m (IE IE LIOES ELECT Lcwer Rates Talked at Lib " crty and Fighting Fund ; ' -' Is Started . ' LIBERTY, Jan. t The E&it Liberty Telephone compear, eom rrislay, 108 ind 117 lines; held Its ftsnnaJ meetlnx Thursday night at which all officers were re-elected: W. Zosel, president: Rojr Varrasd. secretary: : and W. Oldea a the execntire eommlt- i - ; ; : : i I I " " 1 - ' ' i . I I I 'I I I. IT - ' I - II -. HI I I ' ' I ii ii. tee.4 ., i, i- ;.- . -The problem of securing lower ; telephone" rates was discussed and a decision reached to raise Xnnds to help defray expenses of the in- : Testlgatins committee which will lay findings and data before the public Berries commission. To that end a lory of 25e per member was 1 voted. This money, however, is to be held by this company tintU oth er telephone lines also contribute and decide to help push the cause. - Expression was made that other . lines must back the movement in order to make it sueeessiul. ' ' ' Aa additional meeting relative , to the matter will be held If and , when necessary; . - - ""- .Besluce Salary : TURNERr Jan. a -The new tel ephone board met Thursday nlzht to select Its officers: e Frank Ihornpier, president; Fred Den hem,, vice president; B. S. Prath r, secretary-treasurer. The sal ary of Mrs. H. R. Peets who has had efficient charge of the cen tral ettlee for 1 years was re duced to 3S a month. Some help will be given to patrons behind In dues through repair work In lines as. occasion requires. SUBLIMITY, Jan. The Blue Telephone line held a meeting in the city hall Saturday afternoon In Sublimity. Election of officers was held for 1933: reelected F. A. Zimmerman, president; vice-president. Lea Philips; secretary, Ben G esc her; reelected 11 Philips, di rector; Carl Zimmerman In place of deceased; Joseph Zimmerman, director, and also the annual bus iness discussion was held. Reduce Fees , GERVAIS, Jan. I At the an nual meeting of the Gerjals Mu tual Telephone company Saturday, R. 8. Marshall was retained as president, Scott Jones as secretary and G. J. Molsan as treasurer. There are 104 phones on the sys tem and the switch board fees were changed from SO cents to 10 cents per month for the ensu ing year. The report of the secretary showed that considerable work had been done on the various Unes during the year, thus im proving the service. The present operator, A. B. Mlnaker, was retained. . First Uaes Meet ZEN A, Jan. t The regular an nual meeting of the Polk county Telephone company was held at Salem, January 7, at 1:10 at the chamber of commerce. The old board of directors were all re elected as follows: president, John Simmons; vice-president, J. Btrat ton; . secretary-treasurer, R. C. Shepard, occupied the afternoon. This company was organised just 10 years ago and includes the first rural lines out from Salem, saately 1 and FUIU IS TODAY FOR MILTON BROWN LIBERTY, Jan. t Milton 'Brown, who was tf January t, tied at his home here Saturday morning after a sreek's Illness. Ee was a pioneer of this vicinity, coming acre in IStO and prior to that living at Dallas, . Sidney and Ankeny Bottom for years. Be was bora In Dllnois in 1847. Mr. Brown helped build the eld flour mill, now unused, but still standing at Sidney. In 11SS he married Mrs; Andrews, - who was then carrying the maH in Liberty. "After the marriage he took up his wife's duties, as in those days mall was carried on contract. He owned one of the first automobiles here. Besides bis - widow, he leaves four step-daughters: Mrs. J. A. Colgan of Marion, Mrs. L Ma Comber of Dallas, Mrs. D. T. Al len of Falla City, and Mrs. WU ilam Cerndt of Liberty. Funeral ' rites ill be Tuesday 1 pjn. at Rlgdon's, with bur in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Trio of Women's Groups Will Meet During New Week -V .... WO0DBTJRN, Jan. Officers t. the St. Mary's Episcopal guild ill - lie elected when the dun vests Tuesday afternoon at the home ef Mrs. Henry Miller on the Boone's Ferry road north. . ef Woodburn. . Mrs. J. W. .Waterbury will be tosteoi to the Woodburn Rural tlub when that organisation meets Wednesday afternoon at her lome. Mrs.' Pearl Simmons and Mrs. A. Rerick are to be assistant hostesses. --- Mrs. Vena Dodge is preparing the program for, the regular monthly meeting of the Ladles Aid esclety : ef the Presbyterian shurch, Wednesday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. Bert Byers, Urs. J. J. Hall and Mrs. Joseph HugiU. I 1 "' 4 STAR v -', LIBERTY AARD ED. G. R02INS0N la SlLYEa DOLLAR coraxa sunday ,'4 ELSINOIin TUSATRE LEATHER IS GOING UP SHOES ARE GOING UP. YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY MORE FOR SHOES AFTER THIS STOCK IS GONE, THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT it,theiki ;v, Jv'-;-r . We purchased these shoes at 1932 low prices and we are going to sacrifice every pair at cost and In lome fn4ano ico mr gnm to mnv hn imt before onr new stocks arrive. There will be several months for yod to wear these shoes but we cannot wait several months to order our spring, stocks, they . wiD SuuT.axTiYin m a lew wecajs -. .. . .. You can save double during this sale, car prices are always substantially reduced during our clearaii ces enq ims year wie gucatannat tcuijtuvu uui vu wi w u su uuuauj wn jiuwi v We are roting a iMtitV Idea of hat can be had for Utile money, there are otK 'er bargains of course which' we cannot list and whicH are certainly worth considering very carefuny;. Another 100 Dozen of those Wonderful sneer Chiffon Rollins Runstop SILK HOSE With the lact top. Abo semi-serrko and scrrict wtiffhU. Regular $2.00 Quality All On Sale For New shades, aO sizes, lonf and abort lenfftki rrr- . U"!. 1 - JIC-, , , iJ 1SSJ?-.1 . -MIL JJiy Mens Pure Thread SILK SOX Gray, Brown, black and blue, all plain colors, all sizes 10 to IS. A wonderrol lit vahie. While they last at Spate Sflo Ladies Archpreserver PUMPS & TIES broken fines covering over the entire season, all fronped ta gvtner for quick sale. In black, brown and blue kid or caff. trap pumps prevail la these fines. All $10 and $12 values. Jou must come early If yoa expect to bay these) shoes at- Broken lines in our finest 8jo to slOoo Pumps Kid suedf patenj, Calcutta lizzard and all the fine bathe?? both domestle end imported are fadnded la these caurt productlona, Win be cleared out in thlj sale at Ladies LEATHER HANDBAGS Wo have hundreds of these bass in our Christmaa specials at $2.95 which was a very special value. Now we are readyty dear them op and you can select any one of these fine bast at onr . ' " ! Ladies Leather HOUSE SLIPPERS HARD SOLES. The kind we have always sold at $5.00. in red, bloc, green and black, lines are broken and they go while they bat at -jr-j . Ladies Leather Soft Soles HOUSE SLIPPERS Broken lines, $&50 valaes In red, black; frees aaibhTftkf them out whOe theybst Tat! tSSlr Men's Florsheim and . - i Archpreserver Shoes and Oxfords en to H ckartd 5t-ln tkb sab. Thb fodndej ocr iatirf stock. Regular $8.00, $9.00 ep to $12.00 varaea RrnlrAtv T inoc aivuvu I4IHVQ Regular Lines Ghildrens Shoes Pumps & Oxfordc U smoked elkv brown elk, patent leather and all the mo-t fSTTfiiP u todwt. These shoes former 11 i40!00',0010 F art. pladng them MtwS groups for cjuick selling- - ' .93 i. Og,.0S. --SSS-BSSSWiBaSSSa?BSWB 3 , 1000 Pafrs Ladies Pumps, Oxfords, Ties Induding well known makes such as Red Cross, Sdby. Rice O'Neill and Brown pumps la brown and black, genuine Calcutta lizzard. brown and black kid ties, black cr white -mS viwuk pumps, croscn bargain in thb sale. cloth pumps, broken fines suede ties and pumps. Host all sizes. Regular. C3J50, IS.5S and some 510,00 Jkoea At j L 0-0 r - Mens Fancy Sox M sixes from t to If. Regular X4k values to dear up ll 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMf I SALE it If- r STARTS i i 9 A. M o x . i -t . MHllMIIIIMHIMllllllHf v ev - - - . -a " m jiah m r m m m m m m t mam m 4 Tr Dr. L. J. Wflliams Ckiropodbt and Foot CpechTrt EUiake csre cf your foot trd3 . . ixssuiiauca ret L H. Barron Hzpcrt Choe Repair llao. .We CSS : l-e flaest bather money wLpra ace a CX dcs En- tprarj AL. TUESDAY Mejsl I