The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 10, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 10, 1932
Local News Briefs
Dare Car Damaged Jesse O.
Dare, rente four, yesterday re
ported that a wheel was smashed
on his automobile when It collid
ed with a machine driven by Rob
ert R. S?richton, of Albany, on the
Pacifio highway Thursday. The
Orlchton car was considerably
damaged. In bis report, Dare stat
ed that the Crichton machine was
traveling at a high rate of speed
and skidded 99 feet and landed
tn the ultch alter the collision.
One other accldont was reported
here yesterday: V. E. Newcombe,
40 Perry, and Edwin Pierce, at
Commercial and Myers streets.
Special communication. Pa-
U ciflc lodge No. 50, Sunday
?f morning 10:00 o'clock,
UM.ti Am.lA fnnaral
XaADUUlU iciuyio, tuuiu.
purposes, late Brother Paul M.
Hand. By Order Worshipful
Mas tor.
Two Industrial Deaths There
were two fatalities in Oregon due
to industrial accidents during the
week ending December 8. accord
ing to a report issued by the state
Industrial accident commission
here today. The victims were E.
M. Hollenbeek of Seaside and Ben
jamin . Tangen of Portland.
There were 343 accidents reported
to the commission during the
Men's all wool overcoats, special
$3.95. Miller's.
Study Problems The legisla
tive committee of the county tax
payers' league held a session at
the chamber of commerce yester
day to further consider recom
mendations which it will make to
License Granted A marriage
license was granted Friday at th
coarthoasa to John W. Slseha,
1460 Hlnes streek, truck driver,
and Haxel Oodkin, 1860 Center
street, housekeeper.
Pays $25 Fine Fred Phohl, ac
cused by his wlfa of assault and
battery upon person of their
daughter, pleaded guilty In justice
court yesterday and was fined $25
and costs.
Dorothy Chambers wishes to In
form her former customers that
she is now at the Model Beauty
Parlor. Tel. 7870.
Case Continued Oerbat Free
ken was haled into justice court
yesterday tar failing to obtain a
license tor his dog. He pleaded
guilty and the case was contin
ued. Wanted, used furniture.Tel.5110.
Brings Note Salt Suit to fore
close on a mortgage note for
$2000, was filed yesterday in cir
cuit court by Bessie M. Elofson,
who named Rich L. Reimann and
others as defendants.
Half Price on all ladies' purses
and b! lfolds, Frank E. Shafer,
170 S. Commercial St.
$362 in Estate The apprais
ed value of the estate of the late
Frank W. Hurlburt is $3362, ac
cording to a report filed Friday
In probate court here. W. H. Cald
well is administrator.
At Least for Time; all Seo
tions Irked at Antics
Of Weather
home Tuesday from a trio to
Portland with a load of Christ
mas trees, elk horn moss and
the main body at a meeting to be Bowman and son EUis returned
called by tho secretary. Mourners
of the committee are E. O. Wies
ner of North Howell, Frank Saal
feld of Gervals. Ronald Jones of
Brooks, G. W. Potts of Jefferson
and C. A. Ratclitfo of Salem
route 4.
Heavy bone-dry 16-inch cordwood.
Cut this spring from live saw log
timber. Immediate delivery. Chas.
K. 8paulding Logging Co. Tel.
Ob ituary
In this city, December 9, Paul
Martin Hand rp1dfnpa 1430
Suit Renewed An amenaed Tradft Rt 27 vars. hnsh&nd
complaint renewing the suit of of Maude stenstrom Hand, father
Cdward R. Hougham and L-ioya of Delmar Paul and James Arthur
J. Hougham against the City 01 Hand, both of Salem; brother of
Mt. Angel, was filed in circuit M R gut . Portlan(j. and
court here yesterday. Plaintirr nalf brotner of Harvey Davis and
seeks $7000 for alleged damages Pearl DaTi botft of D Io
8ILVERTON, Dec t. Charles
Davis, superintendent ot the 811-
verton water department, and his
helper. T. Blast, enjoyed a cold
pleci of work early Friday morn
ing. Before 6 o'clock the two mea
were oat at the Abiqua Intake,
cracking the ice front the settling
box, so that the water could flow
into the reservoir.
Davis and Blust have been kept
busy since the cold weather ar
rived turning off water and cor
recting water evils from the tros-
en pipes.
By Friday afternoon every
plumber In town was reported as
being "out" when further calls for
help arrived. The fire department
was called out four times Thurs
day and once before noon Friday,
A late call Thursday was to the
Roy McKensre home at Ills
South Water street, where a lan-
ten, used for thawing pipes, had
upset. The Friday morning call
was to the J. Gibson home, at 317
West Main street. This was
chimney fire. Not much damage
was done at any of the five fires.
LYONS, Dec. 9. Old Man Win
ter arrived here In person Wed
nesday night, bringing with him a
terrific east wind and a drop In
temperature to 18 degrees above
today. Cars are freezing on the
highway and everybody Is kept
busy trying to keep warm. At
noon today the. thermometer was
at 23 degrees with all indications
of a much lower drop tonight
than Wednesday night.
Flying Squirrel
Is Rarity; Found
In Old Fit Tree
Ralph Hook, while cutting
down a big fir tree on the
Old Hook homestead, sooth
of Mt. Angel, dislodged a
aeat ot three flying qnlr
One of the sqalrrels waa
hart when the tree fell and
waa killed and kept for a
specimen. The ether twa
eacaped Into tha woods.
Flying sqalrrels are a
rarity in this part of tha
country and these are tha
first that were seen la
many years.
done to their property from sew
age overflow from the city on
their land.
Men's wool flannel shirts, special
$1.49. Millers.
and Mrs. C. E. Reagan of Monte
rey, Calif. Funeral services will
be held Sunday, December 11, at
10 a. m. at W. T. Rlgdon A Son
Mortnary with Rev. H. C. Stover
officiating with the graveside
services In charge of Lodge No. 50
To Close Station The South
em Pacific company Friday serv- A. F. & A. M.
ed notice on the public utilities
Anmmininnar that it station at
t. nnna fmmtv wnnlrt be iiumiiiiuiri
aZZM Z n-Vw 22. Sus- In this city, December 8. Win!
pension ot lumber operations was Cottlndaffer of Brooks, age
said to be responsible for the clos- years wue ot .
mg oraer. mother of Billy, Curtis, Glenn and
Big value 5c sale continues Satur- a baby girl; sister of G. T. and F
day. Salem s Fetland. A. Molsan, both of Salem, G. J,
Mn!n nt florv.ia T. A Mnlmn
Meets Next Week The grand ... ruUnn v n MnUan of
jury was in session iu uj ' 1 Marahf leld. Fred and Hubert Mol
terday, nut no reports ww. ion.- Baa of Portiand, C. A. of Brooks,
coming. The jury win reconvene M Firman Nash of Macleay,
next Wednesday, when it is liKeiy Mf8 Nyg of Jet ferson and
to wore straignt mruusa us Mrs. Tercille DeJardin of Salem.
Quantity of matters which navel .ArTl(.oa wln k- v.1.1 c,1B
piled up tne past m or d&y December 11, at 1:30 p. m.
weeas. from w. T. Rledon & Son Mortu-
LIBERTY. Dec. 9. The sud
den cold weather certainly caught
evoryone unprepared for it. Even
the local school furnace was not
on the Job Thursday. After all
mannner of stoking and persua
sion, the primary room themo
meter reached only 50 degrees
and the fifth and sixth grade room
60 degrees, these being on the
north side of the building. Only
nine primary pupils were present
and they were sent home at noon
to avoid catching cold.
Wool scarfs, gloves, hosiery, for
36 Jobs Reported Reports
turned Into the U. B.-Y. M. u. A.
employment bureau yesterday
arr with interment in the Masonic
cemetery at Gervals, Oregon.
At the home ot her daughter In
riu-ST";tw Mrert for Kanaas City, Mo.. Mrs. Sarah W.
" - ' " J . ,i t- a t u
county road work, D. D. Dotton. 7"" Ui , n- n
assistant manager, announced, of Albuquerque. N. M., Dr. Ger-
,-rrt.T at trade Stevens, of Kansas City,
" ' v-. V I W- T CV
i.). I mu., ciuu alio. u. iu. oumu
Klamath Falls, Oregon; sister of
Miss R. T. Smith ot Salem. Funer
al services will be held Monday,
December 12, at 3 p. m. from W.
T. Rlgdon & Son Mortuary.
The Vogue Shop has moved from
Guardian Bldg. to 161 N. Liberty.-
Dr. Adams Here Dr. Kinley K.
Adams has moved his dental of
fice from Reedsport to Salem and
has taken offices here in the First Hanson
National Bank building. His wife At ths residence In Fruitland,
and three children acompanied December 8, Harry Clay Hanson,
him. age 45 years. Hnsband of Alta,
. father of Gladys. Kenneth, Harold
we nave tne largest hd k : and Dwlght. Funeral announce-
flles' overnignt cases in saiem M ments later by W. T. Rlgdon
SUCH pnceB H5 llSTOt ueivis, ' I Osn
K. scaler, X(U S. tuuiuicrewi,
Lawrence Resigns Cyrus Law-
rtnee. who Is connected with Bat
tery O, 218th FWd Artillery, In
Portland, has resigned as second
lieutenaat of the organisation. It
was announced at military head
quarters here Friday.
Insurance written on monthly pay
meats. Homer H. Smith, Phone
MT. ANGEL, Dec. 9. Four
new 4H clubs have been organised
at the grade school here for the
new club year. Those enrolled for
the Health club, under the lead
ership of Anna Bigler, are: Vir
ginia Kohoe, Harold Bourbonnals,
Consuella Gregush, Margaret
Frank, Michael Welton, Wllhel
mena Schatfers, Margaret Guit
tard, Joseph Hettwer, Josephine
Blaly, La Vita May, Gertrude
Schaecher, Virginia Koppes and
Catherine Clouse.
There are two cooking clubs;
Delphine Ebner has charge of the
first and tha members are: Laura
Mae Kruse, Walter Poepping,
Josephine Bialy, JosephTHettwer.
Raymond Le Doux, Gertrude
Schaecher, Clarence Ebner, Emma
Zach, Marcella Seller, Virginia
Koppes and Catherine Clonse.
Foirens Dehler is leader of the
other cooking club in which Mad
len Keber, Mary Beth Brockhaus,
Laura Bartnik, Dolores TJllman,
Irene Berning, Dolores Annen,
Anastasia Buchhelt, Wilhelmena
Schatfers, Margaret Frank, Anna
Wampach and Werner KImllnger
are enrolled.
Margaret Gllles, Rose Kraemer,
Thrasilla Barr, Virginia Kehoe,
Irene Berning, Consuella Gregush,
La Vita May, Frances Bell and
Margaret Guettard form the Sew
ing club, and their leader is
Helen Froammel.
Several other clubs are waiting
for the approval ot the state club
leader, at Corvallls, before they
can be organized.
Operetta is
Sunday Event
At Mt. Angel
MT. ANGEL, Dec. I A very
special treat is In store for music
lovers In the form of the operetta,
"In Old Virginia" to be staged at
the academy auditorium next Sun
day. It is a tale ot the old south
and unfolds the trials and humor
ous escapades of a southern girl
In love with a northern army offi
cer. Much of the comedy Is fur
nished by the negress, Martha
Washington Johnson, and the
pickaninnies are also very
The singing and muslo promise
to be very good and typical of the
locale of the story. 3. M. Beat-
rrlce, one of the ablest musicians
of this vicinity. Is In charge and
has spared nothing to make the
operetta a musical delight long to
be remembered. Special and ap
propriate orchestral numbers have
been arranged and chorus and
dance features added. Arlene SI
mon as the Moon Moth does a very
Deauuiui ana artistic dance.
The cast Is as follows:
Virginia Longworthy. Diana
Moore; Capt. Noel Norton. Henri
etta Saalfeld; uncle Ross (Pap
py), Eleanor Schmidt; Mammy
Lize, Mary Louisa LeDoux; Har
riet Longworthy, Edna Lee
Moore; Martha Washington John
son, Anna Bigler; Aunt Ellen,
Claudia Donnelly; Georgia, Agnes
Walker; pickaninnies, Mary Bee
Zollner, Sophie Weldinger, Arlene
Dardls, Maxine Berning; chorus
girls, Dorothy-Schwab, Arlene Si
mon, Wenona Jette, Emily Kout
ney, Eustelle Bauman, Olive
Klinger, Mary Elisabeth Wels,
Georglana Bourbonls, Maty Gros
Jaques; Moon Moth, Arlene Si
mon; flowers, Mary Stahl, Helen
Brockhaus, Anna May Schledler,
Veronica Shindler, Cecilia Bochs
ler, Arlene Zollner.
Orchester, Silver Bell Over,
tures, Down South, Salute to the
Colors, Old Timer's Walts.
JUDGE en em
Roosevelt's Plurality of
77,852 Second Highest
Canvass Reveals
The largest plurality of any
person on tha ballot at the recent
general election was polled by
Henry I. Bean, non-partisan can
didate for reelection to tha office
of asaoclata Justice of tha state
supreme eoirt, according to the
official canvass completed by the
state department yesterday.
Bean led Roy R. Hewitt, his
opponent, by 8 1,3 1 X votes. Bean
polled a total ot 109.81s votes
while Hewttt received 128,417
Franklin D. Roosevelt, demo
cratic nominee for president, se
cured the second highest plur
ality, with a lead ot 77,818 over
Herbert Hoover, his republican
opponent. The official vote, aa
announced by the secretary ot
state, gave Roosevelt 218.871:
Hoover 181,019; Thomas, social
1st. 15,450; Reynolds, socialist-
labor, 1780, and Foster, com
munlst. 1881.
Rufus C. Holm an, republican.
obtained a plurality of 49,505
votes over J. W. Maloney. demo
crat. In the contest for state
treasurer. Holman received 187.-
788 votes as against 138,221 for
Maloney. Frederick Stelwer, re
publican nominee for United
States senator, led Walter G lea-
son, democrat, by 48,978 votes
Stelwer polled 18 6,2 19 votes,
while Gleasoa received 137,287
Hal S. Hoss, republican, for
secretary of state, defeated Ray
H. Wlsecarver, democrat, by 31,-
811 votes. Tha official canvass
credited Hoss with 188.128 votes
and Wlsecarver 183,812 votes.
In tha contest tor attorney gen
eral I. H. Van Winkle, republican
incumbent, led Alfred P. Dobson,
democrat, by 17.848 votes, Yaa
Winkle received a total ot 117.-
264 votes while Dobson polled
149,918 votes.
Official retarns tn the congres
sional contests gave the follow
First district. James W. MotL
republican. 82,448: Harvey O.
starkweather, democrat. 60,086
Second district. Walter M.
Pierce, democrat. 30,219; Robert
K. Butler. renabUcaa. 28.169.
Third district. Charles Mar
tin, democrat. 74,397; Homer D.
AngeU, republican. 49.680.
Bantoa was the only county In
Oregon which was carried by
rresiaent Hoover. Ha received
approximately 1009 plurality In
that eourty. Close contests tor
president were reported In Doug
las, riood River and Lane conn
lies. Koosevelt's lead la these
counties ranged from 300 ta 609
The vote cast at the general
election was the largest in the
history of Oregon.
Labor Council to
Give New Year's
Dance for Relief
The Salem Trades and Labor
council yesterday announced plans
to hold a benefit dance and enter
tainment In Chambers hall, North
High street, the night ot Decern
ber 30 to obtain relief funds for
organised laborers and tradesmen.
M. Clifford Moynlhan Is chairman
In charge.
Through the central labor conn
ell, the needs of unemployment
members are cared for as tar as
Mrs. W. F. "Grandma" Thorn
as, well-known resident of West
Salem where she had lived tar
tha past 34 years, died unex
pectedly Friday after suffering a
paralytic stroke. "Grandpa
Thomas preceded her In death
last Jane.
Mrs. Thomas was a member ot
the Ford Memorial church. She
waa born ia Indiana, later mov
ing to Missouri, then to Oklaho
ma and Kansas and from there
to Oregon la 1903. Ia Oregon,
they settled first near Gaston,
then coming to West Salem.
Funeral services will be held
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the Salem mortuary, with Rev.
John Evans of West Salem offi
ciating and Interment in the
City View cemetery.
Mrs. Thomas Is survived by
four children: Arthur Thomas ot
Bellfonntaln, Albert of Salem, L
W. ot West Salem and Mrs.
Frank Lamb of West Salem.
Dr. Pound Speaks
At Lincoln P. - T.
Meet Wednesday
Dr. B. F. Pound, a represen
tatlve of the state organization
of the Parent Teacher assocla
tlon, spoke at the meeting of
tha Lincoln group association at
the Lincoln school Wednesday
night. Dr. Pound dealt largely
with matters1 of legislation that
may affect the schools ot the
state In the next tew months.
The main entertainment ot the
evening was the singing of
Christmas carols by the sixth
grade pupils of the school. Miss
Kllea Sernie, teacher of the
sixth grade represented . tha fac
ulty of tha school ia a talk on
Ia spite of tha cold weather
a early 69 of tha members at the
groap atteaded at tha meeting.
The 19 bakeries la Salem have
payroll of over 100 employe
and manafacture bread and pas
tries ta the value of 8340,854
annually, pointed out Ralph H.
Kletzing Thursday in the first of
a series of short talks to be
given at Lions cub meetings con
cerning Salem Industries. Sail
ing listed specific expenditures ot
the 10 bakeries each year as fol
lows: Flour 343,473.17, miscellan
eous ingredients 363,357.
wrapping 318,267.43, miscellan
eous expenses 316,20'. 91, taxes
32741, Insurance 33473.46. anto
mobie supplies 319,289.50. and
labor 378.007.18.
"Our Lion member. Art Gard
ner, Is sales manager, for the
Cherry City Baking company."
said Kletsing. "This company em
ploys 54 Salem people. The bak
ery has a capacity of 18.00
loaves ot bread. They supply Sa
lem and territory within 50 mUe
of here. Their plant occupies a
full quarter block. They prodiue
a complete line of bakery goods
Including cakes, doughnuts ai d
54 different kinds of bread.
Gardner has been with the Cher
ry City Baking compsny eiirht
Kletilng added that the local
bakeries are an Important factor
in relief work and reported that
the .Cherry City company donates
3200 worth of foodstuffs month
ly to charities here.
Rotary May Erect
Cabin for Troop
One, Boy Scouts
Decision to sponsor plans for
erecting a cabin meeting-place for
Boy Scouts ot troop one was
reached by members of the Rotary
club scout committee who met at
the Market coffee shop yesterday
noon. The group decided , plans
should be drawn up, costs estimat
ed and a tentative site selected,
then reported to the club execu
tive committee. W. L. Phillips,
club president, presided.
V. P. McNamara and Lyle Bar
tholomew were appointed to draw
the pi&ns and determine the cost
of the undertaking; Dr. B. F.
Pound, Lee M. Unrnh, and W. J.
Buslck, to seek out a suitable
building site.
Ia this city, December 9, Mc
Donald Keeney, residence 1210
Garnet St.. husband of Minnie
Keeney; father of Mrs. Grace Se
hon. W. R. Keeney and Warren
Keeaey, ail of Salom, Mrs. Mable
Barton of Wiley. Colorado, Mrs.
James Stout, Sheldon, Wash., and
Dentil Keeney ot Seattle. Funeral
services Monday, December 12. at
11a m Rev. H O. Humnhrev of-
Says Not Guilty Charles An- flCutlng, Interment Belcrest Me-
derson, charged wnn giving at momi cemetery.
check without suincient lunas.
pleaded not guilty in justice court
yesterday. lie wan reieasea on nu
own recognizance pending near-
In this city December 9, Orsen
Bismark Pbelps, age 58 years,
hnsband of Rachel Phelps; father
. nt HIItIm. JimM Phe.lns of Salem:
off on eacn pair " v.. " tKiV o
One Dollar
shoes In our window, Frank E
Shafer, 170 8. Com-nerclal St
Loea Returns Bev. Robert
Loeb has returned to Salem after
an absence of some time and will
brother ot Marcus Phelps of Can
ada. Funeral announcements later
by W. T. Rigson & Son.
In this dty, December 9, John
Aur th sftrmen at the Cartw Handberg. Remains will be tor-
school house next Sunday morning warded to Portland for interment
Dog Licenses to
Be Cut Down to
Dollar, Expected
Dog licenses for 1933 In Marion
county will probably be reduced
to 81 for males and S3 for fa-
males with the penalty for lata
payment after March 1 nut at 81
for either class of dog. This waa
Indicated Friday at the court
house. Heretofore license for fe
males have cost 33 and for males
33 with a 82 penalty added for
late payment. First charge against
the dog license receipts has bean
payment to sheep owners for ani
mals lost through dog killings.
The balance left this year and
turned into the general fund will
be about 36000.
at '11 o'clock.
by W. T. Rlgdon & Son.
Band tonlte
In this city, December 9, Mrs.
T.nntaa Thfim gpitcl 7S Mother
y-..i mm. a.. 1, I -o-- .
sues u "we of Mrs. Clara Lamb, of West Sa
lem, Arthur Thomas, of Belfoun
tain, I. W. Thomas, of West Sa
lem, A. F. Thomas, of Salem. Fu
neral services Monday December
12, at 2 p. m., from tbe chapel
ot tha Salem Mortuary 6 45 Nortl
Capitol street. Interment City
View cemetery.
o o
quiet title was filed in circuit
court yesterday by C. H. Bowen
aealnst Mary E. Johnson and
Coming Events
December 13 Salem Mac
Dowell dab concert; Mies
Mary Sennits, violinist.
December IB Willam-
titte aniverslty starts two
weeks' holiday vacation.
vwember 10 Citr-wide
caavass for clothes for nee
At oeople. Bor Scouts mak-
tig caavass for Community
December 20-26 Two
day Christmas holiday.
Jan nary 1-9 Two-day
Sow Tear's holiday.
McAllister To Mr. and Mrs
Vernon J. McAllister, Shaw route
1, a boy, Leonard Darrel, born
December 8.
Sullivan To Mr. and Mrs Sullivan, 2450 West
Nob HU1 street, a girl, Patricia
born November 29 at the resl
Johnaos To Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Johnson, of Albany, an eight
pound girl, born December 8, at
tha Bangaiow Maternity moms?
Robertson Will
Talk at Church
Lii. uoi. u. A. Robertson, re
cently returned from Europe af
ter a tour of daty in connection
with the 1931-32 TJ. S. Army
War college, will speak Sunday
night at the American Lutheran
church on "Soviet Russia and
World Peace." His War College
dnty included economic Invest!
gations In Soviet Russia. Col
Robertson served through the
world war, quitting the service
as assistant military attache at
Percentage of
Accident Claim
Appeals Small
Charges that refusal by the
state Industrial accident eommls
tlon to pay many claims filed by
Injured workmen, had resulted m
a material Increase la tha number
of appeals to tha courts, were de
nied Friday by Charles T. Early,
chairman ot the commlssloa.
Figures were presented by Ear
y to show that out of 20,612
claims filed with the commission
during the period January 1 to
November 30, of this year, only
96 were appealed to the courts
for final consideration.
The percentage of appeals was
one-half of one-tenth ot one per
cent, Early said.
Foreclosure on
Property Asked
Five actions to foreclose mort
gage notes were Instituted la cir
cuit court here Thursday, piaia
tiffs ask that delinquent taxes, la-
terest and costs be added to the
principal sum sought la tha fore
closure. Suits filed were: Nsw
Tork Life Insurance company
against Florence M. Parr, and
others, 32000: K. T. Tuv against
M. I. C. Arnold and others, 38.-
000; Union Central Life Insur
ance company against Herman W.
Stelnke and others, 31892; Z. J
KEIZER, Dec. 9 Due ta the
cold weather, the cooked food and
basaar sale planned for Saturday
has been postponed until next
SILVERTON, Dec. 9 Two fires
called the Silverton department
out Thursday around noon. The
first call was to a chimney fire at
the E. F. Clower hone at 607
Whlttier street. The second caM
was to the B. A. Pitney home. Net
ther tire did much damage. In
tha morning a chimney fire was
checked at MKoUn'a tome. T04
t North Second,' ci-npfnvrn vz-&.
Invalid Chairs
to Rent
Call 69 IO. Csed Furniture
151 North High
We IHIave JTtioott 3nrn$)ll3t3:eQl
THhupee IMg HDeaHo Son
Ladies' Silk Hose, Leather Handbags
and Men's Sox
Lost year we were very fortunate in our buying and gave the greatest values
offered in Salem and at that time we were sure we would never he able to
approach either the values or our tremendous sales of the month of December.
This year after holding out with the manufacturers to the last minute they
have come to our terms and we have confirmed orders by wire that will
give us the opportunity to offer even greater values than in our record break'
ing season of 1931.
Greatest Values Offered in This Century!
The Celebrated
Rollins Runstop Hose
With the Lace Tops
A gift of Rollin's hose
carries with it a superior
knowledge of merchan
dise and denotes the giv
er as a careful buyer.
Rollins is received by all
women as the aristocrat
of hose. Our fortunate
buy places over one hun
dred dozen of these
wonderful $2 values at
the special holiday sale
price of
The finest satin lined
dull leather bags that $5
ever bought. Twenty
dozen of these bags at
an unheard of discount,
and we are going to sell
every one of them before
Christmas and to do this
we are going to mark
them only
All sizes from 9 to 1 3 in
every known material.
I 1 7 dozen in the lot
bought at less than half
price, many of them sell
ing from 50c to 75c per
pair. We bought these
sox so we can sell them
5 pairs for
$ 00
Men's Sox
First time in your whole life that you cn wear f , ! an ((
either brown, black or gny Pure Silk Sox, the Jf pailS S UU
kind yon have always paid jl.00 per pair for and S II
get them for v lOf
Men's, Women's and Children's House Slippers Are
Displayed in Our Windows at Greatly
Reduced Prices
Chiropodist and Foot Specialist la
attendance. Examination Fret
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Repair man, expert worlc Cripple
hoes and corrections a specialty