PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, February 12, 1933 - - 3 1 Ml m f-i KJ WV'TM '.''...'Ji.'.'U;. U'. lyWKrtT?'r'M J ' .J I" "HE. 'yi lillnlttU VMUlVltll n : i ! - -- JS ansicipii si5 1 - III .'.V - ' Irene Dunne and Ricardo Cortez Stars in Film - Of Necromancy Are w creatures of free will or are oar actions determined by stellar or planetary or otheri mys terious forces quite beyond our control? Some who see "Thirteen Wom en" at the Capitol theatre today will hola that astrology, fortune telling and all manner of oracu lar claims hare been dealt a death blow. Others will Interpret the events ta this photodrama as con cluslrely proving the truth of as trology. Who Is right? Down the long centuries have trudged innumerable souls who have held that the Creator of the universe never draws aside the curtain of the future. And side by side with them have trudged those who believed completely in signs and portents, and that their futures, written in the stars before they even were born, could be ascertained through the mysterious "sciences" of astrology, choiromancy or nu merology. '.Thirteen Women," it is said, may yet be the storm center of -.uore controversies than have raged around any single screen play in the past several years. Irene Dunne, Ricardo Cortez, Myrna Loy, Mary Duncan and Florence Eldredge form the nu cleus f a remarkable cast. Patriotic Programs Planned by Students WEST STAYTON. Feb. 11. The- West Stayton grade school pupils are working on a Washing ton program which is to be given some time this month. There are to be several playlets and the first and second grade "rhythm band" will play several numbers. The en tire school will take part. Lincoln numbers will also be given in connection with the program. 'Si. f y J f t 4 -K:-:-- . '- Spencer Tracy, Bette Davis and Arthur Byron who will be seen in the screen version of the sensational story written by Sing Sing's famous Warden Lewis E. Lawes. It opens at the Elsmore theatre Sunday for a three flay engagement. Dl III 'FACE IN SKY Grand Theatre Brings Tracy Out of Hard-Boiled Role, With Marion Nixon Fence Rail Made by Lincoln On Display, Also Rare Firearms Collection The Call Board.. By OLIVE M. DOAK in Safe Pleasant Way TO LOSE FAT How would you like to lose 15 pounds of fat in a month and at the same time increase your en ergy and improve your health? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent hips and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that it will compel admira tion t How would you like to get your weight down to normal and at the same time develop that urge for activity that makes work a pleas ure and also gain in ambition and keenness of mind? Get on the scales today and see how much you weigh then get a bottle of Kruschen Salts which will last you for 4 weeks and costs but a trifle. Take one half tea-, spoonful in a glass of hot water bffr-- breakfast every morning cut down on pastry and fatty meats go light on potatoes, but ter, cream and sugar and when you have finished the contents of this bottle weigh yourself again. Now you will know th$ pleasant way to lose unsightly fat and you'll also know that the ft salts of Kruschen have presented you with glorious health. To take off fat harmlessly and SAFELY, take Krusehen every Earning don't -worry it's the SAFE way to reduce. But be sure for your health's sake that yon ask for and get Kruschen Salts. Get them at Per ry's Drug Store, Capital Drug Store or any drugstore' in the world and If the results one bottle brings do not delight you do not Joyfully satisfy you why money back. Adr. The Grand Today Spencer Tracy "Face in the Sky". Thursday David Manners in "The Crooner". Friday Vaudeville and Re gis Tooney on the screen in "State Trooper". The Capitol Today Irene Dunne and Ri cardo Cortez in "Thirteen Women" and Eddie Quillan in "Big Shot". The Elsinore Today Spencer Tracy in "20,000 Years in Sing Sing". Relief Corps to Sponsor Old Time Dance at Woodburn WOODBURN, Feb. 11 The Woman's Relief corps met at the I. O. O. F. hall Thursday and enjoyed a pot luck dinner at noon, after which the regular business meeting was held with, initiation of the following can didates, Mrs. Alta Hall, Elizabeth Benegar, Elizabeth Hanlon, ana Amelia Uppendahl. Plans were made for an old time dance to be given in the near future at the I. O. O. F. Hall, the committee named for arrangements being Mrs. Emma Tyson, Mrs. Mabel Nendel, Mrs. Mabel Wright and Mrs. Nora Bioyles. Measle Epidemic Has Strong Hold, Keizer KEIZER, Feb. 11. The measl epidemic has made quite an in road on attendance at school, 21 of the primaries and 10 from th third and fourth grades being ab sent. Miss Kirk has been ill with a cold all week and Mrs. Dror baugh and Miss Bretz have substi tuted for her. Leslie Buys 30-Acre Tract Near Santiam NORTH SANTIAM, Feb. 11 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leslie have recently purchased from Pruitt and Henderson a 30 acre tract of land her formerly known as the Turner property. HER FACE IN THE ftf HER LOVE Ml Hlf HEART! Urtr V i m iM mr. 1 1 iiu" ' V The Romance -Behind the Beauty Ada TRAL mm JtuabC They'll warm your heart and tickle your funny-bone POX MCTURI Also James Gleason Sport Comedy "OFF HIS BASE" ? Magic Carpet : Fox News r. ins i V . .1 rS 1 : ,VU T-y 'J. - ' Kent Taylor, Lona Andre and Irving Pichel in a scene from "The Mysterious Rider", a Zane Grey story coming to the Capitol Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Distinctly American in theme, yet marking a radical departure from American methods of treat ment, -Face In th Sky," which comes to th Grand theatre to day, promises to be on of the most interesting aereen offerings since the coming of talking pic tures. A notable trio of film fa rorltes. Spencer . Tracy, Marian Nixon and Stuart Erwin, hare the leading roles, and the direction is by Harry Lachman. The plot concerns a trarellng sign-painter, always dreaming of his glorious future. He meets & little country girl who Is likewise a dreamer. With the aid of his clumsy helper, the painter assists her In escaping from her drab ex istence on a Vermont farm, only to fall In lore with her. They are separated when the farmer orer takea them, but meet again under unique circumstances In New York City. In the handling of the story, Lachman is said to demonstrate to American audiences the ability that has made him a sensation In European directorial circles. One of the few American painters to be awarded the distinction of the Legion of Honor by the French gorernment for his work, Lach man brings a keen sense of ar tistry to his screen efforts. Tracy, hitherto famous for his "hard-boiled" portrayals la pic tures, la cast in an entirely dif ferent type of role. Miss Nixon is cast as the New England girl whose dreams lead her far beyond the confines of the farm and whose dainty features become the "face in the sky." Erwin here re turns to the "dumb" roles that originally made him famous. Bam Hardy, Sarah Padden Frank McGIynn, Jr. and Russell Simpson head the supporting cast Myies Connolly wrote the orir inal story, the first to deal with the trarellng fraternitr of slra painters, and Humphrey Pearson is credited with the screen play. m JfJA Vocation Board Receives $151177 Quarter Payment The state board for Tocatloual education yesterday received certificate of allotment of fed eral funds aggregating $11 o 1 1 .do, 10 De used In cooDera tire Tocatlonal education work In Oregon. This represents the second quarterly payment of the total appropriated by the federal gor ernment under the Smith-Hughes act each year for the promotion of Tocatlonal education in the fields of agriculture, home econ omics and trade and industrial oducatlon. Upon reqnest of Corrallis busi ness men who cannot rlsit the state college museum during week days, but who wish to be present on Lincoln's birthday when they can see a fence rail mad by the Great Emancipator, th museum will be open from 1 to 4 o'clock this afternoon. The rail was obtained by Dr. John II. Bloss, second president of the Oregon Stat Agricultural college who risked the Illinois home of the Lineolns especially for that purpose. Besides the great age of the fence rail and Its historic ralne. it Is a reminded of the possibili ties open to erery honest Ameri can boy making the most of his opportunities. The rail also recalls th life long friendship of President Lin coln and "Jerry" Clark, the lat ter of whom came west and help ed to establish Alsea ralley upon the map of Oregon, and endeav ored to persuade Lincoln to ac cept the appointment as terri torial governor of Oregon, whiis Mrs. Lincoln with th keenness of seeing presidential possibility in her great husband, succeeded in dissuading him. It Is a Ques tion as to what wonld hare been the Influence upon American his tory had Lincoln not heeded his wlfe'a adrie. Yet the historic fence rail but one of the thousands of valuable specimens In the college museum recently housed In the old armory building, with the fire arms in the Teterana quar ters of Memorial Union building. Cltlsens of Salem will be Inter ested in the rare collection of firearms donated by Donegan Wlrrins and the late Charles Lisle of Salem. Monmouth .March IS. by Oak OroT April It, by Brush College May 10. v - , McCoy grans will be visited by Bickreall March- T, by Monmouth April 4. by Tort HH1 April Si. Buell grange wiu he visited ny Rlckreall February tt. by Fort Hill March IS, by McCoy April SS. Fort Hill grange will be visited by Basil March IS. by Dallas April 19. by Rlckreall May 17. Rlck reall grange will be visited by Monmouth February S4, by Surer March Si. by Dallas April 38. Dal las grange wilT be visited by Oak Grov March 10. by Fort Hill April 14. by Surer May IS. Local Fair Talked By Club at liberty LIBERTY. Feb. 11 Mn. C. W.J 8taex entertained the Bed Hills grange horn economics club Thursday at her home. Th mat ter of holding a local fair next fall was disease ed and Mrs. 0 Deneer, Mrs. Tromble and Mrs. Van Lydegraph appointed to con fer with th grange fair commit tee to mak plans and arrange ments. The club decided to put on its annual program for th grange lecturer's hour at th June meeting. DATES HUD MONMOUTH, Feb. 11. Claude Larkin master of Rickreell grange has arranged the follow ing schedule of visits among granges for the coming months (all granges meet In the evening except Monmouth) : Oak Grove grange will be vis ited by Brush College March 11, by Suver April 8, by McCoy May U. Monmouth grange will be vis ited by McCoy March 11, by Brush College April 8 and by Bu ell May 13. Brush College grange will be vUIted by Dallas March 3, by Bu ell April 15, by Oak Grove May 5. Purer grange will be visited by Marion Nixon and Spencer Tracy in the film feature, in the Sky now showing at the Grand. 'Face Viningr Will Addres Rod and Gun Meet Turner Community Club Will Gather For Local Program TURNER, Feb. 11. The com munity club will meet Monday night, February 13. The major part of the program will be put on by talent furnished by the Sa lem chamber of commerce. The W. C. T. U. will meet Wed nesday afternoon, February 16, at the home of Mrs. G. W. Farris. The annual F. E. Willard program and silver tea will be held at that time. THIMBLE CLUB MEETS QUINABY, Feb. 11 The Thim ble and Needle sewing club qullt- D ALL AS, Feb. 11. The sixth annual banquet of the Polk Coun- ty Rod and Gun club will be held j Monday, February 13, In the Rick- ! reall grange hall. The banquet is scheduled to start at T p. m. Dr. Vlnlng of Ashland, a member of the state game commission, will be the featured speaker. Other Special Sunday and Monday Only Regular SO FnU Course Turkey Dinner ed out a quilt for Mrs. Albert 01- membff J tne Kame commission j g'g rod Thursday. The dab is knows wI tten4- for miles around for the beauti ful work done. The club la to meet at Mrs. Arthur Penny's next Thursday. rnchirting cuoice of soup or eocktan, relish, choice of eight entrees, vegetable, potatoes, salad, dessert and drink. SALEM BOHEMIAN Bestaarant SO State Street Phone SU1 iraycgggmTI TODAY CONTINUOUS, 2 to 11 p.m. Another Great Show! Two Big Features ! i75X No. 1 The Book that Fascinated a Minion Women TIFFANY THAYER'S 8EXS ATION AL NOVEL irend'&unnik RICARDO CORTSX and No. 2 Human Interest story . . . packea with action . . . lore . . . laughs I rr ; 1 V X I f .u. - - J. a' a .. in ni. ikii I ast T f - umb r X KIDDIS 10c Also Oartooa Comedy "Crystal GxaboH New Events t TODAY, MON. and TUES. Contlnaous 2 to 11 P. M. Sunday EDDIE mEM( TOMORROW AND TUESDAY ONE GIRL'S SECRET ROMANCE That Seared the Soul of a Nation! .... 4The Billion Dollar Scandal9 ROBERT ARMSTRONG - CONSTANCE CTJMMINGS Ohji Baclanota - Frank Morgan - James Gleason - Irring Picnel Request picture EDe VYNN in "FOLtOV THE LEADER" v any mm, Extra Special! Donald Novis Tamoas Radio Star In mm "Sinking Boxer" Coming Soon! Slga of th Cross" Jaaa Cagaey tm -Hard f Hmadle Xat Ssalta la "HeP Kveryhody -j TIME BUSTLES IN STYLE -Ltt NOW You wouldn't be seen in one, You know better. You don't want to draw the attention thtt kind of attention from jour friends or from anjona else. Other dart, other fashions. And the glasses of those other day dare you just as quickly as a bustle would. Modem designs of eyeglass frames are made for the mod. em face; they fall in harmo niously with the rhct smart lines of today's styles. Don't let your eye-wear brand you as an old-timer. Morris Optical Co. 444 State St. Tel. 5528 Al IVlif AA III Home of 25c Talkies h. an mm m o m m loaay, aionaar & mesaay u. XOOJIT aw CO 11 MT Al Mil w '4 9 manm II If homx JStySgliJe III lSMig?a with Richard ARLEN Zita Johann A First National 77 Picture directed V- by Howard Hawks A little Cae sar of the High SeasI Yom (Sana IHlave a Bettttei? IHtoimne Today ever Build a better home than you mr thought you could own! Present money standards mean that now you only pay half as much for the house you want! We have every kind of quality lumber and building material in stock now. 610 N. Capitol Supply Tel 9191 i?.jg5fla Manufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF TISSUE Support Oregon Products Specify "Salem Mads" Paper for Toot Office Stationery