The OREGON STATESMAN, gafem, Oregon. Friday Bloraing. DeccmW 9, 1932 PAGE THIRTEEN. 1 . : Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUsalfted Advertising Single Insertion per llae.lOe Three Insertions per tine 20c Six Insertions per Une. .30c One month per line.. $1.06 Minimum charge ......lie Copy tor this page ac cepted until f:30 the even ing before publication tor classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns, aad (n cases where thin paper ts st fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake ocears. The Statesman reserve the right to reject objee tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. Business Directory BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Bntter'es Starter and fenerater work. MS Chemelreta at. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 450 R B Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. I SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor Correspondence Instruction International Correspondence schools. Business and technical cours es. Box 16C, Salem. C. McGUllvrajr, Tel. 1!. FLORISTS CUT flowers. wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decoration C 1 Brelthwipt. florist. S57 Court street Tel 6904. A I. L kinds of floral work. Cut- Flar 1st ISth f.-rket Tl 9591 FLOOR CONTRACTING Otwn Floor Ca Tel tin. GIFT SHOPS Fred Blatchford. mfg of "Distlnc tlyeGlftwiu 1H S. Hi?h St. ICE SKATES Machine sharpened and rented, it. W .SCOTT. 147 S. Com'l. INSURANCE BECKB HENDRICKS 189 N Rfeh Tel 4I? LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY HI S. Hlg- Tel 12t capital crrr laundry "We Wash Everything In Lux" Telephone 3tS 1384 Brnadwav MATTRESSES Mnttresscs from factory to horn Spring mattress $8.00. Renovat ors and fumifatora. Capital Beddinj. Co Tat 40Q IflJO North CapltoL New mattress mads to order, eld mattress remade; carpet cleaning, sis Ing : fluff rug weaving Salem Fluff Rur k Mattress Factory, a 13th Wilbur Tet 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker F. 1911 MUSIC STORES OaO. C WILL pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 43$ Ptn'f fltreet gn!m MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chtnese Medicine Co. Hours Sunday 2 to 5 p. m. 14 S N C immerctaL PAINTING & DECORATING Painting- and decorating. Tel. 8704. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair work. Uraber Bros. 1(0 So. Libert Tel R94 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Lewis K. Neet, Income Tax aad Public Accounting. 209 Masonic Bldg. TeL BS44. PRINTING FDR STATIONERY, cards, pampn lets, programs, books or any kkid M firlntlng. caU The Statesman Print ng Department 2IS 8 Commercial Telntwwo 1 ei REAL ESTATE BECKE A HENDRICKS. TeL 447. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. TeL (48$. SOCQLOFSKT SON 04-5 FlrstTafL Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807 STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stove for aale. rebuilt and repaired. All kinds ef woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooka loaan hooka 8a!em fnsnco and Stove worka, 3(3 Chemeketa. TeL 4734. R. & riemlng. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 314 State St TeL 7TTI. Distributing, for warding and storage oar spec la U, Oet our ratea FOR local or distant transfer stoi jr oall aiU Larxaai Transfer Co HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted tulo accompanist. Mall letter of qualifications to Bx. S3. Statwrmsn. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED A rood real estate sales- man. Apply 202 U. S. Bank bid. THS SQUARE DEAL, REALITY CO. FOR SALE Miscellaneous " r"V r.KTM 1 pri 1 " Jbon to Statesman iffa. SALEM UnMi Gifts IJc and Greenhauma. I40-I48 N. Cora'L up. Radio for sal S238 Zenith repos sessed, balance due, 159.49. $.5 down. tS monthly. See Mr. Jans at Wills Mu sic Store. FOR SALE Used "Hot point" elec tric ranee, reasonable. Blackbird Inn. RlcirealL inspected Holly wreathes, sprays or buik. TeL 9314. Rfg. 1S60 N. Sum mer. Chas. Kinder, licensed dealer. In spector's tags for all shipments. - - -- --, - -ij-Ln.-u- r-i.r,"un Clover and gTaln liay. Ernest Roth, Route T. Box 155 A. phone 10JI4. TRADE Miscellaneous 114 ton Graham truck, for sale or trade for cows. F. A Hooper. R. 1. B 57. Dayton. Or. WANTED Miscellaneous Cash paid for used furniture, stoves. etc TeL 3593. Ouns. etc.. old old. Jewelry. Condi tion no object. Name your price. REI NER'S EXCHANGE. 159 N. Com"!. MISCELLANEOUS g nrixirii Beauty work done in your home. Reasonable. Appointments any time. Tel, 7193. Old time dance. Sat. Yew Park. New music. Surprise for V. 10c 4 15c. FOR RENT ROOMS - - n n n in.ri.riri.ii "arm sleeping room and gar. $2.50 wk. Or It. K. rooma. 302 S. Winter. ROOM AND BOARD Board, heated rooms. 1271 Cheme- keta. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments downtown. Call's book store. Lovely court bungalow furnished, fireplace, hdw ties., paragre. elec range, 320 Phor.e 5154. Modern steam heated apts. Tel. 84D0. lively 2 rooni apt., 10S0 Center!"" Apts, 10-$12. SHI N. Cctii'i. St. Trescott opts. 2 mod. well furn. heated apts. llarase. Adults, J It). S. P. bus line. 104 Oak. Heated i R. apt. 210 T. Hth. Hnusekeeping room, best rate. 191 S. Church. Nit? furn. apts., private bath, $10, $12 and up. 690 I'nlon. S-ioom furnished apt., heat, private U'tth. 690 X. Summer. Tel. 1494. S R, unfurn. apt., frig-idalre, elec. ranere. irara?. heat. Tel. 3168. FOR RKNT HOUSES 4 room house. 1539 3. Com'l. Tel. 8763. Furn. and :nfurn. houses. R. A. Forkner. 1810 N. Cottage. Tel. 3031. Modern bungalow, 250 S. Cottage. Garage, small house, light end wat er. 1025 N. 16th or phone 8215. Houses. $10, 20. Moses, 331 H State. 6 room house. $S. Tel. 7204. FOR SALE Real Estate 6 3-4 A. 314 ml. from Salem, all culti vated. 4 H A. fruit, 5 room house, gar as, welL $1100. 4 cash. 10 A. 3 ml. from Salem, 4 A. logans, well, electrio water system, almost new fi room, bath, garage, chicken house and barn, $3400. Trade for house in Salem. 2 A. in Vale, Oregon, 5 room house, bath, barn, checken house, In city lim its, $2560. Trad for city property or small acreage MELVIN JOHNSON 275 State Street Phone 79f. REAL VALUE In a South Salem home. Comfort able 5 room lunise on a choice lot, 64x105 ft. east frontage, paved street, garage, fruit and shruba Price re duced from $3000 to $1800, only $300 cash, baL $25 per month including 6 interest. CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. BIG SNAP 15 Acres Extra Good Land $1400 Good ( room house, barn, hen house. Owner going east, forced to sell at sacrifice price, $1400 some terms : on market road. SEE BECHTEL, or THOMASON 341 State Room 4 We have email farm stocked and equipped for Salem home. 6 room plastered house, garage, only $850. Easy terms. Six room house, close, partly fur nished, rent $18. t M "GILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 20J-10 U. a Nafl. Bank Bldg. WMAAMiMWMwVVwVwVvVw SACRIFICED SALE MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 10-R. rooming house, basement, fur nace. All nicely furnished. Close to state house. A little money down and move in. Best bargain ever offered. Better hurry. JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 132 South High Street Here it is Just finished, 10$5 N. ISth St Your husband can afford to bay this beautiful S room up to the minute house. Small down payment. Balance tike rent. See owner. 141$ N. l$th. Tel. 437T. EXCHANGE Real Estate Fine farm. 347 acres, house, t R., 2 barns, poultry and hog houses. On mail and milk route, close to school. Price $11,000. Take some trade, some cash. Xiotxl terms on balance. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 241 State Room 4 25 acre farm with fair buildings, stock and tools; will take a small acreage or clear suburban home as part payment and easy terms oa the balance. A modern city home clear, to ex change for a farm property of like val ue or might assume same. See Chas. Vicfc with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 124 a Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon - --- - - - - , ,.w..vwMwwi',ri Will trade equity in 6 A. modern building, fruit, filberts, 3 mile N. K Salem. WiU assume a farm 40 to 80 A, with good Improvements, eleetrkv lty, good road, bottom land, and wtil trade good td mortgage for stock and equipment or eome. Box It, ear ft-'n-Tiaa - . - - ! ' " ' VWBMMBMHBM 1 ' - - Interesting: Pacts 14 Shopping Days Until Christmas DECEMBER I i i rii 6 11 11 ped lnto Salem every week. $75 worth of cakes, pies ard pastries are shipped In and sold by Salem !;'r ch week. If aU this bread aad pastries were mads In Salem it would add 1 people to Salem payrolls. O There are now 10 bakeries In Salem. 4 wholesale and retail, employing over 100 people. O Easter will cotne on the Uth of prU, 1?JJ Ju,y 4th come on Tuesday. Christmas on Monday O The Ean sranclsco earthquake happened on April it, le. . O The first steamship that crossed .,ocan brought back a new i-ngllsh book that scientifically proved steam navigation & physi cal Impossibility. ' O Testerday's cold weather re minded us of the big snow storm and cold weather which came just about 1$ year ago. Qua Hixaon. circulation manager, was telling a how he shoveled snow a full day in Corvallls and earned $3 for his work. He also rememlered that the snow was so deep he a-nTte pay $21 for a pair of high top boots to keep his feet dry. EXCHANGE Real Estate Ser. sta. for farm. Bx. 8$, Statesman. FOR SALE FARMS 6$ acres with 21 acres of heps. I hop houses, on Willamette river, I rm. house, electricity, has school loan of $3300. For a few days will offer for $135 an acre, cash payment of $2800. WIN-NIE PETTYJOHN 175 South Hlirh Street ACREAGE 10$ A. bottom soil, nnnrlir Imnrn, I want you to come In and make me a proposition on this. Your term a If you are looking for something good, don't pass this up. It C. SHIELDS Real Estate Oregon Bldg. Tel. 902 Business Opportunities A PEACH OP A BARGAIN Have a wonderful buy In grocery, conf., meat market and gas pump. Dandy location. Have just this week to sell It at about V value. Come see me before you say no. Never such a chance again. JAS. D. SEARS, ' Realtor 13? South High Street LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE 1 thoroughbred black and white Shetland trick pony, espe cially trained ror children. Cash. Box $5, Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN MMwVMAMWW PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security Repayable monthly. When tn financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Blg. Phone 8$$3 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that ts really, really different. TOD GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN TN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bllgh Bid. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 813 State St TeL 3-7-4-0 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce yout payments Too keep the oar P. A, EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4733 Saleta, Ore MONEY FOR THE HOLIDAYS We advance cash to salaried people on plain notea. Easy monthly repay ment plan. Our service Is quick, cour teous and confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Bldg., Second Floor Office hours 10:00 A. M. to 0:30 P. K. Telephone 778 State License 8-145 FOR SALE WOOD Call Saggie for dry flr. oak, ash and maple. Reasonable prlcea Phone 3731. GUARANTEED DRY wood- TeL $000 8s lent Fuel Co. Trade 4V Cottaga Dry wood at Tracy's Phone 39$4. Good wood, deprea, prlcea, TeL $749. Old flr, It". $4.50. Dial TI0O. POLLY AND HER PALS I I I I I a--ktl, 11 m.i. . li . . . I lAlXOHOL AND ONUV f I I I 3s liCS A l: 1 iflfr TW-T W "S I IV r7T T1 S - i tan 11 psr? w mm Iff up. q gjj jgps flI 3Bilfl 4if FOR SALE wnnn DRY FIB IKn nilr arr-Lnri rr r gooa tuaiitv and I.ARMKR TRANSFCT 41 8TORAOE -In. old fir. Phone 4$tS. Aah, flr and o&k. Tet ie. Dry oak, flr, S, TeL 7. 1-251 1X,?n-d..rowth. oak. any I" old lir. I4.JJ. TeL $4(3. Old flr, 18 in., $4.5. TeL 383S. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sun rl v fh k.. " tanir men" clrthlng. RewarSf TeL ST-Engllsh tter. female " dci l"SS0Z',,n orang, .pot ?n : v-wi or 481. hiif ST5.a?2.9f" yrtat watch at retuVn to StatesmlS- FOR SALE USED CARS SAXEM USED CAR CENTER i. ORDS im ts$9.o 130 Coach 81S.M 2S.0 !$ Coach ;.ZT I'll Sport Roadster 13 Sport Roadster m. pus., 4 193 4 -speed truck llf.00 3t$.oe 32$. 00 35$ 00 1B8.00 25.00 ficrup runs rood OTH1RR Uivn 1930 Chevrolet Coach s ae o!?1? nel Delivery ISO 0 5n" uoupe iss.oe ?.uJfk. 8lrl Coupe - 140.00 i iseaan 100.00 i criatis TltADES SEE Charlie or Larry Phone T10 Marlon at Liberty Sta, McKAT" TTsrnT niBo ..lY1!11 .AN O. K. THAT COUNTS x-ora coupe ta oe :::: i.1J,",0',cn .eaan 243.00 1929 Ford Snort Rn.tfT' 245.00 345.00 1931 Ford Coupe . 1930 Bulck Coupe 1931 Stude 8 Coupe CHEVROLET $95.00 425.00 coupe . 1925 Sedan 1928 Coupe 1920 Coupe I 1920 Sedan . 1930 Coach . 1931 Coupe 1S1 Coach 3 83.00 I6J.00 265.00 29S.0O 325.00 295.00 435.00 825.00 1932 Coupe Liberal Trades Easy Terms McKAT CHEVROLET CO. Center Phone 3189 430 N. ComT. Light 1929 mod. coupe, grod condl tfon, cheap. Write Bot 98. Statesman. AUTOMOBILES NOW ' WRECK r?in 1-1930 Chev. truck, dual wheels 1-1928 Ford 2-door 1-1922 Cadillac 1-1927 Oak Sedan FOR SALH 1-1928 Ford Roadster 1-Ford pickup Theso cars are readv to m ACME AUTO A TRUCK WRECKERS H Block Bo. of Paper Mill 4S0 8a Com'L Phr.n T7t Group From 'Green Will Sail Thursday For Alaskan Lands HAZEL GREEN. Dec. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Stivers, nee Lena Deerlng, ylsitors of Mrs. Sil vers' brother, Julias Deering. and Mrs. W. H. Williamson left for Seattle where they expect to sail December 15 to Dandas, Alaska, where they will make their home ror the winter. Mrs. Silvers spent spring and summer here with her brother, Julius Deering, and Mrs. Williamson. Mrs. Silvers' marriage was an event of Octo ber 22 at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs, Earl and two children have moved into the house on the corner of w. Ware's farm. The house waa re cently vacated by Mr. Ware's son-in-law, Clyde Trotter and family, who moved to Woodburn. The Earl family came from Ok lahoma early this year. Parties Scheduled For Members Play Casts of Classes INDEPENDENCE, Dec. 8 Play casts will be the Inspiration of parties Thursday and Friday erenlnga. Thursday evening after the plays Helen Newton will en tertain at her home for the sen ior play cast Including: Gertrude Gentemann, Myrtle Fox. Eliza beth Baker, Olga Syrerson, Jack Berry, Joe McEldowney and Hel en Newton. lone Moore will entertain Fri day evening at her home for the junior play cast including: Beryl Kelley, Paul Carey, Melford Hoo ver, Henry Quiring, Marlon Ruef, Pauline Sloper. Eleanor Bell, Chester Lenhard, Edward Dunck el, Alfred Haener, Richard Mo Kee, Myrtle Swerlngen, Joan An derson and lone Moore. REV. BATES RETURNS MILL CITY, Dec I. Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Bates returned to home In Mill City this week from Klamath Falls, where Rev. Bates has been supplying ths pulpit of the Christian church since the death of the pastor ther. His place la the Mill City church has been filled by William Cone of the Eugene Bible iverslty. I n m n rr-ri mm mmm m m . a. i BUTTER'SHB SI IWPIMTI PORTLAND. Dec. 8 (AP) Continued weakness In butter here in the face of severe weath er conditions comes as direct result of manipulation by specu lative storage interests a short time ago. Further loss of lc In cube butter during the regular session, following a cut of 2c during the special session the pre vious day, can easily be accounted tor by this manipulative inflq ence which caused the Influx of not only a very considerable sup ply of midwest butter to the Pa cific slope trade, but also supplies from New Zealand. Market for eggs continues to show gathering weakness hera with the added local as well as eastern declines. The new cut of 2c dozen by the local co-ops was met by additional cuts among out siders. Even though there is a glut of turkeys and prices are very low there, chicken values, with the ex ception of springers, continue to top the list. This is yery unusual. Lower prices are being named for veal and hogs in the country killed meat trade. The oversupply of veal is especially marked and lower live hog values have hurt that line. Too many country killed lambs are reaching the local trade, cre ating adverse price and market conditions. Sales la general are seldom above 9-9 c, only a few hitting a dime. Ewes are scarce and continue In call. Baillie if Teacher At Mt, Angel: Has Michelbrook's Job MT. ANGEL. Dec. 8. William H. Baillie of Salem has accent ed the position of teacher of the aixtn grade of St. Marv's nubile school. He will finish out the term of Herbert MIchelbrook. who has resigned to teach dsv- caoiogy and Latin at Mt. Angel academy. Mt. Angel feels Itself fortun ate in obtaining the serriCA.q r.f Mr. Baillie who has a splendid record as teacher and disciplin arian. He was at one time rural school supervisor and 4-H club leader of Marlon county and lat er head of the boys' state train ng school. He is also a former student of Mt. Angel colleeo. Senior League Ready To Present Pageant SILVERTON. Dec. 8. Finish ing touches are being put this week on the pageant which Is to be given at the Ira ma nu el church Sunday night by the sen ior league with Miss Clarissa Brager in charge. Special music will be furnished by choruses and half hour song service will be held precedlnar the Dae&ant. Radio Program r-TDAT. DECEMBER SOW Portland 620 Ke. 8:00 Morning Saaihine. P!l5 Cookinf school. : Arion trio, NBC. 10:80 Woman' Mat-tine, XBC. 12:15 ."arm and Home hour, KEO. 1:45 Lady Nsit Door, NBO. :00 Mr. Skee!' Better Enli ulk. 3. SO Tea Tim Bataar. 4:30 The MeUo Cello. 4:45 Tb Wandering Minstrel. 5:00 Cosmopolitan. NBC. 8:30 Ifule Orphan Annie, NBO. 8:00 F1rt NiRhter, NBC. 7:45 Wanda Uawley Scroeea sad Styls Chat. 8:00 Aaioa "n" Andy, NBO. :45 Two Bow and a Gal. 10:15 Kelly' daee orcaeitra. 11 :0O Hoot Owls. KOIN Portland 940 Ke. 6:00 KOIN's Kkwk. 7 :0O Organ. 7:45 Chapel Chirac hour. 8:30 OoUen Melodies. 9:30 Betty Crocker, DLBS. 10:00 George Hail's reheatta. CEg. 11:00 Trod Barron's orchestra, CBS. 1:00 Book ot Life. 5:8f March of Time. CBS. :00 All-Americas yootbali Show, CB3 7:00 Muaic That Satisfies, CBS. 7:80 Chandu. Ua Maciciaa. DLBS. 3:00 Jack Lenard. :0O Onto Nelson aad orchaatra. CBS t:$0 BetwfMa the Goal Poita. DLBS. IS: IS Ted rio BiU'a orcheatn. DLK8, 11:20 Do Silvia's ftoyal Knights. -XX Portland 1180 Kb. 7 :00 Morning -erenedera. 9:00 Muaio Appreciatioa hoar. 9:00 Julia Hares' Helpful Hints Houiewi-e. 9; SO Striagwood ensemble. 10:00 Mardl Qr. 11:00 Vida B. Sutton. 11 :80 Soloist 11:44 Concert Petit. 13 :4S Common w-alth ei lan- h-l . S:0e KametK Spaacas. 3 .00 Waldorf Aatoria orchestra 8:30 Harlem Pastas?. 3:45 Dnc Matter. 8:00 NBO football rally. 8:30 Tana a at the Apes. 8:4S Night Seag. :H Faatssy. : Jimmy K-ehardtoa. :45 Coagrea Hotel srehettra. 10:00 Star Books. to 'An Obedient NERVOUS GRAIN MART LOCAL BUTTER AND EGGS FALLING Wheat Closes Y Off lo y& up; Corn, Oats Advanced CHICAGO, Dec. 8. (AP) As sertions by leading trade experts that apparently all commodities had reached a shock-proof level did much to rally grain prices today from nervous downturns. Transient weakness of grains was more or less associated with an unexpected increase of govern ment estimates of cotton produc tion. Evidence quickly developed, nowever. that houses with eastern connections were buyers of wheat on price setbacks and that many traders were becoming more and more uneasy about possible severe damage to domestic winter wheat by Insufficient snow protection against low temperatures and be cause of persisted widespread drought. Wheat closed Irregular, off to H up compared with yester day's finish, com to ad vanced, oats unchanged to higher. Today's closing quotations: Wheat December, 44: May, 48-48; July, 48-H. Corn December, 22 -23; May. 27-; July. 2 . Oats December. 15; May. ITS; July. 17. General Markets rBODUCE KXCHAVQB PORTLAND. Ore.. Dee. 8. (AP) rroaace erchnr, net ericei: Bntter sxtru SSc, tuadirds 25e. irim finu c. mni 2c. t.i rrrth eitri 26c nedlunu 22c Portland Grain rORTLAND, Ore.. Doc. 8. (AP) wtioat Upea Hig;a Low C1o Dvaibtr 45 2 U'J 'V4 -47 .47, Cash .beat: Bic Bend bhmitni V i . dark Uard winter, 13 par cent .51, 11 per cen .,- aon wnia, nara winter .42 H wetter- white, northern tpriei .41V wet tern re4 .41. OaU Xo. 2 white $17. Cora No. 2E yellow $17.50. Millruo Standard 112.-5. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 8. (AP) Lame Kecoipu ,5, ealTs 10; steady. Steer. 00 to 000 pound, medium $113 5 25, common 12.75-4.25; 900 to 1100 poand. medium $4-5.25, common 82.50-4; 1100 to 1-00 poand. tnedinsi $3.75-4.50. Heifers, 550 to 850 pound, medium $3.50-4.25. common $2,50 3.50. Cow, common and oedieai $2-3, low sut ler and cotter $1-3. Bull, yearlmf e cluded, good and choice (beet) $2.25-$, cotter, common and medium $1.50-2.25. Vealer. milk fed. good and choice $5 5.50. auediam $3.75-5. cull and common $2-3.75. Calvea. 250 to 500 posnda, good and choice $3.75 5. coo uacn and mediam $2-8.75. Ho KvceipU 250; iteady. Lirht l.rht. 140 U ISO Mudi .aad and choice. $3 3.75. LichtweifhU, 180 to 180 pound. $3.50-8.75; ISO ts 200 poand. $3.50-3.75. Medium wolf at, 200 to 220 pound $3.25-3.75: 220 ta 250 pound $3 S.75. Heavyweight. 250 to 290 ponnd. $2 85 8 85; 290 to 350 pound. $2.T5-3.50. Pacltiag ao-. 275 to 500 pound, medium and rood. $2.50-$. Yrrdera-ttocker. 70 to 130 pound. gfoi and choice, $2.50-3. 8hep receipts 700; atcady. Lam hi, 00 pound down, good and choice $4,75 5. medium $3.50-4.75, all weights common $2.50-3.50. Taarling wether. 90 to 110 poand. medium to choie $1.25 3. Ewaa. 90 to 120 pound, median, to choice. $1-1.25; 120 to 150 pound, medium to choice 75c $1.25; all . weights, cull to common, 50-75. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Dee. 8. (AP) Bnttor PtibU, 92 acor or better 28c, standard 27e. -gg Pacific Poultry Froducer ell Ing price: Freh extra lir, (tandard 22-. medium I.e. pullets 22c Country meat Selling price to retail are: Country-killed hoj. best butcher under ISO pound 4H-&C pound; el er, 8O-100 pound-, 6-6Hc; lamb 9-lOc, yvarlinga 6e, heavy ewaa 8 4c, canner cow 2 8e, bulla 4-4 He. NaU Oregon walnut 15-19 pound. Teanut 10c, Braaila 1214c. almond 15 16c. filbert 10-S2e. pecan 20c Cascara bark Baying pricea, 1932 ocet 3e pound. Hop Nominal. 1982. 28-28e pound. 1 Butterfat Direct to shippers: Station ---25c Portland delivery price: Churn ing ereasa 25c, sweet cream higher. Llv poultry Net buying price: Heavy 1 hens, colored. 4. pound. lc pound: do aediam 11a: lighta 9e: spriaga, eotored. tic: all weights, white. lOe; old rooa ! tera. Te; deck. Pekln. 10-11: gvese, I 8-c I Onions Selling price to retailer : Ore 1 gon 90e-$l cental. Yakima 80 $1. Potatoes Local 65-70 oraaga box. Desahatea Oaas 9 --$. Taklma Cams eo-90e ceetai. Wool 1933 clip, nominal: Willamette valley 11-15e pessd. eastern Oregea 10 12. Hay Bo ying price from producer: AU falta $11.50 12. clover $9-9.S0. aasUra Orogoa timothy $18.58, eats and vetch $10.50-11. 110 Archie Loveland. 11:80 Bal Tabaria orchestra. XOAC Cervams 650 K. 7:00 -Terming Meditation, led by Rev. Harold Howard. 8:00 Morning concert. 10:00 Home Economies Ob server. 11 :0 Farm hear. 2:80 Demtiatry end Health. 8:00 Book Worth Beadier A lead to the Family t Precioas Bane Mrs. M. Ell wood Smith. 8:30 A Tea Like It Aathoay Kawer. 7:10 PoUenation ot Nat 0. X. Schu- 7:40 Why Make a Local Oeatract Prof. J. Lloyd Le Master. 8 :15 Philosopher of th Croatroads Aathony Kuwer. Patient Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1.S8 per hundred. Surplus 90c. (Milk bmii oa enj nonlhlr utttrfat sfsrsra) Butter fat Sweet, 27c; soar, 23c. Butter Cubes, 29c; prints, SSc. FRUIT AKD VEGETABLES Prices psid to gmwen by &!ta buyer ucemer 8 (Ths price bo'.ow. appli4 oy s local pocr. ar ladicati of th dally surket mrm m runatNt By TBS SUtMmao I ameas canoaj. Soa. . .jo Carrot a. dot. 20 Carrot. 40 bag "go Boot, local, do. .15 to 20 Turnip. Kea,l. do. . ts Orsoa psppor. lb. . .05 Cabbac. ack ... jo K-diho, do, boochoa jo Osiona. dot. baacbt Jo -seal potato .75 to I 00 c set potatoot. crat lSlary heart, dox. Lesl eolorr. do. T-ocal Uttara. crat To Dalle lettocs fipinach. eraU California lettaco notboa tomatoo. crat OoicB. Walla Walla Oaion. Labiih. 25 lb IX bub aquh. do. Paras I pt, ho ad red Apples a inf. bo. .43 .50 65 .85 .65 1.00 .75 1.50 .90 .15 11.00 ...1.50 3.00 4.00 Spltxenberg Northern Spy Ort'.e Jonathan Delicious Cauliflower, No. 1 erata Ratabara. hnndretl Rrussel iprout Crnbem'e. retail, lb. Cranberries, bbl. Orange, p.p Orange, fancy HOPS Top, 1912. Ik. Top. 1931. lb. .2$ .20 EOG8 Baying Prices Extra Htacdarda . Mediuma .20 .19 .18 .15 Pulleti Old rooater Colored hen Madiam ben POULTRY. Light bent Bke Light fryer Turkey, lire, top Turkkey. dre(cd Ducks, lire, White Tekiti .... Gc, lire .. MEAT Lamb, top . Hog&, tcp . . .. Steer. firt cut Btecr Cow 4.25 3.40 3.15 OS to 04 .01 to .02 03 to 03 05 Heifer Dreed vra). Dreicd In-ci top . .044 GOAIN AND HAT Wreat. wtfrn red .41 H Wile, No. 1 !3V4 Birley. top. ton 14 00 0t. white, ton 14.00 Oat gray. top. toe 38.00 to 1900 Hty. price Oat and retch, ton 7.00 to 7 50 Alfalfa, -alley. lt cut. 9.00 to 10.00 WOOL Medium i roare .Jl0 Mohair 0 market NUTS Walnut, orchard ran .10 to 12 Filbert, fair grad ij Stocks and Bonds DECEMBER a f Copyright 1932. Standard Suttftic o.) 58 20 nd'li ItU'i 6J.2 60.5 . 6. .2 60.4 . 62.6 60.9 - 69.8 71.4 . 92.4 105.7 - 71.3 78.0 . 53.2 47.4 20 cr 80.6 60.8 1.5 88.7 99.0 86.2 90 Total 67.7 67.7 68.3 75.9 99.0 78.1 Tuday Previous day Week aro Tear ago 3 years ago ttiga i33 . Iw 1932 High 1930 . Low 19?o 70.9 57.5 94.9 108 101.4 101.9 83 8 97.3 96.6 92.8 BOND AVERAGES 20 20 20 . Ind'r RK' Ct' 60 Total i"T 52.B S 8 87.4 Previou day 52.7 27.0 86 9 Wek ago 51 4 25 9 s j 5 Tear ago 69.3 38.4 110 9 54.7 54.7 53.4 71.6 ?J'ro 10 2 134.8 223.3 180.5 72. H 93.8 111.0- 73 9 JfL1,9 85 1 51 350 High 1930 202.4 141.6 281.8 205 8 Lo"" iPTO -112 9 86.4 146.5 114,7 Egg Producers to Benefit from New Rates Agreement rOKTiiAND, Ore., Dec. 8 f AP) E. J. Dixon, general man ager of the Pacific Cooperative Poultry Producers, said today that coast egg producers will ben efit considerably If plans of the western railroads for lower rates are given approval by the eastern roads. At a recent meeting in Chica go. Dixon said, the western roads advocated a reduction from $2.26 a hundred pounds to $2.fX) a hun dred la rates on eggs from the Pacific coast to New York. And other eastern points. It was said this would meet whatever compe tition steamship lines have to of fer In the way of rates, in addi tion to assuring prompt delivery. Dixon said the eastern roads will confer soon on the proposal. Three couples were married in a triple ceremony by Magistrate j T. A. Henly of Ooldsboro, N. C. ! 1.10 JO sad .40 - .20 .40 1.25 sn 1!85 -.S.40 at !20 . .15 -1.00 .04 . .11 .08 to .09 . .06 to .07 1 1 .09 too .. I.-. .10 .03 BOLSTERED Eggs Down two Cents; Butterfat a Cent To 25c Price Eggs and butterfat both went the downward trail yesterday, with butterfat and butter down a cent, and eggs taklnr a two-rent decline. Butterfat is Quoted 2S on inur and 27c on sweet; butter, 17c on 411 m us ana zjc on cubes. Eggs carry a 20c top on extras; 19c on standards. 18c on mediums and pullets continue at ISc. NEW YORK. Dee. 8 (AP) The stock market today cut back to the slow-motion performances that characf erlxed trading a week ago. United States government se curitios looked best in the bond nrct. although the highest srade corporate obligations re- 'le4 a slightly mere confident oiusno. u Pont. U. S. Steel and Beth- 1-Lem Preferred and others lost one point each on the day. Cop pers dragged down a bit. reflect ing recent heaviness of metal prices which has in turn been a reaction from uncertainties as to hetber the stalemated interna tional conference would reach an agreement. Oils were dull and Motors lacked the energy to fol low up an early rise. Steel Com mon. National Biscuit. Baltimore & Ohio, Loew'8, Safeway Stores. Standard Oil of New Jersey and North American returned until losses, but these were balanced by narrow net advances In Amer ican Telephone. Consolidated Gas. Santa Fe. Union Pacific. Sears Roebuck, American Can and Westlnghouse. Business amounted to 704,921 shares. o- Bits for Breakfast I o- . Q, (Continaed from Page 4) contra y to their allegiance and I believe the originator introduced this clause from a de-'i to main tain peace and order In the coun try and to entitle us to the richt ot call' on the organization for assistance if we required It, as to induce people to Join the organiza tion It had bound itself to protect only its own members and see ing no other means of securing he Hudson s Bay company's property under my charge, on the legisla ture sending me a written Invita tion to join the organization. ' ac ceded to It on the part of the Hudson's Bay company. At the time there were about three thous and Americans in the Willamette, and only about three hundred Bri tish subjects In the V.'i.iametto and at Vancouver and on the north side of the Columbia -and be it observed that the originator of the clause which enabled me to loin the organisation is the very man. as I am Informed. -ho proposed Bevcral times to the immigrants on tie way here in 1843 to take Van couver, and extreme orfense to his cointrymen by lutrodjcin this clause, which was a proof ot now much his prejudices .as died away. He first proposed to the members of the legislature pri vately to request me to accede te the compact, and on their agree ing to It he was authorized by them to get my statements in tiie samo manner aad then pr .1 to me. But at first I objected. He hen pointed out the additionx.1 curity It would afford to the Hud son's Bay company's property and to the maintenance of peace nd order in the country, and he ob served in. the convc. nation. There will be a lanre immie-ntion th! r yon may depend t' "re will be many who will follow William son's example.' It immediately oc-M-rred to me from the information I had formerly received of this man's prejudices against ns and his knowledge of the feellngB and sentiments of his countrymen to wards us. that It would be prudent for me to accept the Invitation and It is by that measure that peace and order has been main tained in the country. As some have attempted to Infringe on the Hudson's Bay company's premises, if we had not joined the organiza tion many more would have done so." (Continued tomorrow.) ANSWER 60 ALARMS PORTLAND. Ore.. Dee. 8 (AP) The fire department here was called to 60 fires Last night, most of them were from burning flues and caused little damage. CUFF STERRETT I . -'ll81-ii l,Ay i SUSLIIIfTl STARTING IN IRlini