The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon Wednesflay Morning. Fetrnai 8, 1831 - PAGE TIIIlETr Society News and Club Affairs Oliye M. Doak, Society Editor Tryouts for Short Plays Tonight Of more than ordinary interest Is the announcement ot try-outs for the two three minute plays which will be a part of the pro gram which Is being planned as the second interesting offering ot the Salem Philharmonic orchestra association. The plays will be coached by Lucille Paulus and characters will be picked at the try-out which will be held tonight beginning at 7:30 o'cloek In the chamber of commerce rooms. Any one who desires to try out may do so and the more the bet- ter for at least one of the men characters will be a very difficult one to find. The cast for the two plays will include three men and two women. The plays are original and out of the usual and the shortness of them will make of them a sharp diversion from the ordinary. Tea Compliments Corvallis Guest Miss Grace Elizabeth Holman entertained at her home Sunday afternoon with a delightfully In formal tea compllmentng Miss Ruth Mispley. guest lh the city over the weekend and president of Miss Holman's sorority. Alpha Gamma Delta, in Oregon State college. Miss Lois Stelnie assisted Miss Holman in receiving and serving. Guests asked in to meet Miss Mispley Included Miss Margaret Gallagher, Miss Lois Steinke. Miss Margaret Heltzel, Miss Betty Dar ley. Miss Virginia Gallagher, Miss Virginia Richardson, Miss Faye Barber, Miss Lois Gallagher, Miss Elizabeth Gallagher, Miss Orma Mclntyre, and Miss "Pauline Scott. Dinner Meeting for Church Group SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, February 8 Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church, I: SO o'clock in church. Women's Home Missionary society of Jason Lee church, 2:30 o'clock at home ot -Mrs. Margaret Erp, 1380 North Winter street. Parent-Teacher-Student council meeting, 8 o'clock in auditorium of high school; program planned. Women's Foreign Missionary society of First Meth odist chureh, special Chinese luncheon, 12:30 o'clock; guest day. Ladies Guild of American Lutheran church, in church parlors. Progressive Health dub in Nelson's hall, 8 o'clock; any one interested may attend. Knight Memorial church Missionary tea at home of Mrs. W. F. Neptune, 785 North Capitol street. Sweet Briar cjub with Mrs. Ralph Allan. Family dinner meeting, (:30 o'clock in social rooms of First Congregational church, 8:30 o'clock. Thursday, February 9 , Thursday club with Mrs. George J. Pearce at her home. 267 North Winter street. Salem MacDowell club presents at Grand theatre Apollo club of Portland; William Van Hoogstraten di recting; reception to follow at Roberts studio. Daughters of Nile, regular meeting; IX o'clock luncheon; sewing planned. Mrs. A. L. Brown, hostess at her home, 1759 South Commercial street, to Priscllla Needle club for one o'clock luncheon. Maccabee Thimble club, with Mrs. Bertha Loveland, 405 South 25th street; 2 o'clock. All-Day meeting of Ladles Aid of W. R. C, at fair grounds; potluck luncheon at noon. All-day quilting and sewing for Ladies Aid of Jason Lee church. Potluck lunch at noon. Brush College Helpers with Mrs. John Schindler. Friday, February 10 Annual Japanese program presented as lobby offer ing at T. M. C. A., 8 o'clock. Mrs. Millard Doughton, hostess to Auxiliary to Na tional Letter Carriers association at her home, 1820 North 19th street; all-day meeting. High school girl's Glee club tea at home of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs, hours 3 to 6 o'clock; invitation to at tend by way of the press. Women's Missionary society of First Baptist church, . 2 o'clock with Mrs. F. M. Hoyt, 753 North Winter street. Brush College community club at school house. Card Event Sponsored By Eastern Star flilverton One of the lovely winter card parties was held Sat urday afternoon by the Eastern Star, in the Masonic temple. Four teen tables of bridge and "500 were played. Colonial Lady tallies carried out the February idea. Mrs. T. W. Tominson, Mrs. leorge Hubbs and Mrs. Roy Skalfe were in the receiving line. The hostess for each table was: Mrs. Frank Syring. Mrs. Ed Banks, Miss Bertha Aim, Miss Blanche Hubbs, Mrs. Cal Schlad or, Mrs. Errol Ross, Miss -Olivia DeGuire, Miss Elaine Clower, Mrs Robert Goeti, Mrs. Lee Alfred, Mrs. George Hubbs, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester, Mrs. L. C. Eastman and Mrs. J. Stranlx. The committee in charge. Mrs Errol Ross, Mrs. Lee Alfred and Mrs. Scott McPike, was assisted in serving the luncheon, which was carried out in a yellow and Kreen color -scheme, by Miss Olivia De Guire, Miss Bertha Aim, Miss Elaine Clower, Mrs. T. W. Tomin son, Mrs. Roy Skaife ana Mrs. Bert Meyers. High score in bridge was won I by Miss Rose Specht, and second Dy Mrs. Ed Heald. Mrs. E. E. Taylor won first In five hundred. Chemeketa Players Entertained Members of the First Congre- Macrcrini-Ravne gational church are anticipating maggini Dayne the regular monthly family sup- Nuptials DOiemniZed yet uiOTwiig iu ut3 uuicricu m me chureh social rooms at 8:30 o'cloek. Following the dinner hour an interesting program has been ar ranged concerning the Philliplne Islands and illustrated pictures will accompany the discussion. Members of the committee in charge include Mrs. J. M. Mar tin, Mrs. E. W. Meyers, and Mrs. J. R. Slmond8. Each family is asked to bring own table service, a covered dish, and sandwiches. The wedding of Miss Nina Maggini, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maggini of Sheri dan, to Albert Bayne, son of Mrs. George Bayne of Salem, was solemnized Saturday night at the parish house by Father Thomas V. Keenan. Only members f the two families were present for the simple service. Miss Estella Maggtni of Wood land, Cal., and James Smith were the only attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Bayne are both Mr'. Millard Doughton will en- graduate of the Oregon state 1 n nharmarv. Mrs. tertain niembers of the auxiliary 6 afflllated with Kappa Delta sorority and Mr. uayne to the National Association of Letter Carriers at her home for an all-day meeting Friday. Sew ing will be done for the Red Cross. A potluck luncheon will be served at noon and a business meeting will be held in the afternoon. with Krfppa Psi fraternity. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS Dlaconal lines tend to slender ize because they add height and detract from the width of the fig ure. The attractive home . frock sketched today follows this close ly and accents further Ita slender izing lines with contrasting bind ing. Buttons add a neat note of trim. Ideal for the gay cotton Prints in vogue. Pattern 2541 may be ordered only In sizes 38, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 48 and 50. Size 38 requires yards 39-inch fabric and SVs rards . binding. Illustrated step-by-step sewing; Instructions includ ed with pattern. Send IS eeoU la Mint or rUmpt CeoiM jrtof.rrod). for thlt pattora. Writ plainly yow mbm, idim ad style nombr. Be nn to ltU iso wBtd. 8enS or tte sprlar Mhk book. CoUlmint SS ooloWvl pages of loroly PrU-l-pirot odels fov rrory rta aood, this bowtifol book aowo how U bo ebie rrry .bour of t&o toy. Ivory stylo la practical, ad oaay to mk. Tboro aro moi la for tba larger f ifara, ad para f daurbtfal iualor sad kiddio atyloa. Prteo of eatalosY oeata. Catalog and pattcra togothr:95 oats. Addrota all mil ardors to , Statoaawa Pattora Department, 94S Woai 17th atroot, Kaw Tork lty. - - v. -, Aurora A meeting of much in terest to the Aurora club women, -art that for which Mrs. Veve Bradtl and Mrs. Diana Snyder were hostesses at the home ot Mra. Bradtl recently. Mrs. Francis irrana. Mrs. Aurelia Grim and Mrs. Hannah Hunt had charge of the program. The larger part of ha aftomonn was elven to the hiatorr of the greatest English classic, the Bible. A number of souvenirs from the holy land, among them a replica of David's sling were shown. Pictures or un coin were shown by Mrs. Ottoway Preceding the urogram Lois Manneck eave two vocal numbers A benefit card party for the Scholarship Loan Fund and other nledees was voted upon, to be held at the home of Mrs. J. W Sadler. In years past these parties have been very popular. It is de sired reservations be made In ad vance to insure accommodations At the tea hour the hostesses were assisted by Mrs. Ottoway and Mrs. Strickland. 00 Brilliant plans are being made for the Oriental tea Jor which the members of the Women's Foreign Missionary society will be hostess at 12:30 o'clock today In the church social rooms. An outstand ing program will be given con cerning China under the direction ot Mrs. John Vinton Scott. Many objects of Interest will be on dis play that will have a bearing on the remarks of Mrs. Scott. o A St. Valentine's dance is being planned by members of the Wis teria dancing club by the commit tee appointed to take charge of the February dance. The dance will be Friday night and the com mittee in charged includes Dr. and Mrs. Leon Barrick, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tumbleson, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mercer. o Aumsville The marriage of Miss Mable V. Hall to Everett V. Kaiser, was solemnized at 8 p. m. Saturday, by T. C. Mountain, be fore a group ot close relations. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. M. V. Hall of Albany, and the groom is the son ot Mrs. Hoyt Cupp. Both were students ot Aums ville high and were graduated here. They will Teslde In their new home at North Santiam. - Brush Creek Mr.- and Mrs. George Elton entertained at four tables of cards Saturday night for the pleasure of their daugh ter, Miss Ellen Elton. Three ta bles were in play at which Wilma S torts won high score and the consolation prize went to Harold Kniesse. Present were Miss Storts ot Salem, Mr. Kniesse, Oriet-Mo-en, Charlotte Goplerud, Walter Goplerud, Lyle vKrug, Robert Haage, MIlo Grace, Robert and Harland Moe, and Earl Scharr. The Missionary tea ot the Knight Memorial church will be held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. F. Neptune, 785 North Capitol street. Mra. Neptune, Mrs. Avis Perrine and Mrs. H. C. Sto ver will be hostesses. Chemeketa Players wither aionaay wgnt at the home of Fran u. Torgerson and Harold Mnhs on Statesman mtrmt fn discussion of production plans for ine spring season and to review we results er the first three months of production activity uratirying reports from the head a of the various departments were made. Business details were dis posed of and the scope of prodnc tlon enlarged. Chemeketa Players nlan durlnr the next three months to produce six piays, presenting two each month In Nelson auditorium. To accomplish this, it was decided to enlarge the group by five men and rive women. Present were Mr. and Mra. E. J. Peterson, Perry Preecott Rei gelman. Vernon Stohl, Victor Wil liams, Howard Cross, Lee Schea erman. Ervin Potter, Greta Seho- neid, Lillian Potter, Maxlne Pet tyjohn, Margaret Mary Zerzan and the hosts. Mrs. Muhs served refreshments. Mrs. Necia Buck. Mrs. Fred Tooze, Mrs. Lydia Lehman. Mrs. Olive Goodrich and Mrs. Jessie Cole, county team of the W. C. T. TJ., will motor to Woodburn la Lansing, Mary Pugh, Mary Friday to attend the all-day in stitute to t-e neid there. o Miss Orma Mclntyre entertain ed as her week-end guest, Miss Ruth Mispley of Oregon State college. Miss Mispley Is a soror ity sister of Miss Mclntyre, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. Ace High" Club Enjoys r .v n ... casement airy One of the most original ot the many original parties for which members ot the Ac High dub has been hostess in the past winter months. was that tor which Mrs. A. E. TJllman was hostess Tues day afternoon at her home. Spider webs and "spiders adorn ed the living rooms. Members were told to select a web and start winding it Into a ball which act directed them to the basement where all was in readiness for a gay afternoon In the environs ot the basement. No luxury was at tached to the basement room and even at the lunch hour burlap was used for attractive lunch cloths, Cards were In play tor several hours with Mrs. Gall Jones and Mrs. Murray Wade receiving win ning scores. Mrs. Gall Jones was a special guest tor the afternoon. The next meeting will be an evening affair for which the husbands will bo guests and will be held-at the Lor en Howe home. I , Bridge Evening at Cannon Home o Miss Dorotha Cannon and Miss Honora Reldy entertained at the C. C. Cannon home Monday night with an attractive bridge evening complimenting Mrs. Clark Jack son. Cards were In play at four ta bles and following this a late sup per was served by the hostesses assisted by Mrs. C. C. Cannon. . Pioneer. Sunday a birthday dinner was enjoyed at the How ard Coy home in honor ot their son Jimmie Ray. ' Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coy and Children, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dell and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Slater and daughters. Maxlne and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hughess and son, Muriell Dornhecker and Mrs. James Coy of Cottage Grove. 2 LINCOLN MODEL ".": V - -. . v " - v , : ' r j' ,.. f T ! ';Vte ..y, . Mf .:.. ' - ' "-I --M v Tsii -,11"' U0FCI1HU ivnoNPHoeni State Commander Jones of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Comrade Kellogg, commander of the fife and drum corps of the G. A. R., both of Portland, were Selected as the girl most closely apDroachinff the description of Ana Rutledge, the boyhood sweetheart of Abraham Lincoln, Miss Katha rine Peterson (above), of Chicago, will act as model for Paul Von Klit ben, celebrated artist who will paint the picture to hang in the Lincoln exhibit at the Chicago Century of Progress Exposition. Miss Peter son is red-haired and weighs 11? pounds. WEST 8TAYTON. Feb. T. The community club .met at the school house Friday night. It was decided to hare a pie social at the school house, Friday night, Feb ruary 17. After the business meeting, a Program was given by women as follows: Musical number, by a violin trio. Miss Gladys Burgess. Miss Mabel Kullander and Charlotte Martin all ot Aumsville, accom panied at the piano by Mrs. Seth Davidson; reading by Carvel Gib son; song by doable trio, Mrs. Fred Dlckman, Miss Butcher, Mrs. 1 Fred Denham, Mrs. Seth Down er, Miss Antoinette Irish. Mrs. Verne Irish and Miss Joyce Hen dry, accompanied by Mrs. Edla England ot Salem; reading by Marlon Hetzel; speech by Mrs. Ar thur Forette; play The Burgler," by Mrs. Seth Downer, Ms. Harry Rlshel, Mrs. William Rayse, Miss Butcher and Miss Una Lewis; musical number, by an orchestra composed of Mrs. Harry Rishet. Mrs. Seth Downer, Miss Gladys Burgess, Charlotte Martin and Dorothy Ashe; reading by Miss Mabel walker; vocal duet by Mrs. Hull aa Itru Ela , Engl. a jlaymie Sweet raxniU.":thr east Including Mrs. Benjamin,. ' Chamberltn, Miss Antoinette Irish, : : Bonnie Crane, Velma Rayse, June ' Rlshel. Hazel Comstock, J- . phlne Snoddy and Marion HetxeL v The Judges Toted the men's pro gram the best, so tho women will give a dinner for them. Chicken Dinner is Held for Bandsmen ' By Farmers Union PIONEER, Feb. T. Friday night the Mt. Pisga local enter tained the Salt Creek band with a chicken supper. After the bus iness meeting, at which time four new members were received, the 17-ptece band directed by Charley Ross, entertained with several band selections. The Salt Creek supper was an impromptu pro gram ot songs and, readings were also enjoyed. CHURCH RAISES FUNDS INDEPENDENCE, Feb. T. A basket social, sponsored by the young people, was held at the Baptist ehurh Friday night, when 814.50 was raised to apply on the back Indebtedness ot the church. Preceding the sale of baskets, the young people presented a program. o oo Commander Gideon Stols and Mrs. Florence Shlpp, department president of the Women's Relief Corps, concerning the G. A. R. encampment which will be held In Salem in June. o o Mrs. Keith Pdwell entertained at her home in Wood burn Tues day with an attractive luncheon for her club members and for Mrs. Roy Simmons and Mrs. J. H. We mean just that and if yoa are not entirely satis fied with your purchase bring It back on the same or following day and we win refund your money. Just a few of the many bar gains to be found at Breier's: Former Price . 98c MEN'S MEDIUM WEIGHT COTTON UNDERWEAR Sale Price in Salem Tuesday conferring with Callaghan as special guests. 60c MEN'S FULL CUT CHAM BRAY WORK SHIRTS P. L. E. and F. Club Elects Officers An interesting afternoon of business and social affairs enter tained members of the P. L, E and F. clnb at the Knights ot Pythias hall Tuesday afternoon Officers were elected and plans were made for the coming year's work. Following this informal conversation and refreshments were enjoyed. President for year is Lettle Hansen; vice-president, Laura Johnson; treasurer, Axsel Htxson; press correspondent, Cora Church Present were Lettie Hansen, Laura Johnson, Dell Shellbey, Mamie Calloway, Mary Aplln, El Vicks Antiseptic Opens A New Way to Economy New Mouthwash and Gargle By the Makers of Vicks Yapo- Rub Does Everything An Oral Antiseptic Can And Should Do At Half the Usual Cost! 29 98c MEN'S PLAIN COLOR j BROADCLOTH DRESS SHIRTS K GJ 2.49 MEN'S FELT DRESS HATS 1.89 MEN'S HEAVY COTTON WORK PANTS Local Druggists Have Special Trial SUe a 23c Valve for Only 10c While Supply Lasts. Marshall, Delia Bushnell, Maggie Knighton, Cora Church, Mabel Erickson, Myrtle Burk, Atsel Hlxson and Susie Pannenteer. The next meeting will be Feb ruary 21. o o o Woodburn The women of the Presbyterian Aid society will hold their next meeting at the church Wednesday afternoon. There will be a program in charge of Mrs. H. F. Butterfleld. Hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. R. L. Free- burg, Mrs. C. R. Faulconer, Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. A. C. Nel son. Mrs. F. E. Morrison will enter tain the Woodburn Rural club at her home on the Pacific highway Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Elmer Mattson, Mrs. M. B. Myers and Miss Wilma Morrison as Joint hostesses. During the afternoon Mrs. Hiram Overton will give a talk on "Health". Qulnaby. Fftends of Boyd Panther surprised him on his birthday Friday. The evening was spent in dancing and games. Those present were the Misses Evelyn Working, Evelyn Beckner, Pearl Jones, Maud Kephart, Izor ah Kephart, Alta Panther and Or vllle Malm, Ralph Wagus. Richard Blaire, Ernest Savage, Dennla and Leonard Kephart, Edward Hamil ton, Albert Koehler, Boyd Pan ther, Richard and Hubert Pan ther and the hosts Mr. and Mrs. Panther. (Watch for RedTagDays To the millions who use a wouth-wash or gargle for halito sis (bad breath), oral hygiene, and other antiseptic uses--here Is news, Indeed, ot unusual' savings. The makers ot Vicks VapoRnb have produced a quality oral an tiseptic Vicks Voratone Antisep tic at actually less than half prevailing prices. The regular sise, large 10-ounce bottle a usual 7 Be value Is only 35c. This answer to the public's problem of antiseptic costs Is made possible by the record low prices of raw materials, combined with Vicks facilities for mass pro duction. Born in a depression year and priced accordingly. Vicks Vo ratone Antiseptic brings a new revelation of economy in an arti cle widely accepted as a modern household necessity, Vicks Quality, Of Conrae Quality in keeping with the Vicks name and reputation is, of course, maintained in this new product. It is the best oral anti septic Vicks Chemists could pro duce . . . and they were aided in their research by the chemists. bacteriologists, and pharmacolo gists ot their 11 allied organisa tions, both here and abroad. Vicks Voratone is a balanced antiseptic Mild enough for dally use without risk to delicate mem branes. Strong enough to do ev erything an oral antiseptic can and should do. It is designed for all usual uses In the customary way. TJausaal Trial Offer Of course, the only real proof of Its Quality and Its economy Is in actual use. To furnish such proof, the makers hsve supplied druggists with five million bot tles of a special trial else at less than cost of manufacture. Each bottle contains 2 ounces a 25e value. The price while the supply lasts Is only 10c Adv. 2.98 MEN'S HEAVY ALL LEATHER WORK SHOES. 3.98 LADIES' SUPPERS, PUMPS OR OXFORDS 93 4.98 LADIES' ARCH SUP PORT TIE SUPPERS $31.47 5.95 LADIES' SPRING STYLE SILK DRESSES 25c WOMEN'S MERCERIZED COTTON HOSE 1.49 MEN'S DRESS CAPS, UNBREAKABLE VISORS 2.98 BOYS SCHOOL SHOES OR OXFORDS 2.97 67c 03L.47 141 N. Commercial SU, Salem 53 FREE! A $2.00 FACIAL Through the Courtesy of Colonial Dames All This Week! Cosmetic Section phone sm MILLER'S EVERY year your family, and every family of your acquaintance, tpends about 0 per cent of its income just for living, exclusive of rent so economic experts tell us. Think what this means e.ven 'dollars out of every ten invested in food, clothing, household utilities and all the multitude of things that keep a family comfortable and happy. That part of spending is readily understood. Butxlo you realize that every manufacturer and'retaler of these necessities is planning how HE can get your dollar? It's a big job to spend so much money wisely and well. It re guires careful business methods to get the best 'possible returns from each dollar that leaves the family purse. The clever woman goes for help to the advertisements in her daily paper. There she finds a directory of buying and selling. She learns about the offerings of merchants and manufacturers. She compares values. She weighs quality and price. She takes this op portunity of judging and selecting almost everything she needs to feed, clothe, amuse, instruct and generally bring up her family. The Friday morning Statesman carries the food advertising of Salem. By using this paper as a guide to your buying you can not only save and be able to get more for your money, but you can save time in making your selections. i .WA3F5HI