PAGE TEN The OREGON STATES31AN, Salia, OreTC3i, Thursday Mornlnir, November 24, 1S32 f 1 Mti: 25th 8t 26tli EIGHTY-SEC STILL Pt Any Flavor Served at oar main floor fountain The finest soda yon ever tasted, 2 to 6 P3f. .To") TTo3 For tho Ur au, m Elephant Table Lamps Hand-painted china base, with .hand-painted eQk shades; a tremendous value. Our L w - opening price. Complete ; g- vxr : ; - it-:- i - ; - r Children's Low ShoesYour choice of black, tan and smoke, in sires 6 to ll; a dollar value. Our opening price L Ladies' SHSppei? Ladies' Slippers Comfy styles, with pompons; a 35c value. Our opening price ; fa (P)c Ladies' Muslin Slips Cut full size, in both flesh ana I white. Sizes from 34 to 44; 29c value. Our opening ; price ,., : : ; Nona's aimfl yc' Cap Men's and Boys' Caps Made from wool suitings, in all CT sizes; a 25c value. Our opening price . ML W JtiieimSle Sweatlei?5 Juvenile Sweaters An-wool, in bright, attractive colon T) Jq and patterns; slip-over style; sizes 28 to 30; a 69c value j M Our opening price - - Infants' Creepers Beautiful hand embroidered, in pink, blue and maize; sizes 1, 2, ana 3; a aye vaiue. vur open- ing price ; . 1 ; EMieo dayoim Moommei? Kiddies' Rayon Bloomers A beautiful quality, in flesh only; sizes 2 to 12; a 25c value. Our opening price IVE HOPE YOU LIKE US! WE ARE HERE TO STAY! The new F. & W. Grand Stores picked Salem as one of the 200 cities in the United States and Canada In which to lacate, because we believe in SALEM AND IN ITS FU TURE, and we want to play a part in the op building of this community we want to make friends and keep them through the coming years. The F. & W. Grand Store RETAIN ONLY tKe NAME of the old organization. EVERYTHING ELSE IS NEW! New Corporation New Directors New Management New Executives New Policies New Ideals New Merchandise New Departments, and above all New LOW PRICES PLUS COURTEOUS SERVICE. Counter Service at All Hours Home-Cooked Foods Highest Quality dDIPIEMIIKfCB SDPfflCIAIL DDDHOTE ROAST YOUNG TURKEY, with home-made gravy, cranberry sauce, delicious oyster dressing, cold slow, mashed potatoes, hot rolls and butter, choice of desserts, tea, oof- - -.ill. COURTEOUS SEHVICE ALWAYS! mm (grnns am KIDDIES S3 f Ladles' Chiffon and Servioe Weight Hose Fine quality, r pure silk from top to toe. Full fashioned, with French C?)C heel, in all the newest Fall shades. Sizes 8 to 10. Our ,p j 4Sj' opening price , - 1 Boys5 WaoEn SiaSto Boys' Wash Suits With long sleeves, in dark colors J sizes 4 to 8; a zoc vaiue. uur opening pnee BE'Mne Lammp SEnadle . Bridge Lamp Shades Made of beautifully-decorated paper parenment in ruunu, squuc suu whwu wit a 5o value. Our opening price-J ! (Someone Qiamme Console Lamps A beautiful assortment of metal fig ured bases with glass ball shades; a dollar value. Our ; aH CEotUh IcaMQ Coveb Table Covers These beautifully patterned, scaHoped ' edged table covers are 48 inches square; a 39c value. Our "opening price ! - .." . s 1 At peon Gloss r.25ix5imo BosyE Green Glass Mixing Bowls. Large nine inch size vdth ti . J i. roueu euge, a 20c vaiue our opening price.. Electric Curling Irons These guaranteed irons come in assorted colored handles; ft 50c value. Our opening price ,J . 2 - . Boxed Writing Paper Containing5 24 envelopes : sheets of linen-finish paper, in white and tints; a i Tame: Our menhir prU ' ' v ' - ' and 24 25o . CataBn Bracelets These an genuine catalin, 1-inch i wide, and beautifullr carved in an th a new Pall shades 1 'ft 25o value,;: Our opening prfr -"':;:t'- ' ,:T 75- tind 100-watt I3ecMdtTungstm;C frosted; a ISa vama. oi pfag - Big Hen Baby Be& Anrf ofAer WESTCLOX ALAEM (' cnBiks tker Wrtlox Alarm Clocks. TMa ia ondcrfnl Broillj MlHnc tlfh m a.80. Willi 00 1M they tn to b ld at Ivory and Green IElimsQiniclliwsir'B Jl VII a. oar opening price Ivory and Green Enamelware Large size saucepans, mixing bowls, and pud ding pans; a 25c value - Men's Fancy pair 10 to 'oar opening price t. lien's Fancy Sox First Quality r a Sizes 10 to 114 dozen pair of these will not be too many. Men's Bress Mand-IMpped cmiaDCdDiLA'inES IUad-Iippe4 Chocohtea Both WJk ad BtU Unweet cottof . lltd aceordlnf to our ewm ftdpei from the fined ingredients obt&lnabl; SMorted fUror, enam, soft eTmmJa,noQfts and erMmy fudj eenten; a 40e quality at iOe nv (Ask th caleslady for a Munpl)J Ladies9 Elayon sneii'y Imported Electric Bulbs 10-, 25-, 40-, 50-'and' 60-watt, inside frosted, clear, and assorted color tungsten bulbs; a 10c value. Our opening price Kiadnec' lteaosaei?es Ladies' Brassieres Made of beautiful jacquard rayon . material, form fitting; sizes 32 to 38; a 25c value. Our opening price Sanitary Napkins 1 dozen to package; the popular Velva Nap brand; regular 20c value. Our opening price , m ma m mm e mmm looses7 cuqoou WtteGQ IBssee School Dresses In beautiful fast-color prints, Ti Q styled to suit the taste of the youngsters; a 39c value, j I vyj Sizes 7 to 12. Our opening prt Boys' Sweaters This is a heavy, all-wool slip-over g- 7. sweater, ideal for school; in sizes 30 to 36; a 75c value ,ylr Our opening price edJ a 0 S7C Hen's Broadcloth Pajamas In plain colors and fancy stripes; a 75c value. Our opening price , , oar , opening price t c Ladies Bayon Hose First qualify, in all of the new Fall shades. Sizes 8ft to 10. A 25c value - v 7 ILadies Bayon Boys' Broadcloth Shirts, in plain colors and beautiful patterns, sizes 6 to 14 a 50c value-i-our opening price Ladies' Reducing Girdles, with jacquard brassiere top, in all sizes, a $1.00 value our opening price tmJ Moos? ILammp SEnadGi Floor Lamp Shades Made of beautifully-decorated pa- X (ct2 pet parchment, both round and square, a 50o value. J I Our opening price 4r a Men's Sox Plain colors, In Wackv tan and gray; a 10c Mitt wv An f 1 I J- 2J e opening price! Mi. (DaflcEottlh SeapliQ OH Cloth Scarfs 15x36 inches; a 10c vahie. Our opening jl price 11 1 in . "ivr'es ttUSiee Bayoa VnOtm Pantiea, Bloomers, and fitep-tna, leaTttlfal plain sad faaej nyoa Weares; t&norcd and fancy trimmed, m fiesa and other popular pastel shades : . Gennin i our . , ) opening price I 4M p is. tfart Drew gWrta Ude T fin soleMtte with collars attached, m plant Uua, tan, stma , and white. ixesl4 to 16ft do&ar vama ; ILcatCier 7 : c Hi - Qocks This is that well-lmown Arisrbvef 1 ; an 89c value. W fpmfaT pT J V 44 opening price. ftrmrVT TrrtHrr TTimffTte rt tTmt Itned, lathe uar nacEKisp, ttaaerarm ana pooch styles sse value - c -. ..--f r7rot Although we have largo quantities of all laerehandise advertised, wo ?. VWT.!?? - are unable to guarantee that quantities win last the entire two days of our opening sale. Hundreds cf other cpeclal values which space does not permit listing, - 5 Fountain Syringes sad Hot Water Bottles These are tha fell 2raarfc 1ta. anA o-nrotAw1 fr e4v Bti. ticni a 50c value. Our oneninff mJ9dJ'elk Newest Style Chccrs Tnis assortment consists of a beau tiful array of choirervia n the new Fall shades; a 20o and : Men's and Ladies' Pnfses--Two & three compartment purses aj well as envelops purses J a 25c valued'. Our opening price ' "' ' ' ' ' " : - ' " MP. i j 1 1 f s Decision is Ex Meier's j Ret -Earlyex Impaired; Coun Burdened Pn For So! BT SHELDON 1 The ThankiglTl: staU official aca! Ins the sales tax-ei proposal: announe ago by Qorernor With the Jatters i Francisco early , n definite action cal or abandoning the pected. '-'j h admlnlstri pointed out this last analysis the posal Is made pr! counties In Oregox are much lmpalri farm and home 01 hare relief from property taxes.- , From, the stand the state, the e course to pnrsae : nanclal policy la t mill tax on prop argument that it spite a proposed get slash for the This tax, lerle for next year, will the-proposed 19! ease' off the flna of the state's exc probably do some down the $3,800,0 the state tax c mates will be the liability of the si of 1932. Property Tax " ' Assares State Cas The renewed p sares cash for t sum of 13,500,00 able promptly on and one-half paya Norember S, 93l sUtatlotal prtsi must remit the it or the state, on tb This means that county, such as Ui mit Its state tax,, collects 26 per ci Now counties Umatilla, Union, Klamath, Malheu suffering from qnency in taxes i as C5 per cent, ( their unpaid wan SO per cent, (3) a cash resulting li and a growing ii aess to carry on. If the sUte re erty tax, the fine: comes so acute 1 failures may be e: discounts may r large the certifies iress cannot be c county whaterer will be that the 1 eral gorernment 1 up the county thi outright donation plete destitution. Not only will tl erty tax further ' cial structures of ties; It wm be more of a blow o find current retu timber and rents taxes alone, wit! slon being made operating profit. 1 Counties Slow to Approre Sales Ta A disappointln ed at the capital tax trial balloon 1 almost complete ties and tarpayei redistribution of help. Lane count true, hare wired and hare Insisted cf the state's ke property tax fleK patch in the pre county likewise a cessity ot the s1 without a prope that means -insi rfor the dtles, and counties to principal rerenuc As a whole, co pathetic; many i not yet realise tl will shortly face group, f rabid' to think no new tax but on- the othei property tax shi stored.1 , .. If a sales tax 1 in 1931 for a st erty, no legal or lsts to aroid the i-S mill tax on : sute purposes. C state ;tax coma U matter: if the f 5 ed expenditures : in again In half a reduction of a from 1932, - the hare to be use $3,800,000 deHc! ; as long as that the property- txi directly in Ben ; leTied to thelti L 5 tax base. . ; .Protest Seen if ,yetcrun$t Lerjr 1 : ; "tThe base for : 1933 Is 13,655,0 i 4 teipta from ln( Turn to Tt 1 I . 1 4 L