o o o o o 1 V ' v" - -c. v'r ' 5 - i v ' 3 and Efcp r 1 I 3 Starting Wei Ml 1th 9 e FIKST GREAT DAYS WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLETE ik0cii9o Suaiito and 9(ato NcJctt acid PQcnooti r.3a3o - ill 1 l in mmiuw finest coals Suits and Overcoats of the Eifffiest quality, and bought in line regular way for our regular trade. Beautifully tailored all-wool materials In patterns and colors that ex press perfect taste and regard for stylish, quality clothes. Hie two for one price, plus $2.00 makes the values most attractive. 25, $30 35, $40, 45, Are Placed on Sale ry llthfor This Greatest Sale At .-. ... -V -;.-X;.;.;, ; The Pr ii as or 02.00 go fifty -titty Just the opportunity you have awaited. Never a sav ing like this. Men's Fine Cambrlt White, foil size, ready, for use. Extra apodal f of tils erent, . C Extra rood quality llilt and rayon. AO good patterns and a real hoae for wear. BXanyregixIarljr aold at 25a, now for this great erent, special, Wed. and Thurs. The Opening Days We will give absolutely free, a fine broom to first 100 making a purchase of $2.00 or over. ' Boys' Outing Flannel Pajamas Good weight, well made. Regularly sold at fl.50, now for this sale, special, 250 pairs Bosfonian Oxfords Yerjr finest quality calfskins. Tans and black. All new est stylet. Regular values to $10. Now, your choice of this lot at this great price Group Friendly Five Oxfords 200 pair of this famous make. Tans and blacks. All good styles and the lowest price ever on this fine make. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THIS EVENT 7, reat ! Group ' $f fsUs taa Overcoats. You 11 rmd 150 Fme Garments, Regular 917.50 rine Garments. Rcsular values, now lou uet z for tne rnce or l. wu rine Price of L 'CQ) ixtra Fine Quality Hand Tailored, Regular $43.00 Values, The Best b Men's Hats Our Tery finest in this group. Stetson and Hardeman Included, and many reyularly sold up to $6.50. Now, for this event, extra special, Cu't But 'Em Cords One stoud hearr weLrht. Mrht colon. regular sold up to IS, now to go si the lowest price erer, Men's Fine Silk Ties HoDyrogue and others, hand made. Regular rallies to $1.50, now for this sale, special, S for $130 row: Circuits fout Faht f a messagt nearly ion ana troiz with the erowdfffl sr befortt i ri Men's AH Wool Snuggler Sweaters Fine quality, in all shades. Regular $2 Tames now, tt close out, Mm's Moleskin Pants Good wclghL dark shades, well made, tea cut, and a real pant at this low price, special, MEN'S FINE All Wool Sweaters SUp-orers with sleeres. AD colors, extra well made, and r&lue up to $3.95. Now, for tiis campaign, all go at om smsrlng low price, Mens Hats Hardeman and other makes. Fine quality, in all popular shades. Values to $5, now to close out, special, tice NatIcniy.?nown Brands A um A inAa Urm Cflotfala Arrow mad Wlloa i m nmU AML TTniM(-r ChAimen M tT.tr ttttm H TF Ht- BooBl mod izTCtrSaiM that are mnr a wU taoirm Imt llea't Bmt, Wlilt MotakU Blazers Dark tan shade, warn and a real cost for all wear. Regular $2.80 ralues, now, special, Broadcloth Shorts Finest quality, aU good patterns. Val ues to 75c, now extra special, Men's Extra Heary Moleskin Pants The best quality of moleskin made. Dark gray. Full cut and a real pant for service, extra special, Mm'. Hlfk To, Boots Ofl tan, lS-ineh tops, extra fine qual ity leathers. Values to $10, now to close out, special, Can't Bust 'Em One group slightly imperfect. Light color, good weight. Regular ralues to $3.95, now for this sale, special, pace wes 7 pre nmtiotu of UflK BUhoo'a av4e prcftm torn 4S t Hifrf1o w can Xttjrm mmd recogmlxed m tte ImA- Good quality felts. All new shades and reliable makes. Reg ularly sold up to $4 now for this campaign, extra special, 3 MHb I V I I " . v I W . .. . . .ME TVfeTlTl (t5ra5)W Pante Men's Belts Good leather, tans and black. Values ts $1, now to dose out, AH good patterns, bestquxL Ity and best makes. Values1 ts $7.50, now to dose out, Men's Kerchiefs Fine cambric with color Initials. Now, extra special, s for as . Boys' Sweaters AS wool slip-ons. Best cukes and good colors. Values ts $135, now, special, mm) Boys' AB Wool Knickers Fine all wool in good patterns. Values to $3.50, now to close out, 031.95 Boys' Blazers Good quality wool, medium weight. Regularly sold at $2.95, now to dose out, 0E.95 Boys' Moleskin Blazers Tan color, well made, and a real jacket for all wear. Now, to dose out, . . . . Boys' Long Cords Good weight Medium shades. Well made. Regular $1.95 and $2J5 ralues now, to doss out, t v:" OS.- 02.49 toE1- i