Ust OltrnON CTATKSnAN, E;!ca Ore-cn, Tfcsrsdar ETcrriir Jar.r-ry 5. 1S:S t.f - A A s f !: Local News Briefs on;ieiis: . - a,--v ran f. BoosEvaT VETERAN STAR: OF-; METROPOLITAN TO RETIRE si; Damage Case Still On-s-Damage t -Artisans Dinner Tonight-! action, for SlO.OOtt brought br Wl-1 Member of the Artisans' lodge I lev Weathers as administrator of I and their families will hold a pot- M. E. Weathers estate, will occu- wa oinner lomgnt at eise at me Clprfrt ro n ft' Th pm inh Pftrm py aU of today la Judge U P. Moil Fraternal temple, follpwed by ln-j t,eciors 00 I nrOUgn rOfln ut Balloting Here on Mahan'a department of circuit 1 staiiauon services ior memoers ? court. Lorea Kitchen it defend only. Committee working on the tX; ant; and plaintiff complaint that dini program In charge of Joy ' his operation of a motor "yehlcle Tomer Mosee, 1st Mrs. Oscar Den- laat t. warn nt ath cen Rachel Reeder.. Mrs.- E.- A. Wednesday 3 .-. .i-,- iar turrit a. van mumat outii 'wvu.-nii,, wn.. - ; mSocddentM, Keath- 2fi Wanted uvid fur nit urs. Tel. 6110. 1 rivT . II- wripnmmjw.. k , of The SUtesmanir-i;- Complaint Dismissed The -pub- I stltuto the prlie in the member-1 -It was not until -Wednesday; He utilities commissioner Wednes-1 ship contest of Capitol post,' Am-f noon. January 4. Is SI. that the - day dismissed the complaint tiled erican Legion, was receded yes- fiT duly qualified electors gata- by the Consolidated Freight Line terday by Adjutant Winiam BUT- ered in Salem and marked their Inc against " the Paeiflc Tn- .M. official ballots for the people's port company and the Southern office, 115 Masonic, building. The choice. Pacific company. It was alleged Post member bringing in the lar- f Of course two months ago a ma- that the defendant corporations Mt number of registrations by jority of 75,00ft yoters elected had deriated" from their Urtfts April 1, will be giren the blanket, these electors and being -demo- and had authorised certain re- w,aich is a green, black and. red erats their choice of RooseTettj bates? . . Piaw- cuTen iaia ineponmenv i WM, certain. '4 4- i 4 v bership has reached 475. Foreclosure The herift:haai vn et-ri! itrfor president Wednesday Included flUsdeertificaletBaieor reai es-i- Vrfr -rf Robert A. MUler, Multnomah Ute on foreclosure wttft tto coua- Zrt-i dtSralw CD,mtjr: Amanda J. Hart. CUcka- ty elerk. showing property soldtd f chrtmls hSHdi ?t m": T. Hedtund, Multnomah; plaintiff in each of these '? cases: ;j?niot ff Md llf T ? WW H. Peterson. t Umatilla, and S. R. Kennedy ts. Mortgage In- riSrpllMAiB.i R. R. Turner. Polk. ' Testaent company; H.ttte Brat- A"?'.k7, The rotes' were last both for xel ti. I. Dae SUfford; Oscar Lee wn mVtt irorWnV trw,rrin tb democraUc presidential and niiM wm a v. Tnrrmnnn- I wuiametie, is wording toward: an 1 ' . Electors. , who cast their Totes - ,' f ' t t DlAMOKTD L ChMlag t&e eve ef kls t7lk Urthiay to tale kJ leas ertai 1L AateaU Seettl w3 sy farewell to and executor ts. A. E. Torgeraon; Henry Rahlke ts. John William son. : - Dry wood-coal. Tel. 5000, Salem Fuel Co. Prompt serrice. No Secregattonl-In suit of Nel lie Harrington ts. Perry Taylor, adTanced degree at Stanford. rice-presidential nominees. . av At. . a.: Helen IfacHIrron m.mW of the WUB oi me ceixuicaws wiu go Francisco and returned with Miss erme,n ot to Latimer I umiea suiiea swnn courx id I Portland, and two will be filed in Samples in high class pumps, ties the state department here. Metreeelif Opera Jawwry 20 af tor tUrty-three years aa iU Uediag bantMM. J eaaweatoag kw mlimm ariaaaarf. ScfH aaalMuJ tht Va ll Bajla-al at the tkaackl of UevlaC the hattorU t ef araaic that heUU ee aaaay pleasaat ateaveriea. bat at the age ef 7 it ie timm to "aire the yeag people a chaaee." The TCtoraa aiager, whose ercaa-like voice has r-eeemded to she MetrepeliUa eTery s-mm waee 1999. U m ef opera's aeeet eelorfel fiake with its glaawewa peat, He knew iatiaaately aad Was fneadly with the greatest ef the greet epera world. A-aeag hie eleee frtoads were the weadeMiasra, Jee mm Ealooard U Reeake. NerdUa, Seeahrich, Milk Tetmeai aad Earfee Carae). Of all great stage frieaxl ekipa, that betweeei SeettI aa4 Caraee ie eaM to have he the greatoat. They feoght their way p the opera ladder together to Italy aad later, whea heth had aahiere-1 eaeeeM to New York, they were toaep arahle eompaaioM. Seetti was with Careeo wheat the sreat toaer hreethed has last. A matire ef Naples, the retirhtg sieger pleas to retora there after his farewell New York appear aace. defendant has filed moUons to nd ' ord "-.lTed, t Miller's strike slso to complaint contains four causes ot oor 8hoa dPrtment acUon not separately stated: al- uier- legauons or trespassing, conyer-1 city Offices Dull City officials slon, wrongful eviction and wlth headauarters in the city hall S32s3SS ifSSSSI? 10-ieB U GI breach of contract. apparently gare up all claim to racks: Roy L. Ewlng, Richard S. Barnes, Salem. The following join ed the 10th field artillery at Fort Lewis: Howard A. Gray, Rlck reall; Halt T. Cade, Salem; Don W. Sanders, Stayton; Kermlt E. Barkhurst, SiWerton; Robert O. Barnett, Salem; Edward B. Jaror- sky, Salem; Fred L. Warner, Tur- Make. Report-Dewey Smith cnVLUrwa .STffS r . TlTr SStS V?; & cw V? by Gix9 Lions to See Wat ThP. iar, Sute Pllc' wlth Slleia strict Ud with the sheriff yesterday by T?5 "port aow i "f?, C headquarters adjoining tho city Kuschnlck. The chUd was walking LtVw-UVf .-V police station, hewerer, were busy across the street, and apparently " , 1 checking up on the .pnuomatn failed to see the car. a iuhuuiu t DaaB: robbery. A second pedestrain, Edgar Ho- 7en. I I hart nt RlWartnn wn itnck br Thorpe Pleads Gailty Arraign- ... .!, v. i, a n... ed in Justice court yesterday on tt of afehama. Thla 'accident eon at tne Marion hotel today a charge of reckless driving, Har- !!' 2 warfJ Uoon. Dr. J. Vinton Scott has Dance every Friday D Park. Film Taken Last Winter in China Timely entertainment has been arranged for the Lions club lunch- r MAMA YT tut. T yxti U."GeTru valueTa't Pj Sf w7n i1bVrt sieppeo' Infrt of the motion .& 6r. I . I .t hal. China. Dr. Scotrs pictures. v,mb in uui v,a, - i imacu i nam j mm ureen, aac. " I lab-- aUahera in tha r.itr ra the bulk of tho estate is in mort- Irving C. Rosrold. ot Portland. ewer !gt,r I.JI.U..I. I nim u. cia. a w.. 1 muirtsi tra fn miohm n. k. I eently, nave many Tivta war - i v n.,LTI. I htrn tn Mr anif Hri IT.rl. n I cnnnt, rnaA nur flnhllmifT ln. I SCCneS arganlsations. Tho inheritance tax I Klggs of 165 Berry street, at the! volving a car driven by Lester De- has been determined at $182.94. nensaiow aaaiernuy sons yesior- tpp. Legionnaires Looking 1 a Among American legion members who visited the legislature yester day were Ed Elvers ot Portland, past grand chef de gare of the 40 et 8; George T. Love, past state commander of the legion, and Jack McGraw, of Yernonia, mem ber of the house two years ago. - day. He was named Earle D., Jr. Obit uary Farmers Asking About-Workers Page Appointment Is Made Oihcial Simpson At the residence. Hit Court ! street, January 1, Martha New- Appointment of Lyle J. Page as ay a f tT I deputy district attorney was maae PlOW Available official yesterday by William H. Trindle, district attorney. Page has served as deputy for tho past 12 years under John Carson. An nouncement was made by Trindle some weeks ago that he would re tain Page. Tho position carries a monthly salary of 1157.50. SALEUEJI MM WO CON Salem fruit packers and can- ners are well represented at the annual three day convention of the Northwest Canners' associa tion which opened Wednesday morning in Portland. The banquet of barrelers was held last evening with a program of talks relating to this bran eh of the fruit pack ing industry. This morning the cutting dem onstration followed by inspection will be held at the factory of the American Can company. This aft ernoon a general meeting will be held at the plant. Tomorrow morning will be riv en over to discussion while na tlonal experts in the canning field SUES TAX n : Senator William T. Woodward talked, to Rotarians - Wednesday noon on Some of tho Problems' Which Pace UsV Picking up the etaie budget the senator referred to tho problems of state financing. How much of a deficit, is . there T he said the legislature wanted .tot find-out. Some .cuts may he too deep in tho proposed budget, etb- eru not onoiigTu. Tho "ways and means. committee of which he is Tlce-chairman will havwheavy du ties during the coming weeks. '; "Wo must pall the state out or tho mire," the senator declared. though he said individuals facing the same problems had nothing to do but retrench. Senator Woodward advanced the suggestion that counties share in the. proceeds of sales taxes which may be Imposed. He con eluded with citations of imports tlons ot foreign products., which he felt menaced the employment of Jabor in this country, and sug gested labeling of gooaa imported from abroad and - used U this county. - - ' : . A number of legislators who are Rotarians attended the luncheon. Flurries of Snow Open New Year at Falls City Area will speak In the afternoon. The convention will close Friday night with the annual banquet. FALLS CITY. Jan. 4. Janu ary came In with a good heavy downpour. Heavy rains tell all day Sunday with little flurries of snow at intervals. The steady downpour v has raised all , tho streams and some sidewalks are I5l?,p. TUTj Pi Jjnjiary.i last year the town, had six inches of snow.--;,T-H--'V--i. . The passing ef 1 3 x and the 1 eomiag in of 112 S was celebrat ed very quietly and with much . leas festivity than heretofore. The v dance given in the 4 L O. O. F.; -hall drew: a largo crowd and a rt number of people attended watch parties at various homes. At the . stroke' of Jl 1 Just tho ringing ot V bells was heard; .-no : guns; were fired : or loud report heard, for i X 03 1 prof ed ' too bard av year- to waste ammunition In ,xlebrattag " J- its finish. t H . z.r - Professor - and MiX: W.- E. Bu- ; ell of- Springfield, and Mr, and - Mrs Paul Alley ot. Mora' visited 4 at ' tho . homo of i Mrs. Carletta 2 Buell- and the' K C Ferguson ; home hero the lasTot the week. Tho primary instructor of tho,:; 4 grade school, Mrs.. Hasel Gfone- r. wald and daughter Marilm. re- turned homo Sunday after spend;. lag the holidays at Tho Dalles. ; aHaBBaaBBBBBaBBBBBaaaaBBMaBaBaaBBaaaBBBBBaaaaBBB,' Looks Like Wind and . I . Children Conspired J MOTJNTAIN YISW Jan. 4t V v One of tho many unseemly pranks . . " pUyed by tho recent high winds was tho dislodging of tho long V v metal extension en tho chimney of . tho MeunUln View, school build- v lng. . - : ' - , : Saver! public spirited cltixens . repaired the damage in time for the opening of school Monday. SCHOOL RESUMED LAKE LABISH, Jan. 4. Lake Lablsh school has resumed after a 10-day vacation. Much illness has prevailed here during the holidays. Douglas Warns Against "Flu" After-Effects Warning against the after-effects of influenza was given yes terday by Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health officer, who espe cially advised that children who have suffered from the disease should not bo rushed back to school. Complications such as ear trouble, coughing and rapid heart action are liable to follow it the inflaeasa patient exerts himself too quickly, he pointed out. Dr. Douglas proscribed rest in bod and elimination ef strenuous activities as means of avoiding these complications. Zr ill if ; rtav. r ig Enjoy Young Romance in this Gay - Sparkling Comedy of Tangled Lore, Song, Hilarious Laughter Glorious Annabelle" as presented by CHEMEKETA PLAYERS Thurs, Jan. S - Fit, Jan. 6 - Sat, Jan. 7 Prices 15 25 NELSON AUDITORIUM Curtain 8:15 Early Inquiry as to workers arallahle to .farmers is being I. roltx G-e-In circuit court """v! suit brought by N. T. Folts ! "" f""" h n .....,..-. aint Tf C :h1-ld and other I oliai,i'ou' sons, lura or w oou- - ' T,V .LttiwJf" Wrfif . - Ilotl WUtaM D. of Portland, Paul Hop grower especially are Ulk- i TPPtii. .it. -a rrv nH i inr nr nirinir mnra uni ann in strike the complaint because it Trothennd case, already have done Chpmpkptan Hold contains more than one cause of A"aJ!Sa ' ?ZZI' LQ n, that thv will d lUemeKeiailS HUM A,-5ta ouu vauo wvrui rj ui VaVM I - - I aa fm homa, Mrs. George White of Alta- 1R number of workers If the HsnailPt SstUruSV Ta. nt beer bill is nassed bv eoneress. J en's footwear. Strip pumps, strap Oklahoma. Member of the Court Yesterday only four common . . r . . . I rkti.. .in..i. v.. v UnnfDri nna farm hand nA nn a 4.rtm.t. . """,". c"p".,. ;t:;:., .z:., ,v. wt i. ch,irmn .f u I -Sto Jul LV ill Cm, VilJ T 1C TT VCUJU- ny-vjw w " VAa.v To Undergo Operation J. S. tery. Ladington, 356 Bellevue, Is re turning soon to a local hospital for a major operation. Ludington spent a month in the hospital last August during which time ne eui fered tbe amputation ot a. leg. Marchand In this city, January 4 Arnold E. Marchand. aged 88. Survived by son, Roy E. Marchand of Mav leay; daughter, Mrs. George Haln of Tnrnr- hrnthpr A I. Xfaroh. Transcript Filed-ln suit Of John and of S5alem. Ramalna in arA nf Marr ts. J. G. Long, transcript of the Salem Mortuary, 545 North Judgment, showing default order Capitol Btreet. Announcements ia Salem Justice court, has seen Hater filed with the county clerk. The suit Involves two sums aggregat- Truman i ing $88 and interest. in this clty January , Frank . rit Albert Truman, late resident of 7.. TTt iVt th "endanfs house at Oregon State has tiled suit against the q t JU4 CO -SOB, Mrs. daily in hope of obtaining a job and, in the -meantime, to keep warm. Nine Enlist in oa Ten - te indusmal .eddent commi sion In connection with claim on I r -!.. . ac the defendant has twice Boersma o'f Salem, Mrs, made rejection. Mabel Marrow of Independence; Twnia Tan Tionl ild Mln- brother, Archie of Tacoma and - ing company has 1 Ued answer to ihu J Ultaois. Funeral serrlces v W I Tll e aaas laa Taw M n k W aa e Sk aa. suit brought by Rogers Maeveagh. I ' " m.. -TZa.: aiMiM that th leader the direction of W. T. Rl plaintiff eTer made the company J "fj00' Interme Mount m loan of 440 r Discharged Oa her own - poti - tlon, Ruth P. Smith has been dis charged as executrix of the estate ' of Otto Iran Powell, in her sett- Crest Abbey mausoleum. Rev, Thomas V. Keenan officiating. Murdlck At a local hospital Januarr 3. L. 8. Murdlck, late of Brooks. tlon. she sets forth that the ee-1 aged 75 years. Survived by widow. tate will ho handled in Missouri.. I runa a. Muraicx of Brooks; v - , . . I daughters, Mrs. Evan Brundldgs 'Hearfns; -- ina aeanng in i ot Brooks, Mrs. Nina Roll of 4 estate of Mary Noaek flas neen sec l lucaeater, N. T.; son, Roy Mur ' for February 11. John Noaek, ad-j dick of South Dakota; sister. Mrs. j mlnbjtrator. has submitted final I viola Wells of South Dakota. report showing real property on I Funeral services from the Clongh- hand worth f 1200. , 1 Barrick mortuary, Friday, Jan- j m . o.M--lfy . at io a. m. Ren T. A. t sue. ow7- r Tarnes officiating. Interment Plo- 'l .IM1A4 ,tt a!nt Albert IRlch tO cemecery. s collect on 52,000 , bond held by i the Bank of Scotta Mills, now. In ' process of liquidation. 1 't'i ? - r, p -- I I Births - - C&zln Events ' ; January ! 7 Chemeketast hiking: dab's annual ban quet. - , ' Janruury O-t 0 League of Oregon Cities, chamber of commerce. , - January 10 Annual Cher riant banquet, llaxion hoteL January. 11 Oregon Xea- gue Building ' Loan aasoci ' ntion at , chamber of commerce.;- " January 14 Western Ore- .gon Mmlng Coagress, eh; tertafnment committee which is planning the event. Dinner will be at 0:30 followed by n toast pro gram with dancing to conclude tbe evening. Armv Last MnnthWerry Boat Costs inis county $iwu Nine men enlisted in he army at the local recruiting office dur ing the month of December, Ser geant William Deitz reports. The following were assigned to the Seventh infantry, Vancouver Bar- (SAOTHKiEVBIR SOT SD3ES Cs "vmMszsv Ens Mm mtm Sale Starts Thursday 9 a.m. The Marion county court yester day received from Polk county a claim of $1404.39 for this conn-! ty's share ot costs of running the joint ferry at Independence dur ing 1932. The two counties pay on a 50-50 basis. Willard Lawrence is ferryman- and has one helper. Illness Detains Student Elaine Chaney, Willamette sophomore, whose home Is In Olympla, Wash., was unable to return to her elass-1 SILVERTON. Jan. 4 Casper es following the Christmas holt-1 Towe commander of tho Silverton days because of a severe attack ot I Terion post, hi home from tho vet- "flu." She is spendinsr this week I rana hesnital at.Portland. He Is afV?S This being our first sale we offer you our entire stock of high grade shoes for men and women that are less than one year old, there fore yon are assured of buying nationally known footwear at a real saying. Special Notice! Wo do not deal In any Job lots, factory damaged or bankrupt stock. Olmstead At a local hospital, Januarr 4. Haxel Olmstead, aged 32 years. ' Default EnteredDefault order Survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. has been 'entered la suit brought f. J. Olmstead of Lebanon; ala- - in circuit-court br State Savings I ot jLiram. Mrs. -id I Loan lt'wil;XA,:.TiSp"h Johnson ot Portland. Fun- . A r1- annohncemenu Uter from ; . v - . ICIough-Barrick. company, Makes Denial LoretU MaelO - O- West, in reply ?to answer of de-" f n dan t Kafourr Department ! milrii m. venoral Alt- I O" t 3 XaUobi of Aa answer. ,ST9 Mr. and Mrs. Earle : i t t u. hoc hmm ktnA a Earl V., Jr.,-. born January ' 4 at tho Bungalow maternity boms, v ; Adkteson r TO Mr. and Mrs. Alva Burton Adklsaon of Gerrals, a girl. Patricia Ruth born Decem ber 29 at Salem general hospital. Bieger To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Rieger of Stayton route 1, .a girl Frances, born December 28 at the Jackson maternity home. - SeaPTo Mr. and Mrs.Delbert Beal of ; Hubbard, ' a girl Emma Louise,; born December 11, at Sa lem Deaconess hospital. 1 Roberts To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Roberts,, route throe. box129, a girl, weight eight and ay quarter at her home. Teaefcen Back Most of the high school teachers who were ab sent from classes before the Christmas vacation are hack in school, although four wore still absent Wednesday. Ninety - four scaaenu were on the absentee list yesterday. From Stayton Among easiness : visitors in tho city from eounty j points yesterday was Paul Falen of stayton. Or an tod license Fred W. Scheurer , has been granted a li cense to operate a dance hall at Broadacres. Default Entered Default judg ment tor plaintiff has been en ured in suit ot Hans Sererson vs. Virgil C. Kruschke. v C ForeclosniT W. A. Roth tiled foreclosure suit against Ray C. Abst and others. conaiderablr lmoroTed. but will report to the hospital again; LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES! ABOtJT YOUR EYES Come tn today. Ton will re ceive tho expert, tadlrktual at tention of a state-registerea cftccaetrJst, Ton wm he ftttd tor glasses, only U they are found necessary. CARD OF THANKS ? We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Ed ward and Burton Rapp. - PILES CURED UNION DIESEL OIL 27 Plus Best for Tour , Automatic Oil Burner ::'C?TT I EL WORK3 ' WlthMt OpariUea' LM et TtiM dr. Marshall:; . tjt Oreroa Sldg. ';"-- Fheae SSOt -, NAXLUAL HKRiM '. 1 a REMEDIES " for stomach, liver, constipation; bladder and female troubles. ' Free Consultation. - Hours 9-C Sunday S-12 w.-': - CHARLIE CHAK Invalid Chairs to Rent Call C010, Caed Fnrultnr ViteKty Dress and Street OXFORDS to 3 $4J5 Cantilever Scout SHOES Women's Sport OXFORDS While they last 9- o Brogues and Dress Oxfords Galoshes Sizes up to 5Yt only S fPUTYDURL MY HANDS Dress Pomps in Black Kid L CJ mi -'-121 North High Street . . i Opposite Court House -t Chinese Medicine Co. 122 N. Commercial St. ber of commerce. . , pounds, born January 4 at Jack son maternity homo. A'