I . The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, December 11, 1932 PAGE NINE It? M &TH0 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per liae.lOe Thro Insertions per Use -0e Six Insertions per line. .JOc One month per line.. II. 00 Minimum charge 15e Copy tor thU pate ac cepted until 1:30 the even tng before publication for classification. C o p j re ceired after this time will be nut under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assames no nnanciai responsibility for errors which may ap pear tn advertisements pub lished In its columns, and In cases wbere this paper Is at fault will reprint that part ef an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tlona) advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. Business Directory BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R D Barton Baiter Starter and generator work. 545 Cnemeketa St. CHIMNEY SWEEP TlThon Sft R B Nnrthnca CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor SC H H!h T1 R H57J Correspondence Instruction International Correspondence schools. Business and technical cours es Bort 1, Salem. C. McGUllvray, Tel. 412S. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decoration C F Brelthaupt, florist 85T Court street Tel 890- ALL kind of floral work. Luts Flsr 1st 1 8th A Market Tel 08 FLOOR CONTRACTING fMsew Floor C Tel till. GIFT SHOPS Fred Blatchfsrd, mfg. of "Distinc tive Glftware". 118 3. High St. ICE SKATES Machine sharpened and rented. It W. SCOTT. 147 a Com! INSURANCE B EC ICE ft HENDRICKS lit N Hleti Jel 4947 LAUNDRIES THTB NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEJDER LAUNDRT m a High Tet tm CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT "We Wash Ersrythlng In Imx" Telephono m t24 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home Spring mattress 18 00. Renovat ors and fumtgatora Capital Bedding Co TsL 4089 3030 North Capital. New mattress made to order, sld ssattress remade ; carpet cleaning, su ing: fluff tug weaving Salem Fluff Rug 4V Mattress Factory, a 13th Wilbur. Tel 14 4 L Otto V. Zwtckar. Het MUSIC STORES Q CO C WILL Ptaaaa, Pta mo graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studlea Repairing phoai graph and sewtac snae 422 MEDICINE Dt Ghu tm Chines Medlcins Co. Hoar Jhrnday 2 to 5 p. m. 148 M C-na nreL PAINTING & DECORATING Palntrag and decorating. TeL 8704. PLUMBING and HEATING PLOMBINO and roric Urabar Bros, TVI S4 repair 111 8a Liberty PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Lswts E. Neet, Income Tax and fublls Accounting, 309 Masonic Bldg. TsL S14J, PRINTING m STATIONEIIT. oards. pampn ts, protrrama, books or any kind ot Minting, can turn o.a-a rran- Department Sit a Commercial REAL ESTATE BECKB A HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. VT. H GRABENHORST Ca ' t!4 & Liberty St. TeL 8411 nnrnLDFgKT a son 4-I First Nat'L Bk. Bids. TsL 7807 STOVES STOVES and stor rspsdrtnc 8tov jr sal, rsbailt and repslrwd. Ail rinds wuven wtr tsaes, fancy and Ula, hop naakots, books, tojean sMk. Sateni reac and Stov worka, 863 CtMmeketa. TsL 4774. a a flemlng. TRANSFER CAPITA- CITT Tramsfer Co. 226 ItiM 84. TsL 7771 Distributing, for wsjHiuI -and storage ear specialty CM sot rats FOR local er distant traasfar stor f esU till Urmsr Transfer Co. raeke te Part 1 ds r. HELP WANTED Men women. 18-50. S105.00-2SO.00 month. Future govern nseiit joba Steady work. Common education us ually sufficient. Sample coaching FREE. Write today sure. Box 1275J. care Statesman. HELP WANTED MALE Old established manufacturer will finance responsible man in a perman ent business. Must have A-l referen ces and car. Starting- average $10 weekly. Steady Increase up to $100 for right man. No slack season or lay off Write promptly McCONNON COMPANY. Dept. B-2Z10, wmona, Minnesota. ESTABLISHED CONCBRN WANTS MEN WOMEN, to distribute free ad vertising coupons locally. Experience unnecessary ; no selling required ; good pay. NATIONAL PRODUCTS, Monroe St. Peoria. 111. SALESMEN WANTED WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE SHOWING uses, Metalllc-X. It mends anything, glass, metals, wood, porcelain, eta without heat. Agents distributors $60 to $200 weekly. Pro tected territory. Sales guaranteed. Metalllc-X, Elkhart, IndL SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Work of any kind by woman with hospital training. Address 11SS Walter St Tel. 94S0. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALS om papers toe s ban He Statesman office. SALEM Linen Gifts 13c and Greenbaurns. 240-241 N. Com'L up. FOR S.X.E Used "Hotpolnf elec tric range. Reasonable. Blackbird Inn, RlckrealL Inspected Holly wreathes, sprays or bulk. TeL 9314. Res. 1860 N. Sum mer. Chas. Kinjrer, licensed dealer. In spector s tags for all shipments. Clover and grain hay. Ernest Roth, Rout 7. Box 155 A, phone 10J14. Christmas trees 10c and up. Cedar, ferr.s, holly wreaths. 1775 Front Good "Steel Klne" wagon. 3 V. ' TeL 93F14. Roy Kennedy, R. 1, Salem. Corn fed turkeys for Xniaa. 64F5, Radio for sale $178 R-32 10-tube Victor repossessed. BaL due, Ia4.60. Terms $5 down, 85 monthly. See Mr, Janz at Wills Music store. FOR SALE Bill-lloweU movie cam- f-ra, appraised 810: take. $65 cash. Klark and white Shetland pony, tnor ouglibred and trained for children, $50 rash. Late model coupe, good condi tion, $35 cash and $100 on time If sold immediately. Write Box 97, Statesman. Wire haired Fox Terrier puppies. From registered stock. A real present for the children. See at 1598 Center St. W ANTE D M iscellan eou9 Cash paid for U3ed furniture, stoves. etc Tel. 3593. Guns, etc., old gold, Jewelry. Condi tion no object. Name your price. REI NER'S EXCHANGE, 1J N. Com'l. GOLD WANTED Will pay cash for old gold, broken Jewelry, gold teeth, crowns; bridges, watch cases, dental eold. silver. Dlatlnum. etc For ward to me no matter how small or large the quantity and 1 11 auumu oi fer subject to your approval. R. M. Eckerson, Box 57, Corvallls, Ore. n n r i- nnriii -im , Fine quilting. Mrs. Kennedy, 1545 N. Capitol. M ISCELLAN EOUS Shoe shines now 10c Hats cleaned and blocked, 4 5c. Next to Bohemian restaurant FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments downtown. Call Patten's book store. Lovely court bungalow furnished. flrepUce. bdw. firs., garage, elec range. 520. Phone 5154. Modern steam heated apta Tel. 8430. Lovely 2 room apt, 1580 Center. Apts., $10-812. 891 N. Com'L St Heated 4 R. apt. 210 N. 14th. NIc furn. apts., private bath, 10, $12 and up. 690 Union. 3-room furnished apt., heat, private bath, 590 N. Summer. Tel. 4194. 3 R. unfurn. apt, frlgidaire, elec range, garage, heat. Tel. 363. Nice front apt, 558 Center. Furn. bune-alow ant. and garage in Oak Villa court Adults $10. 947 Mill St Tel. 8296. FOR RENT HOUSES 4 room house. 1530 S. Com'L TeL 8763. Fura. and unfurn. houses. R A. Forkner. 1610 N. Cottage. TeL 303L Modern bungalow. 250 S. Cottage. Houses. $10, 20. Moses, 331 Vi Stats. 5 room house. $8. TeL 7204. FOR RENT: Six room home, fur nished, no basement, garage, larg lot with plenty of shrubs and trees, splen did location on FAIRMOUNT HILL, price $30. per mo., reference required. SEB W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty Street FOR RENT FOR RENT 87 Furnished and unfurnished houses and apartments. BECHTEL-THOMASON 341 Stat FOR SALE Real EsUttt REAL VALUE In a South Salem home. Com fort' able t room houss on a choie lot. 54x105 ft., east frontage, paved strwet. garage, frnlt and shrub. Pries re duced from $3000 to $1800, only $300 cash, baL $25 per month Including Interest. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Phone 8708. W have small farm stocked and equipped for Salem home. 5 room plastered house, garage. only 8850. Easy term- Sis room house, close, partly fur nished, rent $1. McQJLCHRIST PENNINGTON 09-10 U. & Nat'L Bank Bldg. -j-j-Q-rV,lJ'VVafVai""Vi ' i 1 8 acres mils frem Salem, dark soIL well, all kinds fruit, 8 room house, gas, elec. lights, bam, garage, chicken house. 83750. Trade for 85 or 88 are- lS acre dark loam soil. It miles from Salem, on school bus line, I room house, barn. Karaite, chicken houss, soma fruit and timber. $1450. I 20 acres 1 miles from Salem, an cult. well, spring, room bouse, nam, gar aga, ohiokt houss. c lights, som fruft- 4 A. strawberriea $2500, terma 41ELVIN JOHNSON III I tats Street Phone 87M Interesting Pacts IS ci.. -iBiiwibJ 12 Shopping Days Until Christmas DECEMBER i.M.;m,it,rnnri! - f- Hi II In K I lutein Of special interest te boys and girls: Salem has a city ordinance (in force) providing that street lights her shall be turned off on moonlight nights. O We note that Harry W. Scott has changed his classified ad from lawn mowers to Ice skates. The cold weather does some good. O Some facts ws told about the bread Industry In Salem Is helping others to think of what ws bar In Salem. Harry Levy tells you about the meat industry today. Turn ta his ad on the local page. Soon ws will try and toll you how many cat tle, hogs and sheep are butchered each week in Salem, how many are sold here and how many are ship ped In. O The motto that ws think ws should adopt for this columa is "Know your Salem." After reading our last Friday's paper and noting all the advertise ments we looked over the Morn ing Oregonian. The Oregonlan with their IS pages In the two sections had some more news than we did but we had more advertising. O Tou should read, the classified ads carefully. They are the meeting place for buyer and seller. Tou will also find them Interesting and oft en you can really find Just lots to interest you. O The temperature In southeastern Alaska averages only about 10 de grees colder than in Salem. This territory along the coast is effect ed by the Japanese current Jun eau, the capltol city of Alaska is about 1000 miles north of Seattle. FOR SALE Real Estate Here It Is Just finished, 1636 N. 18th St. Your husband can afford to buy this beautiful 5 room up to the minute house. Small down payment. Balance Ilka rent. See owner. 1435 N. 18th. TeL 4277. SPECIAL HOME BARGAIN'S: $4000. Will buy an elht room mod ern brick home, hardwood floors, hot water heat, close In, worth twice the money. If you want a REAL BARGAIN see this home. Terms. $4500. New modern up to date seven room home, double plumblnj. dou ble garage, cor. lot, good location. 3500. down, bal. easy terma 3EEI W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street IVt acres In Jefferson with fruit, berries, fair buildings, good land. Only $600.00. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Room 19 Ladd 4 Bush Bank Bldg. Good river bottom land for sal suitable for hops. Xear Eola In Polk County. In suitable lots at one hun dred dollars per acre. E. XL Crolsan, Custom House, Portland, Oregon. 20 A. farm, 6 room house, barn, chick en house, all new. A bargain at $2750. 5 rm. modern except basement, fin large lot, fruit trees, garage. Price $1500, very easy terms. A good Income property at a sacrifice. 374 A. farm, running water, t seta of bldgs.. fine largre stock barn, 2 large poultry houses, silo, some fine timber. 100 A. cholc hop or grain land. A snap at $55 per acre. Will take some trade. 5 rm. strictly modern bungalow, clos In, fine location. A bargain at $3250.00. We write all Vlnds of Insurance. Bring In your trades and talk them over with .via W will help you find Just what you want. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY ."125 State Street Phone 8679. FOR SALE FARMS 65 acres with 25 acres of hops, S hop houses, on Willamette river. $ nu house, electricity, naa bcoooi 3300. For a tew days will oner iot 135 an acre, cash payment or WINNIE PETTTJUH-N 175 South High Street 80 A. 20 cult, 6 room poor nous. good barn, creek, near Fails L.ity, ?1300. Terma 20 A. s miles, k. nouw, eiec, s barn. weU, 4 A. strawberries. $950 loan, take clear house, little casn. C. J. JACKSON, 341 Stats a- nn.nj-inri-un-i".'i- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - wi FARM BARGAINS s A rood hoD snd nut land, cle-a in on Davement. jzooo; x-i -own. 1 A nil wood dark sou. nouse wiid rooms and Sleeping porch, bam. other outbuildings, ft A. strawDernem, family orchard. Yi mm ifpro. l"""r STOCKED 4 E(JUlft -. . " 4mm rtivment 137 A., 40 cieareo, oaianco uiuncr nutnra. waters- DT sprinaa, wn fenced. buHdin i , 11 miles from Sa- 54 A,, ail in cultivation, rewuj wt Irrigation, fences, fair buildings, goo road. $3500, 1-10 cash down, balance 1-18 annually at SOCOLOFSK.r BUM First National Bank Bldg. JWi nai ii'ii-i" . - - - i S A FARM SNAP ni ia fni-rod to sell on account of ago and poor health. 27 A. tillable I jt k. l naitnra. flnms umuwr. vwiMJa iau, v . .. and well water. Larg barn, small hous. elec lights, good rd., cloae to high school, test oi so" Ji nrin tn 82200. Only $500 down will handle deaL No trade SEB BECHTEL er tuu-aow 341 Stat Koom POLLY AND HER J y lSStSTl 3 S L KNEW HER TO ES3i . rJ 7 9nt t fmm 1 . Br " p - ra 1 ' " FOR SALEFARMS A POOP RANCH STOCKED EQUIPPED It-acres, 0-A, cult, good soil, I X house, baseman t, barn and etc II A. timber and pasture, one team, 4 cows and all farm Implements ; pries re duced ts $4500. I1T0O down. SEE J AH. IX SEARS, REALTOR H Sooth High EXCHANGE Real Estate . ... ..... --i-i-i-M-irirnitnAnjLriJt Will trade equity In I A. modi- buIldlnsL fruit filrt S mil.. TM at Salem, will aasum a farm 40 to SO A-. with good improvements, electrio Itr, good road, bottom land, and will trade good 2d mortgage for stock and equipment or soma. Box 14, ears Statesman. TRADK FOR SMALLER PLACE zv-acrea s-k. nous, bath and lc trlo Ughts. new inn and garage, an cult, miles of Salem : trade for 1 to T screa Price $1750.00. ANOTHER ONH 158-acrea SO-A. cult, lonu tfmKar runnlng water, lirn ham. moat all bottom land, pries $9500.00: trade for smauer place up to $3000.00. SEE JAS D. SEARS, REALTOR 1S3 South High Street EXCHANGES 40 A.. Improved, Wallace Rd. for Sa lem city. It A., close In Polk county for good Salem home. 4 room home N. Summer for closs-la 1 to 5 A. tract Eugene lots and cash for ranch Sa lem section. Good stocked and equipped dairy ranch close to Salem for Salem bam. Well located Eugene residence for Salem city or acreage. SOCOLOFSKT ft SON First National Bank Bldg. EXCHANGE 4 room house, clear. Want acreage. 1720 N. Cottage. ACREAGE SPECIAL 102 ACRES $571 0 80 A. cultivation. T A. timber, bal ance pasture, (rood soli, 7 R. housa, good barn 50x80. outbuildings, 2 good wells, all woven wlrs fences, good road, close ts school . FOR SALH ONLT. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Bldg. SI A. dairy and chicken ranch, wen equipped for poultry; 28 A. cult Cheap enough at $2500. Easy terma 15 A. located near Woodbura, mod ern house, plastered ; basement, fur- nac ; Ideal place for chickens noma equip. To trade for house In Salem. IT. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8908. SNAPS IN SMALL ACREAGES HOMES $1500. Five acres about one mile from city limits, paved road, all plow land, small shack and bars, $50 cash, $10. per mo., no Interest for two years. $1800. Five acres with four room house, garage, all in bearing strawberries, $180. cash, baL $15. per mo. $1650. 4.86 acres all good land and ia cultivation, three room house, gar age, chicken house, $50. cash, baL $15. per mo. $2500. Five acres in bearing orchard, three room housa, well located oa Pacific highway, 8 miles out. $100 cash. bal. monthly. SEE T'S FOR BARGAINS W. IL GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 124 a I.!bortv St. Phone 6468 MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADE) on furniture, cars, aalartos or other rood security Repayable monthly. When In financial need s us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Rink Bldg. Phono 8888. Bel!s of Harmony Heard over KOIN daily ring out a loan service that ts really, really different. TOO GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRTVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS 310 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 11 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Visor LICENSED BT STAT 518 BUt St TeL 8-1 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced AiT-nr to reduc yout paymsata Tou kep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Fairy Phono 4733 Saiwm. Ora MONET FOR TUB HOLIDAYS W advanc cash to salaried people an plain note. Easy monthly r pay ment plan. Our servic is quick, oomr teous and confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 113 Oregon Bids:.. Second floor Office hours 10:00 A. M. to 8:10 P. M. TelphaT 7783 Stat License 8-188 LOANS WANTED Hair a rood $600.00 first mortaVS on which I can net ts purcnasar 10. Insurance 8800.00. A. a BOHRNSTRDT Room 10, Ladd - Bush Baalt Bid-. FOR SALE WOOD Carl SarKls for dry fir, oak, ash and mapl. Reasonable price Phone 8T8t. QUA RANTEED DRY TL 8000 Salem foal Oa Tradi Cot Use- Dry wood at Tracy Pboa 8181 a-d wood, deprea price. TeL 8T88. Old fir, 16". $4.56. Dial 7800. Wood of all kinds. TeL 8911. A-l old fir, 16" $6.00. Tel. 6478. $4.80. Oak ir. Delivery from car. Save the differ ence. Full cord old -Towta ir 84.50; half load ptaner wood 11.80. COBBS A MITCHELL CO. 148 So. Uth St Phone T448 PALS FOR SALE WOOD DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fu Oil oo as tor prlcca Wo giro good measure, good quality and food srrtca A ELMER TRANSFER ft STORAOI Tbb till lO-ta. old fir. Phone 4815. Ash, fir and oak. TeL 1141. mm m i-n 1 s "juiruxnji Dry oak, fir. $5. TeL 8763. - - - -i-n-i -1-1-njnnroTjrcrun II" old fir. $4.15. TeL 1411. Old fir. II In.. $4.50. TeL $115. II In. old fir. 14.50: tnd srowth. II In.. $4 15. Phone till. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's used cars with an o. k. that counts 1121 Ford Coupe $ S0.00 12S VeUs 3edan 175.00 245.00 345.00 345.00 S95.00 435.00 35.00 1930 Plymouth Sdan lzt Ford Sport Roadster 1931 Ford Coups 1930 Bulck Coups 1931 Studs S Coupe CHEVROLET 1923 Coups 19z5 Sudan 1921 Coups 1929 Coups IS.O0 1C5.00 245.00 295.00 325.00 295.00 1921 Sedan 1930 Coach 1931 Coupe 1931 Coach 435.00 1 1933 Coups 125.00 Liberal Trades Easy Terms 321 Center Phone 31S9 430 N. ComX Buy Kellosr cereals Saturday and help the American Lesion Auxiliary welfare fund. SALEM USED CAR CENTER Even (n cold weather these prices are hot: 1931 Ford Std. Cpa, overhauled $315. 1931 Deluxe Road., low mileage 325. 1938 Ford Tudor Sedan, recon ditioned 295. 1929 Frd Cp., new rings, paint 175. 1928 Ford Phaeton with llo. 9$. 1927 T Ford Tudor, lie 75. 1924 T Ford Touring. Ho. 25. 1926 T Ford Cpe., as Is 25, 1928 Buick Std. Coupe 255 1928 Bulck Std. Coun 150. 1330 AA Ford truck, duals 325. 1928 AA Ford truck, four speeds transmission 195. 1928 Chev. Truck, four speeds transmission . 150. 1928 Cher. Panel delivery 150. Se Larry or Charles At Marlon A Liberty Streets Tel. 7910 VALLEY MOTOR CO. SETBACK SUFFERED BI STOCK MARKET Knri vnnir t 1 n rmi itAw. lnt.rrnM.7. v f L Stocks interrupted week of im- prOTement With a Slight Setback today, but the market was dull as A M .1 .A - ' uici avuu ui -rut k9 iuw nag ui minor proportions on a turnover of 482,705 shares Steel shares were inclined to heaviness, especially U. S. Steel preferred which apparently an ticipated no favorable change in the backlog statistics. Unfilled or ders were off 23,739 tons, but this did not quite cancel the gain made from August through Octo ber; furthermore. It was a seas onal movement, since November almost Invariably witnesses a con traction. American Telephone. Consoli dated Gas, Union Pacific, Amerl- rp v. . . fin'f - l ..t... .". r"?a Lan lOSt a point net; Otnerwige cnanges by market leaders were mostly limited to minor fractions. Stocks of the two leading elec trical companies firmed, possibly because both now contain mel ons" in the form of the radio dli tribution. Ralls were a triflo easy, with industrials and untilities. Car loadings for the post-haliday week ended December S jumped 53,57$, but the decrease from 1931 was larger than occurred in the pre vious week. Wool Purchases Only Moderate, Corvallis Report CORVAL 13. Dec. 10. (AP) With wool buyers restricting pur- Chaasse t Immediate require- a t .a rr.:j m: : i uoii i-i mm mm s v. a aa va Boston market the past week, ac cording to wire report received curuiui vo win icyviruB monw today by the federal market ba- reau and the state college exten slon service. Trading was not quits) as active as the lnaulrie. ot the previous two weeks had lndi cated w- . . -IBt.ei-J 1 af aaraataiMI grown 14. and finer wooU com- nniM a rear anDsrantiai weurnta. but trading was mostly on limit- .dQuantitie..Aaeabal.blockof graded atnetiy commng u no finer territory wool moved at around 4r cents scoured basts. Alfred Ashland it WOOdburn marshal WOODBURN, Dee. 10 Alfred ,vvvy irsrtri Dry wood of all kinds Priced right TsL 4114. Ashland is Woodburn s new city one day tnu wees: u cwuuii wim or iair vaiue ior supplemental ir marshal, aueceedlng Louis Rat- the teacher concerning hot noon rigation. Efficient methods of tll tov. , s.. a rt ta that ra. I lnnehea. The matter was decided I inz wet lands and ot providing naeltr for two reari. Ashland .- ah itifw Thrtr-daw nlrht. Tho appointment wa made by Mawnr VT. TT Ttrovlaa. "The Man BUTTER IS STEADIER; CUBES CUT V V 9 4 4 9 GRAIN VALUES TURN BRISKLY UP. Eggs are Depressed; Chickens, Country Meats in Demand PORTLAND. Dec 10 (AP) Ther were mixed riews la the market tor batter today bat the general feeling, appears a trifle steadier althourh la spots the market was weaker. The chief complaint la the trade at the moment appears the lack of open market offering of first batter although the make of this score is said to be rery lib eral. Cot of ijc lb. la the price of prime first cubes on the produce exchange for the week-end session appears the result of many stores .vi.i. i.k.i. .. I Boiiiua i-wou wmtu i w uucin I higher score, according to some I trade leaders. Once again there was lack of uniformity In butterfat quota- tions. The gei ral understanding was that churn, g cream at Port- Und Is quoted 25 lb., but a sur rey of the situation failed to in- dlcate that more than a small per cent of the purchases were below 2 6e lb. In fact one Interest was reponea out wnn a uiior ui ic lb. while a country plant was re- nnrA ountlnw lh - s arei ior eggs touuuuoi io a a a show depression here. The chief bearish influence appears the an derselllng of local firms by out sider whose only Interest appears to be cut values Late receipts of lire chickens I hawa hv no means been liberal but AamanA hat nnrrl falrlw Rtaadw demand PPela r7 "Mr m apuo vl in? iw iv w iuci iia effect for dressed turkeys and oth- er fowls. Spring chickens alone continue weak. Cold weather has greatly stlm ulated demand all through the market for country killed meats here. Supplies were moving out somewhat better In all lines al though real Is by no means any too firm. General Markets II I PRODT7C- EXCHANGE PORTLAND, Or.. Dae. 10. f AP) ProdlK ekafa. n.l price : Butter extra 26e. Undrd S5e. prim flrata 24o. TfSmh extra i. I J - A. I HlUiKOll Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ora.. D. 10. (AP) Wheat Opaa High Low Clo December 42 .44 .42 V. .44 May -46H .474 .48V4 .474 Jaly 47 484 -47 .48 Cash wheat: Bir Bend Dlueitem .ov; dark hard winter, 13 per cent .52, 11 par cant .50; aoft whit, hard winter, .43 H weetern white, northern apring .43 weitin red .43. OaU No. 3 whit 81T. Cr No. 2E yellow 81T.50. XI Urn a Standard $13. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or.. Da. 10. (AP) Batter Print. 92 aeor or better ts. itaadard nt Err Pacifis Poultry Prodaear ae- inr vricea: rrin extra lie, iianaaroi 12e. mediam 22e, pallet 82c Country meat Belliac price t ratal H ara: Coantr jkii:d hoj. ceil raienera under 150 pound I'i-Ss pound; Teal er. S0-10O pound. S-6H: lamb 0-100, rcarlinr Se. heary awe 84c, eanaar Nat Oraron walnut 151B PoaoO. rxatiuta lOe. Braiila ia-140. aimono l- ist filbert zo-zzo. peeaaa zue. Oaaeara bark Buying prices, lvss peei 8 round. , Hod MMninaL 1V3I. -jo-zse pouno. Bttarfat Direct t ahippart: Statiwa 23 25e. Portland dallTary prie: UBi ir eraam 25-26e. aweet ere am blrhar. T.Ira TonltrT Ket burisc price: Heary hen, colored. 4 pound. 11c pound; 4 medium 11a: light 9a; aprinf. colore-. lit: all weichta. whit, loe; oia Ur. 7; dock. Pekiaa. 8 10c; tee. S-Da. Onion flellins Brie to retailer: ure- (ob 90e 81 eenUl. Taklma S0e-61. Pntalnea lxcai BO-iue oracn ova. Daachutea Gems 81 105. Takima Gem ona-81 eantaL WmI loal ello nominal: VTUiamatt Uy 12-15 pound, niter Oreros 10- 18 Hay BoylBC prle from prodaear: Al I B11 ft A.I 1 ftln-ar SO-S-SS. Stn 3 vt w . - 810.60-11. l . - . 1 hree Nearly UlO & R-iilf Pricrn Ft-wxl AURORA. Deo. ! Three rio 1. i.-i- u.- MiHif( I X.LIMMM Ul uuuuutua! J -. astern Oregon I "- - m i "tools at a receni TiiI f h.w B- from, their illneas after having u-u --- .w- HOT FOOD VKTOKD MOUNTAIN VIEW, Dec. 10 Mothers of Moantaia View school children met at the school house negatively however and the 1 voruisrstera will havo to be eon tent with cold depression lnnehea 1 for tbe nreseni at leasu In The Case" Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1.33 per hundred. Surplus 90c. (If ilk bases ea sesri meaUly batterfet averse-) Butterfat Sweet, 27c; our, 25c. Batter Cube, 29c; prints, 28c. reurr AND VXGETABLSg Prlees paid te rrovers by Salem bayers December 10 (The price below, sappiud ty s local f rocer. are Indicative ef the daily market bat are sot runalnd by The Stale ma a ) chine eahbace. d. so Carrot, doi. .20 Carrota. 40 bac .80 Beet, local doi. .15 te .to Turnips, local, doa. Oreen peppera, lb. Cabbasa, aek Raduhea. doa bnachaa i Oorona. doa. baoehet Local potatoes Sweet potatoes, erat Celery baartf. doa. Local celery, doa. Local lettar. erite The Dalle lettuce Spinach, crate California lettuce HathAni. (MHit1 wrm m I Uiriooa, Walla Wan obiob. Labi-. 2s ib Lfaiu.o aqpaaa. oo, Parsn oa. hundred -1.00 Appiea I ?'"8. .45 .50 65 .65 65 1.00 .75 1.50 .SO .15 -11.00 1.50 Spitienbarr Norther Spy Ortleya Jonathan Delicious Cauliflower. No. 1 crate Rutebaraa. hundred Broa!a proota I UraBCeme. retail, ID Cranberries, bbl i wrangea, p.p. Orans. fancy 8.00-4 00 HOPS Top. 1931. IV Top. 1881. lb. . si .20 EOOS Baying Pries Kxtra Standard MUnm .81 .19 .18 .15 .0 .11 .08 to .08 .08 t .07 .11 .09 .10 Pul'.eta POULTET Old rcottart Colored haaa Medium beat Light kena Bake l-irht frrex Turkey. Utb. top TarkiteT. 4. muii. top .15 .10 .08 Daeka. lira. White PekiniJ. Gce, liT MEAT (.amb. top Ho;, top Hoc, first cats Rteer ..4.25 .3.50 .3.25 0S to 04 -01 U .02 .03 t 0J .05 Cows , Helfen Dreiacd rtt, top uretied nor . .04H GRAIN AND HAT WTit. western red .41 White. No. 1 .43 Barley, top. to 14.00 Oat. wUte. ton 14.00 Oat ay. top. tan 18 00 to 18.00 Hay, buyms price Oat and retch, tin 7.00 to 7.50 Alfalfa, valley. lt cat 0.00 t 10 00 WOOL Median 13 Coaraa 10 Mohair .,, - a market NUTS Walnata, orchard run .10 I .13 niberta. fair ;ra4e .13 .28 .05 JO 20 .80 .75 to 1.00 1.10 -SO tail aO .20 .50 1 25 .50 1.85 0 , .20 .15 veil Stocks and Bonds DEOEMBEK 10 (Copyricht 1932. Standard Statitics "o.) STOCK AVEKAUE3 SO 20 10 SO TodT 53.S 27.4 89.0 55.S PraTiou (17 53.8 27.6 90.5 58.2 Week a CO 49 8 24. B RZ.l 51. S Year a fo 68.1 ?5.0 104.4 68.1 I J year ar 17 4 1 (4.8 21S.9 1TV.Z 72. S 39.8 111.0 73.9 I isu uai Low 1933 35.1 13.2 51 8 35 0 High 19J 20 4 141.S 2813 205.8 Low 1930 112.9 B7.i liS.J 114.7 BOKT AVER.VOES 20 .'.0 20 60 60 67. S 67.8 74.1 98.9 78.1 57.5 Today - 62.1 6; 0 PreTiou day C2.8 SO. 4 Week afo 62.4 60.1 Tear axe 68.5 68.6 81 0 80.9 ?1.1 85.S 98 6 SA.S 70.9 Z year aro 92.7 ins.j Hick 1638 71.3 78.0 Low 1932 5S.2 47.4 Hirh 1930 94.9 109.8 101 4 101.9 S3.S S7.S 96.6 92.6 Low 1930 OFFERED AT 0. S. C. A soil Improvement and land I utlliiatioa ahort course will be atuiu m i v i wviav vallts December 1 and 17. to en - !riBer" !!? Jm1"" wiw im mui oi lowrmiuoo iu la . a M I BOllB. it The study will Include the soil Md chemlcal Invoice of th eWlllamette valley and the eQln f loU m and re-ortll. I rt.lr.- - Irrlntln Qtnr1(aa ai iiiub;v a - a v , indicate that there are over one million acres of wet land in the Willamette valley susceptible to improvement by drainage, while nearly one and one-quarter mil- non acres of soil types are of good supplemental water to tree work- - lag soil having natural drainage j will be explained at the short i cuuise iu lecuua uay, Fall Wheat Damage Conhrxned; Buying Is Speculative CHICAGO. Dec. ! (AP) Brisk upturns la grain values to day went hand la hand with lively speculative buying and with au thoritative assertions of Irrepara ble damage to domestic winter wheat. Reports that President-elect Roosevelt would demand abolition of the farm board contributed im petus to buying of wheat and oth er grains. Another stimulating factor was announced the new Ar gentine wheat crop was officially estimated at 232.000,000 bushel?. compared with private forecasts heretofore that ranged as high as 280.000,000. Wheat closed firm at almost the day's top, 2-4 to 1 cent above yesterday's finish, corn 1-4 to 5- up, oats 1-8 advanced. Today's dosing quotstions: Wheat Dec. 4S 7-8 to 46; May 41 1-8 to 1-4; JlJy. 49 3-8 to 1-2. Corn Dec. 23 1-4; May 28 1-S to 1-4; Jly. 2 5-8. Oats Dec. 15 3-8 May 17 7-8; Jly. 18. (ME, SHEEP ARE STEADY, PDI DOWN PORTLAND, Dec. 10. (AP) Cattle receipts were 1673, calvet 82 for the week. Trade appeared steady; desirable steers were mostly $4-5 with one selected lot Monday $5.50 for 950-pounders; low grade was down to $2.50. but mustly $3 and better; selected heifers scaled $4.35. with the bulk of sales $3.50 and better; high medium cows we-re $3 top with good grade selling $3.10-3.25; mixed lot of heifers and youn. cows were $3.50 with low cutter and common sorts $1-2; bulls were- around $2.50 generally with a few at $2.75-3; vealers aid calves were $2-5.50. but generally $5 and less. Hogs receipts were 5553 for the week. Trade In hogs showed kill er stuff generally 25c lower for week with feeders down POc. Top for carlots of light butchers was generally $3.75 with one donble lot Monday at $3.85; top and bulk drivelns. was $3.65-3.75; heavy weight sorts were down to $3. with packing sows $2.50-3. hut mostly around $2.75; slaughter pigs scaled $2.75-3.25, gut gener ally $3, and feeders were $2.50-3. Sheep and lambs receipts w. ro 4390 for the week. Trade in all departments was at least steady with better grade lambs in strong call. Good to choice sorts were $4.50-$. with medium $3.50-4.50 and thin throwouts down to $?.r.0. SLIGHTLY BETTER PORTLAND, Dec. 10. (AP) There was a slightly better move ment of dressed turkeys into "ou suming channels, the result prin cipally of the new low price rec ord established the previous day at an extreme of 15e for No. 1 birds. A fair movement at this price was reported locally but leading operators have plenty in their houses, and more, to fill all needs. Cash buyers are offering around 11c pound generally although a few were said to be quotin. up to 12-lSc for strict grading. Most of the carload shipments contluue on a basis ot an advance. The pri vate firms were offering a dime and co-ops 8c pound. Further receipts ot frozen tur keys here suggest the lack of care in dressing, which. In the minds of some traders, will have an ad verse effect upon local values. Quotations on live turkeys were nominal. TKACHERS EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that the County School Superintendent ot Marlon County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of appli cants for State Teachers Certifi cates at the County Court House, as follows: Commencing Wednes day, December 21, 1932, at S:0 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Frtday. December 23. 1932. at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Applicants foT life certificates must preseat themselves at this time. also, a examinations are no longer held on Saturday. Mary L. Fulkerson, County School Superintendent, Marlon, County, Oregon. D-ll HM MBIT By CLIFF STERRETT