The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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    - Tl flTimnW flfTATRSMAV Sabm. . fn G-j-t t T - ... " " " " .... . .. -, . .,
5al;M Concert ffi;ilSiK!:
Younger Set
joys . Busy
vi ijnuidiu ijuciai LLtvenis; w eeKs
, " " I Holiday oeason Leaves Gay Pathwavl V
Week End
ead Are Busv Ones
4 "f 1
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'i I
3 . .
i,- "i
, mHS ' younger ' aeU of J Salem
I i have put la a busy weekend
ITT :with dances and' bridge teat
and dinner parties. '15"
'The largest event was that of
Saturday 'afternoon y tor which
Mist Julia Johnson and Miss Mar
tha j Sprague entertained at the
Johnson home: Bridge was " la
play at eight tables in the . large
social room of the Johnson home.
This," had been converted Into a
heritable Christmas scene with a
Christinas tree and an the gay
decorations which herald the com
ing -of that gay dayi V
These young maids managed to
get fa the first outstanding Christ
mas decorative note which from
now j on win form one of the pop-
1 ' alar schemes for decorations.
Those holding, winning scores
Included Miss Alice Speck, and
Mla Mirrinf Shim At t)ia to.
I hour the hostesses were assisted
, vj itteu: muiusrs, mn. y. a. spra-
gue and Mrs. Paul Johnson, and
Alias Eleanor Trindle.
Saturday ; nfght a t group of
maids enjoyed a no host formal
dinner party in; the Silver Grill of
the Cray Belle.' They were Joined
inter ior a aancing party by a
group of young men. The dinner
f' guests included Miss Lois Cath
eriae. Jones and Miss Ellen Hem
t enway of Portland, and Miss Jo
;j , eephiae McGllchrist, Miss Kate
f Corey, : Miss Ruthita Hof f nell,
: Miss Dorothy White, Miss Wilda
Fleener, Miss Marie Bone, Miss
Margaret Drager, Miss Myra Belt,
and Mrs;. Marvin Headrick.
Friday night Miss Dorothy
Williams and Miss Virginia Mason
entertained in the Thomas Lar
k in, Williams home on Fire street
With a clerer dancing party.
- i - :
Tacoma Wedding
Of Interest Here
- Keizer--On Thanksgiving even
V !ng at 7 o'clock as a fitting climax
Uto a reunion of 179 of the de-
scendants ' of Adam Byrd who
brought his family across the
plains 80 years ago, occurred at
Tacoma the wedding of Miss Mary
Stevenson of Tacoma, a great
granddaughter of Adam Byrd to
Willard R. Savage, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E Savage of Keizer.
The marriage took place in the
parish house of the Fern Hill Me-
As the first strains of the bri-
; dal march from Lohengrin were
played,' two little girls entered,
gold of autumn leaves and flow
ers to a Gothic arch, vine covered
irom which was suspended a wed
ding bell. !
Mr. Savage was accomoanied
by his brother Ernest as best
man. The officiating clergymen
were Rev. Arthur 's. Morton and
Her. J. M. WUder.
Attending the bride as brides
maids were two cousins. Miss El
len Byrd Athow, gowned in flow
ered, georgette of rose and blue
and Dorothv RlicabAth A throw
f I who wore palest blue organdie.
Mrs. Marjorie E., Greer, a sister
of the bride was matron of hon-
. or. Her frock was flowered chlf
fon, maize in color. Two small
; (flower girls preceded the bride
to the altar.
Entering with her father, Hugh
C. Stevenson, who gave her in
marriage, the bride wore a white
satin gown and a veil caught by
orange blossoms, worn by an aunt
15 years ago. She carried white
chrysanthemums and a point lace
handkerchief made for her own
wedding 50 years ago by Mrs.
George W. Byrd.
vi Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Savage and
sons Ernest and Milton attended
the wedding. ,
''I The young couple will 'make
.their home in Keizer having. built
a new home on the Savage ranch.
;' Mr. and Mrs. O. a Hammond
V entertained at their home Thurs
day evening for Thanksgiving din
ner In compliment to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lonergan of Porlafld. Cov
ers were placed tor Mr. and Mrs.
Lonergan, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ham-
mond,J41ss Mary Ellen, and Miss
Betty Hammond, and for Mr. and
Mrs.' Hammond. Later' in the eve
ning Mr, and Mrs. Romeo Goulet,
Miss Kean West, and a group of
the younger tet ealled to spend
the evening. '
; - Sunday, November 27
Willamette university program over KGW 1:10 to
4 o'clock this afternoon.
Monday, November 2&
1 ' Republican study club with Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 1:10
Chapter A. B. of P. E. O. Sisterhood with Mrs. S. B.
riiLer, 41 Market street, 7:45 o'clock.
Rebekah lodge, 7:10 o'clock in club rooms of
I. 0. O. r. hall; all members of degree team urged to
fbe present. Initiation for four candidates,
n , Beginnen and Primary Teachers guild, f o'elock in
rtrst Methodist church, potluck dinner; Miss Louise
Hunderup to be speaker.
Salem Women's press club banquet, 4:10 o'clock
la Silver Grille room of Gray Belle.
v Leslie Can Do with Mrs.
Winter street, S o'clock. ,
J fday December 1 -
Piety hill elab with! Mrs. RP. BbiseTwlthrs.
Frank Snedecor as assisting hostess.
- Chapter G! or P. B. O. Sisterhood with Mrs. A. B.
Robins, HIS Sooth Chureh ttreet, 1:10 o'clock.
- ; South Salem W. C. T. U. in Leslie hall, S o;clock,
Rtr. Charles Hatrworth speaker. ,
. ' . Saturday; December S
Chemekeia chapter, D. A. R. with MUi Bdna Min
gus la Monmouth; gifts to be taken for Angel Island
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Salem Philharmonic Group
Represents Interesting
AS the date of the Philharmonic Symphony orchestra con
cert draws near, three people are particularly important
in preparing; the program.
Jacques Gershkovitch, the conductor of the orchestra,
has a distinctive musical background. Mr. Gershkovitch stud
ied in Petrograd under the-
great Rimsky-Korsakov, and
later with Glazounov. In 1913
he was graduated with the title of
laureate, the highest honor con
ferred by the Imperial conserva
tory. Winning the Schubert
scholarship for study in Germany
gave him opportunity to perfect
himself Am conductor under the
famous Arthur Niklsch. In addi
tion to being guest conductor of
the New York, San Francisco, and
Portland Symphony orchestras,
Mr. Gershkovitch has brought
fame to Portland through the
achievements of the Portland Jun
ior Symphony orchestra, of which
h has been conductor for nine
Miss Mary Schults, violinist and
concert master of the orchestra.
needs no introduction to Salem.
A great part of her schooling took
place in New York, under the in
struction of Alexander Bloch, one
of the most prominent of expon
ents of the Auer school of violin.
During later years, Mls Schults
did extensive radio work in New
York, as well as orchestra, trio,
and quartet playing in Chicago
and New York. She appeared in
Salem last spring in trio with Mi
chel Arenstein and James Hutch
inson. Nancy Thielsen, coloratura so
prano soloist for the concert, has
many musical accomplishments to
her credit. She has been soloist
with the Portland Symphony or
chestra. University of Oregon
Symphony orchestra, and Univer
sity Polyphonic choir, the Neah
kanie string quartet, and has sung
numerous concerts in the valley.
She Is voice and choral Instructor
of Albany college, and soloist and
director of the First Presbyterian
church of Albany.
The concert date is December
2, Salem Armory, at 8:30 o'clock.
A partial list of subscribers in
cludes the names of;
Ur. tad MM. 3. H. Atort, Mr snd
Mw. Gtorff. AtUn. Mr. and Mr. W. X.
fcadtrton, Mr. nd Mrs. Brtymaa Bolt,
Dr. tad Mn. O. C. BtUlBtr, W. H.
Bargtmrdt, Jod tad Mm. R. J. Bn,
Mn. Frank Bowmex. MIm Rath Bed
ford, Vr. and Mr. C. T. Bl.p, Mr. aid
Mx. Frank Browa, Mr. and Mr. U C
Barrlek. Mr. and Mm. Trad Bror, Mr.
fld Mr. Oaori ArbatkU. Mint Allca C.
Brown, J, H. Athby, Dr. M4 Ut. H. J.
November SO
J. W. Ritchie, 1711 South
Mi Nancy
Thidsen,r 00U
oraturt sopra
no, and belov
ed by Salem,
will be guest
artisi for the
first PhWmr
mqnie concert
Friday night.
Clement. Monro 8. Cheek, Mr. and Mr.
O. A. Ckasa. Mr. mai Un O I,
Mr. and Mr. H. V. Comnton. Mr. and
Mr. William Chandler, Raymond CarL
Mr. Margaret Collin. Mr. StelU Oulrer,
ManhaU Cameron.
Mr. Walter -a, Denton, Mr. Minn!
Down 1 nr. Dr. and Mr. C. A. Down. Mr.
and Mr. B. O. Da til Peter D'Anrv Mr
and Mr. J. T. Dalaner, Sidner ZlUott.
Mr. and Mr. William Einsls, Mrs. O. M.
Kpley, Mrs. R. L. Xdward. Mr. Klin
Ebaen. Mr. and Mr. T. M. Eriekson. Mr.
and Mr. T. D. Eaton, Mr. Urn Eaton,
Mr. and Mr. L. B. Sndleott, Mr. and
Mr. Max Oehlhar. Mr. and Mn V P.
Ortgf. Mr. and Mr. R. B. T. Glaiaer.
Mr. and Mr. J. H. Salbreath, Uri. XUia
betli OalUher. Mra. T. H. GoJlowar.
Mr. William Hafman Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Bantam. Mr. and Ur. Willi.
Hamilton, Dr. and Mr. David Bennett
Hill, Otto Hartman, Mr. and Mn. J. W.
Hunt, Mrs. Caroline Hnrat, Mr. and Mr.
O. W. Janson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jeaks;
Mr. J. A. Jelderk. Prof. X. H. Hohon,
C. S. Hamilton. Mr. Per Kelly, Dr.
Henry Kohler. Mr. and Mr. Roy Klein.
MU Gretehen Kraemer. Mr. and Mr.
W. J. Jtirk, Mr. and Mra. O. A, KeU.
Mr. and Mra. BL K. Lepper. Mil Harriett
"'-PTjl"4 Mn- W- H. Lytle, Mr. and
Mr. T. H. Uvealey, Mra. Prank Lilbnrn,
Mr. and Mr. W. 8. LeTen. Mm Irma
LeRube, Fred La ore, L. H. LeOarie.
Senator Chariea !. MeNary. Jodje and
Vr. John H. MeNary, Mr. Edna Millar,
Mi Minnie Milter, Mi Marfaret Me
Alpin, Mr. and Mr. B, J. Maaaka, Mr.
and Mr. Ivan Martin, Mr. and Mr.
Douglas McKay, Mr. and Mr. Prank
Mt. Mr. and Mr. T, X. Mercer, Mr.
nd Mrs. John Marr, Jr Mra. H. G.
M.J,OB . Mu flf,,cll, Kramer, Mis
EHiabntk Lord. Dr. W. B. Morse, Mr. and
Mrs. W. f. Keedham. Mr. and Mr. Phil-
Up ITevmyer, Mr. and Mr. Oscar 01on.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohlin. 1u. n...
trie Olin.
Mr. and Mr. Otto Panlns, Ben Pad.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Powers, Dr. and Mrs.
B. P. Ponnd, Mr. and Mrs. Elli Pnrrine,
nr. ana atr. niiutn fhUlip. Mis Helen
S'S Wesley Boeder, J. f. Robert. Mr.
u Mcra nooenson, sir. ana Mrs.
H. L. Stiff, Mr. and Mrs. X. 0. Schonka,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon P. Rektt v.
and Mrs. C. A. Spragne. Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Smith, 8r Mrs. Margaret Sterns,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Steed, Mr. and Mrs.
v. emptor, ur. and Mn K k. l.
and Mrs. A. A.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shsmtan, Mr. and
Mrs. U R. 8pringer, Rtr. and Mrs. H. D.
StoTer. Mi Mary Sennits. Mis Mary
K fc aaY a
BchoetUe, Dr. and Mrs. H. K. 8tkweII.
Mr. and Mm. A. V. fln vri..
Sehryrer. ,
Mr. and Mrs Rnthyn Tnraey, Mr. and
Wrs. P. F. Thosass, Mis Lena Belle
Tartar. Mn. Oraea Ti.W If. c...
Yarty, Charles Wilson. Mr. and Mra. Wi.
ter Winilew, Mr. and Mr. Past Wallnes,
Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Wuluiu.
JTaHa W.bjter, Mr. and Mrs. 9. A,' Wail.
Mr. andJKrs. H. H. Weln.Ula. hfr. a4
" J-. wuiettr. and Mrs. Oeergtt C.
Will, Mlsi Rlma Waller.
McKinlev P. T. A.
Will Meet Monday.
A rOund'tabU dfaenaalAn r.l
J fch room between parents of
cuuuren 01 mat room and Its
teacher will be an Interesting fea
ture of the McKlnley Parent.
Teacher association meeting Mon
day night at s o'clock la the
1 brief nrosram win rri
the discussion with Miss Lnna
Bene Tartar slntinc a arrntiit nf
numbers and Miss Dorothy Taylor
talking on the topic of 'The
Worth of the Individual Child."
Tha evening will close with a
social and refreshment hour. Mrs.
V, A. Douglas. Mrs. Charles McEl
hinney and Mrs. Joseph Bchur are
la charge of the refreshment hour.
rs. raui Acton, Miss Esther
Long and Mrs. Gordon McGilchriit
are in cnarge oi the program.
An Informal evening was spent
by members .of the 8. 8. club
when Miss Roie Ksulman enter
tained at her home oa Hood street
Tuesday.' Members present were
Mrs. Dora Barnes. Miss Christine
Heman, Miss Kadine Long Miss
Arna Babb and the hostess'. Miss
jtauiman. Keiretaments war
served at a late hour.
;.; :..r-;-
Mr. and Mrs. Itay. Clark were
Thanksgiving day hosts In compli
ment to the holiday and to the
77th blrtbday of Mr. Clark's moth
r, Mrs. Lydia Clark. Guests in
ciuaea Mr. and ; Mrs: Robert' E.
Clark, Mrs. Lydia Clark. Mist Mil.
dred Clark, Miss Maxine' Clark,
SocialjAffairs of Distinction Keep Capitol City Engaged tothe Last
Miniite of Thanksgiving Holidays; Portland Wedding of Interest r
ipHE Thanksgivinsr weekend passes into oblivion with today's close and the socially tnind
X ed take up the activities of Christmas, The past weekend has been one of unusually
busy hours. - ..-'T. ' v
3JreeJ8:e dances' that of the Rainbow Girls, the annual Thanksgivino; dance at
CastilUan hall for high school and college you th and the ultra smart Subscription club dance
at Masonic : temple Saturday night. A gay jlancing party at the David Wright home pre
ceded, the Thanksgiving dance at CastiUian hall, and Miss Roberta Varley was a buffet sup
per hostess at her home following the same dance. Saturday. night large no host dinner
parties were observed at several homes preceding the Subscription club. Many out of town
' ' ' Oguests were present for the latter dance.
Lecturer is
Enjoyed by
A CHARMING tea hour follow
ed the lecture by Richard
Montgomery noon the themav
of his own book, "Pechuck," Sat
urday at tbe Salem Woman's club.
Special guests were teachers from
Chemawa Indian school. '
Mrs. J. A. Bernardl and Mrs. T.
M. Barr presided at the tea table
whlcb was beautiful in an ar
rangement of crystal and -fall
flowers. Mrs. Mllo Rasmussec and
her committee, Mrs. D. A. Hodge.
Mrs. P. W. Bailey, Mrs. C. T. Elli
son. Mrs. G. E. Allen and Mrs.
Mary Fake, served.
Mr. Montgomery related how he
came to write "Pechuck," story of
an Oregon boy, Lorne Knight;
gave a brief sketch of Knight's
life, and read interesting extras
from the book. Knight died on aavj
expedition to Wrangell Island and
was burled there. Recently at Mc
Minnvllle. where Knight's father
lives, a marker was placed by the
Boy Scouts to honor Lome's mem
ory. Montgomery wrote "Pechuck."
which was the name the Eskimos
gave to Knight, at the request of
the youth's father. Most of his
material came from the diary
which Lorne kept on his trip; but
Montgomery bad to supply much
of the atmosphere, the character
isation, and au the dialogue. His
preparation consisted of reading
numerous other books on the arc
tic and learning through various
sources what he could of the per- j
sons who took part In the four-
year Journey through the north.
His narrative gripped the atten
tion of his auditors.
Montgomery is a great-grand
son of Dr. and Mrs. w. H. Will
son early founders of Salem.
W. C. T. U. Arrange
For All-Day Session
Salem W. C. T. U. members will
be busy with an all-day meeting
Tuesday in the organisation hall
at Perry and South Commercial
streets. The session will begin at
10 o'clock and there will be a so
cial hour at noon. This will be a
county committee meeting and
much Is expected of interest from
Mrs. Nellie Gunning will lead
the opening devotionals with Mrs.
Helen Preseott speaking on ''The
Crusade Plan." Mrs. Sarah, Oliver
will give an Informal talk on "Ef
ficiency Standards" and MrsLyd-'
la Lehman will speak On "Stand
ards for the County." An open dis
cussion will be followed by lunch
eon and a prayer and song serv
ice. Mrs. William Martin will pre
sent her Ideals on medal contest
work and Mrs. Neela Buck will
speak on scientific temperance,
Mrs. Olive Goodrich will talk on
the Loyal Temperance Legion and
this will be followed by an open
forum discussion. The Young Peo
ple's branch of the W. C. T. TJ.
will provide special music for the
day's meeting.
Y. W. C A. Board
Members Nominated
The annual election of board
members to the T. W. 0. A.
board will take place December
IS and the report et the nom
ination committee has been made
as to those women whose names
will be placed on the ballot
Old members of the board up
for re-election Include Mrs. L. O.
Clement, Mrs. Prank E. Brown,
Mrs. Kitty Graver, and Mrs. Wil
liam Gahlsdorf. New names in
clude Mrs. David Bennett Hill.
Mrs. M. C. Petteys, and Mrs. Floyd
Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Millar have
both been active workers in Girl
Reserve work, each having served
in the capacity of advisors and In
other wsys. Mrs. Petteys has long
been a member of the membership
committee and the house commit
tee of the T, W. C. A.
Press Club Banquet
Monday Night
An Interesting event of Mondav
night will be tbe banquet .for
which the Salem Women's Press
club will be hostess Monday night
ai us oraybene, .
i The banquet will be served at
1:10 o'clock in the silver grille.
Especially attractive decorations
snd a program are being arrang
ed for by the committee coir.
posed of Mrs. Dennis Landry, Mrs.
Steven Stone and Mrs. - A. E.
crown. , Mrs. R. C. "Curtis has
cnarge of the Invitations,
Thanksgiving . guests at the
nome of Mr. snd Mrs. Ernest Bar
ker Included Mr. and Mrs. L. A
Davis. Fred T.-Barker, Mrs.L. S.
Peterson of Portland.. Four gen
An event of much interest in social circles Thanksgiving
day was the marriage of Lt CoL Clifton Irwin to Miss Alice
Stowell of Portland in Portland in a quiet ceremony at the
home of the -bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Stowell of
Edgewood Road.
o They will make their home
Jacques Gershkovitch, bril
liant conductor of the Salem
Philharmonic symphony,
which will present its first
concert Friday night at 8:30
o'clock in the armory.
Girl Reserves Plan
Public Ceremonial
An outstanding event of Girl
Reserve activity for the early
winter will be the public cere
monial which Is being planned for
December I, at the First Presby
terian church at 4 o'clock and
at this time new-members from
the junior high schools and the
high school will be welcomed.
Miss Helen Brelthaupt Is work
ing out the ceremonial and Is
being assisted by a committee of
Miss Jane Keith, Miss Dorothy
Pro, Miss Gladys Taylor, Miss
Marine Woodfield, Mrs. Floyd
Miller, Miss Rosetta Smith and
Mrs. Elizabeth Galaher, local T.
W. C. A. secretary. Mrs. Ruth
Versteeg is in charge of the mu
sic. The group met Friday after
noon to discuss the work and de
velop further plans for the In
teresting event to wheh the pub
lic is Invited.
The week days are well taken
up with triangle meetings In the
various schools. The high school
cabinet will meet at the Y. W.
C. A. Monday afternoon to discuss
Christmas service work and pro
grams and the Sth grade of Par
rlsh will also meet Monday at
the school.
Tuesday, Englewood Reserves
will present a playlet at the Y.
W. C. A. under the direction of
Miss Helen Ralph. The name of
the play is "The Little Yash
mah.A Leslie Reserves will also meet
Tuesday afternoon Snd the girl's
choir which will present the mu
sic for the ceremonial will prac
tice Tuesday at the Y. W. C. A.
under tbe direction, of Mrs. Ver
teeg. '
Wednesday the 7th and Sth
grades of Parrish and the Wash
ington. Reserves will all hold
meetings at thelrreanectlve
schools. Thursday Englewood and
Garfield will meet as usual.
Mrs. Gallsher Is meetinr all
advisors at 14 o'clock Thursday
st the Y. W. O. A. where they
will discuss Christmas work.
Leslie P. T. A.
Plans Program
Members of the Leslie Parent-
Teacher association are planning:
for an interesting , meeting , for
Monday night at the school at S
o'clock, at which time an interest
ing program is being arranged.
Mrs. Das MeClellan. preeldent of
the group, will preside.
Mrs. Bertha Clark Carlson will
fsve a group of whistling solos.
A group of short talks will be
made by Gnrnee Flesher. Clyde
French, Mas Hale snd Madeline
Hanna, ;
The high point of the program
will be the travelogue which will
be given by Miss Xnthrya Arbuth
not of Monmouth Normal school
oncernlnr European travel which
she has enjoyed. Pictures will be
given to Illustrate the talk. Any
one having heard Miss Arbothnot
as a speaker will know that the
talk will be as interesting one. f
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Ariieife Lightings ; .
: . , , Natural Expression
In Salem on Meyers street aft
er December 15.
The coming weeks will be gen
erously sprlakled with musical
events and with pre-Chrlstmas so
cial functions. Several large par
ties are being planned andno end
of smaller ones have already had
dates set for their -observance.
The Philharmonic o r c h e s tra
this week Friday Is one of the
outstanding affairs toward which
eyes are directed.
Another large and I interesting
event will be the silver musical
with which the Beethoven club
will entertain at the home of Mrs.
C. P. Bishop December 12. This
will be in compliment to the Mae
Dowell foundation and will be in
line with similar observations the
country over. The hours are from
3 to 6 o'clock and from 7 to 19
o'clock. Musical program will be
given throughout the receiving
hours and the whole affair prom
ises to be one of tbe smartest mu
sical events of the early winter as
well as a colorful social affair.
The Salem MacDowell club will
present its chorus for the first
time this year December IS at the
Grand theatre. Miss Mary Schults
will be the guest soloist and all in
all much Interest will be centered
in this, promising program of bril
liant performance.
Choir Director
Is Complimented
Honoring the new choir direc
tor of the First Christian church,
Prof. Lor en Davidson, members of
the ehoir, sponsored a reception
at the church social rooms Friday
evening at which 200 persons
were is attendance.
Welcomes and greeting to Pro
meesor Davidson, who comes here
from Pendleton, were extended
by representatives of various de
partments of the church: E. L.
Townsend, chairman of the music
committee; Mrs. D. A. Hart, vice
president of the United Circle;
Miss Josephine Hull, high school
group; Miss Dena Hart, young
people's group; C. a Cole, chair
man of elders; O. J. Hull, bible
school; William McMorris, chair
man church board. Mr. Davidson
responded, and told of his desire
to build the choir to its best
Other program numbers in
cluded two solos by Victor Wolfe,
readings by Mrs. N. J. Reasoner;
solo by Mrs. Mabel Hughes; and
readng by Guy L. Drill, pastor of
the church.
Professor Churchill is a grad
uate of Simpson Musical conser
vatory ef Iowa, and has directed
musical' groups in Iowa, Ohio,
California and Oregon. He has
appeared as concert and oratorio
singer often. Ha plans to open a!
vocal studio here shortly.
D. A. R. Will
Meet in Monmouth
the Salem Chemeketa chapter
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution will motor to Mon
mouth Saturday where Miss Edna
Mingus U entertaining for them
st S o'clock.
Each member Is asked to bring
her gifts which will be Included
in the Angel Island box which Is
sent annually to Angel Island at
Christmas time. Mrs. C. O. Clsrke
will speak on the subject of "An
gel Island, Gateway to the Sea
board.' . -
Mrs. J. H. Gallagher will speak
oa the general tople of "Children
of the American Revolution".
aaav 11 ,n - .oai - trw - an. - . -
a. eaj
One Hour Request Pwproj
-On Tht Golden-toned Cht&l fata
Guest Artist
.J - . ' Ixtt to tht Publie
. -i;
Miss Mary
of dutitic
tion, who hasl
accepted: the
place of con
cert master n
the symphony
group of the
Salem Philharr.
monic associa
turn, '. .
AN interesting: feature of the Anton Piera exhibit which
opens Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the tuty library
will be a series of four lectures which Mr. Piers wfll give on
various phases of his craft.
The evenings on which Mr. Piers will give his talks are,
Monday, general discussion; Tuesday, "Background and
Highlights"; Thursday, ando -
Saturdav eveninc-s t 8 oVlorV . homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
in the fireplace room of the
Salem public library. The public
is cordially invited to attend the
exhibit as well as the lectures.
The exhibit wbicb is sponsored
by the Salem Arts league will be
in charge of various members of
the League, throughout the week,
the exhibit closing Sunday night.
Lynn F. Cronemillex. president
of the league and members repre
senting the literary section, his
tory section, drama section, art
appreciation section and sketch
class will act as host and hostesses
throughout the week.
Monday afternoon, Mrs. S. B.
Laughlln and Mrs. Minnie Schrode
will be 1q charge: Monday eve
ning, Dr.' Mary Rowland, Mrs.
Else C. Ebsen and Mrs. Nellie
Green; Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.
Clifton B. Mudd and Mrs. Floyd
White; Tuesday evening, Mrs.
Charles K. Spaulding and mem
bers of the writers section.
Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. C.
P. Bishop. Mrs. Burton A. Myers
and Mrs. Ruth Smith; Wednesday
evening, the history section in
charge of John M. Clifford and
the following members. Dr. Mary
Rowland, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks,
Carrie Roland, Ellen Hodsen
(Miss), Miss Julia Webster, Miss
Luella D. Baker, Miss Grace Gil
liam, Mrs. Emma Minton, Miss
Gertrude Savage, Mrs. Blanche
Jones and Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Fred
Alban Well and Mrs. Mary C.
Fletcher; Thursday evening, Mrs.
Wm. Fordyce Fargo, Mrs. R. J.
Hendricks- and Mrs. Ella C. Hath
away and members of the Arts
League Sketch, class; Friday aft
ernoon, Mrs. Lynn F. Cronemfller,
Mrs. S. Van Trump and Mrs. J.-M.
Clifford; Friday evening, art ap
preciation section represented by
Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin.
Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Else
C. Ebsen: Saturday evening mem
bers of all sections of the league;
Sunday afternoon, Miss Maude
Covington; Sunday evening, Perry
A delightful dinner party was
enjoyed Thanksgiving at the
Fred Blatchf ord
Manufacturer of
"Dii&nvt Giitware"
Is opening a retail store at
118 BOavth High St,
where he will handle
a complete line of
novelties and gifts tor
See these clerer things at
bJs sew shop
m.l - i - - . - . - .f .-.---.i-1-rtt- ff-c.
Art Exhibit Will
Monday in City
i nA.v -.
Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Park. The dinner was served at.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Park. Later the guests went to the
beautiful new home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Park on S. 24th-street
where they spent the remainder
of the day. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Fisher, Miss Roberta
Brainard. Wendell Brainard, Miss
Carrol Park, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Park and Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Approaching Wedding
Is Announced
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Allen
entertained with a prettily arrang
ed dinner Thanksgiving day com
plimenting their daughter. Miss
Louise C. Allen, who announced
her wedding date for early In De
cember. Miss Allen will become tbe
bride of Raymond A. Hoffman
Mr. Hoffman ts a member of the
Ladd A Bush bank staff.
The table and guest rooms wer
aranged effectively in a combina
tion of chrysanthemums and au
tumn leaves. Covers were placed
for Miss Allen, Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
Hoffman, Raymond Hoffman, Miss
Dorothy Rogen, Paul Allen and
Mr. and Mrs. Allen.
On tFace
mor on ue eoay is
- muu aural
removed by women
attendants n s 1 n g
our method. Skin
.left smooth and free
from blemish. Con.
saltation free, or
write .for literature.
tSptcial Prices oh
Marton Laboratories
04.5 1st Xat'l Bank Bg.
Call 4427
When Santa Bring
Books He Brings Joy
' To the Children
Children's aoka that have
lived for yeastv , . . acd new,
ones, that will provide lots of
tan for the youngsters
these yoa will find la. oar sew
list stock priced si : r
25C"50C and
Think of Chrtatmaav
;V only M elkepplag- day left
i Ath Xzh IStore
Mrs. jveiue Knox and Ronald
erations were represented at din
ner. . .. , s , -