i! - - '! vv 4 Orcjron, Tuesday Morning, November 29, 1932 r:. I: The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, PAGE TmiEn . . s h 2. Society - Beia Chi tea Will Honor Patronesses V. ;f Saturday ' ' Ona et the smart - college . at . fairs t the winter will e tee large- Beta Chi sorority tea which will be an erent ot Saturday afternoon at the sorority- home oa State street.' ; 1 This will be t Iren compliment - - log the patronesses of the soror ity. Mrs. T. A. Ureal ey will be tbe new patroness for this year " and the others include Mrs. C. D. Qabrlelson, ! Mrs. 0. A. Spragne,! Mrs. Paul Wallace and Mn. tfomer Goulet. . i j Hours for the tea for which 2to lnritatlons hare been sent out. will ; be from four to six. Miss Ruth Pick is general chair man and her committee includes Dorothy Dalk, Edith Sidwell, Sue Prlagle, and Esther Giooara. Keizer Wedding Solemnized Sunday I Keizer . A pretty wedding wait solemnised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Thomp son Sunday afternoon when thai daughter. -Marietta was siren in marriage to Ray E. PMpps of Portland. The ring serrice was read by the father f the bride. Mrs. Earl Unrnn, inter of the bride sang "Oh, Promise Me" and "At Dawning Th wedding march from Men delssohn was played by anotner slater. Mrs. Ruth Balr. - ( The home was decorated with yellow and white- chrysanthe mums and fall greenery. i The bride wore a - gown ol sapphire blue Tibbed crepe. Her flowers, pink rose ouas ana lily f the ralley, were worn as a corsage. A wedding lunch eon was serred immediately fol lowinc the ceremony. I The inrited guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown, Mr and Mrs. A. J. ETers, Mr. and Mrs.!TJ. O. Senator, Porter and Donald PhiDDS of Portland. Mr and Wrs. Floyd K. Kester' Gene Kester "to! Eugene; "Mrs. Ruth Bair. Joan Balr, Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. Earl TJnruh, Robert and Dona Unruh: Mr. and Mrs Stanley Ostrander and Leland Currr. Mr. and Mrs. Phipps will make their home at 183 Ladd arenas, Portland, Ore. ! Mrs. C. A. Park has for a num ber of years conducted regular weekly bible classes in her home offering an opportunity to any In terested woman to come and study in a; group. The study class has again been formed! rot this year and will meet each Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock at lira home of Mrs- Park. Any.SsffSiaS' interested la inrited. :rr T .T Pattern x, By ANNfi ADAMS Something new for afternoons means something jisw in sleeres 'or necklines. This frock lias both, and there's real flattery in erery jlHe. It's 1rresltlble In black; with wung, jfau mm 1 1 mu o eflta flash ... In latin orerlnily erepe, or In one 01 the loYtly new shffer wool. p Pattern J JO jnay be ordered only la iluf ll to to tndH) to t. filse TS requires 4V4 yards 3 Inch- fabrlo and H yard 17 inch eontraitlnrf Illustrated stepjy-. itep sewing instractiona lncludedT with this pattern. Sa4 BftMa etats tl5) t eolni r stamps (eoisf vrsfrr4)r tot mcS paturn. WilU plainly Karvi)m, 4drM a4 trl: boto r. BR3 JUES TO STATS 6121 : j WASTED. s - . ,,. . ,n 1 T&s fan mi wfofw 4kfe ef rise Abb Amt Psttcn aw,lg 'Is tm4rt Clftrmlsc. TUlUrSat mo4 lsa pnt at U mtmI aidJ sn hih, stTMi - aa lermM "troafs lsTtrly. SMf ga strlM far larn flf id lu rstieaJ stdU ' fT Jul or sm .? klddiaa. Irrir - Hagvrl pttara,; . ul nirfMtioaa fee sUta thm aa B aaa ily b4 bzpaatlTlr au4a. dasw-ectatog, Prfee ef aauloa. flf Tleaa eaota. Catalog aad pattara te wtw aiaceia. ceaa , xor in a iy rnwrnrajnyataaanM. orHiz . an u! arrdart trBUaaa rv raatifaw-paA tltti "7 - r News - and Glub ; Olive M. Doak, SOCIAL CALENDAR 9 Tuesday, November 29 - i Irs. C. A, Park, t IS 8s Chemeketa street, ' bible study class, 2 o'clock at, her home, 1581 Chemeketa , street ;ell women interested. are welcome, JMarion County institute of W; (LT. U. all-day meet ' ing; covered dish luncheon at noon" opening session 10 o'clock; adjourned at 4 o'clock. W. C. Kantner chapter of Comrades of the Way, (o'clock supper at ehnrch; program to follow. A, A.-UW. child study group with Mrs. Donald Mars, 1845 NortnSuramer street. Wednesday November SO Leslie Can Do with Mrs. J. W. Ritchie, 1720 South Winter street. 2 o'clock. t , Mrs. J. R. Slmonds tostesi 3 o'clock at Congrega tional parsonage to mothers of cradle roll members and beginners' and primary department members. Informal tea meeting. First Presbyterian Aid society, one o'clock luneh eon; bring own table serrice; program at 2:30 o'clock; short business meeting following program. North Salem W. G. T. TJ. 2 o'clock in high school room of Jason Lee church. Program at 8 o'clock; Mrs. Roy Lockenour speaker on "Genera Conference". Thursday, December 1 Piety Hill club with Mrs. R. P. Boise, with Mrs. Frank Snedecor as assisting hostess. Chapter G. of P. E. O. Sisterhood with Mrs. A. E. Robins, 2135 South Church street, 2; 30 o'clock. South Salem W. C. T. IT. in Leslie hai 3 o'clock, Rer. Charles Karworth speaker. Brush College Helpers with Mrs. F. C Ewing. HayesTille Women's club with Mrs. E. L. Moore; roll call to be answered by 'Christmas Suggestions". Keizer Ladies Aid, with Mrs. Howard Bllren. Liberty Women's club with Mrs. Harold Lane. Marion County Veterans associate, all-day meet ing First Christian ehnrch; short business meeting in morning; corered dish luncheon at noon; program !n afternoon; all patriotic "organization and public in rited. 'I Zonta dinner meeting; 8:15 o'clocx in Marion hotel. Friday, Decemberit Business and Professional entertaining with large bridge party at home of Juana Holmes, 607 North Com mercial street. Saturday, December 3 Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R. with Miss Edna Mln gus in Monmouth; gifts to be taken for Angel Island box. I First Spiritualist church, social erenlng at home of George Stoddard, 1430 North Fourth street, 8 o'clock. B. and P. W. Club ! Plans Benefit A largebenefit party is being planned By members of the Busi ness and Professional Women's club for Friday of ihi week, at the home of Miss Juana Holmes, 607 North Commercial street. In connection with this benefit, a unique display of antique jew elery will be made. One collection will come from Portland and will represent many rery ancient Eng lish pieces of Jewelery. The public Is inrited to attend Ihe card benefit and also to en Joy the Jewelery display.. Monmouth Miss Bertha Ma son, a nurse in St. Anthony's hospital at the Grenfell mission In Newfoundland, who is - the guest of her sisters, Mrs. E. M. Ebbert, Miss Esther Mason and Miss Irene Mason of Monmouth, was the inspiration for a norel party Thursday night at the Eb bert home. Giiesta were members ind friends 4 tbt Pelro Biblo school class el the KranfsUcil church, ily request of the host ess thy rame attired in cos tume of the long ago, with ac- MortM which included white aprons, high top shoes, plumed hats and shawls. An old fashioned program teat ured readings, negro dialect num bers, group singing of old songs with harmonica, accordion and piano accompaniment. Mrs. Eb- bert's costume was roted most unique, but as hostess she walr ed this honor which fell to Mrs. W. Tilton who was presented with a prize. Those present were . Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Hockett of Salem. Miss Bertha Mason, Mr. antTMrs. N. A. Nelson, Miss Esther Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Tilton. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Schweiser, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Irerson, Mr. and Mrs. Orral White, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Icholl, Her, A. L, Lonsberry, Miss Althea Lonsberry and Mr. and Mrs. Ebbert. Miss Mason Is returning to Newfoundland rla Chicago, going Tfom there to Montreal!, tbea to St. jonns. iier destination, the Grenfell mission, at St Anthony Post, in the extreme northeast end of the island, will be reach ed by dog team . .. .. The W. W. 0. of tho First Baptist chutch ffietc Iday e eningat the church for its regn lar business and program meet ing;, The leader in charge was Ruth IndhaL Interesting topics were . developed npon the sub- Meet of "Loyalty to Country." II- dria Beach, Peggy. Peterson Verdle Grant, Lillyan Jteothlan, Clark far topics tiw Dorothy DJerki Ud the daTOUoni. Re freshments and a social1 hour concluded this enjoyable meet- in " Ketier-About 40 friends and neighbors gathered at the W. E. Satage home, Saturday erenlng to eongratulate-the newly weds. Mr. and Mrs, Winard Sarage. An ere- f nlng was spent in games and re freshments were' serred at a late hour. . I tSonhrSivJ Society Editor Monmouth Thanksgiring din ner parties were numerous in Monmouth Thursday. The larg est one occurred at Jessica Todd hall where almost all of the stu dents who lire there were en. tertalned at a turkey dinner at IX o'clock noon. In the after noon, games and musle were enjoyed Informally in the muslo room: and in the erening, a large group gathered In the Wr ing room to listen to the Port land Symphony orchestra's broad cast. Many of these students left Friday afternoon for their homes where tbe holiday dinner feat ure has been held in abeyance until their arriral for the week end. Other dinner parties in town include .the following: Mr. and Mrs. George Baun entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rowell of McMlnnrille, Mr. snd Mrs. Ed Fuller of Independence and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fuller of Mon mouth. Mrs. A. W. Cooper was host ess to a family dinner Thanks giring night. Covera war placed for Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper of Centerrille, Wasb.i snd Mr. aad Mrs. Ouy Cooper ot Bucoda. wash., and Mrs, Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tetherow entertained for Mr. and Mra, Ce cil Guthrie and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper and daughter. Silrerton Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffett were glren a house warminavby the. Christian church choir Friday night Mr. Moffett has taken orer the directorship of the choir and Mrs. Moffett is acting as musician. Present at the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. L. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Dickman, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Oeder, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bent- son, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Gelser, Henrietta Lorett, Frank Pow ell, Mrs. Mary Andrews, Margar et Thompson, Iter, and Mra. W, O. Livingstone, Mr. and Mra. II. Williams, Mrs. I. A. Gay. Lola Gay, Bernlca Gay, Mra. J. Jor dan, Mrs. Larloa Bentaoa. Mrs. Carl Speht, Mra. J. Bahn, Unssell ana oalo Quinn of Corrailis, aad Mra. B. Qifford. a IV jmw . i 5? I V Aff airs Corvallis Concert Pleases : Ur an1 "Ur 1 k. TTtninn l&. rited a company of their trtendsl to attend a musical soiree at their 1 suburban - home near Corrailis. Snndar n!rbt. tn nrcuiAht Wattev I Buxbanaa, youthful Pianist, who I i on a eancArt tonr of th wt.l Gneata attenAinr from Salem warn I Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schram Sid I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sorarue. Orer t a hundred persons wert accomo- oatea in tne spacious iiansoni bomo. I Mr. Bnxhium is-a baUt f I Vienna, Austrta. His father was I nrofesaor of 'ceUo in: tha Dnlrer.1 sity c Vienna, Walter trow up . I forming on the eoncert stage at women ciuo by l eicht. and after that tonrtn thelNatiOnal council in secur-l cities or Europe, . playing in; tntl" hw i names irom &-ltji k&v. a m . . of nine. He studied nnder Joeef 1 Mofman in the Vienna Academy country, becoming piano instruct-J or in a eoaserratory in Clereland. I He is now on his first tour of the I west, and earn to Corrallu from I Victoria, V- I His Sunday erening concert rered a raried program from the masters. Beginning witn uanaers I "Andante," an unpublished num- ber. written primarily for the or-1 gan. One of the most briiUantly ..mw. ... T t.w. cert Etude D Flat" Others which V2.1L2S 7 ?:l ....... v1 I n-AiWf.. .rini, SS&&JE$1 &&S5SL?vi SJSS nin riirTih," w.it. Blue Danube' was a delight. hmm far mnMrinr In oncrta ln this state and if arrangements ed to compliment the annlrer aro made it may be that ho will BaT ofMr-A Morley And also as appear in Salem. compliment to Smith M. Stout, Presbyterian Women Plan Luncheon Meet Thtt P.hTfHn ai aAi.i. will mee for a one o'clock lun- cheon at the church Wednesday, Tt ia TMnmmtaA th ao ,nHi hrlna- hmr nwry, takla. tI. Following the luncheon meet- ing there will bo a program at 2:10 o'clock. This will be giren by Lynn Cronemlller of the state forestry serrice and W. V. Full- er will show motion pictures of Oregon forests and scenery. Hostesses Include Mrs. B. I, Byers, Mrs. L. K. Siegmund, Mrs. H. 8. Bosshard, Mra. J. W. Harbison, Mrs. Robert Elfstrom, Mrs. George Skaggs, Mrs. H. G. Falrhurst and Mrs. A. H. Wy- att. e a Turner Miss Margery and Harold Fowler entertained Friday night at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Fowler, for members of the younger set and a few older guests. Those present were: Misses Anna and Edna Johnson, Emma Denyer, Dorothy and Gwendolyn McCully, Josephine. Ruth Margaret and Fernal GUstrap, Margaret Robert son, Rachel Garner, Emma and Pharlntt Par Mtrlnrv and AIIAa Fowler, and Melrln Holt, Herbert nngKi, ait in uarner, wan Ber nard, John Hawk, Albert Jensen, Louis, Kenneth and Harold Fow ler, Mr. Part. Iter, and Mra. B. J. Qllatrap, and Mr. and Mrs. rtowlar and children Eleanor, Elolse and Freddie. e e e Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Malloy entertained the members of the Country elub at a' bridge party Saturday night at their home. High scores were won by Mrs. Waldo Brown, Miss Elrlra Scholl. Waldo Brown, and Julius Stauffer. Leland and Vera Kocker assist ed the hostess in serving to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer, Mr. and Mra. L A. Braden. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mr. and Mra. Julius Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bra- den, Mr. and Mrs. Elton McLaugh- lln, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Will, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Brown, Mra. Anna Scholl, Qua Will, the Misses El- Tlra and Lonore Scholl, John Soholl, and Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Malloy. . mmmmimmmmm. mb m mmmM M THURSDAY ONLY 10 A . M. tods'.!. : H TTp) is3 I I saaasBBS v PAY 0KEYT ,. usxvs. TO EACH CerOficate, , . Work on Signatures Continues in 'Clubs one oi tne interesting inmgs i that the club women of the United Stages are working npon this year ( . .u,n-l m mntfll.n 11- . A I hames of women 4 attached to a i peUUon-which will ' be dnpUcated I as far as necessary1- and sent to the rulera of foreign! nationa ask- ing; that representatirb group of women from each country.. bo sent to mo-, wond'a g&ir which will be herd In" Chicago, thf jiunv. s.nocs'T m wv.v v namea do seenrea ny January, . - i f w neing sponsoreo ny tho Council of Women and In this council; atO 80 national women's wiiuuom. taiem nas a rpr- ntatiro Branch or lire of these optional i organltaUonsj Salem v..1Uoi u, . ,. T. Business .and Prof esiional women a club and the American Association of . Unirorsity Women. Joecauso oi tne lact mat U had moro numbers " than any of ; the other- aiuba lnVSt1m: AtI w lam w wi nea aar mm w su - tamva k i ' charge of this !misaIonarT work." and is finding. that there is atill from the quota of Salem. She! is making erery effort to get in I touch with the rarioua groups J when they meet in order to get I them to secure signatures. Any I of-laid by communications to her would be a largo help. - 1 At tae miernaaonat meeting oi I women, which it is hoped to be brought about at the world's fair. I discussion of international vrob- i.m. ) v. t.v.. I or representation from all couat- r btU' ts. it 1. . . . Dinner Complimente Guest at Morley Home J - Sunday was a gala day at thejand Frncl Babb George A. Morley home at which I Um birthday dinner was serr- VU VUU OV4J UV UI X0lli. Wrominr n-t. t ,! home. Mrs. Morley and Mr. Stout are til at at slTl1 KrAthav aantft rinttl 1T stont'a arriral thia wAobon th had not mat for At tpt H - U 8f yeara old, the eldest of 11 children, and Mrs. Morley Is the Tonnreat. I Present foF tha dlnnor vera Mr. and Mra. T. H. Morley, Mr. nd Mrs. J. T. Grayblll, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pleasant and daugh- ter Ruth of Dallas; Donald Mor - ley, Miss Tronne Aufrane and r. ana Mrs. ueorge A. Money and Smith Stout and John Stout e e a Jefferson Mrs. Earl Cunning ham entertained the Derer Rural Recreation club in the Morning Star Grange hall recently. Mrs. Marrin Fletcher, Mrs. Ralph Groshong, and Miss Helen Hoefer were appointed to serre on the entertainment committee. Mrs. Ralph Wildman was honored with a miscellaneous shower. Guests present were Mrs. E. E. Berer and daughter Gertrude. Club members present were Mrs. Ralph Groshong, Mrs. Marrin Fletcher, Mrs. Fred Hoefer and daughter Helen, Mrs. Albert Harnlsch, Mrs. Merrln Case, Mrs. Carl Harnlsch, Mrs. Roy Hllllker, Mrs. Wildman, Mrs. Minnie Dafis nd daughter, and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wldner of St. Louis entertained with a charming old faahJonefl dinner at tbalr home Thanksgiving day, complimenting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wldner, Barbara Jean and Carl Wldner, C. 0. Ft 1st, Frank Newberg, James Beggs, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hess, Gilbert Charles Hess, Long Fairfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ted'Osborn, LeRoy, Buddy and Richard Osborn of Waconda: Cecil Dencer, Miss Lola Esther Hammer, Miss Esther Hammer of Hasen Green; Miss Dorothy Wldner of Portland. a a Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Beryl Holt. Mrs. Phil Barrett and Mra. I George Allen motored to Port- land Friday to bo guests at tho I American Association of Unlrer- sity Women for tho tea which this group gara at tho home 1 of Mrs. James B. Roberts, eom- pllmentlng Dr. Ellen Fits Fen- I dleton president of Wellesley 'college. aaitll aaa M A S run 0)U m TWO PAIRS OF $1.00 CHIFFON HOSE PERFECT QUALTTT FRENCH HEEL . E $4 Rock Crystal NecUace Strung on SUver-Platcd Chain F RE" rreent this eertllto? 9X00 box of Face Powder, one 11.00 Exquisite Fer huns, a 94.00 Bock Cat Crystal .Necklace strung on Khar pUtod rhaJa aotd TWO PAIRS of LADIES' SILK 91. M HOSE. Benaember, yow get a PAIRS of hosiery,' If yon can not come at tills hour, send some one to our store before sale, Icare 89c and your" set TiIl be laid aaido, ." " a.. -. YOU lun Order. OPiLY AND THIS AD J, H- WIIXETT v40K BaiO St. lUiUbertr. SalenEf PHONE 8118-3110 ONLY THE ARTIST - - tt ' .;:' . ! '. I - 5 ' i - ir wtr -Duxuaum, Austrian niaitist. aivpjt hriRtn.nl rrnrert Corvaui Claiw Fniova jDUSUiesS IVleeting Monthly business and social meeting of the Semper Fideles class of the Temple Baptist church was held at the country home of Miss Arna Babb, recently. Class members nresent were O i w!-"tea TheV- Cla Wratt! Vl.i, ' v. r, ',!z vVniler Krm w.rbr Mn w ""w . "V" wetneroy, Muriel I Potter, Arline Cross, Arna Babb, ku rl,?; ArtTnV hnTn. S pvMoSS star. Edward Reld, Bill Cross, H"y Flnn' Eldon York, Harrey gSf - . "ar,M?. J B"T pKe Mr. and Mrs. H. Babb, Refreshments were serred at a late hour. Hazel Green Mrs. J. V. Lehr- A I Jl lit. I , , , Sunday noon for her sisters, Miss Clara Dalke of Portland and Miss Esther Dalke of Salem. Corers were placed for Miss Elenor Wiebe, Aberdeen, Idaho., Misses I Martna ana flima oeng, miss iswa "r' ,f L K i w f"" A.lTln rJ,unkaL ??9ZPn' Idaho.: Rufus and .Srrald Frans, "lnlr Weaei, Om YVBllJ, Kay MeIHDl,IB.'. Roy ,u?nm"' a" f f f.- MlM wleJ1b A1j'n wweaeua fiuu i 1 inrman nome, ana win entet pregon State college shortly. CEREAL OVERCOMES COMMON CONSTIPATION Ail-BraN Provides "Bulk," Vitamin B and Iron KeDogrg's Aix-Bran meets a basic seed ox the American dietary, it supplies "bulk" so helpful in cor recting common constipation. In eleven years, Aix-Bran baa won million ox sautned users. New testa show added reasona for tho success of AllBian. Lab oratory experiments prove that, In addition to "bulk," It provides vita min B to help tone tho intestinal tract. Tho headaches, loss of appetite ind energy that so often result from constipation can be overcome by this pleasant cereal. How much bet ter than using pills and drugs. Aix-Bran is mild. Its "bulk" fa much like that of lettuce. Within the body, it absorbs moisture and forms a soft mass, which gently dears the intestines nff wastes. Two tablespoonfula dally are suffi cient to orercome most types of eon stipatdon. Chronic cases, with erery zneaL If sot reliered this way, see your doctor. Another benefit of All-Bean is that tt has twice aa much blood- building iron aa an equal amount oy weight ox Doer urer. Cspua an aaA1 ab veaia I am AaAlV skvvsi ee saa vwweMs v War aaa wwa- Ing. Tempting redpea on the red-and-green package. Sold by all gro cers. Made by Kallogf in Battle vrecx. A S S MA - aaaaal anaaBaaaaaa BBBBBBBBBBBBl aaMBHBaaW S Thursday fS FOR . ALL FIVE ARTICLES r -'T r Ore. BEST' i-r- SL -at iUa' aaansaa' EUCIOUS Sterling Guild 4 , L r - Enjoys Breakfast ? , it.'.-. .The ' annual Thanksgirlng breakfast for which the Sterling Guild ,of the Caralry - Baptist church " entertains each Tear' .was for, this year a successful erent of Sunday morning. It was giren .in special compliment to the mem bers wno were, back from college for the Thanksgiring holidays.- Cbrysanthemumi and pumpkin coach drawn by turkeys made, the attractlTe- eenterpleee for -the ta ble' at which , was seated' Mrs. H: S. Glle, Mrs. Earl Gregg. - Miss Ruby Vasburg, ' Miss Helen Alex ander, ' Miss Velma Alexander, Mis LaVinea Bnirgy, Miss Jean McElhinny, Miss Mary Enslin, Miss Helen Mann, Miss Janet. Me- CalUster. .Miss 'Ruth 'McAllister, Miss Lola Dale Pickens, Miss Rath Sawyer, Miss Marlon" Rose, Miss Helen ' Miller, Miss Alma Willis. Miss Helen Grares, Miss Louise Jennings, Miss. Lorame Graber, Miss Zelda Harlan,' Miss Carol Stoddard,' Miss Era Cochran, Miss Mildred Mosher, Miss Lois Coch ran, Miss Mildred Taylor. Miss : Velma Alexander was toastmlstress and toasts were gir en by Miss Jean McElhinny and Miss LaVinia Bnirgy. Waconda Mn and Mrs. Karl M. Brown entertained at dinner Thanksgfrlng day - for the . pleas ure of Mr. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of this place' whoso wedding annirersary it was. Guests were Mrs. Cora Spurlock, Mr. Darling, Miss Nina Spurlock, all of Salem, Leslie Brown of Cornelius, Miss Gladya Brown, and the honor guests. Mrs. J. R. Simonds assisted by Miss Cora Talklngton will entertain mothers of the cradle roll, beginners and primary class members of the First Con gregational ehnrch at the par sonage Wednesday afternoon. This will be an Informal tea meeting which will, begin at o'clock. I Mrs. J. W. Ritchie will be hostess to members of the Les lie Can-Do class at her home at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. No coach fare on any rail line la lower. Yet on Southern Pacific you can go East through Calif or n'u. Travel In sunshine. See fascinating San Frandsco, gay Los Angeles. Ten days to make the trip. You ' ride in steam-heated, all-steel coaches or reclining chair cars that provide cushioned, roomy comfort. 100 lbs. free baggage allowance. Examples of other coach fares East through Calif or ma: NEW YORK .... $70.70 DETROIT . a . a . 49.81 ST. LOUIS ..... 40.00 Via New Orleans If you with. First Class meals snd berth on Southern Pacific steamer from New Orleans to New Yoik included la this (are. A. F. NOTII, Agent Passenger Depot, 18th a Tel. 4408 HEP All WORK Hens Half Ladles Half floiea 75c Rubbt Haela both mem Til "ejlM'-i i 'f iih5', ii nV)OgJ womena Mens Leather Hcela; 50c Wa tun only the Ilnsf material and offer you eipcrt workmanship. p0 not bo mislead Jhlf la equal to any, 'SMS .. . Mr. Orwig and Mrs. Gleif Faxsott:-wiU be the assisting hostesses. ,- , ' - - e . i " - , Keiter The Keixer Ladles AidL f win meet all day: Thursday, with Mrs. Howard Bllren. A fall at- v tendance is desired as plans are , to : be. completed; for the cooked v ! food sale and hasaar to be held December 19. - i i -- Miss Lois Cochran was the in - V- pplratlon for a : pretty birthday ; party at her . homo when her' ala- ter. Miss Era Cochran, entertained t ' lu her honor Friday. night? Mrs, W. Earl Cochran assisted at thai i eoffeo hoar. ' - . s ... y..i , , t t V Hazel Green Mrs. C. A. KoboiT : and Mrs. Rudolph Waeken will be ; hostesses to tho Sunshine Sewing club at the C. A. Kobow ; home Wednesday afternoon, November : SO. ' ' e Waconda -Honoring the wed" ding annirersary of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Becker, recently of Hayward, Calif., a family dinner was held Sunday at the A. W. Nusom homo. e , LARWOOD, Nor. 11 Mra. Clair Luner and small daughter left " Saturday for her homo in North Carolina' after making an extended risit among friends and relatires. I rt r arr-m.T . . who bay Gifts for Men In selecting gifts for men there are two important con siderations: first, what to buy;' sec ond, where to buy. The Alex Jones label on his gift Is assurance of quality and style. Our gifts are worthy of yonr friends. Then, too, you will enjoy shop ping here where we will pleas antly and unhurriedly help you in your selections of gifts. "Gifts Men WU1 Appreciate" OPEN EVKXING3 . ALEX JONES N. High Senator Hotel 214 Q e Oak .ow Price Full Soles and Hee4 $2.00to$ Patches, only l 'II 25c 1 5 i in Km, saw ar vaiy.- 5