. PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,- Oregon, Friday Morning, December 9, 1932 Gnu TEA -1 IS AFFAIR TODAY ' INDEPENDENCE, Dec. I. The Independence Garden club !a sponsoring a silver tea at the bom of Mrs. Clyde. Williams Fri day. Proceeds of the tea are to be used to maka rock pillars at to entrance of the city pari, to match the fireplace which the club constructed last year. The hours will b from 2 to ft o clock in the afternoon and from 8 to 9 at night. In the afternoon the program will be entirely- of a musical nature, including Tlolin solos by Mrs. Loren Mart, accompanied by Mrs. Paul Robinson: violin solos, Clarence Quartier; vocal solos by Mrs. J. C. Collins and Mrs. Lora Butter. The program at iilsht will be demonstration and lecture by the Breithaupt sisters ot Salem. They will speak from 8 . to 9 o'clock. The public is invited. PRESENT FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT School Bell Silent, But Only for 2 Days PIONEER, Dec. 8 There was no school Tuesday or Wednesday on account of the sickness of Miss Eugena Shanks, the teacher. There may be no school for the rest of the we:k. Mrs. Mark Blod gett, a member of the local Wom an's club has charge of the sell ing of Christmas seals and called O , i 5 f : . " w-s-Z I -r; f .;' Eugene Pollen (left), an artist of Boston, Ga., is shown as he presented President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt with a bust which he carved from magnolia wood, and which is an excellent, likeness of the President-elect. James Farley, chairman of the Democratic National Committee is wits Mr. Roosevelt. Photo was made near the "Little White Boose1 si Warm Springs, Ga. on the school children for their help in the selling of them. The youngsters are taking an active interest in the enterprise. Free Delivery and Thirty-day account service solves jour shopping problem daring thin cold weather. Four deliveries daily Model Food Marke 275 N. High St. Phone 4111 Anthorirzed dealer for Battle Creek Food Co. Eat your way to Health" For Your Christmas Cakes Food for Gifts Upton's Tea Special Blackcurrants lb. 15c Our market has yellow label Bleached Raisins 2 lbs. 25c hundreds of items Orange, lemon, citron of lood stuffs that 1 lb 85c peel lb. .30c would make splen- H ,b 45c Sunmaid Raisins 4 lbs. 25c did and appreciated (In the new cellophane package) gifts. Think it over. 4 lb Z5C A Low Down Price on Breakfast Foods Polish Up For the Holidays Large Package Carnation Oats 13c Johnson's Floor wax lb. can 59c No. 10 Sk. Purity Pancake Flour 39c Johnson's Floor wax 2 lb. can 1.12 No. 10 Sk. Eastern Buckwheat Flour 49c Pints Liquid 5Sc No. 10 Sk. Whole Hominv 29c Glocoat Pints - 6Sc Elsinore Pea Specials Telephone Peas f Q 3 cans 'KC Dimple Peas 3 cans Whole Kernel O Ef 55 c Corn 2 cans Canada Dry Ginger Ale. The large OC bottles LDC 6 for $1.35 Pacific Lime Rickey. The large or bottles 6 for St. 3.1 Battle Creek Pyslla at a new low price 5 lbs. White 2.00 5 lbs. Black 3.00 1 lb. White ..5Cc 1 lb. Black 7fc KELLOGG'S SPECIALS Co-operating with American Legion Auxiliary 2 Kellogg's Pep 19c. A Jungle-land Book Free. 2 Whole Wheat Biscuits 21c. A Geography Chart Free Have a Cup of Coffee With Us 1 lb. Shilling's Drip Coffee A Six-Cup Enamel Dripolator $1 19 Do your Christ mas shipping early. As usual vre specialize in shipping Christmas packages. Fancy boxes of Prunes, Walnut-;, and assortments made up that will be sure to please your friends. Also a large assort ment of Oregon and California glace Fruits. Fresh Vegetables Local vegetables are becom ing scarce but we have plen ty for this week-end. Head Lettuce. Tomatoes, Solid Cabbage, Rutabagas. Cauli flower. Spinach, Bra seel Sprouts, Cery, Sweet Pota toes, Gren Peppers, Arti chokes. Potato Special 50 lb. So. 2 Oregon Rarbanks 80c 2 Heads Cauliflower. . . . 10c 3 lb. Basket Tomatoes . . 10c. Saturday Cake Special A Three Layer Gold Cake with Lemon AT filling DC Model Pumpkin Pies 3C Model Mince Pies 80c Special Christmas Cookies 40 lb. Model Fruit Cake lb. 5Cc Model Plum Puddings each 25c See Purity Ad for Additional Specials 178 S. Commercial St. Selling More Meat Every Day at the Lowest Prices in Town Choice Tender All Beef Odd Lot Beef Roasts Hamburger Smoked Meat 6c lb Soil) J6)l' Juicy Tender : Sirloin Young Pig Vegetable Steaks Pork Steak Shortening 10c lb 3 lbs 25g 1 3 lbs ISb Make This Your Seating Place Best Grade ! Shoulder Cut pure Oleo Pork Roast Sausage Oc lb 1 7 c II) 1 8e lb HI TO STUDY II Kill HMDS Inspection of tba varloua state institution! to determine definite ly what improTemanti, If any, will b required early In the next bl ennlnm, baa been undertaken by Rufua C. Holman, state treasur er and member of tne Oregon state board of control.' Holman declared that while he would not recommend the expen diture of any large amount , of money he probably would suggest a number of minor Improvements which would proTe beneficial both to the Institution officials and the Inmates. At the state penitentiary Hol man will ask that tbe stoves now used In the watch towers be eup- f piemen ted with some other kind of heating device. He said tbe tow ers were cold and uncomfortable during tbe winter months and were a menace to tbe health of the guards. The state treasurer said he would complete his investigation within the next 10 days, when be would prepare a formal report. Lewelling Judge In Medford Case Judge Lewelling of the Marlon county circuit court has been as signed to preside at tbe trial of PLEAD GUILTY OF PATRICIDE PLEAD GUILTY OF PATRICIDE t - A a rl-,-. . ..." j .' l nm-r n r. v.' " "v - 'CI . V 4 ..i -t v s . , t - " I P" hr-.'l V. 1 - . r 4 u :;? -;f '. 'r :-j I - . ' - , t-txl - re;-5 ? S x vu -; -. "v-int t-y. v ' f V'V l s7z '- i.- w f" - . ;. - r - -.. . ' .t i-;.- Old Friends Meet Again at Quilting V At Bartruff Home 1IIDDLX GKOVB.. De. sV A birthday dinner honorisg Mrs. r. W. Lee and Mrs. W. BL Scaart was given Sunday at the Lee home on 10th street. - Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Echarr, Katherine and Harry Bcharf, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lee and Helen Rose Lee. . An old time quilting bee was held at the home of Mrs. Lena Bartruff Tuesday, the occasion brought together old friends who had once lived in the community. Those present were Mrs. Adelia Moore, who occe lived on tbe Theodore Herren place, Mrs. J. L. Burns, .whose husband was tbe local church's pastor; Mrs. Lafe Townsend and Mrs. Lydia Bew ley all of Salem; Mrs. W. D. Ed wards, Mrs. Frank Knuths. Mrs. A. J. Herndon, Mrs. Frank Scharf and Mrs. Frank Crane of Middle Grove. San and George Tate, aged IS and 19. respectively, are shown at Union Uvn, Pa, after they had pleaded guilty to slaying their father, Isley S. Tate, 6&-year-old Fayette County mountaineer, and stealing $200 from bis pockets. It is expected that George will get a life term, but owing to his brother's extreme jr oath be may be shown elemenqr. The degree and sentence will be fixed by Judge S. John Morrow instead of by a Jury. tbe ease of the News Publishing company against Banks, which is now at issue in Jackson county. Tbe suit involves foreclosure proceedings. Judges Brand of Coos county and Norton ot Jackson county were disqualified from serving In affidavits of prejudice filed by Banks. Salem Grange to Install Officers At Next Meeting Salem grange will install offi cers, elected a month ago, at an open meeting Saturday after noon, at 2 o'clock. Installation will follow tbe program arranged by Lecturer J. J. McDonald, and which will Include talk by Roy R. Hewitt and music by Mr. and Mrs, Lyman - McDonald. Cdunty Deputy and i Mrs. W. A. Jones of. Macleay; will conduct the Installa tion. - The regular business session .will be hsld-ia-tbe morning, be ginning at 19. o'clock, and follow ed by potluck lunch at noon. Tbe 'afternoon . program' will start promptly at 1 o'efock. Grange slons are held in Miller's hall. Bearcat Follies Slated Tonight Members of the class of '36 trt today Initiating an inter-clans ri valry event at Willamette unirfr slty, hoping to stimulate activt: between the student groups. Feat uring the Tsophomore dsy" wi'l be the first annual "Bearcat Fel lies" to be held at the Salem h!Kl school auditorium at 8 p. m. En-r, class will put on two events and the winning class will rec'. Judges for tl.e musical dramatic events include Helc MacHirron, Frances Virginia Me lon, Cameron Marshall, Margaret E. Stevenson, Lei 11 a Johnson, J. Burton Crary. Dr. Ruth M. Dougherty Phone 5855 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted BJdg. All Modern Frames and Lenses at Prices All Can Afford 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed 801-3-3 First Natl Beak rwAlMS' MARKET Open Till 9 p.m. Saturday Night Free Delivery, ' Dial 8880 Help the American Legion Auxiliary. B uy Kellogg products Saturday at jour grocera. That's What You Get When You Buy an Item With The ElLSnKJOIE The Last Word in Value, Quality and Satisfaction ML SnflliPGtiaimttnall Savnungc 8m IFe?So & Salt Elsinore Telephone Peas S cans Elsinore Del Maiz Corn S cans Sc Elsinore Sweet Dimple Peas S cans TOMATOES Tasty Pak No. 24 carta Tasty Pak cans 2s GENUINE DUNCANAUSICAL VO-VO 35 VALUE METAL CAWT 6E BOUGHT IN STORES. PRCS IN EACH PACXAOE OP . -b ST f 'SBr QuXXCDO-OCEiXt OATkvYHCAT bash uae. J I lbs. Granulated Soap Guaranteed by Proctor & Gamble to be the best you ever used pkg. fllpf IK America's Favorite Large Size, quick or regular, pkg. For Whiter, Lighter Bread, 24'2-ft sack EDay Raooim PHNEAPPLE No. 28 Postum Cereal Pkg. Bakers Cocoa H lb. tin Ainmails Gfldleim SYIEUP 5 lb. pail L, for D Fine quality, solid beads o w fV y Small size We Are Cooperating With the American Legion Auxiliary on Special Kellogg's Day Saturday KELLOGG'S WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS 2 for 21c Geography Ctiart Tt KELLOGG'S WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES 2 pkgs. 17c KELLOGG'S PEP BRAN FLAKES 2 pkgs. 19c Jangle Book Free! E, A. Daue Hit S.mTTan. Tloas tTT Flcko's Grocery 1UI falrrroas4 JtoaA Fhots 4 Ml W. f. Foster Ml K. Oon gs-?aeae lift Qrtzaa't Parity Grocery UU P cemi. jv raoaa S7 llfl 6aftt ttrriu mi H. Schrcnlz tut urn ti. IITI Caphol Street Grocery III X. CastUH-tliOBe IIST 114 Cf V3 C. Store N. OomL IL Phess I W. a Clark tltt ttata fWPaoaa Mil D. P, Drfeffi 44 C. M. Roberts fit X. Et Pioas lilt W, A Sampson Tl Varkat St. rhoaa IITI Rich's Grocery lTta aa Ceatsr St Pkoas lltl Moore's Purity Grocery in 1 stisa ttrisM mi Model Food Market ITI X. Hick St. Fhona 4111 P. L. Shrode lltk St. Pkoaa 4141 Sloper's Cash Market 1111 Kdgswatar St Phons Til 4 C. W. Standish III! V. Itk t Pkons 1411 State Street Market till State 84. ? IITI Par-n-Sare f III X. 0sX St. Psoas IITI