The OREGON STATESMAN Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, February 10, 1933 PAGE NINE : f;4 . - i 11 lio February 18 for Annual Dis trict Confab; Open Session Slated SCIO, Feb. (Special) Odd Fellows from the 17 lodges In the Sclo district will meet bere Sat nrday, February is, for the an nual -j eonrention of the Linn Benton I. O. O. F. association. This will bo the first meeting nnl nero in a number of years. so especial effort will - be made for its success. Tne convention will open at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, with a closed session for members, to whom welcome will bo extended oy woe Lome or aao, with re- sponso by Aubrey 8. Tossing of BrownsrUls. OMeara win be elected and the next meeting place selected, Dinner at I o'clock win bo erred by the Sdo Rebekah lodgt members, this to bo followed at 7:45 o'clock by an open meeting In the lodge rooms. The program for this meeting, announced by President M. D. Shanks of Leb anon, follows: ' Opening with America and in rocatlon; welcome by Mayor W. A, Swing of Sclo; response, M. D. Shanks of Lebanon; introduc tion of grand officers and past grand officers; address, Grand Master R. H. Jones; roll call, numbering of Rebekahs; and en tertainment by program commit tee headed by Joe Lytle of Sclo. Officers of the eonrention are: Mr. Shanks, president: N. B. Moses, Sclo, rice president; J. M. Bennett, Lebanon, secretary; George Drlnkard, BrownsTllle. treasurer; George Ellis, Sweet Home, warden; T. A. Logsdon. Corrallis. conductor; L. H. Em ery, Alsea, Inside guardian; Thomas Small, Sclo, outside guar dian. . Ledges 'iaf ho association ar: Albany, Barnum, CoTenant, San tlam. Callapoola, King's ' Valley, Lebanon, Dlerdoff, Wilder, CrawfordsTllle, Backensto, Al pine, . Alsoa, Ami co. Tangent, Waldport. and Sweet Home, Jacob VanWell it Called Beyond at Home at Perrydale PERRTDALE, Fob. t Ja cob "Van Well died at bis home near hero Tuesday morning after a short illness. Mr. Yaa Well was born in Holland 71 ysars ago, but has resided la Oregon for many years. He Is surrrred by bis widow, one daughter Mlna, three sons. Herman. Pete and Joe, all of whom are at home. He was a tireless worker for Farmers Un ion organizations. Funeral serrices were held at the Catholic church ia Sheridan Thursday morning. DRUGS C. L. WELLMAN, Ph. G. 474 N. Commercial In "THE MARKET" Prescriptions BUY ALL YOU WANT, NO LIMITS; THIS IS NOT A CHAIN STORE Sundries 5ft Syringe Tubing 17c 25c Momenta Hand Cleaner 15c 25c Oronite Cleaner 16c 50c Chamois Skins 33c 50c Vantine's Incense in Cones 33c 50c Electric Marshmallow Toaster 19c Razor Blades 35c Gem 28c 35c Ever Ready 28c 35c Enders 28c 50c Probak 39c 50c Gillette 39c Psyllium Seed 3 lbs. 60c Miscellaneous $2 Reducoids 89c 50c Lac-Lax 28c 60c McCoys tablets 39c 50c Lilac Vegetal 29c 40c Castoria 26c Antiseptics Vick's Voratone 10c $1 Zonite 65c $1 S. T. 37 79c $1 Lavoris 79c $1 Listerine 69c Tonics $2 S.S.S. Tonic 1.29 1 pt Cod Liver Oil 39c $1 Miles Nervine 69c $1.50 Maltine Prep. 98c Ointments 60c Mentholatnm 39c 50c Unguentine 32c 25c Zinc Oxide 16c 75c Ben Gay 49c 50c Analgesic Balm 36c Tooth Paste 25c Dr. West's 15c 40c SquibVs 29c 60c Forhan's 39c 25c Colgate's 50c Tooth Brush Both (or 49c Shaving Creams 50c Ingrams 29c 35c Valiant's 20c 50c Everready 18c 75c Molle 45c 50c Keen 29c 1 lb Hospital Cotton 23c Creams $1 Pond's 62c 60c D. & R. 39c -lb Theatrical 23c 50c Parke Davis 25c 50c Marcella 30c 50c Day Dream Rouge 35c Pills and Tablets $1.25 Anacin, 100, 98c 100 Aspirins 49e 25c Feenamint 19c 50c Yeast Foam 39c 50c N. R. 39c Vacuum Bottle 1 pt. size 49c 25c Modess 16c 25c Kotex 18c Light Globes G. E. 10c 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET Good Meat For Less PuU?o Pi?llx OouflDaco 2 Lbs. fl Lean Mutton Ro; Lb. Home Made Lbs. Yozajr Tender Rabbits Lb. AlBMf Hamburger I Lb. Young Tender Beef Roasts Lb. (k Tocaj Ptj Peril Roaoto Lb. Choice -Lean Lb. Frak Wifflpa Oysters Caufl Lota Porll Chops Preo Delivery 0pUdil9p.n. SctKito-Dfal 8686 UmQUEPROBRAMIS BlIIBKPlfWIS DALLAS, Feb. t One of tha most unlqua procrama enjoyed by any organization bar was pre sented at the Pythian Ran om Tuesday erenlna wbea tba Knight of Pythias entertained members of tba Pythian Sisters and wives of tba Knights. Tba program was presented la tba form of a radio broadcast with tba entire program coming over the radio. Norval Galea . took the part of the radio annonneer and an nounced the program by means of a hand microphone. Kaeh par ticipant In the program was an nonnced by this method and many Jokes and vtake effs on the members of both organiza tions were enjoyed by the crowd. Lief S. Flnseth gave the address of welcome for the Knights and Florence Hnnter responded for the Sisters. The most Interesting highlight of the erenlng was when B. F. Preston told of the honors gained la public offices by the members of the Knights. In concluding bis part of the pro gram, Preston told of the hard campaign fight of Ed Campbell for the office of eonstabl for this district and presented Ed with a badge of office from tha lodge. The badge waa in the form of a star, about IS Inches across. cut from brass, and having the Inscription "chief con-sta-bal, Polk county" on Its face. Fifty-nine persons attended the meeting and enjoyed a lunch serred at the conclusion of the program. bell Adams, and lcndred Bow. lira. Stanley Adams Is leader of the elub aal they meet erery Friday afternoon at her home. The officers of the dab ax: President, Edna llattlson, secre tary, Margaret Tangent, clab re porter, Muriel Bee km an. Demon stration team commute, Jean Boors and MUdred How. Mem bers of the club are: Sylvia Tehle, Edna Mattlsoa, Irene Jones, Muriel Beckman, Oneta Hair, Margaret Tangent. Evelyn Block. Marybell Adams, Jean Beers. Mildred Howe, Betty Lons- berry, Dorothy Sprague, Lanes Goodwin and Leota Howe. Lincoln's Picture Will be Presented To Dallas Church DALLAS, Feb. A large picture of Abraham Lincoln will be presented to the Christian church Sunday morning by the patriotic Instructor of the state organization of the Ladles of the G. A. R. Mrs. Freda Peterson of Dallas, will make the presents tion. K. E. Burke, pastor of the church will accept the gift for the church and will dellrer the morning sermon on the theme, Christian Citliens." Plans are being made to re- serre a special section lor tne members of patriotic organisa tions who will be present. POLISHED PEBBLES SLATED FOR Wi SCIO, Feb. "Polished Peb bles," a two-act comedy operetta, by Otis M. Carrlngtom, will be presented by the high school Glee club. Tuesday night. Feb. 28, at the Z. C. B. J. hall. Miss Doris Clarke Is directing. The cast includes: Uncle Bob, Leonard Lukonbach; Mrs. O'Bri en, Rose Sllbernagel; Rosalie, Norene Sims; Winifred, Ruby Rospralka; Milllcent, Emily Nad Tornlk; Mr. Gabble, Glen Arnold; Mrs. Gabble, Geraldln Rodgers; Martha. Angelina Wesely; Nick, Archie Gardner. Churning chorus: Mazlne Ar nold. Vera Arnold. Velorls Cren shaw, Arlen Darby, Bylrla Fred erick. Opal Long. Vivian Marin. Norma Mumper, Irene Palon and Sylrla Bartu. Hoeing chorus: Howard ghel- ton. Lyne Jackson, Donald Mer- ltt, Eldon Klnser, Elvln Gallegly. Donald MaeDonald, Carl Donovan and Eldon Todd. Sewing chorus: Rose Hetzen dorf, Elsie Hetsendort, Luclle Jackson, Emma Jaqulth, Thelma Karnosh, Doris Kirk, Carol Mill er, Helen Miller. Marjory Moses. Frances Salsl. Blanche Vererka, and Mary Kruml. Milking chorus: Audrie Bartu, Edrls Thayer, Lorena Thurston. Fern Purdy, Max Long, Alfred Tunker. Oswald Crenshaw, Fre mont Slattery, Raymond Bllyeu, Darid Freitag, and Donald Da reuport. era IT Bi DRAWS GOOD CBOWD HUBBARD. Feb. Forty eight children from White, Broadaer and Habbard wer ex amined at th dials held Wed nesday at th Hubbard health center; IS wer Immunized against diphtheria, and II war vaccinated. For Broadacrea and White, It wer examined. II with parents present; seven wer gives toxoid and eight vaccinated: foar pre school ehHdren wer exs mined and Immunised. For Hubbard SI children were examined, eight with parents present; six wer given toxoid and four vaccinated ; five chil dren wer found to be without defect. A clinic will be held at th hall on Wednesday, March I for pro-school children and for fin ishing toxoid treatment Parents will make their ap pointments for preschool chil dren with Mrs. Waldo Brown. . TWO SEW ARRIVALS : sxTBLiMrrr.' rb. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DltUr are th parents girt born, Friday at th horn of his paresis,' Mr.' and Mrs. Mat DltUr. Th Bin pound baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo Wolf, bora. Saturday morals g at their homo, has been named Betty Ann. SLTPSt XXXK HL'KT . WALDO HILLS. Fab. Man uel, eldest eon of Mr. and Mrs. E. KeQerhala of th EvargTeen district, suffered a bad accident. H was notching hop poles when the ax slipped cutting his kne so that five stitches were neces sary. Th knee may b perman ently stiff. Spanish Veterans Add Six Members To Woodburn Roll Legion Auxiliary Witnesses Work Of 2 4-H Groups WOODBURN, Feb. I The Betsy Ross sewing club whlcn has been working on 4-H club projects the past two montns cave a demonstration at th Washington school today and the girls of the cooking school also demonstrated their work. Tne women of Legion Auxiliary wero guesta for the afternoon. Tne club quartet under the leaaer- shlp of Mrs. Paul Femoerton unr: membora are Elizabeth Pollard, Muriel Beckman, Mary-ley. McCallum Speaks At Joint Session Of Bible Groups DALLAS. Feb. I "Fourteen Thousand Miles From Home to Preach the Gosnel" was the theme of the message brought by Rer. Hugh McCallum of Salem to the Joint gathering of the men and women of the Bible school of the Dalit Christian chnreh Tuesday night. Mr. Mc Callum told of his Journey from the Pacific coast of the United States to the eastern coast of South Africa where ho spent five years In evangelistic work. He pointed out the problems which confronted a young American preacher la a conservative Eng lish and Dutch community. X. B. Burke, pastor, presided and Introduced Harold Witcraft, who sane two numbers, accom panied at the piano by Joe Hart- WOODBURN, Feb. I The Ellas Hutchinson camp of Span ish American war reterans held Its regular meeting at the new O. O. F. hall Monday night when six new members were Ini tiated as follows: George Clark and George Srb of Largo; E. C. Nelson and Vera Calvin of Monitor: W. D. Fish of Aurora and W. A. Eastman of Woodburn; We SELL for CASH So You Can Buy for Less Ton save by buying her tor the almplo reason that wo have no credit losses nor axeeasivo book keeping costs. That's why oar selling for cash saves you money. HERE ARE TODAY'S BEST FURNITURE BUYS Forty inch walnut book type desk. Large, roomy, ST $32.50 Walnut gateleg exten sion table. Extends to 6 feet, makes full size din ing table $27.50 "Rome" studio couch, makes full size bed, or two twin beds. Large compartment for bed ding. Heavy homespun cover ing Chiffoniers, walnut $34.50 $8.50 SURPRISE!!! Medicine cabinet, white enamel with mirror -only $1.19 FIDLER'S FURNITURE STORE 255 North Commercial St. TeL 8425 Standard Feed Co. 228 Ferry St. oxK-HALF block www Phone MARION HOTKL 6858 DO YOU KNOW that a rery large percentage of all chldw are anemic when hatched? Build op the red blood of your ehlcta by feeding After 1983 Chick Starter Paka. It wfflde relop a strong, disease-resisting bird. Ask for Free Feeding Schedules and other literature. 1933 EGG MAKER 100 lbs. Mash $1.75 100 lbs. Paks $1.80 PROGRESSIVE EGG MASH with Mflk, Greens, And Cod liver Oil, $1 OA 100 lbs. 0107 Progrefthrt Scratch 100 lb $1.15 Screenings and Molasses 80 lbs, 59c GRAY OATS Ground 80 lbs 95c PEAT MOSS Poultry litter Garden Moss Large bale ..$1.75 ROLLED OATS 60 lbs 75c Cracked Corn 100 lbs. $1.15 Linseed Meal 84 Protein 100 lbs. $1.60 EXPRESS SHIPMENT OF KFevj Maafl Snflfti ia the newest Spring com binations only Colon predominating. Tan, Orer, Bxova. Rod, HaTf. Caartreoie. New Blaa, Hjacinta. Blaek. Tneaa are fmaraatead All Bilk riaiaa Express Shipment of New Plain Rough Crepes la Bayoa. Acetate and Silk Mixtures Roaxa Orapea are slatei to to extremely poa lar tar early Syria Dreaaas aal Solta. Celers eaowm are Taa, Orer, Nary, Hyaaiata, Cnartreaao, Had. Brora, Black. Ia tare pop ular prlee raaee, yard S1.49, $1.00ad 85c Open errry Ratarday aifbt ata o'clock Elliott Dry Goods Company Safeway Savings For Friday and IilEhirday, Feb. 10 and 11 ysttears Cove Variety 5 oz. tins for age CORN Fancy Batter Kernel No. 2 2 cans TUNA White Star 7 oz. tins a for ac Libby's Fancy Red Sockeye, Tall Cans, 2 for, peas Ttffrs San Wan Tender, Sweet No. 2 can MATCHES 7 Cn 6-box carton each JL J MCE 7 Fancy California 4 TK. J V. II 0 Safeway Hard Wheat 49-tb sackvtt. Pancake Flour SAFEWAY QUALITY NO. 10 BAG Max-i-mum Syrup CANE A MAPLE FLAVOR NEW STYLE QUART JUG only sks ROYAL BAKING POWDER 12-oz. Tin Goklen Rife Dqchochqo ILETT Crisp, SoUd Heads 2 0i? 9G 'CJ .Hartnt fntamk ' Pork Roast Cut from fresh, young tender pork &y2c ib. Your 'choke of Cudahy or Carat ens. Very good, nice and lean. Half or Whole ft2l2cll). RABBITS Young and tender, to fry or bake ac lb. CHICKENS Fresh and Under, to boll or bake, Rock & Red, all Drawn Dclb. Your Choice Leg of Pork Fresh Ground Beef Boneless Beef Stew Veal Roast Fresh Pork Sausage Cottage Cheese Pig Pork Steak a eft. We would appreciate baring yon sad your friends come ia sad look at eur meat counter. You will find only the b est meats for less. 4 CHARLIE DUVAL, Market Manager. " No. 371U N. Commtr- ' daL Phone oil No. 6ft 1978 N. Capitol Phone 8520 SaTe at tha following Safiriy Stores i We Reacrvo tho Right Co Limit Qaaatltlco No, 511 270 N. Com merdaL Phone $432 No. 7S 1927 State : Phone 9485. M lTTlf. liberty St. Ezeclla ratterao IS, BO awd tOe