The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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AU Statesman carriers are
charged for all papers they
deliver. Pleaite notify the of
fice when changing address.
Telephone 9101.
Fair,' rontinned cold to-i
day, Monday clondy, rising
t temperature; Max. Temp.
Saturday SI, Mia. 5, river
8 feet, northerly wind.
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 11, 1932
No. 221
Ireakin Gold Wave
Monday is Forecast;
Skaters Enjoy Sport
Still Cold This Mo
But Previous Mark
Is not Reached
5 Degrees is Record;
Ice Navigable at
Monkey Island
2 a.m 10
3 a.m. . . . . 8
4 a.m 8
5 a.m..,.. 7
6 a.m.. ... 6
7 a.m 6
8 a.m 6
9 a.m 13
10 a.m 18
11 a.m 21
Noon 26
1 p.m 29
2 p.m.
3 p.m.
4 p.m,
5 p.m.
6 p.m 24
7 p.m 19
8 p.m..... 18
9 p.m 13
10 p.m 14
11 p.m 17
Midnight ..14
1 a.m 11
Welcome word came over the
wire from the federal weather
observer at Portland last night
prediction of a break in the
last four days' cold snap.
Fair weather and continued
cold Is forecast for today but for
tomorrow, increasing cloudiness
and rislcg temperatures.
Yesterday's temperatures not
only set a new minimum for the
year, 6 degrees around 8 a.m.,
but also " reached the highest
point, 31 degrees, since 4 p.m.
last Wednesday. This maximum,
which came at 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon, was Quickly eras
ed and the mercury dropped
ewirtly downward with few vari
ations until at midnight the of
ficial thermometer degistered 14
degrees and at 1 o'clock this
morning, 11 degrees.
Several Skating
Ponds Are In Use
Downtown thermometers last
night registered three to four
degrees lower than the one at
the airport, 10 degrees at mid-
For a few hours yesterday af
ternoon, the north wind kicked
up again and at 4 o'clock reach
ed a velocity of 19 miles. By
midnight it had slowod to a mod
erate breeze.
Even If the weather does warm
up again, scattered groups of ice
Bkating fans assured themselves
of at least one taste of the
sport this winter when they tried
cut on Monkey island as the fair
grounds, the gravel pit near the
state school for the deaf and the
lfcke on the fourth fairway at the
Salem golf club. While an Inch
of Ice formed acToss Minto
slough yesterday, it was neither
strong nor smooth enough for
safe, good skating.
. Shortage of Coal
1 Her Is Reported
The unexpected early cold
nap caught fuel dealers here
off guard and a shortage of
eoal quickly developed. Some
dealers were doling out their
supply three sacks at a time to
make It go around. Others had
eoal enough only for customers
who had ordered It In advance.
Ordera generally had been plac
ed for coal to arrive here around
the middle of the month, dealers
Maintenance work on county
nnr1 has been brought to a
bait on account of the frozen
rronnd. Demands for wood and
food were Increasing yesterday,
the county court announced. The
eourt will attempt to keep needy
people from running out of fuel,
members stated.
8CIO, Dec. 10. The mercury
dropped to six degrees above rero
In Sclo Saturday morning, setting
a new low for the year.
RICKEY, Dec. 10. The ther
mometer dropped to Just below
aero here this morning. Water
pipes are bursting and canned
fruit freezing. Some families are
trying to save their food supplies
by running oil and electric beat
ers ln the storerooms.
KINOWOOD, Dec. 10. A near
panic was caused here Thursday
by the sudden cessation of "power
on the electric line. Several house
wives who were operating power
washers. Irons and ranges sent an
argent SOS to headquarters and
relief was speedily forthcoming.
The blame Is variously placed on
the cold snap, the high wind and
Mobilizing Dry
Forces Planned
To Balk Repeal
. A eall for a national conference
of prohibition organisations to
mobiliis the dry sentiment ot
America and to defeat" repeal and
modification movements was de
elded on today by directors of the
Anti-Saloon league of America.
The conference, under the plan
announced, would bo hufd In
Washington February 14-1 f, and
Invitations will he sent the Wom
an's Christian Temperance Union,
ehurch and social service boards
and commissions.
Truck Gardener
Wz)1kincr A1nn&
JVtVaWjw Killed
PORTLAND, Dec. 10. (AP)
Yeon Hoy, 30, Chinese truck gar
dener living near Portland, was
killed tonight when he was struck
by an automobile driven by George
M. Allen, Jr., 23, of Portland on
the Columbia river highway near
here tonight.
Allen told deputy sheriffs he
had just passed two oncoming
busses and had dimmed his lights
out of courtesy to them. When he
turned them on bright again, he
said, he saw the Chinese walking
on the pavement directly in front
of him, and he was unable to stop
his car in time.
Dallas boy one of Pair to
Compete in Northwest
Exams This Week
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 10
(AP) Robert Hayter, 21, of Dal
las, student at the University of
Oregon, and J. Burke Knapp, Jr.,
19, of Portland, student at Stan
ford university, were selected to
night as winners of the state
Rhodes scholarship contest. They
were chosen from among eight
students after oral examinations
here that lasted nearly all day.
The two will represent Oregon
at the regional contest next Wed
nesday at Spokane, Wash., when
two winners from each of six
northwest states will compete for
scholarships. Out of the twelve
contestants, four will be chosen to
receive the scholarships, each of
which provides for two years or
more of study at Oxford univer
sity with all expenses paid.
Robert Hayter, majoring In pre
medics at the University of Ore
gon, is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Hayter of Dallas and a
graduate of Dallas high school.
Before entering the university he
was enrolled at the New Mexico
Military institute at Roswell,
N. M.
J. Burke Knapp Is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Knapp of
Portland,. and a graduate of Grant
high school here.
A nlea that the old wine decs.n-
ter be restored to the dinner ta-
ble was made by representatives
of the grape growing Industry to-
day before the house way and
means committee ln its hearings
nn Ueislatlnn of wlce and beer.
For hours the committee heard
"ntnrll f.rmntAd vinnua H.
onnr" Ttnild hv a French wine
on ronro.iintntiroo t I
the many grape producing states
Prohibitionists will state their
side of the case Monday.
Dr. James M. Doran, commie
sioner of Industrial, alcohol, ll
testimony before the house appro
priations committee, recommend
ed the use of a federal permit sys
tem to control the manufacture
of legalized beer. He said It was
'Very desirable if not necessary
to employ such a control method.
The wine proponents were bead
by Representative Lea (D
Calif.), who declared the gTape
producers 'are at tne mercy oi
the bootleggers' He estimated a
tax of 20 cents a gallon as pro-
viaea in me wouier oui woma
produce more man szu,uuu,vuv in
federal revenue annually on a
consumption of more than 100,
000,000 gallons.
California Cold
And Arctic Hot
By Comparison
(AP) Geographical conceptions
of what weather should be were
knocked slightly haywire today
by California temperatures low-
er than some Alaskan readings,
by the alleged appearance of a
waterspout ln San Francisco bay
and by cold in the far west from
the Canadian border to the Mex -
ican line.
Point Barrow, Alaska, which
ls ln the Arctic circle and la the
northernmost American settle -
ment on the American continent,
reported the mercury stood SO
above aero tills morning. It was
7 below tero at Lake Tahoe,
Calif., last night and there were
many California readings under
SO above today. JSan Francisco
registered if, the coldest day lnj
is years,
All Rest of Nation Except
Extreme South Covered;
Some Relief Given
Meacham Retains Limelight
As Cold Spot of State;
Crescent is Next
(By The Associated Press)
Snow came over a vast area
yesterday to ease the cold spell
and provide what federal weather
forecasters called one of the most
widespread moisture precipita
tions in years.
The white crystals fell In all
parts of the United States, except
Oregon and the southern tier of
states. In Texas and the southeast
there was rain. The season's first
snow fell along the southern coast
from Washington to New York.
The snow was particularly heavy
on the western side of the Appa
lachians, drifting in some places
to five feet in West Virginia.
The east as well as the Missis
sippi and the Ohio vaiieys were to
iuur unci l ii a 11 tuutiy, iuo
government predicted. "Contin
ued cold" and "colder" were
promised the midlands.
Lander. Wyo., recorded .18 de
grees below zero. Yellowstone
Park JO below, and Helena.
Mont.. IB.
Some California noints were
fn!rti than Pninfr Qsptaw A T o
ka. which was 30 degrees' above
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 10 -
(AP) While Oregon generally
was still fast in the grip of the
cold spell the thermometer sagged
to 16 above in Portland today,
I reaching a new low for the season.
A constant sun, however, and an
abatement of the wind brought
the mercury up to 29 degrees, the
highest maximum of this period
of frigidity.
Continued cold and fair weath
er today, but increasing Cloudi
ness with rising tmnonitnra Mnn
day is Oregon's program as fore-
(Turn to page 8, col. 7)
ROCK, 111., Dee. 10 (AP)
The elusive Robert W. Wocker.
2i. was captured first the day
after an official of the Sumner
auue nana: ot stocmana, ui.. wa
aianapea uct. is, lvsi. He
capea. Later, Jacksonville, Fla.,
laiugrmn reporcea wey naa a
line on him, and still later, from
amornia came woro ne waa
neu. out woc&er evaaea euora i
to apprehend him.
v.. wwr l m m - mm a i
Last month officials In Med-
ford. Ore., said they hai Wocker
under arrest.
Ol imm in t.mi. v I
oueriii i.rnsi i-aeips leu nere
auu aiauou uac. wun aim pris-
m. A . - M t..l lit I
VsOgaizam or wt cner re
putation, the sheriff
took no
chances. He chained Wocker to
hlm- Wocker slept in an upper
wrm ana in snenn in a lower
berth as Phelps returned the
I n A. . M mm t M
oomewnere, me snerur saia,
I a a ti . a r
oeiweea l v.ro88e, wis., ana sa
nnah, 111., this morning, the
sheriff woke up. He had a nice
1 piece of chain attached to hlm-
but no prisoner.
Amid a din of annlauRe. dele-
e.te to the Farmers National Re-
f nef conference concluded their
tint national convention todav
.fter adontlnir resolutions advo-
eating Immediate payment of the
soldiers' bonus and recognition of
soviet Russia.
Through a driving snowstorm.
the first ot the winter here, many
I of the Z50 farmers who came
from every section of the nation
began- the Journey homeward ln
dilapidated trucks and automo
biles. Most of them remained ov
ernight for an early morning
I start-
House members from eight
northwestern and mldwestern
states agreed to support leglsla-
tlon giving the secretary ot agrl-
culture a free hand ln dealing
with federal seed, feed and crop
production loans to farmers un
able to meet payments this year.
I Before adjournment ot their
four-day meeting the farmers set
I up an organization to press for
1 enactment of their legislative de-
I mands. Including a moratorium on
I farm debts and an end to orie
tions. These proposals were car-
1 ried yesterday to President Hoo -
I Ter and congress.
I , -
I Two loeal men were jailed by
i city police last night on charged
lot being drank: H. W. Hendrlck -
J son, SOS South Winter street, and
Lloyd Bundln, Si 80 North Fourth
i n
His Slayer is
Believed Held
is no sura
Warrant Charging W. J. Guy
With Crime Is Planned
In Spite of Alibi
LONG BEACH. Calif.. Dec. 10
(AP) A warrant charging
William James "Curly Guy with
the killing of Captain Walter
Wanderwell, noted globe trotter,
win De issued muhusj, u was uu
nounced tonight by h. m. Bray-
ton, district attorney's deputy.
who said "we believe we have un
covered enough evidence against
Brayton's announcement ended
an an day conrerence Deiween
himself, county authorities and
Long Beach police who have been
Investigating the shooting to
death Monday night of the adven
turer aboard his yacht, Carma
Guy. who was arrested early
last Tuesday at the home of his
aviator friend, Edward DeLarm,
told authorities previously he was
30 miles distant from the Long
Beach waterfront when Wander-
well was slain. He said he was at
DeLarm's home.
Brayton's statement came soon
after Long Beach police an
nounced DeLarm had been placed
under technical arrest as a mater
lal witness because of his know
ledge of Guy's whereabouts Mon
day night
Onv rp.T.rm and Mrs. Isabella
nTj.rm the Indian aviator's wife.
hai told authorities Guy was at
their home until f n. m. Monday,
p0HCe said Wanderwell was shot
ln tne Dack between p. m. and
g;i5 p. m
Practically the entire day, Bray-
tm ftM. w inent in endeavoring
to gnatter Guy's alibi. Guy bad
auarreled with Wanderwell dur-
ing 0M 0f the globe trotter's
world eraises and acaln less than
.v. . Alnha
Wanderwell, striking widow of the
...ntnr,r rtM noiio fin at.
' - i - ' -
tamnt.rf n itnnr a Wnnderwell
C3 - -
. Hollvwood anartment.
Dll-Jc TJon-f
CllirViU.i Mailt
T- - Tr-k 17, .
lXait?S Jepi DUl
Pool Eliminated
(AP) The nation's larger rail
roads asked the Interstate com
merce commission today to ex
tend after March SI the rate in
creases now In effect but to ellm
lnate the plan which sends the
revenues into a pool from which
needy carriers may borrow.
PORTLAND, Ore., Deo. 10.
(AP) Arthur L. Fields president
of the Portland chamber of com
merce was today named the third
member of the board of arbitra
tion to determine what prices are
to be paid by the local milk dis
tributors to the Dairy Coopera
tive association tor milk.
Charles Eckleman, formerly
owner of a distributing company,
was chosen by the milk distrib-
utors ana M. N. Dana, Fortiand
newspaperman was chosen by the
cooperative, wnicn represents
about 1,600 dairymen In the Port
land and Salem milk areas. These
two men selected Fields as the
i third member ot the group.
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 10
(AP) The league of Oregon cit
ies cooperating with, the Univer-
I sity of Oregon will maintain an
I information bureau In the rotun-
Ida ot the state capitol at Salem
when the state legislature Is In
session next month. It was an
nounced here today after the
I close ot the two-day meeting of
the league's legislative eommlt-
tee at the Portland city hall. Wil
llam Briggs, elty attorney of Ash
W1H '
Agreement on war Debts on
That Basis Discussed
But not Certain
Decision Waits Completion
Of Negotiations With
Britain, Reported
PARIS, Dec. 10 (AP) Al
though Premier Herrlot has yet
to announce the fact, it was as
serted in official circles tonight
he undoubtedly will recommend
to parliament that next Thurs
day's payment of interest on the
French war debt to the United
States be made with reservations.
These reservations, It was said,
will follow those Great Britain Is
understood to be formulating. It
was asserted the cabinet had ar
rived at this decision, but the res
ervations it will recommend have
not been fully decided upon. One
is likely to be that this payment
shall be the last one until a gen
eral and final revision is made.
The cabinet held a five hour
sesaion today, most of which was
devoted to discussion of disarm
ament because of the Imminence
of decisions to be made at Gen
eva. The cabinet will meet again
tomorrow, but the government's
decision as to its recommenda
tions to parliament likely will not
be made before the chamber of
deputies session Monday, when
Trance's final attitude will be set
tled. The foreign affairs and finance
committees worked out a resolu
tion providing for payment but
only on the condition the United
States agree before Thursday to a
debt conference which would li
quidate the entire problem.
Members of the delegation
which presented this resolution
to the premier quoted him as say
ing it tended toward the govern
ment's intentions, although he
made reservations because nego
tiations still are continuing with
England over a policy acceptable
to both nations.
BROWNSVILLE, Tex.. Dec. 10.
(AP) Two men, tentatively
Identified as L. C. Dunn, wealthy
undertaker of Des Moines, la., and
Lawrence B. Schmitt, 26, his pilot,
were found dead tonight In the
wreckage of Dunn's cabin plane.
Officers said previous reports
that three persons had died in the
crash proved to be erroneous.
The bodies were found In a pas
tare on the million-acre King
ranch, 17 miles east of Raymond-
Tille, by a party of hunters.
Dunn and Schmitt left the air
port here Tuesday, planning to fly
to Austin and then to Arizona and
California. The pilot gave his
home as Dewar, la., ln signing the
airport register.
Attendants at the airport said
the weather was foggy when the
plane took off.
C. W. Blackwell of the Harllng
en airport staff said the cowling
of the plane was blistered, Indicat
ing It caught fire In the air. The
motor was torn from the wreck
age of the four-place cabin ship
(AP) A Jury voted here today to
hang Theodore Jordan, young
negro, for the murder of F. T.
Sullivan, white southern Pacific
dining ear steward of Oakland,
Cal., here last summer.
Milk Arbiters Chosen
Cities To Have Bureau
Cold Causes Four Fires
Multnomah Levy Reduced
land and president of the league,
will he In charge of the bureau.
MEDFORD, Ore., Deo. 10.-
(AP) Four Medford homes were
seriously damaged by fire to
night. The fires were caused by
hot stoves, as the coldest weather
of the year swept the Rogue river
valley. The mercury stood at 10
degrees above sero at 10 o'clock
The sky was clear, with a bitter
wind blowing. Slippery and ley
pavements hampered the firemen
Rogue river had lee clear across
In the upper Trail district, and
sero temperatures were reported
from the Butte Falls, Prospect,
and Union Creek districts.
The mercury registered four
degrees above this morning.
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 10.
(AP) The tax levy for Multno
mah county will be 1.9 mills less
ln 18SS than in 1932, the county
tax supervising and conservation
commission announced today upon
completion of its work of reduc
ing the budgets ot the five local
tax-levying bodies. '
City and county salaries are
scheduled to be cut from IS to SO
per cent.
Special Legislative Session is
Called by
Tackle Taxation Relief Problem
Small Taxing Bodies
Ones to be Rescued
State can get its Funds by Property Levy; aim
In Special Session is to Avoid Damaging
Counties, Cities; Issue Ramified
FOR better or for worse, the state administration has
crossed its Rubicon of indecision and summoned a special
session of the legislature. Governor Meier's announcement
ate Saturday that 90 senators
called to Salem to determine
or 1933 removes a matter which for a month has been a con
ference and press topic to the def- O-
inite determination ot the legisla
tive branch of government.
The questions that body faces
are these:
1. Shall the special session ln
the five days allotted it, provide
other sources of revenue than a
14 -mill property tax for state
purposes ln 193 37
2. It a substitute for a property
tax Is determined upon, shall it
be a sales tax, a higher Income
tax, a combination of both or some
other form ot taxation as yet un
Many newspapers and some leg
islators continue to declare that
the only real problem is one of
cutting state expenses; accom
plish this and no property tax.
sales tax or Income tax will be
Redncinsj Expense
Won't be Sufficient
The Inescapable fact, however,
is that one form of tax must be
levied for the state deficit has
grown so large and the provisions
of the state constitution are so
clear that an amount equal to a
3 V, -mill levy on real property
must be raised, no matter now
great the expenditure slashes may
Governor Meier has Indicated
informally that a general tax on
all retail sales would be extreme
ly advantageous ln meeting the di
lemma but it is to be noticed that
his eall for the special session
does not cite the sales tax as the
method the legislature must fol
low if it pleases the administra
tion. Plainly. Meier, himself a mer
chant, knows the sales tax will be
keenly. felt by the retailer ana ne
is perfectly willing that the solu
tion of the tax problem be passed
on to the legislature rather than
assumed by himself.
Moreover, the sales tax has al
ready been denounced by the state
grange which prefers a higher in
come tax. In the face of the de
feat of a higher Income tax No
vember 8, the administration has
evidently felt it unwise to at
tempt to do at the legislature what
the voters disapproved. However
if the legislators desire such a tax,
their wishes will be respected.
Situation Similar
To U. 8. Government's
Aa larlslators study the states
predicament closely they will find
tt not unlike that of the federal
government which has found ex
penses relatively as high as ln
nalmr days while its taxauon
sources have withered like flow
ers in a December storm. Unlike
the federal government, however.
the state eannot borrow to meet
Its deficit. Its sole borrowings
can be made only on taxes ln the
process of collection and when
this full limit has been borrowed
the state's ability to meet, its bills
Is gone. It must either get new
sources of revenue or let its pay
rolls go unpaid and Its bills
mount. For officers of the state
treasury department say there can
be no legal Interest-bearing war
rants issued by the state, except
against taxes levied and ln process
of collection. And Jf these taxes
are not made available, the state
Is at a financial Impasse.
In the final analysis, the spe
cial session is a move to help
school district, city and county fi
nances, rather than the state's
For Old Man Oregon, as a gov
ernment, can reach out Its collec
tion hand and take Its SH-mlll
tax, come what may, replenish
Its coffers and get along very
nicely. But meanwhile the local
districts will be that much more
Impoverished. With exery expec
tation that tax delinquency will
Increase In 1? SS. the plight of
many of these groups will be piti
ful. Insofar as their securities are
held by banks ln their territories,
as well as by Individuals who
need cash, not county, school dis
trict and city warrants and bonds,
the very commercial fabric of
many sections of the state is af
fected. It is altogether possible that
the special session will be so dis
organized, the time so short, the
conflicting voices and plans so
numerous, that nothing will be
done. In that event, tax relief
passed In the regular session will
come too late for by May 5, 1131,
the state property tax will have
(Turn to page S, eoL I)
Governor leier;
and representatives would be
upon a state policy of taxation
Maintaining Tariff one of
Recommendations Made
At Portland Meet
PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 10
(AP) F. J. Hagenbarth ot
Spencer, Idaho waa re-elected
president of the National Wool
Growers' association tor the 20th
successive year at the closing
session of the association's 6Sth
annual convention here today.
Alter Hearing committee re
ports and electing officers the
wool growers adjourned with the
expressed belief that Salt Lake
city would be their 1933 con
vention city, although official de
cision concerning the location
will not be made until the mid
summer meeting.
The keeping of Import duties
on all agricultural and livestock
and meat products and on raw
and manufactured wool; estab
lishment of duties on carpet and
floor covering wools; praise of
the Reconstruction Finance cor
poration for having been of "un
told value to the livestock and
agricultural Industries and to the
whole country but the sugges
tion of a more liberal attitude
on what constitutes "full and
adequate security"; criticism of
the federal land banks for what
was described as a general re
fusal to extend low rates of in
terest and amortization on graz
ing land; a program ot tax re
duction with the accompanying
demand that federal and state
appropriations for agriculture
be reduced only ln proportion to
appropriations for other pur
poses these were the recom
mendations made in the report of
the committee on general reso
lutions, which was read by E. 8.
Mayer ot Texas.
A unanimously adopted reso
lution urged that sale of the pub
lie domain to private Interests at
low prices on long term pay
ments Is the way to bring about
the ideal administration of pub
lic lands.
Maag, Employed
At Capitol Here
20 Years, Passes
William Maag, of 1208 Court
street, an employe at the state
capitol for 20 years, died at the
Good' Samaritan hospital In Port
land yesterday.
He Is survived by his widow, Es
ther Parker Maag of Salem; son,
H. Herbert Maag of Mill City;
daughter, Esther Green of Salem;
brother, Martin Maag of Wath
ena, Kans.
Funeral arrangements are ln
charge of the Clough-Barriek
mortuary and announcements will
be made later.
The Day in
(By the Associated Press)
Repubucaa leaders at con
ference discuss reorganization
. of party.
Farmers' relief delegates dose
convention with resolutions ad
vocating cash payment ot bonus
and recognition ot Russia.
Railroads ask interstate
commerce' commission to eat
tend rate Increases' but elim
inate pooling plan.
Grape growing industry repre
sentatives urge house ways and
means committee to legalise
Anti-Saloon league directors
decide fe call national confer
ence of prohibition organ tve
tfcHU to fight repeal and modi-flcatioa.
No Direct Mention Made of
Sales tax in Summons
Issued Last Night
Short Meeting to Adjourn
Before Regular Session
Starts January 9
Tuesday, January 3, the 1933
legislature of Oregon will convene
in this city in special sesaion to
consider the state's problems of
taxation and relief. Governor Jul
ius L. Meier Issued the formal
call late Saturday from his Port
land office.
The special session, called to
attack problems of taxation and
relief, will convene less than a
week before the regular session,
which will open January 9.
Governor Meier pointed out that
the special session Is called, even
if only a week before thp regular
session, because 90 days must
elapse following adjournment of a
legislative session before the laws
it enacted become operative.
Hence, a tax law passed at the
regular session would not take ef
fect until the last part of May, a
date considered too late to help
the tax situation, while tax meas
ures adopted at the special session
will be operative April 7.
No recommendation Is specifi
cally made as to the form the tax
program should take, but the ex
ecutive ln his statement said that
despite economies in state govern
ment, revenues have decreased to
the point' where they are insuffi
cient, and that a property tax
must be revived unless the legis
lature finds some other source of
No Direct Mention
Of Levy on Sales
In conferences between Gover
nor Meier and Businesss men and
legislators a sales tax has been
talked of sympathetically as an
emergency means of clearing up
the state's financial situation
without restoration of the prop
erty tax. Governor Meier's state
ment last night, however, did not
recommend this or any other spe
cific form of taxation.
It is believed mechanics of the
special session will be simple. Fol
lowing a caucus In Salem January
2, the senate and house will or
ganize January 3. Fred E. Kiddle
of Union county is understood al
ready to have sufficient votes
pledged to elect him president ot
the senate and Earl W. Snell of
Gilliam county likewise is said to
have enough votes pledged to
elect him speaker of the house.
Each presiding officer will appoint
a resolutions committee and a
committee on taxation. Senate acd
house committees on taxation will
meet Jointly. Legislators pointed
out last night that by suspension
of the rules the Joint committee
can launch Into hearings by Wed
nesday. This would allow three
days for hearings and the tax
measures could be passed Satur
day. The legislature would then
adjourn, to reconvene the follow
ing Monday for the regular ses
sion. Property Tax Held
Antiquated System
The governor's statement in
part follows:
"I have determined to convene
the 37th legislative assembly in
special session on January 3, 1933.
I have decided to take this action
ln order that a determination may
be had of the question as to
whether or not we shall retain as
part of our system for raising
state revenue the property tax.
handed down to us from feudal
"The elimination ot this anti
quated, burdensome and inequit
able tax from our state levy has
been and still is one of the major
ohjectlves of my administration.
"Furthermore, the state is faced
with the necessity of assuming a
share of the expense ot unem
ployment relief. Federal legisla
tion makes loans available to the
state for unemployment relief only
upon condition that the state shall
exhaust its available resources be
fore applying for federal aid. It
has been made perfectly dear to
us that If such action Is not taken,
we eannot turn to the federal gov
ernment for relief.
Additional Revenue
Not Needed, Claims
"Let me make it clear that the
tax question Is not one of finding
additional revenue to meet an in
creasing cost ot government. On
the contrary, the eost of state
government has been substantially
reduced during the present blen
nlum and will be drastically re-.,
dnced If the legislature follows the
recommendations contained in the
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