. .t- v- - v : mm '.mm j !.',- - ,y Women's Club Names Com i , mittees fprg MarlKa Y. 4 Washington Event - WOODBURN, Feb. 2 Plan for the annual Martha Washlng . ton tea, given by the Woodbarn . Women's elnb, were tormalated Wednesday afternoon at the regu lar snooting, held at the local high school. ". Tha Mentha Washington . tea, one of. tha foremost social erects of tha season, wtll ba held is tha seelal rooms of tha nubile library . Wednesday afternoon, February IS. Tha elnb president, Mrs. Ma bel Kendal, appointed Mrs. Ron- aid Burnett general eh airman tor tha tea. v ' Tha various committees are .' Program, Mrs. Paul Pemberton and Mrs. V. B. Bain; decorations. Mrs. A. B. Austin. Mrs. W. J. Wil . son and a member of tha Rural ' elub; ;eandy booth. Mrs. B. N. . Hall, Miss Carrie Waterbury and a- Rural slab member i kitchen. Mrs. Henry Layman, Mrs. Ed Ly- tla Mrs. Elbura T. Sims, Mrs. Henry Sail, and Mrs. 8. W. Man. pin; . service. Miss Mary Scollard, Mrs. Eugene Courtney, Mrs. - Hel en. M. Guiss and six girls from tha home economics department of tha high - school ; : advertising. Mrs. L C. Been, Mrs. U. S. Mo- ehel and Mrs. J. J. Hall: solicit ing, Mrs. Nettle Simmons, Mrs. Ronald Burnett and Mrs. Arista NendeL - " The Woodburn Rural club will ba Joint hostess for tha tea, along with tha Woman's dab. An Interesting program was given for tha members. V. D. Bain, superintendent, told of the place home economies takes In tha school eurlculum. and mentioned tha beneficial results from such training.- The program was: Se lection by :the Kitchen Kabin at orchestra; a short play,- Whe Mother'a Away"; group of songs by tha girls' glee club and quar tet; Tocal daet, Daisy Shrock and Mary Alice . Conyne; economics club song. Mary Shaw. Franees Goldade, tforis Nelson, Merla Martin aad Billy Chase. Mrs. Gates, the home economies Instructor, explained the Tarlous exhibits. la the domestic arts de partment, under tha superrision of Miss Kelma Saylor, there were displays of clothing made by the girls. ... Every Week . . . A XTtPECDADJ Watch for these weekly specials every Frl- day. YouH find bargains you hare only hoped for. And Remember, Fidler's sells tor less because he sells for cash. THIS WEEK COCOA DOOR MATS reg. 89c Talue. 69c HERE ARE TODAY'S BEST FURNITURE BUYS 8 piece Walnut Bed- Sf $39.50 See Oar Windows Mohair Davenport and CQQ.QC Chair OUVD Coil Bedspring. Reg. ralue $4.95 Guaranteed Mat tress ... spring $12.50 tFDDQER9ir FURNITURE STORE (New and Used) 255 N. Cont'l St, Salem Tel. 8425 STEUSLOFF MARKET E. J. Donnell, Prop., Corner Court & Liberty Meats - Groceries Phones 3161 - 3162 - 3163 ALBERT PEARLS OF WHEAT jjp' Wadham'siv i& Fancy Florida f GRAPEFRUIT! I A X: tins' IIJ Nor 25cr packs for ONE CHILD'S CEREAL BOWL FREE HEINZ large size U BOTTLES 35c Dickinson's PRUNE JUICE blade of Oregon Prunes 2 one pint Q bottles 03 C fff DurkeVs Maronnalffle I I ( 1 Bottle DurktVs I II Salad Dressing I f 54o Value ) for MCj f Snowdrift u Ciiase&Sanborn (5I7I7EE 1 Pkg. Royal Gelatine Free on EPgosGCcJ Poaflftgsr EC3 c2 Pc?Iinoaott 11. HOG j BELMONT DEATH OF INTEREST ' , 1 . ' , - , ' t r? - , ii ' . - '. - i ' k i '.t'W : ' ' ' I v - , 1; : S . -'V . TNr- v. v' leMMessBsa tasHMeas ' Daughter;" shs Kaoc a Duchess Society Queck wrfloi Tike iatk im Paris af Mrs. OQtt H. P. Belsaoat madi en at t&e ase colorful eareors of saodera tiaw a career tkat begaa im m ssaall Soutk ra town aad wooad vpward to leadersaip of society la the world's larg est city aad goaoraWnip ia Am great army of woaaoa who fought for the equality of sexes. Mrs. Belsaoat, bora Alva Smith, came to Now York froaa hor aativo MobUo, Ala la the TOa. She first entered tha epoV light by marryiaf William Kusam VaaderbUk aad stayod la U by tha larUhaoss af her eatorUiameaU uatil sbo altisaately climbed to 4i totorshh af the aaighrr "400. la 1895, she diToreod Vaadorbilt. aaJ the same year marriod hor daughUr Coasuelo, to the Duke of Marl borough, aa OTent that causod aa iatoraatioaal soasatioB. Ia 1896, sbo SBarriod OUtot Bolmoat aad after several saere years of ruling eedety from hor S3.000,K)0 marble palace at Newport, EL L, became allgaod with Alice Paul la the fight for woman's suffrage. She remaiaed a prominent leader la the National Womra'i Party until victory waa woa, after which she devoted herself to the straggle for lege equality for the sexes, la 1924, Mrs. Belmont dosed hor house at Newport aad re tired to live ia Paris. Bat she kept ia touch with America aad waa credited with a large share ia obtaining the last amendment to the Cable act, which give American women the privilege of retaining their natloa aUty after marriage to a foreigner. senilis sramoTii HUBBARD. Feb J MaU niead - entertained -tha Wenjan's clsb.a Jier aonxa Wednesday af ternoon, Sadia Seboll. president. ! nresantad Sadla Blca with a raa ant front the cine since sha baa mered from Hnbbard ta JIolslU. Blanche Brown reported tnat there woald ba aa all-day school eltnle Wednesday, Pabrnary S at tha Pythian hall for Broadaerea, White aad Hubbard with- Dr. Bir&e ae azaalntng pbyslclaa. as sisted by tha nurses, Neva Lyn- l dea. Blanehe Brawn, Lontse Orimns, aad Iflncia Knight. Im- sannlsatloa for diphtheria and smallpox will be given. Sadla Kiel read a paper on P1- laaeerlng la Oregon. Among tha tnteresua things, aha told, itas that T. W. Sattlsmalar waa tha longest coaUnnons resident of Woodbnra, haTlng lived there St years. Ia keeping with this tbonght tha members present told where they were born aad when they arrived In Hubbard. Sadla Seboll was the only member present bor In Hubbard. Maria de Lesplnaase aad Lou ise Orlmpa played a saxophone da et acoompaaiad by Nera MoKen- sie. Tha next saeeung will ba at the home of Rebecca Clearer when Valentine day will ba ob served. OPEC MEET SLATED BXTHBL, Feb. I The Beth el loeal of the Farmers' Union will hold an opeen session Mon day night. Refreshments will be served. There will ba a program and Mrs. Batty M. Kappant of En gene, state secretary, and State I Senator Peter Zimmerman of Tamhlll county will speak. This will ba tha final meeting for the land plaster pool. ELCTflRCUTT GROCERIES o "1 ? S. v Com 1 171 Now wider new xaaiiaiemen .Vatcli f o w big; formal opening al aawly date. Thersv will be many pleasant surprises awMs w.w - . Yaluea af prices you're narniy.aarca nope mr. . Here are a few timely tiistioxM-atprice you wm appreciate for Friday: and Saturday, Febnxary 3 and 4. really RAJAH COFFEE It has tha .whole town talking. Try it! You, tod, wm be convinced. Buy it hcr for - 1 only, lb. IOC K. C. BaUnc Pow. 25 ox. - Beans, 10 lbs. Bed Mtxi. OOm eJeJl cans Our Mothers Cocoa, can Pearls of Wheat Free a Bonnywara Cereal Bowl with the purchase of two pack ages of Pearls dor. Wheat. S for . dot SALAD OIL Bulk 15C qt. Bring your own container SIX dee OmmP Just U 'Sweet and Juicy No Limit Buy all ww-t rou want Pure Cane $ I Fine; wlUi ajs at 75c or area with sua purchase of 75c aw res? Kitchen Queen Hard r -s sav Hard Wheat Wheat Sack' U $2.79 ItVNot ;: Cleanup Week but - here ' we are with'; a real buy. While it lasts, C Camay, "har :lO C Carrots, 2 bunches :9 c Soda, Arm & . b Hammer, pksr. O t Silrer Bar Toma Ttin IOC Brookfleld Cheese, per pound . Cream 14c Sweet Spuds, even DURKEE'S Salad Dressing Fine for; salads & as a meat dressing, 8 ounce bottle - 1VC Bread, 5 loaves' 23c West Salem News WEST SALEM, Feb. I The section of tha Southern Pacific beginning at the Willamette bridge and going through West 8alem with L. O. Richardson, sec tion boss has been reduced to a crew of three man employed only three days per week. At tha same time that tha crew and time are being reduced, tha section has been lengthened and now extends over SO miles of track irom the Marian-Polk lnter-county railroad bridge te the other side of Inde pendence and to Dallas. Quy Weaver of West Salem has been laid off and Fred Gehrig trans ferred. The present crew is Albert Hilka of West Salem, Charles Rosenahl of Dallas and Ivan Wood of Amity. Tha teacher, Lyle Thomas and tha pupils of tha eighth grade vis ited tha legislature Wednesday forenoon, getting first hand In formation In the operation of law making of tha state. The regular monthly meeting of tha Standard Bearers will be held Friday night at the home of Mrs. De Lapp, with Miss Violet Wallace In charge of the study, Doris Reed the devotlonals and the Misses Velma Kelso and Rath Maers hostesses. Pupils of tha West Salem school who were on the honor roll for tha entire semester are: first j grade. Margaret Morlts, Keith Evans, Rosetta Tricker and Nor ma Ruth Hofflne; second grade, Donald Barton, Franoes Freisen, Wlnnlfnd Newton, Doris Pyeatt, John Janzen, Hugh Oookla, El olse Snider and Betty Lea Austin; third grade, Virginia Rlesbeek; fourth grade. Jean Templeton; fifth grade, Bvelya White and Bethel Smith; eighth grade, Leo Cook in. The regular meeting of tha Jolly Time Quutlng elnb waa held Tuesday at the home ef Mrs. El mer Rlerson with another all day quilting boo. Those attending were Mesdames Robert Ketter man. W. D. Phillips. Phil Hatha way, Emmett A. Dickson, Rex j Swelgert. Martha Rlerson, Charles Wurm, Ed Coates, George Lath- rop, Homer Harrison and Elmer Rlerson. Tha next meeting will be held at tha home of Mrs. Rex Swelgert next Wednesday. Mrs. Guy G. Newgeat opened her home ta tha members of the Ladies' Aid society and friends for their regular monthly bus iness meeting Wednesday after- n o o n. Varloua entertainment plana ware discussed. For the February tea. Mrs. Phil Hatha way, John A. Tantlss, Ted Burns aad Bertha K. Englahorn were named general committee. r 3X330571 SSl Fresh Local 1 ' 1 ' T J2 ' ' Vacuum Packed j Creamery f-VV?n ) FISTY? 1-Lb. Can i! Phone No. 401 245 No. Commercial St. cans 52c ' i Pound We Deliver Quantity Orders ' j CHYSMB I7!i FOR RED CROSS DALLAS, Feb. X The charity show held at the Majestic theatre Tuesday night as a benefit for the local Red Cross fund brought over ITS which will ba turned over to the local chapter, together with a large supply of canned goods, groceries, toys and clothing re ceived at tha matinee. George W. Gould, manager of the loeal theatre, was responsible for the Idea of the charity show and secured the aid of the Dallas Women's club in staging it. Jack Eakin, state commander of the American Legion, acted as master of ceremonies at both the matinee and evening performance. The show started off with two numbers played by tha high school orchestra under the direc tion of Miss Alice MacBride. Fol lowing this the Delphian society presented two living picture: Donald Plnkerton gave a tan dance, and George Cooper and bis wife presented an act dealing with an experiment In tha making of noma brew. Other featurea on the program were two songs by tha junior high girls' glee clab, a tumbling act by tha high achool girls' team, a solo by Har old Wltcrart, a tap danca by Bev erly Bales, and a skit br tha Neighbors of Woodcraft. One of the most Interesting parts at the program was a short play by the Dauas Firemen. Mrs. G. G. Hewitt Dies Following Flu Complication OAK POINT, Feb. 1. Mrs. G. G. Hewitt ef the Greenwood com munity passed away at her heme Wednesday night, after a linger ing Illness of fin aad complica tions. Besides the husband a son. Darrell Hewitt, and grandson. Richard, survive, else two broth ers, Hanly Herman and Ed Har mon, and two sisters Mrs. Hol- comb of Scio and one sister of Philomath. Funeral services will be from tha Keeney funeral home ta. In dependence Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, with Rev. Willard Elk- ins, pastor of the Christian church of Monmouth officiating. Phone Patrons Will Continue on Rental LYONS, Feb. 3 The officers and phone patrons of tha Fox Valley telephone line held a line meeting at the local telephone office Monday night. It was de cided to continue a sing the ren tal of the Bell Co. polea for a time, probably one or two months, or until the farmers get their spTing work out of the way. Tha BeU company's charge for use ef tha poles by the loeal line company amounta te about fire cents per patron per month, which Is much less than the eost of owning and maintaining a sep arate set et line poles. Two Fancy FcrrtaH 17 IX H E I Calico Sbdmnlifca GOILIU FISH Eolabom Chip mud Sag wwd FZES with mverySOc Tub j HIT AIL MIILE 17 MAG NESIA T)T1HI PASTE As Long as They Last Extra Goldfish For Sale at ,15c -20c and 25c SALEM 0HU3 CO. VCOLPERT & LEGB :u:t-Sts:sm4-CosMBerrlal ' Drag ' TeL ' Court at Ubert Thy, two store trader aepan Ownership sand llaaasemeM IFILuJE Swansdown No Failures, Ig. pkg. () rry this ener rj boOdar for a better breakfast and "Good Morn tag". Beautl fal cereal dish tree with ev ery deal. 2 pkgs....3gO Goldea Bella A Hardwheat Blend Guaranteed ' 49 lb. sack r..fsc PEANUT BUTTER Hood ys, Balk. Bring 1b your backet and let us fill it up at this savins; pound..3 Conned Vegetables Extra Standard Grade Assorted Corn, Peas, Beans Tomatoes or Hominy S cans 24Jc Quick, Crushed or Crystahrart Large Pkgs., each . . 24c 'Take Home s Sack Today" Sperry's, No. 10 sack 37c Karo Syrup Bine Label. ft-Ee Una Postum Cereal There's a Reaeoa' lg- pkg. Snowdrift f-tt palls Baker's Chocolate Bitter, Premium, H-lb. bar Vigora! Dos Food Let tba dog be Judge 1 cans Salad Dressing Gold ltedal, lt-os. Jar .... SOAP OOp White Laundry, 1 bars . . V Small White Beans 1 AP S ponnds , AVtw 10 pounds 27c Leslie's Salt Table, 8-Ib bags ...... MATCHES Winner Brand, t-boa Ota. Brown Rice M. J. b., s-Ib Cta. .... 34c 19c 69c 21c 15c 9c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables QUALITY PRODUCE Oil AN GEO lied, six. Street Nirels See them in oar window bs dozen S7ci 17c 19c 15c RHUBARB Fresh Strawberry for that Spring tonic 2 pounds . . . . LETTUCE Imperial Fancy, Solid Ehcado . . . . 9c Potatoes No. 2s Finest Yakima Russets Par Bar, 50 lbs. 34c Apples Fancy Roma Beantys Guaranteed Quality 57c Box Toilet Soap MUstoa Bell. S ban Pineapple, 234 size Broken Slices, j cans Gingeralo Large Bottle, eeab Jell Powder Assorted flavors, t pkgs. . , Chili Con Carne HL brand,! tins HONEY Breakfast Bell, l-lb palls.. Tuna Flakes Et Campo, light meat, can. MALT Standby, eaa Troco Margarine - S ponnds PEACHES Armoars, Ne. II eaas . . . . COFFEE Myrtle Brand. 1-Et pkg... 19c 25c 15c 13c 25c 39c 10c 29c 25c 29c 18c PURE LARD Kattie Rendered S lbs. . . EQ Bond No bone or waste) Port Pork No floor or water vrrt SKINNED Eastern sagar cared. Rind and surplas Cat remored HALF OR WHOLE Breakfast Dry sugar cored Prime Yotms Bosi ' POTKOASTS Fancy YOUNG HENS Completely Dressed EQGlb.