V " " - - ' The OREGON STATESMAN. Balenf, Oregori, Satnriiiy Morning. Jannary 7, 1933 ' . : 1 . . i PAGE THREE Is r . 5. I t. i 1 I V 1 r i - . - - . . .... llnimnrnftftrntpnn Society News and Club Affairs OUVE M. DOJJC, Society Editor Sororities Plan "Open House Tonight An annual affair of Interest to TotH townspeople and university people alike Is the open house ob servations held by the fraterni ties and sororities of Willamette university. Tonight the sororities are ask ing university people and Interest ed townspeople to call for this '"open house" occasion for them this j ear. Between the hours of 7:30 and t:30 Alpha Phi Alpha will be at home to guests at their new resi dence, 750 North Summer street. Miss Beth Holcomb will meet the guests at the door. They will be Introduced to the receiving line by Miss Edwyna Broadbent. In the line will be Dean and Mrs. F. M. Erlckson, Prof, and Mrs. R. M. Gatke, Mrs. Johnson and Miss Dorothy Rose. Miss Mildred Mathenson will distribute favors at the end of the line. Mrs. George Pearee and Mrs. W. K. Kirk will preside at the ser vice tables for the first half hour and Miss Harriett Adams and Miss Marjorie O'Dell will preside the last half hour. Miss Esther McMinimee. Miss Gladys Taylor, MLw Lucille Plan cry, and Miss Lulu Allen will as sist In receiving. Juniors of the house will assist in serving and sophomores will conduct. Pledges will assist about the rooms. The Delta Phi sorority will hold open house between the hours of S and 9 o'clock at 1610 Court street. , Miss Bertha Babcock will re ceive the guests at the door. Miss Naomi Hewitt will intro duce the guests to the receiving line which will include Miss Fran ces Laws, Mrs. Lillian R. Hag man, Dean Olive M. Dahl, and Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sherman. Miss Beulah Cramer will pre-; sent the favors to the guests. Acting as hostesses in the liv ing room will be Miss Marie Led better. Miss Margaret Notson, Miss Phyllis Dennison. Miss Paul ine Livesey, Miss Sylvia DuBolse, Misa Brenda Savage and Miss Lois Wilkes. In the dining room Miss Alvls Love and Miss Elizabeth Clement will preside at the punch bowls. Miss Mildred Kter, Miss Faith Sherburn, Miss Velma May, Miss Claudia Buntin, Miss Jeanette Scott, Miss Elizabeth Boylan, Miss Ruth Gillette and Miss Marjorie Wunder will serve. The sophomore members of the sorority act as guides for the guests, and the freshmen girls re ceive In the various rooms. Instrumental and vocal sum- SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday, January 7 Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of American Rev olution, with Mrs. John H. Carkln, (10 South Winter street. W. R. C. at Miller's hall. 2 o'clock; open installation at 2:30 o'clock with public invited and especial invita tion to patriotic orders and friends of city. bers will be presented during the evening by various members of the sorority. Miss Margaret Purvine will greet the guests at the door of the Beta Chi house at 1445 State street, between the hours of 8:30 and 9:30. Miss Ruth Fick will Introduce to the receiving line which will include Dean and Mrs. F. M. Er lckson, Mrs. F. M. Elliott, Prof. and Mrs. E. C. Richards. Miss Lu cille Brown and Miss Faye Cor-nutt. Miss Caroyl Braden Miss Olive Jones and. Miss Louisa Sid well will assist about the living rooms. Presiding at the punch bowls will be Miss. Helen Boardman and Miss Florence Marshall. Miss Dod- othy Ghormley, Miss Jeryme TJp- ston, Miss Hortense Taylor and Miss Roberta Mills. Receiving in the various rooms will be Miss Savilla Phelps, Miss Sue Prlngle, Miss Dorothy Dalk, Mrs. Virginia Kaiser, Miss Amelia Shrack, Miss Barbara Elliott. Miss Alice Weims, and Miss Kay Skinner. Miss Marcia Brown will present favors to the guests. Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Meet B. and P. W. Tea Plans Completed Plans for the annual president's tea for which the Business and Professional Women are hostesses have been completed and Indicate that this year's tea in compliment to Miss Ruth Moore, president of the organization, will be equally as charming as those of the past. The affair will be held again at the home of Mrs. Susan Varty Sunday afternoon between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock. Miss Moore will receive, accom panied by past presidents of the organization, Mrs. Varty, Miss Mona Toder and Miss Merl Dim ick. From 3 to 4 Miss Grace Gil liam and Miss Julia Webster will preside at the urns and from 4 to 5 Mrs. Emma Hint and Miss Leila Klnsey will pour. From fi to S Miss Grace Taylor and Miss Helen Louise Crosby will preside at the serving table and from C to 7 o'clock Miss Juana Holmes and Miss Grace Smith will be at the urns. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Lillian Cadwell, Mrs. BI1- lie Herbster, Mrs. Maud Ram- seyer. Mrs. Myrtle Anderson, Mrs. Emily Howard, Mrs. Winirxed Herrick. Miss Clara Urlaub, Miss Irene Breithaupt, Miss Josephine Shade, Miss Amanda Schwabbauer and Miss Edna Lucker. Mrs. Otto Paulus Tells of Drama Mrs. Otto Paulus gave an en tertaining discussion of the place in life of international drama Thursday night before the regu lar dinner meeting of the Zonta club. At the business meeting plans were made for the board meeting which will be held at the home of Miss Helen Louise Crosby Janu ary 10. e The Royal Neighbors will in stall officers jointly with the Modern Woodmen at Fraternal temple Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. Following the installa tion there will be a program and refreshments. POLICE 110 PUN Favorable comment was heard generally throughout the busi ness district yesterday over the proposal to install a short wave radio system for Salem police and sentiment generally was that a policemen's dance would be a good way to finance the installa tion. Many business men declared that a radio call system for -police cars here wes needed and should be put in as soon as pos sible. Encouraged by the interest, several business men displayed in the plan by coming to- police headquarters to talk to him about the radio scheme, Chief Frank Minto last night said he would go ahead at once with plans for the dance. First, he said, accurate estimates and ten tative contracts would be obtain ed from radio firms to show the actual cost of the radio Installa tion, then an early date would be set lor the dance and sale of tickets began. To obtain speedy action from the federal radio commission en the city's application for a radio station license. Alderman Wat son Townsend has written to Senator Charles L. McNary ask ing him to take ap the appli cation personally. . Girls' League Holds Program for Farmers WOODBURN, Jan. 6. The Girls' league at Woodburn high school entertained members of the Future Farmers of America chap ter Thursday night at the high school. A "track meet" waa held and prices awarded the winners. Committees were: Refreshments, Norma Leek, Edna Shrock and Doris Arney; clean-up, Beatrice Donaldson. Luella Gugel, Floris Nelson, Vivian Cowan and Kath erine Chase; entertainment, Mary Alice Conye and Margaret Martin. 4-M Club to Meet With Mrs. Culver For All-Day Work MACLEAT, Jan. The 4-M club will be entertained at the Culver homestead Wednesday, January 11, with Mrs. Stella Cul ver. Mrs. R. Clark and Mrs. M. M. Magee as joint hostesses. This will be an all day meeting with a pot luck dinner at noon. Trask House Entered But Nothing Missing LYONS, Jan. 6 Early Tuesday morning, Mrs. J. H. Johnston dis covered the house recently occu pied by L. C. Trask had been en tered and several dresser drawers upturned. 8ome papers belonging to Mr. Trask were disturbed, and other things, but as far as could be ascertained nothing of value was missing. Mrs. Johnston want to the house to put a fire in the stove to prevent things from drawing dampness when she no ticed someone had been there. ; Mr. Trask who has beei at Union Hill with his daughter, expects to be able to return to his home here In the near future. chest Mrs. Harry Hawkins assisted by Mrs. Gus Hixson entertained Theta alumnae club of Salem r. fc. J. Vhapter ai ine fiawsrins nome rnursaay i r? li evening. An informal evening of HJIJOVS lVleeting Pattern 2467 J Tf conversation was concluded with refreshments. The next meeting will be in February with Mrs. Roy Keene. present lor tne evening were Mrs. Roy Keene, Mrs. Willis Houghton, Mrs. Guy V. Smith. Mrs. George Hug, Mrs. J. D. Sears, Mrs. R. D. Slater, Miss Buckley of Portland, Mrs. Tom Wood, Mrs. Clifford Brown and the hostesses. University Couple Announce Betrothal A regular dinner party at any university soiority or fraternity house may turn into one of sudden surprises at any time. This was true of the dinner at the Beta Chi sorority house Wed nesday evening when a box of candy of unusual fesuveness ar rived with the announcement of an engagement. Miss Doryce Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ross of this city, and Herbert Him were the announcing couple. Mr. Hinz is attending the Oregon Institute of Technology In Portland. Miss Ross is a member of Beta Chi sorority and attended Willam ette university last year. Eo!a Mrs. Ruby H a y d e n Thacker was hostess to the Eola Women's club Wednesday after noon. A hot lunch vras served at one o'clock by the hostess, assist ed bv Mrs. Gail Ferguson and Miss Maxine Ferguson. Mrs. Walter Magee, president of the club and who has been re siding in Klamath Falls, returned home to spend the holidays with relatives and presided at the bus iness meeting. The annual elec tion resulted in the election of Miss" Maxine Ferguson, president; and Mrs. Ruoy Tnacker, secre tary-treasurer. Mrs. Charles Hisler was taken into the club as an additional member. Cards were in play during the afternoon with high honors go ing to Mrs. L. Pugh and consola tion. Mrs. Charles Hisler. The following members were present, Mrs. Walter Magee, Mrs L. Pugh, Mrs. W. G. Gehrke, Mrs Gail Ferguson, Mrs. Charles His ler. Mrs. iCurtis Ferguson, Mrs. B. I. Ferguson, Maxine Ferguson and the hostess Mrs. Thacker. Mrs. Curtis Ferguson will en tertain the club at her home Jan uary 19. By ANNE ADAMS You'll surely want more than one dress of this delightful pat tern for mornings. Its seaming is placed with an eye to comfort and ease as well as simplicity and it can be made In a few hours. And just to remind yon how inexpen sive, how attractive and how prac tical it can be . . . select a spright- lv cotton nrint and trim it with gay colored binding. You'll make several colors, we know. Pattern 2487 may be ordered only In sizes 16, 18, 20, S4, 16, II. 49. 42. 44. 46 and 48. Sise 16 requires 8 yards 86-lnch fabric and 1 yards edging, illustrated sten-bv-steo sewing instructions Included with this pattern. Sea, fiftee mU (15) te Mill or lUapi (oUs rfmc), for ek patters. Writ pUUly vovt , addreM nod ityl aam- Wr. BE 80BB TO STATE 8IZE WASTED. - Tk ten and winter ediltoa. at Oa Ann Adas Pattern catalog la ready I Coaming, flattering moi ela SI nagea et the aeweet eat ea keaae, street aad feraial freak i , cleverly designed etylee lev large 1 tir"re and beautiful, radical knodele fef inniore aad. kiddle. Lovely lingerie pettorae, ad enrgeatianft for gifts taat eaa be anally aad Inexpensively ntade, are ale Included. 8nd for tke ew tatalog. Price of catalog, fif teen aoata. Catalog aad pattera to gether, twenty-five conta. Addreea an anil or d ere to fltatoemaa Pat tern department. Sal W. ITU itreet, hew Tork city. - . McCoy The Polk-Yamhill Ladles' club met at the home of Mrs. Helen Hamilton Thursday afternoon. The majority of the time was spent in sewing and visiting. The hostess was assist ed by Mrs. Mattie Shields, Mrs. Ina Shields and Mrs. Fred Rohde, Those present were Mrs. Kate Rohde, Mrs. Eva Cooper, Mrs. H. W. Frewing, Mrs. Leda Graves, Mrs. Gus Prang, Mrs Rose Jennings, Mrs. May Ramlg, Mrs. Margaret Richards, Mrs. Mattie Shields, Miss Vera Alli son, Mrs. Mime btevenson, airs. Nellie Werner, Mrs. Freda Wy- att, Miss Valine Allen, Mrs. Fred Rohde, Mrs. Lucille Baker, Mrs Ina Shields. Mrs. Charlotte Lep pin, also Mrs. Lucille Frewing of Alberta, Canada, the only visitor. e e Independence Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Norval Pease of In dependence to Blanche Belle Pitts of Tacoma, Wash; The wedding took place January 1. Norval at tended high school in Independ ence where he excelled in scholar ship and debating. He attended college at Walla Walla. The young people will be at home in Cen- tralla. Wash., after February 1." o e Announcement has reached Salem of the birth-of a daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe of Hood River. The child was born in The Dalles on New Year's day and has been christ ened Janot Ellen. Mrs. Howe will be remembered in Salem as Hel en Wood;.- Mrs. G. W. Laflar entertained with a charming luncheon, ana this followed by the regular af ternoon program for members of Chapter G of the P. E. O. Sister- j hood Thursday afternoon. Mrs. 1 A. T. Wain was Joint hostess for the meeting. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be with Mrs. C. A. Sprague. This will be a spe- j cial meeting. ! Those present included Mrs. D. j X. Beechler, Mrs. Earl Cooiey, i Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. Alice Fish- ! er, Mrs. E. J. Huffman, Mrs Wil- liam Hughes, Mrs, H. S. Hughes, j Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. F. W. Lahge, Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist, Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mrs. A E Rob- t ins, Mrs A. W. Schramm, Mrs. j F. W. Selee, Mrs. W. M. Smith, i Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs. Emma j Tooie, Mrs. Martha Bower of , Sublimity, Mrs. C. K. Logan and j the hostesses, Mrs. A. T. Wain I and Mrs. G. W. Laflar. ; o e Cloverdale Mrs. Louis Hen- nies entertained the W. C. T. U. ! all day meeting at her Home Wednesday. Quilting was done i on a quilt of the Dresden plate j pattern. j The business meeting was pre- i sided over by the president, Mrs. i L. E. Hennies, with aevotkmais by Mrs. Ivan Hadley. A report was given by Mrs. William Mor- ris of the Christmas box sent to a worthy family. ! The question, "What Can V, do to make our community a better place to live in," was dis cussed by Mrs. W. Miller ana Mrs. A. A. Dumbeck. Special music was, ongs by Joyce Kunke and Norval Hadley, accompanied at the piano by .Mrs. Hadley. Members and friends present were Mesdames F. Cook, W. Mill er. J. Morris, C. Drager, S. Dra- ger, A. Kunke, L. E. Hennies. i. Hadly. P. Davis, F. Feller, U. Feller, T. McMahan, W. Mor ris, A. A. Dumbeck, E. smiling, C. Ball, Wm. Ball. J. Uook, iaa Feller, Joyce Kunke, Norval Hadley, Edwin Ball and the hostess, Mrs. Hennies. e e Gervais The F. Z. club met with Mrs. Minnie McDonald ana Miss Ellen Vogt at the Vogt home Wednesday night. Mrs. McDonald was installed as vice-president and Miss Vogt. secretary for the ensuing term. Clarice Watts, president-elect, was unable to be pres ent. Plans were completed for a benefit dance and card party to be given at the parish hall Wed nesday night, January 11. e e Merl Bye Married To Silverton Girl At Quiet Wedding CENTRAL HOWELL, Jan. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Bye are now installed in their new home on the Gash place, which Merl farms in partnership with his father, R. O. Bye. Mrs. Merl Bye was Miss Vernice McClung of Silver ton and the young couple were married quietly Saturday night in Silverton at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Bennett. The Misses Emogene and Lu cille Wood entertained with a New Year's party. Cards and dancing were enjoyed. Guests were Nora and Edna Rutherford, Stella Cook, Leonard Rutherford, Sanford Davis and Glenn Looney. Miss Torhlld Brautl, teacher of the primary room, was sufficient ly recovered from her recent Ill ness to resume her teaching; when school started Tuesday. ELECTION OX 11TH WACONDA, Jan. - Elec tion, of officers will be the main business at the meeting of the Waconda community j club Wednesday. January 11, -at the home of Mrs. Van O. Kelly, j r -hili-ii' . i. .. - i i : HAS OPERATION ! I HUBBARD, Jan. 6 Herman L. Carl underwent a mastoid opera tion in Portland Tuesday. and JYA n mw I 1 il 1 I I N- y u 46O0tato0tt. "SW lOM-rvlnssfw -anna - m i -i " 'TTlTt ?: IMf jmrMsnj Y : - ' r - - - in OT2 tu. S. JKITS For the IBIS immm of m. This fins stock will b put bofors tKe public of Salem at th most unheard-ol and ridiculously low pries. Because of suck limited time given to dispose of this merdkandise, it is impera tive that everythint' must be sold, regardless cot No ExeHaQQQco 4 4 4 4 4 4 A1I1 Callc3 DUqoU t: "tame km? R3 IT E IS We have moved the stock from the former Kay's Eugene store and all goes on sale at bankrupt prices. 200 HATO Ordered Sold We're goiijg to give you your choice at a price that will selL Eacfi 25o VINTEn COATG One; lot of ladies' winter coats, FUR COL LARS AND CUFFS. These wSI gq fast at this BANKRUPT SALE PRICE OF ONLY, EACH 03.97 Yon cannot boy for for this price OUITO One Lot of Ladies' Suit Fin materials, latest styles. Gving at Bankrupt price. Each POLO COATG So much in demand, this time of tht year. Going at one price during this bankropt sale. Only 05.97 VINTER COATG One Lot of Fine Winter Coats, finely made and richly trimmed. You can tefl their value if you see them. They wont hat long at 07.07 COATG One lot of coats a little better than tht others we have listed. You would pay sev eral times this amount for a coat not so good. Be here early to get one of these at only 09-77 We are offering you these silk dresses in 4 lots. These are the highest in quality and workmanship and smart in style. Here is your opportunity to save at these bankrupt prices. LLotl Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 OflOT I 047 047 0g77 $ S Coae Early, Wkil Selection i$ the Best Ho Refais, No Exchanges, All Sdet Find et These Prices 10o Ottoto CtocoC 'J, 1