IS. .. . u if- ef i ' - f , i - eHV I i r 1 1 i i) ,' V ) r Ss. kbcal N Appointments Necessary Ad vsnce appointment an necessary for all of the Marion eounty health department clinics with ex ception of the Saturday lmmunlz- ' ation on this week. - The ached , ' ule follows: lfcKlnley school' ex- - amtnations all day , Monday, high school girls clinic at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday, school and chest clinic at health eenter Wednesday after noon preschool clinic .at health center Thursday morn ins. all day Park school examinations Friday, ' toxoid and Taectnatlon clinic 1:3 'to Is a. nt. Saturday. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health officer, will hare charge of all except the Thursday preschool clinic, which Dr. J. R. Backstraad conducts each week. . ' Mortgage Investors: Farm appli . rations for loans from 12,000 to 17509, 15, to its of present day values, - subject to inspection. Hawkins k. Roberts, Oregon Bldg. Want Bad Dog; Captured A sheep-killing dog which is re ported to hare killed more than S sheep In the Aumsville, Tur ner and Marlon section in the last two months, will be sought by aroused farmers of that com munity, Paul Marnarch, inspec tor of claims for dead sheep in the county, reported yesterday. Farmers affected are reported to be raising a fund to use to hire someone to run down the killer. Joe Plser is said to have lost two lambs, a year-old ewe, a two year old ewe and a three-year old ewe in a recent raid. One ranch er, Marnarch reports, lost 28 sheep In a raid. Benefit Show Success The two morning shows given by the man agement of the Hollywood theatre yesterday In benefit to the Asso ciated Veterans-charity organiza tion proved highly successful. The huge quantity of foodstuffs ob tained as admission included 400 cans of fruits and jellies, 10 busb ela of potatoes. 20 pounds of wal nuts, 25 pounds of beans, 25 pounds of rice, and 40 pounds of breakfast foods. The Teterans are caring for 83 families of un employed ex-serrice men at Scout Shoes. Lowest price In its history, 35.95. Acklin Bootery. 1st sale, 121 N. Higb. Meiers Back Tonight Gov ernor Meier, who left for Port land late Thursday, will return here tonight, it was announced at the executive department. The governor will be accompanied by Mrs. Meier, who expects to re main in Salem until the close of the legislative session. A num ber of social functions are be ing planned here in honor of Mrs. Meier. Attend Conference The en tire staff of the Mutual Life in surance company of New York, Salem office, was in Portland the past week for the annual meet ing of the company, and for the general Insurance sales confer ence. EL C. Goodwin is district manager here, members of the staff being J. O. Russell, Vivian Beecher, Magda Hoff, Mrs. Olga Hofard and J. K. Holt. Mortgage Investors: Farm appli cations for loans from $2,000 to 17500, 25, to 505 of present day values, subject to inspection. Hawkins & Roberts, Oregon Bldg. Check Artist Sought The ap pearance of Minnie Perry Gould, woman bad check artist who es caped from the county Jail at Cor vallls Thursday night, is being watched for here. Police state she uses many aliases and has passed many bad checks in numerous cit ies up and down the coast Local officers were not informed of how she escaped. Many to Attend An unusually large attendance Is expected at tomorrow night's meeting of Cap ital post, American legion, to be held at 8 o'clock in Fraternal tem ple. A brief business meeting will precede the entertainment honor ing Salem Spanish war veterans, visiting legionnaire legislators, snd legion department heads. Vets Meet Monday Ameri can legion leaders from all parts of the stat will meet here Mon day for a conference on state leg islation which may affect the or ganization. The conference was called by Jack Eakln of Dallas, state commander. WO-tElPlE D IDDWIE The Marion Hotel Dinner served from 5:45 to 8:00 p. m, 50c, 75c. Special Turkey Dinner, 50c, at The Spa today. Argo Today T-Bone Steak or Tnrkey. Deep apple pie, 50c. Turkey Dinner, S5c, Tourist Cafe, 163 S. Com'L Ve Caarfa for Coaolttfea Htgnt an Day Calls Dr. B. H. White OfteepUkie rhyslciaa and Baxgaoa . PiUa voA Kxtrasl Csaeer Reawvai with Medietas - -Offlct: SftS Xortk Capttot Street Telephone BOSS galeae Oregew Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Waxen To Rent Call 6910. feed Furnitare ' Department ' iSi Korth High , TV 144. ews Briefs Magic Show R. L. LaLonde, successor ti the lata Cook Pat ten, magician, and his brother Jack.; will present .a magic show at th First Congregational church Monday night nt at t o'clock, an-' ur auspices or the Fortnightly club. There will be ne admlulan. bat collection may ho taken for vmeni oi tae ciuD. LaLona is a step-son of the late Cook Patton. He and his brother returned here Friday from a tour of Washington towns, whera they presented their program. They will remain here several months, and will book a, number of appearances' in towns in this section. Arrest S70 Violator Stat police participated la 370 arrests for motor vehicle traffie viola tions during the month of Decem ber, according; to a report prepar ed here Saturday by Charles P. Pray, superintendent of the state police department. Fines Imposed In these cases aggregated $'588. Forty-eight of the arrests resulted from switched license plates while it arrests were due to reckless driving. Twenty-four drivers were found to be driving their ears without proper lights. The state police issued 1.5.907 warnings to motor vehicle operators. Viavi Dealer. Mrsf Selma Gram, 891 Union Street, Phone 4375. Seek Water Right George H Thomas snd Earl B. Moore of John Day have filed with the state engineer here application to ap propriate 18 second-feet of waste water from Masson and Finlayson mines an, Hillis ditch, tributary of the John Day river, for mining purposes In Grant county. W. D. Huntington of Portland seeks to appropriate two second feet of water from Grave creek, tributary of Rogue river, for mining pur poses ia Jackson county. Ask Time to Plr Alvin Wil son Pepiu and Floyd George, who allegedly stole an automobile from In front of the Marlon hotel Thursday night, asked time in which to plead when they were ar raigned before Judre Miller Hay deh yesterday morning. The car they are alleged to have taken is owned by J. P. Clevinger. The youths will enter tbeir pleas Mon day afternoon, and meantime are in the county jail in default of $750 ball each. Men's brogues and dress oxfords, $3.95 and $3.95, Acklin Bootery, 1st sale, 121 N. High. Broadcast Today The Wil lamette Philharmonic choir re sumes its semi-weekly broadcasts over KGW today with a varied program to be presented from 3 to 3:30 p.m. The concerts will continue every other week until the end of school according to Cameron Marshall, choir direc tor. Denies Liability Answe ring complaint of Ernest H. Bliven, th industrial accident commis sion says the complaint does not claim plaintiff sustained disabil ity from December 1, 1932, and for that reason waives compensa tion for disability after that date. Obit uary Donaldson Mrs. William Donaldson at the residence, 1395 Marion street, Friday, Jan. 13, aged 72 years. Survived by daughters. Miss Em ily J. "Donaldson, Miss Bessie D. Donaldson, Mrs. L. R. Fisher of Salem; sons, James H. of Sa lem, Herbert Lee of Great Falls, Mont.; grandchildren, Jean Mar celle Donaldson, Margaret Ann Fisher of Salem; sister, Mrs. Minnie Low of Kerwin. Kans. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of Clough-Bar-rick company, Monday, Jan. 16 at 2 p.m. Interment City View cemetery. Massey Died at residence in Portland, Ore., January 13, Mrs. Ellen Egan MasBey, age 79, mother of Mrs. Arthur Goffin, Gervais. Ore., and Carl M. Massey, Portland; sister of the late William H., Mi chael J., and John T. Egan; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Egrn, pioneers, 1852. Born at Philomath, Ore., Sept. 21, 18 S3. Fnneral services at St Joseph's church, Chemeke ta and Cottage streets., Salem, at 19 a.m., Monday, January 18 Remains in care of Rlgdon's Mor tuary, Salem. The Rosary will be said at Rlgdon's Fnneral Par lors Sundsy evening at 8 o clock. PILES CURED Without Operatioa sr Lot of Tin DR. MARSHALL (29 Oroa Bids. Ftoeo SMS Pei?Cett SaOetty You can be sure that prescri p t i o n s com pounded by registered pharmacists at Schae fer's are accurate, and follow your physi-; dan's orders EX-J ACTLY. . YOU ARE - SAFE WHEN YOU BRING YOUR PRESCRIP TION TO Schaefer's Drug Stor 185 W. Commercial - Dial 8107 lit Original Yellow front Candy Special . Store of Salens Case tnewe4 Order setting asjd Judgment la cat ot-ArUar D. Hansen rs. Frd Schaefer was tare yesterday, and . defendant permitted, to til answer to th complaint which involved leas en land. Defendant aUegts th leas van : cancelled and . Mnimniu settlement mad when ft appear ed, farm reveau would not pay in Mas, jit rartner says plain tiff, tmnlored' him to remain nn th farm, and that in a new agreement, he was to leas th farm a year and pay a third of th eroD as rental. vUk rmi he tendered, bnt plaintiffs re used to accepts -- r IncornorateArticIaa of incor poration for Nobl Ranch. Inc., with head Quarters In Salem, have been filed with the county clerk with Joseph Bartnik. Rosa Bart nlk and Anton Semolk, Incorpor ators. Th capital stock Is $7,009, In shares of $100 each. Tha ria- ern will buy, own, sell, mort gage, leas and derelon real axil personal nrooertr. hnv end n stocks of other corporations and ouy ana sell farm produce. Special prices on foundation gar ments during Jan. Clearance Sale at Howard. Corset Shoo. ls K. Liberty. ... Plaintiff Gets asooo T de ment handed down vesterdav h-r Judge L. H. MeMahan gives Jo sephine Smith, as administratrix of the estate of Clarenee Smith, $5000 in connection with the $10,000 damage action hronrht against Lloyd Johnson. Smith wm fatally Injured when struck by machine driven by Lloyd Johnson. Th accident occurred near the Catholic cemeterv here some time ago. Defendant filed no answer. the circuit ludsre determininr the damages after viewing testimony. Asks District Court Defend ants in action brought by Sail Brothers of Turner against Asso ciated Oil company, have filed pe tition ror removal of the case to the district court for the district of Oregon, the petition being based on fact that litigants are rrom different states. The case in volves a dispute of $4,157.28 over rentals in connection with sal of gasoline. Vitality health shoes, $3.95 to $4.95, Acklin Bootery, 1st sale. 121 N. High. Ask For Decree In connection with suit of the W. r. T. TT against Emma Sturgis, defendant nas rued motion with the county clerk for decree on pleading. De fendant holds It la entitled to de cree, inasmuch as plaintiff made no demur or reDlv to answer. which contained statement of new matter constituting defense. Cut Conntv Wood A rr nt 15 men is emoloved now cntttnr wood for Marion countv. for dm at the courthouse, the poor farm and other places, as well as for attribution among the poor. At least 600 cords of wood will be cut. Men on the Job get a dollar a cord. Wilson Bros. Shirts Special $1.55. A. A. Clo. Co. Inc., 335 State. On Rousseau Estate Tn eatatn of Albert J. Rousseau, appraisal has been filed by D. G. Drager, Louis Bechtel aud L. K. Sieg mund. showing estate to be worth $7718.80. A house and lot in Eu gene is given no value on account or encumDrances. Licensed to Wed George Mel lette, 28, Gresham, and Pearl Warburton. 30. Gresham. were issued a marriage license here yesterday, it is the second trip to the altar for both. He is a farmer and she a dressmaker. Account Annrnvml Th a nrn- bate court has allowed final ac count of Frank J. Bissell as ad ministrator of the estate of Mer- ton s. Bissell. Balance on hand for distribution is $991.18. Larceny Charged George Herschback pleaded not -uiltv in Justice court yesterday to larceny of a rear end of an automobile be longing to George King. He was released on his own recognisance pending trial, to be set later. Overruled Demurrer in case of state for use and benefit nt Laura Hotchkiss vs. C. R. John son ana others is overruled in or der signed by the circuit judge. Snee on Note Turner state bank has filed suit In circuit court against Jesse E. Parrish for judgment on note. SPECIAL SUNDAY TURKEY DINNER tPC Tho OPA Knowing how is a.lot in your business and it applies to the motor moving business. We are skillful movers and our storage house guar an tees your goods' real safety. j! We KNQVi ft HOW W I) I to photCt voJTz - a ary X-i WtUamet vs. Union Oil. .baaketbaj. January 14 Ores Aw BsrdeT itaaisnsj15' JBnaT- IS gttr a FaJrfiaUL, FelMrwary 10-11 Boy Sfet project display a Jack Simpson, of Portland, was elsct- President f th Willamette university sophomor elan for th eemias; semester, at a mast las: Friday. Neva Sedin. r Part. land, was chosen -sic president: Itaaees Maeda, of Portland se cretary; and Rao Yean, of Gol- aenoaie. treasurer. Beads Fraaernliv t HaMlA Rose, of Portland. hu kMa elected president t th Kappa uamma Rno fraternltr for the coming semester, to succeed Ro- Derc n on cat. aiso or Portland. Eu gene Smith, of Spokane, was chosen vie sreaident. - and Paal Towley, of Los Angeles, secretary-treasurer. Melaoa SUll TU Roy S. Mel- son, newly Installed County com missioner. Is still confined to his home with influenxa. He has been 111 much ef the time since assuming office. Thomas is Visitor L. L. Thomas, former Marshfield mer chant, took in the mining con gress meeting Saturday. He is a former legislator, now located in Portland. "Bert" Lawsoa Here B. K. Lawson, who attended the mining congress meeting here yesterday, is expected to be the next chief of police in Portland. He was pri son warden under Gov. West. One Fire Reported A small chimney fire occurred at 145 East Leffelle street about 9 o'clock yesterday morning. No other alarms were turned in during the dy. Private Sale Order in probate court allows petition for private sale of stock and fixtures held by estate of Paul M. Hand. Walter Morse Back Walter W. Morse of Grants Pass, form erly of Salem, was here Satur day. He is now a teacher in th Grants Pass high school. Mrs. Covey, 76, Dies Saturday Local Hospital WOODBURN, Jan. 14 Mary Ellen Covey, who was born near Marquam 78 years ago, died at a Salem hospital - early this morning after a two weeks' ill ness. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at S o'clock at Hall's mortuary here, with Rev. Gilanders officiating. Interment will be In Miller's ce metery east of Mt. Angel. Burial will be on her 80th wedding an niversary. Surviving are the widow, James William; two daughters, Lesenta Alice Scott of Barry, Wash., and Mrs. Jennie Parker of Woodburn, and a son, 'Frank W. of Woodburn. Three children are deceased. Ushering In a New Idea The Canton Tavern Hare Dinner In China Tour genial host, Mr. Jung Sing, former manager of the Shanghai Cafe, will be happy to welcome eld friends snd greet the new en sad after Jan. 16th. 940 N. Commercial St Salem, Oregon FHOXX 836$ American Foods Fountain Statement Sttattc Sovaiafjc oimIl December 31, 1932. ASSETS Real estate mortgages and notes receivable... Loans to members on certificates Bond Real estate owned Real estate subject to redemption. Real estate being foreclosed. Real estate sold under contract., Furniture and fixtures Leasehold (Guaranteed) Accounts receivable Cash LIABILITIES Due certificate holders. Notes payable Taxes, liens and accounts payable.. Deferred profit on real estate Undivided profits Reserve fund stock State of Oregon ) )ss. County of Marion . I, R. C. Miller, secretary of the above named association, do, solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. v R. C. MILLER, Secretary. , Attest: R. E. Lee Steiner as President Subscribed and sworn to before mt this 13th day of January, 1933. -; : i W.POLLAK, . Seal ? Notary public for Oregon. My Commission Expires June 11, 1933. IKII ESTATE HI PROBATE Th estate and will of Sarah A. Hovendea was r-admitted for probate ystraar. th probate court aamias; Ranald A. Jonas as executor and James P. Feller, John Murray and Dolpfc Cos as appraiser. Th stat is to he probated becaas ef recent aeath t the xeatorY Oeorg B. Ho raadsa.. aad because of errors tn the former prseeedinga. Jaaa was named Tice-execvter ta-tb wtO. - Th estate was first admitted to probate May t, ltXP. The win. drawn November 13, 193T, leaves th walk of th estate to thro child rem, Mrs. Emma Jones of Marlon county, Mrs. Anal Gil bert of California and Oeorg B. Hovendea of Portland. A larg number of small bequests, mostly to grandchildren and groat grand children, ar mad. Th largest bee seat, $$80, Is left to Miss Anna A. Dunn. The new order in probate can cels all proceedings of the former executor. Woodburn Board Purchase of Bus May End Trouble WOODBURN", Jan. 14 Final Incident in the transactions be tween the school board and Paul Folquet heirs over operation of the Woodburn school bus was likely written Friday, when the school board bought a bus and used it for the first time. The bus owned by the Folquet estate was relieved of the school license, and goes back to the heirs. The school board first offered to rent this bus of the estate, which countered with offer to sell for 1700, which the board held too much. Lately the board paid $30 a month rent for use, pending a settlement. Mott to Resign After March 1, He Announces Jsmes W. Mott, representative elect for the first congressional district, probably will not resign as state corporation commission er before March 1. he announced Saturday. Prior to leaving tor & REBUILT Used Tires COMPLETE STOCK LOW PRICES Wood-Wheaton Motor Co. 540 CHEMEKETA Complete Mechanical and Tow Service Day or Night O. M. O. Track Agency Used Csrs snd Trucks SPECIAL ' Croqufnole Ringlet End Permanent PUSH WAVE $2.00 complete Open Friday Evenings by appointment Castle Permanent Wavers Co. SOT First Natl Bank Bldg. Tel. SCS3 Branch of Castle Pioneer Per manent Wavers, Portland ef Condition ...$266,2023 9,639.77 1,000.00 - 79,259.74 19,460.57 9,027.06 38,633.35 2,483.76 29,000.00 4,143.23 187.92 -, 1459,037.93 .$392,230.41 . 9,000.00 . 2,005.80 682.83 . 4,318.89 . 50,8QO.OO $459,037.93 sold. Washlagts to attend th special ssio f congress, MU win spend a few days visiting vsrisus eeetioa! his district. At Rose burg he wlU determine th stains of th new Teterans' hospital, aad how much money will b required to complete th project. Mott has Indicated that ha wf!i mm ad.tu tlonal federal appropriations for me institution. 4-H Leaders Here To Outline Plans F6i 1933 Program Fifty leaders in 4-H rial Av in this countv rntheraf ear. st- urdsy afternoon for a eonfarnr Preparatory to etartlag the list xi ib program throughout th schools of th county. Th major It? of th lead era at tha onfr he ar aew In th work. Pol icies or 4-H club work war dis cussed bv Miss Helm f!awni . slataat stat club leader. in charge or the conference yes terday was Warns D. Hardin r countr 4-H cIua vnrv. tnkIm discussed yesterday Included or ganisation, meetings, recreation, demonstrations, tsdclnr. 4-w etnh county : and stat fair, livestock fairs, and songs and yells. Robertson Peace Group's Speaker Malnr P a t i . " ... i -- uuuii ugg win Peak at a meeting of the Nation al: Council for PrinnttA. -ro Salem branch, next Tuesday night at g o'clock at th First Methodist church. His subject wfll be, 'America's World Trade ami th International Problems Involved." Major Robertson has been connected with the national war college, and has made exten sile travels through European vvuuu isrji. RUBBER HEELS Put On Your SHOES TO INTRODUCE OUR SUPERIOR REPAIR WORK ANYONE THAT MENTIONS THIS AD MAY HAVE A PAIR RUBBER HEELS PUT ON THEIR SHOES ABSOLUTELY FREE IF THEY WILL HAVE A PAIR HALF SOLES PUT ON AT OUR SPECIAL LOW PRICES. Men's Soles Boy's Soles So We use only the finest leathers and there can be no finer work produced in any shop. This is only a special for one week to test the pulling power of our ads County Officials Give Suggestions For Laws llonday aBnsnaasns EsprsseataUvss ef th eounty Judges' and commissioners or gan a sation ef the atata win k& here tomorrow to pros sat leglsla- ur , saggesuoas to th proper ooamittses at th sUtshouse. Th officials' lesga has goa oa record tor a f license fee, for a reaeal off the .oM market road law. - for abolition ar - ta lit .chars; to counties for 'keep Ins lnsaae wards aad for a sales tax. - Included la the group expect- nere wui a Judge Victor P. Moses of Benton eoanty. Coat missioaer WlUiam a. an& vf Tam hill countv. Jndra bkamu of Umatilla eounty and Commis iener James Smith, Marten eoaaty. Massey Services Will be Tonight And on Monday Funeral services far Mra. Ellaa Egan Massey. 7, who died at ner aome in Portland Friday will BNecktie Free! To Introduce our high Quality work fn cleaning and pressing WE ARE GIVING A NECKTIE WITH EACH SUIT OR OVER COAT CLEANED AND PRESS ED for the next IS days. WADSWORTH5 Cleaning - Pressing Tel. 0030 210 S. High St- Saliafaj-tlnn muMntMil Cell for and deUvery service Women's Soles Children's Soles according to size. ?tO b held from St. Joseph's ehsrch ere at It a-a. Monday, media tioa ef th rosary wm be held at, Rlgdon's nvortaary tonight at S o'clock. - - -! - - . Mrs. Massey was bora at FhO mata. September 11. ItSS. She was the mother of Mrs. Arthur Coffin. Gervais, and Carl M. Mas say, Portland; sister of the late William H. Michael. Jr., and John T. Egan: daughter of Ihe lat Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Egan. pioneers ef 1S52. COMPLEXION NEEDS Cleansing Cream Finishing Cream Tissue Cream Face Powder Skin Freshener OmpUtt EnstmbU Stt $1.00 Woolpert & Lege DRUGS Court & Liberty Tel. 3444 K TBI 4 AGES OF BSACTT r i r