pXGEsnr Tha OREGON STATESMAN,: Soknu Oregon, Friday Morning 3aaary2y1333 1 1 1 ' i hi Mr& V. J.Lilj equist Entertains Her Club The present trend ot time is to ' ward ton old-fashioned things and ? eo the party for which Mrs. W. J. Liljeqalat was hostess Wednesday at her bene- was ia perfect keep ing. Quests were inrited for an all day niltiag party Wednesday and at 1 o'clock Mrs. Liljequist serred a delicious luncheon. After quilt inc a completed the group play ed eards. Mrs. L. P. Aldrlch. Mrs. R. C. , Heater, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs Clyde Johnson, Mrs. Jesse Camp bell. Mra. C. N. Laughrldge. Mrs. W. r. Elliott. Mrs. Josephine Stewart, Mrs. Rex Darls, Leo Con nor, Mr. Frank Loose and Mrs. Uljwmlst. Oregon Writers Program of Interest Aa interesting program is pronto ised those attending the Friday night lobby program tonight at the T. M. C. A- at which time Mrs. Viola Pierce Franklin and Lynn Cronemlller will speak con cerning Oregon authors. The topic is one which will bo new to many people as there Is little said about Oregon authors except in intimate literary circles, and this opportunity to acquaint the interested public will be ased la interesting manner by the two speakers. The program hoar is set tor t o'clock and the public is inrited. s n urn Friday and Saturday Only Money-Saving Days Prices are Lowest in History WE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU THIS BAR GAIN OFFERING FOR TWO DAYS. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Quadriga Percales U- The finest of prints. 80 threads to the square inch "Preahrunk." Fast col ors to washing, perspira tion and sun. J 2 Days only, yard 14 C Latest Spring Plaids and Stripes All Felt Hats For ladies, also Turbans, Scarf & Cap combina tions. Regardless of old price. Now, each Final clean-up 25c lass Ladies' & Misses' Spring Oxfords "First Showing in Sa lem. Special d AO Low Prices Pl JO Special Crepe Sole Outwears Leather Latest Sweater Blouses Puff sleeves, high and low neck, AQ each . aOC 1933 SPRING UNIT DRESSES Clever - Just Arrived 11 EACH BLOCH'S GOILIDEN EHJLE STORE Salem. Oregon. 220 N. liberty, Phone 8805 SifGiety News and Club Affairs :Oun M. DOAJC, Society Editor Teas This Afternoon Of Much Interest Two charmta teaa will be ere&ts ot this afternoon and will draw a largo- number ot Salem matrons aad maids oat to pay compliment to two women who hare wide acquaintance in the city. At the home of Mrs. C. P. Bish op, Ura. Martha Thompson will bo complimented upon her toth birthday annrersary. The calling hours are between 2 and S o'clock and friemda of Mrs. Thompson are asked to call. A. aecond tea will be the fare well which la heinc extended to Miss Ruth Field, who goes back to Calcutta, India, sailing Febru ary 4 from Seattle to begin the her third term in missionary eerr ico there. When completed it will 12 years that she has resided In India. She is Just completing her furlough.. Women of the First Methodist church assisted by women ot the other three Methodist churches of the eity are hostesses for the tea. All friend ot Miss Field are asked to call between the hours of 2 and 4:30 o clock. Club Entertained At McGilchrist Home The Towa and Country dub met at the homo of Mrs. William Mc Gilchrist. Jr.. Wednesday with Mrs. McQilchrist and Mrs. Romeo Goulst as hostesses. A one o'clock luncheon nreceded several hours of contract bridge. Winning scores were held by Mrs. Fred Kiddle, special guest, and by Mrs. Romeo Ooulet. Special guests for the afternoon included Mrs. Fred Kiddle, Mrs. Frederick Lamport. Mrs. T. A. LlTesley, Mrs. Louis Laehmund, and Mra. Homer Smith, Jr. SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, January $0 . Past Matrons association ot X astern Star with Mrs. Ida Godfrey; 7:20 o'clock dinner. Meeting of axecatiTo board ot Business and Pro fessional Women with Rath Moore, 241 North High street; 7:20 o'clock. Woman's AlUanca on e'clook luaeaaea la fistersea room ot Unitarian ehnrck. this followed by program, Mis a, Agnes Campbell speaker. Tea at homo of Mra. W. T. Rigdoa. 2lt Kerth Win tar street. eompMmeatlag Miss Rath Field between, hours of 2 aad 4: 10 o'aloek. West Sldo cirele of Jason Lao at share, for all-day meeting; tie quilts and saw; potluek lanea t noon. Hal Hlbbard Auxiliary ot Seaa ot Spanish War Vet erans, with Ura. Arthur Welch, ill South. Capitol etreet, 2 o'clock; those attending bring thimbles. Thimble club ft Naighbors ot Woodcraft, at Frater nal temple, 1:10 o'cloek; election ot officers; potluek supper at 4:20 o'clock. Lobby program, T. M. C. A. S o'cloek, Oregon Wrlter'a program. Mrs. Henry Slams hostess to Auxiliary to Veteran of Foreign Wars, 2 o'clock; informal oard aftornoom. Calvary Baptist church Missionary soslety, will meet at church. 2: Id o'clock, Instead ot with Mra. tarl Huber in Woodburn as had been planned. Saturday, January Ml American Association of University Women regular meeting la Masonie temple; play to ba presented. OPTOMETRIC SERVICE Telephone 5858 Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted All Modern Frames and Lenses at Prices Everyone Can Afford Satisfaction Guaranteed Dr. Ruth EL Daughertv 801-2-8 First National Bank Bldg. 6 CMSTRtBUTiqJ vttTWOUTJT 5 big days, Fri., Sat, Mon., Tues. Wed., Jan. 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 These Are Only a Few of the Scores of Big Values Del Monte Peas Standard Peas Standard Beans Salt Lake Tomatoes Butter Kernel Corn Hot Sauce Pineapple Peaches 2 for 25C 4 for 49c W2 1 for IOC 3 for 29C cans 3 for 25c 6 for 49c 1 for 8 c 3 for 23 c 1 for 15c 3 for 43c Our n choice O Libby's N0.2H Libby's No. 2 cans 3 cans cans 10c 45c 37c Hominy V.Campo a No. 300 O cans llC Corn Shrimp, Pelico Oysters Fancy Crab Country K. 202 I oa, cans 25c 10c 6 cm. 45 c . 29c ' cans' can In Safeway Markets Rabbits ... 17c lb Chickens 20c lb Oysters .....29c qt. Hams half or whole 12c lb Tour Choice Baby Beef Boast, Pig Pork Roast, Freeh Pork Sausage, Fresh Ground Beef, Smoked Picnic, Baby Beef Liver, veal Roast, Fresh Cottage Cheese, Balk Kraut, lb. 10c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fri A Sat. prices Potatoes ko. a Netted "..35c Orangessweet Nav.i.3 Doi 29c Gape Fruit 12 fOP39c Carrots 5 ibs. 10c CK tar;3ib.. 63c ctp J2ST 12c Tomato Soup vnanCamp" 4Vzc Rice br 5 ibs. IOC Oat. Lli 25c Luna Soap 10 bar, 19c Par or White King 29 c Brooms ArM23c Malt 3 1 Flour Flour Corn Meal Calumet Jell Weil Beans Prim Rose 41 lb. sack Safeway QT 4 lb. sack DC lb. sack Baking Powder ffr 1M lb. ean OOC 69c 15c Great Northern 3 pu, 14c 5 ibs. 11c Pur Can 20 lbs 77c W reserve the right to limit quantities Now 37162 N. Commer cial. Phone 6169 No. 661978 N. Capitol . Phone 8620 Saro at tba following Safe way Stores i Wo Besenra the Right to Limit Quantities No. 519 270 N. Com merdaL Phono 9432 No. 781927 SUU Phono 9485 P. E. O. Meeting is Colorful and of Interest One of the outstanding meet ing of the year was enjoyed by Chapter O of the P. H. O. Sister hood at the luncheon and annual Inspection meeting for which Mrs. C. A. Sprague and Mrs. Fred Tooxo were Joint hostesses at the Sprague home Thursday after noon. Quests were seated at a 1 o'clock luncheon table which was beautifully appointed. Carnations centered the table and were flank ed by tall tapers. The living room was colorfully arranged with daf fodllla, and here the business ses sion was hold following the lunch eon boar. Mra. Jessie Dodge, state organ iser, paid her official visit of In spection at this meeting, and In spection formed part of the busi ness of the afternoon. Other state officers present were Mrs. Amy "Wales, first state vice-president; Mrs. Xmily Wellls, state recording secretary; Mrs. Myrtle GUI, Leban on, state corresponding secretary, and one of the hostesses, Mrs. C. A. Sprague, state president. At the business meeting Mrs. Martha Schmuck, mother ot Mrs. Sprague, and Mra. Tlnkham Gil bert wore admitted to membership in Chapter Q. Guests who came as represen tatives of other chapters included Mrs. W. H. Ball, Mrs. Minnie Bos- worth, Mrs. R. J. Qunn, Mrs. R. Huston, all of Corvallla, Mrs. Packwood of Portland; Miss Gray of Honolulu, Hawaii, Mrs. Burke of Newberg, Mrs. Day of Meaford and Mrs. T. A. Elliott, president of Chapter AB, Salem. Chapter members present in cluded Mrs. D. X. Beochler, Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. Frank Church ill, Mrs. B. B. Fisher, Mra. B. J. Huffman, Mra. W. SC. Hughes, Mrs. H. S. Hughes, Mrs. J. O. Knapp, Mrs. O. W. Laflar. Mrs. 7. W. Langs. Mrs. O. E. Logan, Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mm. A. Z. Robins. Mra. A. A. Seharnun, Mra. 7. W. Solea, Mra. W. M. Smith, Ura. C. A. Sprague, Mra. 7. J. Tooie, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mra. W. H. Wirts, Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, Mrs. B. E. Bower of Sublimity, Mra. B. Earl Parker and Mrs. Lillian Hagman. Eighty-Fifth Birthday Is Observed Mrs. A. Caughey entertained with a dinner party for her chil dren and their families who live in Salem Wednesday night at the home of her daughter, Mra. J. 8. TJlrlch complimenting her own birthday anniversary ot 81 years spent In this world, the past It of which have been spent In 8alom. The dinner table was centered with rosea and a beautifully dee- orated birthday cake was a lovely feature of the last course. Covers were placed for Mra. Caughey, and for Mr. and Mra. I. . Mortimer, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Laue, Junior Laua, Mr. and Ura. J. 8. TJlrlch. and Margaret aad Theresa TJlrlch. After the dinner hour a num ber of friends called fta compli ment Mra. Caaghay. Ecclesia Club Enjoys Party An attractive dinner in the Green Gate room of the Spa was enjoyed by members of the Eccle sia club Wedaosday night and this was followed by a lino party at the Capitol theatre. The dinner table was centered with a basket of daffodils and fern and this was flanked by tan white tapers. Covers were placed for Go da Wheeler, Edna MeElhanay, Irene da Lisle, Anna Helsler, Emmadell Sehwabbauer, Jlora TnrnbnlL Charlotte Horning, Ruth Cola, El inor Dorrence, Velmn Rominger, Winifred Bonn, Esther Erlckson, and Norma Sutherland.. Misa Ruth Colo had charge of the arrangements for the attract ive evening. ' Thimble Club Will Elect Officers The thimble slab of Neighbors of Woodcraft are meeting this afternoon at 1:S o'elock La Fra ternal temple. At the business meeting officers are to bo elect ed to serve for this rear. Following the buslneaa meeting caraa wiu be la play and at :! o'clock a potluek supper wilt ba Mrs. H. C Maison Hostess Today Mrs. H. O. Maison will enter tain with a luneheoa aad this fol lowed by an afternoon of contract bridge for the Thursday club to day. Sprtag vOX bo the decorative note to ba used for tho luncheon tahlo aad about tho rooms. Additional cuesta invited to play with the dub are Mra. W. H. Lytle, Mra. Xreol Kay. Mra. Fred Kiddle, and Mrs. Holllng Hunt Mr. and Mra. Harry Scott are reeeivtar congratulation upon the oirta or a son born Thursday af ternoon at Sataa General hospital, e e pretty birghdai which Mbm Ura. Kanaatk Wilson and Mra. Frank Chapman assisted Mrs. Adloph. Tonne guests who called to wish Miss Joan happi ness on her fourth birthday 1 ex cluded Sally and Jimmy Born- hard. Janle Carson, Gordon and : John Weller, Patty Wilson Peg gy and Billy Byrd. Trank Deck e baoh. Third. Nancy Baren. Martha Steaslof f, Robert Craig. Jeaa Steiaer and Aides Adolph. Jr. i or wnica ura. box Adolpa on ly party waa tnat Rax tertaiaad la comaUmaat to tho birthday ot her small daughter, Joan. Thursday afternoon, oames prsceded the gay tea hour, at Watches Cleaned $1.00 Wrist Watches $1.50 Moderate Prices oa watch aad cloak repairing CLAUDE MIX Bewick Market Marios aad Oom'l OREGON SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Special Offering PERMANENT WAVE o Reg. $2.50 (COMPLETE) eolations and supplies guaranteed pur Doart and Imperial used Very Special Price on Dyes filar eel 25e Hair Cut 25e Finger Ware (dried) 25c Water Ware 25c Manlenres 25c NEW CLASS NOW BEING ORGANIZED Sea Btrs. or Mr. J. E. Gordon for Details 218 N. Libert? St Phone 6300 i in f is aggaanj , gaaa n ,i i '" 1 ' 111 111111 11 1 5? A E? irn A L afakaa arashday a yto Lff. Pkg. WT?A1E& 50 lbs. 3Se Netted Gem Good Cookers NAVEL RANGES doz. II Qc Fancy Wrapped, 216 Size So So The Old ItaUibU Lg. 8 Pad Sizo E9 QqIFS m iBsir?s s lbs. age FANCY .I? ffilltt 2Dkff.s.K Diamond Crystal Seasons Food Better, Because it's Flaked. - Log Cabin Syrup . . J saed. sise lUtchloas ss L?J Maplo 2 qt. Frying Size Banquet Orange Peko TEA Vi lb. Tin 2 Beautiful Glasses Free Sflc8flQ2 Whole Kernel No. 2s a3Qn 2 cans I Use the Best dl woo lg. pkg. a Kann TFIkoMir? n if n a i ii I i a r A Trua Hard Wheat Milled by Fischer 49 lb. sack Parity French Milled Toilet Goap 6 bars 39o 1 BeMUfal Robber XproH Proo - Fort Howard A real ralue, soft as down, white as snow 3 Coi? 23 IVORY SOAP Medium Size So bar - - 1 m mm C. W. Standish aoos w. 5th stpiioBo ias C M. Roberts rtO D. St. Phono 509S D. L. Shrode VM S. IStb. St. Phono 404S Ficke's Grocery laSS Valrsroend Road Phoae 4S1S W. F. Foster ass V. Ooml 8C Phoao asos Greene's Purity Grocery 1B0 S. OomX St. Phoao 40TS C G. Hall M4 K. Capitol St. Tboao SOSS E. A. Daue lOOa 8. Coml 8C Phone TTOT H. Schrenk tZOS Mill Tel. 817S Sloper's Cash Market 161 Edgewater St. Phono 7531 Capitol Street Grocery 003 If. Capitol Phono aSST C & C. Store ' aS4 X. Coml. St. Phono esOS , W. H. Clark asoo stato st PhosM essr O. P. Driffffs BOOS X. OomX SC Phono 440 State Street Market 1812 State St. Phone 5678 Pay-n-Save 208 X. ComX St. Phono 8878 Model Food Market S7S X. HI St. Phono 4111 W. A. Sampson 878 Market SC Phono 5071 Rich's Grocery lTtk and Center St Phono S518 Moore's Purity Grocery 8230 8. H3Sh SC Phone 8483 i