The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair aad cold today awl
Wednesday; Max. Trmp-
Moaday 40, Mia. 29, ttrer
8-8 feet, raia JQ1 inch, dear,
aorta winds.
'Jan. 'S3 v.
Net paid, dally, Sunday .(tf&l
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, February 7, 193
No. 271
Proposal Is Turned Over to
Committee After Council
Argues its Merits
$150 Of Budget Relief Fund
S. AKionirf tn JUJirhTH
I Assigned o Associaiea
Charities, Decision
Dissension over civic charitable
activities in Salem moved from
local relief headquarters to the
city council chamber last night
ai propositions . vera broached
tor city participation in the scrip
schema of the Currency exchange
and for immediate appropriation
to Associated Charities of the en
tire $300 budgeted for relief
work. The scrip resolution landed
in the ways and means committee
basket and Alderman S. A.
Hughes. Associated Charities
president, obtained $150 cash for
his organisation.
After Percy A. Capper and Ru-
fus A. Harris had explained the
operation of the relief scrip now
in circulation among certain busi
ness firms and men employed on
Currency exchange relief projects.
Alderman David- O'Hara moved
that a resolution calling for city
participation In the plan be adopt.
ed. Alderman O. A. Olson quickly
arose to state he believed the
chamber of commerce was oppos
ed to the proposition. He was sec
onded by W. M. Hamilton, speak
ing from the gallery, who declar
ed "several business men are not
sold on the Idea . . . Eugene con;
sldered it and turned it down."
More time for investigating the
scrip scheme was asked by Alder
man Hughes, who said he knew
nothing of its operation. O'Hara
rejoined that objections to the
plan were not valid and that
"the rights of 28,000 people are
paramount to tne interests, or a
small group of business men."
Hughes Seeks Entire
Relief Appropriation
The scrip resolution was laid
on the table, made a special ord-
er of-business forkthBxteet-1
ing, then referred to the ways and
means committee,
Alderman Hughes precipitated
the second relief argument when
he announced the word "Associ
ated" had been stricken from the
1300 budget item for "charities'
and moved that the full. sum be
made available to Associated
Charities, which, he complained.
had no funds since every other
relief organization was getting
tunas elsewhere through drives.
while the Charities had staged no
The council should first know
how the Associated Charities
funds are spent. Alderman Fuh
rer said, in effect.
"This is the first time we've
been accused of any crookedness,"
.aiaerman Hughes Quickly declar
ed, neateaiy.
Alderman Olson chimed in to
say that other organizations also
need funds, and moved that $150
do given to Hughes' organization,
n.m.nin w;;t ;r ,r.r.:
eligible to receive a portion of the
relief fund.
use of a part of the $1500
emergency fund for relief purpo
ses was suggested, by Alderman
Paul Hendricks; but Alderman V.
K. Kuhn protested that the street
department would need some of
th tmarrMn ,, f . -
foremen and tracks employed In
the relief jobs beinr provided.
The $150 appropriation for As
sociated Charities finally passed
oy a xz to w vote.
R. F. C. Loan for Dock
Brought Up Aeain
Reappearing in the form of a
resolution authorizing the mayor
-..v, iuuto corpurauoa I laTn
for a 25-year 275.000 ln.n .l,emJ
municipal aock proposition
referred to the public utilities
A heavy grist of routine busi
ness and communications kept
the aldermen busy until 9:30
o crocx.
On receipt of the resignation of
Mrs. A. N. Bush, recently elected
to the park board, the eaiini
voiced regret that she was unable
aarva on the board, and elected
L. P. Aldrich, former member, to
till the Yacaney.
Potest of the "inequitable li
cense against hotels" a netitinn
signed by representatives of lead
ing Salem hotels, requested that a
neanng on the licenses be given
The matter was referred to the V
eense committee.
Relief in Flood
District Talked
By City Council
Relief to residents of Waldo ad
dition, . who suffered extensive
property, damage in recent creek
overflows, was contemplated by
the city council last night after it
received ft petition from property
owners there stating the sewage
water backing np in their base
ments as high as , four feet had
forced many residents to abandon
their homes in the addition.
.The problem was referred to the
ewer committee and to the city
engineer, who was instructed to
prepare slans and estimate the
cost fct Temedylnsj the situation.
Kidnaped Woman is
? reed at
Death is
Staggers up Walk to her
Hands of Clock in Terror; Fragmentary
Story of Captivity is Related
T OS ANGELES, Feb. 6 (AP) At the hour marked for
her death. Mrs. Marv R. SlreeiA. 65. vcif of TWn Walter
F - Skeele of the college of music of the University of South-
ern California, was returned to her home tonight by a gang
wvi, hA iam w - ;v,.
. Spiriting her away at 8 o'clock last night, the gang left
Ant! - Parallel Service Bill
Reported Unfavorably
Following Hearing
mm m
onarp washes between repre
sentatives of railroad bus lines
and Independent operators mark
ed the hearing Monday night at
the statehouse on the Hilton bill
which would make it illegal for
railroads to operate other ser
vices paralleling their own lines,
or for any utility to compete with
An extensive case in opposition
was put on by the Union Pacific
bus line operators who brought
many eastern Oregon residents
and . city leaders to testify that
existing service was good and
elimination of It was opposed. A
C. Spencer, Union Pacific attor
ney, neaaed tne delegation op
posing the bill. L. C. Hampson,
representing the Southern Paci
fic, pointed to the recent national
report on busses and trucks com
piled by representatives of both
groups, which he said was op
posed to legislation like the Hil
ton bill.
Representative Hilton made
the nrinclpal argument for the
measure. He declared railroads
need their .financial strength to
prop npc losing bus operations to
force out competition and' thus
eventually to monopolise ana
profit by bns operation
After the hearing, Hilton's bin
was reported out adversely Mon
day night. The bill to permit
munlclsal utilities having a com
mon user of power lines owned
bv Dublic utilities was also re
ported ont unfavorably.
At a meeting of more than (0
prominent business men repre
senting all linos of retail business,
held last evening at the chamber
of commerce, endorsement was
given of Home bill 266. known
as the fair trade bin or tne na-
tional MU known as the Keller
Cape,r Wh
Endorsement was also voted of
the antl-dlscrlmlnation bill, H. B.
282. One provision. Is that it shall
be illegal to discriminate in ra
tal prices between different com
munities in tie state.
Fake sales was fully discussed
i ana enaorseneni wu given .
265. known as the fake sale
and endorsement was given of
bill, which makes It illegal to
substitute on merchandise adver
tised or to effer goods for sale
when no stock is really carried, or
a very limited amount
Opposition was voted to a. a.
36. offered by Hannah Martin,
known as a selective sales tax.
X -iI"o "SETS V
Opinion was expressed that this
House bill No. 49, known as
the peddlers' bill, was condemned
by vote as detrimental to the re-
tall interests of the city.
O. F. Tats, secretary of the
State Retail Merchants' associ
ation, explained measures of in
terest to rettdl business.
Engineers Advise Against
The report ot the army engi
neers is adverse to the canalisa
tion of the Willamette river be-
h611 fgon City and Salem at
uie present uui,
dslvely adverse to any such im
provement ot the river above ea-
lem to Eugene. Tne stumbling
block la the cost which it estimat
ed at from $5,000,000 to $6,000,-
000 for the river below Salem and
$20,000,009 above Salem.- Privil
ege of appeal from the recom
mendations ot tne division engi
neer to the board ot engineers is
permitted and chamber of com
merce officials will study tile sit
nation to determine what further
steps to take. Appeal will doubt
less be made through the Oregon
delegation In congress.
- The following summary of the
report Unas? been, given out -by
Lieut. Colonel Thomas M.' Rob
ins, division engineer, with of
fices in the custom bouse in Ban
The report finds that the cost
of providing a 6-foot slack-water
Hour her
Home as Family Eyes
long note stating she would ale
I at the end of 24 hours.
As the hands of the clock in the
Skeele home, tensely watched by
members of the family and
friends, stood almost exactly at
that hour tonight, the trail little
woman came feebly up the walk.
She was crying hysterically. Her
face was covered with scratches
and bruises, and her graying hair
was la disarray.
She was incoherent when her
husband ran down the walk and
took her in his arms.
A physician ordered opiates, and
authorities were able to gather
only a fragmentary story on which
to send the agencies of the law
in pursuit of the abductorr.
There were four men," she
managed to relate. "They tied me
and blindfolded me in an automo
bile after they got me from the
house by saying my husband was
badly hurt and in a hospital.
"They took me to a house with
big stone steps," she proceeded.
I think I heard a woman's voice
upstairs in the house. I don't know
where it was. I can't tell much
about It."
Later she said that early to
night her captors entered the
room where she was confined and
told her she had "been pretty good
and could go home now."
City, School District and
County Levies Reduced
20 per Cent, aim
A bill by Representative Gor
don placing a flat 20 per cent re
duction on all city, school district
and county budgets for 19 33 as
levied in 1932 and collectable
this year, was passed by the
house Monday.
Amendments made in commit
tee and accepted by the house
make the forced reduction not ap
plicable to Items provided for
bond Interest and principal.
The cut may be distributed by
administrative officers on such
Items as they see fit.
The bill evoked comparatively
little debate and carried by a con
siderable majority.
The preamble to the measure
sets out that the state tax has
been consistently reduced over the
last decade while local district
taxes have increased. Representa
tive Gordon spoke for the measure
as ft necessary, though drastic,
step on the part of the state, to
reduce taxes in all areas.
The house adjourned shortly
after it had finished the mea
sure's consideration. A score of
bills up for final passage were
held over. '
Hoover Home at
Stanford . Aiire ,
But Damage Nil
Cal., Feb. 6. (AP) Firemen
o'clock this evening to extinguish
bert Hoover's residence here.
The blase, which firemen said
originated from ft fireplace in
the living room, caused no dam
age and was quickly pnt out. The
home was occupied only by ser
vants. Canalization
channel between Eugene and Sa
lem will be about $20,000,000
which is obviously out of all pro
portion to the benefits that may
be expected to accrue from such
improvement For the stretch ot
river between Salem and Oregon
City, the cost ot providing ade
quate slack-water navigation will
vary between $5,000,000 and $6,-
000,000 depending on the reve
nue that can be had from the sale
of power. Such an Improvement
might result in a saving in trans
portation costs amounting to
$140,000 per ' annum, - but this
would not be sufficient to pay in
teresjt on the investment and meet
the. expense t of operation and
maintenance -
The existing locks at WOlam-
ette falls are found to be ade -
quate tor present and prospective
commerce. In view ot the fore
going, the conclusion is reached
that the Willamette river above
Portland, Oregon,, Is not worthy
ot further improvement by eanal-
l ixation at this time.
Hitch-Hikers' Crime Deemed
Solved; Signature in
Newspaper Clue
oore Susnect Declares
mvZ '
Hnmnamnn was S aver:
Companion was. Slayer;
Robbery Motive
LA GRANDE, Ore., Feb. 6.
(AP) State Poliee Captain Lee
Noe said tonight that William J.
Moore, 24, arrested here today,
confessed being implicated In the
slaying of Harold O'Connor, 30,
Brooklyn, N. T. motorist whose
body was found at Cooper Falls,
3S miles east of Portland, Sep
tember 11.
Captain Noe quoted Moore as
stating that a third person whofe
name he would not divulge was
the one who actually fired the
shots that ended O'Connor's life.
After the slaying, Noe said
Moore confessed, Moore and the
third man drove to Portland,
where they spit up, the unnamed
'man taking O'Connor's money and
Moore taking the Brooklyn man's
travelers' checks and automobile.
Lieutenant R. C. Williams of
th Portland office of the state
po'Vee said that the signature,
"Win. J. Moore" reproduced In a
feature article in a newspaper
Sunday led to the arrest of the
man authorities had sought for
The signature was that appear
ing directly under O'Connor's on
the register of a Baker, Ore., ho
tel. T. J. Matschlner, elerk at a
Portland hotel, read the article
and noticed the similarity ef the
signature and that
ot "W. J.
Moore" registered at his hotel
for several days last summer.
Matschlner pointed the similarity
out to Portland poliee and gave
the further information that
Moore had become acquainted
with Verona Stoop, 22, Portland
waitress, and told them she had
left the city with Moore about the
time of the O'Connor slaying.
Police learned through rela
tives that he girl was last known
to be in La Grande and notified
Captain Noe, who located the
house where the two, now mar
ried, were living. Moore did not
resist arrest.
EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 6 (AP)
J. Ben Mall, Florence attorney,
was killed In his office there
about 5:30 this afternoon. A. A.
Robb of Florence Is being held by
authorities after giving himself
up as Hall's slayer.
Robb had had some trouble
with Hall over some timber land.
He is reported to have told offi
cers that he sneaked up behind
Hall and hit him over the head
with ft glass insulator of the type
used on power tines.
After hitting Hall Robb called
a doctor and then gave himself
up to Deputy Sheriff Grant Treat
of Florence. Death was said to
be almost Instantaneous. Sheriff
Tom Swart, Sergeant W. H. Mul
key of the state police and Coro
ner Charles Poole went to Flor
ence to Investigate. It waa ex
pected that Robb . would be
brought to Eugene tonight.
Hall is survived by his widow
and son, Kenneth Hall of Oswe
go, Oregon.
j XOUtu eT
To Death Near
Mexico Border
SAN DIEGO, Cel., Feb. 6
(AP Frosen to death, the body
or Francis Peterson, XI, was
found today on the Isolated Rich
ard Harper ranch in the Cnyam-
aea mountains 60 miles east of
here and 20 miles north ot the
Mexican border.
. Peterson left his home in San
Diego January 25 to go to the
Harper ranch for an outing. He
drove hie automobile as tar as
Julian, and began the last 12!
miles 4 o the ranch on snow shoes.
Heavy storms had left tour feet
of snow around Cuyamaca lake
which he had to pass.
TL. ' ti ,.
I lii 66 i lmeS 3S '
Many Will'Seek
Seed Loans Now
SPOKANE, Wash.. Feb.
(AP)-i-Nearly three times as
many nortjrweet fanners, track
gardeners and fruit growers will
seek crop production loans in!
1922 aa sonant them last year. J.
iL. Thayer, state inspector of the
I loan division, estimated today.
' Last year. 1.037' loans were
granted, Thayer : said, with the
prospect being the number will
be increased to 15,000 this year.
About $2,000,000 will be renulr
m was
Likely to Take
Treasury Post
V', '-,
- - ?!
t. s T J
. 4 AA
. :-:: V?.-x- swsipi - & v. . r.
' v 7" '
Senator Carter Glaaa, of Vir
ginia, who is believed the
choke of President-elect Roose
velt for the portfolio of secre
tary of the treasury in his cabi
net. He was secretary of the
treasury for a time in the cabi
net of President Wood row Wll
Turner High Students are
Involved; icy Pavement
Cause of Accident
Two persons were Injured pos-
slbly seriously and others slightly
when a school bus transporting
students to Turner high school
skidded on the icy pavement yes
terday morning and crashed into
the wooden bridge a mile east of
Turner, as the bus was schooiward
C. A. Bear, driver of the bus
was badly shaken up and bruised
and sustained broken ribs, accord
tnsT to report here, and Rachel
Garner, a student, has a probable
fractured hip. She Is under ob
servation of a doctor here.
Three other students were tak
en to a hospital at Turner; Mar
jory Plckard, Audrey Shoen and
Jean Snyder, but were returned
to their homes later In the day,
The Shoen girl Is said to have re
ceived a broken nose
No report of the accident .had
been tiled with the county sheriff
here yesterday evening, but an In
surance adjuster from Salem was
summoned shortly after the acci
dent. The slippery pavement caused
several other minor accidents on
Turner roads yesterday, but no
other injuries were reported.
Bear, who is driver of the bus,
is also chairman of the school
board ai Turner, and is a farmer
of that community.
Every Marion county official
and employe whose salary is $80
or over per month, took the 10
per cent cut suggested by tne
county court and tax equalization
i league during session preliminary
to adoption ot the budget, war
rants going out last week tor Jan
uary showed.
These reductions win return to
the county about $5000 In the
I year, or slightly less than $420 a
Reductions taken by the court
house "family" do not Include any
on salaries of the circuit' Judges
and the district attorney who are
paid by the state.
Late Sports
6 (AP) With two regulars out
on personal fouls, the Whitman
five overcame a five point lead to
defeat College of Paget Sound,
Tacoma, 29 to 35, in the last few
minutes of a rousing game here
Loss to either team meant vir
tual elimination from considera
tion for the Northwest conference
championship and the play was
close throughout. Whitman lead-
ins; 18 to 17 at the half.
Bates, C P. S. center, was
demon under the basket, with 16
points to his credit.
The teams play again tomorrow
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 'O
(AP) Joe Reno of New. Orleans
was awarded a victory over Hal
Heibert of St. Helena, Ore., in the
main event ot t nlght's wrestling
card here wheu Heibert was un
able to return to the mat after
teach had taken a fall.
! Rex Mobley, 164, Alabama, de-
teated Hal Cox, 159. Denver, two
falls ont, of three in the seml
windup. Art O'Reilly. 145, Eu
gene, won over Louie Welium,
147, Oregon City, In . the. opener
when he too one talL
Lengthy Debate on Wisdom
Of gag law Indulged in;
Bill is Sidetracked
"Red" Perils Stressed by
Duncan and Goss; Eight
Members Disagree
Repeal 'of Oregon's criminal
syndicalism law, as proposed In
Senator Zimmerman's bill, was
sidetracked when the senate voted
22 to 2 to accent the mlnoiitr re
port brought in from committee
by Senators Goss and Duncan.
This report favored retention of
the law and the vote postponed
consideration of the bill indefin
"There have been only two
prosecutions under this law dur
ing the past two years," Senator
Duncan said, "and In one of these
eases the conviction was reversed.
This would indicate that the aet
is not as vicious as the nronon-
ents of the repeal would have you
believe. If there are some un
wise provisions in the law they
should be amended but the entire
act should not be repealed."
Senator Dickson branded the
criminal syndicalism law as a
clear Invasion of the rights of
American citizens.
"I hold no brief for communists
or so-called reds," Dickson said,
"other than holding to the belief
that they have the right of neace-
able assemblage. The press of the
state generally is opposed to re
tention ef the syndicalism law or
the unfair restriction of free
"Who is it that objects to this
law?", Senator Staples asked. "It
is the band of fellows who came to
Salem recently singing: Well
hang Julius Meier to a sour apple
tree xnis whole thine Is bunk
Are we going to be Americans and
stand for Americans or are we to
be dictated to by foreigners?"
"The chief importance ot this
controversy lies in the character
of the men who are demanding re
peal of the law," Senator Goss
said. "How many of yon senators
would say that you favor violence
and sabotage? The principal use
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 1)
West Salem city aldermen en
gaged in fiery argument at last
night's meeting over the proposed
dismissal of all appointive officers
When they voted to dismiss the
five officers at once, the latter ob-
ected and questioned the council's
right to take such action. The al
dermen then voted to hold over
the dismissal motion for three
weeks while an opinion was being
obtained on the legality ot the
Officers affected by the propos
al are: City Attorney Elmer D
Cook, Police Chief J. A. Gosser,
Water Superintendent W. L. La
Due and Water Commissioners
Robert Pattiion and Eugene
Krebs. Chief Gosser is constable
for the West Salem Justice eourt
The aldermen refused to give
any reason for the proposed dis
missals. It was reported.
Missins Plane
Found DisabledM'w ... r
" i mftntv --w., board were approved in full.
I (AP) A plane missing since
yesterday on a flight from Prince
Rupert to Anyox with seven per -
sons on board, Including five pro -
vincial poliee officers, was found
by the steamer Salage Princess
near Klnoollth late . today, dis -
abled with engine trouble.
Basic Science Bill Wins
Favor; Expected to Pass
The so-called basic science bill.
now called the fundamental sci
ence measure, apparently will car
ry in the house, that body yester
day voting down the adverse mi
nority report, 38 to li. The biu
now comes np for third reading
and final decision.
Representative Dammasch, fath
er of the measure, which would
require all medical healers in the
future la this atate to take exam
inations in five basic sciences re
lating to the healing' art, led the
house debate which continued for
two and one-half hours. .
- Dammasch characterized the
legislation as a step comparable
to that taken by many other states
and ia the Interests of the public
Representative Frank Hilton
led the fight for the minority re
port. He argued against further
restriction on osteopaths, naturo
paths and : other healers, saying
present restrictions "were ade
quate. Hilton said he thought the
fundamental science ' bill came
Flat 15 Percent cut
n State Salaries is
Substitute Proposal
City Treasurer
Report Reveals
Balance $8767
1932 with a treasury balance ot I
$87,867.97, City Treasurer C. O.
Rice notified the city council last
night in his annual report. Re
ceipts for the year amounted to
6638.732.66, expenditures $550,-
The total of balances In the
various funds was $232,077.12,
which $144,209.16 reduced to the !
actual treasury balance. The gen
eral tund balance was listed as
$40,324, bond assessment $126,-
078, fire bond sinking fund $14.
080, street tax $20,528 and street
Improvement department $12,824,
along with a number of smaller
"Penny" Bids, Intimidation
' I
Of Bidders are hit by
Nebraska Ruling
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. . (AP)
Legal disapproval was given
today to the violence and intimi
dation by farmers at some mort
gage foreclosure auctions.
Paul F. Good, attorney-general
of Nebraska, said courts would de
clare void sales at which crowds
ot farmers, seeking to protect
neighbors from dispossession,
thwarted foreclosure by "penny"
Relief for the farmer and tor
the investor In his mortgages
meanwhile received the concerted
attention of legislators and lend
ers. At Omaha, representatives of
Insurance companies and financial
houses which hold more than a
billion dollars worth of mortgages
on Nebraska and Iowa land de
bated means of protecting both
loan companies and farmers.
whose interests were held to be
virtually parallel.
Consideration was being given
proposed boards ot conciliation as
a means of keeping farms in the
hands of Individual owner-opera
tors, rather than In large corpora
In declaring intimidated sales
to be void, Attorney-General Good
said there ia serious doubt that
existing mortgages would be re
lieved by current legislative pro
posals. He declared many farmers
able to meet their obligations are
being victimised by neighbors and
that foreclosures are being held to
a minimum.
The general eommittee of the
Salem group of patriotic organ
izations met last night at the
chamber of commerce rooms to
plan the entertainment program
for the state convention ot the
G. A. R. and affiliated organiza
tions to be held here late In June
lot this year.
the convention the last to be held
I some time early in June. These
I meetings will combine business
and social activities.
1 Committees to prepare tor the
1 convention were appointed last
I night listed under the following
I heads: Reception, budget and un-
1 anee, courtesy and housln
from the wrong party inasmnch as
Dr. Dammasch is ft physician. Ho
said the measure waa an attempt
by one group to curb the practice
of another. He predicted ft bien
nial legislative tight en the meas
ure if it passed.
Representative Wyers spoke for
the bill, saying "A friend of mine
waa killed by a chiropractor and I
consider former legislatures wlilch
have refused lo pass this legisla
tion at fault.' He said no practi
tioner of ability should resent thi
bill which aimed to Increase the
standards ot men practicing heal
ing. .
Representative Saedeeor declar
ed the measure would be eminent
ly fair and sound In principle. He
cited safeguards in the methods of
examination and certain religious
exemptions. Representative Beck
man said he thought the bill pro
vided for "A. B. C essentials ot
medical knowledge.
; f X worked to keep the wolf from
(Turn to Page 2, CoL 1
Meier Scheme is Eyed
By Ways and Means
Committee now
Will oave lYlOre 1 nail
Original Program,
Members Find
A flat 15 per cent reduction ia
salaries ot state officials and em
ployes this biennium instead oi
the seven to 50 per cent cut or
iginally decided upon by the ways
and means committee, seemed
certain last night, when the com
mittee voted to delay final con
sideration on the new proposal
until tonight but indicated t
new plan had its approval.
The new schedule was offered
by Governor Meier. It allows, de
partment heads discretionary
power in determining the exact
salaries to be paid and what
workers shall receive less a4
what workers shall receive mom
than the 15 per cent reduction.
Members of the committee -
lned th1 th ne
1aiTw a vt n wd Crsa ran u t Inn at w
oeaaeaa j eaaasa mc ,-rjc "
proposed by Governor Meier after
auditors had reported that 61.
503,000 would be saved during
the biennium by applying the flat
15 per cent cut to all state de
partments and institutions.
Figures submitted at the meet
ing showed that the original sal
ary and wage reductions recom
mended by Henry M. Hanies,
state budget director, would have
saved the state approximately
$1,081,000. Savings under the
committee proposal would hare
totalled $1,394,000. The Abrama
schedule would have saved tbe
state $1,446,000.
Governor Meier suggested tbit
In case bis proposal was accept
ed, a fund of 6200,000 be et
aside out of which to adjust and
correct salaries and wages la too
lower brackets. Members of tka
committee Indicated that the
amount requested by the governor
would be reduced to $100,000.
Representative Abrams sai.l be
had been assured by the jaatiees
of the state supreme court that
they would accept salary cuts of
15 per cent, but that they would
not agree to cuts of 45 per cent
aa proposed by the committee
Other members of the commit
tee said they believed the cirralt
Judges also would accept the II
per eeut reduction.
9.4 eommittee reduced the ap
propriation of the Oregon He
mane society to $5009.
The appropriation for the
battleship Oregon commission wa
cut from $17,160 to $8000, with
the understanding that the boat
will be placed under the Jurisdic
tion of the state board of control.
Appropriation of $6000 for the
support of the Patton home waa
The committee also recosk
mended passage of a bill' carry
ing an appropriation of $18.0
to defend a suit tiled by the
United States government against
the state. Involving title to tbe
beds of Malheur, Harney and Had
lakes. An appropriation request
ed for the department of Amert
canlxatlon was disapproved.
An appropriation of $13,459
requested for the Oregon Histori
cal society was reduced to $8009.
while appropriations of $287 far
the Dr. McLaughlin home aad
Tbe committee cut the appro
priation tor the state real eateta
department from $16,688 to $15.
304, and added $8100 to the ap
propriation for the state fire mar
shal's department
The Day in
By tbe Associated Preee
Senate aad Hoaae held Jots
ceremonies honoring the late
President Calvin CooUdge.
Secretary Stimson formally pro
claimed "lame duck amend meat
to constitution abolishing short
session of congress.
Senate banktag sob-rotnmtt.
tee approved federal relief pro
gram laclodiac ssoo,ooo,oe
more to reconstruction corpor
ation for loans to states.
David S. Barry, suspended sen
ate sergeant-et-arme, told Judi
ciary eommittee charges similar
to his in magazine article intlmaU -ing
some congress members take
bribes had been made by Senator!
Glass (dem., Va.) and Nye (rep. ,
N. D.)
Democratic leader RobJason
of Arkansas, attacked as pe 4
Ittfeal effrontery recent speech - ,
by republican leader Wataos of '
Indiana, who charged democra-
tkyprogreasJve . coalitioa t coa- r . -trolled
senate. - - --W- .