1 r ; V t Union Hill Grangers Will Meet Saturday VICTOR POINT, Dee. S. Union Hill grange ; will hold its social ; meeting for December at tna hall Saturday night for The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. December 9, 1932 grange members and their inTit ed guests. Mrs. W. M. Tate, W. F. Krenx aad Ralph Esran are in charge. Marlon Fischer was tak en to the " Silrerton hospital to undergo an appendicitis opera tion Wednesday. HcncEa's BSuag Feeol C. In Rear of Irish Cash Store. Phone 5954 If better Egg Mash were made Hodgen-Brewster would make it and Irish Bing would have it. We stand behind our feeds for Quality. Hodgen-Brewster Egg Producer, milk, oil and rreens. (f rr 20-Prot Ql .00 Hodgen-Brewster Egg Producer with o yeast added .... P.UU Hodgen-Brewster Lay well Mash, 20 d i m r 75c Prot. Special Morton's Towel Table Salt. 50s 25 lb. Bags 49c We buy Eggs and Poultry Kerr's White Eagle Hard Wheat Flour, 49s Mortons Smoke Salt. 1Q lbs Get your Free book on how to cure meat Ground Gray df ny I3c 95c Oats, per bag Molasses Dairy 79c Special Feed, 80 lbs. Shamrock-S cratch, a high grade Scratch. niOSMIUH GIVEN BY FACULTY INDEPENDENCE, Dec. 8 The supervisors of the Independence and Monmouth training schools are sponsoring a story hour to be held orer station KOAC at Corvallis each Thursday during the winter months. The time will be from 4:30 to S o'clock. This Thursday Miss Schefsky and Miss Dallas of Monmouth are to tell stories and next week Miss Leila Howe of .Independence will give "The Bird's Christmas Carol." The stories are especially arrang ed for children. The training school Is prepar ing for the annual Christmas program. The children will carry on tradition by hating a whit Christmas, benefiting the poor. Carols will be sung the week before vacation, during the noon hour, and the public Is invited Watches Cleaned $1.00 Wrrist Watches .$1.50 Moderate Prices on watch and clock repairing CLAUDE MIX Bosick's Blarket Marion and Com'l I C I C to coma in and help. sing. Pro grams which art being prepared la the rooms are also open to me puduc. Vacation begins December II and ends January J. At th be- ginning of the new term the leacners win enange departments and start the second round of practice teaching. Royal Neighbors Give Mn. Thomas Best Looking Vote 8ILVERTON. Dec. 8. Mrs Marie Wilson Thomas was elect ed the best looklnc woman at the entertainment during the so cial hour and informal program which followed the play, "The Trials of a Hostess." riven bv the Royal Neighbors lodge Tues day night at the M. W. A. hall F. M. Powell was chosen the homeliest man. The play and entertainment was well attended and Intermis sion numbers were furnished by the Moffett family orchestra; Vi olet Herigstad in a piano num ber; duet, Mllo Grace and Wal ter Ooplernd: violin selection, Maryan Whltlock; song with guitar accomoaniment. Bud Nel son and Elmer Palmauist: vio lin solo by Beryl Ottaway ac companied by Mrs. Fern Daven port. The play was directed br Mrs Theodore Grace. lbs Sl.15 gga: 1 "g- . lJ'0DQTrteDCr ' 1 935 South Commercial i 1 I I IB XXT XI li A 1' .... -K nmu quantity Nont gold i-rices crrective 1-nday and Saturday, December 9th and 10th It Pays to Come a Long Way to Pay'n Takit Magico forFrylng(forSt;w. Brand SaBo,"i TTJ7 Tjp Tp JO) Fine Creamery V iS Li i iiVi Local Product Pound Fresh Stock, 2 pounds JT c MS Maximum. Seeded or Seedless 15-oz. package Van Camps No. S00 size Can il (sm?f Duck Balloon Free with each deal O i packages Whole Kernel Cora, No. 2 can o cans Full Measure Our half cases are the original pack and contain Full Measure and Count. We always in?it comparison. 4c 41c age smaii size med. size (32s Og g33 eq V2 5ao Carload Received We just recelrsd s car load of these new Narel Oranges and are offering them st tht lowest pries In history. At these pric es everyone can afford to hare aD the Oranges they want. coot? UUVLlt JL Obtain Your Vegetables From SaWi Most Complete Produce Department Pay'n Takit Q uality Meats Genuine Lamb . ns HQ) Young and Lean Fresh Ground Lean and Tasty Choice Shoulder Cuts ) tt fllbo EftafoMttc or IKIeimG Fresh Dressed, your choice a5 HO), 4-H Club Interest Increases as New Groups Organized MILL CITT. .Dec. I .Work In tha 4-H clubs of the city Is pro rresslnc nicely and treat Interest Is belns; Uken br both boys and (Iris. The club work has not been organised here for loaf, bat there are at the present time fire girls' clubs and two boys'. The serenth grade girls meet each Wednesday afternoon at the home of the leader, Mrs. H. M. Asplnwall, for a lesson la sew Ing. There are 11 girls In this club. The same group of girls compose the 4-H cooking club of which Hiss Mildred Newcombe Is leader. The other three clubs are made up of eighth grade girls with Mrs. Charles Gentry as leader of the cooking and Mrs. C. M. Cllne and Mrs. Slg Jepsen, leaders of the two sewing club groups. H. M. Asplnwall Is leader of the two boys' clubs, one In for estry and the other In woodworking. Activity Peps up For Construction Of Highway Route AURORA. Dec. s. Th U,t meeting of the 1932 city council was In session Monday night and matters of a purely routine na ture was considered. Th hndt for 193S was adopted, bills were paid ana the meeting adjourned. Construction on the highway through Aurora la berinnina- to show some activity, prior to this time highway officials and prop erty owners have been trying to reach a settlement. Baspmnnt are being excavated, foundations Deing aunt preparatory to mov ing the buildings, and lots are being filled In. Francis Grew and Lois Man nock Invited the Girl Seonts to the home of-N. E. Manock Mon day night where a Jolly evening was enjoyed. Their leader taught tnem to paint designs on silver bracelets which when nlacd in acid would leave the design etch ed on the silver. Gene Carver of Donald Is a new member. PAGE THREE Business Session For Church Class Ends With Frolic QERVAIS, Dec. g. The Toung Married People's class of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Graflons Tnesday night. After the business session the group resolved Itself lnte a Christmas party. Games were placed and there was a decorated tree with gifts for all. Robert Harper, Mrs. J. C. McDonald and Mrs. Blaine Brown composed the committee on arrangements. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Harper, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDonald, Mrs. A. B. Mlnaker. Mrs. Berta Barker, Mrs. Mary L. Harnick, Mrs. 8arah Catching, Mrs. Herman Jelderks and Gene vieve and Earl, Ralph Harper, Gordon Jonee and Rev. and Mrs. Grafious. Salem Group to Put On Program, Roberts ROBERTS, Dec. 8. The Rob erts community Is going to have the pleasure of hearing a fine program put oa by the Salem chamber of commerce Saturday night. me students of the upper grade have bees very busy mak lng toys which they will take to the community club Saturday night te try to raise money for their room. Silverton Extends Council Invitation SELVERTON, Dee. I. An in rltatlon has been extended from the Delbert Reeves post of the American Legion for the district conference to meet at Silverton early la January for an after noon and evening session. The auxliary to the local Legion will serve a 6 o'clock dinner for which a nominal fee will be charged. IN SLAYING . I . t 1 , Prescriptions C. L. WELLMAN, Ph. G 470 N. Commercial St. In 'THE MARKET" TOYS i CANDY Gifts for Women Cedar qq Chesta 470 C brass bound with sta tionery in them 49c 35c Fancy Box Stationery Plain flat pack Pyralin Made 11 Piece Manicure Set, leather, silk lined roll. up Oft case PJa70 Brush, Comb and Mirror for $3.85 Gifts for Men 11.00 William r Shaving Seta 00 C 16c Vanite Golf AO Balls, box 12 for UP C (1.25 Hair Brushes, set 2 Pro- iyr phylactic I DC Bond Flashlight, com plete; spotlight $2.75 Pen and 1 no Pencil Sets ...$i.VO Genuine Leather Billfolds for 49c Remember, we have a complete line of smaller toys from $1.50 down to 5c See oura at the new 1932 prices. 50c Magician Sets 35c 11.00 White House Games 50c $1.00 Birdie Game. 50c $1.00 Crows in Corn game..50c $1.00 Lincoln Logs 60c 50e Toy Cannons 85e $1.00 Climbing Tractors....75c Dolls $4.50 Baby Doll "Tick letoes' ', rubber legs hands .. $2.95 $3.00 Kiddie PaL hair, sleeping eyes, solid legs and on arms $107 Foods and Remedies $1.00 Super D. Oil $1.00 Listerine $1.20 Lactogen $1.00 Ovaltine $1.20 Sal Hepatica $1.00 S. T. - 37 $1.35 Pierce's Remedies 69c 65c 75c 69c 75c 79c 98c Pillt and TaUett - 16c 39c 39c . 29c 39c 98c 79c 39c 79c 49c 49c 16c 42c 63c 25c Aspergum 60c Exlax Chocolate 50c Phenolax S5c Bayer's Aspirin 50c Yeast Foam $2.00 Reduceoids .. $1.00 N. R. Tablets 50c Feenamint ... $1.00 Rinex 60c Stuart's Dyspepsia ... 75c Doan's Kidney 25c Zymole Trokeys 60c Pape's Diapepsin .... $1.00 Miles Nervine $1.00 Set Wooden Blocks 7Sq Christmas Tree Lights set of 8 Christmas Cards 24 beautiful cards lined envelopes 09s HELP THE AMERICAN LEGION AUXI LIARY BUY KFI I.nrr'i ppnnnnx! FROM THEIR REPRESENTATIVES A T YOUR GReAtoI5aY?UCTS L Ileld for arraixruaant oa a hoaiicide eharse. lira. Laeille McCarmick. rife of Asdrew "Red" If eConnkk 1 lower), la shown after aba ia sa!4 9 aav confessed smnnrliiif the rna into Raymond Street JaO, Brooklra, N. nr., with which her kasband attempted to shoot his way t irr.on. The desperado, who waa awaitinj? sentence for robbery, fw Head Keeper William MeCon ell and wounded the Rt. Harry C Iloneck, son of the Warden before ending- his own life with a bullet from tha szn?rrie4 gun. , Kerr Products are the best obtainable Mfg. in Portland White Eagle Sack 73c Barrel $2.92 Rolled Oats 9 lb bag . 25c Graham or Whole Wheat No. 10 bg 25c Farina makes fine white mush No. 10 bg 39c Hot Cake Flour No. 10 bg 39 c AH Guaranteed CASH 294 N. Commercial St. Phone 3527 Irish's stores are headquarters for Oranges, Can dy and Nuts at lowest prices in history. Don't stop, drive around, lots of parking: space. Friday, Saturday and Monday 25c 29c Shortening Pure Lard .4 lbs. A Ik- uvv i )... SUV Butter OfiA Standard Grade n,. uVv I srsML j 0 Kellogg'a Pep z for 19c Jaasjelaad Book Free Kelloggg Whole Wheat Flakes, 3 for 25c Kelloggr'a All Bran, large.... 19C Kelloggs Corn Flakes.. ... 3 for 23c We are cooperating with the American Lesion AaxUiarr en jvonoga; uay Satnrday Candy Iflp Satin finish ib, Raisins 4 Ijj Morton's Salt .... .... . 3 lb ha Jell-O or Jell Well -- nicer Dates 10 a Aoples Wngs or Spita. WeU died boxes eacfc 17c 17c 5c Nalley's Products Salad Dressing Qts 23c Mayonnaise Pts 25c Qts 45c ir NcEs h', Good 49c Asparagus Tips 95 25c 10c 45c Salmon Rice Broken , Coffee Fresh firotmd Oranges Half Boi,79e Box $1.65 Grape Fruit Marsh Seedless Spuds Local Bar bank .2 cans .1 cans J Ibi, -Jdox. 25c dos. 100 lbs. 30c 70c $2.00 or oyer Fre Delivery