The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 22, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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The OIlLGdri STATESMAN. Salter rOrKroa,. Tnesday Morning NoYetsibet 22,-1532
pace five
Local News Briefs
; To Speak Today-Major Charles
Jtobertsonfor, .many rears
9 member t tbe United States for-
ia, Intelligence 'service, , is to
4 sneak: at Klwaals club bare this
aeon. His. subject will- be Tot-
alga Eataaflemeats. Major Rob
.ertson. now a resldeatot West Sa
lem.baa at exteaslve . knowledie
" of Kuropeaa eoontriee and speaks
' several laof tUges flaeatly. The
attendance award, for the day will
v be furnished by Jostle Job U
Rand. . . '
' i ' - - . " "- v.
Latest style, best fabrka, perfect
Sit and tiasarpassed vrorkmansbla
; are the qualities embodied In my
made to measure salts and ver
coats at 111. . D. H. Vosber.
tailor, 474 Court St.
St odea t to Seattle A number
of Willamette students are plan
ning to attend the fifth annual
Northwest students international
relations conference to be bold at
Seattle, .November 25 to 17, nnder
the aasplces of the University of
Wasblnrtoa. : Enoch Dumas,- pres
ident of the T. M. C. A., is la
charge 'of arrangements for the
conference on this campus.
, Special Turkey Dance at Mellow
Moon Wed. nite only 25c.
' McCredle Here Linn McCre-
die, Eugene bank cashier, was in
the city yesterday on business'.
McCredle is pleased with the out
come of the college merger meas
ure. He ssyi business was almost
at a standstill in Eugene during
the two months preceding the
election. Since the deelslre rote
was' cast against the merger, bus
iness is already looking op.
fresh Candles made up
for Thanksgiving, Spa.
W. U. On Air Willamette
university will hare charge of the
KOAC radio program at 8: SO
. o'clock tonight, with Prof. Rob
ert M. Gatke of the political sci
ence department speaking on
"Bramble Bush Leaders", and
musical numbers to be given by
Miss Betty Boy Ian.
"Sale of Imported linens. Miller's.
Final Acconat In A decree of
. final account in the estate of the
' late Albert O'Brien was issued yes
terday in probate court here. Mar
tina M. O'Brien served as executrix.
Without Oparattoa r Lou af Tia
329 Orafoa Bid. Phona 5509
Heads Studied In order toob-j
taln a comparison . of physical i
Characteristics of Willamette uni
versity students and students at
the Cbemawa Indian school, soci-
ological students here are mess-!
uring the cephalic - index of indi
viduals from both institutions.
Along with the study of the shape '
et the heads, a surrey of the color
of hair, eyes, and complexions Is
being made. The work Is nnder
the direction of Harold . Base, of
Portland. . :;-,
Rates Rednred Announcement
of a redaction of rates between
here and Portland was made yes
terday by the ' Southern Pacific
eompany, the rates to be effective
at an early date. Roundtrlp tares
will be placed at one dollar.
Extra Work Soon Extra work
tor the Christmas rush will not be
necessary much before December
10 or even, later Assistant Post
master Arthur 'Gibbard said yes
terday. It is not yet known defi
nitely how many extra men will
be needed, although probably all
the work will be handled by reg
ular men and substitutes. Twenty
two extras were used last year.
Sale of Imported linens. Miller's.
Prime dressed turkeys. Tel.
Carriers 111 Millard Dough ton
and Carroll McDonald, city car
riers for the Salem postoffice, are
confined to their respective homes
tor a few days by the "flu"
Claude Qlenn, foreman of city car
riers and W. C. O'Neill are away
for a few days on a fishing trip.
Wanted, used furniture.Tel.5110.
Will Give Exhibition The
Black Dragons lifesaving corps of
the local T. M. C. A. will give an
exhibition at the T. swimming
pool Wednesday night from 7: SO
to t o'clock. Other classes on
that evening will be cnt short.
The public is Invited to attend.
Candy plum puddings for Thanks
giving, Spa.
No Classes Thursday No phys
ical education classes will be held
at the Salem T. M. C. A. on
Thanksgiving day announced R-
R. Boardman, physical director
yesterday. The front lobby will
be the only part of the building
open on that day.
Spa Candy for Thanksgiving.
Theft of Sheep Norman Mel
lis, accused of larceny of four
sheep belonging to Albert Savage
took 24 hours in which to pl
and will be in justice court again
at 10:30 a. m. today. He is in Jail
in default of $250 ball.
Special Service Special aer-
rices win be held at the Pre
Pentecostal ' church, . comer pit
Court and Commercial street ov
er tb Western Ante Supply com
pany, entrance en Court street;
by Miss Clifton. Petaluma, CaU
tonight at 8 o'clock. Evangelist H,
Hansen, with others, will assist la
the service. Special singing and
message by Miss Clifton.
Sal af Imported linens. Miller's.
Maa Smoker Plans for a box
lag and wrestling smoker to ba
held at the local T, M. C 'A. .are
being made 4or the sight of De
cember t. Salem and Reeosport
athletes will compete in five
matches each of boxing and wrest
ling, starting- at 7:20. Ivan Gay
is in charge of tb visiting T team.
Works at Statesman Miss
Isabel Cbilds. who graduated last
spring at Willamette, baa been
added to the start of tbe T&e
Statesman. She will have charge
of classified advertising and job
printing promotion. Miaa Cbllda
worked part-time tor The States
man during much of her college
course, so the assignment is not
new ta her.
Open House tonight. Chrysanthe
mum show. A wonderful show. See
chrysanthemums at their best. Oe
car D. Olson, florist. Tonight 7 to
9:20. Corner Court and High.
Has Operation Louis Stutt,
freshman at Willamette university
and Salem high graduate of last
year, was rushed to the Dea
coness hospital Saturday night lor
an emergency appendicitis opera
tion. His condition last night was
reported as favorable. He Is the
son of Mrs. L. J. Stutt of this city.
Chrysanthemum show tonight 7 to
9:30. See these beautiful flowers
at their best. Oscar D. Olson, Flor
ist Court High.
Bruaeaa Estate la The estate
of Charles B. Bruneau, deceased,
was admitted to probata Monday
here. Personal property has an
estimated value of $2000. Selina
and Sarah Bruneau are to serve as
administratrices while C. L. Ogle,
Henry Chappelle and John Nolan
are to be appraisers.
Carnival dance Hat el Green Frl.
Webb Estate Settled Final ac
count in the estate of the late
Pete Webb was filed Monday here
by Harold Nanta of Baker who
was executor. Cash on hand avail
able for disbursement to heirs is
$1455; some unpaid notes to the
estate are also on hand.
Extra Jurors Called Two ex
tra jurors to serve in the Novem
ber term of circuit court here
were summoned Monday by Sher
iff Oscar Bower. They are Ken
neth D. Snyder and L. E. Ed
: . Mesde ,
Mrs. T. f. Meaek. at the resi
dence, 1860 South High street.
Monday, November 22, at the age
of 27 years. Survived by widower.
T. P. Mescb of Salem, one son
Bruce of Salem;- four sisters, Mrs.
Jack Baker and Mrs. A. Faunda,
both of Saa Francisco, Mrs. W. B.
Bradea of Seattle, and a sister la
Europe. Services WO! be held at
the Clogua-Barrtck funeral home,
Wednesday, November 23, at S p.
m. Dr. Kantner win mciate.
In this city, Sunday, November
20, Mrs. Louise A. Herr, aged 87,
of Pratnm. Beloved mother of
Mrs. Leona WItxel of Salem and
Elvin Herr of Silver ton. Also sur
vived by five brothers. Fred and
Emll Getser af Portland, Dan Gei
ser of Sllrerton, Albert and Peter
Geiser of Salem. Funeral services
will be held Tuesday, November
22, at 2 p. m. from taa Emanuel
Mennonite church at Pratum, with
the ReT. J. M. Franx officiating.
Interment la the Pratum ceme
tery. Servieeo in charge of the Sa
lem Mortuary. 145 North Capitol
Yours For a Hapoy Thanksgiving
Shop and Save at Safeways Unusual Savings for Your
Thanksgiving Dinner
fine quality pound
Carl L. Brueb, late resident of
Gervaia, aged 71. Survived by two
children, Reinhold Brueh of Clo-
rerdala. Ore., and Olga Komyate
of Salem: one brother, Robert
Brucb of Jaraesrille, Minn. Funer
al services will be held from the
Presbyterian church at Gervais
under the direction of W. T. Rig-
don and Son Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock.
Denis oa
At the residence of a daughter
in Portland. 121 East $9th street
Edwin E. Denlson, formerly of
1475 North Commercial street, at
the age of $6 years. Survived by
children, Ruth E. Cooley of Port
land, Mrs. Ines Buttle of Portland,
Edwin K. Denlson of Salem, and
Roy Denlson of Canada. He was a
member of Company K, 17th Illi
nois cavalry during the Civil war,
also a member of the Elks snd
Odd Fellows lodges. Funeral serv
ices will be held Tuesday, Novem
ber 22, at 1:20 p. m. from the
chapel of W. T. Rlgdon and Son
under the direction of the G.A.R
Pays S3JSO Fine Glenn B.
Griffith paid a $2.50 fine and
costs in justice court yesterday
for operating a car without mir
Drunken Driving Henry Ogi-
bara. admitted being drunk on
highway, and was fined $25 and
costs in justice court on yester
day. He paid the fine.
Einzig to Portland William
Einzig, state purchasing agent,
has gone to Portland today to in-
Many of old Legislative
Clerks to be Renamed,
Have Vote Pledges .
With the 19K legislative ge
sioa two months away, applicants
for Jobs In the house and senate
daring that time are mora namer
ous than aver before, veteran law
makers announced here yesterday,
Oaa legislator stated be had al
ready received 72 applications for
positions ranging from desk clerk
la the state senate to messenger
boy la the bouse.
Most of the desk clerks In the
senate two years ago will be re
elected unlaw there are no upsets;
betweea aow and the day an'
which the legislature eoareaes re
ports Indicated. Both Job Hunt,
chief clerk, and Elisabeth. Olatt,
assistant chief clerk, were said to
have . enough pledgee to Intnre
their election. Hunt and .Miss
Glatt nave served aa senate desk
clerks during several legislative
sessions, and. are familiar with
the procedure of both bouses. M.
F. Hardeety of Portland again as
pires for the job of senate read
lag clerk.
Henry T. Bruce of Reedville,
for several sessions doorkeeper in
the seaate, may be unable to re
sume his duties In January as the
result of Injuries suffered la aa
automobile 'accident Wednesday
night. He is now in a Salem hos
pital. Friends of Bruce said he
was assured of election la ease his
physical condition will permit him
to serve.
Other officers of previous legis
lative sessions who are seeking
their old jobs la the senate are W.
O. D. Mercer, sergeant-at-arms;
Lane Morley, mailing clerk, and
Joseph W. Beverldge, assistant
Several Wont Return
James Preble was said to he a
candidate for calendar clerk in
the senate to succeed A. D. God
dard, who is now employed in the
state police department.
W. F. Drager, veteran chief
clerk In the house, was not ex
pected to have any serious opposi
tion for this job at the 1933 ses
sion. Other ex-employes of the
house who were reported to have
received pledges sufficient to in
sure their election, are Elbert
Bede, for reading clerk; J. F,
Singer, for sergeant-at-arms; Rol-
lie Southwick, for doorkeeper, and
W. F. McAdams, mailing clerk.
Harry McClallen of Roseburg.
who served as assistant chief
clerk of the house during the 1931
legislature, died more than a year
ago. There were said to be several
aspirants for this office, but their
names were not divulged.
Ruby Russell, who has served
two terms as calendar clerk In the
vestigate certain state aided In
stitutions there.
CoTmng Events
Kovcmber 2Thaaksgiv.
iaf atey. r. - . .
r Koweanaer S4-Slem high
a. Omenta sra .jadlaas, . t oec
ball; night game.
State Fox Breeder associa
tion first annual pelt show,
chamber of 'commerce.
December a-7 Western
Mat Growers association an
anal meeting, chamber af
December f- - Oregon
uortlcnttaral aodety
aaanal meeting, chamber of
house has married' since the last
legislative assembly, and reports
Indicated that aha would not ba
an applicant for any office at the
1933 aessioa.
New Management, Stock
And no Connection With
Old Company. Said
An automobile ' collision which
occurred early Sunday morning on
the highway near, the Red Lantern
south' of Salem, caused appearance
In Justice court yesterday of Ed
ward Hayes, charged with reckless
Complaint was tiled by A. L.
Chamberlain of Portland, into
whose machine Hayes drove from
a aide road. Chamberlain was re
turning from a veterans' gather
ing ia Eugene.
Hayea pleaded not guilty and
will stand trial November 30 at
2 p. m. He ia out on his own rec
ognisance. No one was hurt In the
Defendant, has been la Justice
eourt before on a charge of driv
ing while under the influence of
Control Board to
Meet Here Today
The meeting of the stste board
of control scheduled here for
Mondsy was postponed until
Tuesday because of the absence
of Rufus C. Holman, state treas
urer. Governor Lonergan said he
had received word that Holman
was called to Portland in connec
tion with official business. Most
of the business at the meeting
will have to do with minor state
purchases. Governor Lonergan
spent less than two hours here
' With entirely new management.'
new administration and a new
stock of goods, the F. W. Grand
stores open for business here Fri
day moralag fa the Roth building.
12 2-11 North Liberty street;-A
score of clerks bare been busy this
week preparing for the opening
which Is to be made, the manage
ment saya. oa the belief that Sa
lem and ita trading territory face
a steady improvement la business
Heading the Salem store is H.
G. Lincoln, for a number of years
with, the F. W. Woolworth com
pany and the Metropolitan Chain
Stores, and formerly bead of bis
own chain of stores M Lincoln,
Neb. Lincoln, already a resident
of Salem and living at 17)2 North
Church street, saya the policy of
the new concern will be "low
prices plus courteous service at
all times.".
L. D. Bendnre of Seattle, dis
trict manager of the organisation,
is here this week to assist In open
ing the new store and will be pres
ent at the opening Friday. He
pointed out that the new store baa
no connection whatever with the
old company formerly using the
name. New executives and new
management aa well as new capi
tal will be la the present store.
Local Persons Hired
Aside from the management, all
the staff of the new store has
been recruited from Salem real'
dents who have been trained dur
ing the week to give good service
to customers.
Mr. Bendure pointed out yes
terday that all goods to ba sold
here bad been purchased within
the last six weeks from wholesal
ers and that new low prlcea would
be afforded the buying public.
Store in the present F. at W.
Grand store system in the north
west include ones at Seattle, Ta-
coma, Longview and Vancouver.
Wash., st Butte, Mont., and at
sort to clumsy flashlights' for 11-
!u (nidation. ;
Their Invention consists simply
of a box, cigar box site, contain
ing two dasbllgbt hnlbe. equipped
with a switch and covered with
a glass top. The bulletin! are clip
ped over the glass, itlnminsted-
from the lights wlthla. The con
trivance is damped to the column
beneath the steering rbeeL A -
Southwick and Megan have aaV
Plled for a patent oa their Idea
and expect to manufacture the de
vice oa a large scale ft It moot a
the approval of police leaders.
nil i nnntini
itnnn ".:
Coasolidstioa of the senate and
house bill rooms during the 1922 :
legislative aeaslon, with a saving
of several thousaad dollars la
clerk hire, has been proposed by
Representative Earl SneU. Sena
tor Fred Kiddle and a n amber af
other legislators, seaatar Jay Up
ton was said to aava approved the
new plan.
Snell appears to have the adce
for speaker of the bouse at the
1923 aessioa, while Kiddle said be
bad sufficient pledges ta Insure
bis election as president of the
state senate.
At previous sessions of the leg.
lslature, as many as 15 clerks
were employed la the bill rooms
at a coat of $1 per day each. Un
der the new proposal virtually all
of these clerks would be elimin
TJptoa aad Kiddle have arrang
ed a conference when the bill
room situation win ba discussed.
Doctor's Auto is
Found, Portland
SILVERTON, Nov. 21. The
automobile of Dr. R. E. Klein
sorge stolen here last week, was
recovered in Portland, and has
been brought back to Silverton to
day. Police are working on some
clues which may lead to appre
hension of the guilty person.
Calling on "necessity, the moth
er of Invention." State PoUeeman
Farley Mogan and Holland South
wick, local craftsman, have devis
ed what they hope will prove a
boon to night auto patrol officers,
s device to illuminate the numer
ous stolen car and persons-wanted
bulletins. In the past, officers
here have kept the bulletins on
dash board dips and had to re-
Democrats Win
In Volleyball
Tourney at Y
The Democrats emerged as first
half winners in the four-party vol
leyball tournament at the T. M. C.
A. This team is captained by El
more Hill. The Republicans with
Nile HUburn as captain captnred
second place. Other teams en
tered were the Socialists under Dr.
L. E. Barrick and Prohibitionists
nnder Lloyd Gregg. Each team
played a 21-game schedule.
A second half tournament with
the same teams participating will
start December 2. Winner will be
chosen on a basis of attendance,
games won and lost and new
31 Counties File
Election Returns
Thirty-one of the 31 counties
in Oregon have reported to the
secretary of state their official re
turns of the recent general elec
tion! The canvassing of the votes
isrtow in progress in the state de
partment, and probably will bo?
concluded next week.
Golden C
Bny all yon want
4 BOPS. s
Sweet Spuds
fine uniform size
fluffy aad freeh
2 HOPS. 25
Celery Hearts
well bleached crisp. )
Large size
golden rrnst, sliced
Brazil Nuts or
- Almonds
fancy qaality
2 fl&G. 25C
Cake Floor
Gold Medal
Mar ashino Cherries
Kingslcys Bottle
or Jell-Well
Ass't, flavors
None Such
Pieplate Free t
1 pkgs.
Nob Hill
Serve "Nob Hill" Coffee
on Thanksgiving. There
Is none better no matter
what price you pay
Delicious Hand Made Chocolates in
a beautiful 2A lb. box A splendid
Pork React
. from yoang pigs
Fine to slice cold
Market Ftnt"mt vs-1
Fine Assortment All
Drawn- Young Chick
ens, fine yountr Tur
keys, line young Geese
Very Low Prices ,
More of those good
oysters 'for dressing:
Pint 23c
Quart ....45c
Sliced Bacon
, Nice and lean
Swift Premium Skinned
Ham. the very best .
IS to 14o lb. average I
E4V2C lb
in Bulk, the Very iBest
II gc pint
10c n,.
: r tjMmfc 1 QF DEATH 7
jTWTtil II "Mature in the Raiv"-as portrayed J
tm, v..- ... r mSJia v John chariton th i"" N
'VM" W U depicting the heroic Charge
4 'WlfjSBit IT, ,i,Z IL ; lulyit :: :: f " udtherhv fire at the battle of Bala-
rWi " J)JU&r'fc iM&Z tdava intU Crbnauv War (1854).
-'fj vitfgj YJi - . "Nature in the Raw Is Seldom
V i'- iJlJ' Mild-and raw tobaccos have no
: ' Ijav5afi! , . . Mace in cigarettes.
m..:.... .v..v....J. . , - 'iar ' - . .j .......J m f Kinllil nmMi
NoJ37--162 N. Commer
cial Phone 6169
No, 66 1978 N. Capitol
Phone 8620
Sare at the following
Safeway Stores:
No. 519 270 N. Com
mercial. Phone 9432
No. 781927 SUte
Phone 9485
1 (Sm 1
No raw tobaccos in Luckies
that's why they're so mild
WE buy the finest, the very finest
tobaccos in all the world
but that does not explain why
folks everywhere regard Lucky
Strike as the mildest cigarette.
The fact is, we never overlook the
truth that ''Nature in the Raw
is Seldom Mild" so these fine
tobaccos, after proper aging and
mellowing, are then given the
benefit of that Lucky Strike puri
fying process j iiescribed by the
words 'It's toasted'Vhat's
why folks in every dry, town and
hamlet say that Luckies are such
mild cigarettes. : . i
It's toastecF-
' Trttt pweka of mTTd Lucklea