ATTT !A!r, f -f-f Orr- I- 1: I: I, p. .t e 1 I Society J Apollo Club Program Features Artist la presenting the Portland Apollo club, Willem Van Hoog atratea, conductor, the MacDow 11 clab has also secured tha serr lcea of Arthur Johnson as assist ing soloist, thus iasnrinK Salm nustr torers m doubt treat The date is Tharsday, February 9, the place, tk Grand theatre. Arthur Johnson, tenor, ho been called "the man's alngar" because his excellent choice of aongs ap peal ae strongly to mala aadi ences. Rollicking songs ot life on the . cattle ranges, sea chanteys and other songs of the sea, fine, stirring songs of the Tirile type such aa all men like appear on all of his programs. At the same time, the Johnson Yoiee la elear tened and of startl ing parity of production so that critics hare applied to It such de scriptions as "silver." "clear as a flute," "tone like a Tlolin." "the golden-roiced tenor." Mrs. John Lewis of Portland and Mrs. "W. E. Burke of Newberg were additional guests for the reg ular meeting of the Piety Hill club at the home of Mrs. C. K. Spanlding Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. Hartly was assisting host ess for the afternoon. Double S. & H. Green Stamps Saturday Valentine Heart Boxes Packed with delicious chocolates 75c to $5.00 Valentine Cards Carson Pharmacy We Deliver. No Extra Charge Hotel Senator Bldg. Dial 546S This Store Open Sunday . Drop In Commercial at Union St. Program For Lobby. Feature Announced The Friday night program In the-lobby ot the T. M. C. A. at I o'clock la attracting attention especially from lerera of good music. Prof. T. 8. Roberta haseharre and is presenting a male quartet directed by Prof. E. W. Hobsoa. and two Diane students. II in Car olyn Parker and Miss Gretchea Thielsen, both students of prof. Roberta. The program includes: Duo Elegle . . v Noliet Allegro Brilliant Low Solo Du bist die Ruh' . .Schobert-Lisst Miss Thielsen Male quartet Who Knows .Da a bar SyMa ....Speaks Duo Sourenlrs do Ruasle .... .Rariaa Curve Cut Macaroni 6 ibS ..... 19c Boiling Onions 20 lb, 15c Sun Brite Scouring Cleanser J large cans 10c Peet3 Crystal White Granulated Soap Regular 25c size J pkgs 29c Large Size Lemons Per doz. 19c Crown Farina No. 10 sack. 39c OPEN SUNDAYS CROWN Hard Wheat Unbleached Flour 49 lb. sack . $1.19 Mi-Choice Hard Wheat Flour 49 lb. sack 79c Kitchen Queen Hard Wheat Flour 49 lb. sack 65c Crown Pancake Flour 39c No. 10 sack. Duo Theme and Variations. HoUaeader Solo Nocturne, Op. 72, No. 1..0hopla Miss Parker Male quartet Passing By Burleigh Morning Speaks Duo Overture "Der Freischuts" Ton Wooer Zona Complimenting Walker Purrlne, a no-host surprise party was girea at Sunrise Fruit farm, rural home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Crawford of Zona Tuesday night. Mr. Purrlne la 1 earing this week for Glendale. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. w. w. Henry, Mrs. Charles Mccarter, Mrs. T. J. Merrick. Mrs W. D. Henry, Miss Hilda Craw ford and Miss Elaine Worthing ton Included in tha ?uast lft the honor guest. Walker Purrlne, Mrs. Walker Purrlne, Mrs. Oretta Hlatt and Mrs. C. D. Purrlne of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hen ry, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea MeC&rtar. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bonn, Mr. and Airs. A. Li. Kinton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muller, Miss Irene Windsor, Frank Windsor, Mrs. C. M. Pur rlne, Mr. and Mrs. Alrlu Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 8. Worthington, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephens, Mr. and O a. '.-' TROUSERS INCLUDED IN MILADY'S SPRING STYLES ; , ; O Leslie's Shaker Salt 2 lb. shakers 3 19c Small White or Red Chili Beans 6 ibs 19c Additional Society on Page 10 Lumber and Building Materials Prices are now lower than they have been for 15 years Let us show you our complete stoek of building mate rials, and quote you our prices before you buy. J. W. COPELAND Yards a blocks north of Marion-Polk cowmty bridge on Wallace Bond Tellew Bungalow Office West Salem Tel. e ear Sjea0 aWaSa&AsSjA-afciaMAaesaBietstSAs if 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET Our bid for your -meat business is the LOWEST. Our meat is GOVERNMENT INSPECTED. So buy G 6 0 D ME A T HERE FOR LESS. I?e?I!x EBadlx Hsmec nib. So 41 Choice Pi An Beef Best Cuts Leg of Pork' Hamburger Beef Roastc Lb. Lb. g Lb. 1 m - Lean Loin Lean Sweet v tl 'fender Pork Chops Bacon PorStea!i Lb. E3 3KB tmall Smoked Porlj Tefflttjr Tendejr t&k link'Sssaps BcdftoBofl Pc7ilRoacto Lb. E3 Lb. Lb. (J '.'.Pica Delivery 0pcaUntu9p.m. Sd. Kib-DIal 86C3 I 'A'VV. llJ::: J - - - '-f V .$A r-i' '! -- -A - ' : ' . . ' , K-' 5 :-- . '! ' X." ' ' ' - t ,:?": ' " -" 1 , v ' 1 v S r v - : . , t . . . . , J : " I i ritx . i .It"- i - s ' ' it ' i HI Evening Formality MacLene Dietrich. For street mtoi?. Voau U to wear trousar at lut W war told Vtmm ui thai aailadVa strlM ware colna naacnliaa, but wa BTr draamad Jut how Car thaj would f. Now, aiaca Marlaa DiatricA, Garmae aaraaa tatportatioB, dafiad conTantioa and adoptad aiac oliaa attira, tka tea kaa baa a brokaa, aad faabkm export pradict that tha fad will awaap tha nation. la fact, tha atyU aoloaa and plaaaad at tha tare of thamga. Thay aaaart that mannish attira aukei tha f amintna typa of woaaaa aaar aUwriar. Bat it i hardly Ukaly that (laid matrons will raadilj swinf to tha radical innorataoa, Abova aro sosna of tha craatioaa indadad ha the Spring list, la cantor is La Diatrich, sporting tha loongo suit that start ad tha ball rolling. Thare is Tory little diffaranca botwaaa bar suit and a man's ordiaary straat suit, axcapt that it is cut af tar a snoro aha paly pattern. At right la a straat or sports suit that, designer claim, will b popular this Spring. It ooaaUts of gray wool trousers, cut somewhat wider than a man s, blue double-breasted Jacket aad a felt hat. Tha light top coat is also of mannish cut. At left is milady's formal evening suit. Tha trousers are of creamy ribbed wool, pleated of tha manner made popular by the Priace of Wales. Tha Jacket, which contains tha only feminine touch, is something like a man s dress Test, except that it boasts puffed sleeves. So bo careful mem. Look twice before you smack a fellow oa the back this Spring the "fellow" may be a lady. FARMERS PUBLIC MARKET i - . . , . .. 356 N. Liberty St Four Deliveries Daily Phone 9453 Grocery Dept. Pure Kettle Render- 1ft ed lard, 3 lbs ., 1C Pure Vegetable Shortening, 4 lbs. -WC Nice Medina Side O Bacon, per lb. ladC '25c Rolled Oats 10b Nice Local Bnrbank ft Potatoes, 20 lbs. . 1J7C Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lbs. Mra. Walter B. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Chllders, Louie Butler, Doanel Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grimm, Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Crawford, Frank Butler, Byron Purrlne, Mist Dorothy Wiedman, Mlaa Dorothy Bork, Mlsa Elaine Worthington, Miss AUee Crawford, June Worthing- tos, Wllma Crawford, Helen Hunt, Mlsa Hilda. Crawford, Ver so. Merrick, Kennelh Hunt. Frank Crawford, Jr., Ud Mr. and Mra. Hugh Craig. a a a Marion. Those attending the sewing- and quilting club masting Than day at the home of Mrs. Keith Allen, and again Saturday night at Mra. J. L. Calllran'a. were Mrs. Klhe, Mra. Lee Wells, Mra. C. J. Haretey, Mra. Thomas Welm, Mrs. Kemper, Mra. Harley Llbby, Mra. Ororer StaTena. Mrs. Herman De Laugh, Mra. Schuma cher and Mrs. MecRobblne. e e a Mra. 0. B. Shaw entertained with a luncheon Thursday com plimenting Victor Carlson, who has Jaat completed his senior year la Willamette university. Covers were placed for Victor Carlson, Jajnes Natter, Mlsa June Darlea. Mies Irma Baker and Mra. Shaw, see Mra. Williams, formerly Lesley StlaeoB, while visiting old time frlemds and relatives, la sUylng at the home of M. P. Dennis on State street. complaint and demands judgment for 11411. Parrlsh alleges he purchased S7 ewes and CS lambs from the plaintiff for breeding purposes for $1170, but that contrary to representation the aheep had the fluke and worms, so that their condition made them worth only $1004, instead of the amount paid. HI Cross Complaint Filed in Suit Brought by Bank Answering complaint of the Turner state bask to eolleet oe a sote, Jease H. Parrtsh makes erose C. . TO BE CELEBRATED The senior young people's group of the Knight Memorial church will celebrate the lid anniversary of Christian Endeavor la the Sun day algbt service at 7:S, with brief addresses and musical num bers by membera of the Christian Endeavor society. The young peo ple Invite all who attend the serv ice to remain f oa, refreshments. The program will Include: "The Flrat Meeting." Elva Mc Cnne; "Christian Endeavor and the Church." Esther Eriekson; "Christian Endeavor aad Service," Ralph Eyre; "Christian Endeavor and Character," Donald Barnard; "Christian Endeavor and Ideals," Jane Fisher; "Christian Endeavor and dtlaenshlp," Joe Baker; "Christian Endeavor and World Peace," Roy Harlaad. Three - part women's chorus, "Aa Every-Day Prayer"; male quartet, "What a Comforter is Je sus, Vernon Bushnell, Norval Edwards, Donald Barnard, Vera Adama; obbllgato solo by Maynord MeKinley; trio. "Under His Wlags." Jane Fisher, June John eon. Versa OrlfQs. Pjarrish Sues for $1238 for Sheep Killed by Train J. E. Parrish yesterday filed suit against W. F. Weddle to re cover a total of 91,238 damages for alleged damage to pasture and loaa of sheep as result of turning Parrlsh'a flock of sheep off the pasture oa November 2, 1928. Parrlsh says five of the aheep turned out were killed by a traia. four were lost, and several days' labor for aeveral men was re quired to round up the rest of the flock. The value of all cows in Ten nessee waa 917,405,000 la 193. Watches Cleaned $1.00 Wrist Watches ...$1.50 Moderate Prices on watch and clock repairing CLAUDE MIX Buslck's Market Marion aad Com'I Carl and Bowersox Quality Groceries at Moderate Prleea Sat Court Tel. 4100 Pearls of Wheat r-T-o-W FREE a B o a a y ware Cereal Bowl Free with the purchase of two packages ot Peerle of Wheat 2 for 35c 9 Hogg Brothers Appliance Store Now in New Location 456 STATE STREET former location 849 N. Htgk A New Store With Additional Appliances NEW DEALERS FOR Tha Famous White Sewing Machine 0rvic and Sales for Marion County. CONJiNUINQ EXCLUSIVE SALES AND SERVICE FOR Eaoy Washers & Ironera AU Other Uakts Sold ad Serviced Hogs Brothers Applbnce Store 4M sTXAXB Golden Bantam (Fountain Brand) 3 cans Sat. only 39c Corn 23c Bed Bag Coffee, can't be beat for the price, 3 lbs 49c Crown Feed Dept. Crown "Best Patent" Floor sack $1.15 Crown Snowbird" Flour. Money back guaran- fA teed, 49 Ih. sack UeJC Crown "Komplete Lay" Egg Mash, none better at any price, 7 A 100 lbs. eJl.lU Millron 80s Crax or Ground 1 1 Corn, 100 lbs. Ql.U Now is the time to think of baby chicks. Raise them on Crown this year for best re sults. You will not regret your decision. We hare a fresh stock of chick starter on hand both in pellet and mash form. 65c NEW SPRING PERCALES lie We have just received over 3000 yards of Guaranteed Fast Color Percales in the newest Spring patterns in cluding stripes, checks and plaids. These are all rat dye, and are guaranteed sunfast, tubfast, also fast to perspiration. Shown in two qualities H I A I Seaside Percales, C and ItC I vat dye, yard Also plain Colore INVADER PERCALES Vat dye, special finish. The peer of all percales. Manu factured by Marshall Field & Company. t J All patterns exclusive, yard : liC Also plain colore BATES SPREADS Another shipment hat just arrived of their popular Basket design in the new crepe finish Colonial spread. Colors, Rose, Blue, Gold, Orchid, Green. QO OA Specially Priced tJO.Oe 8KB WINDOW DISPLAYS OF PERCALES AXD SPREADS OPEX EVERT SATURDAY SIGHT UNTIL. 9 O'CLOCK Elliott Dry Goods Company 17S N. Liberty St. ExceUe Patterns IS, 30 and S5e DRUGS Prescriptions Sundries Fountain Remedies Toiletries IHL&E1FIIS'S The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Store of Salem 135 N. Commercial St. Phone S19t When You Think Drugs, Think Schaefes For Friday and Saturday We reserre the right to limit qaantitie. Hone to dealers. SCHAEFER'S HOME REMEDIES BE WISE AXD SCHAEFERIZE SCHAEFER'S Throat and Lung Balsam is recommended at the first si fa ot coughs due to colds and sxposure. This is especially impor tant for tnose who easily contract chest colds. Sehaefer's Throat and Lung Balsam contains no opiates and will be found equally effectlre for adulta and children when u?ed as directed. 50C and Sl.OO Oh Boy! What Joy LIFT CORNS RIGHT OUT The Schaefer Way Right from Salem conies the new, better, joyful way to take out corns root and all. Buy the Schaefer Way no cure no pay 25c Box Paper Regular Price 75c Friday and A Saturday I UK. Tip Top Writ Watch Radium Dial 54.00 value $1.49 Bath Sprays (fit any faucet) Regular Price $1.00 Friday and Satur- AQr rrrday only at "C Genuine Thermos Vacuum Bottle quart size 1 CA Nickle case 01.07 For Add Stomach Sehaefer's Dyspepsia Tablets quick, pleasant r A relief, a box 3UC Sold the Soaaefsr War so reflet, ae say . Headache? Get Sehaefer's Headache Tablets Non-depressing 25c 50c $1.00 Our professional Trained and Experienced dnifsists win guard your health , Expert Trass Fitting 35 years experience Get our prices first Cratches Braces ! : u .''it