Tfc OREGON STATESMAN, Salea, Oregon, Saturday Morning,. DecemW 10, 1932 . s , PAGE -THREE ra m host Society College Formals I Smart Events Of Tonight Tonight the sororities of Wil lamette university will entertain with charmingly smart affairs. These are the annual "formals," always outstanding social events of the college year. Delta Phi sorority will enter tain with a formal banquet in the banquet room of the Marion ho tel at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Color ful decorations, an attractive pro-1 gram and the splendidness of for mats will make the affair a mem orable one. Mrs. Lillian R. Hagman, house mother of the sorority, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Keene and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jones will be patrons and patronesses for the banquet. The guest list, sorority mem bers and pledges include: Sorority member and pledges: Dorothy DurVee, Wanda Landon, Mary Banning, lorothy Minnieh, Jeanette Smith, Faith Bherburne, Lou Wilkes, Mildred Ke,ter, Buth Gillette, Frances Stewart. Pauline Livey, Cynthia Del.ano, Phyllis Deni eon, Eliiaheth Clement, Margaret Haight, Margaret Hagg, Alene Birkford, Bea Har tung, Ruth Young, Loia Underwood, Rath Chapman, Frances Laws, Winifred Gard ner, Hetty Martin, Betty-Mae -Hartung, There Ulrirh, Alice Speck, Doris Cn mh. Ruth Mort, Mildred Miller, Betty Badley, Janet Weil, Virginia Durkee, Al vis Love, Elaine Chaney, MidCe Hewitt, Gwendolyn Hunt, Esther Black, Pauline Mod re, Ruth Chaney and Lillian Scott. Ouettt: Prank Haley, Kenneth Man ning, David Moser, Clarence EUison, Bob Hoack, Piercy Sweet, Keith Jones, Carl Marcy, Dwight Adams, Don Kgar, Phil Armstrong, Tho flatten, Kalph Fofter, Charles Campbell. Bill Thome, Louis Ma gin, Bob Logan, Ous Moore, David John son, Garfield Barnett. Edward Franti, Forrets Rieke, Tom Goyne, Chester Ban ta. Ronald Hudklns, James Burdette, Er rol Walling, Karle Potter, Richard Up john, Kenneth Fleming, Wayne Dough ton, Charles West, Joe Felton, Warren Crow, Milea Woodworth, Earl Carkin, Talbot Bennett, Keo Young, John nelson, Wesley Roeder and Hal Bolinger. Beta Chi sorority will entertain with a smart 9 o'clock supper at the Masonic temple tonight. An unusual program has been plan ned and the evening la being an ticipated as a brilliant one. Alpha phi Alpha sorority will take this opportunity to entertain in charming and formal manner In the new home of the sorority on North Summer street. Elaborate plans are made for this red letter occasion. Informal Dinner Observes Birthday A delightfully small informal dinner Sunday will observe the birthday of Miss Josephine Corn oyer at which time Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornoyer will be hosts at the Cornoyer home. Guests will include Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Rederich and Miss Margaret Rederich of Vancouver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Clelland and Ralph Stearns. Pattern Will there be a complete ward robe for the new doll that Santa Is bringing little sister? There can be, for here's some, darling things ... a coat, a hat, frock with cape, and undies . . . can be made In a Jiffy for little or no expense if you've some left over pieces of fabric. Twice as gratifying will be the happy smile of the happy tot when she sees dolly all dressed up. Pattern 2432 may be ordered only for dolls measuring 10, 18, 22 and 24 inches. Slie 18 requires 6- 8 yard 8 6 Inch fabric for pantle and slip, 5-8 yard tor dress, and 7- 8 yard for coat and hat. Illus trated step-by-step sewing Instruc tions Included with, this pattern. sod fifteen eests (lSe) la coins or stsmps (coins preferred), for ssch psttcra. Writs plainly your name, address and stylo nom ber BR SUSS TO STATE 8IZS WANTED. Tho fsH and winter edition of tho Anno Adams Pattern catalog Is ready I Cbsrtning, flattering mod els S3 psgsa of tho newest and host house, ttreet snd : formal frocks clsverly designed styles tor largo figures and beautiful, practical models for Juniors snd kiddles. Lovely lingerie patterns, aad suggestions for gifts that can bo easily snd Inexpensively msda. ere also Included. Send for tho aw catalog. Price of estslog. fit tees cents. Catalog and pattern to gether, twenty -five cents. Address all aaatl orders to Statesman Pat tern department, S4S W. 17th street. New Tork city. 17th street. Kew Tork City. News and Club eOuve M. Doak, M - R- P. Boise O. T. Club Hostess Mrs. R. P. Boise entertained members of the O. T. club at her delightful home on North Sum mer street Friday. A oae o'clock luncheon preceded an afternoon of bridge. Mrs. Russell Catlin re ceived winning score for the club members and Mrs. J. Bever ldge held winning score for guests. In addition to the club mem bership special guests included Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs. Henry Cornoyer, Mrs. Homer Smith, Sr., Mrs. Margaret Le Furgy and Mrs. J. Beveridge. Merry -Go- Round Club Begins Season The first meeting of the winter season of the Merry-Go-Round club was held Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Max Buren and Frank Lovell as hosts. The regular dinner was enjoyed at a beautifully arranged and Chrismasy table at the home of Mrs. Ida Godfrey. Following the dinner hour cards were in play at the Buren home on Court street. This is one of the most promi nent as well as one of the oldest clubs in point of organization of the many clubs of Salem. Includ ed in its membership are Judge and Mrs. John McNary, Judge and Mrs. John Rand, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin K. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Boise, Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. MooreB, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Will Thielsen, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson, Mrs. J. N. Smith, Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. Frank Sned ecor, Mrs. E. C. Cross, and Frank Lovell. Jolly Time Club Entertained Mrs. Reynolds Schuett enter tained for her bridge club at her home in the country Wednesday night. Holly, ferns and candles were the decorations used. Members present were Mrs. Al bert Cutler, Mrs. Frank Clark, Mrs. Maurice Hayes, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. B. G. Crowe, Mrs. W. J. Smith and the hostess. Mrs. George Manning was a special guest The club will next meet at the home of Mrs. Hayes, for a real Christmas party, with the hus bands as guests. e o e Aurora, Dec. 9 Each year the December meeting of the Aurora Woman's club, takes on a Christ mas atmosphere. Gifts are ex changed and the day Is looked for ward to with the most pleasant anticipation. Mrs. Walter Grim and Mrs. E. P. MIchell were host esses for the club Wednesday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Grim. Mrs. Logan Snyder, vice president, presided at a brief business ses sion. The splendid program was ar ranged by Mrs. Lester Reed, chair man of the program committee. Mrs. Diana Snyder read two Christmas poems. The outstanding feature of the afternoon was an original Christmas story, written by Mrs. Reed and read by Mrs. Ben Stoner. A tableau, changing with the unfolding of the beauti ful story of the star In the east with carols, was given by Mrs Melvin Evans, Mrs. U. Eiler, Mrs Lester Reed and her little daugh ter. one group of carolers were a number of little lads whose child ish voices in the distance were es pecially enjoyed. Mrs. E. C. Dil ler led in appropriate songs, and Santa's helpers were featured In a contribution by Mrs. Harry Ev ans. Mrs. Edith Carpenter and Mrs. A. W. Kraus assisted the hostess at the attractive serring table, centered by a diminutive Christmas tree. Red tapers In sli ver holders gave an additional yuletlde air. A number of special guests were present. o o o Monmouth Mrs. R. E. Derby and Mrs. B. C. Cole entertained the Social hour club Wednesday afternoon at the Derby home. A large attendance enjoyed the af fair despite the very cold wea ther. F. M. Roth, principal of the high school, addressed the group on American Indians. Mr. Roth spent several years in Alaska and northern Canada about 30 years ago, and was able to give some interesting facts from his contact with Indians while there. An angle of the topic which he stressed was the deference ac corded women In many Indian tribes. The hostesses, assisted by the program committee, Mrs. Cora Riddell and Mrs. J. B. Lopence, served seasonal refreshments, o a Woodburn The Woodburn Woman's club is sponsoring the Christmas seal sale this year. The seals are to be used to prevent tu berculosis. The sale lasta till Christmas. Those on the committee selling the seals are Mrs. Maude Mochel, chairman; Mrs. H. Overton, Mrs. A. Simons, Mrs. E. T. Sims, Mrs. W. J. Wihion, Mrs. Elfa Lytle, Mrs. Henry Layman, Mrs. "Paul Pemberton, Mrs. Margaret Hale, Mrs. Arista Kendel, Mrs. C. F. Whitman,. Mrs. A. E. Austin and Miss Carrie Waterbury. Hubbard Mrs. A. J. Smith was complimented with a lovely dinner Wednesday night by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill at their home in Woodburn, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mildred Smith Mra. Augusta Riener, Esther Dtrkson, Eilene Rlemer and Mr. Society Editor Subscription List For MacDowell Club Given Interest runs high this year In the first program to be presented by the Salem MacDowell club chorus, an event scheduled for December 13 at the Grand theatre. Miss Mary Schults, violinist of distinction, is the guest soloist for the program and this together with the rare beauty of Christmas music presented by aa chorus of both men's and women's voices promises much, and from the ex tent of the subscription list keen interest is evident. The subscription list Includes: Governor Julius L. Meier, Mrs. J. T. Delaney. Mrs. W. P. Watkins, Mrs. Anna M. Junk, Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, Dr. W. L. Mercer, Mra. Emma Hinx, Mary Burns, Floyd Ellis, Oscar Price, French Shop. Mrs. Robin D. Day, Mrs. W. Carl ton Smith, Mrs. Ira Jorgenson, Mrs. L. B. Endiott, Mrs. David Adolph, Mra. Rich ard Kriesel, Mr. Carl Armstrong, Mrs. Elisabeth Watson, Mra. Deliah Dry nan, Mrs. Leon M, Brown, Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mr. and Mra. C. P. Bishop, Mirpah Blair, R. P. Boise, H. P. Chase, Mra. B. E. Car rier, Mra. O. L. Clark, F G. Deckebach, Mrs. Carl G. Doney, Mrs. F. M. Erickson, Mrs. Ronald Glover. Mildred Lenoir, Margaret J. MeFadden, Cameron Marshall. Nellie Schwab, U. G. Shipley, Mrs. William 8. Walton, Julia Webster, Rev. B. E. Parker. Charles Sher man, Mrs. L. M. Thompson, Dr. C. B. O'Neill, Harold Eakin, Dr. and Mra. Vin ton Scott, Mrs. George M. King, John Friesan, Dr. D. B. Hill. Dr. A. D. Wood mansee, Gladys Miller, Gretchen Rinehart, Dr. and Mrs. George Lewis, Dr. L. R. Springer, George E. Waters, O. W. Paul us, E. F. Slade. W. W. Moore. Frank Myera, George Arbuckle, Fae Lienallen, Rer. and Mrs. W. E. Cochrane, Roy Simmons, Dr. Ruby Morris, Helen Purv'.ne, Dr. E. F. Pound, Mildred E. Wyatt, P. J. Chapman, Ola L. Clark. I Mrs. George J. Pesrce, Mist Dorothy Pearce, Susan Varty, Mrs. M. L. Meyers, I Martha Fuhrer, Mrs. Fannie Bowes, Mrs. I W. A. Denton. Roth Ruenitt. Gertrude Ssvsge, Mrs. John Rand, Mrs. Henry Besn, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Judge Campbell, Mrs. Thomas McBride, Mrs. Paul B. Wal lace. Mrs. H. K. Stockwe'.l, Mrs. A. R. Tarter, Marjorie O'Dell, Bern ice Riek man. Dr. Mary C. Rowland, Mrs. C. B. Prstt. Miss Mary Eyre, J. Frank Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hanson, Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. J. M. Sehon, Mrs. Emil Carlson, Mra. David Eason, Mrs. W. H. Esst. Mrs. Mary C. Fletcher. Miss Clara Trotter, Miss Mary Schults, Lew C. Dry, Mrs. John H. Carkin. Mrs. Clsrs Patter son. Dr. snd Mrs. B. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs. W. L. Phillips. Mrs. Hsl Hosa, Gretchen Kreamer. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. R. L. Edwsrds, Am anda Schwabbauer, 0. K. Wilson, Ore Mc Intire, Msvbelle Burch, Mrs. H. A. Zosel, Dr. and Mrs. Franak E. Brown, Bland N. Spur, William Hamilton, Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, Hoy Hewitt, Madeline Manna, Mrs. William Brown. Gretchen Thielsen, Margaret Hogg, Elma Weller. Lillian R. Hagman. Frank Churchill, Mrs. G. W. Allen, Miss Mickey, Mrs. D. A. Hodge, Nona Welch, Elisabeth Weleh, Mra. Sin gleton, Ann Jnrsnek, Bemadine Ledfors, Mr. adn Mrs. J. R. Bedford, A. P. Speer, W. T. Jenks. Hollsnd Bakery, Hoffman's Heat Msr ket, Kruae s Watch snd Jewelry Shop, Safeway Stores, Inc., Benson Baking com pany. Capital Drug Store, Clongh-Bamek company. Price Shoe company. Buster Brown Shoe company, Hartman Bros., TJ. 8. National Bank, Portland Gas 4 Coke company, First National Bank, Joe Roque's Brake Hospital, Elliott Drygoods company, Morris Optical company, Horaer H. Smith Insurance Agency, Day A Nilee, Inc., Little Lady's Store, Texsco Super Service Station, Texas company, Wills Mntic Sioro. Valley Motor company, Roberta Music Studio, Margaret's Baby Shop, Kimball Piano company, William Gahlsdorf, Inc., Howard Corset Shop, Adele's Beauty Shop, Greene's Purity Store, Adams, Flor ist, Commercial Book Store, Salem Laun dry company, Terwilliger Funeral Home, South Salem Pharmacy, A. C. Smith Serv ice Station, Leslie Springer Shyne Sboppe, Eoff Electric company, Guunell Robb Studio. 0 0 0 Monmouth Mrs. A. E. Teth erow and Mrs. George Cooper entertained a large group of friends at cards Thursday nlgnt at the Tetherow home. Mistletoe ana nouy leni a xesiiTe soiling i to the rooms where nine tables were In play, with honors going to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Graham. Guests were: Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con key, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Courier, Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Calbreatb, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Craven, Mrs. Mlna Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. DeArmond, Paul Doughty, Mr. and Mrs. James riantU an4 f TXT V rtre t. v- lr.Ax.t-. 'r.,'.,. xt, -fM vf Vni Mrs. Ed Rogers M Cora t.M4.n .-2 Vf v.a O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Velma Smith, Carl Tetherow, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Velma Smith, Carl Tetherow, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wolverton, Mr. and Mrs. Teth erow and Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, ooo Brush Creek Mrs. L. H. Meyer was hostess at a surprise party Wednesday night for Mr, Meyer. Meyers' The occasion was the 27th weddin- anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer were married at Trinity church at 811 verton December 7, 1905. Among those who were present Wednesday night who were present at the wedding 27 years ago were Mrs. M. J. Madsen, Hans Hansen, who was best man at the wedding, Mra. Christine Hansen, Miss Lillie Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Madsen. Others present at the Wednesday night affair were Miss Margaret Gelsik, Miss Althea Meyer, Ludvig Mey- er, Colleen Madsen and Roger ran, pastor, announces. Tne eon Madsen. cert will he open to the public Mra. Clarence P. Morgan en- tertained with a surprise party pearance or tne string trio, com Wednesday night in compliment posed of Delmar Maybee, Tlolin tr th hirthriaT of h,r husband. it; Alice Clement, flean of the The nartv waa given at the home of Mrs. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Persey. Christmas was used as the decorative note for the guet rooms. Cards were In play for several hours and re freshments wero served. Present, In compliment to Mr. Morgan, were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watson, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stuemke, of Corona, Cal Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laue, Miss Henrietta Koehler, George Casebeer and Mrs. Morgan. OOO) Silverton Mra. Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive secretary of the state tuberculosis association from :. ortland, Dr. V. A. Douglas of Salem and Mrs. Irma LeRiche, county nurse at Silverton, will be the speakers at the Monday af ternoon meeting of the Silver ton Woman's club. The topic of discussion will be "Child Wel fare." Members have been asked to bring their contributions of rel- ish for the local hospital at this Affairs Paul Staley Married in East The many Salem friends will be agreeably surprised to learn of the marriage of Paul 8taley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Staley. Mr. Staley married Miss Shirley John son of Providence, R. I. The wed ding was an event of November 2 at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Staley are now at borne In New York City at 122 Seaman avenue, apartment C 2. Mr. Staley, who la well known in Salem where he attended grade and graduated from high school, is connected with one-of the large shoe houses of New Tork. He graduated from the University of Oregon before going east where he has spent most of his time since his graduation. Officers Will Be Elected The Ladle' Guild of the Ameri can Lutheran church will meet in the church parlors Wednesday aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock for the an- nual business meeting. At this lme officers are to be .elected. Mrs. P. W. Erixon, present pres ident, is urging all members to be present. A musical program will be included in the afternoon hours. Mrs. Gordon McGUchrist will be vocalist. Hostesses will George N. Fake, Include Mrs. Mrs. Claude Glenn, and Mrs. C C. White, o i WT nOUSe Warminff - , lollV r VPnt J"". UYC"1' One of the Joys of a new home la the interest which friends show In It. The home of Miss Eli sabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryrer is one that is attract ing much compliment from their many friends. One such compliment was the surprise "house warming" which a group of if of their most in timate friends paid them Friday night. The guests called and an informal evening of cards was followed by a delightful re freshment hour. e o o Rocky Point Mrs. Jessie Boedighiemer entertained with a shower complimenting her daughter - In - law, Mrs. Louis Knapke. Those present were Mrs. J. T. Hofner and daughter Lou ise, Mrs. Ida Corn. Mrs. Pounds. Mrs. S. Axman, Mrs. J. Stohr, and daughter Dorothy, Mrs. J, P. Worms and daughter Marie, Mrs. Ed Doerfler, Mrs. N. E. Hunt, Miss D. Darst, Mrs. D. Ges ner, Mrs. Herman Hassler, Miss A. Klnty, Mrs. J. J. Halfman and daughter Leona. Miss Grace Knapke, Mrs. Jessie Boedigiemer and honor guest, Mrs. Louis Knapke. ooo Mrs. Chester Cox will speak be fore the Independence club next Monday, concerning Christmas decorations and the following week will speak before the Mc- Minnville Garden club on the same topic. ooo Woodburn Deputy President Mrs. Florence Shipp of Salem vis ited the Woodburn Woman's Re- n-f Corns Thursday afternoon. A potluck dinner was served by the ladies Fellowship Day To be Observed, tn ay f McCallum Says " Sunday will be Fellowship day at the Court street Christian church, Seventeenth and Court. The whole day's program will ear nr out that theme. At the morn- rl P"t". "ugh N. McCallum will speak on "Fellow- CbrW. following the morning service a basket dinner will be held in the Bungalow of the church. The afternoon service will he unique in that the Inside working of many organizations will be the feature of an "Open House Serv ice". A primary class will demon strate its work, the Ladies' Aid will quilt and display some of tnelr work- the SilTer 8trln J cnestra win practice as wm me cnoir. Linlield Choir To Appear Here. Friday Dec. 16 The Linfield college A Capella choir, of McMlnnrllle, will pre- sent a concert at the Calvary Baptist church here Friday night, December 16, ReT. W. Earl Coch- without admission. A special feature will be ap- Linfield conservatory, cellist; na Margaret itamsey, pianist, Mission Open All Night for Homeless Ones Starting Thursday night and continuing through the eold spell, the Open Door mission will keep its doors open all night to those who have no home. While there are not beds for all, fire Is kept going In the large fireplace. Thursday 140 persons were giv en food, and 28 lodging. Women are meeting daily at the mission to guilt for the needy, says Pastor H. W. Coulon. MOVE TO HAYESVILLE HAYESVILLE. Dec. 8 . Mr and Mrs. William Dietzman of near Liberty hare moved onto the farm- owned by Max Lytle. I They hare two children In school 10 CHURCH MEEnrffi Quarterly Conference Hayesville Group Schools Will be Dec. 18 BROOKS, Dec. S Clear Lake Sunday school will be host Sun day, December 18th to the 158th Quarterly convention of the Hayesville district. Convention officers axe Mlse Gladys Brown, president; W. A. Starker, vice president: and Miss Alice Mas- sey, secretary. Mrs. H. F. Shanks will lead the junior program, as sisted by Lunella Chapin as pian ist, and Glen Savage song leader. R. G. Miller will be song leader for the seniors and Miss Alice Massey pianist. At 10 o'clock the program for the day will begin with the juniors and seniors united for devotional service. The program is as fol lows: Junior program Morning, 10:30 Classes, Cradle Roll and be ginners, Miss Cora Talklngton, Primary, Daisy Lambert, Junior, Mr!. Arthur Cummings, and Christmas tree, Katherine Schark in charge; 12:00 Basket dinner. Afternoon Song service; violin solo by five year old Geraldine Schmoker; Roll call and offering; Exercise, Roberts Sunday school; quartet, girls from Pratum; "God's Gift and Mine ". Mllo Ross; exercise, Hazel Green; music, Da vid and Bobby Olson. Senior program 10 a. m., Christmas Carols; devotional talk, Ernest 8avage; prayer and medi tation, Mrs. H. F. Shanks in charge; review of past quarters lessons for adults by O. O. Epley and for young people, Mrs. C. A. Kells; solo, R. J. Miller; address. Her. John Rudin. Basket dinner Afternoon program Song service, business session; readings, 'Mam my's Omrden" and "A Christmas Story", Kreta Fae Ashbaugh; pa geant. Clear Lake; duet. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Dark; pantomime, "Si- lent Night", Labish Center; male quartet, Clough-Barrick; address, Dr. Emory Pettlcord of Salem. Scout Troop to Receive Colors Sunday Evening Troup four of the Salem Boy Scouts will be guests of the First Christian church Sunday night, This is one of the outstanding troops of Salem, and is sponsored by the First Christian church. During the evening service of the church the troop will be present ed a standard Boy Scout American flag by the local chapter of the American Legion and a troop flag by their sponsorers. The troop will be honored with the presence of many of the local scouts, as well as ranking officers in scout- craft. The pastor, Guy L. Drill, will have for hie theme "A Good Scout." The public is invited to participate in this service. Special League Service Will be Held on Sunday A candlelight worship service will be held at the First Methodist church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock under the auspices of the University chapter of the Epworth T -A ssTTI A Tai ?lk Vsv tnIJ., A'thiyu fVBLOl, yi QCJUCU ot 't'V016 who will participate will be Ross ri1!0"1 ar garet Steyenson, advisor, and Tom Hall who will read the Christmas story, 'The Man Who Waa too Busy to Visit the Child", and Jeanette Smith and Jeanette Scott who will give violin selec tions from the Christmas carols. Following the worship service the choir of the church under the direction of Cameron Marshall will give a concert of sacred mu sic. Professor T. S. Roberta Is organist IT. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL George T. Swift, rector. Church school. 0:84. Moraing prayer and sermon, 11. xoung people s leuowsnip, o:ov. rrrSKES CHXZgTTAV tumors J. Giletrsn. sastor. linJ,, school. 10. Moraine warahln 11 "Tk immity or CUnn"; special nueie. Eve ning worship, s, 'The Three Angels at Ills Resurrection." Tonng people's meet ing. 7:80, "Practicing Brotherhood In fur vwa neighborhood, ' Anna Johnson lesaer. Look for Your Copy of HILL Six Page RotoGravure CHRISTMAS ADS DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME TODAY! alii in the Churches IOTJTK fttXKK mZKDl Boats. Ceaaaaercial ' at Washington, Charles C. Hawwrth, pastor. hsaiy cheat, 10, Helen Fs Joaes, anperiatemd ent. Morning warship, 11. Christian la s' eaver, S:S0, "Practicing World Broth erhood la Oar Vws. Neighborhood-- Jtve IbsT worship. 7:10. Goo4 Thosghts soar. Meeting far prayer, praise and Bible: stmdy Tharsday. 1:80 a. aa. 0. X. A. OOSrcX. TASnUTACLK S&S retry. W. B. Caldwell, pastor, 456 Ralsaaat- ahaaa S69S. 8nadav school. 0:45. Mrs. Gilbert White. snDerintenoeat. I Morniag worship. 11. "Tho Message to I the Charts at Philadelphia," eoauaaaioa I service following, evening evangeiuue I service. 7:80. Prsrer service Tuesday eve- 5!i&ti& Hs'Sow' oK rx&sT xnmAMiAX North Cottage and Chemeketa. Trad Albaa Weil, minister. Church school, 10, Miles H. McKay, superintendent. Church service, 11. "Good ror nothing or Something." Mrs. Wslter A. Denton, or ganist. ST. lOHS'S EVANGELICAL LUTHXIAJT Missouri Synod A sad 16th. Kev. H W. Gross, pastor. Sunday school, 9. William O'Neill, au- penntendent. English services, 8 :45, cele bration of holy communion; preparatory service, 9:15: special music. rSEB KSTHODIST Msrket snd North Winter. J. B. Stew- rt, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45, Emory Goods, superintendent. Morning sermon. The Precious eons of Zion. Junior church. 11, led by Mrs. Elisabeth Barn ett. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Tonng eople'f meeting, 6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 :30 p. m. AKXRICAX LUTHEBJLM Chnrch street between Chemeketa and Center. P. W. Erik sen, pastor. Sunday chool. 0:45, preparing for Christmas snd the pageant. Morning worship. 11. "Five Stepa in Deliverance"; anthem, "O Wor- htp the Lord ' ( Kieserling) ; aolo, llow .ong Wilt Thou Forget Me" (Pflueger), Mra. 3. A. Sholaet. Evening service, 7:30, 'Soviet Russia and World Peace," by C. A. Robertson, Lt. Col. M. I. Res.; special music by choir. Lutber league. 6:30. de votionala and preparatioha for annual meeting. Ladies' guild Wednesday, 2:80, musical program, annnal meeting; host esses for the day Mrs. George M. rake. Mrs. Clsude H. Glenn, Mrs. C. C.White. PBXSBTTERIAir and Chemeketa. Winter Grover C. pas 30, L. M. Ramage. superintendent. Morning worship. 11, "Threefold Convic tion ; anthem. Holy Art Thou ' (Han del): solo, Mrs. H. J. Millie, "The Trum pet Shell Sound" (Hcott). Christisn En desvor, 6:30. Evening praise. 7:30, "The Test of Life"; snthem. "Tsrry With Ms, O My Savior" (Bsldwin). Or an prelude, 1 .ly, TV. Ul. (Gsul). PTRTTTJAL CHURCH 07 DIVEtE TRUTH Kelson ball. Chemeketa between Lib erty and Commercial. Gordon Fleming, Fe' sstor. Services. 7:30 p. as., lecture aab- ct, "The Prodigal Son." followed by messages. Midweek lecture and aeeesage services, 153 D street, Thursday 8 p. m. HTGHLA1CD FRIES DS Highland and Chnrch. Glen Sinard. pastor. Bible school, 10, Z. M. Beckett, superintendent. Morning worship, 11. Yonr Choice." Junior Christian En deavor, 5:80. aanior snd intermediate. 6:39. Evangelistic service, 7:30, "The Pries of Him." Prayer meeting Tburs- dsy, 7:80 p. m. TTRST METHODIST Church school. 9:45. Public worship. 11, "The Necesssry Christ," a pre Christmss message; special musical num bers. Young people's forum, 6. Epworth leagues, 6:80. Evening worshlip. 7:80. in rhsrge of members University lesgue ndlelight worship setting: reading of the story, "The Man Who Waa Too Busy to Visit the Child," by Tom Hall; con cert of Christmas music by vested choir. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Eood snd North Cottage. G. T. Heal, pastor. Sunday school. 10, James Davis, ouperintendenl. Morning worship, 11. Evening service, 7:30. Tonng people's meeting. 6:30, Miss Clsudime Gillespie, president. Prayer snd testimony meeting Wednesdsy, 7:30 p. m. ZSTGLEWOOS U KITED B RETHREW North 17th and Nebrssks. R. V. Wilson, paator. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship. 11, "Rejoicing in Hope." Eve ning worship, 7:80, "The Home as a Base for Religion." Young people's meeting, 6:30. ''Why Have I Been Given So Much I" Frances Christ en en, leader. ORAC7B GOSPEL HALL 840 North Commercial. Sunday school, snd adult Bible class, 10. Sunday after noon meeting, 8. "The Cross of Christ Wss Foreknown of God." Gospel service. 7:45. Services tn charge of Olson snd McAuley. TTSJT OBSJCAV BAPTIST North Cottage snd D. G. W. Rutsch. minister Sundsy school. 0:45, Sam Sohir man, superintendent. Morning service, 11, "Glory to the Lamb"; choir selections. Women's Missioasry society, 3:80. Eve ning service, 7:80, "John the Baptist and His Testimony." Midweek prayer service Wedneaday, 8 p. m. , IafMAJnTEL BAPTIST Haiel snd Academy. Bible schooT. 10. lesson, I Samuel, 24th chapter; bring Bibles; Tatars Saner, superintendent. Preaching by D. 8. Turner, 11. C. D. Saucy will preach st 7:80. Midweek prayer and praise service Thursdsy, 7:80. FIRST CHRISTIAW High snd Center. Guy L, Drill pastor, 660 North Cottage. Church school. 0:45. Morning worship, 11, "The Tie That Binds"; Lord's Supper. Christian En deavor, four groups, 6:80. Evening fel lowship ssrviee. 7:80, "A Good Scout," Boy Scouts will be guests, honoring troop 4; community singing directed by Prof. Davidson. TOST CHURCH 07 THS VAZAXXn Center and 18th. Fletcher Galloway, pastor, 2025 Market, phone 0630. Bun- LIQUID TABLETS SALVE VS. EPIDEMICS 9 666 day school, 0:45, T. M. Lit wilier, snper rateadeat. Meraiag -worship, ill "Tho Holy Spirit ana tho Cnareh. ' Evening aervioe, 7:80, "Hassan Need aad Piviao Beepease." N.T.P.S. and jaaior society, 0:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:80. XYAVOXUITXC TAMXJTACUa Terry sn4 18th. C. G. Weston, pastor. 8aaday school, 1:45 p. m.. K. C. Far fa san, superintendent. Chares service. 8, Rev. C L. Hoffmen ef Olysspia, Wash., special speaker. Evangelistic service, 7:45. "Tho City and Its Watchmen," by pastor. B.ble staay on evangelism Teee- 4ey. T:44. Prayer aseetiaf Wednesday. . Devotional service Thorsdsy. 7:45 Young peepis service eawoay, l JAStW JXZ HXHOKAl mOMST Jefferson and Winter W. aUBswajrasrVe pastor. Sandsy school. 9 :45. Moraing worship, 11, "Venturing with God"; chores choir music led by Prof. Herman Clark. Evening worship, 7:30. "Tho Test of a Christian Life. Young people's meeting, 6:30, senior, high school and intermediate divisions. BETHAJTT REFORMED Capitol and Marion. W. U. Lienkaemper, pastor. Sunday school, 10, P. . Kruse, superintendent. German service, 10, "The Beginning of the Gospel." English serv ice. 11, "The Residue ef His People," an advent sermon ; special music, anthem by male quartet, "The Mercy Seat" (Adams). 1TXST CHURCH Or CHRIST, SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty. Sunday serv ices, 11 s. m. snd 8 p. m., "God the Preserver of Man." Sunday school, 9:45 and 11. Testimony meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. Reading room, 406 Masonic tem ple, open 11 to 3:30 except Hands ya and holidays. PEITTXCOSTAX A8SEM3LT 420 ft State. Sunday school. 10. Mora ing worship, 11. Services every night. 7:45, except Monday. FIRST CONGBEOATIOKAL Center and Liberty. J. R. Simonds, pastor. Sunday school, 8:45. Morning worshin. 11. "The Hod T of Christ. tve ning worship. 7:30, "There are Other Waya of Keeping Cp Courage Besidea Whistling," third ni series of talks based on Christian sychology. CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHEBAJf State aad 18th. Amos E. Miuneman A.M- pastor. German service 0:45, 'What ia Demanded of Servants of God. Reg lish service. 11, "Faithful Stewards of God." Sunday school, 9:40, Mrs. Mtnne io an, superintendent. Luther league, 7, Msrths Eattermann. chairman; John Mm ncmsn, leader in discussion, "Lutheran Church Music" FIRST BAPTIST Marion and North Liberty. Britton Ross, minister. Bible school, 9 :45. Fred Broer, superintendent. Morning worship. 11, "Pure snd Undefiled Religion"; spo- eisl music by male chorus. Junior, inter mediate snd senior B.Y.P.IL, 0:30. Prayer meeting, 6:30. Organ prelude, 7:10, Miss Miller, organist. Evening worship. 7:30 "The Crystal Sea The Worship at the Throne and the Four Beasts," chspter 4, verses 6 to 11. Book of Revelation, mi er meeting and Bible study Wednesday, 7:80. KBTIOHT MEMORIAL Terry snd 19th. H. C. Stover, minister, Church school. 10. C. C. Hsrris. superin tendent. Morning worship, 11, "Tho Word Become Flesh." Evening service, 7:30. "The Recovered Rapture"; at both services choir sines selections from tho cantata "The Holy Nativity" (Wilder- mere). Tonng pcople'o nee tings, 6:45 Annual church meeting Wednesday, 7. OFEW DOOR MI8SI0W 8151 North Commercial. H. W. Coulon paator. Sunday servicea, 8 and 7:45 p. m. Regular service every night, 7:45 Saturday. 10 a. m . 7:45 p. m. ; apecia music and song. Morning prayer service daily, 10. Relief department open daily 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. FIRST EVANGELICAL Uorth Summer st Marion. Emory W Pettieord. D.D.. minister. Sundsy school, 9:45. L. L. Thornton, superintendent. Morning worship. 11. "The Divine Call to Service." organ prelude and offertory by Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. Christian Endeavor. 6:80. Evangelistic service 7:30. "The Degeneracy of a Soul": son service led by J. H. Friesen; rpeeisl ma sic by male quartet. Bible' study and prayer Thursday, 7:30 p. m. COURT STREET CHXISTLa Court and 17th. Hugh N. McCallum, pastor, 1744 Chemeketa. Eible school, 9:45, Mrs. Irene Weller. superintendent. Fellowship dsy begins 11 s. a. with spe cial sermon. "Fellowship with Christ," at which time Miss Haiel Ward snd La von Morgan will sing a duet. Basket din ner st ths Bungalow, 1 p. sa. "Open house" service. 2:30, when the Inaide of church organised work will be demon strated. Christian Endesvor, 6:80, three groups. Evening service, musie by large chorus eholr. Midweek services Wednes day, spselsl Bible study on "The Holy Spirit and Laying on of Hands." HOPEWELL Clark If. 8mith. pastor. Sunday school, 10, Mrs. Howard Stephens, superintend ent. Morning sermon. 11. "Time, Tal ent. Things. Young people's meeting, 7:80. Ladies' Aid each week, Mrs. Rose Wood, president. VICKS COUGH DROP . . . All you've hoped for in a Cough Drop medicated with V VapoRo- IQ)(Q) YHJ OoY-OOOtfS HOT $0 BAD, KT fM THE AM Aftl AU. THE BUNK.x IT' THE MOST FEROCIOUS AMIMAl f . WIU NEVER TOUCH A SKUNK. jJ Y r ED ITOTSJ ENW An average of 100 persons per week buy, sell, trade, or rent, or find employment or employees through the classified advertising columns of THE OREGON STATESMAN. Call hid ran WOODBURN. Dec. 9 John Ramage waa chosen president of the Woodburn chamber of com merce Wednesday night at a meeting held at the Woodburn hotel. Dr. Gerald B. Smith whe has headed the group for two years, waa given a rising vote of thanks. Ramage has served as vice president of the group, and active In civic affairs. Blaine MeCord is the new vice president and Rodney Alden secretary. P. Vlckers and Dr. Smith were named members of the board of directors. There was some discussion about the removal of the famous Woodburn Berry Center arch over the Pacific highway. The arch must be moved. However, nothing definite was done about the mat ter. On the suggestion of A. R. Leary, a committee to investigate the possibility of putting on a one day poultry convention in Woodburn some time in January, is to be appointed. Herrigstad Services Will be Held Today 8ILVERTON, Dec. 9 Funeral services will be held here Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock from Calvary Lutheran church for Carl Herigstad, 78, who died at Port land December 7. The Rev. B. Borrevik, former pastor of Cal vary Lutheran cnurcn win orri ciate at the services. Mr. Herrig stad was a former Silvertonian but left here about 15 years ago. He is survived by his widow. B. P. Herrigstad of Silverton is a neph ew and Mrs. Frank Lund is a sis ter. Larson Installation Rites to be Sunday SILVERTON, Dec. 9 The Rev. Ernest O. Larson, who was called as pastor of Calvary Lutheran church 'from Owatonna, Minneso ta will be installed at the Sunday services. The Rev. M. J. Olsen, pastor of the Portland Bethel La theran church will officiate. The Rev. Mr. Larson is a graduate of Augsburg seminary at Minneap olis, Minnesota and was ordained a minister in August at Ellen dale, Minnesota. FISHIXG STILL GOOD BRUSH CREEK Alfred Jen sen and William Hatteberg have returned from a fishing trip on the Salmon river. The two re turned with "the limit" and said that fishing was very good the first of this week. They 'ished from the banks of the Salmon river. CARS MKKT IX FOG LARWOOD, Dec. g.The cars of Wade Pyle of Lacomb and the milk truck belonging to E. Mc Donald of Scio collided in dense fog Monday morning at the cor ner between the John Shanks and Lee Gaines residences. No one waa injured, although the car and truck were rather badly damaged. First Baptist Church Cer. Marios If. liberty lit. Brtttwn , SOmkUaT 11 A. M. Pure and Un defiled Religion. 7:30 P3I "The Cry-Ul Sea The Worship at the Throne The Four Beasts." BereUttoa 4:f-ll Real tale Portion ef The Book ef EereUiloa 1116 "imsTiest, wildest ani- mal will never even touch a DU and Mrs. Lyle Hill. meeting. - - 'here, -