The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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PAGE SIX - : - The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, t Oregon, Tuesday Morning January 21. 1933
Society M
v.-. :.:.--v ... v -
ews and Club
: OLTfE M. Doxk, Society Editor.
impressive Ritual
Marks Rainbow
Brilliantly " Impressive was the
installation of officers vfor Chad
wlck chapter,' Order, of Rainbow
for Girls, Saturday night In the
lodge rooms of Masonic temple.
Chemeketa chapter, DeMolay, had
charge of the coronation service,
which la original with the local
chapter and ha been accepted as
part of the national DeMolay
Miss Eleanor Wssstaff acted as
installing officer In the absence of
Miss Clandine Gueffroy, retiring
worthy advisor, recently injured
In an automobile accident. DeMo
lay coronation- group .included
- master councilor, Louis Melson;
senior council, Charles Eraerick:
junior councilor, Earre Winter
mute; chaplain, Waldo Mills: fen
tor deacon, Abe Maisels; junior
deacon, Albert Board man.
" Officers and members of the ad
visory" board installed were: Wor
thy advisor, Margaret Savage;
;Worthy associate advisor. Ruth
Johnson: Charity, Iris Jorgeuson:
Hope, Margaret Hauser; Faith.
Rath Melson; recorder, Maxine
Gahlsdorf; chaplain, Jane Fisher;
treasurer, Helen Worth: drill
, leader, Jean Patton ; Love, Ruth
Eoff; Religion, Virginia Cross;
Nature. Marguerite Smith; Im
mortality, Arllss Thomas; Fidel
ity. Jean Doolittle: Patriotism,
Bellroie Molloy; Service, Doris
Drager; confidential observer.
Betty Smith; outer observer. El
freda Bombeck; musician, Julia
Johnson; choir director. Frances
Ellis; choir, Virginia Pugh, Fay
Thompson, Betty Baker, Laneta
Bellinger, Flavla Downs and Em
lyn Griggs: mother advisor. Miss
ElOlse Wright; advisory board,
Mrs. Lana Beechler, Harry Craw
ford. Mrs. Lillian King. Harry
Mohr, Mrs. Pearl Grote. Mrs. Stel
la Henry, and Miss Eloise Wright.
Committees appointed included
a benefit for needy committee,
members of which are Esther Gib
bard, Alice Speck, Margaret Bell,
and Cleo Ritner; reception com
mittee, Martha Sprague, Eleanor
Trlndle and Edna Savage.
An Informal reception followed
the installation ceremony. Masons,
Eastern Star members, DeMolay
and friends and members of the
Rainbow were presentyfor this de
lightful close to the impressive
Turner. Mrs. J. E. Whitehead,
Jr., with Mrs. J. R. Cox as joint
hostess, entertained informally
Saturday night at the Whitehead
home for a group of friends in
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Riches, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear. Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. Parks, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Booth, Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Rich
es, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cox and
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whitehead. Jr.
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Here is an intimate photo of Princess Ileana of Romania, with her
husband, Archduke Anton of Austria, and their baby, whose title is
Archduke Stephan. The baby is a nephew of King Carol of Rumania
and the godson of former King Alfonso of Spain, so he may truly be
said to have he born to the roval nnrnle.
Birthday Party
Is Gay Affair
A jolly "depression" idea dom
inated the birthday party for
which Mrs. Tom Drynan was
hostess Saturday night in com
pliment to the birthday of her
Card tallies "were developed in
newspaper, and the buffet sup
per hour carried out the "depres
sion" idea in most amusing fash
ion. Mrs. Harold Hauk assisted
in serving.
High score for cards was held
by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krlesel.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Drynan
included Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Drynan, Miss Agnes MacPike,
and Hal Babbitt, all of Portland,
who were also weekend guests at
the Drynan home; Miss Kathryn
Fleming and Cleo Goetjen also
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ver
non Gllmore, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Kriesel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Hauk and Mr. and Mrs. Harris
Salem Women's Press
Club at Upjohn Home
Mrs. Don t'pjohn will entertain
today for women of the Salem
Press club. The meeting is being
planned a bit out of the ordinary
for the regular Press club meet
ings, with the introduction of a
1 o'clock luncheon to precede the
business and social hours.
Zena Mr. and Mrs. Walter
B. Hunt were hosts at a dinner
given Saturday night for Mrs. C.
F. Butler and Sons, Frank and
Louie, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ste
phens and sons Emmett and
Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Sohn and daughter Nadine. Mt.
and Mrs. Jesse Sohn and chil
dren Elaine. Ellabell and Jesse,
and Helen Hunt.
Music Week Plans
Launched With
' Plans for one of the features of
National Music week have been 're
leased by Elmer Weller,- :fchalr
man of the committee in charge of
the feature, and' Mrs. Mary Den
ton, state music week chairman. - -..
A contest which will be entered
by musie students of Salem music
teachers, and this means any
qualified musie teacher, these stu
dents to be designated by the
Fields for competition will In
clude piano, violin and voice solos
and a special divison for hymns.
Rules and suggestons are printed
and now available to any teacher
wanting them. They are to be se
cured through Elma Weller, con
test chairman.
There will be two contest dates,
one a preliminary and tbe other a
final contest. The preliminary con
test will be held in April and the
final one will be an event of Music
week. May 7 to 14.
The point for judgment-will in
clude interpretation, te c h n i c,
rhythm, memory, pedaling and
poise. And the aim has been set
out as to "give definite immediate
objective toward which students
may work; inspire greater effort
in artistic achievement through
stimulus of competition; give an
opportunity for student to evalu
ate himself in comparison with
This contest Is an outgrowth of
the visit last fall of Chester Rose
crans, Pacific coast representative
of the National Bureau for Ad
vancement of Music, to Salem
where he met musicians and in
terested parents in a mass meet
ing in the chamber of commerce.
Mr. Rosecrans, an active and dyn
amic figure in musical and artis
tic circles in San Francisco, de-
A Rrouo of which little has veioped this plan for his listeners
been said but in which much of and action has been taken upon it
interest is happening from the by tne local musicians under the
standpoint of the art-minded is sponsorship of the Salem Music
the "art appreciation" section of Teachers' association, although
the Salem Arts league. any teacher may enter students
This organization has been whetner h belongs to the assocla
meeting for the past several t,0
weeks at the home of Mrs. Gus- National Music week is directed
tflv EWn una i. hoinr Airt.A nationally by the Bureau for Ad-
by Anton Piers, well known to '"cement of Music and I thus the
Salem as an artist of ability contest nas oeen pian
among the ranking artists of the
country. Air. ners comes down
rrom nis nome in rorxiana ror Scotts Mills Misses Verd.
the section meetings. Miller and Stella Taylor enter
The meeting date is the first talned at the home of Mrs. Ma
Friday of each month. Any one bel Taylor Friday afternoon,
desiring to Join the class may honoring Mrs. John Taylor with
make inquiry from Mrs. Ebsen, a shower.
teaaer or tne section. Those present were Mrs John
An intensive and extensive his- Taylor. Mrs. A. L. Bradfield. Mrs.
tory and general background of Oscar Kllborn, Mrs. William Mil
art iff being developed with ier. Mrs. Ed. HendHcknon. Mr.
splendid care and understanding Marjory Harland. Mrs. Jennie
oy mt. riers. Lawrence. Mrs. Herman red
wing, Mrs. Frank Hasklns, Mrs.
T w mi.
ma f 1 1 f i I "wu oucyueru, Airs. ui ouejh
Miss Helen Newberry herd, Mrs. ciyde mckiuop, m.
Jessie AiCiiiuip, Mrs. orover van
Arnnam, Mrs. Mabel Taylor,
Misses Verda Miller, Mary Splon
ski, Margaret Laudwlng, Alma
Stanford, Grace Dunagan, Tane-
ta Haskins. Evelyn and Stella
Nimble Needles Sewing club
Art Appreciation
Section of Interest
Reunion Bridge
An Interesting evening was en
joyed. Monday Bight when Helen
Pettyjohn Lamb entertained for. a
group of termer friends' at' her
heme, on North' 1 4 th street, - r'
Mrs. Lamb has only recently re
turned to Salem - from Chicago. 1
Salem; Mis Dorothy Baker, who
has been in Chicago for the past
three years. Is a guest for a few
weeks at the home ' of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Baker;
Miss Margaret Lewis, formerly of
Willamette university and. for the
past two years a teacher in China,
is here as a visitor during the leg
islature, and - Miss - Marguerite
Elizabeth Doak, who is a guest of
her sister, Mrs. Irl McSherry, has
only recently arrived from Cali
fornia where she bad spent two
of the winter months.
Other guests for the evening of
bridge and "reunion" conversation
included Miss Pauline Johnson,
Miss Mary Cupper, Miss June
Jackson and Miss Ruth Wechter.
Apollo Club Program
Being Anticipated
, One of the events being look
ed forward to as a brilliant mu
sical attraction is the appearance
of the Portland Apollo club in
concert here at the Grand the
atre February 9 under the auspi
eles of the Salem MacDowell
The club has been organized
for at least 24 years and during
the years since its organization
it has given concerts each con
secutive year. It now is com
prised of 40 men's voices, many
of which belong to men who are
among the most prominent Port
land soloists.
The organization this year is
directed by Wilhelm van Hoog
straten, perhaps one of the best
known musical directors in either
the United States or the contin
ent. The local presentation is right
fully inspiring much enthusiasm.
Card Hostess
Miss Helen Newberry was one
of the weekend hostesses enter
taining with cards for a small
group of friends. A late supper
added to the attractiveness of the
evening. Miss Alice Detlefs as-
Newfeld won high score for f?!8 Lf7 !!"
Unfettered by the tie that binds,
thanks to Reno, Ruta Elder, former
wife of Walter Camp Jr., is back
to hex 'first lore, aviation. The
pretty pilot-actress is here shown
at her new job as instructress to
would-be ladybirds at Glover Field,
Santa Monica, CaL Miss Elder was
explaining: the instrument board to
one of her pupils as this photo was
will address the gathering of
daughters from all over the state.
The subjects to be emphasized
will be in terms of national defense.
Mrs. Lloyd Miller entertained
recently in compliment to Mrs.
Arlo Davis and Mrs. R. C. Curtis.
Other guests for the Informal aft
ernoon included Mrs. Mark Wil
bur, Mrs. Loren Howe, Mrs. Al
Ullman and Mrs. Murry Wade.
Towir and Gown'
Club to Meet
The regular meeting for : the
Town . and Gown, dab' wlll he
held Thursday at Lausanne ball.
There will be an attractive pro
gram which will precede the' tea
Hostesses include Mrs. S. B.
Laughlln, Mrs. T. A. Weil, Mrs.
C. H. Johnson, and Mrs. Frank
Silver Tea Planned
By Church Group
- Women of the Ladies Aid of
the Knight Memorial church are
planning a silver tea to be held
in church parlors Wednesday aft
ernoon. Hostesses for the affair will be
Mrs. Fred Neptune, Mrs. Jessie
Phillips, Mrs. E. M. Baumgardner,
Mrs. H. L. Braden and Mrs. New
ell Williams.
Falls City The Loyal Wom
en class held their monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. C.
E, Groves Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. R. Pawl, Mrs. Sadie
Morris and Mrs. N. B. Jones com
posing . the serving committee.
Those present were Mrs. I. C.
Davis, Mrs. Morose. Mrs. Ken
Jones, Mrs. P. Gotfrey, Miss Wil
kenson, Mrs. Edna Hylton, Mrs.
J. Ward, Mrs. Jess Logan, Mrs.
Frank Jobes. Mrs. Frances Phil
lips, Mrs. Ira C. Balles, Mrs. Art
Silvers and Mrs. Clay Guthrldge.
Installation of officers of Cen
tralis temple. No. 11. Pythian Sis
ters, will not be observed Wed
nesday night as had been antici
pated because of the death of the
installing officer, Mrs. Norma Ter-wllliger.
at- the . -Women A clubhouse; ... S .
o'eleck. Special attention will be
directed toward fleof practice.
Strawberry - Co-op
Names; Directorr
- For Hill Region
The Sllverton Hills Strawberry
Growers' association held a meet
ing Saturday afternoon and
adopted by-laws and a constitu
tion. - A board' of ' directors . was
elected Iwilsfstis of Martin Pe
derson, George Bentson, Mttterr
Knauf, Charts taster amd' Han?-.
Christenson. '.
The strawbtrry uttnatlon In"
the Hills was .- discussed and
thought to be quite favorable.
Tbe board of . directors will
hold a meeting in the near fti
tare at which time-ft wDl choose
its officers.
DALLAS, Jam. 23 Two mar
riage licenses were issued her
Saturdsy. They were to Frank M.
Watson, 21, filer, and Ethel An
derson. 20. housekeeper, both of
Dallas; and to Jerry Cave, 30.
laborer, of Hosktns, and Rebecca
Eva Wellman, 17, housekeeper,
of Monmouth.
Officers of the Daughters of
Union Veterans of the civil wa
are urged to attend the regula
meeting of the tent. Friday night
Dont neglect yoor eyes be
cause you are afraid that
glasses win be unbecoming
Our frames are smart, sophis
ticated. YouTI enjoy wearing
your type.
ton and Margaret Upjohn at the
Pemberton home Friday for a
fTAf1taK1a fnt Aaalna m a a4 In
eridge. Miss Helen Johnson, Miss V ,"i"Vu w " r.I.i.
pm, tA tli.- n.. An informal few hours of sewing
Present were Miss June Lock
Emma Judson, Miss Gladys Clar
Miss Alice Detlefs, Miss Minnie
Newfeld. Miss Helen Putnam "d "7r " "V
vwww P"18 wer enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Emmons
are receiving congratulations up
on the birth of a son, Sunday
night, at Salem General hospital.
?re's nothing more ptrfect
for a captivating Jumper frock
than a bright plaid ... it makes
this one as youthful and chic as
can be. Don't you love the clever
i" tab treatments and pleats with
. topstitchlng, ... to say nothing
' of the adorable cotton blouse with
' close neckline and perky puffed
sleeves? It's a pleasure to be a
Pattern 2(99 may be ordered
only In sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12.
' Size 10 requires t yards 36 inch
- tabrie and 1 yards contrasting.
" Illustrated step-by-step sewing in-
- tructions Included with this pattern.
V Utmi -. f ittuan emu (ISc) in
eoia er atpt (coins preferred),
for this pnU-ra. Writ plainly
Car nme, 4lrett mni tjU ion
r. B tarx la Kit ! wanted.
. The new 8priag Fchia kok
It ready. OnUining S3 - colorful
page of lotely Paria-iatpired naod
ola for arory epriag need, this
: beantifat book ' (hove hw to be
ehie at avary hoar of lha day.
Every Jl pro;' d eay
te make. There are modela for the
larger figure aad pages of delight
. fnl jaaior aad tciddla styles.
Send for your ropy. Priea of
eatalog. fiftoea eeats. Catalog and
pattern together, tweaty-five eenta.
Address all saail orders ta The
StotossBaa Patters departmeat. Id
Wrat 17th street. ew lork.elty.
Tuesday, January
Salem Arts League regular meeting; John Clif
ford to speak on "Technocracy": open to public; audi
torium of city library, 8 o'clock.
MacDowell chorus practice, 7:30 o'clock, muik "
room of Salem high school.
Eastern Star social club afternoon at Masonic tem
ple; musical program planned under direction of Joy
Turner Moses, committee chairman.
Chi Delta chapter of Delphians, with Mrs. E. B.
Millard. 1819 D street, 9:10 o'clock.
W. C. T. U. institute in Turner, 10 to 4 o'clock.
Business and Professional Women's club dinner,
Marion hotel; Miss Helen Van Cleave Park, Interior
decorator, speaker; Ronald Craven soloist.
Tillicum Dancing club, regular- monthly dance at
CastllUan ball.
Salem Women's Press club with Mrs. Don Upjohn,
964 South High street. One o'clock luncheon.
Wednesday, January 25
North Salem W. C. T. U. 2 o'clock with Mrs. Belle
Roberts, 970 Hood street; Dr. J. Ray Pemberton, speak
er; topic, "Medical Temperance".
Ladles Aid of Knight Memorial church, social meet
ing in church parlors.
Presbyterian Aid society in church parlors, 2:10
o'clock: Clarence W. Noble will speak on world tour:
special music.
Ladies Aid society of First Methodist church, 2
o'clock in church parlors; Naomi circle to be hostess;
Mrs. U. G. Lehman to lead devotions; members asked
to note change in time of meeting.
Salem Women's club Scholarship loan tea, with
Mrs. D. J. Fry, Sr.. 606 South High street.
Thursday, January 16
South Salem W. C. T. U. local institute at foutb
Friends church.
North Salem W. C. T. U.. prayer bands meeting
to 10 o'clock at homes of Mrs. Tyler, 1SSS North Win
ter; Mrs. Clark, 1902 North Church.
Town and Gown club at Lausanne' hall. 2:10
o'clock. .
Friday, January 27
DeMolay Commahdry of Knight Templars entertain
ing tor Masonic lodge officials and dignitaries at Ma
sonic temple.
Allied Arts studio to present students in recital;
2:30 o'clock, younger students; 8;1 1 o'clock older stu-
dents. Pnblie Invited. ' , .
" ' First Spiritual church, circle at residence of George
Stoddard, 1420 North Fourth street. 8 o'clock. -
Daughters of Union Veterans, 8 o'clock. Women's
clubhouse; a! officers especially requested, ta be pres
ent for drill practice. . , -," V
- Annual Scoteh program under direction of "Wil
liam McGilchrlst, Sr. for T. M. C. A. lobby program,
o-cjoca; paruc invitea. .
and contests In which Irene Hick
man and Marjory McAllister won
ments were served at a late hour.
Special guests Included Marjory
McAllister, Joan Donaldson, Joan
Simmons, Irene Hickman, Helen
Smith, Dorothea Greenwood, Bar
bara Miller, Abigail Miller and
Barbara Craln. Members Included
Rowena Upjohn. Margaret Upjohn,
Florence Upjohn. Carol Cooper,
Lucille Boehringer. Doris Taylor,
Jean Harrington, Doris Harring
ton and Mary Ester Pemberton.
o o o
Scotts Mills Toung people
of the Christian church met at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. B.
F. Shoemaker Saturday night for
a social time and choir prac
tice. Miss Vaneta Hosklns has
charge of the choir, which plans
to meet once a week at tbe dif
ferent homes.
Among those present were Mr,
and Mrs. Louis Shepherd, Mr
and Mrs. Otis Shepherd. Mrs
Clarence V. Noble
Will Address Women
Women of the Presbyterian Aid
society are anticipating the regu
lar Wednesday meeting of the or
glnlzation in the church parlors
beginning at 2:30 o'clock.
Clarence W. Noble will address
the group at 3 o'clock upon the
general subject of his globe trot
ting and his remarks are eagerly
anticipated. A special musical pro
gram is being arranged to supple
ment the talk.
Tea will follow the program.
Mrs. L. O. Clement Is chairman
of the committee in charge and
assisting her are Mrs'. Kay Grif
fith, Mrs. George E. Allan. Mrs.
Joseph Albert, Mrs. 8. H. Board
man, Mrs. C. A. Kells, Mrs. A. B.
Stewart and Mrs. J. L. Torrens.
0 0 0
St. Vincent de Paul parish
members have planned another
old fashioned card and dancing
party In the parish house for
tonight. Mrs. Effie Molssn Is
chairman of the committee on
Of Interest to members of the
Daughters of the American Revo
lution Is the state meeting being
held in Portland at the Congress
hotel today, under the auspices
of tbe national defense committee
of the D. A. R. In all there are
eight speakers of prominence who
Able to Work Again After
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'e
Vegetable Compound
' -.A N -X'
"I work hard In a factory. At one
time I was home for six weeks, too
weak and run-down to work. I tried
different medicines and I was all dis
couraged but after I started taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
7.11 Rirt 5 1 oU fed myself gaining
Zella Smith. Mrs. Esther Crltes, J. It bullt tne up so I can work."
XT last A as V aa Wt a ea Vavvm St , liU-1 -T . - .
."'", C. ' V, . ilixii. v. Smth. 7 wortout -,
dred Hoskins, Miss Ada Jones, Cambrldsw.
Miss Mildred Rich, Carol and vf mTm niminm and ran
Goldle Mile. Elsie and Phyllis Awn. are thin medimne a fair trial.
Ponnell, Gale Smith, Dortba and Remember that half a million women
George Dimick, Homer
and Charles Jayne.
Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Elton
McLaughlin entertained the Conn
try club with a delightful party
Saturday night at their home east
of Rrjhhard.
The evening was spent playing
cards, high scores being won by
Mrs. waldo Brown, Mrs. Lester
Will, Claude Moomaw and Lester
Will. Refreshments were served
to Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Malloy, Mr.
and Mrs. Waldo Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Moomaw, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry HInckle, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Braden. Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Will. Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer, Mrs
i Anna Scholl, Miss Trances Weav
er and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Me
Independence. Mrs. A. L.
Thomas. gave a contract Bridge
party at her home Friday after
noon. Two tables of bridge were
la nlay. Mrs. Loren Mort .won
high score and Mrs. C. O. Irvine,
Those who enjoyed the after
noon were Mrs. R. W. Craven, Mrs.
J. H. Hart, Mrs. Ira Mix. Mrs.
Mabel Taylor, Mrs. C. O. Irvine,
Mrs. lioren Mort, Mrs. Paul Rob
inson and the hostess, Mrs. Thorn
An attractive supper party tor
Sunday . evening was that ' for
! which Mr. and Mrs. Tred Knblns
wars .hosts. .An evening: .of abridge
followed the supper hour. .- :
Millard Bay, u helps me.'
wo -r i
Wise travelers
stop at this
Dow&tOyTO Location.
CcsmfbrtablsT looms and
ood Beds' at Special
DAN J. MOOkB - -Opposite
Tcrauaal Saks aWUiag.r
: rmsm and morrson
Women's Soles
Men's Soles Boy's Sofes
Children's Soles
according to size.
W use only the finest leathers and there can be no
finer work produced in any shop.
This is only a special for one week to test the
pulling power of our ads
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