The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday llonring. Fcbrcary 2, 1233.
FOuwai 141
; Wo Foror SWy r; Vo Fear SJtaU Am" '
From First Statesman, March 28, 1851
CkaBLCS A. Spbacue ..... Editor-Manager
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Letten from
Statesman Readers
,As Others See Us
SALEM is very much in the limelight these days. The date
line "State Capital, Salem" appears regularly in front
page position in all the papers of the state. People are fol
lowing the work of the legislature with close attention now,
hoping for good, and hoping more that nothing harmful
may emerge.
And many people are visiting Salem just to drop in at
Ihe legislature, look up the representatives from their sev
eral counties, and watch the mill-wheels of legislating turn
round. It is interesting therefore to learn their impressions,
and to find out what they have to say to friends and neigh
bors when they return home. And when the commentator
is so welcome a visitor and so cordial a guest as Frank Jen
kins of Eugene, M'dford and way points, it is a pleasure
to reprint his obs.. yations. This is what Jenkins wrote in
his newspaper column after a call on Salem's capitol:
"Salem, where these words are written, Is experiencing Its
biennial thrill.
"Every two years the legislature meets, and when the leg
islature meets Interesting and important and colorful people de
scend on Salem from all over the state and headquarter here
anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months. While
the legislature is In session, Salem is the center around which
Just about everything In Oregon revolves.
"And how Salem loves it!
"And why not?
"For 22 months, Salem, although the capital city of Oregon,
Is Just another town. Portland is the big city of Oregon, and,
capital or no capital, the important business of the state, in or
dinary times, is done in Portland. Most ot the state offices, as
a matter of fact, have branches in Portland, and nearly all the
Important meetings are held in Portland.
"But during the approximate two months in which the leg
islature is in session all this is changed, and Salem comes into
its own as the real capital. Tou can't blame these people here
for liking to see the legislature assemble.
"It's only human to like to be in the center of thing3.
' "It's different this year, they're all saying. Why? Oh, the
depression, of course. Everything, you know, is affected by the
"Fewer people, it is said, are coming to Salem this year
from the far corners. Money is money, in this particular year,
and it costs money to travel. So a lot ot people who have come
to-Salem In the past are staying at home.
"Or at least that's what they are all saying. But the lob
bies at the capitol building seem to have Just about the eame
crowds as in the past.
"Well, maybe so, Salem people admit, when this more or
less obvious fact is pointed out to them, but they add: 'Any
way, the crowds LOOK different.
"The wires and daughters and cousins and aunts of the
legislators and the lobbyists and the lookers-on, the Salem peo
ple will tell you, have been all dressed up like a horse In the
past, but this year they're not putting on so much dog. They're
just dropping in in their old clothes 'coming as they are' In
the language of the auto camps.
"It n.ay be true. Still, this writer has observed no patches
on the pants of the men and no frayed edges among the cloth
ing of the wemen. It looks about like an average crowd."
"Dis is a Gut Bill"
T EGISLATORS are now working under a heavy load.
Li Committee meetings start early in the morning. General
sessions continue throueh the middle of the day. Afternoons
and evenings are given over to public hearings, protracted,
often hiehly argumentative. Meantime members are button
holed in the lobby, summoned to the telephone by importun-
ate constituents, and otherwise oaagerea Dy persons inter
ested in legislation.
The heavy erist of important work: revenue, taxation,
appropriations, motor licenses, truck regulations, will come
ud in the closing days of the session. So serious and so com
plex are these great questions that they are naturally at
tracting the chief portion of time and thought of the mem
It is in such a situation that there is danger of pernic
ious bills getting through. With such a flood of legislative
proposals members cannot keep up with all of them. So in
the concrestion at the end of the session there is bound to be
a lot of blind voting. Members will merely vote because this
i Member Smith's bill and he says it is all right. Reminds
us of an old German who used to be a member of the Wash
ington session. He introduced few bills: and when one of
his measures was on passage about the only speech he made
v as : "Dis is a ffut bill : vote for it . Now if all members were
as honest and conscientious as this old German that advice
I would be fairly safe. But not all members are as trustwor-
1 thv as he was.
The stage is all set for jamming through the minor
tills without very dose scrutiny, . because attention is ab
. sorbed in the big issues. Legislators need therefore to be
! particularly watchful; otherwise when the law boo is print
ed they may find they have enacted measures they cannot
justify. The common saying for popular voting on initiated
or referred bills is: "When in doubt, vote no." It is not a bad
rule to extend to the legislature where busy members may
not have time to study what they are voting on as much as
individual citizens at election time. This is not intelligent
voting ; but it is safer than voting "aye" ignorantly.
Hitler's Power Not Unlimited
ADOLPH HITLER came to the German chancellorship
not as a "man on horseback" but by the normal con
stitutional process of executive appointment He becomes
therefore a constitutional officer. As such he will be subject i
to all the political intrigue that has beset the previous oc
cupants of the office. Had Hitler come at the head of his
storm troops, with the gesture of dictatorship, the constitu
tion would be ignored and the opposition impotent. Another
factor wjiich cramps his freedom is the fact that his cab
inet is rather composite, including von Papen, who may be
come federal commissioner for Prussia, and who is avow
edly not affiliated with the "nazis".
, So it is doubtful if Hitler ministry long survives the
stress of German politics. The fact is that he comes to of
fice after his party has passed the zenith of its strength.
The last election showed it had lost many followers. A dic
tator is one who sweeps in on the flood; it is difficult for
him to retrieve his fortunes after they begin to ebb.
- The outside world regrets that the chancellorship fin
ally went to Hitler. His militant nationalism, his cultivation
of race prejudice bode HI for his country and for world ac
cord. It may though be just as well to give him his trial now.
If he falls as have many able and powerful men ahead of
him, he will no longer be the man of mystery and of prom
ise. He will be merely another fallen chancellor.
John Knight has passed away.
To the younger generation In and
around Salem this announcement
has no other meaning than a
chronicle In the death column,
bnt to the "old timers' who are
till hero It means that a citizen
highly rained in Salem's early life
has been called to his reward; a
citizen who had hosts of friends
who esteemed and trusted him
who .knew his kindly heart and
had experienced Its promptings
who enjoyed his association' so
cially, politically and fraternally
and always found him true, loyal
and unselfish.
John Knight came to Marion
county with the celebrated "Au
rora Colony" of Dr. Kelt In the
early fO's and was a good speci
men of the Dutch thrift and In
dustry of those fine people who
made the north end of the county
prosperous. John came to Salem
later and embarked in the black-
smithing business, in which he
became quite prosperous Hie
shop during the last years of his
activity in that line was on Lib
erty street between State and Fer
ry, where he and Joe 8chlndler4
the latter still active here, were
well patronized and very popular.
John took a deep interest in
politics and was an ardent repub
lican. In the old days of caucus
and convention ho was an active
part of every contest and was
recognised as a square shooter.
who fought hard but never de
ceived or doable-crossed. John
was elected county sheriff In 1891
and 1894. which wss not a bless
ing to him. He was too generous
and open-handed and the con
tacts of the sheriffs office in
those days were conducive of ex
travagant sociability. The office I
was a financial loss to him.
John had a fine family. He
married Miss Angeline Snyder.
who survives him. Their oldest
son met with a fatal accident In
January, 1888, while coasting on
what is now South Liberty street
rrom uax to Mission, which
caused the family and friends
great grief. Another son, Claude,
now lives at The Dalles.
he is highly respected, and a
daughter, Edna, Is the wife of
H. C. Taylor, and lives on South
Commercial street.
Mr. Knight was a charter
member of the local Elks' lodge
and its first Exalted Ruler. Be
ing naturally of a fraternal dis
position, he was deeply devoted
to the Interests of that organiza
tion and during the period since
his strength failed it was his
greatest pleasure to be conveyed
to the Elks' temple and spend an
afternoon in Its social atmos
Some years ago the family
moved to Portland and Mr.
Knight was appointed crier in
the U. S. district court, a posi
tion he filled with efficiency un
til bis health failed a few years
ago. The family returned to Sa
lem, their old home, a short
time later. The many old friends
of Mr. Knight Join with them
in mourning his demise.
F. D.
Former Oregon man -is
"going on" 100: V'
- - S
(Continuing from yesterday:)
Tho party made its final start
from Farm Ridge. 111 on the
Vermilion river, about 100 miles
south of Chicago. It was made up.
besides A. F. Brown, wife and
two small children, ot Mr. and
hscra. Alex Brown, ancle and step
father and mother of A. F.. and
their daughter, 1; Mr. and Mrs.
L. P. Brown and two children;
Mrs. John T. Brown and two chil
dren; she tho widow of a brother
ot A. F.; Mrs. Mercy A. Whit
comb and four children, and H. H.
Wheeler. Hiram Stuart, Jako El
liot, Geo. B. Ocklngton and Chan.
They crossed the Mississippi
river at Davenport; laid la their
last supplies at Council Bluffs,
where a young man named Max
well joined them having started
to Pike's Peak and returned that
tar; crossed the Missouri river to
Omaha, which then was a town of
300 to 400 people. There it was
good-bye to settlements; went
south to tho Platte river, crossed
Loop Fork on a ferry; followed
up tho Platte to the Sweetwater;
on tho way saw buffalo herd on
tho move; looked a mUo wide and
as compact as they could well
travel; A. F. killed a fine one.
giving the company fresh meat
Now tho party had about CO
men, some of them experienced
In Indian fighting, and tho Apple
gate cutoff was taken, though the
intention had been to come by
way of the Honey Lake valley,
through Sasanrllle, CaL The last
preceding train that had come,
four years before, over tho Ap
plegate route, had been murder
ed by tho Indians. J. B. Brown
was elected captain of tho train
from the turning point toward
tho Applegato route, and strict
rules were followed, with night
guards. A. F. Brown stood guard
half tho night every other night
for three months. On tho oast
side of Goose lake, Indians fired
on them with bows and arrows.
early in tho morning, and again
at tho campling place in tho evening.
Their food supply became low
in that section, and it was ration
ed, and eked out with tho meat of
a butchered ox, and wild plums
and chokecherrles. Tho flour sup
ply was exnausted three days be
fore reaching a pioneer settle
ment in Shasta valley, Cat They
got mere plenty of flour and po
tatoes; but tho spuds made them
sick; too strong food after half
starvation. They proceeded to
Treka. Cal. Col. Joseph Hooker.
(headquarters then In tho Hol
ms a building (virtually the Ore
gon state house), Salem, had just
Daily Thought
"I earnestly request my wife
and my children and my descend
ants that they steadfastly decline
to sign any bonds or obligations
of any kind as surety for any oth
er person or persons: that they
refrain from anticipating their in
come in any respect; that they re
fuse to make any loans except on
the basis of first-class well-known
securities and that they invariably
decline to Invest in any untried
Sweetwater to what was known as
tho last crossing; turned north
and was the first emigrant com
pany to travel what was known
as Landers cutoff taking the car
avan to tho summit ot the Rock
ies, a short distance below Fre
mont peak. They had spent July
4 in camp near Chimney rock.
They had passed through the
country of the Pawnee and Sioux
tribes, but had no trouble with
Camo from the summit to the
New Fork of the Qreen river,
then through the Wind river
mountains; still on the Landers
cutoff; passed Col. Landers and
his party near the west end of the
cutoff; he became a major gen
eral in the Civil war. Tho cutoff
took the caravan down to the old
road to Fort Hall on the Snake
river. The company went by
wnere me subiette cutoff came
into the old road; camped one
night on Salt river with a party
that had just arrived over the
Sublette cutoff, and they report
ed that, about 10 miles south of
that camp, they passed a place
where a party of emigrants had
an been murdered by Snake In
dians, except a baby, and its legs
were broken, and this party had
the baby, taking it along with
Scottsburg, Oregon, to that nelnt
tho man who in tho Civil war
necs me a major general and was
Known as "righting Joe Hooker."
n .
From Treka tho immigrant
party followed tho new mflltarr
road all the way to Roseburg; ar
riving ai me latter point Sept. It,
five months to a day from Farm
Ridge, Ills. Resuming tho text:
My brother. John, was a nart-
ner in the American hotel, after-
wmra me MeClellan hotai
ttosenurg. With D. W. Steam.
and we left his wife and two chfl
drea with him and went over fi
Camas Swale, where L. P.'s fath-
er-in-iaw lived, and whar T. p
and his family stopped. My broth
er, xienry u. Brown, met us there
and the rest of our ntrtr
down to his home, four miles be-
iow wnere Elkton is now- located.
D. W. Stearns hmA I,-.. i
up the river two miles above Hen
ry's; he had raised a lre-
and the first work I did in Oregon
no iv uein nim inmii t n
rented Mr. Stearns's fa'nii i nr
tepfather and mother and two ot
l", 00B n came across the
Viains Wim US. H. W.
- - w ww - V V
auu m to nnr mn vVnm rn .
wunea me rarm and raited
large crop.
I tried to sret a nnaftin i.
store In Roseburg. . . i also wrote
(As the Brown party passed ?' W" Brns!d of Portland, Ore..
through Iowa a single fsmlly 117 lo et Position for me.
joined it and traveled with it all
the way to Myrtle Creek, Oregon;
mr. ana Mrs. neaway ana a
daughter; the daughter marrying
James rninips there.) The party
struck the Snake river above Sal
mon Falls and followed it down
to Raft river. Crossing the latter
stream, the caravan left the old
Oregon trail and traveled up It,
due south to the headwaters ot
the Humboldt for about ISO
miles; camping each night with a
party from Missouri, for protec
tion against Indian attacks. They
met a band of hostile who were
was raueo on the Vermont
t ium to Page 7)
... Of Old Salem
Town Talks from The State,
"a" of Earlier Days
Febnaarra. ibm
Yesterday was the, mMm a.-
of the winter although the ther
mometer stood at is iFW
threatening; that night four men ?TO od Coring the middle
from Douglas county. J. B, Brown uo TT,S 10 ' degrees.
Dispatches from Tronfdl r.
port that Dr. .Charles Chamber
lain, son of Governor George B.
Chamberlain, was handed an !
onymous letter demanding that his
ismer paraon John Brandon from
the Oreeon BAnHnntiara ..
threatening that the governor if
he refused would meet the same
fate as did Governor StAnnAnHar
of Idaho. Brandon is sentenced to
kill ult with Intent to
and John his son, James Moore
and James Phillips, joined them.
to meet their relatives in the Mis
souri train, for protection, having
ridden horseback about 500 mUes
through hostile Indian country;
their immigrant relatives being
tho Cardwells and Pooles.
or doubtful securities or property
or enterprise ot business." El
bert H. Gary.
Daily Health Talks
Dr. Copelani
United States Senator from New Tork.
Former ComwUeeUmee of Health,
Vew Tork CU.
DID TOO ever see a child suffer
ing from croup? If you have, you
appreciate the distress and real
alarm that are caused by this amo
tion. Croup ts a catarrhal Inflammation
ot the larynx er
windpipe. I sua
glad to say that
it Is much less
frequently en
countered than It
used to be.
It osuauy at
taoks children
between the ages
of two and five.
Some children
are more sus
ceptible to It
than others.
The disease Is
oommorJy asso
ciated with ade
noids and en
larged tonsils. It often follows ex
posure to cold and dampness. It may
be associated with Indigestion.
The attack comes on suddenly, but
Is usually preceded by several hours
of hoarseness and nasal discharge.
During the night the child has a
barking cough.
The cough Increases In severity
and the breathing becomes difficult
In mild cases the labored breathing
Is not sufficient to awaken the child.
In a more severe attack the child
awakens, cries and com plains of
great difficulty In breathing.
The agitated appearance of the
child frightens and terrifies the
mother. The mother fears that the
child win choke and In her anxiety
rashes about frantically. Unfortu
nately, excitement Increases the
spasms and makes breathing more
difficult for 4he child.
The first thing to do Is to send for
a doctor. While waiting for the doc
tor to arrive, there Is much that can
be done to give relief to "the UtUe
Place the child In a hot bath. To
make sure It ts not too hot. test the
temperature of the water with your
elbow before you place the child in
the tub. Keep hint la the hot water
tor fifteen to twenty mlnutea.
With older childrea, sometimes re
lief follows a hot foot bath to which
a teaspoon of mustard has been add
ed. As they say. this "draws the
blood from the head".
The "Croop-Kettle"
Vomiting relieves the spasms. This
may be Induced by the use of drugs.
out medication tor this purpose
should not be given except under the
doctor's supervision. Only he Is In
position to determine whether such
medication ts Indicated.
X can think of no better form ot
treatment than the use of the old-
fashioned "croup kettle". The child
la placed In a closed tent, which can
be made from bed sheets. Steam Is
passed Into the tent The spasms
and difficulty la breathing are great
ly relieved by this measure.
After the attack has subsided, it
Is Important to prevent repetition.
Neglect ot childhood ailments, espe
cially croup, myites complication
The child should have plenty of
fresh air and cold "g Cold
sponging about the neck and chest
Is beneficial Enlarged and diseased
tonsils should be removed. Improve
the general health of the child by
careful supervision of the diet.
Answers to Health Qaeries
Reader. Q. Is swimming la fresh
water harmful to the health?
A. No.
The recent small hliu i
high school building hss arm
mora brought before the public
the general inadequacy of firs nr
tectlon for the various city
SChOOlS. The build In rm tM nn
even supplied with patent fire ex
tinguishers, to say nothing of
hose, fire escapes, fire buckets,
February 2, 1023
A party of their own. or at least
definitely pledged candidates that
may believe they esn tie to, is one
play proposed to the Oregon Tax
Reduction club, at its state-wide
committee meeting yesterday.
"Ken" Williams. 191 S home
run king, with tho St. Louis Am
merlcans, arrived in Salem yester
day ror a short visit with old-
time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
The Challenge
or jl.
ove -hi.-;'
vi flute -
British cabinet has accepted the
American debt funding sugges
tions. These suggestions call for
final payment of the nearly
16.000,000,000 debt In S years
with Interest rates from 3 to SH
per cent.
luru , 1 against mm, it taxes a man of
, . ' . I great courage to stamp the faces
Toanjr Dr. John Wolf a arrives atl ... - ,. ... ' ,
tho ft tow. of Dttlo I VeorZ Tu oS
iiT"Tr . TV vITIi ing those who dwell about us. Our
ffoWs assistant T "f amiability is spt to make us cow
dreaa, tho T erds. But Wolfe had that touch of
commands respect, lr. Tareaageia t..tUm that amnAl m. man tn
is very affable bat Us wife, whol ' T7 w. VT t Jva tha
Judges from outward appearances.
considers Weife a -raw gawk of a A gtmtT cloom
man- ami treat, him aeon Sir 4, ro., u. sin-splashed
Gj!r ErT". spes of Che Moor Farm eypresses.
,0etrt 5 Wolfe aaw tho rod house wtthlts
over Dr. ThreedgeU-s elsw treat, h hti tvrttaSnt onr the
Tv"iZ f.TiT ridge WoVbla ashe descended
L,T,.U.: thTmoor. Am impms. stirred in
tV TfT.n. 7 Ua. Wddlxiz him torn aside towards
Wolfe has some ability but is a fit- XfZZv. ir v. -
tie forward. Dr. Thread attends
the prosperous oatleaU aad assigns --v m thistnne-naved
tlea o I v m.... m. v. ja
am aswias vm vm pw-r " path. These people of tho moor did
tewm. The young physician realises fT, -yZZ , ntn
.vV0 j '""."T" JZZZ as charm about the old house,
ia tho hands of a bnglimg doctor. Wolf, had seen the rehardln
eeadltlea. ta the thetol beads over tho rfchreen
" . -VTr . irrr: tress. Tho comely, smiling good
tgaoraat of this, la wefl satisfied I - ZZ Jm JLi
"E4 M?r! tho wtodVMowa hair and tarkling
I frankness of wild-eyed Jess. These
as-1 .t v. na v. k..-.
geld now considers him a very
ante senos, tsi iwiainwi .-1. v. ni v. k..
Wolfe geea to attend a Mrs. I IT" C"r7, ' T.-Xr:
m asUBBs) mm avaej jr A saajx insiyw m
man's aad thoughts grow mischirv
ens and young.
." . .lha aaw a abort, brown-smocked fig
ner over. aiHr leavwg mm imwh v.
UaacalL Ha Is mot by tho yoaag
daughter who 1 sUspUased that be
aad not tho old doctor responded.,
New Viewj
Another million dollar slash for
tho Oregon higher education bud
get has been indicated as tho lat
est legislative consideration. What
do you think of it?" was asked of
the following persons:
Mrs. D. D. Q. What causes weak
A. This may be doe to low Mood
pressure or a heart condition. Have
a careful examination.
G. D. U. Q. WU1 vaseline make
the eyelashes grow?
A. Tea.
B. D. Q. What do you advise tor
dandruff? 1: What causes the fin
ger nails to become thin and split?
A. Brush the hair daily and use
a good tonic. Send self-addressed
stamped envelope for full particulars
and repeat your question. S: This
may be due to some constitutional
: (CopvrtaM. ttSS. K. T. A tncj
hL C Jamleson. General Food
Sales company 1 "One million dol
lars is a largo sum to cut from
the educational system ot tho
state. Tho ideals ot tho United
States aro founded on education
and it seems that in economies the
last place to make such a dras
tic cut would bo In tho realm ox
education. Perhaps a smaller cut
could be made feasible. X read the
article in this morning's paper and
as I understand it I do not favor
such a eat,"
Mascan borne, Wolfe feels happy, rv H T7.
g three months of re-l . . w .v.
search, Wotfo fewsaras a map had bumped in and out
Naveatock showing its unsanitary llZJX CTZ
brown pony.
"Mr. Wolfe, air, yon bo wanted.1
Elbert Price, laborerf"! don't
know. I dont believe so much
money should bo spent for educa
tion, but $1,000,000 would be a
large cut."
areas. Jeatah Crabbe's aroaorty ts
tha Important exception, Jasper
TnrrelL tho brewer.
nwmm wavw I rate.
water for analysis. Terrell Is fart.
ems aad efesaands that Wolf o tarn
over tho bottle to him. Tho young
physician aoara the water at Tar
rdrs feet and leaves him faming
aad sputtering.
Ho ran up and opened the white
"I was just a-eoming for yea,
Wolfe rode fa.
"Somebody QL Bob?"
"The missus, sir. That there
th asthma."
"I take tout word for ft. Bob.
Yoa are an excellent diagnostician."
Tho boy grinned.
'Thank yer, sir. I be unt much of
On Tarlinr Moor the gorso was
still in bloom, though tho fuU glory
ef gold had deserted It for the wav-1 a chap at words."
tnz branches of tha broom. It was I Bob ran at Wolfe's side, and took
a rare galloping ground for a man his horse when he dismounted at
whose blood had been overheated, tho end of the holly hedge. The
John Wolfe camo riding back geese had followed them, gaggling
from the direction of Herongate, in line, with the old one-eyed gan-
where ho had been called to see alder at' their- bead. They made
shepherd who was QL Tha climb cheerful noise; and the humming of
out of that rotten, worm-eaten old tho wind in the cypresses was like
town towards the wide spaciousness the humming of some great happy
of the moor had cleared Wolfe's spirit watching the sunlight race
brain and steadied his heart, Only lover tho grass.
a few hours had passed since Wolfe had reached the porch,
Jssper Turrell had tried to bully when a black cat came whisking
him in Virgin's Court, and that one out, followed by a flying figure with
incident seemed likely to make of a round basket set helmet-wise up
Nsvestock a battleground or a tilt- on Its head. The flying figure saved
Wolfe had
felt a desire to be
itself within six inches of Wolfe's
waistcoat, and fell book with a flash
alone, to thrash things out la his I of colour and a glimmer ef mis-
own mind, to climb up above tne l chlorous confusion.
little dost storms of tho moment
and gala a broad view of his own
Oh Mr. Wolfe!"
The black cat had fled terror-
horizon. Tho ride over Tarling Moor stricken Into tho summer house.
had riven him tha calmness of out. I Wolfe's eyes were fuu of laughter.
look that ha. needed. Wolfe knew! "In this the latest fashion in boa-
that he bad been warned off that (nets? '
morning, aad that Jasper Turrell I Jess tossed the thing off Into a
had thrown a sack at aim, as sal corner of tho porch.
"And yourself."'
She shook bar hair, as thoaeh
shaking her Laughter off like spray.
Her eyes became serious.
"Tou are a nice doctor, to stand
laughing hero
"Oh, coma, now. It was tackr that
Bob caught me. Tre been up Heron-
gate way. Your mother is it "
TH gw up at once."
"Please do. It's Flemynr's Cross
to-night. Mother wont bo able to
go. She says I must
"What la Flemynr's Cross? A
out-of-door service for bad-tem
pered people? If so, your mother
certainly needn't bo there, I forbid
"What nonsense you taXkr
She was climbing tho old oak
stairs, aad taming back to look at
bim. A stream of sunlight from a
window splashed tho panslnnf be
hind her, so that Wolfe saw her
hair black against a background of
glimmering light.
"If s one of the Manor Courts.
and tho steward of tho Lord of tho
Manor has held tt for hundreds and
hundreds of years. All tho tenants
have to take their does, and ae eao
most speak above a whisper."
And Mrs. Kascaa Is coins? to
send you t"
"I can whisper, rn shew 70a."
"Not now. You're got to be seri
In the sunny south bedroom
Wolfe found Jess's mother sitting
In an arm-chair by tho open win
dow. There was a bowi fuU of blue
bells on a table beside her, and she
had been trying to write a letter,
for a writing pad still lay upon her
Her eyes welcomed Wolfe, though
she was in too great distress to
talk much.
"You're a good angel, doctor."
They caught me as I was pass
I ought to be at the Manor
Court at Flemyng'a "
"But you'll not go. Miss Jess has
been explaining."
He stood and looked down at her
in that grave penetrating- way that
made women and children trust
'Jess must go. rve been trying
to write to Lawyer Fyson. Lord
Blackwater's steward."
Now dont worry about all this.
It bothers you to talk. Ill sit down
and plan things out for you. Stop
me if yoa hare anything to suggest."
He sat down at the table, reached
for the writing pad, and began to
"Here's n certificate for Mr. Fy
son. That settles that gentleman.
Let's see; Miss Jess will have to
act for you, and shell drive down
in tho gig. Master Bob roes oil
to Navestock at once for medicine,
and with a message to say Fm de
tained. That's It. I stay here, ride
"Dont be silly. I was only fright-
eninr old Thomas. TVs the egg bas-
would hare thrown a stiek at a dog
that had shown aa inclination to
trespass under his garden gataulkot."
And Jasper Turrell's attitude was I "Oh, the egg basket?"
likely to bo tho attitude of Nsre
stock, Tho Incident of that absurd
quarrel had opened Wolfe's eyes.
"X see."
She looked at
him with a mo-
Tha little people would not only I meat's gravity and then fell Into
twist their mouths at him and gtb-l glorious Laughter, the free, bob
ber melidouslys they would gather I bling laughter of a healthy child,
like apea and try to pelt him out I The sound thrilled through Wolfs
of tho town. Turrell had bellowed I like tho joy ox a perfect morning,
a warning. Tho people who owned! He laughed, too, quiet, deep-chested
Navestock would tolerate no man I laughter that sang second to her
who attempted to tell them un-l ringing treble,
pleasant truths, I "Ha, ha, hat"
Now weixa was a sora center, 1 un you aro suiy.
one of those men whose chin and
fists ro up even in tho face of a
crowd. He bad glimpses of what!
mir ht happen la Navestock, the
anger and malice ha might arouse,
tho abuse ho would receive, the in
fluence that weald bo exerted
"Why, Indeed t"
"What is there to laugh att"
Ask Thomas aad the basket,
And what!"
to Flemynr's Cross with Miss Jess,
deliver my certificate to Mr. Fy
son, see your daughter through the
ordeaL and then ride home to Nave
stock. That sounds very practical."
Mrs. Maseairs eyes brightened
"How yoa do think of things! I've
been putting Jess through bet
paces; old Fyson's a kind sort of
man. Three dozen fresh eggs, that's
what tho tenant of Moor Farm has
to giro tho Lord ef the Manor. Yoa
all hare to whisper. They cell It the
Whispering Court."
"So Jess told see."
"Call tho cirl, doctor. Oh Jess,
ehfld, you're there T Dr. Wolfe's go
ing to Flemynr's Cress with you
It's a weight off my chest, HeU
stay and take tea. And Jess the
Jess had one of her solemn mo
ments. "I hareat rot them yet, mother.
"Good gracious, child, go oat aad
get them,"
CaarricH. JX, hf Sabart H. sCcBfUa m Cm.
7 Jag vaa
Diatr&ataS ky
Sraaioata, laa,
The Man With a Load ot Mischief