. and .JJrs.'' H.-L. Stitt enter
tained frith a 44 eoTer dinner
party at the. Marlon botel Mon
day night preceding the Monday
Night Dancing elnb'a February
dance at C&stlllian. hall. -
St.- Valentine set the color mo
tif tor the dinner table. Red car
nations. - red -tapers " and ferns
made effectlre decorative designs.
CoTers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Lester . Barr, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Page, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Compton. Mr. and Mrs. William
Bnsick. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert
Duncan of Silverton, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Chambers, Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill Ohllng, Mr. and , Mrs.
Wallace Boaesteele, Dr. and Mrs.
W. Wells Baum. Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Rns-
sell Watson, Mr. and Mrs. George
Croisan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mill
er, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc
Kay, Mr. and Mrs. William Phil
lips, Dr. and Mrs. Burton Myers,
General and Mrs. Tom RUea.
Captain and Mrs. Willis 1ncent
and Mr. and Mrs, Stiff and Mr.
and Mrs. Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spanlding
were also dinner hosts preceding
the dance. They entertained for
Senator and Mrs. James Chinnock
of Grants Pass and for Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs
Tom Galloway. Mr. and Mrs
John Brophy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pi-
aseckl, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce and
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kuch.
Dr. and Mrs. Grover C. Bellin
ger were also dinner hosts. The
dance was a St. Valentine tri
bute and proved to be a charm
Ing social occasion with formal
ity lending dignity to the gay St.
Valentine decorations for the
hall. Special guests for the
dance Included Senator and Mrs.
James Chinnock, and Represen
tatire and Mrs. L. F. Allan.
Miss Ardyth Fallin
Is Hostess
Miss Ardyth Fallin entertained
with a gay Valentine party at
her home Monday night compli
menting a gronp of her friends.
The guest list included Miss
Bette Evans. Miss Feral Buswell,
Mi3s Ernestine Galbraitb, Miss
Marie Hendricks, Miss Phyllis
Kleth, Miss Dorathy Finkbiner.
Mi ts Maxlne Ross, Miss Mary
Cameron, Miss Lucille Hendricks,
Miss Elsie Grimm. Miss Louise
Sorrell, Miss Lois Smith and Miss
Doris Fallin.
Mrs. Oscar Dencer will be hos
tess to Liberty Women's club at
her home Thursday afternoon.
This will be a scholarship loan
tea to which the public Is Invited.
' , . Wednesday, February 15
All-day County Federation of Rural Women's clubs,
Dallas. '
Art exhibit of local artists to open today at
Y. M. C. A. and continue for 10 days; open to public
- Naomi Circle of First Methodist church with Mrs.
E. B. Millard, 1819 Dstreet; :30 o'clock; Mrs. L. 8.
CoTert assisting hostess! - "
Women's Foreign - Missionary society, Jason Lee
church with Mrs. Anna Shank, 15 50 South Commercial -street.
: .
Maccabees meet at S o'clock in Women's clubhouse
lor potluck dinner.
East Central circle of First Methodist church with
Mrs. C. E. Roblln. 7S7 Center street, 2:10 o'clock.
Stamp collecting society at T. M. C. A. 7:30 o'clock.
Women of Home Missionary society of First Meth
odist church entertained' in church parlors.
' Willamette Aerie and Auxiliary No. 20S1, Fraternal
Order of Eagles, potluck supper, 6:30 o'clock; regular
business meeting to follow.
Ladies Aid society of Jason Lee church, monthly
all-day meeting; quilting; business session at 1:30
Women's Union of Temple Baptist church. 2 o'clock
with Mrs. Ed Potter, 842 North Front street; potluck
supper at 6:30 o'clock with husbands inTited; bring own
table service.
Past Noble Grands club with Mrs. Josephine Erik
son, 1800 State street.
Yew Park circle of First M. I. church, with Mrs.
L. D. Waterman, 1307 Hlnes street; 2:30 o'clock.
West Central circle. First M. E. church, with Mrs.
R. K. Ohllng, 1135 North 4th street; 2:30 o'clock.
South East Circle of First Methodist church will
meet with Mrs. M. S. Savage, 293 South 14th street,
2: 30 "o'clock. -.
Thursday, February 16
O. N. S. club with Miss Lois Reed and Miss Grace
Gelbel. at 725 North Capitol street.
HayesTille Women's club with Mrs. Claude Tal
mage, from 2 to 4 o'clock. '
Chapter G. of P. E. O. sisterhood, with Mrs. W. M.
Smith, 1485 Center street; dessert luncheon.
Liberty Women's elnb with Mrs. Oscar Dencer;
scholarship loan entertainment.
- Friday, February 17
North Salem W. C. T." TJ. institute, Free Methodist
church, corner of Market and Winter street; 1:30 to 4
o'cldck; Frances Willard program; 7:30 o'clock, ma
tron's silver medal contest.
Annual international program in lobby of Y. M. C. A.
building; 15 nationalities represented; program open to
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary, 2 o'clock at home of Mrs.
John Seymour, 1425 North Winter street.
Women's Alliance of Unitarian church, one o'clock
luncheon in Emerson room; Mrs. J. Vinton Scott will
speak following luncheon hour on subject of China.
Women's Society of Calvary Baptist church, 2:30
o'clock with Mrs. W. F. Foster, 1045 North Fifth street.
Saturday, February 18
.American Association of University Women, regular
one o'clock luncheon at Masonic hall; Dr. Carl Gregg
Valley Society in
Busy Round of w
Doney to be speaker.
Lausanne Hall onen house between hours of 8 and
10 o'clock.
Musical Society
Sets February 25
For Program
The next 6t the Philharmonic
I groups to entertain has set the
date for the program beta ar-
I ranged for February 25 at Waller
I hall. This will he a brilliant dra
matic and. musical program pre
sented by some of Salem's best
Miss Josephine Albert, eontral-
t to, will appear In her first formal
' program to be suns by her since '
I her return from New York
where she studied for a year.
Miss Albert is heard each Sunday
in a delightful radio program and
she has appeared on ensemble
programs since her return hut the
February 25th program will be
sung entirely by herself.
The dramatic production is a
i lovely bit of word Imagery wov
en about the life of Mozart. It
will be prefaced by a string trio
number playing a Mosart number
under the direction of Miss Mary
Schultz and its conclusion will be
Mozart's famous "Requlm play
ed as a pipe organ offering it Is
Miss Genevieve Thayer. Ronald
Craven and Tyrus Hilway will
take the parts in the dramatic,
three minute play which is being
directed by Mrs. Otto Paulus.
Noble Grands Club
Will Meet
The Past Noble Grands club
will meet tonight at the home of
Mrs. Josephine Erikson, 1800
State street.
Mrs. Anna Hunsaker, Mrs. Hel
en McLeod and Miss Ella Smith
will be assisting hostesses. Mrs.
Louise King and Mrs. Dora Hill
made up the committee on invita
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Owen
were Informal dinner nosis at
their home Monday night compll
menting Senator and Mrs. Walter
Fisher and Senator and Mrs. Fred
I Kiddle.
Women of the Ladles Aid so-
i ciety of Jason Lee church will
meet for an all-day meeting today
in the church parlors. Quilting
will be the occupation of the day.
A business meeting will be held at
2:30 o'clock.
. Rickey . Mrs. 11. M. Magee.
(LIUie ' Harris),' was surprised
Saturday night when a group of
friend gathered at the Culver
homestead where she - had been
invited to spend the evening, to
help celebrate her birthday which
occurred February 12. ,
At the lunch hour, Mrs. Magee
was .presented a miniature fir
log, wedge and maul. IiTthe cen
ter of the log was secreted and
old ring belonging to the Har
ris family. , ., t -
Others . present, were Mr. Ma
gee, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Aahby r
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rams den, Mr,
and Mrs. . II. O. Taylor Mr snd
Mrs. J. .Martin,' Mr: and Mrs. -W.
H. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Benigar, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Martin, Mr. and .Mrs. W. B.
Frank, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tooker,
Mr. and Mrs. O. Baker, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Phillips, Mr.-and Mrs. T.
Fltxpatrick, Mrs. Iva Bushey,
Mrs. Mary Hilborn, Mrs. Stella
Culver, Mrs Ruth" Berry. The
MlsBes Margaret and Hazel Ma
gee. Elizabeth and Dorothy Fltx
patrick, Viola Tooker. Ann Fitz
patrlck, Patricia Fitzpatrick; and
Howard Frink, Harry Martin Jr.A
Alan Baker. Rodger Baker, Mi
chael Fitzpatrick, Harrison Gib
son. George Tooker, Marvin Too
ker. Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Adams were hosts Satur
day night at cards to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry R. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs.
Ammon Grice, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Bletz, Mr. and Mrs. William Cox,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reed, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wilson; the Misses
Ruby Sexton, Josephine Smith.
Nina Tansey, Mary St. Pierre,
Barbara Cox, Virginia Cox, Shir
ley Adams and Ray Horner, Glenn
As key. Cecil Lepley, Ervin Sim
mons, Leland Cannoy, Ammon
Adams and the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. Adams.
Orchard Heights Mrs. L. D.
Gibson was hostess Thursday af
ternoon at her home in Salem to
members of the Orchard Heights
Women's club with Mrs. Fred
Gibson and Mrs. C. H. Fisher as
sisting. Final plans were made
for the quilt show to be held
Thursday, February 23, all day
and at night at the Oak Grove
grange hall. The usual style show
will be given featuring old time
wearing apparel and other an
tlques and a program will be giv
en in the evening.
West Salem Miss Lois Smith
was hostess at a Valentine party
Monday night ' following a "dinner '
party given-by her parents. Rev.
and Mrs. A, J. Smith, when cov
ers were laid tor Mrs. I D, Smith
and daughters, the Misses Lorene
and i Maxlne,' and Rev. T and Mrs.
A. J. Smith and family. Otherf
at. the Valentine party were the
Misses Mary and Cornice Unruh
and Willard and Ernest Frleaen.'
Chemawa. The fourth of a
series of teas given by Mrs. J. T.
Ryan for the Chemawa women
was held recently at the Wigwam.
A special feature of this tea was
the exhibition of. some 20 home
made quilts of exceptional beauty
and design. There was also an ex
ibition from .the Indian arts di
partment of Mrs. Mary James, and
me printing department had on
display some of the cuts used bv
it. ....
Mrs. Ryan was assisted dnrln
the afternoon by the Misses Opal
Mount joy, Marie Roddy. Christine
Olney, Mary Newell. Edith Patter
son, and Mesdames R. S. Hleks,
Florence Middleton. Fred Ratze-
berg, L. S. Lavelle and E. R.
Bethel Mrs. Carmallte Wed-
dle entertained the members of tf n..v vr-
the 4-H club Sunday afternoon Headrick' and
ai me nome or her mother. Mrs.
Clodfelter in Salem. The Valen
tine motif was used in the dining
room where covers were placed
for Lois Hamrlck, Clarence and
Betty Boling, Maria and Gertrude
Frochllch, Edward Schulz, Frieda
Bueurench, Lelsla Darr, Wanda
and Werna Froehlich. Hilda
Bahnsen and Wallace Kirk.
S Valentine Party
Is Gajr Affair:
A delightful St Valentine pur
ty was that tor which yirgll Har
rison entertained at the Harrison
home. Dancing and; bridge-were
enjoyed during the evening hours.
Miss Louise Cramer, Miss . Mado
lyn: McKillop. ' George . Mlltonber
ger and Charles Bier held winning
scores for the contests of the eve
ning. 7 - .
A buffet supper was served at
a late hour. Present were Miss
Jean Doolittle, Miss Betty Vaughn.
Miss Franeee Jensen, Miss Bonnie
Baldock. Miss Mary Yeager. Miss
Louise Cramer, Miss Genevieve
Kart, Miss Ruth Storla, Miss Dor
othy Blalsdell. Miss Barbara Por
ter, Miss Virginia Cross. Miss Ma
dolyn McKillop, Miss Evelyn Ross,
Mis Alice George and Miss Velma
Ed par King, Robert Baldock.
Ike Wlntermute, Archie McDon
ald, Bill WIrtz, George Miltonber
ger, Sam Harbison. Jim Burrell,
Gerald Simpson. Bill Burrell. Co-
burn Grabenhorst, Charles Bier.
Donald Woodry. Earl Vlesko. Mel-
vin Propp, Louis SatchwelL Ever-
and Mrs. Marvin
the host. Virgil
Miltouherrerrahd Miss Dorothy
Shafer entertained at the Milton-
berger home Monday night. V - ,
. Cloverdale. Mrs. B. JT Gil-':
trap, Margaret Gila trap and MrsV. .
JayCook-entertained, their Sun
day school classes with s Valen
tine party in the church parlors
Saturday afternoon, . ,
Snell UrgesSpeed
In Handling Bills
Spring Valley Miss Ethel Mc-
Klnley entertained recently at her
home for the young people's
Christian Endeavor society. Those
present were the Misses Mary and
Lucille Hockett, Dorothy Bork.
Marguerite oJhnson, Julia and
Ruth Shepard, Hilda Crawford,
Edna Walling, Jean Truxall, Sar
ah Pettlt. Alice Crawford, Irene
Snellman, Connie Iverson, Ida Mc
Klnney, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Craig,
Herman Weldner, Miles Munson,
Kenneth Edwards, Francis and
Roy Beem, Victor Utterback, Rob
ert Crawford, Adrian Anderegg
and Vernon Windsor.
Wallace Road Willamette
Lodge Country club enjoyed a
social evening and short business
meeting at the club house on the
Wallace Road Saturday night.
Mrs. W. Frank Crawford and
Mrs. Lee Gibson were hostesses.
Special guests of the club were
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kenneth Henry
and daughter Nadlne of Corvallls.
Central Howell. Ruth Sim
mons was . hostess Sunday after
noon to the Otterbein guild which
is sponsored by the Hazel Green
United Brethem ehurch. Jean
Landerback was a special guest.
The Altar society of St. Joseph's
parish will entertain with a bridge
and "5 00" party at St. Joseph's
hall Thursday night. Mrs. L. P.
Bach, Mrs. G. W. Schaffner, Mrs.
T. A. Wlndlshar. Mrs. John Dalk.
Mrs. Charles O'Brien, Mrs. T.
Marshland. Mrs. Jim Smith and
Mrs. J. H. Bach make up the com
mittee in charge. Cards will be in
play at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Frank Lilburn entertained
at her studio in the Barbara
Barnes studio Monday morning
complimenting her small students
with a St. Valentine party. About
20 young guests were present and
presented a program of musical
numbers and readings. Games
were also enjoyed. Mrs. Fred
Lange and Miss Lois Plummer
were assisting hostesses.
Mrs. Jessie Foil's who has
been 111 for some time at the
home of her son Gibson Follls,
has sufficiently recovered to be
removed to her own apartment.
One of the very attractive St.
Valentine parties of the week wis
that for which Mies Ima Jean
for xedThroats
. . . Ingredients of Tme otcwto
vicks v.poRub Cough Drop
in Candy form
Speaker ' Earl SneH yesterday
urged committee chairmen ha the .
house to harrying their reports '
on outstanding hills so the house's . ;
calendar could he kept full dally :
and early adjournment be taken v
Members during the day's debate
oinea wun nun oy proiesimj
against referring various saea- .
sures to committees. .
v-.1 a i w s v mi s
felt u&l
Fares apfJy between pelnU aw
Oregon, WasMngtea, Idake
Utah, Nevada, Callfernla,
Men tana, Wyetninf (west ff
and Including Green River),
and seme points in BritisJa
Columbia. Minimum adult
fare See, Children half fare.
Going: Feb. 24, 25, 26
Returning: March 7 '
Af nlff THy Mr
ioo 1 2ot sot iie
M9m MOm Mitee MA
Avty Aviy Avty Aviy
Baggage checked.
Tickets good en ail trains i
In all cars. In sleeping cs
regular sleeping car charges.
General Pmesewges
637 Pittork Cock,
Portlaad, Ore.
As darling as any jumper frock
eould ever be and designed ex
pressly for tne gay younger set.
The pleated1 jumper has lots of
animation and the blouse with Its
perky cdllar and captivating put
ted sleeves, is' too adorable for
words Sheer wool or novelty ot
tonVrith the gulmpe of dimity, or
gandy or swiss would be an effec
tive combination.
' Pattern 2548 may he ordered
only in sixes 8, 10, 11, 14 and 1.
SUe IS requires I yards 14 inch
fabric and 1 yards S4 inch con
trasting; Illustrated step-by-step
sewing' Instructions included with
Mrs. J. F. Fabry, Sr., was hon
ored with a surprise birthday par
ty at her home Friday night, when
a large number of friends came in
and spent the , evening. A social
time was enjoyed and at a late
hour refreshments were served by
the guests. The group included the
honor guest, Mrs. J. Fabry, Sr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. F. Wiltsey, Mr.
and Mrs. William Aldrich, Mr. and
Mrs. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Sea
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Conklin, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Stapleton, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. George
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Freer, Sr.,
John Fabry, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. F.
Toney, Mrs. Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Fabry, Mr. and Mrs. B. A.
Hilflker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Grabenhorst, Mr. and Mrs. John
Fabry, Jr., Miss Alice Greer. Miss
Ruth Stapleton, Miss Ima Toney,
Miss Wilcox, Inez and Evelyn Hil
flker, Helen Fabry, Albert and
Frank Gurgurlch, Joe Sealey, Jack
Allen, Charles and Henry Grahen
horst. Hollls Hilflker and Robert
The Sterling Guild of the Cal
vary Baptist church met Monday
night at the home of Mrs. H. S.
Glle on Boulder Knoll. Mrs. Gile
is advisor. "Friends" was the topic
for devotions, led by Miss Lois
Cochran. Miss Lavina Burgy pre
sented a review of "The Young
Revolutionist," and a Tocal solo
was given by Miss Mildred Mosher
accompanied by Miss Doris Schun-
ke. Plans were discussed at the
business meeting" tor the state
World Wide Guild meeting to be
held in Corvallls February 18 and
.19. Plans were also made for the
presentation of "Janey," a play,
at the ehurch February S.
Refreshments carried out the
Valentine motif as did the decora
tive note for the guest rooms.
The Women's Alliance of the
Unitarian ehurch will entertain
with ' a one o'clock luncheon In
the Emerson room of the church
Friday afternoon. The luncheon
hour will be followed by a talk
on China by Mrs. J. Vinton Scott.
For reservations call Mrs. Fred
Alban Weil, Mrs. Roy Wassam, or
Miss Gertrude Savage.
Miss Emma Broderick
Addresses Club
One of the most interesting
meetings of the recent weeks for
members of the Salem Credit
Women's Breakfast club was that
of Tuesday morning when Miss
Emma Broderick addressed the
group concerning problems of the
credit world. Miss Broderick is
here as secretary to the speaker
of the house' of representatives
and at home is a member of the
Bend credit organisation.
Miss Ruth Wirt also spoke be
fore the members giving an out
line of the duties of a secretary in
a clinic of doctors.
Placecards of tiny Valentines
bearing "happy thoughts" were
arranged by Caroline Jensen and
were read as part of the break
fast program.
Mr3. W. F. Foster will be hos
tess to members of the Women's
society of the Calvary Baptist
church at her home Friday after
noon. The meeting will begin at
2:30 o'clock. Current reports of!
Baptist activities will be given.
Mrs. E. Bingenheimer will lead
the lesson topic which is "Lantern
in Her Hand." Mrs. D. R. Peter
son will be the devotional leader.
The Nimble Fingers club enter
tained with a happy St. Valentine
party at the Don Upjohn home,
with Miss Carol Cooper and Miss
Florence Upjohn as joint hostess
es. Guests tor the affair Included
Margaret 6ehon, Jean Adams,
Marjorle Knox, Jean Pound, Vlr
rlnia. Martin. Dorothea Graham,
Joan Simmon, Dona, Betty and
Barbara Upjohn. Prises were won
br Marr Ester Pemberton. ROW-
ana Unlohn. Carol Cooper and.
Jean Pound.
m minium in ion mwwiiiiMUi,g.-i n"
III 1 1 -ii
mi a - v
m M$m& Is
Sod 15 cats is eia or ttunpi
(Mint yrfend), for able ptUra.
writ plainly you ass, ddrM
torfal pr Pri-I-splrd
e4la hr vary sprteff
M4.- tils feMtttthri kook khowa
haw V ki at evtry how ot
fa 4y Xvory stylo Is ptmUcsI.
eat M7 So auk. Taororo aiocl
to tw the torn flror, aa4 ysro
ea utjU atmbor. Bo euro to ototo
also wsatoa. - So4 tor the aow "
svrtaff fMhtoa look. Coatolaiar
oi 4oUcBtfal Jaaior aa kidalo
strUo. Prioo ol oaiatog. If ooata.
. Catalog aaa pattoxa togota SS
. eoau. A4dnM all auUl orSore So:
toUnaaa Pattara - Dopartatoat,
141 Wort ITU atroot. Sow Took
oily. -
Mrs. H. F. Thomas entertained
informally Tuesday afternoon
with a pretty luncheon compli
menting Mrs. F. J. Thomas,
mother of Mr. Thomas who is a?
cuest here from St. Paul, Minn.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Thomas, honor guest, Mrs. J. T.
Delaney, Mrs. Howard Hulsey,
Mrs. V. P. McNamara, and Mrs.
H. F, Thomas.
Miss Margaret Cosper enter
tained with a colorful luncheon
Saturday at the home of Mrs. Ida
God f rev. complimenting Mrs. Ru
dolph Prael of Portland, Mrs.
John McNary nd Mrs. R. P.
Boise. Covers were placed for 18
guests. Miss Louise and Miss Le
na Blckel of Potrland were addt
tlonal out of town guests. ; .
br. Theodore VShanka was s
weekend : guest? ot Eldoa Foster,
at his home on Fifth street. Dr.
Shanks is the son of Rev. Ernest
Snanks who a tew years ago was
pastor of the First Baptist ehurch
in Salem. Be recently graduated
In dentistry from Kansas City
school and Is now loeated In Me
VlnnTlllou - t v ..'Ni,
Islbur Rest
Th stage is aJl set lor target practice. The magkles
lifts his bow and aims aa arrow at the bull's-eye. Hi
lovely assistant then steps la front of the target aad
' shoots die arrow epparendy tkngh her end H
fixes Itself la the very ctnttr of the buH'o-oytl And
she smiles through It all while the aedienee gasps.
The arrow which die marksman Shoots threugh" hie
- assistant simply folds ep into the crossbow I The
arrow which is actually embedded la the target is shot
by the girl herself front a belt concealed under her
dress. She releases a tittle spring, the arrow enfolds,
aad shoots straight into the buUVeyst It is all done in
a flash I So quickly the eye cannot detect the girl's
movements t To heightea the impression that the ar
row has gone right through, the girl releases a ribbon
from the front of her dress the condauadea, eppar
endy, of the ribbon attached to the arrow in the target
It's fun to be fooled
. . . it's more fun to KNOW
r -w
Act lVoinptly Vhen Bladder
Irregtdaritiei Disturb Sleep
Heed promptly bladder ir
regularities; burning, scanty
and too frequent passage and
getting np at night. They may
warn of some disordered kidney .
or bladder condition. Try
Doan's Pius. No other ssdrer-
tised diuretic is so widely used.
None so well recommended.
Get Doan's today.
'-v ) A Diuretic
i X 7.-for the)
KIF1 HSSM . i i i i i a
sK TKi wncri
t-U - v
spiv " V
i- -S, ,.; :. -"i f. !....-. vi.- .r?A
Iilte to see through tricks? Then let's
look at another... the illusion in ciga
rette advertising- called "Ggarettes
and Your Throat1
The audience is told that by certain
magic processes tobacco can be made
as soothing as cough medicine.
explanation! The easiest cigarette
on your throat is the cigarette that is
made from the choicest ripe tobaccos. .
Cheap, raw tobaccos are, as you would
naturally expect, karsk in their effects
upon the throat
II you have to consider your throat,
the quality of the tobacco in your
cigarette is important.
It Is a fact wsn known by
leaf tobacco exports that
Camels are made from finer
MORI DCPENSIYI tobaccos than
any other popular brand.
Camels are as non-irritating as a oga
rette can be because Camels use choice,
ripe, tobaccos.
And because o! the matchless blend
Ing of these costlier tobaccos Camels
have si rich bouquet and aroma,..
cooV delicious Jfcror
Keep the air-tight, welded
Humidor rack on your Camels
to assure yourself and your
companions a fresh, cool smoke.
v :
, V..