The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakm, Oregon, Wednesday. Morning, Febnury 8. 1933,. PAGE SEVEN -C l3i--3 1 m -v 1 : 1; Business 1 Directory Cards In this directory run on a monthly basis Wily. .Bats : $ to par lias par month. . AUTO BRAKES Mlka Pa.nak. th brak and ahltmny "doctor. 175 South CmrniwHs! Street - BEAUTY PARLORS Stiller Beauty Shop, dial 705$. Senator Beauty Shop, dial HI. BICYCLES BICYCLES. Tloclpedes new and ed. Harry W. Scott. 147 R Com'L CATERING .Burt Crary. th caterer. Ph. 75$. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 445. R. K. Northngaa: CHIROPRACTORS DR. a I SCCTTT. P8C. Chiropractor. 84 N. Hlgta. Tel. Ram tilt. CLEANERS Watanab cleaner, forsrnerly Jap anese cleaner. Suite 15c Tel. 8590. v- Correspondence Instruction International Correspondence achoola Bastnasa. technical course. Bx. 18. CMc01HtvrayL121 DRESSMAKING MRS. 8NXLOROVE. 405 N. Cottage. Tel. 7444. Hemstitching., 5gyard FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun t ral wreaths, decorations. C F. Bralt fcaupt florist. 577 Court. ToL 504. ALL kind of flral work. Luts Flor 9tt. 16tb Market Tet 052. FLOOR CONTRACTING Olson Floor Co. TeL 911L GIFT SHOPS 1 Fred Blatchford, mfg. of Distinc tive Qlftware." 110 8. High St GLASS AutomobU Glass Mirrors. , Windows Reajased WALTER J. DOWNS fore 8180 080 Brey Ave., Salem INSURANCE m-rrfVV a TTTTVDRICKS 119 N. Hi TeL 404T JUNK Wo buy everything CAPITAL. BAR GUN s JUNK CO, H. Stetnbojk. ngr. TeL 8012, 11$ Center By the "IrtR-e- LAUNDRIES THE NTEW SALEM LAUNDRt THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 252 a Hig3 TeL 0126 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY W Waah Everything In Lux IvWnon 815 12" Broadway Mattresses Mattresses from fhctery to bom. Soring mattress $5.00. Renovators and fumlgatora Capital Bedding Co. TL 469. 2030 North CapltoL New mattress mad to order, old -r.t rloanlnc. sliljlg 1 flutt rag TeaVteg. Salem Fluff Rag Mat- tress Factory. S. 13tn , S4 4 1 Otto F. Zwl?ker. kst 1011. aiusic STORES Ea a WILL Planoa, radios, sow- . v,E:.r;:- -t mui and piano S-dtaT RepTlriYadTo. ., swing uiacnmes. ov- '.lo4-k MUSIC INSTRUCTION Learn steal guitar In 12 wka W. a ' Storhow. 450 Court with Stiff a Hawaiian. Span, guitar, J .. - - , ..n.tinn Prlv. ana en XTSSfiTuSmm T 1184 MEDICINE nr Chan Lam Chlna Medicine Co. Hour; Tuesday and FrUUT. " -to 4 p. m. 14S N. CommerclaL 1PLUMJB1NG AND HKATifig PLUMBTNO and .ff Jgg work. Oraber Broa. 144 Bo. Llbrty. Tel. 454. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ; ,. Incooa Tax, PubUo Ae- PRINTING .w-n .aw rr1a. DtfflOh FOR BTA i rTJ or iar kind lata, programs, books r any printing; call jap. pi7.".-i Tale- Departxaant, 11 Commercia. REAL ESTATE s "SECKE a HSNPRICKH. TeL 4057. W. B. GBABENHORST A CO. -K & lth-rrv Bt SOCOIXJFSKYASON a. t iNatrL Bk. Rifltr. TL 78QT, " " ' - , STOVES -7 a Fleming TRANSFER r-fTTAL CITY Transfer. Co. 20 Gat our rate. : ' to Portia nd dft1ly----- TTM i Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertistng 8iagle Insertion par llnt.lOe Three Insertions par lint 10c Six Inanitions par Una. .Sic One month par Una. .11.01 Minimum chars ...... 1 1 Copy Cor thLi page ac cepted until :10 tha even lns before publication tor eLassiflCAtlon. Copy re ceived after this time will be ran under the heeding Toe Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes ae financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisemente pub lished in its columns, and In cases where this paper is at fanlt will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising an der the proper elaastfica-tlen. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED College boy to solicit laundry on commission. Call 244 N. litn. Need two young men colleare educa tion. Must be neat appearing. Apply 311 State St.. no. Z0, evenings arter 4:30. See air. PoweU. ""SITUATIONS WANTED Expert floor service, buildinir. re pair work. Dial 8127. Young widow with boy 2. wants work housekeeping. Good cook. Write C K Route l. Box 18-B, Ms. clear, Oregon. Dressmaking by the day. Reason able. Tel. 8 !t5. 725 N. Com'L FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE QM paper lie a aun- Jie. atateamao orrte. Buy Crasy Crystal at Salem's new store In new Biigu mag. lis a. liign. 1)32 model Kelvinator. Electric re- , frig-era tor. Phone 3742. Mr. Johnson. For apples see "Jlmmle" at Thomp son's market All varieties, reasonable price, mile north on Pacific high : way. Want a good LeweHn Setter puppy? Males saiem s reuina. ApdI and te-ar trees grafted. Work guaranteed. R. W. Ward, 1225 N. 21st street TRADE Miscellaneous Permanent waves for wood or what have you. Model Beauty Parlor. Columbia phonograph. 50 records, and vacuum cleaner for W. lghorn chicken Fannie Castle. Rt 1, Box 24 Arrmsvllle. WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted, 2nd hand brick. Call 2331. Wanted used fig saw or small band saw with motor. Must be cheap. Ad dress box 135, care Statesman. Electric sewmg machine. Singer pre ferred. Must bo cheap for cash. Box 137, rare statesman. MISCELLANEOUS - Best hair cut Adults 20c, children's 15c. 803 a Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS .----------- -- - - Desirable sleeping rooms. Close la. ReaaonaWa. TeL 6977. Weli heated sleeping room. 2."5 Center. ROOM AND BOARD Board. Steam heat $:0. .TeL 5482. Room, board, close In. TeL 4370. Table board and rooms for ladles. To 7 uenter Ht Tel. 67S. - FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments downtown. Can n. . . . ' w i. . . I w'mwwvsmsvsim 7444: Fur. 2 R. apt, 2251 HaxeL TeL . ' - -- - - -inn.-t-un.-i.-i.nLri RMIltirilllV fimtaUA TT TO heat elec refrlg., garage, $27.50 to js. -rnone 5154. Apt. $10 to $20. 897 N. Com'L Small fum. apt, bath, 690 Union. $ R. fura. apt $L60 wk. 1290 Oak. TL SZ7S. - ----"- -i-i-i-i-i-i-.-rf-y-.--irirwinr'i.rxAj'V Furn. $ R. apt Private bath $1$ mo. Kom i-lv wk. S4t Jiarion. $ and S R, for. duplex 1st floor. war-jre. mq. as mul FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. end nnrura. houaaa, R. Vrkner, 1410 N. Cottage. TeL 202L 4 R furn. bouse, modern except f basement TeL $077, I ..,.., , , , I Fur. R. mod. house, raaaonable. I HanU TM Ctom. urn. dovbv uquin xess uoart. 4 R. mod. bungalow. Wired for aleo. range. FuH basement, furnace, garage. til mo. sis Bprnoa, room boo. 1190 N. Winter. TeL 1991 . vttT s are w w - Cosy new amaU Engl is h styit bona. elcy furnished, garage. 119$ Ship- l nIMP trnfur. s rm. eottax. newly decor ated. Range, garden, garage, $12.00. Inq. 1730 N. Cottaae street. FOR RENT WANTED Farm tockd and (quip ped to rent n snares or any place man I and wtf can- work. Farm, camp round or whaif Deradable erper- ienced. cts sin reierecce. ox'ts. Stafeaman. -- FOR SALE Real Estate Improved 1$ acres tor sal by own er. Rt t. Bos 47, saim, . . Aa attractive I rm. house on Court etreet, furnace, fireplace, beating fruit EXCHANGE Real Estate To axchansa $4500 dear acraajr for clear noma. Damon, 897 N. Com'L $ clear lota' for noma xraitr. Da mon, S7 N. Com'L Salem bom for Bremerton. New port horn for Salem. 20 A.. 415 M. ft. timber, for Salem home. $2500 equity, nlc farm for Salem home. Damon, t n. commercial. Modern bom for smaller bouse acreage. Box 12t, Statesman. FOR SALE FARMS OUR BEST BARGAIN This 44 acre Howell Prairie solL all In cult, located about 7H miles on paved road. $ R. bungalow, bath, electricity, barn, silo. At $5500 $100 down. Priced just about of Its worth. 8 ACRES $9000.00 10 ACRES HOPS. 45 A. cult. SS A. timber, runnimr water, water sys tem, 7 room house, basement, bath; good barn, silo, hop house, warehouse, baler. This is what you should own. 11S ACRES $7700 $0 A. cult SO A. wheat 2000 cords good timber, gravity water system from a dandy spring. Will take a house In Salem aa part If you are looking for a ranch eitbar small or large, don't buy until you see what wa have to offer. JA& D. SEARS. Realtor 112 S. Ugn St SPECIAL V acres, 00 A. cultivated, lots of 1 timber. reek and sprlnga: has a good 7 R. plastered house, also a 4-R house on market road east of Salem. Will trade for smaller place or etty I property. BECHTEL or THOMASON 241 State Street GOOD FARM BUYS $0 acres well located $ miles north on Pacific highway, good house, gar age, poultry house, grade a barn 44x48 ft. electric lights, immeorat Eossesslon can be had. Priced very iw at $SS00 with terma Will aU stock and equipment 17 z-s acres 8 miles soutii near riv er, room bouse, bars, garage, two poultry nouses, electric lignta, part garden land, some orchard, water piped to nous from spring. Price only $2400, part terma CHILL'S Se MILLiEK, Realtors 344 State Street Phon (T0$ ACREAGE 10 A. Polk cotmty. all under cultiva tion, good soil, soma bldga Prios $1200. Will trade for house In Sa lem sam value. 147 A. 70 under cultivation, timber, pasture. 2 sprmgs, fruit and ber ries, buildings, 0 cows, general line of machinery. Price $8000. Will consider som trade. 5$ A. nearly alt cultivated, Willamette silt loam, rm. house, barn, eta. $4500. Will trade. 5 rm. plastered house, North Salem, large lot, trees, shrubbery. Win take car or lot for equity. S rm. strictly modern house, dose tn, rood location. Price 23000. RENTALS INSURANCES TRADES J. P. ULRICH COM PANT 321 State Street Phon $17$ 110 acres completely stocked and equipped, at a sacrifice price of $$,000. Never been offered for less than $12,- 000. Terms. IT. rr SHIELDS 22$ Oregon Bid. TeL $00$ Santiam bottom farm. 5$ acres. $0 acres tlllaMe, balance timber pasture. 5 R. house, small bam. Owner wants small acreage or Salem bom. 10 beautiful unimproved close in acres for only $1500 with small pay ment down and 5 on balance. Melvin Johneon W. M. Pennington 275 State Street Business Opportunities ANGORA WOOLER9 Will make you an independent living Let ua show yoa, THLLCREST ANGORA CO. TeL $150 Rt $, Box 1$. Pac Hwy. j mile So. of Salwa. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payment Too keep th car P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty St and ferry Phone 4722 Salem. Ore Bells of Harmony Heard over BTOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really different TOO GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON UDAN3 210 tO JV? Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 110 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd $loi UCKN3ED BI STATU 51$ Stat St TeL 3-7-4-4 PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salarlee or other rood security. Reparable I monthly. When In financial ned ea ua before rioting a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids- Pbon $55$ Borrow on personal property: repay In monthly lnatallments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO.. State lie. 8-149. 505 Guardian Bldg. TeL 2377, LOANS WANTED $4000 wanted for resldanc and bus iness property loans. KxcaDent secur ity. Interest 4H t 1. $4000 wanted on over 1000 acres, farm and stock ranch. Hav application for saverai res ident loans In amounts of $500 t $1000. All good security. Investors see us for hlgn grade mortgag loana CHILD3 MTT.TiKrt, httge. LAtaas $44 Sttt Street Phon S700. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Elroy Naah guarantee satisfaction on all live stock. Auction sales depot. Salem. Before buying chicks get Gears I '32 catalog. High quality t low prtoea Gent s Leenorn Farm, iougea. ur. I PHI I V AND VIPR I wmi m -u, r!Ki, SZW NO AUBIS, BOi 2$ (THIS IS IRKSOME'dxA I fifNOfT SO PAST, SAML.J I MlrSt VAWJ&J BHT US OU . 'WHO SAVE My SOUU.1 1M KID A THE FELl-ER'S N tgt OC5ULD READ T CAjsTT TELL WHAT FW - CORRECT 4 Interesting Facts "A Lady above fifty wishes to correspond with, gentlemen of Ilk acs and good habits, reads aa ad In today's classified columns. O You bear people say "I have been up to Portland. Portland la really down from Salem. O Som time ago there was a news Item tn The Statesman telling about Telescoplo spectacles. Harry Cohen, local shoe merchant, whs baa been having considerable trou ble Is making an appointment with th optometrist In Nsw Tork la hopes that his condition aa be im proved. With this in mind he ts launching a big sal at th Kaf teria shoe store this weak. UVESTOCK and POULTRY HANSON strain WHTCTB LEO- HORN CHICKS. Mala pedigree $00 I Specific crop outlooks will be re em $0.50 per 100. $00.00 par 1000. 1 teased anon I R. L Reds. Barred Rocks, White Wy- I lanOOtteS, lit per 10O. KUOy X WOOO- I ward, Rt t. Box B. Tel. 44 F it. FOR 3 ALE WOOD Old, fir any length. TeL 0TI0. 4 ft oak wood. $5.00 dUvrd city. TeL 414$. drt nx and oak wood. id fu4 aa Call on as tar Drip. W I alw .measure, (ood auaHty aa4lD0.t.War denressiona than nrlces ijvrmer transfer STORAGE 1 Tetaohan Xlll Aah. fir and oak. Tat $$$. N. 1 II la, old fir. $4. TeL 4410. is eld nr. Priced right TeL $10$. 10 In. dry 2nd fir. $$.$0 per load. Planer ends fxte par load, at Tracy-a TeL OirrO. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal i TL $000 Salem fuel Co. Trada I Oottaga Dry wood that la dry. Call 11IF22. Robert Fro mm. a.t ia is l. t it dui ftse. r-r.'-" -7?-'-T- -T7-I N. 1 old tlr, $4.25. $932. LOST AND FOUND Strayed or stoUa: Unusual rr lara alrdal doc Black aad tan. with evnr rr1 PERSONAL Ladr above fiftr. wishes ts cones pond with gentleman of Ilk age, and or good nabtta box , car -ta teaman. FOR SALE USED CARS VALLET MOTOR COMPANY At th Used Car Center A Car for Every Purpose 70 to Choos From All Makes 1931 Ford Coup $295.00 1921 Ford Roadster 1930 Ford Tudor 1920 Ford Oup 1920 Ford Tudor 1920 Ford Coup $00.00 WM in ii 192$ Ford Phaeton 192$ Franklin Sedan 1920 Whippet Coup 1920 Chevrolet Coup -1929 Durant Roadster 425.00 150.00 225.00 150.00 T927 Dodge Sedan 95.00 $25.00 192S Bulck Std. Coupe 1920 Bulck Roadster . 75.00 1925 Dodge Roadster 45.001 1921 Modal AA-167 w b truck 440.00 1929 Model AXttV w b traok 105.00 195$ Chevrolet Panel Delivery 150.00 15 CARS UNDER $50.00 TERMS TRADE SEE OHARLIB OR LARRY At Liberty Marlon 8ta, Salem, Ore. Mr-K'AT'a USED GARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COLNTS.. 7dge Touring $ 31.00 f- ac; n$.oo Hi'.! 195.00 192S Chrysler Sedan 1920 Essex Coup 128 Vielie Sedan 1920 Stude Sedan 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan 1929 Ford Fordor Sedan -1S29 Dodg "4- Coup . 1929 Bulck Standard Sedan r-frrcvROLETa $24.00 235.00 255.00 1S25 Touring .!'!! 1927 Sedan a good on 1 00.00 1929 Coupe, excellent condition $45.00 1929 Landau Sedan look Ilka new ... $75.00 1950 Snort Roadster $75-00 1933 Special Sedan 535.00 TERMS TRADES Mr-IT AT rHKVHflLIT CO. 232 Center St Ph. 3159, 420 N. Com'L Radio Program Wednesday, Feb. XOW PMUa-d 020 Ea. 7 :15 Orgss Cob cert. 7:20 Swiagiag Aloag. 8:00 Breea and DB, KBC 0:15 Ooki SehooL t:45 Khythia Yeadn, KBO. 10:15 Johsay O Briea. HBO. 12:15 Western farm and Hots Hoar, KBO. 1:45 Btringwoed Easeahle, HBO. 1:00 Bits 4 Melody. HBO. 2:20 Ira Glenn. Organist. HBO. - " - TChi. HBO. S. -00 Meredith WUlsoa aad ZD Or- eaeitrs. 5:30 Littl Orphsa Annie, KBO. :00 Systpheoy Coaeart, KBO. 0:15 Sam 4Jrd Th Kibitsw, 8:00 Asm 'a Aady. KBO. a -it -0.1iU ICmariaa. 0:15 Adveatare ef Sharisek Bab. KBO. 10:15 Hotel Mark Hspkias Ortheatftv, KBC . 11:00 Ambasaadar Hotel Orehtatra, HBO. PAI . m. -w BSC SURVEY EOVERS Trend Indefinite, Live-at-Home Plan is Advised; Budget Scheme Toid CORVALLI3. The trend of de mand, supply, prices and costs of farm products during the next year Is indefinite, but it seems certain that it will be necessary for farmers to again plan opera tions on a llve-at-home basis, ac cording to the first division of the 19 3 J Oregon farm outlook Just re leased by the college extension service. The report contains sections on the general price level, farm prices and income, the demand outlook, 2,? J.!.! supplement the subject matter. 0n hows tha train! at I ... ' 1J 5".. vuuiuiuuu, price ievt I for more than 100 years, which! makes it evident that depressions hare followed the war-time infla- tion which has occurred three times since 1800. The report points out that this ia one of the I principal factors in the present I farm situation, as farm prices I nsaallr tall faster and farther ia fa general As a result, farm income gets oat of line with the cost of farm tag, and farmers have great diffi culty to pay Interest and taxes, op- I erate the farm business, aad main tain their families. The money cost of most things farmers spend their Incomes for I has come down materially during the last year, bat the exchange "rr A ib things which make np the coat OZ farming has decreased, according te Index numbers given in the cir cular. One feature of the outlook clr- j-.. i - . i . J"- v - analysing and Budgeting the farm business, with a sample form aad if. instruction tor its rise. Commodity outlook information will he released in another circu lar, and conies of all of the Oregon farm outlook reports are available 1 tro?. ty tfrlcaltural agents HUBBARD. Feb. T The Hah- uara bnriHi aasociatlna held a nteetlna! Satar - I A. tn -tarwilae tha dantaara dona by the frost during the recent celd I weather. i n. h Mail wti-k nra-iiiAiir irt. a . . aided and after report by various memoers were maae it wa ivamu that about per cent of the . A XT" " a ti-Iw! logaaberrlaa and Marshall atraw- berries have been killed; th Kt- terberg atrawberrles are a total less; blackberries, blacken rasp- berries and red raspberries seem. tO have escaped. In the Young berriM. no damage wm do., to the cane but the tips buried to start young plants for next year were a SO per eent loss. I Ths afv-la lr fias abaat 18 M Tn- ba-Ha. J- .vi. .Mi.r The Young berries, cold packed 'or the association by a Salens cannery, proved to be a big sue- cess. These estimates of damage are anrnftwhat tentative a the COmlnC warm weather will show more definitely what conditions do exist. STEEL SIM1 NEW YORK, Fob. 7. (AP) Stocks jogged along sluggishly to- a.. . . v a v oay unut in lasr, nuw, wuoa i' found aaoneh suDPort for a mod erate rally. Stocks accomplished virtually nothlnr until the late tradinc and V- .-.-. fK. mnv ihiPM unuaii.kv. was narrow, uowever. v. o. owet . n & preferred. Drag, United Fruit. North American and American Teiepacm iniproveo more, imi pvtav, tut iau wr 1 novu ing about I net. Transactions ag gregated only 1 84,145 share. Rumors about a forthcoming cigaret price would not down; their Persistence took moderate ton of American Tobacco. Llggatt ft Myers and Reynolds. 8everal large Inqairles for struc tural gteel. mostly for public pro 933 FARM OUUODK roue sinmi IS BEST SURVIVOR APPEARS 11 jects, are said to be In the mar-et, tn addition to a large volume ef orders recently placed. The situa tion for the entire steel Industry, aaa-ao K Miti.i-4Mii Im HTsst. ket. is rather favorable. "Just A SNOWFALL ALLEV IATES CROP FEAR top Wtter SCORES cut one'cent Expected as Outside Call Weak; Onion Mart Blocked PORTLANTJ. Feb. 7 (AP). Cut of lc In top scores of batter daring the late session of the Portland Prod ace exchange was not at all unexpected as was the slash of c for lower score. Ia spite of the tact that the make of butter was decreasing here, there has been a slightly weaker tone reflected of late, in the trade, dae in a measure to the absence of a good outside call. The drop in batter in spite of the smaller output was in line with the advance made some time ago when the supply was increas ing Cat et le in the buying price on buttertat followed the drop in batter cmbes on the exchange as wall n fhm nn tnsrTr.t - ' Trading ia the egg market con- tlnues more or less with prices 1 to 2c below those established by local Co-ops. 8ome private firms as well as outsiders were report- ed as chief cutters. Trading In the onion market was still blocked as a result of the sale of a big block to Cali fornlana at SOe by a valley com bination. Demand was nominal both in consuming markets and at the source as a result. Reports of a 'corner on onion seta at a Willamette valley point and a determination to force high er prices, practically pat a atop to all bnsineas and resulted in sales of boiler onions tor plant ing. General Markets yaoDTjcn nxoRAjron I pudtla-d. ore, res. t Prodae ecekaare, ast prices: Bmtte. j axtrs is, staaiardi ire. prim u 1 17. fltsts isHo. Krr Prra an 14-iSe, eia 1214c rm extrs Portland Grain PODTLAXD. Or Fes. 7 (AP). Wheat Opea XOfh Lew cios May 45 45 45 S Jaly 45 45 45 41 Uath wheat: H. 1 ar Beaa ataesiesi SI: dark hard wtater IS pet, SI; 11 pet, 4T-, eeft wkita, hard wiatw 49Vs; artara spnsg, westera white i "4 ; weeto-a red 49 tt- Osts N. 1 white 018.50. Om M. 3K yellow 01. 40. MUlraa Stsaaaril $11. Portland Produce P"1" 'rlfPiZ M,,i atamdaraa is. I Km PsdOe ritrr fnian' seU- I sg prises: rreak extrs 15. standards 1 ..TrrTMti nunnr artee t ruo- I era: Osaatrykilled saga. 4 steam. -v a . . . i h i unr Fvms$-i , vV wm I .TTwr , ..-.V 't sk-. hui t-tHt, nats Oeerea watauu is-is psd, potato 10. Brasil lt-14. sl-toasa 15- r Qlwu io. Cesesra hark Bayisg priee. 1922 L i aea4. SIT1 1 '-"Zl guu.a. i. rertiaad divtry prices, ckaraiag eraam lS-lSe, sweet creaai hSer. tJt iaM : uu T; spriaga, Ught i2e. heavy 13; Id itert 5c; dacha, Pekla, rt A3u. "Z-Tiw -.ZmlI-2?, r V.u: an..i.k ba. IZ ZZZZ? Petatoe LotaL 65-75 orair. es: tTSatST We4 isss clip. aos!asi: winasietu " v"4- Xm T' Rav aerial priee frsis prodaeer: al r.u. $11.50-12: eiow. atters Orr-a tl-etsy fi-so; ats saa vrus. Portland Livestock PODTLAND, Ore- Feb. 7 (AP). Cettte Receipts SS, calve 10; tUadf. R1tl B50 to BOO Mudl. seod $4.75- 5.25. aedlaa 04-4.T5. coone $2-4; SOO to 110 iMsdi. coed S4.S5-S. Bedia $2.75-4.95, eeaua 8J.7t-S.T5: 1100 to 1300 pooaaa. geea. a.o-. $8-8.85. Belters, 550 to 75 peoada, mod St.EO-4.7S. eorasBeB-medioa ST.Se- 4.60; 750 te 000 aeaaai. food choice 84-4.50, eommea-mediam $2-4. Cow, coed S4.S5-S.50. coasmos-mediaai 82-25-a IS tow niter nd eatter 81-1.25. Bella. yearlings exetaded. feed hef) 82.25- I eiuer-snun -- --'- -jm, is. 50-0. dlai 8t.35-S.50, - rnii-csM S2.S0-4.tS. Calvea 250 to 5,1".?1" C . e-- i ZZlZZZLi. vm-. .tir. 1 uAi Heat lto t loo pMada. tod I AMem. S1.M-8.V5. LirhtWtisht. 180 4 I . - , . c . isA - . bu mitM. m j b. m . .w "..rTias-ATs. Madisai weight 200 520 podt. $; 220 t tso I p-aaaa. H'T,.,r.VS. ii,sTo7 Paeki-g -wa. its t. sso i panada, good .to-s, sav i 9 -vm - l 82.60-s, 415 t 65 P $-0; ; 2Tt to S50 sMula stadias! 03.SO-2.75. read er aad ttookar ptgs. 70 to 130 pounds. good-eaoic, 8Z.M-. .... mi. ui tamW Beedott 50: tteady La.t. Tad dewa. n4jh-e YtorUa'f wdhrs. 8 to 110 -. v-i Za-L --4rm 82-8. Kww. 00 130 pada. gad-ek $1.00-, 110 1 ll.It-l.Ii, U woat- aea-siedia-i TS-s.X9. . A ttudy of farm forecloturat two Ohio coantlM showed n 1 rrtautn frrtTTi thrM In 1920 tO in the first nine months of ls Vacant Lot" Salem Markets Grade B raw i anilk. co-op pool price, S1.S8 per hand red. 8 orpins 91.10 KlIk bsMd ea sesU-raeataly -finturtst eversg.) BuUerfat Sweet, ITc; 15c. Prises paid t growers by Salera bsyers f ebraary 7 (Ta prlras aeiew, sspptieS sy a local groeer. are radtesetv t the flalty ssarkvt est are se raarseteeS r The Ota tee nasi raoft us raorxAaLBS Cartels. CaUt. crato X-1I Gnu Moprra, Osllt, Is. 40 Peat. CaliL lb. .15 Cskhags. lb. i -0SV4 Oairme, Se, kaaehea- PftUMea, TakiSM Na, 1 J5 .05 Fetat. local .75 to 1.00 i as Sweet ee4aleesL. erst CeUry bisns, dea. .70 Ls4taos, OsIU. 2.50 t 2.75 , .SS .60 .15 Tiwtees, aetkeaae, erate Omiess. LaMak. cwt Dsaish aaaaak. Sea. Hakbar sejaasa. if. Trsnalpt. hsadred , J01 IM .SO. 100 .05 JUaaark, aethoiue 75 OaHf, Ik. Apples Wtaeei w la Met! Spitssahergs Hewtswas 50 and .75 .50 40 and .00 .05 erat 1.10 .05 1.50 Ohae OaaECwwec, CaUL, BvssseU spreats Katabagaa. headred CrsaWrriaa. retail, la. Orsabsrrles. bbL , Oraares. P-P. .,- , ... Oraagsa faaey -, .15 a 2.00 1.50 .2.00 te 4.00 .TO 2.85 n .05 M Beets. Cailf.. dos. Taraipa, Calif., crat Bptaaeh. Caut. erate Peraiamoat. retail Orspea, Calif. S lba. uurs Tea. 1933. IK J7 .20 To. 1SS1. Is. CCM Saying Price Extras .13 .10 .04 Modi nail POUXTXT O'xl roosters Colored hast . .10 Mediaa bent. .07 ts .00 Jt te jOT .10 .10 f.igh4 turoi Bakers Light fryers Lambs, top . MXAT .5.00 Mora, tap .s.eo Hoga, first rata Ktaars Oows . Halters 3.5 0S U .04 01 to X9 J02 to JOt BalU .03 to .024 Drafted vesL top .OTH Dressed hein .05 OBADX iKD KAY Wheat westera red , Whit. K. 1 Barley, top, tea . 45 .45 .100 .16.00 J 5.00 Oats. -hit, toa Osta, fT J. top. tea Hit. fcsvtat prises - Oat aad vetth, tea Alfalfa, vallar, 14 eat Alftlfa, easlara OrtToa . 9.00 to 11X0 .10.00 t 11.00 14.S0 Horses and Cows Also Go Under as Weather Persists LYONS. Feb. 7 Several farm ers are having trouble with sick horse. George Berry lost a nice young animal last week with acute pneumonia, John Jungwirth also has two horses with the same sickness, but they appear to be recovering. The cold, foggy weather of the past week is thought to be causing a good part of the pneumonia in both cows and horses in this locality. Several dairy cows have been sick here during the lsst"wreek or 10 days. I f. p. r:s cake takes a CUT j in I Mill III I --Xjlt v..'-i -!-. . . i 'Mi 1 1 r .xi U I'y,;' T i .s .i , i-- - T'; , ' - !?v - ! v-:- ' . i i - v . -. ' - ! . ' ; p " -. - " ' ' - - . .V. .... . . . - . . :1r - , ' ' " - f a ey otf v-v- '' y rf ar.-.-aex-i- a- -Z x', at- - - to to President-eUct Franklin D. XLooesvelt Is shown as a eat th city-otnl ake presented him by his sons ea the fifty-first anniversary ef hiabirth. WatrAing the eereaotry and sun acting their ttpa in jMrtieipatkm ef the ielicaer to com are aoate of th 1M patients at the Warm Spring", Ga. forndation for Crippled Chfldwn. who helped tha President ct dispose of his birthday gift. In - IV l?fr Cl A1NT THllslKlN' OFltl Prices Easing Down; Grains Close is Little Changed CHICAGO. Feb. T (AP) Heavy snowfall throughout muck of the United States winter wheat belt tended today to alleviate fear of crop damage, aad to ease down. Soil and snow drifting, togeth er with severe low temperatures, were reported la extreme south west sections, bat buyers were not aggressive pending more def inite indications of injury te wheat. Special notice, however, was taken et signs of a second cold wave developing over Alas ka. Wheat closed nervous unchang ed to off compared with yes terday's tialsh. cora unchanged ta decline, eats unchanged to up. Todays cioaiag quotations: Wheat May. 4TVs; July. Sept. 49-fa. Corn May SSTs; July ; Sewt, Oats May, 17; July 1741 Sept, 17. Polk Grangers Move to Boost Seed Industry DALLAS, Feb. 7. Grange ag ricultural committees of Tolk county have started a project this year designed to stimulate the seed production indattry In that county. Each grange Is to choose at least one particular seed crop to be tried out by one of its mem bers to determine whether or not it has -possibilities as a cash crop. Possible crops diseased included seed flax, buckwheat, com, hairy vetch and certain flower and vege table seeds. County Agent Beck, a leader la the grange agricultur al committee work, is assisting with the new project. RS&EKDIXG SJ.ATKll LYONS, Feb. 7 Albert Ring purchased about 75 bushels of seed osta from the Scie Mill com pany. Farmers are having to re sow moat of the rrtmnd which was seeded last fall. Seed grain is rather scarce and priced high as results of the December freeze. Stocks and Bonds Febraary 7 (Copyright 1922. eHaetrrd Statistics C.l STOCK AVXaAGES 80 20 20 t tad'la EE s Ut't Total STOCK ATTmAOBS Today 40 4 5S.3 83.1 51 Pr. dav 40.9 28.2 81.S 51. Week at 61. it. 4 87. 55. 1 Year afo 32 S2.4 4.S til S jn ar 180.5 137.8 2JI.S 1C lfifh 1922 . 55.2 f0 0 05.8 53 Iw 181 48 5 it 1 81.S SI S lDh 1838 72.S 28.8 111. 71.S low 1932 S5.1 lf.2 61.8 35 aoirn AYExaoss 20 20 Today On 64.4 Pre. ds7 2 0 4.5 Week if A4.6 6S.T Tetr tf 47 73.1 2 yra age 82.8 105.1 High 1933 S8.1 85.7 Lew 1838 62.8 It 2 Hit 12 71.8 78,0 Lo 1?32 J2.2 M 20 82.1 818 82.8 82.1 86 J 8S.2 81 J al.9 TO 9 C 68J .f 71.S 74.1 98.S 71. est 78.1 57.S By CUFF STERRETX - r . '. ."-v .t t . . 45- t "- "1 .""V WELL DRILLING ana lots ox anniDoerr. war umiwu . t time will be offered for $2800. loT-OTOT 2 -8- R. A, Waat $0 years cperUwct 171 8. High Bt 1 102 a. Tew uura.