The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    fcHlKQOK j?T V KSMAXAi.. tor. Thi-z-tur .l.ivia
The OREGON STATESMANrgilera Oregon, Thursday Mornbg. February 2. 1933
Local News Brief:
Two Accidents Reported K. a. Clark Returns-H. I. Clark who
Hawman of McMlnnville and W. nM ,pent tn9 past 6lgnt monthg
M Burbank of Jefferson reported ia cmonna, returned Saturday
merelal and Court streets here
yesterday. Haw man states he gave
a signal for a left hand turn and
then v&a struck by the other car,
while Burba nk claims Hawman
cut in front of him. No one was
Injured. The only ether mishap
reported to city police was be
tween automobiles driren by J. E.
Cox, IOCS Norway, and O. Chase,
on Commercial between State and
. Court.
Sergeant Clayton Visits Ser
geant Powell Clayton, of th state
police, came to Salem on business
yesterday and planned to remain
over today. He is now la charge
of the Oregon City, area, which in
cludes the Mt. Hood region. Form
erly he was stationed at Salem
district headquarters and, prev
lons to organization of the state
police, was a state traffic patrol
man and earlier a city traffic officer.
Valentine Hearts.
ramp Gil
Reports Accident Orville Her-
roid, Dallas, yesterday reported
to the sheriff traffic accident
which occurred January 28 and
inTolred a wagon driven by O.
Savage, route eight, Salem. Her
rold says he failed to see flash
light on the wagon, and ran into
It about five miles north of Sa
lem on the-river road.
25 Cases Reported Twenty
five cases of communicable dis
ease were reported from Marion
county to the state department
of health, according to a bulletin
released yesterday. Of these, 37
were Influenza, eight measles, and
five each, tuberculosis and pneu
monia. Seventy-one per cent of the
physicians in the county filed re
ports. Dr. L. B. Schmidt ia attending
post-graduate clinics in Portland.
Will return Feb. 7.
No Court Business No offi
cial business was transacted in
Salem Justice court yesterday,
and no hearings are scheduled for
totlay. George C. Evans, accused
of obtaining money under false '
pretenses, remained in county jail
unable to furnish $750 bail set
b- Judge Miller B. Hayden.
Civil Case Slated The civil
ease of Standard Oil company vs.
L. L. and Marguerite Short is
scheduled for justice court here
tomorrow. It is not expected a
Jury will be called. Hour for the
hearing probably will be set to
day. Hugh Heritage Visits Hugh
Heritage, star scout of the Falls
City troop 30, visited Cascade area
council headquarters here yester
day and conferred with Executive
O. P. West concerning the merit
fcadge exposition to be held at the
armory here Friday and Saturday
f next week.
Just received, the newest in radio.
New models of the Clarion line:
S-'ube super, table, $22.50; 6
tube super, table, 132.50; 8-tube
super, table, $36.50; 8-tube super,
console, $48.50; 10-tube super,
console, $54.50. Eotf Electric,
lac, 347 Court.
night, and is mighty glad to be
back in Oregon. He says Salem is
the best off of any of the places
he has been in since leaving here,
and has much less to complain of
than California towns. Enroute
back he encountered considerable
snow and for one 25-mile stretch
it was necessary to travel slowly
on account of the storm. Clark
formerly operated a grocery
store on 17th street.
Free: A new 1933 model Magic
Maid Mixer, nationally advertised
$19.50 value, with every porcelain
Frigidalre purchased in February.
Eoff Electric, 347 Court.
Announces Topics Rev. Esrl
Gnlbranson, who is conducting a
series of meetings at the C. and
M. Evangelistic tabernacle, 855
Ferry street, has been attracting
good crowds. His subjects at 7:45
for week nights are: Friday,
"Branding Our Beliefs"; Satur
day, "The Man Everybody Ought
to Know"; tonight. "Wisdom for
the World in Two Years". Sun
day morning he will preach on
"Sons of God" and Sunday night
on "Did Barabbas Become a Be
liever?" Salem Students Excel Two
former Salem students, Carl Hen
ry Gross and Katherine Laugh
Jflg9 were placed on the honor roll
at the University of Oregon for
the fall term. A grade average of
2.5 or virtually an "A" average
is- necessary to reach this desired
position. Both students are sen
iors: Miss Laughrige in English
and Gross in education.
Guderian Leaves C. A. Guder-
ian, instructor in machine shop
at Salem agin school has gone to
Bremertan, Wash., to take charge
of the loading and shipping to Sa
lem of five machines for the shop
here. Authorization was recently
given by the navy department to
turn them over to the school.
Two Families Arrive John Y.
Murdick and family and H. H. Ar
nold and family have recently ar
rived in Salem. Their former home
was in San Antonio. Tex. They
made the trip recently by the
southern route. They found the
snow on the highways in the
mountains quite dangerous. Both
families plan to make their homes
in the Willamette valley.
Rummage sale, 420 Court St.,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Amount Reduced On stipula
tion, amount sought by plaintiff
in damage action brought against
the S. P. by Hattie May Bond
as administratrix of the estate of
O. E. Bond has been reduced from
$25,000 to $10,000. The suit is
based on fatal Injuries sustained
by O. E. Bond because of alleged
negligence of the railroad.
Wanted, used furniture. Tel 5510
Registration figures at the sen
ior high school turned in yester
day to the superintendent's office
by Fred Wolf, high school prin
cipal, show an increase so far of
77 students this semester over
last.. Although 61 students failed
to return to school, new registra
tions total 143, of whom 111 en
tered from Junior high schools.
According to an erroneous re
port given out a few days ago,
a decrease was noted ia registra
tion figures this term, which is
not the case as was explained by;
Superintendent George Hug yes
terday. Former figures gave the
complete registration list for the
fan semester and did not take
into consideration the fact that
the actnal enrollment at the end
of the term would fall far chert
of this mark due to students
dropping out or transferring
from school.
Principal Wolf expressed belief
that the enrollment increase for
the spring term would approxi
mate 106 before registration was
complete. A number of students
out of school due to illness have
not registered.
Defendant Appeal Fred El-
kins and others have tiled appeal
from judgment in circuit court
December 5, 1932, which entitled
plaintiff F. D. Harr to judgment
against defendant of $2075.
"The Ghost Bird," by Chemeketa
Players, benefit of relief funds;
tonight, 8 p. m.. West Salem
church bldg. Auspices community
club. 15c and 25c.
At Heights School Mrs. Mary
L. Fulkerson spent yesterday af
ternoon visiting the various rooms
of the rural school at Salem
Denies Motion Defendant's
motion to make more definite and
certain in case of W. H. Burtls vs.
Ernest Christenson has been de
nied by the circuit Judge.
Murdick Estate The L. Mur
dick estate will be appraised by
L. H. Martin, Britt Aspinwall and
George W. Brown, according to
probate order entered yesterday.
Sues for Money Complaint for
judgment on note has been filed
by National Securities corporation
against W. E. Seay.
Title Cleared Decree quieting
title to real property has been
filed in suit of C. H. Bowen vs.
Mary E. Johnson and others.
Appraisers Report Percy A.
supper, f. A. Theuer and W. H
McElroy have appraised estate of
Helen Tiarks at $3060.24.
Cases of the remaining two men
of the quartet arrested by city
police over the week end on lar
ceny and burglary charges were
disposed of in circuit court yesterday.
Kelly Wicklzer was sentenced
to the state penitentiary for six
months, and Kenneth Ames got a
like sentence. Wickixer pleaded
guilty Tuesday to the charge, and
sentence was imposed yesterday
oy juage MCManan. Ames was
brought into court for the first
time yesterday, and pleaded guilty
to burglary not in a dwelling.
Both men were taken to the
penitentiary yesterday afternoon
by Sheriff A. C. Burk.
Dr. C. O. Johnson, pastor of
the Thirl Baptist church at St.
Louis, Mo., and one of the out
standing speakers of the day, will
appear here Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock. February 12, Rev. W.
Earl Cochran, pastor of Calvary
Baptist church, announced yes
Dr. Johnson, who was for 11
years pastor of the Taeoma
church, held an enviable repu
tation as a crowd-getter, and
long before his services opea ev
ery seat is filled, the local, pas
tor says. He will speak twice in
Portland, both morning and ev
ening, February 12. His talk
here will likely be delivered at
the Calvary Baptist church.
The mid-year state Baptist
convention will be held in the
Hinson Memorial church in Port
land Tuesday, February 14, when
Dr. W. G. Everson, who was an
army officer spoke before the Ki
wanis clnb here about a year ago,
and Dr. P. W. Phil potts, until re
cently pastor of the ' Moody
church at Chicago, will be the
main speakers.
Rev. Cochran has been ap
pointed chairman in this dis
trict on attendance for the state
convention, and Rv. Britt on
Ross of the First church here
will conduct prayer service at
the convention.
the receipts mp to their former
figured Although there hasJeena
decrease in the amount of mall
handled, in the seven months
since the increase was effected
total receipts amount te $143,
885.50 while from July U 1981
until February 1, 1922 only
$120,192.63 was shown.
STB 11
The Jury which heard damage
action brought by Ids, M. Kates
against Guitar Schunke took but
two hours to return a verdict yes
terday for the defendant. P. H.
Acton was foreman.
Late yesterday afternoon, mo
tion for new trial was filed by at
torneys for the plaintiff on
grounds of error in law. The mo
tion is based on tact that the
court at defendant's request and
objection of plaintiff, instructed
in part as follows:
"There is no evidence la this
case that any injuries received by
the plaintiff were of a permanent
character, and you will, therefore,
disregard that allegation of plain
tiffs complaint and allow no dam
ages in this case for permanent
injuries suffered by the plaintiff".
Unpaid Marlon county war
rants on December 81. last, to
taled $9,452.03, of which sum
$7,759.04 was on the roads and
highway fund, according to semi
annual report of the county clerk.
The county assets at the end of
the second 1932 six months per
iod totaled $574,084.22. Of this
total, roads and highways ac
counted for the following: Taxes
receivable, 1929, $4,190.32; taxes
receivable, 1930, $14,062.55; tax
es receivable, 1931. $29,958.49;
due from other funds, $35,281.51.
The general fund for the period
showed: Taxes receivable, 1929,
$26,268.53; taxes r e e e i v a b le,
1931. $197,510.09; casta. $34,-
502.31; accounts receivable, $2,
324.79; road equipment less re
serve for depreciation, $45,538.37,
road equipment, operating, $5,
882.19. Claims paid during the last six
months totaled $430,701.56.
Lindsay Post Goes
Into Senate Today
The senate committee on edu
cation Wednesday voted to re
port out favorably a bill intro
duced by Senator Dunne doing
away with the office of secretary
of the state board of higher edu
cation. This office is now held by
Dr. E. E. Lindsay, who receives
an annual salary of $7500.
The bill will be reported out today.
Postal Receipts
In January Show
Gain Over 1933
Figures on postal receipts at
the local poetoffice for the month
of January, 1933, released yes
terday by John Farrar, postmas
ter, showed a total $17,948.93.
an increase of $1800 over the
corresponding month last year.
Farrar stated that there was no
doubt that the Increase in postal
rates effective since July 1, 1932,
had Jinan, instrumental in keeping
association, la sessloa yesterday
noon. The bQL introduced ay Sen-,
ator Upton, has passed the senate,,
but the- credit association will
voice protest to the house com
mittee which takes up the bill.
The present debtor exemption
law is superior to the proposed
bill, the association members be
lieve. A ITS exemption for either
married or single man is provided
la the present law, and andsr the
senate bill there is a $49 redac
tion tor heads of families and $25
reduction tor single men.
Some Students
Pay Up Tuition
Far in Advance
Willamette university students
are making valiant efforts to
weather depression, as is shown
oy tne large numoer or siuaents i
who are paying tuition money in j
advance for the spring term ot
school. Although some few may
be forced to drop out, many have
been saving for some time and al
ready have a large share ot the
kmoney paid.
Dean F. M. Erickson sees in
this fact an Indication that the
depression has caused students to
think more seriously about the ad
vantages of an education than has
heretofore been the case.
Wage Exemption
Bill is Opposed
By Credit Group
Opposition to senate bill No. 49,
relating to wage exemptions, was
voiced by the Salem Retail Credit
ut HALF thm
price of other
At your
eovnn wis s
Governor Meter yesterday sign
ed five bills passed during the
present legislative session. These
S. B. 20 By Bynon. Relating
to appeals from the action ot a
connty board of equalization.
S. B. 21 By Bynon. Relating
to the handling of petitions by
county boards of equalization.
H. B. S By Winslow. Pertain
ing te non-profit cooperative as
sociatloas and providing for a
board of directors not Including
more than five members.
H. B. 43 By Huntington. To
prohibit the running at large ot
livestock en roads and highway
in Lane county.
H. B. 59 By Snider. Relating
to larceny of livestock.
Croqa laele
Rtmglet Bad
$1.50 plete
Open Friday
Evenings by
307 First Natl Bank Bldg.
Tel. 3663
Branch ot Castle Pioneer
Permanent Wavers. Portland
4 J
Object to Cost Plaintiff in suit
of Kenneth B. Keuscher vs. North
ern Life Insurance company has
filed objections to cost bill, par
ticularly of two items totaling
$13. These are witness and mile
age fees ot a representative of de
fendant and reporter's fees.
History CUs Here The
United States history class from
Falls City high school visited the
atutehouse here yesterday to ob-j
erva the workings of the senate
and house as well as of state of
fices. Twenty-two students came,
with their teacher, Mabel Hatch,
la charge.
Compromise Approved T h e
probate court has approved com
promise settlement negotiated by
Mabel Nendel as administratrix
of estate of Meadle Durant and in
which half interest in a $550 note
li accented in settlement of a
$$00 claim against the L. W. Dur
ent estate
Auto Stolen R. J. Eppers, 1515
Bollevue street, reported to the
sheriff late yesterday that his
Ford roadster, bearing license
170-170, had been stolen from
his garage sometime between Sat
urday night and Wednesday.
Salem's finest
- Wens
At the reidence, 20S7 Nebras
ka avenue, Tuesday, January 31.
William H. Wenz, aged 68 years.
Survived by sisters, Mrs. L. M.
Schartf of Salem, Miss Anna Wenz
of Salem. Mrs. G. W. Hickman of
Bath, S. D.; brothers, E. C. Wenz
of Beaverdam, Wis., B. F. Wenz j
of Aberdeen, 8. D., T. C. Wenz of
Bath. Funeral announcements lat-.
or by Clough-Barrick company. !
Valentine Hearts.
1 Prisoner's Feed Sheriff Burk
yesterday submitted bill for feed
of county prisoners for the month
of January. The bill shows 42
prisoners fed 482 days, which at
rate of 64 cents a day totaled
Appraisers Named A. M. Fry,
George W. Yergen and A. J. Zim
merman have been named ap
praisers of the estate of Christian
Kraus. said to be worth not over
$1500. John F. Johnstone is ad
4 -
Assumed Xante Wilber H. Mc
Cune and Dow H. Lovell have til
ed with the county clerk assumed
business name of McCune and
Lovell for conduct ot a super ser
vice station at S94 Church street.
Abto Estate In connection
with the Mary Abts estate, Bert
T. Ford, executor, has been auth
orized to deliver satisfaction oi
mortrare to W. B. Pillett and
At the residence, route 7, box
212. February 1, 1933, Martha E.
Follls. Beloved wife of L. W. Fol
lis of Salem; mother of Mrs. O. A.
Laird of Salem, and Mrs. Ellis
Laird ot Portland; sister of Phil
lip Ritter of Portland. Two grand
sons survive. Age 74 years, one
month, 23 days, a native of Leb
anon, Ore. Friends are Invited to
attend the funeral services Friday.
February 3, at 2 p. m., from the
Terwllliger Funeral home, 770
Chemeketa street. Interment Bel
crest Memorial park.
i Births j
Kggstair to Mr., ana sirs.
Ralph Eggstaff, 292 North 20th
street, a boy. Philip Ralph, bom.
January 23 at Salem general hos
pital. Hupp -To Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Harry Hupp, route 8, a girl, Don
na Lee Juanita, born January 31
at 640 Chemeketa street.
(gnosis ws
2 fflflfl WMJL (SSLfSlM&
With the closing of our greatest 2 for 1 Sale in 43 years, we still find many exceptionally fine Suite and O'Coats in broken lots
that must be sold. And if price has anything to do with it they won t last long. Placed in two great groups and marked at such
amazing low prices that no man can afford to miss. We confidently call these the most extraordinary values ever offered the people
of Salem. And remembers Bishops reputation and guarantee is back of every garment.
L lyiliir ana
Fine all wool, newest styles, nicely tailored. Nearly all
colors. Many in this lot regularly sells now up to $20.00.
i Ml
Read these prices and don't fail to take adrantage
of these amazing rallies
Suede Leather Jackets
Fine quality, light and dark colors. Exceptionally
well made and regularly sold up to $7.95.
Now $co5
1 Lot Silk Ties
Without OpratioB or Lou of Tim.
29 Or.rom Bids. Phono 5309
New colors and what
t buy, now
Men's Slip On Sweaters
Coming Events
Feb. 1, 2 Oregon Dairy
men's association annual
meeting, ' chamber of com
February 0 Salens Mac
Dowell club presents Port
land Apollo clnb at Grand;
Wllhelm van Hoosstratea
Feb. 10 Wisconsin asso
ciation whiter meeting, W.
C T. U. building, 6 pan.
Feb. 10, 11 Boy Scout
merit badge exposition, Sa
lem armory .
February 24-25 Marion
county Sunday school con
vention at First Presbyter
laa chmrcn.
March 15-18 State high
school basketball tournament.
for stomach, liver, constipation,
bladder and female troubles.
Free Consultation. Hoars 9-6
Sanday 9-12
Chinese -Medicine Co.
Ill N. Commercial St
Fine all wool ex. well made and values to
$3.95, now to close out special
1 Lot Men's Shirts
Broadcloth? Nearlj all colors & sizes
and a real value, now special
Invalid Chairs
T?A s. I
.v avuv
Call 6010, Csed Furniture
181 North High
Very fine quality. AH wool and many taken from
our finest suits and Reg. sold frM AC
up to $7.50, now to dose out rx.esj
ftg 111115 and
Many of our very finest makes, hand tailored in excellent
fabrics. Newest colors and up-to-the-minute styles. Many re
gularly sold up to $35.00
Never have you been offered such values on fine qn ality clothing so take advantage now of these
arrest savings.
Can't Bust 'Em Cords
1 Lot Shirts
Ex. fine quality Frnit-of-the-loom ft Arrow.
VaL to $2J0, now Ex. special
1 Lot Men's Hose
Good quality & fine wearing, new
colors and what a buy, now
Men's Pajamas
Good quality broadcloth, Faultless and other
makes, VaL to $1.75, now special
7C pr.
Friendly Five Oxfords
. 1 Lot Elk. & tans, fine quality leather,
now to dose out ;
136 No. Coml St.
Med. heavy wt. light colors, some slightly
imperfect, to close out special
Men's Sleeveless Sweaters
AH wool, all shades, VaL to J1.75, 7Qn
now Ex. special ' I f C
Cassimeres & worsteds, nearly all colors (jo nr
and Res. VaL to $5.00, now to close out vW
Men's Hats
Fins felts, all good styles and
colors. VaL to $4, now .
I 3V i- -