The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 09, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, December 9, 1931 ..
-- - t--
Society News H
Art Exhibit Event
Of Today
A Japanese art exhibit and sil
ver tea will be held at Leslie Jun
ior high school this afternoon be
tween ttaebours of three and Mts
Mrs. I. M. Andrews, art In
structor, has just received an In
teresting collection of Japanese
picture, about 75 prints of good
size and 150 smaller prints all in
They were published In Toklo
by a house established 200 years
ago and are entirely hand-blocked
on mulberry paper from cherry
wood blocks. The colors used are
made from vegetable dyes.
Many of these prints are re
productions of famous master
pieces by Hokusai, Hiroehige, and
many other Ukujoe artists as well
as prints designed by the leading
contemporary Japanese artists. ,
Mrs. Laoine Clark and Mrs. D.
J. McLellan will pour. The Misses
Frances Maeda and Jessie Fuku
da, two Willamette student, will
serve, dressed in Japanese cos
tumes. An invitation is extended to
parents and all art lovers to
avail themselves of this opportun
ity. The program which will feat
ure the regular Friday night lob
by piogram of the Y. M. C. A.
this week will be one to call forth
much attention.
A one act play, Irish In charac
ter, will be presented by Miss
Genevieve Thayer and Bruce
Spaulding, and special vocal num
bers wlU be given by Miss Jose
phine Albert and Miss Rosalind
7an Winkle will give special pi
ano selections.
The program of Miss Albert
and Miss Van Winkle follow:
Miss Albert wil! sing "Ombra
Vial Fu" from the opera "Xerxes
"fiy Handel"; "Com to the Fair",
Martin; "Ah, Love but a Day",
poem by Robert Drowning and
music by Mrs. H. H. Beach.
Miss Tan Winkle will play "Re
flects dans L'eau", Debussy; "El
Bufton", David Sequiera; "Chan
nel Winds", Bergh.
The public is invited to this
program as to all others of the
Y". M. C. A. programs.
Miss Lelia Rigdon who has
been spending the past few
months in the south visiting with
relatives aud friends will return
to Salem in the course of the
next three weeks. Her nephew,
W. C. Clarke left Salem this week
for the south by motor to meet
Miss Rigdon and accompany her
home. Miss Rigdon has been a
guest in Los Beach, at Los Ange
les, with Mis3 Klva Nelson, sister
of Walter Winslow, who is teach
ing as speciar instructor to small
actors and actresses who must be
in school even though they aije
working, and in San Diego with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Townsend,
former residents and cousins of
Miss Rigdon.
West Salem. Mrs. E. L. Miller
was hostess to the Ace High card
club at her home Tuesday after
noon. Plans were formulated for
the Christmas party, to be a no
host affair.
A unique feature of Mrs. Mil
ler's hospitality was the individual
weiner roast at the cosy fireplace
that accompanied the delightful
cafeteria luncheon.
High score went to Mrs. Don
Hendrie and others present were
Mrs. Al Ulman Mrs. Ralph Curtis,
Mrs. Mark Wilbur, Mrs. Loren
Howe, Mrs. Burdette, Mrs. Mur
ray Wade and Mrs. E. L. Miller.
I Additional Society
I on Page 8
Originators Of Low Prices 351 State St.
Can't be wrong. That's about whr-t we served last Sat
urday. You do not have to wait for any particular day
to take advantage of our features. Below we quote
Young Pig
Pork Roast
6g !b
Ham Roast
10c lb
Dainty Lean
Loin Chops
G I!)
Pork Steak
3 lbs 25c
Pork is an ideal meat for cold weather
Should you prefer beef we handle the best
Prime Choice Sirloin
Beef Roast Steak
Gg lb 1 10c lb
"Flavorized" Sliced Sugar Cured
Bacon Loin Backs
2 lbs 25c 10c lb
The firm white meated kind
Veal Roast Veal Steak
80 lb 10c lb
Finest Veal
Leg o'Veal Porterhouse
12'?c lb W6 lb
Smoked Tongues, lb 20c
A real delicacy
Pure Pork Old Fashioned
Little Lp ks Sausage
12' c lb , 10c lb
The purest and best that can be made. A cold wea
ther treat.
Best Home rendered
Margarine Pure Lard
3 lbs 25c 4 lbs 25c
' Out of consideration to our employes, we close at 6 p.m.
On Saturdays at 7 p.m.
Willing Workers
Enjoy Meeting
The Willing Workers class en
tertained at the home of Mrs. W.
B. Maey Thursday afternoon and
at the business hour officers for
the earning year were elected.
Mrs. Effie Cole will serve as pres
ident; Mrs. Lee Schomaker, rice
president; Mrs. Grace Cox, sec
retary; Mrs. Ava Lind. assisting
secretary; Mrs. Rose Poe, treas
urer. Following the business meeting
a program was given with Mrs.
Hugh McCallum, a guest present
ing a short talk, and Mrs. N.
Reasnor, a group of solos.
At the refreshment hour Mrs.
Maey was assisted by the com
mittee of hostesses. Mrs. V. R.
Hickethler, Mrs. A. L. Keeton, M.
Frank Jirak, Mrs. C. R. Lee and
Mrs. Glen Hunter.
Guest3 included Mrs. K. Smith,
Mrs. t. ' A. Schomaker, Mrs. Al
bert Cox, Mrsr A. J. Arnett, Mrs.
C. L. Reasor, Mrs. E. J. Reasor,
Mrs. Guy Drill, Mrs. Rich Rei-
mann. Mrs. Hugh McCallum, Miss
Ina Fishbaek, Mrs. J. D. Sears,
Mrs. C. E. Bowen, Mrs. C. J. Em
erlck, Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Mrs.
T. L. LInd, Mrs. C. R. Pritchard,
Mrs. E. A. Stinke. Mrs. O. P.
Wegner. Mrs. E. W. Cooley, Mrs.
D. B. Simpson, Mrs. C. C. Cole,
Mrs. Irene Wirt. Mrs. Will May,
and Mrs. J. A. Murphy.
Jefferson Mrs. Joseph Knox
was hostess to the women of the,
Millersburg Wednesday Embroid
ery club Wednesday, at an all day
quilting party. Bouquets of fall
cut flowers were placed about the
room. The annual Christmas tree
and exchange of gifts will be De
cember 14.
Those present were Mrs. L. W.
Drager, Mrs. Thomas Farlow,
Mrs. Janiea Gourley, Mrs. L. K.
Conser, Mrs. James E. Arnold,
Mrs. Dale Arnold, Mrs. Harold
Fisher and daughters, Ieleen and
Lavonne, Mrs. Raymond Fisher
and daughter Betty. Mrs. H. F.
Warren, Mrs. Virginia Daniels,
Mrs. L. L. Harrison. Mrs. Harley
Burke and the hostess, Mrs.
Mill City Au all-day nieeing
was held by members of the Mar
ion county W. C. T. U. Wednes
day with the members of the Mill
City Union as hostesses. A cover
ed dish luncheon was served at
Among the speakers were Mrs.
Buck. Mrs. Laynan and Mrs. Lyle
all of Salem. Mrs. Buck . is vice
president and Mrs. Layman is as
sistant of the county union. Mrs.
R. C. Rundi is president of the
Mill City Union.
The meeting was well attended
and much interest Is being taken
by the local members.
It's too cunning for words . . .
this little kiddie frock. It has a
demure yoke, which they all love,
and captivating pleats neatly top
stitched, to animate the skirt.
There are long puffed sleeves, and
bloomers, too mind you. Of
course, to correspond perfectly the
back of the dress is the same as
the front. Use one' of those gay
cotton prints and you'll have be
witching results.
Pattern 2229 may be ordered
only in sizes 2. 4, 6, 8 and 10.
Size 4 requires yards 36-inch
fabric and 2Vt yards binding. Il
lustrated step-by-step sewing in
structions included with this pattern.
Send fiftan cents (ISe) In
colci or ttampi (coins preferred),
tor caeb pattern. Writ plaialy
voar star, addrtta and atTla naav
Tbt fall aid wiater ad It ion et
th Ann A4aau Pattern catalog
is ready! Coaming, flattering m4
la S2. paaa e( the aawaat aad .
bast boom, .treat and formal
(rock t cleverly d aligned stytot
for lae tiruraa and beautiful,
practical atodcta for Jantora aad
kiddies. Lovely lingeri pattern,
and sermtlon tor tff-i that can
bo easily aad inexpensively ma da,
aro also Included. Bend for tht
new catalog. Price of catalog, fif
teen cents. Catafof and pattern to
fether. tventy-flfe ee&ta. Addreaa
all naall orders to Statesman Pat
ten department. 141 W. ITt
etreet. New York city.
17th street. New Tork City.
Regular 25c Size
Her Secret and Daisy B' Toile
tries in seat containers. Cold
cream, tissue cream, vanishing
cream. Avocado cream, lotions,
astringents, Tmrtl eOil cream,
face powder, shampoo. Shaving
lotions, etc. Make dainty
Christmas gifts.
2 for 25c
The savings yott'vt
enjoyed the year 'found at
Fred Meyer SJvJpt art just as
pronoonced b Helping your Christinas
Gift Budget do big things with fame money.
Full Size Brighton
Electric Heating Pads
Attractive, large pad with extra oat
side pad. Gnaranteed. Amp.
110-125 watts.
3 heats
Give Him Tobaccos For
Christmas Gifts! .
16 oz. tins
90c Granger 65c
$1.15 Prince Albert
$1.15 Velvet 85c
Packed In Christmas Cartons.
Buy them now!
$1.25 carton
Camels, Luckles, Chesterfields,
O. G.'s. Christmas wrapped.
At Fred Meyer Tobacco Dept.
$1 Ass't Cards
Seals & Tags
86 pieces including
Christmas cards CQ
and accessories OaC
89c Cheramye
Gift Boxes
April Showers or Cappi
,talc and CQ
cologne J7C
$1.25 Cheramye
Gift Boxes
April Showers face
powder, cologne, AQA
and talc iJOC
$2.20 Houbigant
Gift Boxes
Shaving Cream, After
Shave Lotion OA
and Talc pl07
11.50 Prophylactic Military Brush Sets 89c
$1 Defiance Guaranteed Pocket Watches 69c
$1 Mermen's Gift Boxen for Men only 69c
All Sizes Decorated Boxes to Wrap Gifts 5c
$1 Melloglo Gift Box (Powder and Perfume) 63c
50c Flasks Ambrosial Deep Port Cleanser 9c
75c Coty Manicure Set (Polish and Remover) 59c
S2 Coty Lip Stick and Powder Compact for $1.29
Men's Pullman Style Wooden Back (lack Brushes 25c
85c Guaranteed Lather Brushes For Men 49e
$1.50 Focusing Flashlight Complete 89c
10c Rolls Tissue Paper (20 sheets 20x30) 5c
Boxes of 12 Colorful Christmas Tree Ornaments 29c
Free Free
Two 15c cans Prince Albert
with each purchase r
of a 75c Frank Pipe OUC
At Fred Meyer Tobacco Dept.
Strings of 8
Christmas Lights
Colored lights for the tree.
Extra Globes Of
2 for 5c wC
9-Pc. Dresser
Toiletry Set
Lovely two-tone set com
plete 4yl AO
with tray. &t.;VO
18-in. Dressed
Sleeping Dolls
Nicely dressed. QQ
Individually boxed.OiC
$1 Woodbury'
Anniversary Box
3 cakes of facial soap
and 1 box KQn
face powder. OiC
Every Day Toiletry and Remedy Needs at Fred Meyer Money - Saving Prices
25c Favorite Tooth Brushes 2 for 13c
(Tufted or oval-Made in U.S.A.-Stiff Bristles-Cellophane wrapped)
Guar. Hot Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe 29c
25c Tish 'Kerchiefs Many Handy Uses 12c
2-Quart Plaid Fountain Syringes special 79c
60-Watt Frosted Light Globes 10 for 49c
Handy Remedies
6 oz. Castor Oil 19c
3 oz. Oil Eucalyptus 19c
3 oz. Spt. Camphor 19c
4 oz. Tr Green Soap 19c
6 oz. Glycerin Rose Wat 15c
$6 Nue Ovo 3.89
85c Kruschen Salts 59c
85c Jad Salts 47c
1.20 Sal Hepatica 69e
60c Bromo Seltzer 39c
Cold Remedies
60c Rem 36c
75c Vapex 49c
50c Arzen 27c
35c Pisos 21c
1.25 Creomulsion 69c
Face Creams
$1 Pacquins Hand 63c
50c Woodburys 33c
$1 Ponds Cold 63c
60c D & R 43c
60c Pompeian 43c
Prescription Products
U 40 10 C.C. Insulin 1.59
Pt Super D Cod Liv Oil 98c
1.50 A.B.D. Malt 99c
1.25 Haliver Oil Capsule89c
100 Hinkle Pills 15c
Shaving Lotions
75c Fougere Royal 39c
1.25 Pinauds Lilas 79c
65c Barbasol 29c
50c Aqua Velva 39c
' 50c Palm Olive 33c
Razor Blades
50c Gillette 27c
50c Probak 27c
35c Gem & Razor 15c
35c Everready 21c
50c Auto Strop 29c
35c Frostilla 19c
35c Italian Balm 21c
50c Jergens 27c
50c Santiseptic 27c
50c Chamberlains 25c
Tooth Paste
50c Pepsodent 25c
50c Ipana 25c
25c Listerine 19c
25c Colgates 19c
50c Strasska 25c
25c Mennens 12c
25c J & J 14c
25c Colgate 15c
$1 Djer Kiss 39c
25c Mavis 16c
$1 Phillipe Lip Stick 57e
$1 Annand Lip Stick 50c
50c H. H. Ayers Rouge 29c
50c Pogo Rouge 29c
75c Maybelline 49c
Hospital Supplies
1 lb. Cotton 23c
$1 Fever Thermometer 59c
10 yd. Roller Gauze 27c
2 In. Gauze Bandage 7c
1x5 Adhesive Tape 18c
Medicated Oils
$1 Kepler Malt C.L.O. 69c
50 C.C. Viosterol 2.89
16 oz. Mead 10 D.C.L.O.1.98
1.20 Scotts Emulsion 63c
1.50 Agarol 89c
60c Resinol 39c
75c Balm Ben Gay 47c
50c Unguentine 33c
25c Zinc Ointment 15c
25c Carbolic Salve 15c
Face Powder
60c Djer Kiss 39c
75c Lov'me 39c
50c Ponds 39c
$1 Lablache 59c
50c Java Rice 39c
10c Couettes Dainty Pads 3c pkg.
(Dainty pads of cotton for removing creams or applying lotions)
12 oz. Canada Dry Ginger Ale 2 bottles 25c
11 oz. Weinhard Culb Ginger Ale 3 bottles 25c
Mod ess 2 cartons 25c
25c Kleenex 2 for 25c
10c Powder Puffs 5c i
10c Dish Cloths 5c
10c Turknit Face Cloths 5c
75c Bath Brushes 39c
75c Bath Sprays 39c
1 pt. Milk Magnesia 15c
1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 15c
1 lb. Agar Agar 69c
10 lb. Bathing Epsom 39c
1 pt. Russian Oil 29c ,
$1 Listerine 69c
$1 Lavoris 63c
$1 Zonite 59c
$1 S. T. 37 Sol 89c
$1 Pepsodent 57c
50c Palm Olrve 33c
50c Woodburys 27c
50c Packers 27c
75c Fitch 39c
50c Nourishine 39c
Kotex 2 cartons 25c
33c Kotex Belts 25c
Pills and Tablets
50c Choc Exlax 39c
25c Feenamint 14c
30c Hills Cascara 17c
20c Bayers Aspirin 9c
$1 Marmola 63c
35c Cutex 21c
60c Odorono 42c
60c Mum 43c
$1 Mercolized Wax 69c
$1 Dew Deodorant 59c
Cod liver Oil
1 pt. Norwich 29e
1 pt. Meads 79c
1 pt. Mulfords 39c
1 pt. Schieffelins 29c
12 oz. Squibbs 79c
Shaving Cream
50c Frostilla 23c
35c Mennens 19c
35c Life Buoy 19c
35c Barbasol 19c
35c Burma Shave 21c
Denatured Alcohol, 69c Gal. Container
Glycerine, $1.39 Gal.
. Fred Meyer Fruit Dept. Headquarter, for Sweet Oranges Orders Groceries Delivered Free (With FeW Exceptions)
New Shipment of Juice
The Navels are sweet now ! Keep
a supply on hand for healthful
3 doz. 25c
$1.59 Case
Hungarian Squash Delicious Apples
3 for 5c 59c Box
The new favorite, very tweet, A splandld apple to bay for the
exceptionally nice for baking winter, faced and filled
Oranges and More Oranges
2 dozen 25c
Large, Juicy Fellows
Buy a Supply, $1.59 Case
Prices Good Friday Through Monday
At Christmas Tims and 757 ths Tim Enjoy
Vista Family Flour 49
Rinso Washing Powder Z. 19c
LibbyVtBrCorn 10c
Dromedary Grapefruit Nn2 11c
Tea Garden or Liberty Bell Syrup & 23c
Libby's Fancy Red Salmon II 15c
Buckeye or Miller's Malt
Snowdrift Shortening 6
Snider's Cocktail Sauce
11 oz.
Canada Dry 2,'"" 25c
Fred Meyer Chocolates
29c lb.
Taste-tempting sweets of unsurpass
ed purity and freshness. Every piece
hand-dipped in rich light or dark
chocolate. Oregon-Made! Priced at
2c lb. box; S lb. box 65c, day In and
day out.
Aiurritd Crtmmt
Rich CctmWi
tlantal'um Chew
Tmr Nut Clutter i
We Guarantee, That Never to Oar Knowledge
Has Such Good Candy Been Priced So Low!
French Mix Satin Mix
2 lbs. 45c
Every piece hand-made In
Oreeon. Assorted kinds.
(25e lb.) Oregon Made. (15c lb.)
At Fred Meyer Candy Dept.
2 lbs. 25c
Assorted shapes and flavors
Enjoy a Better Coffee! Pay Less!
Fred Meyer
Best Coffee
25c lb.
Superior, rail-flavored
blend. Freshly roasted
In Oregon. Cellophane
bag. Percolator or
Drip Ground.
My-Te-Fine Coffee, 2 lbs. 35c
The real good coffee that saves yon so much!
At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept.
Utah Extra Standard Tomatoes 4 lge. cans 29c
Dromedary Cranberry Sauce 2 tall cans 29c
Fancy Crashed Pineapple (No. 2 cans) 10c
Stuffed Manzanilla Olives (6 oz. jar) r7c
Fancy Oregon Franquette WTalnuts 19c lb.
Dash The New Soap 5-lb. pkg. 35c
Heinz Tomato Juice tall cans 3 for 25c
Mission Ripe Olives tall cans 2 for 23c
C.H.B. or Snider's Catsup lge. bot. 14c
Fancy Whole String Beans 2 cans 25c
Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 17c
1000 Sheet Toilet Tissue 6 rolls 25c
Pure Mountain Honey 5-lb. pail 39c
Kellogg's Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 15c
French's Mustard (9 oz. jar) 11c
Dromedary Pimentos 2 cans 15c
Welch's Grapejuice pint bots. 15c
Snowflake Soda's 1 lb. pkg. 15c
Calo or Ken-L-Ration 4 cans 29c
Giant Drain Pipe Solvent 13c can
Large Oregon Filberts 17c lb.
Sunny Jim Dates 2-lb. jrkg. 23r
Babbits Cleanser 3 cans 8c
French's Bird Seed lie pkg.
Anchovie Paste 19c tube
At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept.
We are cooperating with the American Legion Auxiliary on
Saturday Keuogg Day. Buy any Kellogg product here
Free Yo-Yo
35c Duncan Musical Yo-Yo
inside each package of the
delicious, new cereal:
Ener-g ST 23c
MJB Coffee
3 lb. can 89C
2 lb. pkg. Rice Free
M. J. B.
Orange Pekoe
Tree Tea
Vz-lb. 30c
at special prices.
170 North Liberty St.
Between State and Court Streets)
We reserve Ue right to reasonably limit quantities.
Special Combination Offer
1 pkg. Pearls of Wheat
1 pkg. Alber's Minit Oats
and with each purchase
Bonne Ware Bowl FREE
At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept.