The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 14, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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Tho OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,- Oregon. Tuesday Morning, February 14, 1933
' ", i '
i.- T.
News arid Club Affairs
: Olive M. Doax, Society Editor
Wedding Anniversary
Is Celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. K. Gosser were
Quietly celebrating their 49th
wedding anniversary t the home
o Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Gosser,
Sunday -when suddenly the quiet
of the day was broken by the ar
riTal of 11 of their 12 children
and wives and husbands and
children of these eleven.
A dinner party had been ar
ranged as an additional surprise
for the parents, all -of which ad
ded to the delightful evening
planned to observe the wedding
The dinner table was centered
with a wedding cake bearing the
miniature bride and groom. Mrs.
Gosser presided at one ead of the
long table and Mr. Gosser at the
other and the Jll children were
seated on either .side of them.
Those who served were the
daughters-in-law and sons-in-law.
Present forv the gala occasion
were Mrs. Jessie Waldle of Ta
coma, Wash.; Mrs. Dorothy Jones
of Rapid City, South Dakota, sis
ter of Mrs. Gosser; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wells and Billie Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Gosser and
Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gosser
and Winston and Junior, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Gosser, Frank and Del
bert, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hagel,
Terence and Goldie Mae, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Anderson of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chamberlain
and Delbert and Naomi of West
Stayton, Mr. ana Mrs. H. M.
Sraalley, Teddy and Gene. Miss
Helen Gosser, Willard Wells and
LeRoy Wells.
Woodburn A wedding of
much interest took place at St.
Luke's church Saturday morning
at 9 o'clock, when Miss Anne
Koch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Koch became the bride
of Richard Gooding, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Gooding of St.
Paul, Father Rubis officiating.
The bride was becomingly
gowned in a modish suit of beige
tan trimmed with fur and car
ried an arm bouquet of pink and
white carnations. Miss Zella Da
vidson, a cousin of the groom,
was the bridesmaid and also car
ried carnations. The groom was
attended by Lawrence Koch, a
brother of the bride as best man.
After the wedding a reception
was held at the home of the par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Koch; short
ly after which the bride and
groom left for a short trip to
California. On their return they
will reside on a farm near St.
Paul. '
A gay dinner party was that
for which Mrs. Charles G. Ro
bertson was hostess Saturday ev
ening in compliment to her son
Charles Robertson Jr. Covers
were placed for the honor guest,
and for Jimmy Phillips, Ernie
Miller, Danny Fry, Temmy Kay.
Johnny Johnson, Tommy Ford
and Franklin Ford.
Tuesday, February H
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and its
Auxiliary, :30 o'clock potluck supper at Women's club
house; regular meeting to follow.
Sewing afternoon and program for the social aft
ernoon dub of the order of the Eastern Star, 1 o'clock
in Masonic temple.
Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club, 7 o'clock in
Marion hotel; Miss Emma Broderick speaker.
Beta Chi Mother's club, evening meeting at sorority
house on State street.
Alpha Phi Alpha Mothers club, at sorority home on
North Summer street; 2 o'clock; fruit shower planned.
First Spiritualist church circle, 1420 North Fourth
Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, one
o'clock no host luncheon followed by business meeting;
t home of Mrs. George Swift.
Salem Arts League, general meeting in auditorium
of :lty library; R. R. Hewitt will speak at S o'clock on
economic question, "Way Out".
Mrs. Florenca Shipp hostess to Past President's club
of W. R. C. at her home, 1630 Saginaw street.
Board meeting of T. W. C. A. board, 10:30 o'clock
in organization social rooms; report of finance cam
paign workers; luncheon to follow.
Bible Study class of Mrs. Charles Park, 2 o'clock
at her home, 1589 Chemeketa street; any woman inter
ested is invited to attend.
Mrs. Frank E. Brown, hosteES to Marion County
Medical Auxiliary for evening meeting.
Wednesday, February 15
All-day County Federation of Rural Women's clubs,
Art exhibit of local artists to open today at
Y. M. C. A. and continue for 10 days; open to public.
Naomi Circle of First Methodist church with Mrs.
E. B. Millard, 1819 D street; 2:30 o'clock; Mrs. L. S.
Covert assisting hostess.
Women's Foreign Missionary society, Jason Lee
church with Mrs. Anna Shank, 1550 South Commercial
Maccabees meet at 8 o'clock in Women's clubhouse
for potluck dinner.
East Central circle of First Methodist church with
Mrs. C. E. Roblin, 737 Center street, 2:30 o'clock.
Stamp collecting society at Y. M. C. A. 7:30 o'clock.
Women of Home Missionary society of First Meth
odist church entertained in church parlors.
Thursday, February 16
O. N. S. club with Miss Lois Reed and Miss Grace
Geibel. at 725 North Capitol street.
Hayesville Women's club with Mrs. Claude Tal
mage. from 2 to 4 o'clock.
Chapter G. of P. E. O. sisterhood, with Mrs. W. M.
Smith, 1485 Center street; dessert luncheon.
Friday, February 17
North S&lem W. C. T. TJ. institute. Free Methodist
church, corner of Market and Winter street; 1:30 to 4
o'clock: Frances Willard program; 7:30 o'clock, ma
tron's silver medal contest.
Annual international program in lobby of Y. M. C. A.
building; 15 nationalities represented; program open to
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary, 2 o'clock at home of Mrs.
John Seymour, 1425 North Winter street.
Saturday, February 18
American Association of University Women, regular
one o'clock luncheon at Masonic hall; Dr. Carl Gregg
Doney to be speaker.
Lausanne Hall open house between hours of I and
10 o'clock.
Delta Phi Mother s
Club Entertained -
Delta Phi Mothers club was en-
oyably entertained Monday after
noon at the homo of Mrs. W. R.
Speck. At the business meeting it
was planned that the March meet
ing would he held in the sorority
home and Mrs. M. C. Flndley,
Mrs. A. Oehler, and Mrs. L. R.
Hageman will act as hostesses.
Members of the sororities will be
special" guests for the afternoon.
Following n informal after
noon Mrs., Speck was assisted in
serving tea .by Mrs A. M. Chapman.
Present were Mrs. M. C. Find-
ley, Mrs. A. M. Chapman. Mrs. L.
R. Hagman. Mrs. Rose Babcock,
Mrs. O. W. Emmons, Mrs. Gordon
Black, Mrs. A. Oehler. Mrs. Lee
M. Cnruh. Mrs. J. F. Ulrica. Mrs.
L. O. Clement. Mrs. E. E. Gilbert,
Mrs. A. L. Dark. Mrs. H. S. Boss
hard, and Mrs. L. L. Laws.
Surprise Party
Honors Birthday
Mrs. Walter Bondell was given
delightful surprise party Satur
day night in compliment to her
birthday. Mr. Bondell planned
the party. Bridge was in play for
several hours and this concluded
in a late supper.
Mrs. E. V. John. L. A. Stanley
and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Long held
winning scores for the evening of
cards. Present were Mr. and Mrs.
John. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Mr.
and Mrs. Long, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Talmage. Mr. "and Mrs. W. C.
Cladek. and Mr. and Mrs. Bondell.
Jefferson The women of the
Christian church gave a miscel
laneous shower for .Mrs. Harry
Kessler at the houaqpf Mrs. Chas.
Loveland Friday afternoon.
Contests and conversation were
enjoyed during the afternoon, aft
er wnich refreshments were
served to Mrs. Harry Kessler,
Mrs. Nettie Powell, Mrs. W. W.
Warner. Mrs. Guy Aupperle. Mrs.
Hugh Bilyeu, Mrs. Fred Barna,
Mrs. Robert Terhune, Mrs. W. A.
Brown. Mrs. C. Tratt. Mrs. W. H.
Sherman, and Mrs Charles Love-
1 ' 1 W k2fi421
Monmouth Mrs. F. M. Roth j
was hostess to a bridge party
Friday afternoon. Four tables
were in play, honors going to
Mrs. Delmer Dewey and Mrs. J.
B. Alverson. Those enjoying he
affair were Mrs. B. F. Butler,
Mrs. Dewey, Mrs. Mina Corne
lius, Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs.
R. E. Derby, Mrs. Fred Hill,
Mrs. Harrison Brant, Mrs. E. C.
Cole. Mrs. Alverson, Mrs. W. L.
Smith. Mrs. Cora Riddell. Mrs.
Velma Smith, Mrs. L. E. Forbes,
Mrs. A. F. Courter, Mrs. O. A.
Wolverton, and the hostess, Mrs.
Jefferson The E v a n g e Heal
Christian Endeavor society enjoy
ed a Valentine party at the coun
try home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Kihs. Kewpies and hearts were
used in profusion about the rooms
for decorations. Guests for the
occasion were Rev. and Mrs. G. F.
Liening and daughter Florence,
Glenn, Raymond, Clifford and
Beulah Wilson. Robert and Eve
lyn Gulvin, Miss Anna Klampe,
Nettie Reeves. Clinton Hartley,
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kihs and
people is the announcement of the
annual "open house" for Lau
sanne hall Saturday night be
tween the hours of 8 and 10
o'clock. The affair is one of the
very friendly gestures of the uni
versity year when both townspeo
ple and university people meet in
the attractive guest rooms or tne
Of interest to large numbers of
Pleasantdale Seven members
and one guest, Mrs. Owen Holli
day attended the regular monthly
meeting of the Pleasantdale Nee
dle club held at the Joe Russell
home Friday afternoon. A St. Val
entlne box was a pleasant feature
of the afternoon.
ine next meeting will be on
subject of flowers and gardening
and will be held at the W. T
Trent home March 10.
Middle Grove Young people
or the Senior league enjoyed
jolly Valentine social after the
business meeting Friday night at
tne Steinke home. Blanche Stein
ke was In charge.
Those present were Lola Ham
mer, Roberta Bartruff. Katherine
Scharf, Mildred Wacken, Blanche
Steinke, Esther Hammer, Earl
Hammer, Norman McCallliter,
David Bartruff, Alfred McCallis
ter, Cecil Bartruff, Cecil Denier,
Beryl Cox, Charles Bangart, Rev.
H. R. Scheuerman, Charles Stein
ke and Mr. and Mrs. Steinke.
Mrs. Homer Goulet was host
ess for a Sunday dinner party
complimenting her son. Homer
Goulet Jr., on the occasion of
his birthday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Bishop
and sons Morton, Jr.. and Brough-
ton of Portland were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bish
op. Charles Kay Bisnop or tne
University of Oregon was also a
guest at the Bishop home for part
of the weekend. i
Roberts Mrs. Roy Rice and j
Mrs. John Orsborn entertained
the cast of "The Spooky Tavern", '
at the Orsborn home with a "500"
card party. First prize went to
Mrs. Foust Edwards; consolation
prize to Mrs. Calvin Bressler.
Central Howell Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Bye entertained Thursday
night with a dinner and evening
of cards In honor of the birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Bert Bye.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Janz won
high score at cards.
Wedding Solemnized
At Leslie Church
A quiet wedding was Solem
nized Sunday at 4 o'clock in the
Leslie Memorial church when
Mrs. Leona Johanson became the
bride of S. Adelbert Moonly. The
service was read by Rot. 8. Dar
low Johnson In the Leslie parson
age in the presence of about 20
Invited guests. Rev.- C. C. Ha
worth, pastor ot the South. Salem
Friends church, assisted. -
Miss Lillian Garnjobet sang "O
Promise Me," and "I Love Yon
Truly" accompanied by Mrs. S.
Darlow Johnson.
After a brief wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Moonly will bo at home
to their friends at 1885 South
Liberty street.
Chapter G Invited
For . Dessert Luncheon
Chapter G members of the P. E.
O. Sisterhood being invited as the
guests of Mrs. W. M. Smith for a
1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon
Following the luncheon, which
is a bit ot a diversion from the
regular meeting of the organisa
tion, the regular afternoon pro
gram will be enjoyed.
Merry Go Round
Club Meets
Following a no-host dinner
down town members of the Mer
ry Go Round club were entertain
ed at cards at the home of Judge
afld Mrs. John Rand Monday
Special guests for the evening
included Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Meyers and Miss Albina Page.
The Women's Foreign Mission
ary society of Jason Lee church
will meet with Mrs. Anna Shank
at her home Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Sarah Lowry and Mrs.
A. C. Bohrnstedt will be assist
ine hostesses and Mrs. Adelaide
Henderson will have charge of the
devotions. Miss Jennie Dailey will
present the lesson.
Mrs. John Seymour will enter
tain members of Hal Hibbard
Auxiliary at her home 1425 North
Winter street, Friday afternoon,
beginning at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Hen
ry Miller was to have been host
ess for this meeting but a change
was made necessary.
The Young ladies Sodality of
St. Vincent's parrish are sponsor
ing a St. Valentine bridge party
tonight at 8 o'clock in the parrish
hall. Miss Agnes Meyer is chair
man of the committee and assist
ing her is Kathleen Engle. Pearl
Biarey, Dorothy Plllette and Hon
ore Reidy.
Sequel: Willi ofB l?
Hayesville ': Area
Caned by Death
acl Willis, resident of this
neighborhood for 20 years died
Sunday' morning. He moved here
from Nebraska.
Mr. Willis has been In poor
health a number of years.
, He leavee to moor his loss his
widow, on ton Brae of Salem, a
daughter Eunico of Lincoln, Neb.,
and a nephew Davie, of Salem. He
also , leaves " threa grandchildren.
SCOTTS JIlLtar: Feb. U The
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Harper of -near Molalla, was
buried ra the-I.O.O.F. cemetery
Friday afternoon.
framed in her weapons of war, Susan Noel. 20-year-old London beauty
and British squash champion, smiles prettily for the camera just before
the start of the sixth National Women's Squash Racquet championship
tournament at Philadelphia. Miss Noel, seeded Britain's number one
player, is captaining the invading side.
Garden Club Has
Valentine Box as
Feature of Meet
American Legion will Wednesday
evening serve dinner for the
Woodburn Community club at St.
Lake's community hall. Sid
George of Eugene will be the
WOODBURN. Feb. 13 The
Woodburn Garden club has plan
ned a meeting for St. Valentine's
day, February 14, to be held at
the library. There will be a Val
entin box.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and
son Glen entertained Fridsy ev
ening with a dinner at 6:10 for
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Selte
meler, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hall
and daughter Margaret, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Allen and daughter
Helen, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Butter-
field and son Frank, and Miss
Carrie Waterbury.
The Ladies' auxiliary of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kelley of
Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Irving
Rand of Portland. William Han
ley. Senator Duncan and Senator
Goss have been among recent
guests entertained at dinner by
Judge- and Mrs. John Rand.
Miss Marie Wilson of Grants
Pass and Miss Eleanore Lewis of
Marshfleld were special guests for
the no host dinner which a group
of Subscription club members en
joyed at the Curtis Cross home
Saturday night preceding the
MEHAMA, Feb. 13 The pie
supper given at the school
brought in 2 for lights for the
school. Mr. Doods and Ed Bell
assisted by Mrs. woos put on a
splendid program that was en-l
Joyed by all who attended.
OAIL fross ,
Cisco oa
After 43 years' experience as a
skipper. Capt. Dick McDougall, of
Port Huron, Mich., has turned to
boat carving and has 84 models to
his credit.
. . -Jy 10
aU druggists
MS) Fr
March 26 for s wooderfal
roysge oa thetper-lx-rioaa
Empress of Brrtala
rie the Panama Canal to
Europe, arriving la Ctof
boexf aod Southampton
oa April 18. ..spend en
cnantiaf boars at Balboa
.CristobeL-a gay dry sod
night at Havana... shop,
pint sod sn evening. In
New York. ..then screes
the broad Atlantic
Ymc caoruioca Q!m wmid
trsvcBcrt witk latarwtfat
tea. tto OrtMt .
h a ataatta f I
Mi MO ttat vfll I
tiftff travel tWA.
lm litiiw. lathis'. j m
M fer tumialt Mali
arfortntl t aMOMMai
k-oa 8m PtmcIm r
Paris insists on the Jacket en
semble for spring and this is a
charming example of the vogue.
The bolero with three quarter
sleeves set in raglan fashion is
worn at the exciting new length
and don't you love the hit ot gay
print revealed in the bodice and
sleeves ot the frock? An illusion
of long slenderizing lines flatter
ing to any woman.
Pattern 2542 may be ordered
only in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32.
34, 36, 38. 40 and 42. Size 16
requires three yards 39 inch fa
bric and 1 yards contrasting.
Illustrated step-by-step sewing
instructions included with this
Snd IS ent in coin i ttimpt
(coiM prfrrd), for tfci patttrn.
Writ plainly year :, tdarett
colerfal page at tovaly Paria-ia
pirad atadela for tvvrj rprinr
iMi tttt beaatifnl kaok ikewt
fcav ta ka cbia at arary fcoor af
a 4iy. Evary it;) la ' practical,
. aaay to aakr. Thar ar mo4
ia tor tfca Unas figura, ass pafaa
s4 Ityltjanaabar. Ba tar ta tata
aUa- waata4. - 84 (ar tfca aiw
apring faahioa fcaok. Containing S3
ot aanratfal Jnaler aa kiddia
atylaa. Friea af csUlaf. IS aaata.
Catalog and pattara togttkar S5
enli. Addraaa aU Ball ardar to
BtaWtna Patter Dapartaaat,
34 Wt 17U atraat, Naw York
ity. " -:.. v - --.
ViJt A ar.
Wise Travelers
stop at thtj
Downtown Location.
Comfortable Rooms and
Good Beds at Special
Low Rates.
Owmm tmiVUmmpt
Oppwitc-Temiaa Sales BeiUiag
Again! "Cent-a-Mile" roundtrips to
almost everywhere in the West.
Tickets art good on all trains, in
all classes of accommodations. Here
Is your opportunity to tslte that trip
at less than half the regular lares.
ALBANY $ .30
KUGENE ....... 1.40
LOS ANGELES .... 23.40
Complete luncheons snd
dinners for 80 1 to $125
and breakfasts for
Wt to 90t
When next you eat in a Southern
Pacific diner, you will enjoy a serv
ice unique among American rail
roads. "Meals Select they were
named by Harry Butler, our new
dining car manager, who originated
them. The new meals will be a per
manent feature of our service on
mil dining cars after February 13.
of Sample Menu
T7 T7 O
Final clean up. Before we go east to buy shoes we must take in every cent that
is possible to take with us to buy spring shoes. We are informed that there are
wonderful bargains in the eastern factories and we are going to practically
give our present stock away so we can take advantage of this situation.
Ladies' Pumps,
Ties and Straps, Black and Brown
Kid as Well as Patent. Regular
$3.95 and $4.95 values go at
Bttf Brtth with EmiUj
LrmBns FrtncbFHtdFouacis
Hot Com Bttdd AssoftU Br4
Gretn ApjU Fit n ab XLbttit
UtOn,Ck RiiCpCMSlri
Tm Ccgt M3k
Gonflhcm Pacific
A. F. NOTH, Agent
Passenger Depot, 13th at Oak;
Tv4. 4408
Ladies Pumps and
Black and Brown Kid and Calf
leathers. Practically all sizes.
Many styles to select from. Regu
lar $5 values all to go at
Sport Shoes
Rubber and Leather soles, Brown
and Smoke Oxfords. Wonderful
$4 and $5 values go at
Ladies' Pure Silk
Wonderful wear and a big $1
value. Both Chiffon and Service,
All Sizes.
2 pairs
Brown and Black. Regular $2
values. Entire stock goes at
Vi p
Sport Oxfords
The very latest thing. Both White
and Sand colors. Be sure and get
a pair early at
508 StateStreet