) MIE MIIE """"Hfflffii STABT Th.paii iniunEMii irii mi of coga JUnHlNIl fiATF T tIRK SI llffly Boards ttT0K006 r OJJTBOffl Won't Extend Operation to (ChIna Proper; Pass !$ i -Taken, They Claim . ' . 1 1 .1 ' (Contbrotf from p 1) mander, Mid tli fUMlnj ' still ru coins on at 4 pjn. Foht Japa&M alrplaner ware assisting ihf attaekera by bomb- Ibc la CMaes llnet. Tn aasatilt column contained troop of the goYernment of Manehnkno as veil as regular Japanese. ' Manehnrlan headquarters here reported that at 5 p.m. a Chinese eaTalry brigade still held the southern end of the pass and at that point there had been no contact with the Japanese. Chinese officials expected the . full force of the Japanese drlre to gain possession of the pass would bo felt tomorrow. Gener al Ho Issued orders to his troops to stand their ground. Chturaenkow pass Is 14 miles north of Shanhaikwan. The Ja panese allege that Marshal Chang Hsiao-Liang, the Chinese mili tary commander charged with guarding the northern border, recently sent three brigades through the pass into Jehol, the province lying between China proper and Manchuria. - WOODBURJf, Jan. 10-In honor of their fiftieth wedding annlTer- sary. children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Myers gath ered at the Myers home in Wood burn Sunday. The wedding anni versary Is today. Three children were present: George Myers and Mrs. Lela Hughes of Portland and M. B. Myerf, Jr., who lives with his parents. Another son, John Myers, was unable to be present. Two grandchildren, James and Lois Myers, were also present, as was a friend of the family, Miss Carrie Haywood, also of Portland. . M. B. Myers and Miss Antic net Combs were married January 9, SO years ago. They came west on April 9 of that same year and lived in Washington till about It 10. after which they removed to Iowa, where they stayed a slort time. In 1915 they took up a home: ead in eastern Or ego-, and lived there until the latter part of 1925. whea they went to Cali fornia for a year. In 1927 Mtrs' moved to Woodburn. Senator Upton Is Speaker lor Credit Session wun tax promems occupying i the limelight in Oregon for days, i the discussion before the Salem J Retail credit association mis noon 1EBSES GOLDEN WEDDING HONORED will be of especial interest. Sen- ator Jay Upton will be the speak-las or, and will talk on "Balancing I the Oregon Budget". All merchants of Salem, wheth- or or not members of the associa-1 tlon are welcome to attend, Pres-1 tdent J. F. Wiesser announces. I The credit group meets on the I fifth floor of the Masonic build- ing. Secondary Roads Designation Made 'Resolutions of the county court yesterday adopted as secondary highways six roads, and stipulate that engineering, maintenance, construction and other costs shall be done by the road forces of Mar ion county. The roads are: Hillsboro- Woodburn ; Beaverton - Aurora ; Cascade; Woodburn-ML Hood loop?; North Santlam; and Silver Creek Falls. Sherwood ' People Visit at Labish; County Agent, TOO ' LABISH CENTER. Jan. 10 Mr. and Mrs. John Young, the Aubrey Toung family and Charles Young, all of Sherwood, were guests at tho H. E. Boehm home Sunday. Tho J. Youngs ar par ents of Mrs. Boehm. . J. Leedy, county agent ot Doug las county, who owns property here, visited relatives over the week end. ' Frank Weinman, who has suf fered with influenza for throe weeks, Is reported no better, and his removal to a hospital is con templated. State Buy Surplus Hay ot Quinaby Men QUINABY, Jan. 10 The sUte has bought all ot tho straw that John Zlellnskl and Albert Glrod can spare and they hare been busy trucking tor the last two 1 days. Bobbie Morris, second grader at Buena crest, is quite 1U wit- leak ago of tho heart. It is feared 1 tie may. ho ta bed for several months. . Frogs Get Throaty li 'For Legislature Too HUBBARD, Jan. 10 The frogs' aro croaking ln the pond. January S " they began and on January t there: was a real chor es. - IT HAS EVERYTHING i , ED. G. ROBINSON In SILVER DOLLAR" COMING SUNDAY , ELSINORE THEATRE J I . Br OUVB M. DOAS I Wscoukt' KIKUJIRO' ISKIl Pk&S -EtECT RoOSEVEVT That Japaa considers brtlf atitlsd At 1 ' " Ud by Pridnt-lct Framklia D. Rooavlt ia ki UctUa camyiga, is TtacBcd by the decisiea of Premier Minora Satta to saad Vtscavat Kikijaro kkii aa a special amtioa to Waskiagtoa eooa after Mr. Itaose Vn takes emti. Japan emcials believe that taa DeaMcratie rreaidau will oa muca aasier to deal wita prevails ia Takio that a naw understanding- batweea the Uaitod Statee aad Japaa will ba arriTd at regarding Far Eastern qaastioas. VUcoaat laaii. a member of tit Privr Council, was co-aathor. with Rabart laasiag. Secretary af Stat in th cab in t af Prasidaat Wilsoa, af tka laaii-Laaaiag agrmat. By this decamat, agetiatd daring th World War, the Uaited Stotos rcogatzd Japaa s spactal iatorasta ia China. Ttaa agrae- 1 saeat was later repadiated by a Rapablieaa administration. It is tka biif af these close to official circia ia Japaa that aay aadarstaadiae witk tka Uaitod States aa Far Eastern aolicy skoald ba based aa a revival af the laku-Laasiag agreemeaL Viscount Isbii will leave Takio oa Jaaa- ary 9 aa a sckedale that will take ia Loadoa, Barua, raris, Brasaals aad Warsaw. This is expected to keep kirn occupied an til the aew Prasidaat af the Uaited States Con United from Dag 1) bills to put the state in an unlim- lted Issue of warrants and to lg- I nore the state -deficit and to re peal the existing three-mill prop erty tax levy. When no message was forth coming Mondav speculation was abundant. Had the executive, used to le islative obedience, been cowed by the 1932 legislators who refused to follow instructions as docilely those of two years ago? Was the governor's office playing pol- ltics, unwilling to force through a sales tax. unwilling to accept blame tor restoring the three-mill property levy? Was the governor playing pok er with the legislature, perhaps to the extent of letting the inju- dicious bills passed last week be- s.u Lun caLcuL as i iblliiik Lun iu iu i come law and thn rrnr fh I legislature with state defaults looming, into forcing through drastic new taxes ln lieu of a property .levy? No one eould state exactly the position of the administration Governor . Meier himself was un communicative. There might be a message and there , might not Time would tell. Tuesday Conference Deemed Significant Late Tuesday afternoon the governor and his budget director went Into conference with a nam ber of legislators and there was I evidence that some smoothing out lot the state's financial situation might resnlt. Meanwhile special counsel em' ployed by the chief -r.nt. each session was perusing the tax au v nu mm m a. a, a u.nE.n. QAUb u i.n a repeal and warrant bills carefully to advise tho gOTernor If these measures would stand up as con- stitutional it court action court action was taken. Certain facts are evident. Governor Meier is no longer the sell-assured, imperious exe cutive leader that he was two years ago. Then. his actions had verve and directness. Now they -o". - . .. are cautious, to the point ot va- dilation. From Senator Upton's resclu- Uon Introduced Tuesday after- nnnn nlArfrlnr tha lArlltnra in -Amain In nooftlnn nntll flnnndal I problems of tbe state are solved, one may read an Indirect attempt e on tho part of tho executive. through Upton as leader, to let ta noa,e nd enat pnU ont ot DLLYl-iOQEI Homo of 25c TalkJee Today A Thursday POLAND WEST'S vsr aitsTin. WITM AUSON LOYD FreasTae Ubeity Msgsaioe, Stery Be sure to be here at ' 9 o'clock Tonight Also Comedy & News in I INC 3 r awme 11 r , ATns vi mi- PftEhflR MlNOKU AlTO to a Lead la tbe aew dLM rav taaa bia predecessor aaa oat is inaugurated. themess they created last week. The state s financial condition is apparently being made a po- .... - i litical football. oiaie lreaaurer iioiman, eager 10 oe governor oy a, is Known to ue cgnsianuj in louca wun I Senators Burke, Brown, Spauld-I ing, et al, anxious to make it appear that atate warrants, state deficits and state upset financial conditions are not his own fanlt. The anti-aaministratlon group ln tho senate would like to make it appear first, that they saved tho common people through defeating tho sales tax, and see-1 ond that they protected the neo- pie by voting down a. levy oa real property and third, that they I bolstered the state's credit by providing a temporary recourse to warrants. I Snch annlnt fa-.t. .. unbalanced budget, aa unfunded .aeucic, unproviaed ior sources ot revenue, the anti-Meier group would like to toss over into the ing UMd part of tho work of I city recorder, J. A. Ruble; treas governors chambers, placing thetho advanced class ln vocational I urer. Miss Ernestine Groves; chief U1ua xiuarmj oa aim. ji a ceriawiy. uireciness, I . l re8lul. ttrm . - , i I:. :. . ,iJ . '. . I r k VV"cu auner in me iegis- laturo or tho executive offices 1"" .r A rmr. haps by Friday the situation will be clarified. (Continued from page 1) roll last night were: Frank Minte, Lelf Bergsrik. Bert Thom- Wallace P. Carson. Don w - ff?ne'V, Dr V E Bn. Ken JJ nse! G- Br.a.dL'..HarrT wooa Hut J00- CV,? v. S5n3r' WI1"I 11am Schlltt, Van Wieder, Her- a uwiiubuu, ijr, 4. u. Bears, U'"!'IX? a.aoipn. 7f . Sr N seer-. aia?I? Ji,?aob Mw.,l nwly elected for 1933 are: King Bin. 19 NEW cms on r ran u. uecxeDacn. Jr.: Lordt..ii v n . . ""Ci""r wo, usroner jvnapp; Xfnceuo. or RollM' C. K. I "v" wi iuo vrcnara. b ramus; King's jester. V. f "ra; ua oi iam - "'"i Asei Soil; Queen Anne's Consort, R. W. NUes; Archhlshon of Rkreall, Roy Simmons; Mar- 1 qH1 ol niarascmno, a. a. Keene; I A. .a . a F-r a a wr a a Earl of Waldo, Walter Fuhrer. LAST DAY Clive Brook in Barbara tomorrow only Georra Stanwydc THE PURCHASE PRICE Brent COMING Direct horn 3 Snyder Bros Rena and Rathburn with Vivian Lewis Pledge Upon Legislature to ' Hold Until Revenue is Provided, Sought ' (Coatmne (ram pese It throurh tax foreclosures would be made arailable to the unemploy ed. The law wonld be administer ed by a commission of flTe mem bers, including the commissioner of labor, director of agriculture and three persons to be appointed by the gOT&rnor. Land allotments would be limited to 10 acres tor any on person. One of the house bills intro duced limits the amount of Inter est on loans of $100 or under to It per cent and loans orer that to 10 per cent. 1 Representative Herbert Gor don's measure was introduced for a 20 per cent reduction in tax IsTles of counties and other politi cal subdivisions 20 per cent. Identical Twins Still That Way Though Scarred GLENDALE. Calif.. Jan 10 fAP) Mariana and Darlana Wynegar. one year old. are twins of such similarity that even their parents must resort to such do- rices an. colored string about their wrists to tell them apart, I When they had an accident, they ha dlt together. A collision threw them simultaneously from an automobile on their heads. I Tho doctor reported today that each would have a small penaaa-1 ent scar, but any tnougnt tnat tho marks might distinguish one I from tho other Tanished when It was seen that tho scars were I identical as to position and shape. raiTlliy (j&tnCriXlfir IJ 11 l T I nem uy sr unieruya i INDEPENDENCE. Jan. 10 The home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D Pomeroy was tho scene of a fam ily reunion Sunday. At dinner. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh I Hanna, Lida, Hugh and Robert Banna. At night, all the Pomer- CJt thmt ar0 ln thlg part of tB co,, gathered. Additional .. Mm v.- sjiavavei ww a v aaaaeae a aa-aav vievi M w paKah v n.i - ,, ,vim,m from n.n.. w j mm m noyi IO XVlOVe XXOCK Crusher to Everett SILVERTON, Jan. 10 Prep arations are under way to mora the Charles Hoyt rock crusher. which has been working oa tkeltA .., th nrt twa mn I a www a . a unanes womacc piaco tor tne Pst seven years, to Everett, wash, it was said that fire truck loads will bo necessary to more tne entire equipment to its new destination. RBr.'n l?mM1MMuJ aa in ochool StlldieS; 1VITTV Tan ID A Lm arricultura at Amlt hfrt nehoaV Wnrai l-lrlrlT i. -iwm. . 1 vvwbwij aea ai' va avvaw aa i week from KOAC. UOUaRVI PLEADS TODAI i joan MeGarver ia aehednlad to enter his nlea In lustlca court today to a charge of receiving! mil cnnmitlii nlM nmMrfw He appeared la court yesterday and took 24 hours la which to plead. Not being able to supply 9200 ball, ho was ordered held la the county Jail. LEAGUERS TO MEET MIDDLE GROVE, Jan. 10. Tne senior league will meet for the monthly social and business session at the Laurence Hammer homo January IS, at T: 30 p. m. FLAY ON FRIDAY ST. PAUL. Jan. 10. A play, "Tho Clay's the Thing," will be given Friday night, tho 13th, at tho Knights of Columbus halL This is given by tho student body of the St. Paul union high school Mjjjpg PROGRAM 14TH ROBERTS. Jan. 10. Th men of the Roberts community club "111 Put on their next program Satnrday niaht. Jannarr 14. a I nu uiuu nut cuaiKou tor 4u over IE years of are. i i Dl I j uirms io I Fredrlckaoa To Mr. and Mra. Homer Arthur Fredrlckaon. Can. by route three, -a girl, Lola Carol, 1 born on January 0 at Salem gen- 1 leral hospital. "SHERLOCK HOLMES" FRIDAY Orphean, Portland Wells and Gilmore Monty Brooks and Her Orchestra 1 I I Warmer Bros. Elalaora Today George Raft In "Un- der-Cover Man." Friday Warren William In The Mateh King." Warner Bros. Capitol Today Herbert Marshall' Sari Maritza In "Evenings for Sale." Friday Karloff, Melvln Douglas in "The Old Dark House." Grand Today Clive Brook and Mir- lam Jordan in "Sherlock Holmes." Thursday Barbara Stan- wyck and George Brent In "The Purchase Price." Friday Vaudeville, and Roscoe Ates and Tom Keen a In "Renenegades of the West." Hollywood Today Chester Morris la "Corsair." Friday Bob Steele In "The Man from Hell's Edges." Evenings for Sale, a Vlenese musical romance based on an original story by I. A. R. Wylio, and with music by Johann Strauss, the Younger, nephew of the "waits king," will open at tho capital. A case or stage ana screen celebrities, headed by Hereon Marshall (the phenomenal star ol "Trouble in paradise-j, sari ssa- ritsa, Charlie Haggles and Mary ooiana, enacts me story. "Under Cover Man." the new film featuring George Raft and Nancy Carroll, will open at the xislnore today. it is a story of tho upper-un- AwarlA. with Raft In the role of a hlga-ciass croos wno Decora as an under-cover man tor the police for the single purpose of finding the murderer of his father. Nancy Carroll portrays a girl who, also guided by revenge, becomes Hart's accomplice, and falls In love with nim Lew Cody has tho role of the leader and brains of a gang of bond thieves, and others of prom inence In the cast are Gregory Ratoff, Roscoe Karns, Noel Fran- els and David Landau IMI1Y ME SEATED AMITY. Jan. 10 The first council meeting of 19 3 S was held Monday night. Tho old council adjourned and tho new council was sworn la ww,www Mayor Woodman reappointed John R. Snodgrass, former chief of police and city water superln tendent for tho term of two years. The new council Is: first ward. John Briedwell, John Loreasoa: second ward, Mrs. Martha Brown. O. W. Charts ; third ward, Ivan Wood, John Rosenheim. Tho new officers for tho eity are as follows: Mayor, James D. Woodman; of Dolico. John R. Snodgrass: city haalth officer. Dr. C. R Matthia: m city surreyor. H. Herring of Mo- siinnvuie; attorney, n. a.. - UOUry. .mnc Kali Kac arfv-fc a-rwv Mention, Photos The "Night la Spain" charity ball sponsored by tho Lions elub hero last November has brought international publicity to Salem. Ia the January Issue of Tho Lion magazine of Lions International, appears a six-Inch article describ ing the balL Tho write-up Is ac companied by two pictures, one of the guests at tho ball, tho out er ot Leslie Springer and Robert Crawford, "matadors", and the "bull" used in their clever bull fight skit during tho intermission, MTTiTJTTPf JAILED George Mill! kin was committed to county Jail yesterday when ho was unable to pay a fine ot 1x5 i Jastlce court. Ho WlU servo out tho sentence at the rate of 12 a day. Ho pleaded I niit. t . nt hnittn l . . without a license. NEW SHOW TODAY Doors Open 3: IS I am hungry ... half starved! for happiness . I a the wfDlnc to pay who attracts NEW OFFICERS FOR a1' JViVw- MM HERBERT ALARSHALt SARI MARITZA ChsrEe Reks llxrj PORTLAND. Ore.. Jam. II (AP) The court was engaged la tho solemn trial of a charged with selling adulterated hamburger when Into the cham ber casually walked a dog, seem ingly of an origin. as Tarled as that of ;the hamburger being discussed.! i " Seriously, as . benefitted his surroundings, tho Intruder sur veyed th spectators and attach es. Perhaps tho voice of Dis trict Judge George N. Woodley was particularly pleasing to the pup. Or maybe the speaking ox tho word "hamburger" was an lrrejiistable lure. At any; event, the pup marched with certain steps to tho bench. naueed briefly, then sprang to the seat i beside the Judge- and sat down; He cocked an ear as if ho would help his honor In his udiclal pursuits. Tho case proceeded. When court adjourned. Judge Woodley picked tho pup up in his arms ; and walked from tne room. ; "Ho adopted me." the Jurist observed, i"ao I guess 111 adopt him." And bo took his new found friend home. SACRAMENTO, CaL. Jan. 10 (AP) 'Delegates ot tho state hunger march committee present ed relief demands to tho legisla ture today la a heavily -guarded capltoL Carryur hundreds of banners. tho delegates, estimated by police to number about 700, marched from tho city plaza to the capltoL A committee of 2S went Inside and appeared before a Joint ses sion of Che senate and assembly Walter Lambert, San Francisco, committee spokesman, presented a bill embodying relief demands which was read by tho assembly clerk. Lambert then discussed tho bill and called for aa Immediate answer oa how it would bo handl ed. ; Jeff Goodman, of Saa Francis co, read a list of 11 -demands of tho unemployed, ranging from an outright gift ot ISO to each man to Immediate pardons for Thomas J. Moonoy and Warren K. Bill lngs. REAL ESTATE GROUP ELECT MILLER HEAD X. A. Miller, affiliated with Loo N. Cb.il ds Co.. was elected presi dent of the Salem Realty board at the annual meeting at tho cham ber ot commerce this week. He announced yesterday that tho weekly realty meetings would be resumed. Other officers named are: Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, vice- president; J. D. Sears, secretary; J. F. Ulrica, treasurer, and direct orsLoo N. Cnllds. E. B. Graben- horst and W. Q. Kraeger. Outlook for real estate business In and around Salem is brighten ing, it was reported at tho meet- lag. The mala speaker was Wil liam L. Graham, president ot tho Portland Realty board. Here's An Idea; When Taxes Due, Move Your House OKLAHOMA CITY. Jan. 10 (AP) A wholesale hoase hunt ing expedition by Carter coaaty officials was authorized today, When 200 families moved from Wilsoa, once a thriving oil town. their houses were takoa along. leaving tho tax collector scratch ing his bead. But Attorney General J. Berry King bold today tka coaaty offi cials may pursue tho houses to their preseat locations to collect delinquent taxes. ONR ACCTD13fT OCCURS Only one automobile accident was reported to city police yester day. It was between cars operated by C. R. Battalion, 720 8oath ltth street, and A, Griswold. al SUte and 19tk street No dam ages or injuries were reported. Mi ADDED DELIGHTS EDGAR KENNEDY -COMEDY "Fish Feathers' Cartoon - News BoUcJ Children 10c aiENTO ALSO ms mm ah as S i Lookinv aareaa aiul nhtn'vJfV.A erer. Ambaaudor Anifrow W uL Ion, who represents Undo Sam at the Court of St James, is shown as be arrived at New York to spend a a . a ate . a . me nouoays in tne nomeiana. Mr. Mellon, recognised as one of the world's financial geniuses, refused to comment oa the debt situation. PORTLAND, Jan. 10. (AP) H. Laurence Reynolds, formerly operating as tho Reynolds' Fin an co company handling automo bile loans, was sentenced In feder al court here today to serve fire years at McNeil federal prison for violation of federal banking laws. Ho was convicted last Satnrday on four counts. Wyntor R. Pattroson. former teller at tho CItlsons' National baak of Portland, who was joint ly Indicted with Reynolds and who pleaded guilty, was sentenced to a year and a day la prison. The affair ln which the govern ment charged tho men were in Totved cost tho bank $10,041 in a series of defalcations extending over a period of 18 months. Pat terson, tt was said, received ao personal gain from the transac tions. Reynolds filed motion of ap peal. His bail wa set at $5000 Patterson, after posting $2500 ball, was granted a 10-day stay of execution. Hannenkrat Gets Decade in Prison In Robbery Case Mason Hannenkrat and Mary Akers, appeared before Judge L. H. McMahan yesterday afternoon aad entered pleas of guilty oa in formation of tho district attorney charging assault with Intent to rob, and were sentenced. Hannen krat was given tho minimum sen teneo. It years ln the state pen itentiary; ana Mary Akers was gtron the same .sentence and par oled to Mra. Nona White, county probatloa officer, on rocommen- dation of tho district attorney and Mrs. White. Tho pair were arrested follow ing attempted holdnp of Chester Miller at tho Trlpie-X thirst sta- tioa last December 21. Hannen krat wftl likely bo taken to the prison today. UNO CASE THURSDAY Tho next case sehednled for luetics court wtll ha at a O dark tftmarrn mnnilnf T m Klnawlll enter plea to a charge wun not naving a license tor his aog. MEMBERSHIP CROTJP MEETS Tho membershlB eommittea of Capital poet, American legion, will meet at the homo of Adlntaat Ht 'saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaa TODAY & TOMORROW DOORS OPEN S: 15 ,n Ul TOOK HEMES M j J OICT HEWS FOB OEFMTIK of STEEL TO DO WHAT THEY DID! Yoal need asms ol steal ta brs thaw aacitlafl lives wKh tkcau..tacy Ihrcd j. Jaenatliee) taJ aa, - -a - a - J ffHMeSHU J Mfllel pMtMMe&iyMOeWM9 death to rtjVt a terrible wroajl nn FOR . LAUGHS The) Tart Boys la ' . otjpot-. . GEORGE RAFT BETTY BOOP CARTOON 1 sUSCTOIXQl I im 1 HEWS VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. It (APy The trial of Jesse Cou sins, 41, Proobstcl, Wash, farmer charged with first degree murder in connection with tho fatal snoot ing September 29 of Ernest B. Vlasich ot Tacoma, federal pro hlbitloa agent, moved rapidly to day after nearly a day and a halt had been consumed ln selecting a Jury. 'What was considered important testimony was offered by Peck Sowsrds of Chehalls, Wash., who said ho was with Vlasich Septem ber 11 when tho Cousins place was raided. At that time Sowards testified. Vlasich saw Louis Cou sins, brother of tho mss being tried, but did not see Jesse. Vlasich knew Louis, Sowsrds said. but not Jesse. Police had quoted Vlasich as saying ln the hospital that he and Ballard Turner, fel low federal agent who also shot ia the September 29 raid who died before reaching the hospital, had been shot by Louis' brother. Louis Cousins, called by tho state testified only that his bro ther had operated a still on their place. ELKS' BUILDING IN HAS GLAZE ALBANY. Ore.. Jan. 10 (AP)' One of the most disastrous fires la this city history today, destroyed tne Albany Eixs tern plo and most of tho contents of three stores oa tho lower floor causing aggregate damage estle mated at more than $100,000. Tho tiro started In the rear ol- a drug store, firemen said, and spread through two other store on tho first floor to the second floor. Firemen said origin of the blase was undetermined. The Corrallls tire department, was called apoa for assistance but before the flames could be brought under control all equip meat aad furnishings of tha lodge hall were destroyed and fixtures and supplies ot the low er floor stores were badly dame aged. The fire crept from the drug store up the wall between tha Elks b sliding and aa adjoining structure which was but allghtly, damaged. The flames spread rap Idly over tho top ot the lodge rooms after reaching tho roof. Veterinarians Will Meet Here Todays Fox Men Thursday The Willamette Valley Veter inarlaa association will hold ltd annual meeting at the chamber of commerce here today, followed oa Thursday by a convention of tha State Fox Breeders association and tho music eommittea ot tho Marlon County Federation of Community clubs. Farm mortgages will bo die cussed at a meeting of farmers to bo held here Friday. Tho meeting was called by Paul Marls ot Ore gon State college. STAYTOX WIXS AGAIN 8TATTON, Jan. It. The Stay ton grade school basketball team had little difficulty ln defeating the Mill City graders Monday af ternoon in tho local gym. Tha score was 2 to 2. COMMUNICATION CUT VALSETZ, Jan. 10 Telephone communication was cut off here tor a number of days at the end of the week when heavy wind and rain storms fell a number of trees across tho mountain roads and telephone lis Wniiam BUrea, 20TS Myrtle ave nue at T:2t o'clock tonight. Matinee 25c Evealn 2So - M (IGE RAFT : r'"; . ;u toscei eaixs ; i c:r:crr txzn J ALBANY V copy V 4 v