. .V rr X pagz nvn IN 1 v A I Local News Briefs IGHANGE POWER 1 . - ' - - , 1 1. Hear From Barrv Local , friends of Pro. William R. Bar- XT, coach of the- Salem, Mass., high school debating team vrhieh '( debated irith the local team a few years ago, have received holl- y day greetings from Prof. Barry. k 1 whs has recently bea appointed ' 1y President Hoover to attend the school conference la Wash ington, D. C January S and f. Vhile in Salem, Professor Bar ry was a guest at the C. P. Blah "V op home. Good dry wood. Reasonable. Large load. Tel. 8847, Fred E. (Wa11 1" " Get Word of DeathWest Sa ( lem residents hate received word of the recent death of Mrs. Mary Davis, who for a number of rears resided on Skinner street there. Three years ago while tiring in West Salem she suffered a paraly tic stroke and had been confined ' to her bed since. Burial was made at AumsTille. Mrs. Davis was I nearly SO years old. 5 Hint at Gorgery Answering suit brought by A. A. Schramm, superintendent of banks, in con x section with closing up business . of the Scotts Mills bank, Albert Rich sara that a $2,000 note found among the bank papers and alleged to have been his, was not signed by Rich. Rich denies that ' he ever made such a note and says the signature Is not his. He says i , he had 1364 In a checking account when the bank closed. ' ' Zorn in Accident Joseph Zorn, through hit father. Henry Zorn, ' ' yesterday tiled with the sheriff re port of an accident sunaay morn V 'X Ing in which Margaret Wells, 20, If Silverton, sustained a eui on S, BILL Annual Men's Night at Brush College Fawk Estate Grace L. Pawk was yesterday appointed by the probate court a executrix of the 825.000 estate of Marv V. Pawk. - 9 I a m m m m m a who died ere at the end of the State Master SO ASSertS ai year. Appraisers are w. F. post er, O. P. Franklin and Tom Wol- gamott. Heir are the executrix and two other children, Gertrude Fawk et Burlingame, Cal., and H. W. Pawk ot Portland. BRUSH COLLEGE, Jan. 1 . - -: I Annual "men's night" at Brash. A. U r. TOOay The AS- I milr rrinrt u ah a the souauon i or unuaaooa jcaucauon i mo8j outstanding ot Its kind when wiu mee at tae uariusia icnoot i men 0f the grange provided ea rn me moire room oh Tueaaax, I tertalnment and a bounteous 8:81 January 10, at 3: 45. Talks entu-igapper Friday night. east a. am . .n e st I w w MSJT 25 ol'fhVsUt. JSmA S Lola Millard. Report of the state ut present as convention will be given by Merle .ttMU Including Ray GUI. state master; George Palmlter, past Wanted, sed furniture, Tel 8110 Mrs. Maris Flint mcvu bum leciiuei, mi. huu Mrs. Walter Pierce, Pred Gross, Pulkerson. county school superin- I chairman of the state agricultural tendent. yesterday sent out cards I committee; John Crow, legislative instructing the 18 teachers In the I chairman, and master ot Pomona eounty who are on advisory and I grange In Umatilla county; Dr. test committees to meet at the Albert Slaughter, master of sa- courthouse Saturday at 10 a. m. I lem grange; J. R. Thompklns, to outline future work. Plan Entertainment A ladies' night program is being planned for February by members of the Salem Kiwanis clubs. Klwan- iannes" will be guests ot honor. j Ralph Beck. Polk county agent, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomp son. A. E. TJtley, chairman of the program committee, presided at the program which include'': Rollmonica musical numbers by Coming Events January 8-10 Ixsagee ef Oregon Cities, . chamber ef commerce. January 10 Annual Cher ries banquet, Marion hotel. . January 11 Oregon Lea gue Building A Loan associ ation ai chamber ef corn- January 14 Western Ore gon Mining Congress, cham ber ef commerce. I IS Ml 111 BIG ur am forehead. Car driven by young hurn-Newbere highway. The re- ,-Jort Indicates Seifer was on the wrong side of the road. On the committee are Howard Ralph Ewinr: Scotch numbers and vocal selections by Robert Hutch eon of Salem accompanied by Mrs. A. E. Utely; motion pictures and talk on the art of culling hens i shown by Ralph Beck. Dr. C. L. Blodgett, gTange master of Brush College, Introduced the visitors who each responded with a short talk. Ray Gill said, In speaking of rranre matters. "The grange is Hulaey, A. S. Hussey, Ben Ram sever. Dale Taylor, Ralph Cooley. Returns on Sales Returns on sheriff's sales shows plaintiffs highest bidders in each of the I three actions: H. B. McCamish vs. Edward C. Walker and others; State vs. Thorer J. Olson; and Union Central Life Insurance com- - v pany vs. Adolph B. Stainke. Zorn and George Seller ot Gervais 1 Two permanent waves for the coming more into the limelight route two eomaea on me woou- priC of one. See advertisement yer ucvum.s vu w v. I . . . . . . . daily tor tne interest oi wrnwi In Emri Estate Following who are the backbone or tne na hearing, the probate court has tion." Mr. Gill stated that t ue leg- instructed Josenh Bartnik. f orm-1 ialative committee is now wors News of the death of Mrs, Sarah Hardin, pioneer of Grant county, was received in Salem yesterday. Mrs. Hardin located In Grant county in 1889, being a mem ber of a party headed by Emanu el Moser of Missouri. The trip from Boise, Idaho, was made by mule team by way of Yale, Cow valley and Summit Prairie. The caravan first stopped in Grant county at the famous Blue Moun tain Springs, but later continued to John Day. Mrs. Hardin was married in the early '70s at Canyon City and had resided at or near Mount Vernon continuously since that time. She was In Canyon City during the Indian war ot 1878, and was prominent In the act! Titles of Grant county during her lifetime. Surviving are one son, Loren Hardin and one daughter, Mrs. Noel Lemon, and a Urge number ot grand and great-grand chil dren. Mr. Hardin died many years ago. Funeral services for Mrs. Hardin were held In Grant county. M U MY Christian Engi, to file a new also gave a lucid explanation of Gossard corset week at Millers. Popular MisSimplicity model at er administrator of the estate of ing on the new power bill and reduced prices. Sues Commission Mrs. Maude Schneider has filed suit against the industrial accident commis sion to recover for Injuries re ceived while employed at tne Woodburn cannery last October 15. Claim was twice denied by the commission. She seeks wages of $95.60, $20 doctor's fee and and correct account of the es tate nrooertr before January 19. Ladd & Bush Trust company is the present administrator. Move to Portland Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Raymond, who resided at McNary avenue and Sixth street have moved to Portland, where he is employed in the blind institu te working of the sales tax ef which he does not approve. Club Meets Friday The Brush College Community SPOH SKI UEEtl Plffl OF 1845 CALLED BY DEATH Funeral Services for Wiley Norton, 83, Will ba Held Today MONMOUTH. Jan. t Wiley Norton, 88, prominent pioneer ot 1845. died Sunday at the family home near Lewisviue after a long Illness. He was born March 29, 1844 in 8L Charles county. Me. The next year his parents crossed the plains to Oregon. They arrived at -Lynton on the Willamette river, Nov. 1. 1848, after taking Meek'a cutroff from Fort Bolsen across the Cascade mountains. One hundred and fit' ty immigrants from the large train took the short cut, suffer ed many handships and fatalities, and arrived six weeks behind the mala train. In the spring the father, Lu cius C. Norton took up a home stead in Kings Valley, Ore. Mrs. Ashnah Plunkett, 88, a sister ot Mr. Norton, was the first white child born in that section. ' At the age ot 21, Mr. Norton took a homestead In Blodgett valley, toward the coast, ' and settled there with his bride. Nancy Ann Zumwalt Norton. Itl was their home for more than 60 years. Except for a tew months spent in the mines ot Boise, Idaho, he has lived con tinuously in this part of the west. Mrs. Norton died a tew years ago. Surviving are a daughter. Serena, at home, and five sons: Arthur at home. Warren and James Emmett ot Kent, Ore., Le Roy and Walter of Hosklns. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the family home with Rev. H. Charles Duns- more officiating. Burial in Kings Valley cemetery. Arrangements in charge of Keeney Funeral home ot Independence. Jersey Cattle Club Slates Annual Meet Over a hundred gathered In the Masonic hall banquet room Sat- -M . t V A s a V fe a 1 yi",0.1. St.'fS.S Hanoi ot the Chemeketaus. The a, , . ,v , ..v, A.i I Danquei ot in VBeuinuuiui. a urn meeting Friday nlghl : at the school program, which h mis a. The Scotch Kilty band ot I . . . $27.20 per month for 24 months tJon Mrs Raymond is a daughter cu account ot partial permanent of N J; Bowers. disability. correct t.rror uraer on house. The Scotch KUty nana Salem will furnish nurnVrs on the program which will be In charge of Mrs. Fred Olsen and Mrs. Victor Olsen. The Brush College Helpers will meet at the home ot Mrs. Charles McCarter Thursday alternoon. was presided over by Dr. C. Downs, club president, was "The Trail", and interesting responses were made by Clarence W. Noble, Mrs. Dwlght Lear, Esther Erics son, Dr. u. a. Hiu ana hiss cor dis Wiper. The latter presented tFlJ: ,f Mf Qd! Mrs .Taul Wallace and MiSoI. Mr. and Mrs WllUam McLeod Henry has filed amenaea com- mini8tratrlx of estate of Paul M. plaint against Otto J. wuson, jjand, corrects error in prior pe- seeking to recover iza aueeeu I tltlon and names apraisers as due on agreement that Wilson re imburse salesmen for aemonsira tion cars provided salesmen turn ame in on leaving employ of the gnrage. ttled Differences in Curtis R Bristol vs. A. E. Kuenrf have been settled out of court, and or eer for dismissal made. Wolf Cohen. Charles Miller and Ralph W. Tavenner. Seeks Franchise Mountain States Power company has ap plied to the county court tor a franchise along six-tenths ot a mile on the Mehama-Elkhorn road, between Mehama and Boy ington's place. Singer compose the program c m mlttee. Amity Seniors to Present Play at OERVAIS, Jan. 9. The an nual meeting of the Marion Coun ty Jersey Cattle club will be held in the Salem chamber ot com merce rooms Saturday, January 21, at 1:29 p. m. Election ot of fleers tor the current year will be held, and other business trans acted. Mrs. F. O. Ku em ting is the present secretary and has held that office for the past 11 years. Victor Madsen of Silverton is president. HIS FJ 1 Willis Hill, PBEHIT MISS Clark,' President; Vice-President; SCO Wiper Secretary Willie i Clark, newly elected president ot the Salem Kiwanis club.- yesterday announced his committee selections for 1922. Executive officers assisting Clark wilt be Dr. David B. H11L first vice) president j William P. Ellis, second. Vice president; JB. P. Slade, treasurer: Charles Wiper, secretary. Directors are Ben Ramseyer, Otto K. Paulus. How ards Hutsey. Harry V. Collins. Harry BL Belt, W. J. Braun, S. Hussey. The committee appointments follow: ; Agriculture: J. N. Chambers, B. H. Bingenhelmer, Harry Levy. Attendance: Ralph Cooley, Hussey, Harlan Brock. Business standards: Harry V. Collins, W. E. Peldman. George King. Classification: Wlllard Wlrts, Phil Brownell, Harry Worth. Finance: W. J. Braun, W. W. ChSdwlck. David B. Wright. House: H. T. Love, uariana Brock, Peter Behr. Ihter-Club Relations: William P. vEllis. J. Dale Taylor. Paul Rasinussen. Kiwanis education: George H. Alden. Roy R. Hewitt, Henry B Morris. Laws and regulations: Otto K.r Paulus, Percy Cuppe.-, I. H. Van Winkle. Membership: James H. Nich olson, Ralph Cooley, Thomas Windiaher. Program: Scott Page, Victor R. Griggs, Sheldon Sackett, W. L Needham, Harry V. Collins. Public Affairs: Douglas Mc Kay, E. V. John. Publicity: N. D. Elliott, Shel don Sackett, Charles Wilson. Reception: Ben Ramseyer, George H. Swift. Underprlvlledged Children: Da vid B. Hill, L. O. Clement, P. W. Erikscn. Boy scouts: Harry H. Belt, Willis Clark. Chas. Wiper, Thorn as A. Windishar. Vocational guidance: Pred Wolf, M. E. Peck, John L. Rand, David B. Hill. Club sports: L. E. Bsrrick, E P. Slade, O. P. West. Club stunts: Van Wieder, How ard Hulsey, Joe Steigier. Music: Loren Davidson, L. E Barrlck. pubUe hearing at - the council chamber for Thursday night : at 7 : 2 ft. The ordinance would reg ulate advertising ot special- and bankrupt sales and has created considerable interest among mer chants. Other, members ot the committee are David O'Hara and P. E. Wilkinson. Albany Singers On Radio Today ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany. Ore.. Jan. 9 (Special) The first radio concert ot the Albany col lege polyphonic choir will be broadcast over KOAC from 8:88 to 9 p. m. Tuesday, January If. Miss Nancy Thietsen. music in structor at Albany college, will direct the group of 28 singers. Walter Johnson will be an nouncer. Band Gives Annual ' Hubbard Minstrelr More Dates Slated HUBBARD. Jan. Iv The Hub hard band presented its annual minstrel show Friday night at the city auditorium. The varied pro gram, directed by Coble de Lee plnasse, of musical numbers, read ings. Jokes and dances, was ac companied by Dr. de Lesplnasse. The band will give the same show at Aurora under the auspices of the Aurora commercial club Friday, January 18, and at the training school the following Fri day, January 29. WOODBURN, Jan.: 9. A nine pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Engel Hermanson early Fri day morning. Dr. Gerald B. Smith was attending physician. newlyweds, and popular club members, with a wedding cake. Gene Dowling, Portland Mazama, and member and friend of the Chemeketans, asked support for the Portland winter sports carnl val which cnmM the last of the el 1 I- 1 nMi .niminatinr in a akl tour- were glTen by Ellen Smith, Stella OCIlOUl un Uxii. -1 "Z'. " T,TT Vt-" -v- I r .nl Helen Davis. Edna Kumerxora wm do ieauer iur iu February meeting, OTTENBEIX GUILD MEETS HAZEL GREEN, Jan. 9 Miss Thelma Barnett was hostess to the Otterbein Guild Sunday afternoon. with Lucille Wood, leader. Talks . wrrir t I n ,r, meketans are considering enter- tmaatK L "Little Bridesmaid st the high enmentr Dr. Hill showed Sales Ordinance Hearing Thursday Sam Hushes, chairman of the special committee of the city council to consider an advertising ordinance which was submitted at the last meeting, announces a Beware of Colds NOW! With Flu in the Air Colds Are Doubly Dangerous Colds always treacherous are doubly danger ous now, with flu reported in many sections. They .lower body strength and pave the way for flu and all its serious complications. Heed even the slight est sniffle as a danger signal. It's no time to take chances. The safest course to follow is that outlined in Vicks Plan for better Control-of -Colds. In clinical tests last winter, Vicks Plan reduced the number and spread of colds by half i cut their dangers and costs more than half I Full details of the plan are in each Vicks package. Briefly, it is this: TO PREVENT MANY COLDS : At that first feeling of stuffiness or nasal irritation, sniffle or sneeze Nature's usual warn ing that a cold is coming ton use Vicks Nose & Throat Drops, the new aid in preventing colds. Vicks Drops aid Na ture in throwing off the infection that threatens. They prevent development of many colds. TO END A COLD SOONER: If a cold has developed or strikes without warning, vigorous measures are necessary. At bedtime, apply Vicks VapoRub. Its di rect double action continuing through the night brings quicker relief. During the day, use the convenient Vicks Nose add to comfort help shorten the cold. Follow Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds Obituary school auditorium Thursday, Jan - R. O. Solum, nary 12. at 8 and A. A. Ulvin bid se is coach. Comedy leads are La"1""1 rsay, i . MTlir Creek falls p.m. MISS BSO- t-. th Onraa Myers t L. Mvers. in this city, Sunday, January 8, at the age of c vears. Survived by a oroiner, one box to a customer. Will Myers of Salem, and three flakes will be given alstcrs, Mrs. Margaret Beers oi California. Mrs. Harriet Erb and Sliss Carrie Myers, both of Salem; apvera.1 neDhews and nelces. u- iteral announcements later by Clough-Barrick. Appraisal Gusta Solum have filed Inventory b ho wing es- taken bv Jacke Tomkins and laie Ol lyUiiD i uiicuouu iv uo liVfBnaOiyn J-iaTluauu, nuu wti i worth $1740, of which $1500 is major roles by Barbara Roders tard twlllD JrOStDOnet i In two savings accounts. ana Chester Stephens. nth.H 4n tfiA rant &re Irma S?MPr(04,!l0Sler 8a S Mitchell. Johnnie Wood. Helen Millers. With each pair at 66c or 'nnW wmoek. Eloise Radcrnr. Charlie Reed. Alice Meet For Ball Game more a regular size box of Lux Only ,4 Caldwell H. Ml Caldwell at the residence, route 4, Salem, January 7, at the a?e of 72 years. Survived by wid er, Elisabeth Caldwell of Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Oladys Bunnell vi Ingalls, Kans.; son Wilbur C. Caldwell of Portland. Funeral aervlces from the Clough- Barrlck chapel, Tuesday, January 10, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Belcrest Memorial park. Brown At the residence on route 3, Wilton E. Brown, January 8 at the age of $6 years. He leaves a widow, Harriet D. Brown and tour children, Mrs. Flora Berndt, Mrs. Isal Macomber, Mrs. Jane Allen and Mrs. Mary Colgan. Fu neral services will be held Tues dar, January 10, at 2 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rlgdon and Son with Rev. Earl Cochran offic iating. Interment in the old Dal las cemetery. In Plank Estate In estate of George W. ' Plank. Elmer C Plank, administrator, has filed demurrer to petition of Mrs. Frances Plank, who seeks Investi gation into the administration. Ip Polk Case Orln Polk, In dicted by the grand Jury on a morals charge, yesterday tiled de murrer in the case, alleging that more than one crime is charged in the Indictment. Lynch Estate The $2600 es tate of Leila S. Lynch has been admitted to probate, with Ila M. Graber as administratrix. Ap praisers are A. E. Schlrman, Mar tin F. Ferry and Elmer D. Cook. Schaeffer, Clyde Earl and Elea nor Massey. Sandblast Takes Lowerv Blllle Lowery at a local hos nrtui fondav. January t. at the age ot 2 years, late a resident of route 1, Brooks. Survived by narents. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Low ery of Brooks. Grave side ser- Vics at the Mt. Angel cemetery Tvftsdav. January 10. at 1:20 .-" p.m. mnder the direction of the Clough-Barrick company. Clare At the residence, 1144 Madison street, early Jan. 8, Thomas it. nr aeed 70 vears. He leaves vidow. Mrs. Cora Beatrice daughter. Mrs. Thelma B Rnvaen af Alsea: tWO Sons, W. C. Clare and J. L. Clare, both of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Hendricks and Mrs. George Cox r MfeMnr! and two brotners, r, 1 Clara ef Minnesota and T. F. Clare of Missouri. Funeral ser- vteee will be held Tuesday. Jan. is. at fa: 3 a a.m. at the First Baptist chsrch under the direc tion et W. T. Rlgdon and Son, 'with Rev. Ross ana Rev. wooa worth officiating. GKRVAIS, Jan. 9 The Com munity "500" club will meet on Wednesday night of this week In stead of Tuesday. The change was made because of a basketball game Tuesday night at Aumsvllle, in which Gervsls Is a participant. t r n i r Mrs. I. V. MCAdOO, Misses cine UD t5riU.Se UOd.Il Msrtin snd Frances Catlin sre the hostesses for the club. Wnni vm rncp.ived here Mon- day that l. b. sandblast, ot Improvement Club to ot1n,A tiaJ arr1vwl In Wash-1 . ington, D. C, to appear before the advisory board of the Recon struction Finance commission re presenting the Rivers Improve ment corporation of Astoria, which asks a loan of $6,000, 000 for construction of a toU bridge across the Columbia riv er. Meet This Afternoon Appointed William Elckhotf "ic " Wright Estate In estate of "a a: t f.tw. Wll- W. Dean Wright, Otto Klett ha. icknTff. an appraiser, are been substituted lor appraisers Keber. Jot. D. Hauth snd in Biace oi Anurew ivicil, wuu is out of the county. I o.i- -i aula nf real Gets License The county court .L"."v. M,,,,ha f has granted A. L. Whitney license lit omn.on. a minor. has been confirmed by the pro bate court. AM ITT. Jan. 9 The Wom en's Civic Improvement slab win meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Earl Massey, with Mesdsmes Eva Snodgrass, H. B. Watt, r. L. Strout and Miss Laura Judy I assisting. The discussion will center about Amity and Oregon to operate a dance hall at Broad- acres. Allowed Final account of Lenere T erg en as administratrix ot estate of Frederick Yergen has been allowed. Would Foreclose Gus Keusch- er has tiled mortgage foreclosure action against Winfield . Clayton Helse and others. To Place On Docket In pro ceedings of Arden Webb vs. Vivian Webb, application to place motion on docket has been filed. TTnton to Sneak State Senator Jar H. Upton will .peak to the salem Kiwanis club this noon. nntiintnr problems before the present session ot the legislature. "BUT YOU ARE ASKING FOR A MIRACLE!" SAID DODGE ENGINEERS "THEII GIVE UE ONE!" WAITER P. CHRYSLER REPLIED h '' i-v 4 , f yrr u X a" r ; -: I ? lT IH fj 0 i i .a o - Hailed By All Critics As His Greatest! ED. G. ROBINSON in "SILVER DOLLAR" COMING SUNDAY ELSLNORE THEATRE PILES CURED With ot Operitlon or Com f DR. MARSHALL ttt Oroa B14c. Mt NATURAL HERBH REMEDIES for stomach, liver, constipation, bladder and female troubles. Free Consultation. Honrs 9-t 8unday t-lz CHARLIE CHA2f Chinese Medicine Co. 122 N. Commercial St. Cashj PAID FOR EGGS Highest Market Prices Paid for all Grades Marion Creamery 260 S. Comm'U Salem Wise Travelers stop at the DANMOORE IN PORTLAND Downtown Location. Comfortable Rooms and Good Bed 'at Special Low Rates. DAN J. MOOK.E Omm mi Mmpr Opposite Terauoai Saks BeOdieg rmFTH AND MORRISON PORTLAND tm -SO Tffi MEW DODGE VilfiS BORN A MHirac!e Car" if there ever was one!-595 F. e. n. faerejtf Only the combined creathe genius of Walter P. Chrysler and the Dodge Organization could hare built tins big New Dodge Six at such a price kxs more than the lowest-priced aatomobOee. sets ere qeiet hi every speed, Incladlnf re Wait tfil y drive itl You've never known J 'rcM rtWne: Uk. it! 8ol . . . ce sTtawayl "Ofllte sprinf. with covers. Pnah her to 60-70-KP. Smooth all the way. And whet e rUrf yen M ka the No vibration. Tbefe the resolt ef Floattec Reksl There no tattanc ne noses. The 1 ' An Opportunity the Smart Woman.Won't lsn Pcnnsncnt Vavo $1.50 Standard wve siven witk rt and eoipment of xnort expenMrt permanent, Tnis price tor short hair only. SENATOR BEAUTY SALON UNION DIESEL OIL 27 Pins 3est lor Tear Aulotaatlc Ofl '. . Burner crrT ICE Phone 3121 WORKS i Vacuum Cleaners 'and Floor, Waxen To Rent Call enio. Used r rait ere Departatemt -tSl Kevth Slick l . . .... NO OirBhadVsred dream octteetorei Dodf e eniMrsthastMr.C3iryslerwae Mldnc f or a cairacte. The New Dodfe Bbt must embody every ftare fos whkh Dwlfe cam ere tamoee . . . FVtkt; Poww n-ioe moundocs . . . Hydrao Be Brakes . . . ssono-pece steel bodies . . . DoabU-drop bridce-type frame . . . Free wheeUns; . . . every thine'... not a thmff omitted... many new, startling improve ment edded-eao; eeff er ee low- es $5951 They said h Juet cooldn't be done BOT IT WAS DOtrat Only the combmed genine of Walter P. Chrysler end the great Dodge orgaoisatioa made this ' esssnhc mimde ponrible A car sjoMg .uiuomjisndreinffwtehlej with each Uznrieas appoinv f Tet costmg enty e tew eoW mlmtf of theNew Dodge Six, with Its Mooo pieee steal body. Ne wood, no glee, no Joints toloosen. DepUu safety plate glaw windshield non-glare, shetterprooC New "AJrwheeT tires end tew censer of gravity. And feydrattc brakes with ceotrifoee drama. V yon want to see reel VALUX, then see thie new Dodge Sht. Imagine to thrd ef making k " jeers for eo little mete than . you'd pay for one cf the lowest "priced car?. SS6X . . .ZmUi (bwsj ') ' ' Cssjuiril ft Cseye SOS Tuna Tfntr . near jU J n WITH FLOATING POWER Costs so little more than the lowcst-prtcea cars 216N.Hlgh' TeL6818