I Statesman Classified Ads v;".cwir9ioi'. h ' ' Classified Advetlistnf Slasl Insertion per Mne.l Oe Tbr insertions per line .............. loe 81 Insertions per Un..J0c One month per line. ,t 1.00 Mlnlmom charge ......Sic . Copy- lor tbU pace ac cepted on til 6:30 the tu .Ins before publication for classification. Copy re ceived after thJe time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify, c The Statesman asiomes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisement pub lished in its columns, and la cases where this piper ts at fault will reprint that part of an adrertlsement In which the typographical mistake occart. The Statesman rdserres the. right to reject objec tions! advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising an der the proper classifica tion. Business Directory BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton BatteHes Starter and gfeserster work. S4S Chamekets at. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4 450 R PJ Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U 8COTT, PSC. Chlropractar. St N Rlrh Tel Res 57 FLORISTS OUT flowsrs, wedding bouquet funeral wrealha, decorations, C W. Brelthsapt. florist. 1ST Court atraat Tsl 1884. ALL kinds of floral work. Lata Flar lilt 18th S Market Tel 5f? FLOOR CONTRACTING fMsen Floor Cs TI " 1 I INSURANCE BECKE ft HENDRICKS III N Hleh . i Tel 4T LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEI DER L.AIINDRT tsi a hisu 7:,.Ji' TL ,m CAPITAL CITT CATJNDRT "Wa Wish Everything In Lux" Telephone SIRS 1144 Broadwav LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Alao trade H. W. Scott. 147 8 Com't Tel. 4111. MATTRESSES Mattrssse from factory ta home. Spring matt re a fl.aH. Resovst on and fumlgators. Capital Bedding Co. Tat 4048. 1030 North Capital New mattress made to order, aid mattress remade ; carpet cleaning, sis ng: fluff rug wearing Salem Fluff Bug A Mattress Factory. a. isth Wilbur. Tel. 844L Otto I. Zwlcker. Xac. ten MUSIC STORES a EX). C WILL Plana. Phono graph, sawing machines, aneat music aad piano studies Repairing phono graph and aewlns machines. 411 KtMte K?r( 8atm. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medietas Co. Hours Tuea, and Sat S to S um. 14S N. C-immercial. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general: repair work. Uraber Bros. It So. Liberty Tel S84 PRINTING FOR STATIONERT. card. pampQ let, program, book or any kind ot firlntlng. call The Statesman Print ng Department SIS a Commercial Telephone A STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. StOTea for sals, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds sf woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooka, kxntn hooks, Salem Fence snd Stove Works, S(S Chmek.ta Tel 4TT4 R. B Fleming TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. Ill Stats St TeL tTTS. Distributing, ' for warding and storage our specialty w vus as it?g. L run icrai nr iietttan -.nT. carm . . I ags. can II Jl Larmer Tranafir Co iuvm i rvniua aativ. . ,- Real Estate Directory ... BECK 18 A HENDRICKS 139 N. High Tr'. 494V . a At EARLB I 124 N. High 8t ; TeL 9(79 tAjr nrv i a sun I t4-8 First Nat Bk. Bids. Tsl TSOrf ... -J- r- PLR1CH 818 BUts Street fst 887 S 870 Btats St TaL TSSil W. 11 QRABENHORST CO. tS 8 Mtw-rtv tL TVt 4(k MixxcJen Sells Share V :In Mill to Partner SUBLIMITT, Kot. ti Tony Miadea has sold his share la the Frank and Miadea nawmlU, which la located near the Sflrer Creek Falla, to his partner. Edward Ben edict h startfld Trork oa a new vBTarage oa his place. :; ? i M cia irjaftui i.(r:nix nmiia i i : k tiu i- v M h hi - FOR SALS Old BSJMS-a. la t hm. die. 8 ta teaman office. .' y - t-if-i- n nnrvtnJutji ia'--Ui SALEM Unea Gifts 13 sad up. G-reenbauma, 34-24S N. Com'L . , , Freb sawdust delivered in basement $4 per unit Paul Dodele, Alonmoutb. Oregon. :- Chums salmon or pink Se per lb. These make fine ftsh to smoke. Fid let's era stand. Intersection Portland and SilvertoB roads. Wear FalrgTounds. Tel. StSS. - Fertiliser 1 1.04 per yd. TeL J8J5. 1121 Ford Coupe. Phone S403. FOR SALR Tenor banjo and ten or guitar, standard makes and used slightly. Mr. Dixon, phone 344 S. FOR BALK Allen parlor circulator, almost new. 146.00. Mr. Dixon. 12S6 Market St m . T-,iir rfrif jtru-ir u rijuLiiJ'xru"Lj' Hotpolnt 4 burner enamel range. A bar fa In, 310 East Meyers St Sheep fertilizer. Mrs. Wright. 4H mL on Wallace road. BH3 THRIFTT. Shop around. It paya. The Hollywood Furniture Store can aava you money on your new and used furniture, ranges, heaters, etc Terms can be arranged. Russ Woodry. auc tloneet manager. Phone 7419 or 361. OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL. :S0. WANTED Miscellaneous AH kinds of rifles, pistols, saotguas. old gold ad Jewelry- Condition no se lect Name your prion. REINER'S EXCRANOU ISO N Commercial Cash paid for used furniture, stores, etc. TeL 3SJ3. Poultry wanted, Salem Poultry Co., 255 E. Miller St Phone 870L WANTED Used furnace and laun dry trays. Dial 5274. Marahall strawberry plants. Name quantity you have and price In ground or dug: A. Jr.' Metcalf, rails city, ore. WANTED Used household furni ture Must be ta good condition. TeL 5454. Wanted worthless horses. Pn. 4811. ROOM AND BOARD Board, room, gar. 318. 1040 N. 17th. Board, heated room a 1271 Cheme keta. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Well furnished '1-room apartment 22(1 Hazel. TeL 7814. Patton apartments downtown. Call Patton's book store. Lovely court bungalow furnished, fireplace, hdw. firs., garage, elec range, 329. Phone 5154. Fwrn. apt, light, water, heat, gar age. $11.50. 275 N. 20th. Pre scott Apts. 3 well furnished room. Furnace heat, electrio range, fine kitchen, private bath. Garage. 120. a P bus line. 1014 Oak St Modern steam heated apts. TeL 8490. 2-1 rm. fur. apt 1335 Stats. Lovely 8 room apt, 1580 Center. . S rm. neatly f urn. apt 25S Center. Clear reduced, furn. and unfura. Phone T226. FOR RENT HOUSES S R. sub, $15. A b rams, Masonlobldg. S R. furn. Adults. 774 Trade. Attractive bungalow, 250 a Cottage. Partly furn. 8 R. house. TeL 4303. Three room furnished house for rent TeL 3929. 5 rooms, modern, nook, furnace. Clean, reasonable. Phone 5(20. 1030 Hunt I R. bouse, flO. Phono S980. A rat. ttiAitArn fnrn. wttt a witk garaga. Close In. adults. Phone 3992. 8 room furnished stucco bouse. 818.00. 837 N. Cottage St FOR RENT Large flat for rent 5 rooms, furnace, block to post office. Vacant today. First floor ADULTa $26 a month. Other rental. BECKK A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street hi acre and 4 room house at city limits north, $10.(10 a. month. S. M. EARLE 208 No. High Phons 9(78, 205 A. 8 toL a W. of Dallas. 100 A. In cultivation, 20 A. oats and vetch, 80 A. timber, S houses, 8 barns, silo, fam ily orchard. 18 A. logans, 8 cows milking. 11 more to freshen In spring, 9 horses, 8 sows, alt accessary ma chinery, $500 year; -caah In ad vance. MELVTK JOHNSON S75 State Street Phone $79$. FOR SALE Real Estate i-i iT"i - ruuui Ji-ruu Up-to-date f rra. horns. Small dowa payment. bL like rent Owner, 1435 N. 18th. Phons 4J77. TRADE FOB CITT HOME 10-acrea 8 R. plast house, bath, barn, 3 poultry houses, prune dryer, 3-A. filberts and $ A. prunes. Water system. Trade for city property. 38-acres. 8-R. house, large dairy barn, S silos, modern hog bouse, 88-A. cult, 8 cows, milk route and bottling outfit Sells milk. Sells bottle milk on route. Trade for city home. HERE'S A SNAP 5-acres In Hollywood; addition for $525.00. 10-A. GARDEN ROAD On Garden road, all cult, fruit, ber ries, clover, f-R. house, barn, garage and etc $2(50.00. SEE 3. D. SEARS. Realtor 133 South High Street Idence, basement fireplace, plumbing, (-room, two or four lots, fruits, nuts and 'berries mors than pay taxes, naved Mnct. nfo t urn.... and tw lots 80x138 each. $3500, terms. ix-iea ai Ti Kurai avenue, phons 8354, owner. - i-,-ii-tfiiirvrwrMJMi BARGAIN DAT-r-78 sens, small im provements. 40 acre tillable, balance oak timber, good road. 9 miles Salem, only $180. 8p1erdld S room house, fireplace, garage, paved street must aelL Only $1200. 4 room house, garage, large lot, paved street only $500. Easy terms. McGILCHRI ST ft PENNINGTON 209-10 U. H, NatX Bank Bldg. - -- " -- -r"ii -n-irtrm.nrLnjLAjui S R. house, bath num. basement. Very reasonable. Small payment down. See Charlie O'Brien, 494 N. CapltoL rms. near Leslls Jr. high, fnrnaes. win sell furnished or unfurnished at a bargain pries and terms. Attractive 4 rm. bouse, walnut and fruit trees, fins district. $2500, wants small acrwage doss to, will consider old buHdtngs, WINNIE PETTTJOHN 1 ' i . . ,175 South High Street , V : Interesting Pacts S) i "'ii 23 Shopping Days Until Christinas NOVEMBER tVMQWTVIVHPTWVj MU SATl DECEMBER, " Ml Ws were reading the classified 0430 of ths Sunday Orsgonla and noticed that a Salem lady was advertising for an article she lost whlla at Meier A Franks In Portland.-Ws are sorry for ths loss but our ad vies to this lady Is to do her shoppimj In Salem. O Ths Oregon Box Breeders' asso- elation are holding their first an nual plt show and sals In ths Chamber of Commerce rooms today aad Wednesday. Their display In cludes several hundred fins fox pelts. O DO YOU KNOW That ths Terminal Ice and Cold storage plant 990 North Front street Is the largest freexing plant la ths Pacific Northwest O That ta ths refrigeration system there Is 2$ miles of pipe. Enough to reach from her to Albany. O That there are 875,000 feet of corkboard used for Insulation la this plant O That there are Just lots of things to know about Salem. We'll be tell ing you more. Watch this column. O The Christmas Shopper's Num ber of The Statesman will bo pub lished next Sunday. Watch for this paper for suggestions for your Christmas shopping. EXCHANGE Real Estate 18.3 A. clear. Imp., near Roseburg, for what have you clear? J. A. Cooper, Toledo, Oregon. 2H A. equity for sale at Oregon City or trade for Salem property. S L. King, 118 a High, Crasy Crystal Store, Monday. HERE is a chance to go where ths sun shines all winter. Ws want to move to Oregon at ones and will trade a S rm. furnished home, bualness prop-H eiry, esiaousnea real estate ana Insur ance business, suburban acre, 20 acre ransh, etc for similar property In or near Salem. What have you? Writs fully first letter. 430 D Street, Baa Bernardino, Calff. 8 acre bargain with 4 R. new house, only $1800., terms. We have a fine 30-acres of old growth timber not far from Salem for $1800 or might trade for house same value. Must be clear. Ws have a good homo In Sllvertoa for Salem home. Will pay difference ; ws have a home In Salem and a 6-acrs tract close In, valued at $4300. Will trade for a farm and assume. BECHTEL ft THOMA.SON 341 State Street 2 U A., new mod. 5 R. house Silver ton road. Will accept car, lot or any thing I can use. Call 1190 & 2 Snd St FOR SALE FARMS THREE WONDERFUL FARM BUTB 25 acre tract few mites out good buildings, 1 acre ot walnut, 1 acre of filberts, 8 ixjres apples, 1 H acres tim ber. Priced very low at $3200, cash $800, baL easy. Choice 80 acre tract on paved road north of Salem, two sets of small buildings, 20 acres In good timber, bat In cultivation. 15 acres filberts, wal nuts and cherries. A REAL SNAP for $4200, cash $1200, baL easy. 80 acre farm about IS miles north, 59 acres In cultivation, 19 acres tim ber, running water, good buildings. Formerly sold for $18,000. Priced to day at only $8500, cash $2000, baL to suit Immediate possession of any of these farm;! CHILD! ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State fit Phone 8708. 436 A. 10 tillable, 1H million ft timber, fenced, room house, barn (0x60, silo, creek, sandy soil, macadam road, close to school. $22.50 per A, Trade for Salem or Portland residence. 65 A. 2H from Jefferson, fine son, fenced, la cultivation, baL Umber and pastunt, family orchard, 5 room house, bam, chicken house, garage, $4760. TraSe for larger farm. M15LVIN JOHNSON ACREAGE 170 A. dairy farm for rent com pletely equipped, crops In ; cash rent This Is a good one. H. a SHIELDS Real Estate Oregon B'.dg. TeL 8903. WANTED REAL ESTATE Farm from owner. Box: 81, Statesman. ' LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Turkeys wanted at ones. Phons 1S3F2, Lee's Hatchery ' MONEY TO LOAN Ws hav funds for loans oa modern Salem homes. $100$ to $8000. CHILD3 It MILLER, Mtare, Loans 144 State Street Phons 10l POLLY AND HER "" . " 1 11 1 .; 11 I" iUJI.!l .eeaammMMMi 'Bells of Harmony Heard evsr KOIN dally rtaa- out a loss servles that la really, really .eUffarsnC. ... TOO GET THE FT7IX AMOUNT OF LOAN lit CASH ONLY CA WFTJL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to 1308 . Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New BJtgh Hd. tn4 Floor LICENSED BT STATE I18 8tatst. , TeL S-f-4-8 - fc4-ifci rii n fXiTJXnjinnr FERSONA2. LOANS MADB on f umlMir- mm alarf or -other rood security. Repayable monthly. . when, in financial need see us before closing a loan. UJCPISKAL. INVESTMENT CORPORATION ' First National Bank Bids. Phons $581. PERSON-AL INSTALLMENT -OANS oTATB LOAN -COM PA NT 9tft nfftmn Ri.fl rf In fnA InjM. OffW hra. 1 A U s -1 t" u ' Tsleeboas 7783. SUto tlcsnao No 8-1(5. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS uoraracts rtennancsd Arrange to reduce ous payments Toe kssp ths car - - P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty 8t and Ferry Phons 4733 Salem. Ore. LOANS WANTED " " 1 --.- innn.wuuj $1509 on new horns. Will give first mortgage as security. Box 87, States man. FOR SALE WOOD - awssssssssj . mm mm m s. - svsVy-rw-AjXfut t"XJ mtw 18 a aa a at - viu Air ii iu., syft.BV. xei, TBtJU. -ririrrsnrifin n i Catt Baggie for dry fir. oak, ash JJ maple. Reasonable prices. Phone 3739. Used lumber, or will trade tor po tatoes. sway ut, oaiem. "sr- " "y"rv-rsxrKjen GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TaL 8000 Salem Fuel Co. Trade ft CotUg. - -,- nrsi-r rxji sa urw www ai !TCJ-a riKMM 19 SC. and fuel oa Call on us for price. Ws give good measure, good quality and good service. ItAtUIER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Teleohons -8181 uia nr. oak. TeL. 9789 Earhart K-ln. old fir. Phone 48(5 sSBSl 1 Old fft 11 1' mmir7sA i-AK $8.26. TeL SS37. ' 18" old fir, $4.25. Tel. 84(3. LOST AND FOUND LOST 7 mo nlil f,m,1. t.t. rler, black, tan and white markings. xvewara. neturn to 1IZT Flaia. LOST Sheaffer's life-time fountain pen. Tel. 4881. FOR SALE USED CARS Closed car, bicycle, 1088 N. 16th, 1930 VarA O. rfall Sundays at 808 N. 14th. SALEM USED CAR CENTER 1931 Standard Coups , , t f 9$ 00 1931 Standard Coupe 315.00 iii) uoacn 396.00 . 315.00 . 825.00 . 325.00 850.00 195.00 35.00 1929 Coach 1931 Sport Roadster 1930 Sport Roadster w 1930 Dual 4 speed trunk 1931 -speed truck Pickup runs good OTFrUTR XT ATTICA 1980 ChevroUt Coach 1928 Chevrolet Panel Delivery 1(9.08 1928 Bulck Standard Coup 855.00 i2 itu ics ncanaara coup . i40.es 1927 Star 8 Sedan - 100.09 TERMS TRADES SEE rit..M t Phone 7910 Marlon at Liberty Sis. McKATS USED CARJ WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTi FORM lit Sport Roadstar 12 Fordor Redan 211 S4S 1J Sport Roadster It SI Oonpa, low pressure tires t4B ITi C IIEV ROLET S list Coupe : l)2f Coupe , .- 12 Coach 1121 Sedan 130 Coach 1931 DsLuxs Sport Roadstsr 131 coacn ItSI Coupe 400 miles 12S Vlelle Sedan 1929 Plrmouth Sedan 1924 Graham Truck IS its Easy Terms Liberal Trades McKAT CHEVROLET CO. SSt Center Phons 1189 41$ N. ComX HE RET 3 A BARGAIN' 19S1 Studebaker Dictator Coups that lists for $571 ta Blue Book for only $42S. Come ta and see and drlvs this car. Tour car as cart or all of ths down payment and easy terms on ths balance. McKAT CHEVROLET CO. Sit Center Phone 1189 410 N. ComX Stocks and Bonds (Ooprrifbt 1932. Standard StstUUct Co.) STOCK ATEXAGB9 50 tO SO Ufs se.a 88.1 89.6 to Total 54.0 64.1 67JI iad'is as1 Todar 52.1 a.s PrsTious day 52.1 3S.4 Wk 5B.S T1.8 87. Tear are S years ago . Higa (1932) Law (1982) . Hip. (1980) Low (1930) . M.T 109.9 TJ.S 165.5 132.3 199.4 168.1 72.8 89.8 111.0 73.9 . 85.1 18.8 61.8 85.0 -202.4 141.6 S81.S 305.8 .113.9 86.4 146.5 114.7 BOKO AVEBAOBS 20 20 20 60 Total 6841 68.7 69.S Ts.e 8.T 78.1 67.5 101. 98.8 Iad'Il SB'S Today 62.S 61.4 Previous day 62.8 61.9 Week age 68.0 68.0 Tear ago 78.0 74. TJfs 81.4 81.4 82.e 88.T 88.4 86.t S Tears mm 02.5 105.0 11.8 78.0 Higk (1932) TrfiwMaasi ca ATA 70.9 High (1930) 94.0 109.8 101.4 97.8 96.6 PALS Oililil SI 15 LESS W IU 1931 Larger Stock on Hand in Oregon; 43 per Cent Moves in Carlots ' The lilt nrnllmlTia-pv ststtmatA ot the late onion crop, based, npon revised acreages for hrMt -ni reported yields per acre, 1 20, 482,000 bushels or about thaame as the forecast of Ortnhi i daction in 19 J 1 was eUmated at hnshels, and In ItSt a( 20,022,000 bushels. The arer aire prodttcHon for the flTe-year perioa. 19Z6-1930, Is 17, 119,000 bnshels. Harreeted. acrear in t. estimated at 68,290 acres com. parea with 49.30 acres in 1131, 65,980 acres in 1930, and 64,890 acres ia 1929. The 1932 harvest ed Acreage was 13 per cent above t&at of 1931 and was sllrhtl Nrr. er than the previous record acre age ot 1S3Q. The 1932 yield per acre ia estimated nt 3(4 bushels which ia the hlrhMt since 1918. Uniformly good yields per acre were Obtained la practi cally an producing areas. The Oregon harvest ia 532.000 bushels, a decrease of 88,000 bushels over last year, when the acreage was 1.250, by 40 greater than this year. Stocks of 1932 crop on hand, including both growers and dealers, of this sea son's crop is estimated at 479.000 bushels November 1, with the 1931 stocks on hand estimated at 447.000 bushels. California produced 1,985,000 bushels this year, an increase of 522,000 bushels over a year ago; and the Washington production, at 400.000 bushels this year, is 5,01) under 1931. Total stocks of onions on hand November 1, 1932. including those In both growers' and dealers' hands, as indicated by reports from growers, dealers, and by oth er data, are estimated at 11,017, 000 bushels, or 53.8 per cent of the 1922 production. Revised es timates of stocks on hand Novem ber 1 for the five previous years are as follows: 1931, 5.500,000 bushels or 42.5 per cent of total production; 1930, 9,575,000 bush els or 47.8 per cent of production; 1929, 8,927,000 bushels or 49.0 per cent of production; 1928, 5, 630.000 bushels or 43.2 nr rnt of production, and 1927, 8,880,- 000 bushels or 48.5 ner cpnt nf production. Of the total estimated disap pearance of 9.465.000 hnxhela hr November 1. 1932. shinment orda show that around 43 per cent nas moved in carlras. Movement by truck this season has hen haa. vler than usual. TT7B8BAT, VOVEHBBB tt BOW Portlaad 6 go Ta. 8 ;00 Taror Child. 8:15 Meralsg eaashlss. 8:30 Croisenu Prom ta Log sf tas Isy. 9:15 Cooklag icheol. : Artos trie. 10:30 Woaaa'a staraslos sf ta Air. 11:80 K sad My gfcasow. 12 :15 Was tarn Farm and Horn hsav. 1:80 Dotal Clisia f th Air. 1:45 Orgss. 9:15 Keledis Thoogku. t:80 Tea Tisse Basaa. 8:45 Alrin Bey. 4:00 Mid-Wsek Tederstloa Hyma slag. 4:15 Gypiiaa. 4:30 The HUow 'Cello. 4:45 The Wandering MiaitreL 5:1 Piano SSrpriaes. 6:00 Masi Gardes, 8:00 Anoi 'a Andy. 6:15 Memory Lsn. 8:45 Riebard Montgomery' Vok east. 9:80 Bea Berate' ore let tr a. 10:15--Dsace orchestra. ll:15-r-Th Evening SUr. ' BXX Portland 1180 B. 7:00 Morning Sarenaders. S:15 Portland Breakfast oloh. 8:45 Jails Hayes. 9:00 Ton Mitchell. 9:15 Dixie Memories. 10:00 MardI Oral. 10:80 Hotel Hew Torkar orcksttrs. 11:80 Bhythnt Vendors. 13:45 Tons aad Dad. 1:00 Brown Palace orchestra. 3:00 Mssie Oardsa. t:80 Stringwood ensemble. .8:00 Melody Mixers. 4:00 Simpy snd Glawdys. 4:15 Mladwsys. 4:80 Tea Tiaera 8:00 Tanaa sf ths Apes. 8:15 National grand opera. 9:00 Ths Goldbergs. 9:15 Terrace Gardens oreheatra. 10:00 Niesley sad Kosher. 11 :0O Stringwood assemble. 11:80 Bal Tabarls orehetrra. XOAO CorrsHii 550 Be. 7:00 Morning Meditatlona. led by Dr. Frank B. Matthews. 8:00 Morning concert. -10:00 Home Economies Obterver. ' 12:0O Fans boar. 8:80- Better Health and Longer Life. 8 :0O Self-Control Throsi;h Obediea Mrs. Bars W. Prsatiaa. 8:80 Albany collar pre rra ia. 6 :30 Parai hoar. 7:80 The Citiiea and Bis School talk by 0. A. Howard. T: 45 Ths Human Sid sf Basking . Prof. John M. Ba. 'My iW , row from th Federal Besarvs System f" 8:00 Oregon Stat eelUg dspartsisat sf mniie; mnsiesle Mrs. Hsary , Odeen, soprano. 8:80 Lintield eolleg pre gram. Radio Program "Hl Better StllT DEBT SITUATION HURTING GRAINS EGGS TWO Collapse of Sterling To Lowest Record Causes Slump : CHICAGO. Nov. 18 t API Dragged down by collapse of the British poand sterling to below any previous bottom, Chicago wheat prices today ontdld the sea son's lowest record tor July. , Uncertainties rerardlnr the war-debt situation, as well as alimnees of European demand for grain, were additional disconcert-' ing factors. Traders virtually ig nored a big decrease ot 3,694.000 Dusneu in the United State wheat Visible supply. Wheat closed unsteady at Al most the day's low point, 1-2 to 1 3-5 under Saturday's finish, corn 1-4 to o-s down, oats 1-8 to 3-8 off. Today's eloslnr anotallona; , Wheat: Dec. 42 1-8 to 1-4: May 4 7-8 to 47; Jly. 47 1-4 to 3-8. " Corn? Dee. 23 7-8 to 24; May Z5 s- to 3-4; Jly. 30 1-4 to 3-8. Oats: Dec 15 5-8; May 15 3-4; Jly. 18 1-4. General Markets WBOTHTCW STCITiVas Prodaes sxcaaags nt priest: BatUr - utrss sc atsassras xse, prist (irsts 28 4. firsts S8s. Zgg Ijtih extras 2se,- ireta ssauams sec Portland Grain FOETLAKD, Oi Kv. 28. (AP) Whsst : Opa Hies Law Clot Ufmbtt .21a aVt .41 .42 MT 47 .47 .48 i 4.KH. Cash wheat: Bir BcnA klusstpm .51 VI dark hard winter, 12 per cent .SO, 11 per ctat .; tot w tt its. bar winter .41; westera waits, sortnern spring .40 V ; westsra red .40. Oats No. 2 whit $1T. Cora No. 2E yellow $18.50. Millrun SUndard $12.23. Portland Livestock POST LAND, Or., Kot. 28. (AP) Cattle Receipts 1250. cairn 20; ateers xse nigner; Dsns aoc signer. Steers, 600 to 900 poand, medium $4.25-5.25. common 82.75-4.25; 900 to 1100 pounds, medium 34-5, common $2.50-4; 1100 to 1300 pounds, medium S3.7 5-i.su. Heifers, 550 to 850 pounds, medium $3.50-4.25, common $2.50-3.50. Cows, common and medium $2-3, low cut ter and eutter $1-2. Balls, yearlings ex cluded, good and choice (beef), $2.25 8; eutter. common and medium 81.50- 2.25. Vealera, milk fed, good and choice $5-5.50, medium $3.75-5, cull an4 com mon, $2-3,75. Calves, 250 to 500 pounds, good and choice $3.75-5, common . and medium $2-3.73. Hog BeceisU 2500: active. Light lights, 140 t 160 poundi, good sad ehoiee, $3.25-4. Lightweights, 160 ts 180 pounds, $3.75-4; 180 to 200 pounds, $8.75-4. Medium weight, 200 to 220 poinds, $3.25-4; 220 to 250 pounds, $$ 8.76. Hearweights. 250 to 290 pounds, $2.85-8.65: 290 to 350 pounds. $2.75 8.50. Packing sows, 275 to 600 pound. medium aad good, $2.50-8. Feeders- stocker. TO t ISO pounds, good and choice, $3-3.50. Sheep, lambs Receipts 1600; choice lambs 25e higher. Lambs, OO pound down, good ssd ehoiee $4.50-4.75, medium $3.50-4.69, sll weights commas $1.25-8. Tsarilsg weth ers, 90 to 110 pounds, medium t choice $1.25-2.85. Ewes, 90 to 120 poaads, medium to ehoiee $1-$L25; 120 to 150 pounds, medium to choice $75e-$1.25; all weights, cull to common 60-75, Portland Produce POBTLAKD, Ore, Not. 18. (XP) Bnttsr Prints, 93 seors er better Sis, standards 31. Eggs Pseifis Poultry Producers' sell ing prices: Fresh extra 39, standards 37 c, mediums 36, pullets 32. Country meats Selling pries t retail ers: Coma try-Ulled hogs, beet be takers snder 150 poaads, 5-5 Vs pouad; vealera, 80 to 100 poaads, 7-7H; lamb 9 10, yearlings 8s, heavy ewes 8e, easasr cows Se, balls 4-4 tt. Nuts Oregon walnuts 15-19e pouad, pessuts 10e, Braxila 13-14c, almonds 15 16e. filberts 30-22. peeass 30. Caaesra bark Bayiag prices, 1933 peel 8 pound. . Hops Nominal. 1982. 26-36H pouaA Butterfal Direct te shippers: Station 38. Portland delivery price: Charming eresm 89. sweet cream higher, Liv poultry Net buying price: Heavy bans, colored, 4 H poaods, lSe pouad; do mediums 11 ; light Be; springs, colored, lie; all weights, white, lOe; old roos ters, 7c I ducks, Pekins. 10-1 lo. Onions -Selling price to retailers: Ore gon 00e-$l cental Yakima 60-90e. Potatoes Local 65-T0e orange box, Deaehatos Gems $1-1.05, Takima Gams 76-90 craUl Wool 1933 clip, nominal: Willamette valley 13-15 poand, s asters Oregoa 10 lte. Hay Buying price from producer: Al falfa $11.50-13, clover $9-9.50. eastern Oregoa timothy $16.50, oats sad vetch $10.(0-11. STATUS HIED P0RTI4m Not. 28 (AP) With foreign and midwest butter being freely offered to the Pacific slope at prices somewhat less than ia being Quoted here, a weaker situation is Indicated In the local trade generally. Almost general shading of egg prices la suggested here as a re sult of recent prlca loasea in the Atlantic coast trade. Receipts con tinea to Increase, no change has rTem vtscfs vn rvcrsift r MAN TO REACH HIGH "CT H 1 EGGS' GENTS LOWER LOCALLY Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, 18 per . bamlred. K'SeurplsuJ 82c' -.. -.' (Milk Wcs sa U-auathlr ssttsrfst avers.) Jlutterfat Sweet, SOc'i oar, 2c. ' Batter Cubes, SSe; Prints, Sic FBUTT AJFD VEGETABLES Prices paid to growers by Salem bsysrs SevMBber 38 (Ta prices below, supplied By a local grocer, sr tadicstivs sf th daily msrket bat ar ssf guaranteed by Ths SUtssnias) ChJaeee eebbagedes. - ' jo Carrots, s. - .ja utrrots, 40 sag .go Beet, local, dos. Turnips, local, dv Oreea peppers, lb. . J5 t .20 , .35 ,,- .05 ... ,,- JO . .30 vassag, ssak Radishes. 4os. bsachas Unions. Si Ejm K. Vl A .30 Lscal pstatoos .76 t 1.00 Sweet potato, 100 lbs. Celery hearts, dos. Local eatery, dos. Leeal letture, erste -Th Dalles lettuce -L75 .80 sad .40 .30 JtO 1.25 Spissck, crate .50 Hothouse tomatoes, erst Onions, Walla Walls Onions, Lsbiah. 35 lbs. Danish squash, dos. Psrsnips, hundred ,, ba. 8piueabergs -Northern Spy Ortley Jonstbsaa - ' J.40 .85 .39 .15 .1.00 - 45 - .50 . .65 .65 . .65 .L00 . .75 -1.50 Delicious CssUflower, No. 1 erst Batabaga. hundred oraaaei spreuts .90 .28 .20 HOPS Top, 1932. lb. Top, 1931, lb. EGGS . Buying Prices Extras .25 .24 .28 . .17 .04 .11 .08 to .09 .06 to .07 .11 .09 .15 .19 .08 10 Standards Mediums Pullet Old roosters . Colored hen Medium hen Ught ben pototbt" Bake Tarkeya, live, top Turkey, dressed, top Ducks, liv uucxi, dressed MEAT Lsmbs. top Hogs, top Hogs, fir&t cuts Steer -4.00 .S.75 ...3.50 .03 to .04 01 to .03 02 to .03 Cows Heifers Dressed veal, top . .06 . .05 Dressed bogs OBATir aim Siv Whest. weslern red .39 White, No. 1 .41H Bsrler. tnn rnn i a An Oats, white', toa ItioO Oat, gray, top, ton 18.00 to 19.00 tiiy, Duytsg prices Oat snd vetch, toa i nn to 7.50 Alfalfa, valley, 1st cot 9.00 to 10.00 WOOL Medium , IS Coarse lo Mohair no market aruTS Walnuts . nrrhrit wnm Alt 1 Filbert, fair grade lis been announced by Manager of the Pacific Co-ops. Strength in tho cheese trade la by no means confined to the lo cal territory although the situa tion In the im mediate Portland section ia somewhat stronger than elsewhere and especially at points distant from th Pacific slop. Market for spring chickens re tains its recent weakness al though little change was suggest ed in prices. Hens of all sorts were scarce but unchanged in price. Slight stretching of country killed lamb prices here with a small volume up to 10c lb. was reported. Hogs and veal wore steady to firm at lata prices. There was a scarcity of canner cows. OH IS OPENED PORTLAND. Not. 28 fAP A fractional betterment in price available to onion rrowers here. caused by a slight increase in bids, has resulted from continued liberal volume of business in Ore gon onions from th Orient. Th Portland trad views the situa tion with satisfaction. So far this season about 140 carloads of western Oregon on ions hav been moved, and local and shipping demand In the do mestic field have been of small consequence, with th bulk of sales going to th Orient, an en tirely new field. Th Portland chamber of com merce la credited with hating opened th Oriental market,; th extent of which la aeen by th con signment Saturday of 200 tons to th Orient. Another shipment of about th same volume will lear her Dee. 10. Purchase of onion at Willam ette Talley points ar about 50 cents per cental with sacks fur nished by-hnfr. Som Portland wholesalers say they ar unable to obtain their full needs at th half-dollar mark. tazr a. S ONION MARKET l X"wshtdV ooshitwa&), Quantity Onion Sales Are Reported in Labish Region Egg dropped two cent yester day, to 25 cents on extras, 24 cents on standards. 22 on medi .nms and 17 on pullets. Batterfat held at 29 cents' and there was no change in meats. Labish growers sold a Quantity of onion's over tho weekend at 60 cents, the best figure so far this season. No change In the price, offered by local stores has come", yet, as the local buyer is offering5' 25 'cents a 25-pound crate. Celery hearts wer up 10 cents, quoted at 30 and 40 cents a doxen. 0NI0I1KESU Weekend Boost is 10 Cents; - Movement now is to Ori ental Trade LAKE LABISH, Not. 28 Onion growers were looking soirwhat less glum over th weakend. Some of them were ac tssally smiling. Portland buyers, b It known, were offering 0 cents per hundred and picking them up from the onion houses. This is an advance of 20 centa oyer the price of several weeks ago. There Is some optimistic pre dictions to the effect that they are duo to rise to new heights In th ensuing weeks. With the coming of cold weather, con sumption of onions Is always on tne increase. Soup, soup, and stew. On aspect of the current market which brings cheer is lh fact that practically all of th onions which hare moved so far hare been shipped to the Orient, a market which in the .past has been more or less scanty in Its buying. When onions were high last year the price was too high for the Orient to meet. .and id- parently In the years before the buyers had no openings. This year a vast lot of onions have moved across the ocean. Soma are reported to hare gone so tar as Australia where there is a dire shortage with onions re ported selling for as much as a nickel apiece. All of this helps considerably. In the paBt yeais when th onion market was sluggish tho buyers customarily bought up enough at the low early pric to meet their demands for th winter and the market often sub sided completely after New Year. There Is little likelihood of that tor the current season, however, tor the domestic trad will require many carloads, and they ar yet to be purchased. There is . som prospect of a dollar or mor later in th sea son, this being contingent upon th Texas and California winter crops. Reports vary as to th quantities to be harvested In those regions. Regardless of this, there will be probably mor onions consum ed this winter than ever befor. Even when times ar hard peo ple must eat. There ia nothing mor filling or mor conoml cal than stew. And stew isn't stew without onions. NEW YORK, Not. 28 (AP) Stocks maintained their compos ure in th face of a record low for th pound sterling today. Net changes of' shares wer again insignificant, by and large, although the market over the fir hours of dull trading was some what Irregular. Reflection of th unsettled state of foreign monies was found in gold mining shares on the stock exchange. Homestake reached a new high and was up 5 net, while Alaska Juneau and Melntyr wer also active, although th ' last named was off a little on the day. Th market showed occasional lapses, to th .extent of about a point in some favorites, but Amer ican Telephone," American Can and Case finished about even with 8aturdaya close attar losing that amount. National Biscuit and corn products wer heavier. U. 9. Steel, General Electric, Westing house, Allied Chemical, Loew's; Consolidated Gaa, Public Service of New Jersey and a few rails re turned moderate gains, mostly ot a fractional nature. . 1 By CLIFF STERRETT CLIMB TO GO CENTS STOCKS RM S N '4.