PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 6. 1932 Society News and Club Affairs : Olive M. Doak, Society Editor Wisteria Club Will Hold Dance Friday An Anticipated event in this week is the December dance of the Wisteria club which will come Fri day night at Castillian hall and which will be the annual Christ man dance. The committee In charge, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pilcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Emll Halik, have elaborate plans worked out for the success of the decorations. The orchestra pit is to be an an cient city on the order of Jerusa lem shown in silhouette. A large star will blaze over this scene. The opposite end of the room will be decorated by a semi-circle of Christmas trees covered with rain and just emerging from this will be Santa Claus. Green trees and polnsettas will decorate the re mainder of the room. The punch room will be candle lighted and much evergreen will be used to enhance the effect of a color scheme for the serving table of black, silver and green with a touch of red. Officers of the club this year Include William P. Ellis, presi dent; E. H. Kenneay, vice presi dent, and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, secretary. Club membership includes Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Mr. and Mrs. Max Alfred, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Barrett, Dr. and Mrs. Leon E, Barrick, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beutler, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bradley, Dr. and Mrs. Estill L. Brunk. Mr. and Mrs. M. Earl Can field, Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Car son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Feldman, Mr and Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. Claude II. Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Gouley, Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mr and Mrs. Harry Gravis, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hartwell, Mi. and Mrs. Glen Holman, Mr. ana Mrs. "Emll T. Halik, Mr. and Mrs. Frani Halik. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E. IT. Ken nedy, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Macken zie, Mr and Mrs. Lyman McDon ald, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McElhin ney, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McK-e, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moritz, Mr. and Mrs. Wil . Ham Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Panek, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pear mine, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pease, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillippi. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pilcher, Mr. arid Mrs. Humphrey Robinson, Judge and Mrs. George Rossman, Mr . and Mrs. Floyd L. Siegmund, Mr. and SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, December 6 Bible study class of Mrs. C. A. Park at her resi dence, 2 o'clock; all women interested in studying bible invited to attend. American War Mothers, regular meeting at Amer ican Luthern church, 2 o'clock. South division of First Presbyterian church with Mrs. Harold G. Fairhurst, 764 South Commercial street, 2 o'clock. P. L. E. and F. club with Mrs. C. J. Pugh, 234 North 24th street; handkerchief shower for children's home. Chi Delta chapter of Delphians, with Mrs. George Lewis, 1180 North Summer street; 9:30 o'clock. Wednesday, December 7 Woman's Missionary society of First Congregation al church with Mrs. Dan Fry, 606 South High street. Women's Missionary society of First Christian church, regular monthly meeting church parlors, 2 o'clock. Salem Dakota club. W. C. T. U. organization hall, Ferry and South Commercial street; 6:30 o'clock pot luck dinner; bring own table service; all Dakotlans in vited. Regular meeting of Ladies Aid of Leslie Methodist church, in church parlors. Tea meeting. . W. H. M. S. of First Methodist church 2:30 o'clock In church parlors; Mrs. C. F. Wilson devotional leader; tea meeting to follow program. St. Paul's Episcopal guild, with Mrs. N. ?. Kafoury, 805 North Church street, 2:30 o'clock. Thursday, December 8 Mrs. E. C. Cross, hostess to Thursday club with Mrs. Russell Catlln and Mrs. R. B. Fleming assistant hostess; bring thimbles for charity sewing. Mrs. Ronald Glover hostess to Yomarco club at her home, 635 North Commercial street. Friday, December 9 Y. M. C. A. lobby program, U o'clock; one act play. Irish, to be presented by Miss Genevieve Thayer and Bruce Spaulding; special music by Miss Rosalind Van Winkle and Miss Josephine Albert. Woman's Missionary society of First Baptist church, S25 North 15th street, 2 o'clock. Pattern in Mrs. W. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slentz, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tumbleson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Van Seller Weider, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wil bur, Mr. and Airs. David Wright, Mr. and Mrs. William Zosel. State President Will Visit Members of the Mi-io:iary so ciety of the First Christian church will meet in the church parlors at 2 o'clock Wednesday fternoon. Yrs. A. D. Wagner and her group will hae charge of the pro gram; Mrs. Irene Wirt and her gToup will have charge of the de votions, and Mrs. J. C. Perry's group will act as hostesses for the afternoon tea hour. A special guest for the after noon will be Mrs. Thomas Bailey, state president. She will address the group informally. All women of the church are Invited. - Nimble Thimble 4-H rttrt) members were entertained at the home of Miss Lucille Boehringer -nd Miss Doris Harrington at the Boehringer home Friday evening. Special guests for the evening cwre Gertrude Logsdon, Doris Taylor, Jerry Simmons, Joan Sim mons, Reva Fisher, and Clarrle . iarshall. Club members present included Carol Copper, Jean Har : ington, Margaret Upjohn, Doris Harrington, Florence Upjohn, Mary Esther Pemberton, Rowena I'pjohn, and Lucille Boehringer. Mrs. Boehringer and Mrs. Har rington assisted at the tea hour. Silverton. George Barr was the inspiration of a birthday sur prise party at his home Saturday night. Those present, besides Mr. and Mrs. Barr, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubbs, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ek man, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Banks. Mr. and Wrs. F. Syring, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stranix, Mr. and Mrs. Eroll Ross, Mr. and Mrs. W. Swift. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stamey, Miss" Eve lyn Barr andA. Johnson. Mrs. Dan Fry Will be Hostess Mrs. Dan Fry will entertaju member of the Women's Mission ary society at her home on South High street, Wednesday after noon, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. J. Rupert Simonds will be the speaker for the afternoon and Rev. W. C. Kantner will lead the devotions. There will be special Christmas music and following the business and program hour re freshments and a social afternoon will be enjoyed. Hostesses who will assist Mrs. Fry include Mrs. Kitty Graver, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. Don Upjohn, Mrs. John Bayn, Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. Byron Matlock. Mrs. J. Morris, and Mrs. S. W. Stevenson. Stayton. What started out to be a quiet evening for Mr. and Mrs. Grant Murphy and family was suddenly changed to a lively party Tnujsday night in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary. A group of friends called upon them and gave them an old-time charivari, after which a solemn ceremony was performed. Games appropriate for this kind of occasion were then enjoyed. A wedding breakfast was served at 12 o'clock. Jacob Spanlol, In be half of the friends present, pre sented Mr. and Mrs. Murphy with a beautiful silver fruit basket. Present besides the host and hostess were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Toble, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spanlol, Lillian, Othilia and Eugene Spanlol, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood, Ellen Rey nolds, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Burmester, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Adams, Mrs Edna Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bell, Lanora Sandman and Gertrude and Mar cel Murphy. Mrs. Rose Babcock who has been confir.ed to her home ser-. iously ill for the past two weeks is reported as improving slowly. Friends may call. Auxiliary to Veterans Appoint Committees The Auxiliary to Marlon Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars an nounced committee chairman and committee women at its regular meeting Friday night at the Wom en's clubhouse. Mrs. Lydia Floer will serve as chairman for relief work and will be assisted by Mrs. Margaret Mil lett. Mrs. Martie Conley is chair man of national home commit tee; Mrs. Thelma Wetzel, Amer icanization chairman assisted by Anna Borkman and Katherlne Stearnes. Mrs. Adeline Remington will serve as publicity director and Mrs. Martie Conley will be chair man of the memorial committee assisted by Myrtle Abrams and Eva Rush. Entertainment chair man is Mrs. Edith Mudd assisted by Margaret Lewis and Gertrude Sanders. Mrs. Sylvia Furlough is hospitalization chairman and is being assisted by Mrs. Vera Gram and Mrs. Rena Betzer. Afternoon finance chairman is Mrs. B. Aarons, assisted by Miss Martha Floer, and Mrs. Christie Moorman. Sewing chairman is Mrs. B. Davis assisted by Mary Woelke, Lois Moorman, Blanche Fournler, Ada Woelke and Nan Clare. Monthly refreshment com mittee chairman Is Mrs. Lois Moorman assisted by Mrs. Ora Pettit. Plans were made at this meet ing for the initiation ceremony December 12, at which time Mrs. William Rogers. Mrs. H. L. Wat son, and Mrs. Charles Low will be admitted to membership. At this meeting plans were also made for the annual Christmas party. One Act Play Will Be Given Friday A program which will appeal to a large number of Salem residents will be the Friday night lobby pro gram of this Friday night. A one act play, Irish and gay, will be presented by Miss Gene vieve Thayer and Bruce Spauld ing. Mrs. C. A. Kells is assisting with directing the dialect. Don Poujade Is acting as stage man ager. The play is from the pen of Oliphant Downs. Preceding the play Miss Jose phine Albert will sing and Miss Rosalind Van WinWe will play. The public is Invited to these weekly programs which are be coming something of splendid cus tom in Salem. Salem Music Teachers j Plan Christmas Party The annual 5vristinas party which is observed with much gaity by the Salem Music Teachers' as sociation will he an event of to night at the home of Mrs. Joy Turner Moses, beginning at 8 o'clock. Mies Margaret Hogg will assist Mrs. Moses. The theme of the program meeting will be "Legends of Christmas on Other Lands." Miss Elam Weller is program chairman for this year and had charge of arranging this special evening. Mrs. Moses will tell of Christ mas in Germany; Mrs. P. F. Thomas of Christmas In Sweden; Prof. T. S. Roberts will speak of Christmas In England; French Christmas will be discussed by Mrs. Robey Ratcliffe, and Mrs. Frank Churchill will speak of the American celebration of Christ mas. There will be a Christmas tree arranged and while Mrs. Ratcliffe reads "The Night Before Christ mas," Santa Claus will arrive with gifts for each member and then the coffee hour will be enjoyed. Women's Club Dinner December 14 Salem Women's club members will entertain for husbands of the club December 14. This will be an event of next week and will be .one of the enticing innovations which have been inaugerated in this year's club program. The,,aj:falr will be a 6:30 o'clock dinner in the attractive dining room of the clubhouse and will be specially planned to please the guests of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jorgensen. Portland, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert. Miss Joseph ine Albert, Bruce Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Eoff, Mr. and Mrs. John Griffith. Miss Genevieve Thayer, and Mrs. J. C. Griffith at dinner Sunday. The party at which covers were placed for guests, followed the 1:45 o'clock broadcast of Miss Albert over sta tion KOIN. The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the Jason Lee church will meet Wednesday at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Phil As pinwall. 645 Market street. Mrs. (Jies Is to bring the lesson and Mrs. DeLapp will lead devotions. Tea will be served. All women of the community are cordially In vited. Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAllister haTe as their house guests Mrs. J. H. McAllister and daughter Dora, mother and sister of McAllister. Their home Is in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Coyle and Ivan Bleeser, of St. HARMONY -o I r 5 . You've Got Me in the Palm ot four Hand," might be the theme sons; for this picture, showing Paul Whiteman, King of Jaxz, as h flayfully assists his wife, the ormer Margaret Livingston from the train on their arrival at New York from the Coast. If yon think Paul has reduced his tonnage, all the credit goes to wine, who keeps Sim on a diet. Paul, and Miss Virginia Sawtell, of Molalla, have been visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller. Mrs. E. C. Cross w ill receive members of the Thursday club at her home Thursday. Mrs. R. B. Fleming and Mrs. Russell Catlin will be assisting hostesses. The afternoon will be spent In sewing for charity and members are ask ed to bring their own sewing equipment. Mrs. E. L. Miller will entertain for members of the Ace High club at her home In West Salem this afternoon. Luncheon will precede cards. Pratum. The monthly meeting of the Missionary society will be held at the home of Miriam de Vries Wednesday afternoon. WORTHLESS CHECK BALKED Story of Mutual Friends Fails to get by two Shop Keepers SLIVERTON, Dec. 5. Mrs. C, Schlador, manager of the Wom en's Specialty shop, has a peculiar experience Friday afternoon when a woman tried to pass a check, which Mrs. Schlador took to be worthless. The woman, good looking and well dressed, appeared in the store abou. 1 o'clock and speak ing In an affected manner, said she bad come from Lebanon at the recommendation of a friend of Mrs. Sch lad or 's. The woman said that the "Doc tor," who was evidently supposed to be her husband, gaveher an allowance of $50 a month and that she was trying to get some thing "very nice" for her "dear little niece" who was staying with her. She finally chose a frock, hose and handkerchiefs amount ing to $9 95. She Informed Mrs. Schlador that she was a little short of cash and was in a hurry to get back to Roseburg. Before offering her check, which was made out for $20.95, she told Mrs. Schlador that she had played bridge at a large party at Rose burg recentjy and in the group was a friend of Mrs. Schlador's whose name was Mrs. Foster. Mrs. Schlador explained that she re called no one by that name and the purchaser said that she believ ed Mrs. Foster was but recently married and had lived here before her marriage. Mrs. Schlador offered to take the proffered check to the bank to cash it but the stranger said that she herself would take it out to cash it and would return In a half hour. She never returned. It was learned later that she had been at Peggy's shop and be gan the same story but when Mrs. W. E. Davis, manager, remarked that she had a sister at Lebanon, the woman seemingly lost interest and left. cently tried here over the legal ity of the court's paying money for a deputy district attorney and a stenographer. The ease was de cided favorably to the county's position by Circuit Judge Arlie G. Walker bat the county court wants the case carried before the supreme court to obtain a final decision. Estimated cost of the appeal Is $450. Counties asked to join In clude Polk, Benton, Linn, Lane, Yamhill, Tillamook and Clacka mas. In his letter to the county Judges In the seven counties. Judge Siegmand pointed out that all counties paring deputies is the district attorney's offices have a yltai. Xalerest In a su preme coort, decision on the le gality of the' action. The county court's actions were bitterly criticized by Judge L. H. McMahan before the tent case was brought. After Judge Walker's decision, McMahan fol lowed with criticism of the man ner in which the test case was tried. it's great4 7 COUNTIES IN M l C Seven counties of Oregon were asked yesterday by Judge John Siegmund of this county to Join In an appeal of the test case re- to feel fit! Everybody bas days when very waking hour is packed with zest of living. Why sot make every day like this? A frequent drawback to fitness Is constipation. It may dull your energy, steal your appetite, lower your vitality. Yet it is so easy to overcome. Try eating; Kellogg'a All Bran. Science shows this deli cious cereal supplies "bulk'' to exercise the intestines, and vita min B to promote appetite, and tone the intestinal tract. The "bulk" in All-Bran is much like that of lettuce. How much safer than taking patent medicines so often harmful. Two tablespoonfuls daily will correct most types of constipa tion. If not relieved this way. see jour doctor, All-Bran Has iron for the blood. At all grocers. In the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek, HELPS KEEP YOU FIT Sall-bran NEW CONTRACT SCORE CARD Arranged by TOM O'XEIL of the Associated Press By ANNE ADAMS A frock must be just right to create the "can't-do-without-it" feeling as this one does. Pointed seamings that always achieve a graceful silhouette are ever so smart here. Other important new notes are the low armholes with full sleeves, a fluttering higher sowl neckline and tucked details on both bodice and sleeves. You might use a new crepey silk or satin for smart results. Pattern 2475 may be ordered only in sizes IS to 20 and 34 to 42. Sixe 16 requires 3 yards 39 Inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing Instructions Included with this pattern. Suit Values Per Trick Spades Hearts Diamonds Clubs 30 30 20 20 No-Trunip Trick Valuation Thirty for each odd-numbered trick; 40 for each even-numbered trick; same for tricks over book. Total Score BIow Line 1 30 5 170 70 6 210 100 7 240 140 Success at doubled or redoubl ed contracts, doubles or quad ruples the score below the line. There is no other nremlum for exactly fulfilling doubled or re doubled contracts. TJndertricks Not Vulnerable No. Tricks Total Penalty Send flfteea eenla (15) la eoiaa er stamps (coiae preferred), for each patters. Writ plainly your name, eddrtte and etyle Ban ker. BK SORE TO STATS 8IZB WAKTED. The fall and winter edition at tha Anna Adams PatUra eaulog ii ready I Charming, flatter! a f mod el! 3? pagaa of tha newaat nod beat honae, afreet and formal frock e!Ter y deaigned style to lTg fijrarta and beaotifaL practical models for juniora and kiddies. Lovely lingerie pattern, aad anggeatioaa tor gifta that eaa be eaaily and inaxpenairely made, are alio inclndod. Send for the ae tataleg. Price ot catalog, fif toea eenta. Catalog aad pattern to gether, twenty-five cent a. Addreaa all mail orders to 8ta4emaa Pat. tsra department, 23 W. 17th street. New Tork eity. 17 th street, Hew Tork City. Set 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 . . No. Tricks Set Undbld . . 50 . .100 . .150 . .200 . . 250 Dbld 100 250 450 700 1000 Redbld 200 500 00 1400 2000 Vulnerable 1 100 200 400 2 250 600 1000 450 900 1200 4 700 1400 2800 5 1000 2000 4000 Penalties for not vulnerable doubled undertricks increase 50 per trick. To determine the pen alty for a particular undertrick add one to the number I of the trick and multiply by 50. For in stance, the penalty for the sixth undertrick doubled and not vul nerable would be 250 or' 50 times (6 plus 1), and" the to tal penalty for six undertricks would be 1350. Doubled not vul nerable penalties are the same as undoubted vulnerable penalties KeaouDled penalties are twice 0ertrlcks Undoubled, not vulnerable or vulnerable, same as suit value that It, one who contracted for three hearts and made four would score 90 below the line and 30 above. Each Overtrlck Doubled and not vulnerable 100 Redoubled, not vulnerable 200 Redoubled and vulnerable .400 Slams Little Not vulnerable. 600: vulnerable, 750, Grand Not vulnerable. 1500: vulnerable, 2250. Honors Suit four in one hand. 100: Five in one hand. 150. No trump Four aces In one hand, 150. Robber Premium Two-game rubber, 700. Three-game rubber, 600. Silverton The Just Folks class of the Methodist church en- Joyed a "Kids" party at the so cial rooms of the church Sat urday night. Games were in play during the evening and a "pre- nristmas was enjoyed. Among tnose present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Mr. and Mrs Lee Alfred, Mr. and Mrs. Fer- rin, Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Hall, Mrs. Feme Davenport, Miss Christenson, Miss Catualeene Cuddy, Miss Katherlne Morlson, Miss Diana Moore, Ralph Langly, Rudy Schank. Norman Naegli and Harry Riches. Friday night the Intermediate league of which Mrs. C. J. Hall Is the leader, held a party. The purpose of the party was to make books which contain the songs and devotional readings which this group particularly likes. The books are being made oui or wrapping paper and sev eral were made at the Friday Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Cris i Zlegler were hosts at a YecePtlon given at the home, Sunday night in honor bf their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd iegier, wnose marriage was an event of recent date at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mandeville. of Portland. Dur ing the reception, Mrs. Mande- ville and daughter Clara, assisted the hostess about the rooms. The bridal couple were the the receiv ers of many beautiful gifts. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ziegler; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mande ville and daughter Clara: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dental and daughters. Mr. and Mrs.- H. G. Zlegler. Mar shal Ziegler, Mr. and Mrs. George ziegler, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Zim merman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zim merman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zim merman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Noman Hurst, Grandma Dental and George Rausage. The young couple are now at home to their friends at 615 Deleware av enue, Portland. e e Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peterson have Just returned from Glendale. Cal., where they have SDent the past two weeks visiting friends I and relatives. This part of Callfor- I nia is the former home of Mrs. Peterson. The travelers returned to be present for "The Ghost Bird," presentation of Chemeketa ! Players which begins tonight. Mrs. Peterson is associate director ' and Mr. Peterson Is business man- ' ager. A silver tea will be held at the ; regular meeting of the Leslie La- ! dies' Aid society in the church parlors Wednesday at 2 p. m. An Interesting program will follow the business meeting. Hostesses are Mrs. C. T. Mclntire, Mrs. Ma son Bishop, Mrs. Ralph Thompson and Mrs. J. L. Heidler. AH mem bers and friends invited. e Mrs. N. O. Bales entertained for her bridge club Thursday after noon at her home. Present Includ ed Mrs. O. W. Medley. Mrs. F. A. Smith. Mrs. George Schuli. Mrs. C. E. Kertson, Mrs. E. Rutherford, Mrs. Will Albright. Mrs. Cecil Walker, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. N. O. Bales. o Beginning Today Li ANNUAL WINTER CLEARANCE OF DISCONTINUED NUMBERS Our annual clearance of discontinued numbers of famous ENNA JETTICK footwear begins this morning! Sharp reductions are offered as a means of quic k clearance . . . and, as Enna Jettick footwear sel dom goes on sale, we predict a very busy depart ment during these days. Come early and get your size . . . don't be disappointed this time. Black and brown kid, black suede, calf, etc., in pu mps, ties, straps, oxfords. MAIN FLOOR. 500 PAIRS! Regular $5.00 Enna Jetticks 2o6 V f DAMES Tsm tmrm In wing H. Vmmmlyltmifm nkH an b re i wired 9v 25o2S. c25t a. w a aw - w . a; Regular $4.40 Enna Jetticks $2o9S One Group Broken Sizes $JUf5 Fmm dafiQ wn .a r J Ml tUSA MERCANTILE COMPANY INC doubled penalties. nignt meeting.