f "5 5 ' '. V ' ft ' : . ; ' I. ... , i . J- ! I f " li t , - J . - t . 1 At-' Least ; MalfM mfcCalM MfWootbdU EeiuUs 4r Statesman : Classified Ads r Call 9101 r, - . Claaelfled Advertising Single Insertion per ilne.lOe Three insertions par lint toe Six Insertions par Has.. 30c One month per line.. $1.00 Minim am charge tie 'Copy tor tbU page ae eepte4 until 1:30 the even Ing before - publication - tor classification. " C o p T re 'calved after: jthls time will be ran under the heeding: Too Late to Classify. ( . The SUteiota utprnw no financial responsibility lor errors which - may - ap pear la advertisements pub-' llahed la its columns, and la eases where this paper, is atj fault , will reprint that part of an advertisement la which the typographical mistake occur. -The Statesman reserves tie right to reject objec tions! advertising. It tur- ther reserves the right to classify alt advertising on- . der the proper classifica tion. , . Business Directory BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton Batterea -Starter and generator work 64S ChwWieketa at CHIMNEYSWEEP 4 Telephone 4 4 SO R B Norfhneea. CHIROPRACTORS DR a L. SCOTT, PSa Chtropracter tSf N Hleh Tl Ra 57t FLORISTS CUT Oowera, wedding - bouquet funeral wreetha, decorations. C 8 Bretthaupt. florist 1ST Court atraat Tel Se. ALL kind of floral work.. LuU Flar 1st Mth Mnrket Tel 9S4. FLOOR CONTR AJJTI N G Ora Floor Co. TJ tilt INSURANCE - BBC KB a HENDRICKS lit N Hlefc Tel 44t LAUNDRIES THIS NEW SALEM LAUNDRY. THE WETDKR LAUNDRY tit t anii : Talm CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY . "We Wash Erarrthlns tn Lor . T1op1wm 1 1 1IS4 Broadway ' I LAWN MOWERS Sbarpanad and repaired. Also tradea TL W. gcott. IT g Com'L Tet 4ll. MATTRESSES Mattfaaaei from factory 'ta Hoitml eprtns tnattraaa )LM. Raaorat era and fumlgaiora. Capital Be4dn Co Tat . s0 North Capita L Maw nattrsae. esada ardar. a4d mattress ratnada; carpet cleaning, als Bag; fluff rug weaslna. Salem Fluff Rub a Mattrem Factory- & IJtb WUbur. Tel 114 L Otto F. Z wicker. IUSIC STORES GEO C : WILL pianos. , Phono aTraphs, aawln machfnea, aheat music, and puna atudlea Repairing . pbm frspha and searing machine ' 431 ffe fltret Salem MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medlctae Co. Hoars Tuea. and Sat. t to S pi m. 14S N. CrnimerdaL PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repali work. Oraber Bros. IK 8a Ubarly Tel S PRINTING FOn ' STATION CRT. cards, pasiptv teta. programs, books ar any kind of printing, call Too Statesman Print ing Department SIS & Comtnarclal Telr.hwa 11 ai STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stoves for aala, rebuilt and repaired. AH a: lade af arovan wlra fence, faaey and tlata. bra baakata. hooka. ioaa baoka, slew Panca and Store Works, ICI CHmlreta Tel 4TT. R B Fleming. TRANSFER , C A PIT AX, Cm Transfer Ca SXI fiuta St. TeL T77t DlstHlwtlni for- Oe4 JuTrTtel enr "P FOR -toeaJ ar distant transfer stor age, call 1131 Larmer Transfer Co fjrweke to Partland SaPsA. 1 r Real Ektate Directory: . .. - ll5Cla - HENDRICKS ltt It High , , . x 4IIT i4) w. tii git at. Tat tITI ' eiWf AMW. MAM ttai atrat Wat Bk. Bldj. TeL tt07 ... i. r. rnjucs Its State Street ret g(Tj afsSl FOSTER REALTY CXX ' tl Btata St TatUl W. U. ORABENHORST CO.""" Kinrweod. Mn. f Warren -B. Baker -entertained dallghttnUy Monday afternoon at tier home on Cascade drlTa tor members of Iter bridge dab, CbrrsanUiemams formed a colorful centerpiece at lnncbeon where corers wera laid for Urs. T. F. Pord. Mrs. James Hardy, Mrs. E. SL Hill, Mrs. E. T. Thompson, Mrs. Kan DeMoris, Wrs. Iloyd Plttard, Mrs. A. F. J-Iariott and the hostess, Mrs. paler. , SALESMEN WANTED Saleamaa with car to call em the turaiture trade ; givs rafaraaoee and aTparlonca. Bog tt. care SUtaamaa. - SITUATIONS WANTED WANTKD Housework by axperlao &41 girl TeL Slit. 15S Waller 8t FOR S ALE MIscenaneoua FOR 8 Old paaere. tea a bun lle Statesman affic. 8ALM Linen Gifts lSo nd op. Greeabauiaa. 24-2 N. Com'L mmmmi l-,-, rr nnn rnxfu - Fresh sawdust deltrered In basement II par unit Paul Dodele, Monmoatb, Oregon. , , . Chums aalrooB or pink So per lb. Tbeaa make fine flab to smoke. Fid ler's crab stand. Intersection Portland and SUrertoa roada. Near Fairgrounds. TeL 670S. SHRUBS Double Bridal Wreath Spirea He each, 2 for 2t Many other attractive prices la rock plants, shrubs, also cot flowers and potted plants. JAY MORRIS GREENHOUSE Liberty Roaif ft Ewald Are. pj. lil? aassaaaavaVaababJba Fertilizer 1.00 per j-d. TeL J635. I am now taking orders for choice dried prtmes boxed or cellophane Wrapped la quantities - to suit tha pur chaser. Guaranteed bona better. Phona S8FJ. KDW, DENCER R. 3. Bon 188. Salem, Oreiron 's WANTED Miscellaneous All kinds of tinea, pistols, abotguna. old gold nd iewelry Condition ao ob iact Nam your prlea. REINER'S EXCHANGU IS N Commercial "i"i".i","ii'vnrxrLrxfvxnn Cash paid for used furniture, stoves, etc. Tel. 8593. MISCELLANEOUS Order your tamales from the Ralph tamale kitchen. Tel. 4S9D. linao Wlrh aaAh 9Z Ytl mir aa Waahinjrton lliier. Joe's Barber Shop, a. v;nrcn ot. ROOM AND BOARD For. students or business women. Rome prlvllegea. Close In, reasonable. Tel. S20S. FOR REN1 APARTMENTS Well furnished 2-room apartment 22J1 IlaxcL TeL 7884. Pattoa apartments dowutoa-n. Call Patton'a book store. nnnn -i.rLfr Lovely 3 R apt Greatly reduced rates. 1580 Center. Lovely court .bungalow furnished, fireplace, hdw. flra., garage, alee. range. $28. Phone 5154. Furn. apt, light, water, heat, gar age. I1L60. 275 N. 20th, Small furn. apt, 590 Union Prescott Apta 3 wen furnished rooms. Furnace heat, electric range, fine kitchen, private bath. Garage. $20. & P. bus Una. 19S4 Oak St afodern Steam Seated apta. TeL S49S. FOR RENT HOUSES I R, autk.fi S. A brains, Maaonlobldg. Good R. house. 475 a Winter. Furn. and unfurn. Phone 661. S R. furn. Adults. 774 Trade. ''arfaaajaa 'lesWsisaasagaaaaH y - - POJrnrLrcTLr irga bouae. near state house. Furn. or unfurn. Will earn money during legtaUtura. TeL CIS. - mm m m --,-,-M.-l,-)r,rLfwrr rm. furnlahed house, newly paint ed and raiwirMI. iuuip wKm! atm good furniahtnga, $31501 Winnie Pet- xyjonn, n a. tuga st Partly furnlahed modern seven room house. Bleeping porch, large yard, fruit nuta, berries, ah rubbery, close In. $25.84). Phone $358. ssaaateaaaaaaajaaaaaaa Partly furnished 4-roam house, dose In. Phone 5010. FOR RENT ""'" - "i-,"".-ir,-ii-iririrm.i"njxn Large flat for rent 8 rooms, furnace, block to post office. Vacant today. First floor ADULTS. $25 a month. Other rental a i BECKS ft HENDRICKS I 188 North High Street aaaa "arWrfW"WVVXfkJ'l jfU FOR RENT , About 3 acres at city limits, good room houae, tarn. $15 per ma CHILDS ft. MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8708. FOR SALE Real Estate rinyyywwtf Good semi-modern plastered res idence, basement, fireplace, plumbing, S-rooma, two or four lota, frulta, nuta and berries mere than pay taxea. paved street nice view. House, garage aad two lota 80x138 each. $3500, terms. Located at 785 Rural avenue, phone 8854. owner. - - -- -i-i- ,-.-injinrSrionr,ri.rwxrui BARGAIN DAT 78 acres, email lm provemeata, 48 acres tillable, balance oalc timber, good road. 9 milea Saletn, oo!v $16e. Splendid 8 room house, fireplace, garage, paved atreet must sell. Only $1200. ' 4 room house, garage, large lot. paved street oaly $508. Easy terms. McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON ' 203-1 V. S. NafL Bank Bids. Bargala. Lot In 1908 blk. N. Church 59x120, eaat front, aome trees and Bavins' pd. $408. MELVIJ JOHNSON S7f State Street Phone $79$ I R.- house, bath room, basement Wary reasonable. Small payment down. Sea Charlie O'Brien, 494 N. Capltot. .Nice lot cheap and easy 50 foot east front paved atreet and concrete walk paid, gas aad water piped to curb, half bloc off Stat street w 84th North. $18 down, $5 month, total $408, pboae 88S4 owner. 8 rmaiear Leslie Jr. high, furnace. Will sell furnished or unfurnished at a bargala price aad terms. Attractive 4 rm, houcs, walnut and fruit trees, two district 92888, wants small acreage dose In, will consider old boUdinga, WINN TO PETTYJOHN 178 South High Street " 3 ROOMS $400 -Lot" 88x128, pavement small down payment "" - . EAST WALKING DISTANCE Weil built room borne, good loca tion, living R- and dining R. with hardwood, large nook, 3 B. It, good arrangrements, fireplace. -French win dowa front roorae, targe baaement, fur mm, . traya, solid ' cement . driveway, street and 'alter paved,, garage,- large lot- REDUCED to 33808. BLOCKS STATE HOUSE - Good f IV- beroe. t seta plumbing; larje rooms, eleeptnc porch, fireplaca, large front porch, shrubbery, basement and furnace, fruit room, MAKE US AH OFFER. V SOCOLOFSKT SON " 'Ttret National Banb Bldg.- r EXCHANGE Real Estate - Want heuae. will aaaiimW titr Imn s A. 1 mi. oa ptived at, mod. hoase, pree eur water, sraa eleo. 441 hiaoA. Interesting Facts 26 Shopping Days , Until. Christmas ' ,rvii oxiTYn!wt; ML 16 2728U9lyM DECEMBER mmm Elevation of Salem 171 feet above aea level at the state house sidewalk. O The Panama canal is 49 mflea from shore to shore. To compare distance, 38 miles from here to Oregon City. O . A classified will do your Job quickly and cheaply. O More than half of the people of Marion county live in Salem and immediate vicinity. o EXCHANGE Real Estate Grocerv atora ind thIiImia .i... to trade for land tn IS OAS 3u ml about what you might have. H. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902 FOR EXCHANGE I4S00 mort. on good newspaper, good plant In 8a. Ida bo Irrigated section. All modern equip ped with model 8 linotype. Trade eith er mort or plant for equal value, W1L valley clear farm or home. Write E. M. Olmstead, Grangevtlle. Idaho. FOR SALE FARMS , SACRIFICE SALE IS acres deep, rich soil, good S room house, sightly location, 7 miles from Salem. Owner will sell for bargain price or will accept 1 or 2 acres unim proved and dose to city limits for eq uity above $2000. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8703. mm, m. mt m. m. m.mm.mm. gmmymmmjjyyj 100-A. 10-ACRE3 HOPS TO-A. cult, 15-A. timber, running water, most all bottom land. 8-R. house, basement and bath, water piped all around, good barn, 3 silos, poultry and hog house. Hop dryer. Trade for service station, ramp, ground or small place. SEE JAS. D. SEARS.' 132 & High St ! ACREAGE m m aa aayj. 428 acres, 108 A, tillable. 1 million ft timber, sandy slit loam aoU, 8 room house, barn 60x89, chicken house, well, several aprings, family - orchard, 2 al ios, 18 cows, 18 hogs, 18 tons hay and all farm equipment $20. per acre. Take Salem or Portland residence dear. MELVIN JOHNSON 27$ State Street Phone 8798. 31 96-100 acres, close in, subdivi sion - tract modern Improvements. Trade for Salem property aa part pay ment 141-A. RIVER BOTTOM 180-acre. cult 126 bearing- walnuts. All garden land, good 7 R. bouse, 2 barns, poultry houae and etc. Trade for house la Salem or smaller place. SEE J. D. SEARS, 132 S. High St 29 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM Close to Salem on pavement, 6 acres filberts, balance also be good hop land. $2500. 10 ACRES WALNUTS CHERRIES Good buildings 7 R. plastered house, barn, chicken houae, good wat er. 6 A. Royal Anne cherries, 8 A. Franquette walnuts, 2H A. lorana In walnuta. Soma cherries and wain tits 17 yra old, well eared for. gpfendld location VIEW .4 miles Ladd Bush. $5300. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE Farm from owner. Box 85, Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is - - really, really different TOO GET THB FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN OA8H ONLY ' LAWFUL INTEREST - STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $18 to $309 Beneficial Loan Society Of SALEM Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSEDBT STATE 51$ State Bt TeL 8-7-4-8 aeeJaaaaiBasaaaW PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good secority. Repayable monthly. When In financial seed see us before cloatng a loaa. GENTCRAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION first National Bask Bids. Phono 888$. PERSONAL' INSTALLMENT jOANS 8TATS LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor. Office lira, 189 A. lAVto 4:38 P. M Telephone 1783. State license Ma 8-16&. . " POLLY AND HEIR KNOCTfceOGGLE SAID) SPIT rrggJJT - ' I f RrjT X rWBAN) v . 1 - I I ' - ' - ' ' - - I II about k nbv ) much pep VfltffiS' ' II rir' ' .ywocntKOGLB) fj SGhJx 4rW Q MONEY TO LOAN TrMsarir"airii'Vr9TX MONET LOANED ON AUTOS jjoniracta Kannaoced Arrange to reduce youi paymeats Too keep the ear ' P. A. EIKER - Cor. Liberty 8t and Ferry Wiono ,473t - Salem. Are LIVESTOCK and POULTRY ' WANTED Tim XIThlta t.riiu. hens. Phono 8933. , ' - " mm0mnm FOR S ALB. -Rirrxl i ffnxk PUlletA TeL 129F13. FOR SALE WOOD "'-"-" " in-i"ii-wirinrmAruxnjxn Call Sagcla for drr fir. nak ah and maple. Reasonable prtcaa, Pboae 4 I IS. UUAR4HTEKD OKI SJUOll tual TaL saea StUm vsi rv. va. m. uvuaia -ir.-j-Lri.'.-ULnj. ury wood at TracTa. Phone 8988. ..--... 1 j-jinrvi DRT rtn A m niir nnnn and fuel ea Call on as for price. We m ejooa quality ano RMBR TRANSFER ft STORAGE weonon si si r -irn-injijTjvju. Old fir, oak. TeL 8789 Ear hart 16-ln. nlA tim V,mm Attn " ii ii i - ,-,r Ti, is ota lit, it.zi od. Tat 6463. ....... . i-mni-uvuij-ut 1 Alii m. - m " f . Hcuna gruwin. 9.. TeL 3837. LOST AND FOUND ssaaabaaasaea - vwa aa m . a r. iiiea Iff. brlndle with white marks, bob tail. cut icnaiu cui llli. m m,m m m - wwwwryoAn Hl. FOUND Glasses aad handkerchief. Owner call at Statesman office, pay for ad. FOR SALE USED CARS imfmtm,mm ... i ..... .r.LrLnj yj--i VALLEY MOTOR USED CARS 1926 Buick 4 Pasa Coupe $150.00 1930 Chevrolet fitilin 345.09 125.00 1928 Chevrolet Roadster 1934 Chevrolet Sedan '38 1928 Essex Sport Coupe 1931 Ford Sport Roadster . 1931 Ford Std. Coupe 1930 Ford Std. Coupe 1929 Ford Snort rVMirut lis. 85.00 135.00 325.08 315.00 285.00 200.00 235.00 225.00 185.00 85.00 65.09 C A A 1929 Ford Coach 19X9 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Tniirt na if 17 Ford Coach 1924 Ford Cnurwi 1928 Ford Touring 1928 Franklin, 7 pasa. sedan 475.00 1926 Jewett Coach 75.00 1926 Tlnpnln. innlnmrnA 1929 Plymouth Sedan 175.00 1925 Oldsmobile Coach 60.00 center Street Display SEE Jim St Clair Phone 8158 McKATS USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS FORDS FORDS 29 Sport Roadster ...$185.00 '30 Sport Roadster, new tires- extra nice looking car 275.00 '21 Coupe low pressure tires, car looks new 345.00 CHEVROLETS '29 Chevrolet Coupe. Motor com pletely rebuilt New Duco finish 6 ply tirea $285.00 '88 Coach .. 335.09 '31 Sport Roadster. Deluxe, 6 wheels, motor rebuilt new duco 375.00 '33 Coupe run 3000 milea 660.09 '32 Special Sedan like new 636.09 OTHER MAKES '27 Buick Sport Coupe, new Duco, good mechanical con dition $185.66 '29 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan 259.99 26 Graham Ton Truck - 195.86 TERMS TRADES McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phone S18& 430 N. Coml. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will receive sealed bids until 7:30 o'clock p.m., Monday. December 6th, 1932 for the construction of cement "aide walks In the City of Salem, Ore Son, as follows: On the East side of CHURCH STREET between Highland Ato nue and Sprnce streets, along Lot 8, Block 11, Highland Add., Res. No. 2692; LoU 9 and 10, Block 11, High land Add.. Res. No. 2692; On the North side of MADISON 8TREET between Fairgrounds Road and Summer Street, along that property covered by Volume 208, Page 591 of Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon. Res. No. 2694. . Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the city engineer, city hall. Each bidder will be required to file with his bid a rertlfied check, or bid bond, payable to the City of Salem, In the amount of five per cent of the amount of bid, which will be forfeited to the city in case the bidder shall fall or refuse to en ter into contract for the construc tion of the sidewalks if awarded the bid. Bids must he made out oa forms secured at tha elty en gineer's office and must show the resolution numbers and descrip tion and location of property.. The right la reserved by' the Common Council to accept any or to reject an bids In tha Inter est of the City. MARK POULSON. City Record er, Salem, Oregon,, N.l 92 0-22- 21-24. ... - . TWO BIRTHS REPORTED 8ILVERTON, Nov. 14. Two babies were reported at the Sil vertoa hospital this past week. A daughter. Mary Louise, was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon HobUtt Monday morning. This is their second child and first girL Mr. tad Mrs. Theodora Lean art art also announcing the birth oC a daughter. PALS Hop Moving Slow Am Growers Stick For 30-Ccnt Offer SILVERTON, Nov. 1 4 Wed nesdav 71 helea Affc have been stored at tha Sllrertoa Warehouse ; Service . corporation Wera moved ta Kalnm flurn T. realsoa, manager of the eorpor- awua at Buvercon, reports that honmen are: holding nnt n- ao cents or more and that sales dur la the past few days wera almost nil. , ..... -. Mr. Isrealeon. la aiunHnv Af the . attuatlon, said that ft was unlqa a in tha hop world. There is a. shortage -.or h one tlininrliAiil the world and with tha talk of mouuicauon is tha air tha hop-men- feel that they should be able to "make a killing." NigKt Instruction ' For Dairymen Will Be Held, Monitor WOODBTJRN. Nav 91 l. evening school nf to waavt n-. lngs dealing with dairying will r aaunaay ai 8 p. m. at the Leaea hall at Monitor. The meet ings are conducted by R. t. Bur- new, -vocational agricultural in structor of Woodburn high sehool and are sponsored by the Wood- ourn scaooi hoard, the state board for Vocational adncatfnn a-A tmm. leuerat ooara ror vocational edu cation CooDeratlnr A similar series of meetings wero conaucted at the Lutheran communitv hall past nf Maia, last year. New material will be coverea tnis year. Anyone In terested In dairying is welcome. Eastern Star Sets Homecoming 28th WOODBURN. Nnr. 9.1 Vf-- day night, November 28, is the uei ior me evergreen chapter. Order of Eastern Rtr Tn-ia-' tlons have been sent to all mem- ners living out of the city. A pro gram will h Carojjyn Evenden, Mrs. George r na airs, juaua Mocnel. Radio Program rxiDAT, vovzatSEa ts BW- Poalaad 620 BU. 6:15 Trail Bluer. 8:90 Morning 8nihin. 8:15 Cook'nc school. 9:45 Arion trio, 10:16 School of cookery. 10:80 Woman 'a Itaf Vine of th Air. 11:45 If and Mr bnadow. 12:15 Weatera Farm end Home bear. 1:10 Denui Clinic of Ue Air. 1:45 Th Lad Kxt Doer. 1:16 Caravaa. 3:80 Teatima Basaar. 8:45 Kay rraaar'a Stadia Party. 4:80 Mellow 'Cello. 4:45 Waaderiaf UiaitraL 6:00 Writ Klgliter. T:00 Big Six of the Air. V:80 Adveatarers' dab. T-.4S Waaaa Hawbv. 8:00 Aatoa 'a ASdy. 6:16 llly Joaee aad Eraia Hare. 10:16 Dance ereaeatra. 11:00 sHoot OtrU. XOKX TerUaad 949 Xa. 6:00 KOQJ'a Klack. 7:00 Orgae recital. T:49 Ckapel OaimM bear. S:84-Oeldaa Keleetea. 9:00 Baddy Harred'a ereaeatra. 9:80 Betty Crocker. 10:00 George HaU'a erebeitre. 11:00 Fred Eerrea'a erebeatra. 11:45 EUsabeta BartheU. 12:00 Colombia Salea ereaeatra. 11:45 Alex Semmler, piaaitU 8:00 Feminiae Faaeiea. S :0 Newaeaatlag. 4:45 Teylaad ZxpreM. 8:16 Sktppy. 6:00 All Amerieaa feetball program. T:15 Easy Aeea. 7:80 Cauda the Ifagidaa. 8:00 Jack Leaard. 8:15 Sportc Review. 9:00 Oiaie Nelaea'a ercheetra. 9:80 Betweea the Goal Potts. 10 :00 Farmerettes. 10:15 Tavern orchestra. 1:0 Ted fie Rite'a ercheetra. 10:40 SUaley Smith's ereheatra. 11 :20 Daacing with tha Sure. KXZ rertlaad 1180 Ke. 7:00 Morning Serenaders. 8 :00 Peer Oyat. 9:00 JnUa Bayee. 9:18 Dixie Memsriee. 9 :80 Striagwood eaaembla. 10:0O MardT Oras. 10:30 ICnaieal Sketches. 11:00 Vide R. Sattea. 11:46 Coaeert Petite. 11;4S Commonwealth elah laaeheea. 1:30 Rhythm Veadera, 8:00 Kenneth Sneaeer. 8 : 00 Waldorf ercheetra. 8:80 Harlem feataay. 4:00 Bcringweed ensemble. 8:00 HBO football rally. 8:80 High! Seag, 9:16 Fantasy. 9:14 Jimmy Riehardsoa'a sports talk. 9:46 Oeagreae Hotel orchestra. UtOO Areaie Leveiaad'a ercheetra from Kelts amah etae. 11:80 Bal Taheria ereaeatra. XOAO CervaQia a69 Xa. f 9 Meraiar HediUtioas, led hy Rev. Hareld Howard. -9:90 JMar-ing eeaeerC 10:00 Home Eeeaemlea Oheerver. . 18 :0 The State Beekeepers Coavea- tloa Pret. H. A, SeaBea. t: SO Dentistry aMd Health. 8:00 Books for (he Caristmaa List ; Mise Laey Lewis. . 8:80 Ae Tee Like II Anthony Eawer. T:4 The .State Hertfealaarel Soetety Convention O. T. MsWhertar. f:S0 xtea aad sfilee to the DeUar Prof. B. CUsaa. T:45 RetaU laveateriea Pret X, X, SU3 PUleen&er e (The Creesreade A at hen y Xvwer. :S0 The Faaetiea ef life Inxeraaeo Pret a U XeUy. Society Polk-County Will Aid Christmas : Seal Sale The rederhted clubs of Polk county are being organized Tor tha Christmas Seal 'sale drive. Heretofore only tha Dallas Wom en's club has sponsored this work. which means a large part of tha county did not take part. The Polk county chairman outside of Dallas, Mrs. George Van Santen Is getting this work well under way. - At the Rural Women's Feder ated club meeting at Buena Vista, November 18, the following clubs volunteered thelf services and were given the material to be used when the campaign ' opens after Thanksgiving: Rickreall Ladies Aid, Oak Point Community club, Oakdala Community club, Sweet Briar club. Orchard Heights club, Brush College Helpers, Zena Mis sionary society, Buena Vista club. vauey view club, Ellendale cluh. Elkins Women's club. Since the Federated meeting Mrs. Van San ten and Mrs. Forrest Martin have called at Pedee, Alrlie, LewlBville, Montgomery school, Bridgeport Community club. Falls City, Guth rie school. Independence and en listed enthusiastic workers. . Mrs. M. Hatch will be chairman for Falls City and Black Rock. Mrs. Elmer Barnhart, president of tha Independence Women's club, will be chairman for Inde pendence. Where it was impossi ble to contact women's clubs Christmas seals have been milled to all the schools of Polk county. Many counties of Oregon are organising this year for the first time, Polk county included. For the year 1931 Polk county sold only 1.9 seals per capita while Ba ker county with a smaller popula tion sold 6 seals per capita; with many counties up to seven and eight seals per capita. Mrs. Saldie Orr Dunbar, execu tive secretary for the Tuberculos is association states that the Port land office has completed more work and made fuller ' prepara tions to date than in any other time in the history of the Oregon association. She expects the big gest sale of seals ever made in the county, grounding her pre dictions upon the tact that the public has become increasingly familiar with the purposes and ac complishments of the association every year. Schools and clubs are arranging for short seal sale talks, and sev eral unusual ways of emphasizing tha seal sale are being planned by other groups. Only five per cent of the money goes to the Na tional association to pay for liter ature and sumps and all the rest of tha money stays In Polk coun ty for actual tuberculosis work, e e e Clorerdale. Mrs. Caroline Dra ger was honored Monday night oa the occasion of her birthday at an event arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Drager. Those present were: Mr. aai Mrs. Jeha M cKInaey. Mr. aad Mm. Alfred Dnmeeck, Mr. and Mrs. Fres! Sehifferer. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Feller, Mr. aad Mrs. Jeha Sehifferer. Mr. aad Mrs. Arthar Kaake, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drager, Mrs. Kellie Hamilton. Jeha SehU fares, Sr. Miss Freda Sehifferer, William Sehifferer, Jay Oook. Gilbert Savage, Mra. Hilda MeMahaa, Miss Bath Drager, Dorothy ead Maxine Drager, Margaret, Dorothy, Carlson, Robert and Jaek Sehif ferer. Jeyee end Gordon Kaake, Aarea Damoeck, Bobby Feller. Mr. end Mra, Sam Drager aad Mra. Caroline Drager. e e e Oak Point Independence Rur al Woman's club met Tuesday aft ernoon at tha home of Mrs. Bert Owin, Mrs. G. A. Peterson pre siding. Mrs. Edward Harnsberger donated a quilt top to the club which will be quilted after tha holidays. Mrs. Oliva Brow and Miss Hazel Hughes became mem bers. The next meeting is to be a Christmas party with exchange of gifts, to meet at the Edward Harnsberger home December 13. Woodburn--. The women of the St. Luka"a parish are planning a card social to be held la tha St. Luke's community hall Sunday night, beginning at 8 o'clock. Prisee will be awarded to those winning highest scores. Mrs. George Pierce was a Thanksgiving day hostess. Her guests included Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brastleld. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Osmund. Mrs. Jennie Tay lor, Charles Reilly, all of 'Port land, aad Dr. Helen Pearce aad Miss Dorothy Pearce. e e Sterling Guild is to be oae af the Thanksgiving hostesses with its annual home coming break fast which It will serve 8unday morning la compliment to mem bers who ara home from college. " i :.- Mr. and Mrs. W; 9. Lavdna wera ThankagivlasT day hosts of Mr. and Mrs. R D. Woodrow. - i Dinner and Supper Parties Feature Dance Tha Thanksgiving dance at Cas tilUan hall complimenting Mrs. Julia IV White and attended by a host of high school and college people was a brilliant affair of the holidays. Thla danca la a rannfnn affair anticipated by larga Bum pers or tno younger school set each year. ' f . Amonr tha nartlAa' Knfnr ntwi after the dance was the no host dinner party for which Miss Bun ny Miller. Miss Phvllia Dev. Mloa Kreta Janz, Miss Claudia Buntin, miss Maxine Myers, Miss Frances Sande, and Miss Fae Driscoil en tertained. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Deryl Myers, Robert, Ramalen, Hubert Ashby, Ed Raffety, Lloyd Clag gett, Richard . Syrlng. Charles Claggett and Charles Raffety. Miss Roberta Varley. also en tertained with a jolly party fol lowing the dance and had as her guests Miss Lucille Nash, Miss Margaret Ross, Miss Gwendolyn Hunt, Miss Pauline MooreMlss Joyce Anderson, Miss Phyllis Hauge, Miss Dorothy Krebs ' Miss Isobel Moorhouse, Miss Rath Gil lette. Miss Georgia Nashj Miss Constance Krebs. Paul : Todd. Andy Anderson, Dwlght Adams, Fred Wolf, Bill Lemon, Richard Devers, Pat Campbell. Charles Heltzel, John Nelson, j Arthur Fisher, Sam Elker, Claud Walling and Olven Bowe. Murphy-Church . Nuptials Announced Stayton At a simple ceremony. Miss Florence Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Murphy and Harold Church, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Church of Stayton, were united In marriage, Thanks giving morning. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Ly man, In the presence of immedi ate members of both families. Following the ceremony a wed ding dinner was served at the Murphy home, to the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Church, their daughter, Mrs. William Kin ney, of Portland; Howard Church and wife, of Salem; Delbert Mur phy and wife of Portland and Dr. and Mra. A. M. Dozler and son. The brlde has grown up in Stay ton, was graduated from the Stay ton high school.' The groom has been employed a good part of the time away from here, bo is not so well known by locsl folks. They will make their home in Salem, e e e Jefferson Mra. Jam a. rn Arn old was hostess to members of the muiersourg Embroidery club Wednesday nirht. Tha tim wa. spent in cards, Mrs. L. W. Drager winning niga score, and Mrs. Har old Fisher and Robert Stnart re ceived tha consolation prizes. strs. Joseph Knox of Knox Butte invited the members to an all dav meetinaT and nntlrfn- nart- at her home November 30. Those present wera Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mor eland Mr. and Mrs. Clark Moreland. Mr. and airs. Harold Fisher, Mrs. Virginia Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Con. aer, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Barnes, ur. and Mrs. Floyd Fisher, and two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Stuart and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gas Hefeke, Mrs. Elizabeth Truax and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Truax, Mr. and Mrs. John Covey, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold and son, Mr and Mrs. Dale Arnold and daughter Bonnie, e e e Klngwood. -Mrs. Bernard Ben son of Salem was . hostess Tues day afternoon at tha second of the two -November meetings of the Laurel Social Hour club. Plans wera discussed for char itable work to be undertaken by the society. Mra. W. B. Baker, aa manag ing editor of tha aew clab news paper, the Laurel Social Bugle, read tha first Issue of that publi cation and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite gave a group of humorous read lags. Mrs. Luella Keighfa wis an In vited guest. Tha club will meet Tuesday. Decern h- a at v W. Xnamett home, with Mrs. Ar- noia ioiiei as aosteas. " - SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, November t5 W. W. O. of First Baptist church, 7:30 o'clock din ner la charch; dlscussloa topic. "Defenders at Liberty. Tha General Aid of First Methodist church meats at 1, o'clock rather than oa tha regular data of Wed nesday. 1 - Ladies Aid of Women's Relief Corps, Fairgrounds, all-day meetiag; covered dish luncaeoa at 'nooa. ews Salem A A, Ui VI Invited Tea Guests vi . . - An - Invitation nf ImnAHJniu the Salem American Association . of University Women has been -received by the nreaid.nt r local chapter, Mra. J. A. Jelderks, iron ui x'oriiand chapter. - Tha Portland chant m-m . tertaia this afternoon in eompll- mem to Dr. Ellen Fits Pendle ton, president Of W11a1- rnl- . lege, who has been a popular visi tor in Portland thia week. Sev eral atiairs nsve complimented the noted edacator. i Tha tea thia afternordi will h - at tha homo of Mrs. Tames D. Roberts, 3 Lursy Circus, West over Terrace. The hours are be tween 3 and 5 o'clock. As an added attraction of tha afternoon Dr. Pendleton will riv an informal talk on the general ' subject of "Aims iu Modern Edu- cation." Several Salem . AA.U.W.- members are planning 'to attend t this tea. e e e Mrs. Ralph Sturgis Ejitertains Club s. Ralph Sturgis of Brooks wad hostess to members of tha : U I. K. E. M. club and special r&eats Sunday at her home in Brooks. A 1:30 o'clock luncheon was served ia compliment to tha birthday of Mrs. Lula Fusen. Chrysanthemums were used for a centerpiece for the luncheon ta ble and were also used attractive- Iy about the rooms. Covers were placed for Mrs. Lula Fusen of Aumsville, Mrs. Ivy Johns, Mrs. Etta Burns and Mrs. Minerva Holcomb all of Sa lem, Mrs. Carrie Chapelle of ; Woodburn, and for Mr. and Mrs. ' Glen Barnyard of Newberg and' the hostess. e e e Miss Emma Hoffman Tells Engagement Announcement of the engage ment of Miss Emma Hoffman to John M. Miller has reached Sa lem. The announcement was made Thanksgiving day. Miss Hoffman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoffman: of Salem. Mr. Miller is a principal" in one of the Portland schools and Miss Hoffman is a teacher in tha Portland system. The marriage t will take place in June. .e e e A happy Thanksgiving occasion, for the women and girls living at ' ' the T. W. C. A. was tha breakfast given by Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher, general secretary. "" , Aa a special surprise, members of the Washington Girl Reserve group prepared seasonal candy " favors, which were also given to other guests at the ,T. W. C. A. ' daring tha vlay. j Tha Washington' Reserves, led by Miss Lucille Brown, are: Sybil f Spears, president. Betty Joa 1 Schootm, Betty Crites, Carolyn Brown. Harriett Crawford, Phyl lis Fisher, Maxine Eiion, Esther Hansen, Irene Webb, Genevieve Dond, Florence Dennis ton, Mary Lee McGalra, Mary Ann Orsen, Lois Rtedisel, Patsy Manning, Frances Williams, June Llnd and e Grace Croke. e e e A Jolly Thanksgiving dinner ! was enjoyed at the Milton Meyer home Thursday with covers placed at tha dinner table for Dr. and: Mrs. Milton Stelner and daughter, Jean. Capt. and Mrs. Earl FlegeL sons Earl Jr. and Lee Meyers, Dr. and Mrs: R. E. Lea Stelner, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry. Jr., and chil dren, Dan in and Marylee. Mrs. Walter A. Denton and for Mr. and -Mrs. Meyers. e e ,e Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise had ' as their Thanksgiving guests Mr. and" Mrs. R..F. Proel, W. H. El driedge, all of Portland; -Mr. and Mra. Breymaa' Boise. Mrs. William ' Brown, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Wer-; ner Brown, Chandler Brown, Mrs. ' Frank Snedecor and Eugene and ' Ivaa Boise. e e , e Mr. and Mrs: E. T. Pierce en tertained with a Thanksgiving dinner at their home ea Fair-' mount By CLIFF STERRETT