The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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Salem, Oreeon, Tuesday Morning, January 24, 1933
No. 259
Aimee Bids Followers Farewell,
Will Seek JHeihih Bible Zand
Higher School Board
Hoove fs Cousin
Facing Eviction
ove its
Defense Rests Except That
County Physician may
Be Queried Again
Slayer Teils Self-Defensei
Story; was Strangled
Before Knife Used
Defense, stratagem to keep Mrs.
William H. Banshn from the wit
ness stand ia. the mnrder trial of
her husband, William H. Baughn,
developed yesterday afternoon In
the ease which has occupied six
cays beroro Judge McMahan. This
moTe, together with testimony of
Banghn himself, high-lighted the
Monday proceedings.
Defense finished its ease of
building up a self-defense picture
for Baughn at 6 o'clock yesterday,
save one detail which may come
early today In testimony of Dr.
V. E. Hockett, and the rebuttal
was started. The case Is expected
to go to the Jury sometime this
afternoon, probably about 4
o'clock. The trial will continue at
10: SO this morning.
Contrary to earlier announce
ment of the defense that they
would put Mrs. Baughn on the
stand to testify for her husband,
defense surprised the spectators
who packed the courtroom by plac
ing Dr. J. C. Evans , assistant
state hospital superintendent, and
Dr. Hockett on the stand to testi
fy to her mental condition.
Evans stated he had examined
the woman yesterday, and said "I
do not believe In the true sense of
the word she (Mrs. Bauhn) is in
sane, but she is mentally defici
ent," thus indicating that credence
might not be placed in her testi
mony. Dr. Hockett, county physi
cian, declared "the woman was of
unsound mind at one-time a year
ago In October."
AdmlssabUlty Issue
Under Advisement
Then the defense, reaching the
crux of its self-defense utory built
up because of alleged strangula
tion of Baughn by Boy "Robnett.
the murdered man, sought of
Hockett the mental and physical
reaction of a man who is being
Efforts of the prosecuting attor
neys to narrow this question so
physician's answer would fit the
Identical circumstances of the
Ban gha - Robnett episode, were
" fought by the defense, and result-
d In a showing in the court's
chambers. The matter was taken
under advisement until this morn
ing, and Hockett may appear on
the stand again to testify on this
angle. Otherwise, the defense ease
is in.
Baughn, on the stand during
the morning hours, told of his visit
to the Robnett homo the evening
of November 13, said Robnett got
mad when Baughn refused to sign
a statement in connection with
an old car, and that Robnett
struck Baughn, knocking him out
through the screen door and rush
ing him Joff the porch onto the
ground. Baughn fell on the bot
tom, Robnett clutching at his
throat end strangling him, the de
fendant said, continuing that it
was. at this point, when everything
seemed to fade out and he eouldn't
"'' get his breath, that he reached
S into bis pocket, got the knife and
opened It, and slashed at Robnett.
As soon as he got loose he went
away, and as ho did so, saw Rob-
aett walking toward the house,
slightly stooped over.
In cross examination, the state
produced the blood-soaked under
garments worn by Robnett, and at
this point Baughn gave "his only
sign of genuine perturbance. His
Tolce broke and it was a moment
before he was able to regain his
" composure and continue with the
Itaagha Claims He
Remembers Utile
Rnrhn' answers to the eross
examination conduced during the
afternoon by District Attorney
pvtmtiA r freanently of the "I
don't recall that" order, and par
ticularly so when the state tried
to check baek on the slashing tes
timony. BaAgbn said he remem
bered raking tho knife across
Robnettj twice, but ho could not
account for five other slashes.
Baughn was plainly nervous
during this phase of the cross ex
amfnatlnn. as evidenced by fre-
quent crossing and uncrossing of
out tha tlxno be was on tho stand
ta tho afternoon
bis rolco was !
steady and clear.
'TjClaira Robnett and
f TtAiipT
Bangna Friendly I
Major Banghn ana sirs, icinei
Bewley wero recalled to tho stand
and Mrs. Goldle Westerbergs tes-
imM introdneed all to show
that Robnett i and Mrs. Banghn J woro approved. This cut was ex-tnp-ntw.
told of a beer I elusive of $500 listed in tha de-
party at Robnetfs noma, when
Mrs.' Westerberg drank too much
and Major attended- herv "while
Robness and Mrs. Banghn were
In tho front room "loving - up".
Ho said last" July 27 Robnett
wanted him to mako a date for
Robnett with bia step-mother.
airs. ug,uu. . -.-r--K r-
un. RewleT told of Robnett and
Mrs. Banghn c meotiai at her
house.' but ea cross examination
Admitted there vas nothing wrong
' i about tha meeting and George
SeoU, testifytnc about a trip to
" (Turn te page S, ou )
4k. 1
Aimee Scrapie McPberson Hutton,
Temple, appears pale and shaky
in the temple pulpit before departure for the blue horizons of
Morocco and biblical lands, where she will seek renewed health.
She is shown being" supported by her husband, Dave Hutton, as
she approaches the pnlpit
Annon Farmen Victim When
Car Hits Parked Truck
Early Sunday Mom
MILL CITY, Jan. 23. (Spe
cial) As the result of an auto
mobile accident here early Sunday
morning Annon Farmen is dead,
two other people are seriously ln-
Mured and four others slightly in
lnrri. The accident hannened
when tne car in which they were
riding collided with a parked truck
as the party was on the way home
from a dance at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sulivan.
In the car beside Farmen, who
was driving, were his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Farmen, Mr. and Mrs. Louis York
and son Billy, and Miss Esther
Mason. Miss Mason and six-year-old
Billy York are considered ser
iously injured. Miss Mason was
taken to the Albany hospital to
day. She sustained a fractured
head and other injuries. Billy also
sustained injuries to his head.
Mrs. York has a fractured hip
bone, two broken ribs and other
injuries. All three were taken to
the Mill City hospital. Oscar Far
men has a badly sprained wrist
and possibly a broken bone, the
injured member being swollen so
that the full extent of the Injury
could not be ascertained. He also
suffered other bruises and cuts.
Mrs. Oscar Farmen escaped with
lees serious injuries but Is suffer
ing from shock as well as cuts and
A heavy truck driven by WU
11am Evans of Gates had stalled on
the hill near the Hilltop garage
and the driver had left it, accord
ing to reports, without lights
while he went to get a flashlight.
According to report, after trying
at a nearby residence and not
finding anyone home he went or
I . ... . iv.n i.
J of obulnlng a llgnt. In the mean-
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
State Employes Begin to
Hear Bad News on Funds
Terminating some of tho spec
ulation and anxletv of department
ne4d, ui ttte employes as to
work with, and the salaries they
migm receive, tas wj u
means committee of the legislat
ure Monday night approved a
number of appropnauons-mougn
in some c uvwuuto
worst tears were realised,
8alary reductions of $49,071 in
tho state banking department
I partment budget for capital out-
f lays.
Another reduction of $33,441
la salaries was approved la tho
budget for tho stata poliee depart
ment. The aggregate appropria
tion for-this department for tha
two years period was $939,890
- An appropriation of $6000 for
1 tha Children' Farm Homo school
I district, near Corvallis, was rein-
stated after being disapproved by
tha state budget director.
x a blanket reduction of 12.19
per month la tha per capita allow
anca of state-aided institutions
f 5
i 4
veteran evangelist of Angelas
as she' makes a brief appearance
Leais ation is Discussed bv
Robert Sawyerf McKay
Welcomes Visitors
Thlrty-slx members from over
the state participated In the first
quarterly meeting of the Oregon
Council for the Protection of
Roadside Beauty, held at the Mar
lon hotel yesterday noon, with
Mrs. Jessie M. Honeyman, pres
ident, of Eugene, presiding. The
organization is open to charter
membership until March 1.
Mayor Douglas McKay and Er
nest Iufer, president of Salem Gar
den club, made the addresses of
welcome, to which Mrs. A. E.
Rockey. honorary president of the
council, responded. Mrs. J. S.
Landers outlined the purpose of
the council and Mrs. Honeyman
explained its national relations.
One of the leading addresses
was given by Judge Robert W.
Sawyer, vice-president, of Bend,
who discussed possible legislation
for highway beautlflcation and
protection. Other speakers were
Mrs. E. B. Miles, finance and
membership; Mrs. W. W. Gabriel,
public relations; Mrs. A. E. Rock
ey, billboards; Mrs. John Yeon,
Jr., conservation of forests and
parks; Ray Conway, conservation
of wild flowers and shrubs; E. C.
Bronaugh Sr., education; Mrs.
Shelton, and Dr. Phillip Parsons
of University of Oregon.
Decorations were arranged by
Miss Edith Schryver and ' Miss
Elisabeth Lord of Salem.
City - police were notified that
Carl Wbrley, 16, escaped from the
school for the feeble minded last
night. He wore bib overalls and a
tan blazer. "
was approved. These institutions
now receive a per capita allow
ance ranging from $10 to $20 a
Tho appropriation of $807,238
for tho conduct of tho Oregon
stato hospital tor tho current bi-
ennlum was approved in full. Fig
ures showed that this institution
was being conducted on a per cap
ita allowance of less than $14 a
month, while some other stata in
stitutions had reported a per cap
ita cost as high as $40 a month.
Other budget appropriations ap
proved by the committee Monday
night Included $250 for the pub
lication of executive proclama
tions, $9900 for tha arrest and re
turn of fugitives, $64,273 for
ev a a - a . a st
noiaing primary ejections,
859 for tho transportation of eon-
vlcts, $21,817 for the supreme
court library, and $821,409 for
the operation of the state home
for the feeble minded.
The committee roted to adopt
the recommendation of the state
budget director who disapproved
appropriations for the Pacific In
ternational Livestock association
and county fairs.
No More Highway Bonds and
No new Construction
Is Policy Voiced
Spaulding and Cronies say
Dunne Measure Is not
Sufficiently Harsh
Chubby Senator Joe Dunne.
long-time champion of bigger and
better highways in Oregon, yes
terday fathered a successful brace
of senate resolutions which, if
passed by the house and enforced
by the state highway commission,
will materially curb future capital
outlay on Oregon's highway sys
tem. . Tho first resolution restrains
the commission from issuing ad
ditional road bonds except in case
of a catastrophe or for refunding
The second resolution declares
a state "moratorium" on new
highway construction save for the
completion of connecting links in
primary highways and for certain
road widening.
Some Oppose, Claim
Not Serere Enough
Both measures passed with
lare majorities. Senators Burke,
Spaulding and Zimmerman hold
in y out against them, largely be
cause the senators termed them
not sufficiently severe.
Senator Dunne declared his pro
posal bad received careful consid
eration of the roads and highways
committees and that eight of the
nine members had favored its
Senator Burke opposed the bill
on the ground that tho refunding
clause was too elastic and that
the word "catastrophe" had not
been clearly defined by the auth
"The state of Oregon is over-
bonded at the present time,
Burke said, "and the time has ar
rived to call a halt. The highway
mmnihrinn ilraadr Tim lsaaed
bonds in the amount of 129,000
vov, ana mva dui win not preyem
future bond issues We could well
follow the example set by the state
of Washington which has no bonds
and has constructed its highway
system on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Burke moved that tho bill be
rereferred to the roads and high
ways committee for the purpose
of Incorporating an amendment
which would prevent the Issuance
of any more bonds except those
necessary to pay off the state
hixbway department deficit of
11,500,000 on April 1.
Senator Upton argued that there
was no reason for rereferrlng the
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
(By the Associated Press)
Further competition regarding
armaments and possibly a world
war If relations between Japan
and the United States are not im
proved were predicted Monday by
the spokesman for a leading Jap
anese political party before the
Japanese diet.
To such an assertion by Hloshl
Ashlda, representative of the pow
erful Selyukal, Foreign Minister
Uchlda, replied "there is no un
easiness concerning our relations
with the United States."
Concurrent with this exchange
were further air raids by tho Jap
anese against camps of Chinese
troops in northwestern Jehol. and
cavalry attacks on groups of Chin
ese in tho southeastern part of
the province, which Japan wants
to add to Manchukuo.
In Geneva, a League of Nations
riTTi mirraa ss r t n i si mnn r n tr
AA . V I.. Jt I
remedial proposals regardless of
China's or Japan's wishes.
Permanent organisation was af-
iectea at tne chamber of com
merce last night for entertainment
of tho state Grand Army, of tho
Republic and affiliated organ lza-
lions which will hold their annual
convention here next June. Over
1000 persons are expected here for
taese meetings. The last G. A. R.
state convention held here was in
r Charles A. Feasenden was elect
ed president of the entertainment
group. Other officers are Mrs. Ma
bel Needbam, vice-president: Mrs.
Eva Martin, treasurer, and Mrs.
Charles A. Feasend en. secretary.
The committee will meet February
at the chamber of commerce to
develop plans.
Six organisations will partici
pate ia the convention: Q. A. R,
Women's Relief corps. Ladles of
the G. A. R Daughters of Union
Veterans, Sons et Union Veterans
and auxiliary te Sons et Union
o raw
X x , ' , , .
; j ' -
t x':
' I N 5 i f -
' 5x ; "?'.
A. E. Hoover, of Grand Meadows,
Minn., cousin of the president,
who recently appeared before
the Joint Stock-Land band of
Pes Moines, to ask the board
of directors to refrain from
evicting him-from his 200-acre
farm on which the institution
holds a $14,000 mortgage. Mr.
Hoover says his father ai
President Hoover's father were
sons of Ell Hoover.
Governor Sends Legislature
Fifth Address; Adequate
Maintenance Advised
Governor Julius L. Meier late
yesterday sent his fifth short mes
sage to the legislature, this time
calling upon that body to amend
"the present motor transportation
act which is weak and deficient in
many respects."
The governor's message, read In
the senate In the afternoon and to
come before the house this morn
ing, called for readjustment of ex
isting motor vehicle legislation to
afford relief to motor vehicle own
ers, at The same time protecting
the credit of the state already ob
ligated by highway commission
bond Issues.
The governor called attention of
the legislature to the findings of
his own committee- on highway
transportation affairs which re
ported late last year.
He recommended the necessity
of keeping up all highway obliga
tions, of adequate maintenance of
present roads, of giving study to
the advisability of "carrying on a
modest construction program so
that small gaps in the present
highway system may be com
pleted." The governor indicated the mll-
lage tax taken from the highway
funds and given the counties for
market roads might be abolished
although he did not come out in
full endorsement' of the proposal.
DALLAS, Jan. 23. (Special)
L. H. Ream, of Independence,
found guilty after trial last week
on a morals charge, was granted
a new trial today by Judge Arlie
Walker, because evidence which
should have been admitted was
not at first trial. The new trial
will start February 2.
Rose. Clinton and Leo Wood.
arrainged this morning on an as
sault and battery charge, pieaaea
not guilty, and trial will bo set
for February 14, Martin rerry
la defense attorney.
Tho ease of stato industrial ac
cident commission against Gente-
mann and Christenson was before
i .
The Day in
Bv the Associated Press
Senate judiciary committee
reported house beer WD amend-
ed to Include wine ana pronae
g.05 pes cent alcoboUo content..
Benate finance committee ap-
n roved resolutions for economic
I aid Inquiry and tariff commission
I study looxing to ioreign cuuumjc
! negotiations.
Hoaae voted funds tote war
onartznent bill for citizens
military training campe and for
organised reserve acuvinee.
mm uiAwaaa
senate en MM. wui.
agreed en $90,000,000 eompro -
mlse tor federal crop loans for
r ' Supreme court ruled against
seizure of British and Canadian
ram rannln vessel autre than
hour's ; aafiins; from American
shore. 4 '
Italian and Belgian ambassa-
dorm eallad at state department
for Information on status et war
debts discussions.
Will be Carried on Today
In Portland; Baldock
Figures Offered
Holman Will Seek Loan of
Million; Bankers Want
To Know Security
A prolonged conference In Gov
ernor Meier's offices here Monday
will bo followed this morning in
Portland by renewed discussions
between bankers there and state
officials regarding ways and
means to handle current cash
needs of the state of Oregon. Yes
terday's conference attended by
the governor. State Treasurer Hol
man, Secretary of State Hoss,
Highway Commissioners Scott,
Washburn and Aldrich, and Port
land bankers, as well as various
state deputies, was an executive
session but at its close state offi
cials reported considerable clari
fication of tho state's condition
had been reached.
State Treasurer Holman indicat
ed he would go to Portland on
Wednesday and ask a $1,000,000
loan for the state on certificates
of Indebtedness and would ask for
an answer by the following day.
Bankers have not yet advised the
state on their attitude although
they are anxious to know what
tangible sources of revenue in
1933 are available to offset the
In another part of the gover
nor's offices conferences were In
progress throughout the day look
ing toward the introduction and
passage of unemployment relief
legislation In the legislature.
Relief Problem is
Also Considered
Raymond Wilcox, state chair
man of relief, and Paul Maris, sec
retary, conferred with Senator Al
lan Bynon and other legislative
leaders looking towards a state
supported plan to tie in with fed
eral government relief already af
forded. Bynon Indicated he would
back such legislation, in tho sen
ate, the appropriation to be kept
small but to provide enough funds
for the state's central relief or
ganization. Some state cooperation
is held Imperative by Wilcox If
further funds are made available
by tho R. P. corporation.
A representative of the R.F.C.
attended the conferences and ap
proved details of the proposed leg
This morning R. H. Baldoc
state highway engineer, Fred
Paulus, deputy state treasurer,
and a representative of the secre-
(Turn to page 3, col. 1)
A so-called "medical fundamen
tals" bill, similar to the much-de
bated basic sciences bills of for
mer sessions, was introduced
Monday afternoon In tho lower
house. Its sponsor is Representa
tive F. H. Dammasch, a Portland
physician. The legislation would
provide for knowledge of five spe
cified sciences as requisite know
ledge for healing licenses.
The effective date of the meas
ure would bo 1334. Christian Scl
nee healing would be exempted
under the act's provisions, but
physicians, chiropractic, osteopa
talc and naturopathic practition
ers would bo effected.
Representative Dammasch said
his proposal differed considerably
from tho . former basle science
bills, providing exemptions and
allowing more time for its becom
ing effective.
Tho five specified sciences in
clude human anatomy, physlolo-
Shelter Exemption-Sales
Tax Plan has tew Friends
-Tho sales tax came up for an
other 10-round bout at tho legis
lature last night when a public
hearing was held by tho house
committee on assessment and
taxation to consider House Bill
No. 18, which emanated from
Jackson county and proposes a
I .haltar tax exemntlon on homes
I Bp to $1100 with a tax in lieu
tnareoi oz a per cent on au saies.
This sales tax was to be divided
one-third to the state and two
thirds to the counties.
Few appeared to support the
bin, while many arose to con
demn it. Grange and labor leaders
spoke against the sales tax, while
- . fl1r,(nr, Mndmntil
1 I"" T,."V . ,..,.,
the exemption of a particular
class of real estate. "Absolutely
unconstitutional." was the way
on attorney, R. R. Hewitt, de
clared the - transfer of creaiu
would be, while Attorney IfeCar
ty of the legal staff et the legis
lature, said tha constitutionality
was la grave doubt.
J. C Barnes of Medford, orlg-
1 lnator of the plan, outlined It at
I length. He declared, that shelter
is a necessity- that nigh taxes pre
Office to
Jackson County
Mass Meetings
Becoming Habit
MEDFORD, Ore., Jan. S3
(AP) A resolution" calling for
tho removal of Circuit Judge H.
D. Norton and District Attorney
George A. Codding "for eanse"
was introduced by L. A. Banks,
editor f tho Medford Dally News,
at a meeting at tho courthouse
here tonight called by a group de
scribed as tho "good government
The resolution asked that "all
procedure in circuit court be sus
pended, until law and order have
been . established in Jackson
Important Filing in Water
Case due Saturday; aid
Offered by Trindle
Extension of time will be asked
for the city's reply to the brief
filed in the water bond validation
case before the supreme court by
the Oregon-Washington Water
Service company last week. City
Attorney Chris J. Kowltx announ
ced yesterday. The city's time for
reply ends Saturday.
Kowltz explained that because
this brief Is the most important
and detailed one in the case, he
would not have time to complete
it by Saturday. The requested ex
tension would be brief, probably
one week.
Whether or not William H.
Trindle, former city attorney who
Instituted the suit to obtain a de
claratory judgment on legality of
the $2,500,000 water bond Issue
authorized by the people in De
cember, 1931, will assist In pre
paring the brief has )not yet been
determined. Herbas stated his
willingness to do so without re
muneration from city tax funds.
The present; city attorney said
he woutd--oonfer with the council
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Insurance adjusters, still work
ing at the Oregon building, last
night, were unable to announce
the loss occasioned by tho fire
which destroyed the Kennell-Ellla
studio on the fourth floor of the
structure Saturday afternoon
Meanwhile workmen were busy
cleaning up the debris caused by
water and tenants were resuming
regular business
Hawkins & Roberts, owners of
the building, whose quarters were
rendered unusable, had moved to
tho first floor of tho Guardian
building, while Dr. John L. Lynch
and L. C. Marshall took other
rooms In the Oregon building,
Tenants of tho east side of the
building were not forced to move
Whore the Kennell-Ellis studio
wui do reopenea, tne owners,
E. E. Kennell of Seattle and Er
nest Ellis of Eugene, hero yeeter
day, had not decided. Tho fire de
stroyed over 150,000 negatives, as
well as school and commercial
pictures kept in tho studio.
Work of replastering the rooms
in the north wing of tho building
will bo undertaken as soon as the
loss has been determined.
vent working people from owning
their-aomes, that the shelter ex
emption of $1500 would, encour
age people to get homes of their
own, and that the working class
could better afford to pay 8 per
cent on their purchases than about
20 per cent on the one-fourth of
their income representing the an
nual rent cost. He defended the
sales tax under this arrangement.
used as a credit against the shelt
er tax. as the "fairest tax ia the
world." .
Others supporting the measure
were H. E. Conger. Jackson coun
ty granger, and O. C. Boggs, build
ing ana loan manager of Medford.
Ray w. GUI. master of the state
grange who led the fight in the
special cession against the 2 per
cent sales tax, spoke at length
against the new bin, asserting it
was more -vicious than the other
beeause the rate was 1 per cent
higher,. and because ft exempted
"those .who have." GUI gave fig
ures to prove It was easier for the
farmer to pay the three mill state
property levy-than a 2 per. ceat
sales -tax.x Ben Osburae.. el - the
i . , (Turn to page 1, eel. l) - -
Executive Secretary;
Job's Abolition is
Asked of Solons
Savins: of $20,000
Year is Estimated
For This Plan
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 13
(AP) Members of tho stats)
board of higher education, meet
ing hero today, voted to move tfe
board's business office from Sa .
lem to Corvallis.
Other decisions made Included:.
.recommendation to the stata leg
islature that the law be so amend
ed as to abolish the office of ex
ecutlve secretary to tho board; in
stitution of a second salary cut
tor its employes immediately ia
stead of waiting until July 1, and
refutation of a statement by
Paul J. Schissler, who recently re
igned as head football coach at
Oregon Stato college, that he had
not heard that his salary was to
be cut.
Board members said they voted
to move the business office to
Corvallis because 55 per cent f
all work of the office originates
there, because of federal, stata
and county funds functions, aa
compared with 35 per cent of bus
iness originating at Eugene.
Comptroller Will
Head O. H. C, Plan
Under the plan for reorganiz
ation, based on the results of a
detailed study presented by Chan
cellor of higher education W. J.
Kerr, a comptroller would be ap
pointed to assume charge of tho
Corvallis office, with Dean H. V.
Hoyt of the University of Oregoa
school of business acting as su
pervisor in the Interim.
Chancellor Kerr said that u
der such a plan "we will-ha vo
much greater efficiency and we
will save about 3 20,000 a year."
The reorganization, it was said.
would make possible immediately
the. elimination of four persoss
from the payroll and other elim
inations later.
Lindsay Acceptable
For New Position
The board members said they
wished to emphasize, in moviag
to abolish the office of exec u tiro
secretary, that there was nothing
personal on their part against Dr.
E. E. Lindsay. They said that Dr.
Lindsay would be acceptable as a
candidate for the proposed posi
tion of comptroller, provided bo
is qualified. Dr. Lindsay's coa-
tract expires next June.
Salary cuts were voted with lit
tie discussion. Reductions will bo
9 per cent on tho first 31,000, 14
per cent on the second, 20 per
cent on tho third, 25 per cent oa
tho fourth and 27 per cent on all
above $4,000. A 15,000 yearly
salary, for Instance, will be cat
In an effort to cut 3830.000
from the 1933-34 budget, too
board pointed out, SO full-time in
structors have already been cut
rrom tne surfs of tho states
higher educational institutions.
Another 120 full-time employe
are to bo cut by July 1, 1934.
Rtircrlnrc lnTAti
"Wfi'O'o inVdUe
Home of Miller
Burglars resumed their depre
dations here last night, this timo
entering the John Miller resi
dence, S80 Leffelle street, throagk
a window, city police were inform
ed. They took a gold watch, ano-
thyst ring, child's bank contaJa-
lng small amount of coins, man's
signet ring and a .32 calibre re
volver. Legislative
Highway commission) offers
report showing state's fin asm
ial status Is sound though there)
is temporary shortage of cash.
Actual deficit set at f2
OOO. More eonf emcee are heM
betaecn state officials and
hankers, and wm be continecel
in Portland today.
Governor Meier submits fifth
message, urging auto Heense re
ductions but asking also consid
eration for highway needs.
Senate passee two important
measures, prohibiting farther
issuance of highway bonds ex
cept tor refonding pwrpoeee and
declaring . moratorium en new
highway construction tor two ;
years. ,'"
Beer regulation, truck regula
tion, basle science examination fei
persons desiring license to prac
tice healing arts, are among topic
covered in new house aula.
lineage allowance of three
cents en .private ears used la .
basinee. snaxestea te :
ways and means committee.
Salary redactions for hanking
and police departments voted.