The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 05, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    , .,.
Net paid dally, BantUy.ftTfii
Fire Hazard Elimination is
Considered Along With
New Jail Building
But Vault Also Needed and
Entire new Plant one
Solution Talked
Shall Marion county spend
tome 115,000 on eliminating fire
hazards at the county court
house? Shall Marlon county spend an
other $10,000 or thereabouts, on
construction of a separate Jail
building and heating plant on the
courthouse grounds.
Shall Marion county' Junk Its
courthouse, admittedly a. fire
trap, even with improvements,
and build a new structure?
These were a few of the ques
tions talked pro and con about
the courthouse yesterday, follow
ing submission to the county
court by the grand Jury of a
report prepared by city , firemen
and the building inspector. The
report suggested elimination of
serious fire hazards at the court
house through re-wiring the
building, Installation of an alarm
system, addition of at least one
fire escape, enclosing certain pp-enlngs-oolnd
shutting off stair-
ys, and adding fire resistant
material over various ceilings
and corridors of wood.
Financial Problem
Is Viewed by Court
The report was present"! to
the county court yesterday morn
ing, and while the court made
no indication of what It would
or might do, each member did
state that of course the court
did not wish to see human life
endangered. However, no budget
allowance for any such project
was made, and the cost problem
will likely loom large, particu
larly In view of present tax con
ditions. ,
In the discussion between the
Jury and court members yester
day, suggestion of another build
ing to house the jail and sheriff's
office, similar to those in Eugene,
Albany and Dallas, was made. The
grand Jury will visit the Dallas
jail in a few days with a view
to making further recommenda
tions to the court.
The possible proposal for an
outside jail would diminish little
the need for correcting tire haz
ards In the courthouse, county
court members Indicated, and
merely make two expenses, in
stead of one, if the grand Jury's
recommendations were ' carried
Keed of Fireproof
Vault la rotated Oat
County Commissioner Melson
yesterday pointed out a salient
matter of which the Jury's report
took no cognizance: The heavy
and irreparable loss which would
result to the county In case of
fire because of lack of fireproof
vaults In the clerk's, tax collec
tor's and recorder's officer., par
ticularly. Loss of delinquent tax
papers right now would ccat the
county over half a million dollars
In inability td collect through loss
of records.
So, with the grand Jury likely,
before It finishes, to suggest mat
ters which will cost around $30,
.900 (should the court see fit to
adopt them) why not build a new
Courthouse while the county Is
pending money, Melson asks. The
$30,000 or so expenditure would
he only a temporary matter at
best, and only alleviate and not
rid the courthouse of fire hazards,
he says.
But where't the money to come
from tor a new courthouse, even
if It could be built cheaper now
than at any time in years, Melson
and the other court members ask
Incidentally, the $15,000 esti
mate on following the recommen
dations as laid down by the report
submitted to the court, was vol
unteered yesterday by two build
ers, who looked the courthouse
over as soon as a Job was scented
The court will ask Inspection by
another set of appraisers as Its
first move.
Sheriff A. C. Burk of Marlon
county and Captain W. H. Mc
Clain, in charge of headquarters
district, state police, were elected
to the executive committee of the
Northwest Sheriffs' association at
the quarterly meeting held at
CorvaUis last night With Deputy
Newell Williams, the sheriff ob-
umea promise that the August
meeting of the association would
he held In Balem. The. April ss-
ion is slated for 8tr Helens.
Other officers named' were:
larl Nott, Yamhill Jcounty dis
trict attorney, president; Sheriff
Harold Sexton" of Wasco county,
Ice president.; and John Acton,
Astoria police chief, secretary
treasurer. ,
The association Indorsed Sher
iff Ernest T. Mass of Claeiamas
tor the position of United States
marshal. - - .. ..
' Average
Jan. 8S
EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR ifem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Fcbrnary ,5, 1933 , , . No.270
lr : . ? . I i " " i '
Chancellor Hitler Takes Helm
With Cabinet of Conservatives
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Grasping opportunity by the forelock, Adolf Hitler, former Austrian
house painter, soldier la the German army and leader of Ger
many's national socialist party, aa chancellor of the German re
public occupies the international spotlight. Twice previously Hitler
had the chancellorship almost within his grasp, but his unalterable
demand for dictatorial powers lost him the job. This time, follow
ing the downfall of the Yon Schleicher cabinet, Hitler abandoned
bis "all or nothing" policy. But the nazi chief Jces a difficult task.
His cabinet, handpickod by President Von Hindenburg, is composed
mostly of conservatives, among whom are former Chancellor
Franz von Papen, as vice-chancellor and dictator of Prussia and
Baron von Xeurath, a hold-over of the Von Schleicher cabinet, who
retains the portfolio aa foreign minister. These were bitter pills
for the nazi chief to swallow, but there was compensation In the
appointment of Dr. William Frick and Hermann Goer lug, both
trusted lieutenants of Hitler, who are minister of the interior and
minister of air and interior for Prussia, respectively.
Hoover Signs 90 Millions
Aid Bill; may Insist
On Acreage Cuts
Here is the procedure for farm
ers who seek seed loans under the
90,000,000 crop production bill
signed today by the president:
Apply by mail either to the
United States department of agri
culture or the closest of its six
regional offices at Dallas, Mem
phis, Minneapolis. Salt Lake City,
St. Louis or Washington, ior a
loan application form.
Forms will be sent or notice
given that applications can be
made at points more immediately
available Including most county
seats where volunteer committees
or field agents will be designated
to receive applications and assist
in filling them out.
In the application the farmer
must give the legal description of
the farm he occupies, the crops ne
Intends to grow for which he
seeks financing aid, the expense
he contemplates for labor, seed,
and equipment, and other facts.
Two factors bearing on we ap
plication remain to ne aeier-
mlned. Tne secretary 01 agricul
ture has authority to require
atreaae reduction up to SO per
cent by borrowers and jwill an
nounce the requirements iaier.
The maximum of loans, $400 last
year, will also ho et later.
Intoxication is
Charged to Two
City iail confined two men on
as many charges last night. Be
hind the bars were j. u. Bigier,
2277 North Liberty street, whom
city police arrested on a charge
of being Intoxicated, and Cecil
Simon of Tangent, brought In by
state police on a charge of being
drunk on a public hignway.
Vitiiol Boils
Utilities Contiol Argued
An explosion that blew loose a
heated aeries of personal clash
Ihga in the senate yesterday fol
lowed submission of a divided re
port of the railroads and utilities
committee on the Thomas bill
providing for a seven-point pro
gram designed further to regulate
the operation of public utilities
In Oregon.
Senators Brown, Burke and
Zimmerman signed the majority
report which favored passage of
the bill, while the minority re
port signed by Senators Goss and
Bynon asked that the measure be
recommitted to the committee for
consideration of a d d 1 1 1 o n a 1
, The ensuing verbal altercations
ended in the senate's passing a
notion reref erring the bill to the
committee with the understand
Ins that it would ho reported out
sj " i'"
1 ye4-
Kanzler Says Contract Is
Result of Coercion in
Milk war of 1931
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 4 -
(AP) On the grounds that the
Dairy Cooperative association had
obtained Its exclusive contract
through duress. Circuit Judge
Jacob Kanzler today denied the
association an Injunction to com
pel the Brandes creamery of
Portland to purchase all Its grade
B milk and cream from the co
with the declaration that the
so-called milk war was carefully
planned by the officers and direc
tors of the plaintiff," Judge
Kanxler said that "for the court
to grant the prayers of the plain
tiff would be equivalent to plac
ing the court s stamp of approval
upon the acts of violence com
mitted and participated in .by
officers, directors and members
of the plaintiff asociatlon from
August 1 to 5, 1831," and that
"the execution of the contract,
August t, 1931, on tbe part of
the defendant Brandes creamery
was procured through coercion,
duress and Intimidation."
Directors of the Dairy co-oper
ative meeting at Portland last
night authorized their attorneys
to proceed at once In appealing
Judge Kanxlers adverse decision
to the state supreme court, R. W.
Clarke, local field man, reported
on. his return here.
Labor Portfolio
For Green, Word
In a copyrighted story, the
Washington Post says It has
learned William Green, president
of the American Federation of La
bor, has been offered the post of
secretary of labor in the Roose
velt cabinet.
Over When
and made a special order of bus
iness Tuesday afternoon.
Senator Burke opposed the mo
tion to reref er on the ground that
the hill had received careful eonr
slderatlon by the committee and
that nothing would be gained
through delays. He said the meas
ure was satisfactory to Charles
M. Thomas, public utility commis
sioner, and other persons compe
tent to pass on its provisions. ;
"This bill is all Thomas and
nothing else", Senator Goss re
torted. "The hill covers more than
29 pages and seeks to give Thom
as more power than is imposed in
any other official in the world.
While I respect the Judgment and
ability of Mr. Thomas X do not he
lieve tn electing esars to orrice.
The majority of the committee re
ported the bill out because Thom-
. as wants IW
--W I t lrtN.s V.
Holiday Association Chief
Warns; More Insurance,
Loan Firms in Line
Governors Proclaim Need of
Forbearances; Farmers
Remain Vigilant
(By the Asociated Press)
Threat that a nation-wide farm
strike would be called If relief
legislation is not expedited by the
Incoming administration was
made last night by Milo Reno of
Des Moines, la., who led the mid
weetern non-marketing campaign
last summer.
While governmental and fi
nancial leaders sought means of
stopping rural mortgage foreclos
ures, Reno said farmers In 38
states might be asked to stop
marketing their produce and buy
ing from merchants.
"It has' been no secret at all,"
declared the president of the Na
tional Farmers Holiday associa
tion, "that If the incoming ad
ministration doesn't correct the
situation quickly there will be
a general strike called" of both
buyers and sellers."
Meanwhile the rural mortgage
remained one of the major prob
lems of the hour.
Concessions Granted
By Loan Companies
government Influence was added
Saturday in considerable measure
to the farmer's fight to save nis
land, livestock, and machinery
from mortgage foreclosure.
From a dozen localities came
reports of concessions granted by
Insurance companies and loan
concerns, together with attempts
by government agencies to lighten
agriculture s debt burden.
The farmers gave no indication,
however, of lessening their deter
mination to save their property
from foreclosure at any cost.
Fanners Brave Cold
To Assist Neighbor
At Wlllmar, Minn., 1,000 farm
ers stood in 22 degree below zero
weather and halted sale of the
farm on which Soren Hanson has
lived 57 years. There were no
bids, and the sale was postponed
a second time for a two week's
In Illinois Governor Henry Hor
ner urged holders of mortgages to
use the utmost forebearance in
foreclosing on farms, homes and
chattels." He warned that fore
closures might result in many cit
izens being dependent on charity.
Another governor. Ruby Laf-
foon of Kentucky, agreed with
Horner in a statement declaring
he believed something must be
done for owners of farms and
homes who are unable to meet
mortgage and tax payments.
Dairy Cooperative directors'
plans for construction of a pro
ducts plant at Portland to handle
members surplus milk appear
soon to bear fruit, R. W. Clarke.
local and field representative, re
ported last night on his return
from an all-day directors' meeting
at Portland, sentiment among
the 10 active units of the associa
tlon for financing the project Is
almost unanimous, he said.
Meeting here last week, mem
ber producers In this area voted
In good majority In favor of the
directors' finance scheme, which
calls for deducting one or two
cents per pound butterfat from
members' cheeks to build up a
loan fund for construction of the
plant Plans already drawn call
for a factory of half-block site for
the making of dried milk, butter
and allied products.
The matter will come up for
final action at the annual meet- I
tag of the co-operative, to be held
at Portland Tuesday.
Opposition to two senate bills
changing grading laws on mux
and other farm products was ex
pressed vigorously at a meeting of
It Dairy Co-operative association
members' of this area last week.
The members voted to have a
committee present their ease to
the legislators sponsoring the two
bliis, jntroaueeu py senator 'oe
E. Dunne.
One of the measures, 8. B. ISO,
would virtually destroy the value
of the standard milk ordinances
in the various cities, it was as
serted. The measure would tub-
mlt to arbitration a milk Inspects
ors order degrading a dairy if
tbe producer or . distributor de-
manded such action.
The other bill. 8. B. 15 1. would
eliminate grade requirements on
all farm products, the dairymen
declared. -
m n
Almost Certain
Cabinet Choice
Senator Thomas J. Walsh, of Mon
tana, whose appointment as at
torney general in the cabinet of
President -el wet Roosevelt is vir
tually certain, according to po-
Itical forecasters. Senator Walsh
was the victor in the bitter fight
at the democratic convention
for the permanent chairman
ship. He was in the national
spotlight aa the chief prober in
the celebrated Teapot Dome oil
VOIUiUeerS aid dial I ; MUM
Of Recent Disturbance
Laid to Outsiders
Declaring that Justice should be
done to the bona fide needy res
idents of Salem and Marion coun
ty, workers at the Community
Service-Red . Cross relief office
yesterday asserted that recent dis
turbances were largely the work
of outsiders and the county's own
citizens had conducted themselves
admirably well, considering their
plight. Except for grumbling here
and there over delays In obtaining
food requisitions, Marion county
needy, for the most part, remain
ed orderly, it was pointed out.
Remedy was largely effected to
the past delays yesterday when a
volunteer assistant added to the
relief office force permitted three
of the young women to devote
full time to taking records of
cases and making out the requi
sitions. It is anticipated that still
more workers will be added,
should the press of the relief ac
tivities make it advisable.
By closing time, fi p. m., yes
terday, requisitions had been pro
vided IS persons, most of them
representing families. Few of
them were forced to wait long for
appointments In the office, it was
reported. In addition to caring for
the out-of-city applicants, who
have right-of-way on Saturdays,
the office assisted a number of
Salem residents.
On the surface, the relief situa
tion had quieted down. Persons In
dose contact with the week's dis
turbances reported that the work
was going on smoothly and agita
tion at least temporarily stopped.
Additional service for the coun
ty's needy was started last week;
wun tne opening of supply de
pots at Woodburn, Sllverton and
Stayton, supported by the Red
Cross and county court. Appli
cants for food supplies came to
Salem yesterday from as far away
as silver Creek falls.
Legion Defends
Status of Vets
Aid Commission
PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 4 w
(AP) The- special investigating
committee of the American Le
eion renorted hare todav that ar-
tlvltleaof the World war veterans'
Btate aid commission have been
(conducted along sound lines and
hv vronrht mnt hnnt tn th
I "we denlore the mass of misin-
formation which has ben trtvn
out concerning the affairs of the
I commission," the report stated.
"In our examination we find no
criticism of Its conduct."
Members of the committee were
Stanley Myers, Ed F. Bailey, G.
Lane GoodelL R. M. Walker,
Floyd J. Cook, Thomas D. S tough
ton and Harold. Sexton.
Late Sports
Feb. 4 (AP-Putting up a de
fense which held their opponents
I tA tftnT ft-Tl. n.ia TTntrarattv f
I California's basketball team seor-
ed jg-to-li victory over Stan-
ford here tonight, to clinch the
annual series between the schools.
It was California's seventh suc
cessive victory over the Cardinals.
I it was a ease of too much Libro
I Guttero. listed as tenter in the
J lineups, for University of Calif or-
1 nla at Los Angeles tonight as Uni-
I versify of Southern California
I swept throurh the Westwood out
I fit, SB to S3, in a renewal of their
l basketball wars, ' -
v s
Speeding up of Legislative
Mill is Necessity Soon
Observers Agree
Relief to Jobless is one
Accomplishment of Past
Week; Many Issues
Legislative procedure reminds
one of a hard-fought football
game. For three quarters a stale
mate and deadlock in scoring pre
vails. Then as the sun goes down
and fans decide there will be no
touchdowns, a flock of passes start
flying through the air and to the
astonishment of the onlookers
scores are numerous before the
final gun.
There have been Innumerable
huddles in the 37th session, now
nearing Its last period, many false
starts toward the goal line, but a
dearth of scoreboard marking.
Members of the legislative team
as well as the press gallery agree
there nrtist he dash and verve to
the final days if anything of im
portance comes from this expan
sion biennial combat under the
dome In Salem.
Unemployment Belief
One Accomplishment
The past week saw one big push
put through, the passage in both
bouses of the administration's un
employment relief bill. Governor
Meier signed the measure Satur
day and it at once became law
through its emergency clause. The
governor Indicated he would not
change his present statewide re
lief committee but would simply
reappoint them to be the commit
tee authorized under the new
bill. Raymond B. Wilcox will be
the chairman.
Sub-relief committees are short
ly to be named in each county
with appointment made first of
relief committees In the counties
where Unemployment funds are
now being used. Accompanying
the relief bill was a resolution un
der which the state no longer re
quires the county seeking relief to
pledge Itself the moneys received.
i the state now assuming that relief
j must be a state-assumed cost, ap
portioned to counties on the basis
of need and abllty or inability to
meet the need.
The Joint ways and means com
mittee, a bit worn by late sessions
each night, says it will report by
midweek and estimates a budget
reduced around $500,000 from
the Meier-Hanzen proposal. Most
of the subcommittees have re
ported and the majority of tbe
(Turn to page S, col. 1)
Members of the state tax com
mission Saturday afternoon dis
counted the weight of published
statements that the legislature
was without legal authority to
divert any of the millage annu
ally levied for higher education
to the general fund. The tax-commissioners
said the legislature
might not be able to "divert" the
money, as such, but could aecom
push the same purpose by re
duction of appropriations to high
er education and substitution for
the millage thus cut from the
tax levy, an 'equal millage for
general state purposes.
The total of 2.04 mills on all
real property In the state has
been levied lor higher education
heretofore. Of this .78 mills was
a continuing legislative millage.
subject, to legislative diminution
or repeal. The JolnU committee
on ways and means' has proposed
that I50S.O00 In 1933-34 be tak
en out of the total millage of
approximately 14,000,000 - set
aside for higher education pur
poses, and used for the general
conduct of the state, thus re
ducing higher education's millage
to about $305,000, with continu
ing appropriations put at approxi
mately 1280,000.
Polk to Aid Own People,
Draws Line at Floaters
West Salem officials. Constable
Jack Gosser and Deputy Sheriff
Walter Gerth, conferred with the
county court here yesterday in an
effort ta reach an adjustment of
problems arising, out of demands
of Dersons.llvlar in West Salem
for relief measures from Marion 1
county. .
The matter has come to a locus
as result of excessive demands
made upon the county court-Red
Cross-Community service relief
headquarters here last week.
The West Salem officials indi
cated -they had discussed the mat
ter with County Judge G. L.
Hawkins at Dallas, and that Haw
kins had suggested that West Sa
lem and Polk county take care of
all legal residents there; that Is,
persons, who have resided .there
for a year. -
The office 'front aeroes ha
New Sales Tax Bill to
Call for Abandonment
Of All Property Levy
Banks Arraigned
Upon Charge of
Criminal Libel
MEDFORD, Ore., Feb. 4.
(AP) L. A. Banks, editor of the
Medford Dally News, was ar
raigned in the Ashland, Ore..
Justice court today on a charge
of criminal libel, on a complaint
filed by M. O. Wilklns, Banks'
former attorney.
The editor waived preliminary
hearing and was bound over to
the grand Jury under $1000
bond, which was furnished by
friends. The grand Jury is sched
uled to meet Monday.
A crowd estimated at S50 gath
ered in the courtroom and In the
street and cheered. Banks and
County Judge E. H. Fehl.
wolf cheek em
Move to Reconsider Senate
. Action Fails; Changes
In Bank Code Pass
Attempt of Senator Staples and
other members of the senate to
gain reconsideration of Senator
Dunne's bill striking the Wolf
Creek short route to the sea from
the state highway map struck an
air pocket and plummeted to a
sudden crack up yesterday after
noon when Senator Hess called
for adjournment and his motion
carried by a 14 to 12 vote.
The senate approved Senator
Dunne's bill Friday
Senator Zimmerman opposed
withdrawing the bill from the
house for senate reconsideration,
declaring that "If the Dunne bill
is recalled . . . and disapproved It
will cost the taxpayers of Oregon
approximately 14,500,000. He as
serted that "the people don't want
this road and there is no logical
reason why It should be retained
on the state highway map."
Senator Dunne appealed to the
senate to vote down Senator Sta
the change of heart apparently
Die's motion. He declared that
wa riii a to a atronc lobby, and the
fact that Mayor George Baker of
Portland wanted the highway In
perpetuating and Increasing the
value of his Seaside propeny.
The motion to recall the Dunne
bill from the house then passed
by a vote of IS to 12, with fire
senators absent. A motion to re
consider Friday's vote on the bill
Zimmerman then moved that
the rules be suspended and that
(Turn to page 3, col. 2)
Andrew N. Holeman, ex-convict
sought tor the killing of a Los
Angeles police detective, and Ster
ling McLaln Smith, another ex
convict, died under the shotguns
of the Detective's Professional as
sociation tonight, .
The pistol and shot gun affray
occurred outside the apartment
house where Holeman had been
James Choate. attorney, was
wounded by a slug which struck
him in the leg as he sat In an au
tomobile at tbe curb.
The detective force avenged Its
own in the death of Holeman. Ev
ery officer who took part In the
encounter was a detective lieu
tenant especially Interested In the
search for Holeman since Detec
tive Lieutenant Paul Lee was kill
ed last December 19 as he waited
in an apartment to serve a war
rant. river indicated that this would be
done 'and supplies obtained
through the county-Red Cross or
ganization now being set up. -
However, Polk county, seems
loath to care for a number of men
who have moved into shacks there
only recently and who are report
ed to be ringleaders in the recent
Marlon officials, too, urged that
It is almost necessary that they
hold their relief to legal residents,
as most sections are doing. The
extended conference yesterday.
entirely friendly, will likely result
in definite agreement and action
on this border-line matter. ,
While here. Mr. Gerth stated
that two weeks food . was last
week apportioned the agitators
who raised the rumpus here, but
that the group used up the rations
a ess uu two nays. .
CiFiir today asd Monday,
'oeqepi for ksm i fog, tern-.
pttratnrv , wnchanged Max.
; Ton p. Eat. M, Mia. 28, rtv--esH4L
tU variable winds.
No Assessment to be
Made; Three Types
Of tax Planned
Six Millions Revenue
Expected; Bill has
Meier Backing
A general sales tax which
would save the state from col
lecting a real property levy and
meet many of the objections
made to the sales tax proposed
In the special session of the leg
islature, was being drafted Sat
urday by the state tax commis
sion and will probably be intro
duced In the legislature thia
week, bearing administration ap
The essential difference of the
new sales tax proposal from Its
predecessor would be the aban
donment in the future of the as
sessment and taxation in Oregon
of all personal property. The
assessed value of such property
in Oregon In 1932 was about
290.000.000 and the 1933 tax
levied against it for all purposee
itate, county, city and district.
totals about $3,750,000. The
state tax commission says such
personal property amounts to
8.47 per cent of the assessed
value in the state.
Two Per Cent Tax
On All Retail Sales
In lieu of tax on this personal
property the new sales tax pro
poses to do the following:
Levy a two per cent tax on all
retail sales, payable monthly by
the retailer.
Levy a one-half of one per cent
tax on all wholesale sales and
manufacturers' sales, this tax
payable monthly.
Levy a one per cent tax on all
service business, inclnding doc
tors, lawyers, laundries, where
service, not goods, are primarily
The new tax bill will provide
that half of the revenue go for
state purposes and half for coun
ty purposes, with all revenues re
ceived to be used in lieu of real
property taxes now levied and
not to Increase government ex
penditures. Since the new bill. If passed
through the legislature could not
Include the emergency clause and
might be subjected to referen
dum, it Is provable It could only
operate to offset the last half of
1933 real property taxes.
Six Millions Deemed '
Probable Revenue
A careful survey of possible in
come to be received from the new
tax proposal puts the sum at
$$,000,000 annually. The state
would thus receive $3,000,000 or
enough to do away with any reel
property levy for state purposes.
The counties would receive $3.
000,000, or nearly as much as Is
now levied by them on personal
real property.
Officials of the state tax com
mission declared - yesterday that
they thought total tax collections
on personal property In 1933
would not be more than $2,500.
009 and probably not more than
$2,000,000 despite the fact that
about $2,750,000 in taxes on per
sonal real property have been
Difficulty of collection on per
sonal property which Is movable
and which fluctuates rapidly in
value has always made the tax on
personal property hard to collect,
the tax commission points out.
This is especially true in present
times. Assessments on real prop
erty are also difficult since asses
sors must do mueh rough estimat
ing in evaluating property, such as
(Turn to page 3, eoL S)
The Day ijLi
By the Associated Press
President Hoover signed the
$80,000,000 crop prodnctiosi
loan bill which wfll make seed
loans available to
House passed legislative supply
bill carrying appropriations of
$18,588,000 after voting down an
amendment to reduce salaries of
members of congress.
' State department began ta
vestigatioB to determine it Wfl
rliam C Bullitt has been posing
. as av semi-official envoy of the
United States in war debt die-
evasions with Earopea na- ,
tlons. -
house ways and means sub
committee rejected bins propos-'
lag tariff increases on imports
from countries with depredated -currencies.:
i " ' " . ' . ;
1 Senator Copelaad, Ifew York .
democrat, neensed Great Brit- 7,
sin of attemptina! to reach fa- !
- ternatiosuU . agreements detri- ,
mental to Americaa shipping in.
' advance of the world economic -
.- i
V t