The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Snnday Morning, December 111931
Music Dominates Activities of This Week; Concerts, Smart Tea Planned
. a i ' -. - i
Public Being Invited to Call at Bishop Home for Unique and Smart
V Benefit "Musicale tea and at Home' Given by Beethoven Club
THE public is being invited to one of the s martest informal social events of the winter
. months Monday afternoon between the h ours of 3 and 6 and 7 and 10 o'clock at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop.
The Beethoven society of Willamette uni versity is sponsoring this "musicale tea" and
the proceeds from this will be divided betwee n the national MacDowell colony fund, which
is being augmented by musical societies all o ver the country this December, birth-month
. of MacDowell, and for aid in fellowship wor k in Willamette.
Musical numbers will be given during th e afternoon hours and according to the fol
lowing plan:
- From 3 to 3:30 o clock
will play "Sea Pieces" by MacDowell and "Gavotte" by Bee-
thoven ; Wendell Robinson will sing, "The Moon Behind the
Cottonwood" and "Spirit Flower".
3 :30 to 4 o 'clock : Frances Laws will play "Sonata Eraica,
first movement, by MacDowell; Trans-Essasaises", Chopin;
and Elizabeth Boylan will pre-0-
sent, Spinning (jirl ot Caren
tic" and "Dance Du Mun-
4 to 4:30 o'clock, Maurice Dean
will present "Duna", "Birds Song
Of Eventide" and ' Water Boy",
and Miss Josephine Albert will
present "Apre Un Reve", "Hindu
Chant" and "Don't Come in Sir,
4:30 to 5 o'clock Miss Frances
Vlrglnie Melton and Prof. William
"Wallace Graham will present "So
nata In F. Major" Cameron Mar
shall," "Sea Pieces", MacDowell,
and "I Love Life", Ipros?.
5 to 5:30 o'clock: Heleue Price,
'Staccato Etude", Rubenstein,
"Viennese Dane e", Friedman
Gardner: Ruth Schreiber. "Norse
Sonata. 2nd Movement". MacDow
ell, and ''Malajruena". from Baah-del-Maszkowski.
5:30 to 6 o'clock: Jeanette
Scott, "Andante Religion", Con
cert No. 4, Vientempo, and
"Scherzo", von Goenius; Clara
Wright, "Lento". Scott. and
"Wabblou Paspaye-Godowsky.
7 to 8 o'clock: Lillian Scott,
"Don't Come In Sir, Please", Cyril
Scott, and "No Candle Was There J
and No Fires", Liia Lehman,
Frances Laws, and Margaret Mac
Entire Thomas.
t to 9 o'clock: A Violin Trio,
Helen Purvine, Jeanette Scott,
Jeanette Smith, Beethoven's Min
net; Jeanette Smith, "Walter's
Prize Song", Wagner: Barbara
Barham, "Music Box ", Laidow,
"Maid With the Flaxen Hair". De
bussy, and '"Valse Triste", Sibe
lius. S to 10 o'clock: Elizabeth Clem
ent, "The Crying of Water",
Campbell Tipton, "O iSleep ". Han
del; Marjorie Odell. "Warun",
Schumann, "The Music Box", Se
yersa; Helene Price.
In the line will be Miss Fran
ee Vlrginie Melton, Miss Helen
MacHlrons, Mrs. C. P. Bishop,
Mra. T. S. Roberts, Mrs. Graham,
and Miss Elizabeth Clements.
Mr. Carl G. Doney and Mrs. W.
r. Powers will pour the first hour,
Mrs. A. A. Schramm and Mrs Da
id Bennett Hill will pour from
4 to 5 o'clock, Mrs. J. A. Jelderks
and Mrs. George Alden from 5 to
I o'clock, Mrs. F. M. Erickson and
Mrs. F. W. Power from 7 to 8
o'clock. From 8 to 9 o'clock Miss
OllTe Dahl and Mrs. E. C. Cross
will pour, and from 9 to 10 Miss
Winifred Byrd and Mrs. Ivan Mar
tin will pour.
Monday, December 12
Maccabees Thimble club. 2 o'clock with Mrs. Lydia
Covall. 1030 Wilbur street; bring all work finished or
Delta Phi sorority with Mrs. H. 8. Bosshard, 1143
South Liberty street; 2 o'clock; time set earlier In or
der that members may attf nd MacDowell club tea at
C. P. Bis'nop home.
Beethoven society Ua. benefit for MacDowell
foundation and for local fellowships; hours 3 to 6
o'clock; 7 to 10 o'clock.
Musical program sponsored .by chamber of com
merce in chamber rooms, 8 o'clock, presenting students
of Salem Mu4ie teachers; reception to precede program;
public cordially invited.
Past President's club of Women's Relief corps,
with Mrs. Clara T. Adams, 255 East Washington street.
Royal Neighbors, regular meeting-. 7:30 o'clock;
election of officers.
Tuesday, December 13
Mrs. C. A. Park bible study class at her'home, 1589
Chemeketa street; 2 o'clock; all interested women in
vited. Credit Women's breakfast club, Marion hotel, 7:30
o'clock; Hannah Martin speaker; program; bring sup
plies for charity box.
Auxiliary to Marlon County Medical association,
with Mrs. C. A. Downs, covered dish supper; speaker.
Dr. H. R. Laslett of Corvallis.
Y. W. C. A. board meeting and election of mem
bers, with Miss Dorothea Steusloff, 1285 Court street:
luncheon following.
Christmas party for Social club of Eastern Star at
Maionic temple in social room; 2 o'clock; members and
their children invited.
Salem Women's Press club, 2 o'clock with Mrs.
Ralph Kletzing. 74 5 South Commercial street; sewing.
Chi Delta Delphian society with Mrs. W. G. Allen,
901 North Capitol street, 9:30 o'clock.
Women of McCormick class of First Methodist
church with Mrs. William Roach, 2010 South Church
Regular monthly meeting of Salem Arts league
postponed until later date.
Wednesday, December 1U
Women's Foreign Missionary society of First Meth
odist church, 2:15 o'clock; in church parlors; short bus
iness session followed by Christmas program.
Ladies Guild of American Lutheran chureh in
church social room, 2:30 o'clock; annual business meet
ing; election of officers.
Women's Home Missionary society, with Mrs. C. M.
Roberts, 815 Shipping street; Mrs. Belle Roberts con
duit devotions; 2:30 o'clock.
Parent-Teachers-Student association of high school,
in school auditorium, 8 o'clock; State Superintendent
C. A. Howard, address on transportation and tuition.
Thursday, December 15
v Faculty Women's club with Mrs. W. E. Kirk. 1450
State street. 2:30 o'clock.
Lincoln P. T. A. In school house; special Christinas
Society Musicale Will
Affair of Monday at
P. Bishop Home
Miss Frances- Virginia Melton
Miss Lena Belle Tartar,
who will direct the Salem
MacDowell club in the first of
its chorus presentations this
year, Tuesday night at the
The girls who will serve wiU be
Charlotte Hill, Barbara Pearce,
Marjorie Tryon, Virginia Cross,
Lois Burton, Ann Tartar, Mary
Laughlin, Lois Griggs.
Miss Clara Wright will open the
door, and Miss Jeanette Scott will
introduce the guests to the line.
Those who will assist about the
rooms will be Helene Price, Fran-
rpH Laws FriwTTi Rranrihmt-
Maurice Dean, Gus Klempel, Ruth
icnrieDer. n.tizaoeui noyian, jour- i
bara Barham. Josephine Albert,
Rosalind Van Winkle, Wendell
Robinson, Lillian Scot, Gladys
Thomas, Genevieve Thayer, Mar-
I garet Schreiber. Faye Sparks, and
Marjorie O'Dell.
; A--..-
;rfV "t'
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U niversi t y
Sets Are
COLORFUL and smart were the
affairs for which the three
sororities of Willamette uni
versity were hostesses Saturday
Delta Phi sorority entertained
with a brilliant formal banquet
at the Marion ' hotel in the ban
quet room. Tapers, and a smartly
conservative use of greens made
the table lovely. A program
added charm to the occasion.
Alpha Phi Alpha gave what is
becoming almost a tradition with
the house, a "treasure hunt" In I
which clews led from their new
home on North Summer street to
many parts of the city and re
called the guests to the house
again where they at this time
made entry by a gangplank
which Introduced them Into a
house transformed Into the In
terior of a pirate ship.
The pirate Idea was carried
out in means of selecting escorts
for the supper hour. The supper
menus also suggested the idea.
Guests tor the evening Includ
ed Gus Klempel, Maurice Dean,
Stearns Eason, George Newman,
Donald Dorrla, Herald Dorrls,
Vernon Bushnell, Forest Rob
inson, Richard Smart, Harold
Rose, Wilmer Wells, William De
Pew, William Mosher, Lawrence
Tames, Leland Gillette, Olven
Bowe, Jerry Sherman, Alfred
King, Harold Heath, Ray Fos
bert, Cecil Harmon, Frank
Childs. Earl Henry, Max Bigby,
Menalkas Selander, Gordon Mor
ris, Wayne Morgan, Erwln Lange,
William Ross, Max Taggert, Jack
Conners, Paul Hauser, Donald
Stockwell, Floyd Waltz. Ralph
Anslow, Irvln Smith and Jerry
Carpenter. Mrs. V. A. Johnson
and Miss Olive Dahl were chaper
ones for this affair.
Betl Chi sorority entertained
with a late supper and reception
in the Masonic temple.
Bridge Evening
. .
Attractive trair
One of the charming social
functions of the week end was the
bridge and buffet supper for
which Miss Josephine Albert was
hostess at her home compliment
ing a group of her friends.
A large lighted Christmas tree
and many wreaths and sprays ot
holly and mistletoe and tapers
made the guest rooms speak beau
tifully of the approaching Christ
mas time.
At the supper hour Miss Albert
was assisted by Mrs. John Griffith.
Present for the affair were Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar White, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Knox, Mr. and Mrs
John Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. A. C
Eoff. Miss Geneviev Thayer, Miss
Billie Cupper, Miss Rosalind Van
Winkle, Miss Florence Power,
Paul Wlagren, Chandler Brown,
Edward Stadter, Bruce Spaulding
and George Scales.
Officers will he elected Wednes
day afternoon at the annual busi
ness meeting to be held by the
Women's Guild of the American
Lutheran church at the church. A
musical program will be given and
tea will be served by the hostess
committee, Mrs. George N. Fake
Mrs. Claude Glenn and Mrs. C. C
Don't Neglect the Word of Cheer Which
Convey So Well
See them at the
Gilbert Studio and Craft Shop
Framed Pictures - Gilbrettes - Salem made
Upstairs at 147 No. Commercial
1 s6taESX
W. T. & SON V
im03 T. & ROBERTS, OrcdBjjt
Assisting Artists
MR. and MRS. W. J. MINKIfiWlTS
Soloist and Flutist
Ftm to
Mi$$ Mary
Schultz, vio
linist icho xviU
appear at
guest artist
with the Saltm
M acDow eil
elub chorus
Tuesday night.
n r
oe Dene
CHARITY begins at home,"
and no more beautiful way
could be derlsed to secure
benefit funds for needed charity
work than that which is being
sponsored by the Madrigal club
and the Civic Men's chorus sing-
ins; groups under the direction of
Prof. E. W. Hobson.
These organizations will give a
benefit program December 10 at
the First Presbyterian church and
the funds received from the small
admittance charge will be turned
over to the Community Service re
lief work.
Christmas music will feature
the program. The chorus numbers
will be augmented with guest solo
numbers. The entire program in
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring Bach
Madrigal Club and Salem
Male Chorus
Mary's Manger Song Salter
Miss Lillian 8cott and Chorus
Beside They Cradle Bere I Stand,
from Christmas Oratorla Bach
Mixed Chorus
The 81eep ot the Child Jesus, old
French carol Gavert
Dearest Lord Jesus Bach
Madrigal Club
Alleluia Bach
Miss Josephine Albert
Christmas Song Gounod
Ronald Craven and
Wendell Robinson
Lot How a Rose Ever Blooming
Mixed Chorus
Vocal Solo Selected
Miss Eleanor Moore
Hallelujah (Messiah) Handel
Mixed Chorus
Covered Dish Dinner
Is Success
A delightful evening was spent
at the home of Mrs. Lillian Cad
well with Miss Merl Dimlck as
sisting, Friday night when mem
bers of the sewing club of the
Business and Professional Wom
en were entertained with a cov
ered dish dinner.
Christmas was in the air for
one of the jolly events of the eve
ning was the exchange of gifts
Sewing was also enjoyed.
Special guests included Mrs
Pearl Victor and Jean Lois Vic
tor. Club members present in
cluded Ruth McAdams, Josephine
Shade, Ruth Moore, Helen Smith,
Daisy Hayden, Juana Holmes, Mo
na Yoder, Lois Ohmart and the
ih a
- ton Gaa$I
tit Public
-, - o & ,
Unique Plan
For Music
A UNIQUE program is being
sponsored Monday night at
which the chamber is host to the
public, which is Invited to call for
an Informal reception at S o'clock
preceding a program which Is to
be presented by a group of youth
ful Salem musicians, students of
Salem Music Teacher association
A program carefully selected to
appeal to the public taste in mu
sic has been arranged and will be
presented by students well quail
fled to present it artistically.
President Douglas McKay of
the chamber of commerce and his
board, and members of the Music
Teachers association will greet the
The program will include a
boys' vocal ensemble made up of
Jack Bush Carl Mason, Lawrence
Orwig, William Bush and Lowell
Williams; piano solos by Alta Viv
ian Gell, Flavia Downs, Ruth
Schreiber, and a piano duet by
Sophia Hughes and Adela Diek-
Violin numbers will be given
by Ruthyn Thomas, Marjorie
Wunder and Dalbert Pepsen; to-
cal numbers by Mary 'Cupper and
William Bush.
Y. W. C. A. Board
To Elect
Miss Dorothea Steueloft will
be hostess to the regular Decern
ber meeting of the Y. W. C. A.,
executive board Tuesday at her
home at which time elections will
be made to fill vacancies on the
board made by expiring terms. j
Those whose names were an
nounced by the nomination com
mittee to he considered at this
election include Mrs. L. 0. Cle
ments, Mrs. Kitty Graver, Mrs.
William Gahlsdorf, Mrs. F. C.
Brown, Mrs. David Bennett Hill,
Mrs. Floyd Miller, and Mrs. M.
C. Petteys.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher. local
secretary of the Y. W. C. A. will
lead the devotions. Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, first president of the local
Y. W. C. A. will speak on "Twen
ty Five years of work for the Na
tional Association."
The board will be luncheon
guests ot Miss Steusloff following
the close of the meeting.
Miss Elizabeth Lord will speak
over KOAC Thursday arternoon
at 3:30 o'clock concerning the
topic of "Flowering Trees for
Your Garden."
'Make the ATLAS
t .. . ::. . M . V .V.-
AttHod EoEi Stti?e
- 463 STATE
Salem MacDowell Club Chorus Sings
Tuesday Night in Annual Yuletide
Program; Miss Schultz, Artist;
Anticipation Runs High for Chorus of Mixed Voice-ita -.Sing for
First Time as MacDowell Club Offering; Miss Schultz Gfrest Artist
r32 week is opening with such an auspicio us swijig of music, the Monday night dancing
club dance at the Marion hotel Monday, a nd the quite unusual diversion of skating for
tne very Agile ones, that dull days seem to ha ve cheated.
One of the very brilliant affairs of the w eek will be the Christmas program to be given
Tuesday evening at the Grand theatre open ing at 8:15 o'clock by the Salem MacDowell
club assisted by Miss Mary Schultz, violinist.
The chorus which this year is represente d by both men and women's voices, under the
direction of Miss Lena Belle Tartar promise s to be a memorable events .And the work of
Miss Schultz is far too well known to need fu rther discussion.
o The program includes :
rogram is
THE annual Christmas program
was enjoyed Saturday by the
Salem Women's club at which
time an outstandingly lovely fea
ture was the chorus of 40 voices
ot junior high school students
singing Christmas carols under the-
direction of Miss Gretchen Krae
mer. The children wore white
surplices and at either end of the
group candle bearers stood, Hume
Downs and Jack Powers. An altar
in front ot the group provided a
place for Robert Taylor to stand
and read scripture passages to
supplement the carols. An added
colorful efefct was the entry of
the "Three Wise Men." Jerald
Cattew. Billy Phillips and Charles
Delzell. "
Mrs. C. C Clark assisted Miss
Kraemer in presenting the pro
gram. Mrs. Harry Harmes, accompan
ied by Mrs. Kenneth Rich was vo
calist, and Miss Helen Purvine ac
companied by Lois Cochran gave
a group of violin numbers and
Miss Dorothy Pearce gave 15 min
utes of MacDowell music, compli
menting the 25th annual celebra
tion of the famous MacDowell col
ony. The business meeting followed
the program hour and was pre
sided oirer by Mrs. Hannah Mar
tin. Reports of committees and
departments were given, and Mrs.
R. R. Boardman made an interest
ing talk on two pictures appro
priate to the Christmas time.
Mrs. Mark McCallister called at
tention to the Wednesday night
dinner for "husbands" of the club
to be served In compliment to
them at 6: SO o'clock in the club
house dining room, and which
would conclude at 8 o'clock in
time tor other appointments. If
the number is as large as now in
dicated there will be ISO covers
placed for the dinner.
Mrs. Percy Kelly was admitted
into membership of the club Sat
urday. Lincoln P. T. A.
Plans Program
The Lincoln Parent Teachers
association will meet this Thurs
day at the school house and at
this time in addition to other
program numbers the spirit of
Christmas will be remembered in
the gay carols sung by the 5th
and 6th grade members.
Dr. B. F. Pound. A. L. Llnd
beck will be speakers on legis
lative measures and Miss Ellen
Sernlo will talk on "Sportsman
ship." The membership contest being
waged in the P. T. A. group this
year was won by the th grade
at the last meeting.
The Unusual in
If it's for the
grown-ups or
for the kid
dies you can find it on your
way to the Elsinore.
Novelties . . Souvenirs . . Toys
Fred B latch ford's
118 S. High
It's an inexpensive" gift, but
precious because only you
can give it.
"Cyn" Cronise Studio
Phone 5614 Court and Commercial
Dollar Books--
The books -everyone WANTS
to read. . . The books everyone
SHOULD read. . . These make
a gift that will be appreciated.
Books from 75c to $5
Our Book Stock is large enough
to give you a good choice.
Your Gift Headquarter'
Choral from the cantata, Herz und Mund und that und Leben,
arranged by Donovan: "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" Bach
Organ accompaniment, Gretchen Thielsenj
violin obbligato, Miss Schultz
n o
Sonata in D Major Handel
Miss Schultz
Russian Church Music arranged In
five parts by Roepper:
Cherubim Song ...Rachmaninoff
Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
Fairy Thrall Busch
Night Beloved (arr. by Harris) .
Children of the Moon. . . .Warren
Slavonic Dance (G minor) ....
En Bateau Debussy
LaGlstana (13th Century Ara-bo-Spanlsh
Gypsy Song) ....
Miss Schultz
Harken, Ev'ry True Believer
(arr. by Reynolds) Noel Bressan
The Virgin at the Manger (arr.
by Harris) Perilhou
O Little Town of Bethlehem..
Meizo-eoprano solo. Miss Simms
Violin obbligato. Miss Schultz
Romance Wieniawskl
Polonaise brillante . . .Wienawski
Chorus of mixed voices:
Send Out Thy Light Gounod
"Lovely Appear," from The Re
demption Gounod
"And the Glory of the Lord,"
from The Messiah Handel
Christmas Party
For Star Group
The "Social Afternoon" club of
the Eastern Star is having a
Christmas party for members of
the order and their children Tues
day afternoon in the Masonic tem
ple between the hours of 1 and
4:30 o'clock.
There will be a short program,
Christmas stories and games fol
lowed by light refreshments at 4
Members of the Eastern Star
and their children are cordially
invited to attend.
It's a Pleasure
To Shop at Shipley's,
Every Woman's GiH Store
All Gifts
priately Boxed
land Appliqued
Novelty Printed
LINENS, handrolled
Hand Embroidered
LINEN, lace trimmed
New Large 2" initialed
LINEN, hand embroidered..
Hand Appliqued
Hand Embroidered
LINEN, lace edging
Colored LINENS with a
veritable flower garden on each
Hand Hemmed, band block,
'KERCHIEFS, the very latest
We Cater to MEN Who Buy (or WOMEN
Guy O. Smith
Married Saturday
The marriage of Guy O. Smith
and Miss Freda M. Oehler was
solemnized Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Oehler. Rev. A. E. Miane
man read the service In the pres
ence of over 40 friends.
The bride, who was unattended,
wore an afternoon gown of rasp
berry shade with black trim. She
attended Salem schools and has
been employed in Salem since her
graduation from high school.
Mr. Smith is a well known at
torney of Salem. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith will make their home at
the Smith residease, 1025 North
Church street, -following a wed
ding trip during which time Ore
gon beaches will be visited.
Delta Phi Mothers
Club Meets Monday
Mrs. H. S. Bosshard will be
hostess to members of the Delta
Phi Mothers club at her home
Monday afternoon.
The guests are asked to come
at 2 o'clock in order to allow
those attending to later attend,
the Beethoven mueieal tea being
given this same afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop.
Mrs. Alden has moved her
branch of the
from the Bonnet Shop to
the Vogue Shop
161 N. Liberty
YOUR Christmas shopping
need not be troublesome or
expensive. Just let us finish
the number of photographs con
tained in your gift list. We have
a wide range of sites and styles
to we can suit any taste or purse.
Telephae S5T2
Capitol Thear Bklg.
v 11 m -mm
19c ft
25c ft
25r &
50c V
98c U
98c n
98c f