V PAGE FOUR . . li OREGON STATESMAN Salera, Oregon, Saturday MorafagJ December 10, 1932 ' - " ' " ' ' - ' i I m, I i r.ii i i t li i i ,J , i, .i i i ! i r MS&tam 1 The Book of the Month . "No Favor Sways Vs; No Fear Shall Atoe" From First Statesman, March 18, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Spracut. Editor-Manager SHELDON F. Sackctt ----- Managina Editor Member of the Associated Press . Tb( Awoclated Press la exclusively entitled te the dm for pabllcit tkm or all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited Iff tela toper. ADVERTISING Portland Representative Oordon a Bell. Security Building, Portland, Ore, Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith a Branson, lac. Chicago, New York, Detroit, Boston, Atlanta. Entered at the Postoffiee at Salem, Oregon, at Second-Class Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Business office, r?5 S. Commercial Street. a m ,, , , , , na mm mm iiiibii SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Mail Subscription Rates. !n Adrance. Within Oregon : Dally and gundiiy. 1 Mo. 50 cents: S Mo ll.-'S: Ma f 2.JS ; 1 year $4 00 Elsev-here (0 cents per Mo., or $5 00 for I year In advance. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month; $5.94 a year In advance. Per Copy 3 cent a On trains ami News Stands I cents. "Obsolete Men ' THE magazine "Fortune" in its December number devel opa the subject of the permanent; displacement of men in industry through the introduction of machinery. The subject is not at all new, and has had recent critical study by a group of scientists the fruit of whose labor has been made public under the subject of "Technocracy". From the time of the riots in Lancashire over the introduction of pow er looms to the present there have been intermittent per iods of revolt against the machine which was regarded as the foe to employment. Until recent years economists con vinced the general public that the machine was a blessing and not a curse ; but the late increase in unemployment has given the machine fresh disfavor until by some it is re garded as the "bete noir" of modern life. According to "Fortune" "the rapid acceleration of pro duction of machine energy has already rendered a part of the human race obsolete and a further part obsolescent". It further states that if on the first of next month production hould be resumed at 1929 figures "there still would remain an unemployed population variously estimated at four to six million". So the question arises : Are these men obsolete? Will there be no place for them in the economic scheme? While there be a rich and prosperous nation with millions enjoying the fruits of machine labor and at the same time millions outside the circle who are doomed to permanent poverty and destitution? There are those social students who look upon the fu ture with dread, who see the social order growing progres sively worse until civilization will collapse in one grand crash, or else subside steadily into the morass the same as it has been doing for three yeara. It is true that there have been times in recent months when conditions made even the stout-hearted quail, and fears for the very security of government and the social or der arose. The dislocations were so extreme, the remedial processes so ineffective, the disintegration so progressive, that one came to wonder if even the foundations would hold. In such a frame of mind one takes the most gloomy view of the future; and his mind quickly accept the prediction that even if recovery' comes the machine will work fresh ills for immankiri. Fortunately that mood appears now to be pass ing. The indications are that the masonry and timbers of our political and economic order will stand the strain. With this atmosphere of pessimism lifting perhaps we can examine more dispassionately the claims of those who like the writer in "Fortune" see only the millions of "obsolete men" in the )-ars stretching ahead. Granted that the machine has solved the problem of production, what remains is the problem of distribution of the goods produced. For it is still inconceivable there the wants of humanity have reached the point of satiety. There may be saturation points for particular items like bread and automobiles, but there are countless other items which peo ple would buy if they had the means to purchase. Our chief breakdown came, not through "overproduction" but through overspeculation and breakdown in the credit structure, lo cally and internationally. The country was very largely ab sorbing all that it produced in the prosperous years. The problem of the future then resolves itself largely into one of the allocation of the rewards of industry. In stead of piling up the profits of factories in a few hand3, there should be the scattering into more hands. Particular ly should there be less of savings and investment by the wealthy classes and more of consumption of consumers goods by the masses. We must recognize that the processes of wealth creation are no longer just individual, but to a very great degree social. Instead of clinging to the econ omy which permits the individual to retain the lion's share of the socially created wealth, society must insist on wider distribution of the benefits of the machine age both to la bor and to consumers. As "Fortune" recognizes, even the obsolete men are needed as consumers in order to keep fac tories operating and farms producing. The machine has put many out of work; on the other hand it has created vast markets which call for the em ployment of millions of workers. Consider the home for ex ample. In the matter of laundry the primitive woman took garments to the creek and beat them clean with stones in the running water. She made her own soap. The tub and the washboard saved the trip to the stream, and gave em ployment to hundreds in the tub and washboard factories, and back of them in the woods and in the metal mines and mills. Later the washing machine came in, doing the same work which was formerly crudely done in the running stream, or laboriously at the washboard; but providing far more employment in the factories and at the sources of raw material used in the manufacture. Various soaps and bleach es, made in factories, are also in demand for the home laun dry. This is merely one illustration of how markets are con stantly expanding, calling for new armies of laborers, and making valuable contributions to the comfort of human life at the present time. Here are some of the newer inventions which have employed more labor than they have driven out of jobs : motion pictures, radio, automobiles, bed springs, furnaces. There remain great areas only partially developed where human wants are still unsatisfied: travel, reading, housing, air conditioning. These will call for fresh employ ment and not reduced employment v We have had the power machine for well over a hun dred years. Instead of judging its vice or virtue by the pres ent distressful situation we should look back over the cen tury and note its effects. Not only has it lifted the burden from the back of slaving millions, shortening their workday, lightening the loads, but it has brought comforts and con veniences never dreamed of in the past The lowly today are in better condition physically than the rich of two cen turies ago. The population of Europe in the year 1800 was only 180,000,000. In 1914 the population of the continent was 460, 000,000. In just a little over a century the population more than doubled. Now if "Fortune" is right in its implications Europe should turn back the clock of time and give "ob solete men" more jobs through hand labor in fields, hand power at the oars of ships, hand power digging ditches and " moving materialist. tbemaraatkQS.dwpxftve3 fcncJi.J9LPrct BITS for BREAKFAST By R. J. HENDRICKS- McLoughlln'g answer to aplee: S (Continuing from yesterday:) " 'Their landa ar inraded.' "Thlg ia true, but in proportion to numbers the lands of more American citizens have been In vaded than of British subjects. The only claims of British sub jects that have been inraded ara mine, Mr. McTarish's when he had it (but the invader was put off by the organization) and my son s and the Hudson's Bay com pany premises. And mine and Mr. McTavish's which now belong- to my son were invaded because of our connection with the Hudson's Bay company, to which the Amer icans were incited by the Meth odist mission (by their Baying we covered those plans with our names to keep them for the Hud son's Bay company), who treated them with every courtesy and po liteness, I may say kindness, still forgetful of their sacred calling; underhand from political and nat ural enmity excited their country men as much as they could against us and for no other rea son but that the Hudson's Bay company is a British company supporting British interest and, after all, as far as my experience goes, I have found British sub jects just as keen at catching at an opportunity to benefit them selves (and that at Instances to my cost) as these American back woodsmen, which leads me to "What motion picture and what actor or actress has been yonr fa vorite for this year?" Answers to this question were sought bx Statesman reportera yesterday. Rex Wirt, newsboy: "My favor ite skow waa You Said a Mouth ful', Joe Brown. I like Constance Cummins best" Lynn Martin, high school stu dent: "I liked Harold Lloyd in Movie Crazy' best but my favorite actor is Douglas Fairbanks. He was good in those sword fighting pictures." . Mrs. Ralph Curtis, housewife: "I liked 'Blessed Event- best. It was a rapid-fire play. Ruth Cbat terton remains my favorite actress despite The Crash' which was hurriedly put together and not a good picture." New Views cedure; for it has been only through the machine age that urope has had its expansion of population. The same thing has been true in America. If we abolished our machinery our people would starve and the land would revert to thinly populated, scantily fed and supported districts in the more fertile portions of the continent. This does not deny the reality of technological unem ployment. It has existed and does exist; and calls for en lightened treatment. But our major problem is not one of employment but of distribution of the products of employ ment. The solution is not the smashing of the machine, but greater social control of machine production. We take this means of passing the word to old man Talmadge that the Cherry sisters are planning a comeback. In tho long ago these girls toured the network east of the Missouri, and in city and Tillage, sometimes to accompaniment of cabbages and eggs, sang their famous ditty: "Cherries ripe and cherries red; Cherry sisters still ahead." We are sure the "sago of Salem" washed tho Ink off his fingers on the old roller towel and put on a stiff-bosom shirt properly to greet the Cherry sisters when they came to his town. Coach Pop Warner is leaving Stanford to coach at Temple university. We did not know that Temple went ia for football in such a big way. It was founded by Russell Conwsll ("Acres of Dia monds") and wiia originally designed aa a school for people who had to work and could only put in part time at lessons. Still, since football players are also recruited from the "workers". Temple should bo able to muster a good team. Mayor via of Forest Grove Its deijtNa if only the other suppose that human nature is pretty much the same all over the world. " 'Themselves insulted.' "This also is news to me, and I believe to every person in the country, and that they will ac knowledge their perfect ignor ance of a single Instance of the kind, and to which the officers of the Hudson's Bay company would not submit. It is true they thought they were not to con sider themselves insulted because an ignorant man was wanting In manners or because he thought to hava a better right to a piece of land than they had and at tempted to establish his right In the only way the law ad mitted. S S " 'They now require the pro tection of the British govern ment.' The Hudson Bay company's officers require the protection of the British government for the security of British property, but more particularly for the main tainance of British rights from the aggression of people who I may say are publicly encouraged to it by the people and authori ties of the United States by promises of donations of land which the British government has not noticed at least if It has it has never come to my knowledge and Mess. Warre and Vavasour might have added If they had thought proper that when application was made Brit ish officials had not deigned to notice it. And as for themselves the officers of the Hudson's Bay company require no protection. As men and gentlemen they are fully as much esteemed and re spected as any individuals la the country. S " 'Against the very people to the introduction of whom they hare been more than accesssory.' This is another piece of Intel ligence to me, and I think I have good opportunity for ob taining information but never knew the Hudson's Bay com pany's officers had been acces sory to the Introduction of these Daily Thought "It Is conceivable that religion may be morally usefnl without be ing intellectualy sustainable." J. S. M1U. haa Dramiaed him Htr & rnrtlAn I towns could find a. 4ri& fTjiHn '"I people. It is true they defeated many American traders la fair opposition la doing this they conducted themselves so that the Hudson's Bay companr nor any .V.I. -l J - ui men uwu ineuui uave iu; cause to be ashamed of their ! conduct, as their defeated oppon- I anta are tha first to leVnnvladrii their fair dealing and honorable conduct. If this renders us more than accessories to the intro duction of these people we must bear the consequences and can not help it, as we must acknowl edge the fact; but to me, though I may be misinformed and there fore mistaken, it always seemed that this was due to the great influx of American missionaries to prevent whose coming I do not know that the Hudson's Bay company officers had the right or the power. The state ments of the country these mis sionaries sent to their friends circulated through the United States in the pupllc papers was me remote cause, ana tne en couragement held out in Linn's bill of 640 acres of land to a man, 320 to a woman, and 160 to all under IS, and the silence of the British government, were more than accessories to the In troduction of these very people, and certainly not I or any offi cer of the Hudson's Bay com pany whose obligation it was, whatever might be their feelings, to do their duty, mind their busi ness and take care of the Hud son's Bay company affairs under their charge and leave those of government to the proper au thorities whose duty it was to at tend to them and give the prop- fir autlority for the purpose. Fol owlng these principles, I assisted the immigration of 1843, 1844, IS 45, w! the loan of boats to transport their families am prop erty from The Dalles to the Wil lamette and assisted the immi grants of 184S with means to sow in 1844, so as to be able to assist the immigration expected in the fall. Ia doing this I was fulfilling the duties of human ity, which calls on us to assist our fellow creatures la distress, as several of tho immigrants were very til and required to he transported to Vancouver as soon as possible for the benefits of medical assistanco, and though some died there, certainly more would If I had not afforded them prompt assistance and while acting as I did I was only ful filling the duties of humanity. Still I was also pursuing the conduct most conducive to the In terest of tho Hudson's Bay com pany's affairs under my charge. and while I did only what the necessity of the case required. but as it was done in a proper manner it was appreciated as it I had not lent boats to trans port them as goon as possible to the Willamette, if the Columbia froze before they got to the Wil lamette (and I hare known the Columbia to freeze In the be ginning of December), they would have been on our hands at Vancouver and we would hare to feed them, as of course they could not bo allowed to starve, and, besides tho expense, it would cause ns a great deal of trouble and inconvenience. Mis understandings would arise be tween them and us which might lead to great evils. I assisted tho immigrants of 184S with means to put a crop in tho ground in the spring of 1844 and urged them to exert themselves to raise wheat so aa to be able to assist the Immigrants expected that fall to guard against a famine in the country in 184S and as peo ple will not aUow their families to starve when provisions are in their reach, and If we had not assisted them, Vancouver would have been destroyed. The world would hare said we were treated in the manner onr inhuman con duct deserved. The character of the Hudson's Bay company and of its officers from the governor rn h tw rrnsa rut aNImam ma e 1 f h nn. uk rnmntnv'i i.n.t.a.. "THE BLACK SWAN" Baf SYNOPSIS n It tho roar 16H. no iamr" aalliag f rota tho West ladies for Eagiaaa la capture by tho cot throat Tosa Leach, who, on hoard Us reeneL The Black Swaa." has loaf terrorised ahlao o tho Span ish Mala. Psse agora aboard the "On tsar" are Priadna Harradiae, dauhtor of tho lata Sir Xeha Ear- radhee, Capiala-Geswral of tho Lee ward Isles; Major Sands, Sir John's saMdle-afei aaristaat. who hopes to asarry rMacfllai aad Moaaiear Charles do Bonus, gaUaat, yosmg Freaehasaa. Do Bonis was a Boa tenant of tho 110101008 buccaneer. Henry Menam who reformed to onUr the service of his King aad rid tho seas of pirates. Morgan haa offered a reward for tho capture of Leach. After aetsiac the "Centaar,' Loach ia orders the captala aad crow. Tho passengers are spared a Uke fate throogh Do Bends' wit, He latrodaces Priadna as his wife and tho Major aa hla brother-la- law. He then tells the pirate chief a coarindag story aboat his leav lag Msrgaa to search; for Leach aad enlist an aid la capturing a Spanish plate leot worth a king's raaaosa. It is agreed that Do Bermia la to take eoamaad of the "Cea- Unr" aad lead Leach la The Black Swaa to tho treasare. Major (Saads, who dislikes Do Berais bo ' cause of Priodna's Interest la the Frenchman, believes the French aa to bo la league with Leach. De Berais assures PriadDa and the skeptical Major that they are ia no immediate danger. Later, Pris riUa defends Do Bends agaiast the Major's criticism, CHAPTER TWENTY Monsieur do Be mis paced the high poop of the Centaur ia the starlit, moonless, tropical night. His tall figure could bo seen by those In the waist below, sharply silhou itted In black against the golden glow of the great poop-lamp as in his padngs ho crossed and re- trossed tho ambit of its light. An eighth of a mile or so astern chree tall poop-lamps showed where Tom Leach followed ia the Cen taur's phosphorescent wake. As a result of the softened wind. he night waa hot, and most of the buccaneers who now made op her now were above decks. They rwarmed ia the waist and under the booms amidships on which the boats were stowed. There slush- lamps glowed like gigantic fireflies. About these they gathered in groups, at sovea-and-eleven, and in termittently the rattle of dice la the pannikins that did duty as dice- boxes would merge Into tho noise ef their chatter and laughter with aa occasional explosive oath or the loud calling of a main. Monsieur do Be mis heard little and heeded less of all this. His mind waa preoccupied, turning inwards, away from his senses, to resolve a problem with which he was con fronted. Towards midnight he came down tho companion, and took his way towards the gangway leading to the eabln. Near the entrance to this, Wogan aad HaHiwell leaned against a bulkhead at tho break ef the poop ia muttered talk. They feu silent at his approach, and gave him good-night as he passed them. Tho entrance to the gangway was a black cavern. The slush-lamp winging there to light it had been extinguished, aad as de Be mis stepped into the gloom ho was aware- for his perceptions were now restored to their normal keen ness that something morod there very softly. He checked, to bo In stantly reassured by a relee, breathing a word with ghostly soft ness. "Monsieur I" He went on, following the farvis ble and Inaudible Pierre who had Jury they never could get any indemnity, snd the troubles that would hare arisen might hare involved tho British and Ameri can nations in war." (Concluded tomorrow.) Yesterdays ... Of Old Salem Towa Talks from Tho States man of Earlier Days December 10, ItOt Secretary of State Frank W. Benson has recently compiled a little booklet entitled, "Constitu tion of the State of Oregon and Official Register of the State, Dis trict aad County Officers," which Is Just off the press. Citizens may obtain a copy by applying to Mr. Benson. Workmen were engaged yester day making the city's bastlle more impregnable by placing heavy woven wire screens over the win dows. Hereafter it will be impos sible for persons on the ontslde to hand anything through the bars to prisoners. For a whUe tho offi cers were pusxled as to why some of the dty's boarders did not sob er up, even after they had boon in Jail for some time. It was finally found out that tho stuff was hand ed In through tho bars. It is reported that low colonists railway rates from all points In the west will bo in effect next spring. The cheap rate this tall resulted In adding many thous ands of new settlers to Oregon's population. December 10, 1922 Fifty Salem boys went to Port land last night to be initiated Into the DeMolay order, the Salem branch of which is Just now being Instituted. Maximum temperature yester day was 44 aad minimum, 49 de grees. Precipitation for the day was 1.S4 inches, bringing the Wil lamette river to the 6.1 foot lerel. L. D. Browa, Dallas attorney. Is being boomed for sppolntment to the. .State highway commission w4wnseiect Patterson stood oenthmL aad who, ho sur mised, would hare boea rosponaibU for tho fact that tho lamp there was extinguished. Ia tho light of tho oabla. after tho door had boea dosed, tho young half -caste's keen-eyed face with Its protaiaoat cheek -boaea looked grave. He spoke swiftly, la French, his voice soft aad Squid. He had boea oa hla way to tho dock to take tho air, when, as ho reached the entrance of tho gangway, ho had hoard tho voices of Halliwall aad Wogaa; aad Wogaa had mentioned the name of de Bernig la a tone that in itself had been informing to Pierre. He had gone quietly back, aad had extinguished the light, so that ho should not bo seen. Then ho had crept op to the en trance, and had stood there listen ing to the conversation of those two. It had disclosed to him tho treachery ia the minds of those whom Monsieur de Bornis had now Joined, and Captain Leach was in it. The Intention was to let him guide thera to the plate fleet, and then pay him his share of the plan dor ia cold steel. Wogaa had dis closed this to allay Haili well's grumbling at. tho fifth share which under the articles do Be mis claimed for himself. Halliwell had accounted the claim preposterous 'and 1 blaming? Leach for having agreed to such terms. Wogan had laughed at him for being such a fool as to be lieve that the terms would be kept De Bends should take what they chose to give him. If that didnt satisfy luza and there was no cause to bo orer-generous theyHd slit his throat for him, and so make aa end of aa impudent swaggering dawcock. Halliwell, however, was not so easily to be reassured. Do Bernis had always been known for tricky, slippery deviL who had way of defeating brute force by artifice. He called to mind more than one trick that de Bernis had played on the Spaniards at Panama, and but for which Morgan might never have had the town. He called to mind that it was de Bernis' wit had found a way to deal with the herd of wild JbuDs which the Span iards had goaded into charging the buccaneers on the savannah. Halli well had been there. He talked of what he had seen; and he knew the opinion in which de Bernis was held. It was not merely for his foppish mannerisms that they called him the Topgallant In tight place de Bernis knew how to supply just the little more that made all the difference to their sail ing powers. Did Wogan and Leach suppose that de Bernis would not bo fully aware of the possibility ox just what they proposed? "Sore now he may be aware of it But it's tho risk he has to take. How could ho be helping himself! "I don't know." said HaUiweO. "If I did, I should bo as spry as de Bernis himself. YeH not persuade mo ho dont know what bo's doing, and Just what we might do." "Why shouldn't he bo trusting us to keep faith?" Wogaa had coun tered confidently. "He's a buccaneer of the old sort They respected ar- tides. And well do nothing to alarm him. Until we have the plate Beet gutted, well just be humour' ing him and suffering all his impu dence. Bat if there's too much of it, sure well be keeping the score, so we wilL And it's tho fine reckoning well be presenting at tho end." And then Monsieur de Bernis had come down the companion, and the talk had ceased. The Frenchman heard his servant out He stood by tho table, chin in hand, his face thoughtful, but nei ther surprised nor alarmed. "Bien, mon fils," he said, when Pierre had ended. And ho added, after a moment: "It is just what I supposed would happen." His calm seemed to fill his ser Daily Health Talks By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. United States Senator from New Tors. Termer Oemmiuionwr of Health, 2ft York City. SEVERAL of my readers have written for Information about Malta lever. Others have asked about an lulaat fever. These are merely two names glvea te o a e ill the same disease. This disease Is one which af fects goats and ether animals But It la trans mitted to man, either by direct contact with af tec ted animals, or by the drink ing ef contami nated milk. At one time this ailment was believed te be confined to the Dr. Coeetend territory along the Mediterranean coast For this reason It ts often referred to as "Mediterranean fever". Likewise, tt ts found along the Rio Grande river and tn the mldwestern section of the United 8tatea Malta fever Is often vague and con fusing In Its symptoms. It Is some times mistaken for grippe. In cer tain cases tt dosely resembles typhoid fever. At the beginning there ts headache, accompanied by pains la the bones and Joints. Then there come pro fuse sweating, constipation and an Irregular fever. The temperature rises tn the aft era 00a and the fever may persist for a week or tea days. Not a Serious Disease Very likely there will be s period of good health and the paUent feels entirely welL But la toe chronic form there are relapses, oa and off for several months. Though the dis ease Is not a serious one. It may last for a long period, aa I save said, aad W 1 takes office. Others mentioned are I S pence of Oregon City, William K. B. Aldrlch, editor of the Pea- Pollmaa of Baker snd C. B. Gates dletqa.y.Bet ',eiaiaJRllC vant with alana. "Bat tho dances. moasicar?" "Ah, yeo. Tho dangor." Koturirar do Bonds smiled bom th atlter'a gravity. Tt Is there. At the end ef us voyage, uaw taea, wo nave something ia haad. Until the pUte fleet Is ratted, aa thev aav. thew wQl humour mo aad suffer all tho impudence I may show them. X may ahow thorn a rood deal of ft Be laid a haad oa tho alia lad's shoal- der. Thanks, Pierre, for your dDj. genco. But no mere sf it Yea take risks; and it is aot necessary. Pro- serve yonrsou against my real need of 70s. Aad now, to bed with 700. it Las ooea a heavy day for vs as." Ia tho Interests of Us fellow voyagers, or, perhaps, purely from a ehivalnma intaraat Ia Wlaa Prta. dXa, Monsieur do Bernis displayed next morning some 01 tho impa deneo which. Wogaa aad HaiHwell condemned ta him. Coming early oa deck, and finding the two to gether there, ho addressed to them as a command what miaht bettor have boea preferred as a request. "Madame do Bernis is la delicate health. Sometimes she sleeps late. I desire that tho cabin be left to her ta the morning, 00, that she may not be disturbed. Yob under stand?" Woran's faee darkened ss Ka looked at the Frenchman standing before him so straight and aloof and with such airs of master. "Sure now, I don't understand at aa," said he. "What of breakfast? We must eat, I suppose, by your gra dous leave." "You'll break your fast ta the wardroom, or where else von choose. But not in the cabin." He did not wait for an answer, but nassed on ta make a mrmA inspection of the ship. When he was out of earshot, Wogan breathed gustily in his in dignation. "Airs and graces, by heaven! It's not fine enough we are, you and me, Ned, for madam. The delicate piece! Well, well! Maybe there'll be another opinion before all's done. The delicate piece may have to learn to be less delicate, s she may. Meanwhile, what shall we be doing?" "Same aa you said last night," grumbled the corpulent ship-master. "Humour him. Pay out rope So long as we break our fast what odds where we breaks it? To teD you my mind, I found it none so joyful at table with them yester day. Madame with as many simpers as a courtesan from Whitehall, and her brother mute but for grunts, and this Bernis with his fine, fawning manners. Bah! I wonder the food didnt turn sour oa my stomach." He spat ostentatiously. "Give me the wardroom by all means, says L I likes to be at my ease at table." Wogan slapped him on the shoul der. "And it's entirely right ye are, Ned. And, faith, well let him know it" So, presently, when de Bernis was returning, he found an Irish man awaiting him arrayed ia sar casm. " Twas a fine notion yours, Char ley, of the wardroom for Ned aad me. We're much obliged. So well de we like it that well not be troubling your lively madam aad her hilari ous brother with any mors of our company at alL Ye understand?" "Perfectly. You hare my leave te keep te the wardroom." And he passed on, up the companion, to the quarter-deck. The shipmaster and the lieuten ant remained staring at each other a little dumbfounded. "He gives as leave!" said Wogaa at last "Did ye hear that now? He gives as leave. Glory bet I wonder if he has his match afloat far im pudence." . . (T S, CoatmoeO Cfvrriskt. IJJ. br Rtf.H SabetM nitrite d mm KW W.im Snduu. I interfere with the general health and nutrition of the patient Every effort should be made te pre vent the occurrence ef this disease. Since recent Investigations have re vealed contaminated milk te be the most common source of Infection. It caa be guarded against Proper tests of goats and cows supplying mUk te the general pubUo must be made and rules for dealing with such animals enforced. Infected cattle should be Isolated and receive the necessary medical attention. Fortunately the gena that pro duces undulant fever Is quickly de stroyed by heat It Is known that the bacillus of undulant fever ts killed when exposed to a temperature of 148 degrees Fahrenheit for twenty minutes. This ta the degree ef heat used when mOk la pasteurised. To pasteurise milk It ta kept at this tem perature for thirty minutes aad then cooled. No cases of ondulant terer have been reported In any household where pasteurized milk is used. It ta always a good plan to know that the mUk you and your family drink comes from a reliable source. Make sure that the dairies that sup ply your milk are carerully Inspected. MUk which ta pure te begin with and quickly transported under proper re frigeration and sanitary precautions Is a safe milk. This la your protec tion against undulant fever, tubercu losis, typhoid fever, aad other ts rec ti one diseases. If you live tn a community where pasteurised mOk cannot be obtained, avoid using raw mUk for beverage purposes. It ts wise te heat aa raw mOk to boding and then quickly cool It and keep tt la a refrigerator. MOk la only safe when It ta kept absolute ly clean. It should always he kept oa Ice and never allowed to remain la a temperature above fifty degrees Fahrenheit Answers to Health Qoorioe Mra A. B. Q. What caueee a lameness la the kaeeef A. This may be doe te rheuma tism, (Copyright, mi. C F. , tnej r