: t-' ,1? AS Wk 1 , I, m kid 1 ' V If- ;- I.:";'' '''I. It ft -- I- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon Friday' Morninjr,' November 18, 1932 PAGE SEVEN V BffllllSMpi TRUITLAND, : Not. 17. Mem ber at the Womtn'i Missionary ociety.tnet at the home of Daisy tmbert to do aewlnc for a quilt. The next -meeting la to be held at the bona of Mrs. K, C.Runner Friday,; Notembef 15, to tl the quilt, -which win 'w'sold at a bazaar to be held at th church December iY :V '4 Clark Bandy, celebrated his 90th birthday No Yember 7 at the home of his daughter, Rosy B. Coabson; Mr, Bandy serred almost four years in the ciril war, baring enlisted in company G, 3d regi- I meat O. V. Y. I., from Ohio at the age of 18. He has a. wonder-. ful memory and V delights his grandsons wth many stories of the conflict. i-'""'"; , Friday night, friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred : White greeted them with a charivari at their home on the Schulx place soath of Fraitland. . .' 'E. E Forgard and. family are planning to more to the ' La Branch farm, known as the Noble Andrews place, recently racated by Mrs. Varnes. ' m . m mat . , . . -:f- -:J'5. smsm 178? S. Commercial Street Special Low Prices for Friday& Saturday : ! .:. -r Is Beef Roasts Hamburger Choice Cuts Fresh Ground, All Beef Pound . . . . 6c Pound .... 5c Mutton Steu Oleo A Real Bargain Best Grade Pound". ,2c 3 Pounds . ,25c ill Pickles Pork Steak Fresh Pack - Cut From Pig Pork Quart . . , . 10c Pound ... ,8c Beef Steak Bacon lacks Round, Loin and T-Bone Lean Loin Pound . . . 10c Pound ... ,11c FREE DELIVERY DIAL 8686 OPEN TILL 9 P. M. SATURDAY NIGHT RED CROSS WORK Dramatic Group Gives Play And Scouts get Charter T At Program TURNER. Not. 17. Turner community club met Monday night with a crowded house. Judge George Rossman was tbe - (nest speaker. He -gave a talk on Red Cross work, which was followed by Mrs. E. C. Bear of the local Red Cross committee, in which local announcements for the pres ent roll call were made. ; - A clever two-act play, Sauce for tbe Goslings" was put. on by members' of the local Dramatic club. Miss Mabel Tucker, Mrs. Gladys Martin, Mrs. Nellie Given, Mrs. Lucile McKinny, Leonard Farris, Gerald Given, Herbert Briggs. Miss Eleanor Moore, solo ist of Salem, sang two numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Mae Had ley. Chief O. P. West of the ex ecutive Boy Scout committee pre sented tbe charter for scout troop No. 17. D. B. Parks, local chair man,, presented the scouts with a tenderfoot certificate and scout badge. Waldo Riches is scoutmas ter with Walter Peterson assist ant. "Spring Fashions" were shown in a short number by two small girls, Betty Peets and Mar ian Parks. The Baker brothers gave vocal duets, accompanied by the banjo. The closing treat of the pro gram was music by 25 members of the Salem Junior orchestra, who entertained for 26 minutes. At the business meeting Mrs. Agnes Booth, secretary of the contest committee, gave the re port proposing to take up 11 of the 13 points, with names of proper sponsors for each project. It was voted to accept the report. Dallas and Mrs. Carrie Tyler were named on a committee to investi gate the John Bradford school plant and report at the Pomona meeting at Fairfield In January. Roswell Wright, Mrs. Harry Mar tin and Helen Wlesner were ask ed to draft a. recommendation to the Pomona grange asking tor aa evening session and the commit tee on drainage laws, Ellis Ste vens,'. Ed Overlund and Roswell Wright, was retained for further reports. .i ' The general objects of these grange councils are helpful and advisory, They organise visits, promote picnics and social meet-, ings. Increase memberships, pro mote Interest in degree teams, work for better publicty, and good will and assist in solving local grange problems. . , E SESS OF POM01 ASKED NORTn HOWELL, Nov. 17. Meeting for its second regular business jneeting at the North Howell grange hall Wednesday night, the Marlon county grange council concluded a satisfactory session. Twenty-three voting mem bers were present. The next meet ing will be held at Cbemawa the third Wednesday In February, when new officers will be elect ed. Mrs. Daisy Bump, Mrs. W. H. HERE IS SOME NOVEMBER MERCHANDISE AND THE PRICES ARE CLIPPED CLOSE Your Dollar is Stretched To the Limit . . . . J Bays More Than Three Formerly Did Check These Values Carefully A new pattern Self Wringing Mop with high grade cotton head youll like the idea to introduce 45c Something Different in Floor Polish and Dusting Mops Complete with handle- Standard size 40c large size SEE OUR RADIO DEPARTMENT We have values that are the lowest ever offered . High quality., sets., at., depression prices. A few Battery Sets priced at 15.90 and up. A New t tube U. S. Apex that can't help but please you only J lt n iv I - II i c v y c $49.95 The New Midget Apex A 4 tube well balanced, nicely finished set with all tbe latest improvements. Selling for $1735 Tbe Mighty Stewart Warner with sthe ALL WAVE MAGIC DIAL. A super wonder set nothing else like It Tears ahead of the others now selling at $162.50 Other Stewart Warner Sets priced at 85.03 - 39.23 - 53.95 and 85.95 Pyrex Ware now less than HALF the old price And here's what is better. We have a NEW LOT of Nickle plated frames to fit all sizes and they sell for 60c-65c-70 Wire Produce Baskets All welded securely. Nicely enamelled in green. Holds a half bushel. Store your vegetables correctly. Now priced at 65c Aluminum Roasters Enamel Roasters Every size and shape Priced from 69c See the window . . ESS 9-in Enamel Pans . . USS Another lot , Large 30 foot .'Jze Folding e CLOTHES RACKS Ax Handles . . . . EOG It Pays to Shop Our Win dows. Form the Habit v., in v. i . Hardware Paints Plumbing . ' Machinery 3- ' Irv ! ON One Lot 48 inch Veneer top IRONING BOARDS 6Se Music Feast For Schools Will be 21st RICKREALL. Nov. 17. Mon day night. November 21, the three rural training department of the normal school will hold a Joint music festival at the Rlckreall school, each school to furnish a part of the program: Community singing of families and old favor ite songs will also have a place in the entertainment. - Each school has some musical organisation among the pupils, either orchestra, harmonica hand or glee club, and performances by these are being stressed. The upper grades of the Rlck reall school under Mrs. Pence have an orchestra which includes pupils from each of the grades: Violins, Mary Oliver, Katie Wha ley, Helen Brown, Wilma Ellis, Eleanor Bechtel, Jean Crippen, Katherine Lowry, Dale Crippen, Donald Letteken, Dick White; cornets. Jeanne Coville, Robert Brown, Leroy Burson, Paul Bur son; baritone horn, Virgil Parker; saxophone, Hal Fox; melophone, Armand Brown; clarinet, John McCrow; trumpet, Daryl Ross, Miss Van Nuts, student teacher, at the nlano. Tbe critic teachers at Rlckreall are Mrs. Dew and Mrs. Pence; at Greenwood, Mrs. Dempsey, and at Oak Point, Miss Eyre. Hollywood - Sunday f A Interclass Debate v j Season Opens With" f Win For Seniors ; : - DALLAS, Not, 17 In the first of the Interclass debates held en Wednesday the senior class team won an unanimous decision over the J anion on the property tax question. The teams to represent Dallas high will he selected from tbe representative of the classes whe take part In the Interclass de bates. Mrs. Jamie Wbltworth will be in. charge of the high school teams again this year. ' j The senior debaters were Paul- Coon; Lydla Hiebert and Ada SchmltL . .:r, : The judges for the first debate were p. F. Doughton, Oramel Sbreevs and Mrs. 8. E. Whit worth. The next debat will he held on Wednesday -between the freshmen and sophomores.. CAXJFORXIAN3 ARRIVE . LIBERTY. Nov. 1 The Went worth family has moved to Sun nyside and new arrivals are the M. L. Schuster family. There are five children of the family enter ed ia school. The Schusters come here from Sonoma, .Cal. . . . If r. -and If rs. A.' B. Browning ara spendtnr this week in New- ln Hughes, Eleanor Rntledge and port where Mr. Browning has been uasei piammer; the Juniors, Ted ordered for a rest. 3' r. HayesvOle - Honor i Roll For; Quarter . ' Names 16 Kiddies ; y X;vPL -'.Ml r", HATES VILLS, Not. H.4-Thi Hayesvllle school honor "roll, out, Wednesday, gives the following names First grade, 'Norman ' Dalke, George Fnryama, Uarjorie : . Klkuchi, Donald Olson, Keith 01- -son, Irene Stupf el ; third grade, ; Alice Eggen and Kenneth Rob- ' ertson; fourth, Tom Klkuchi, Ber nlece Robertson -.and Richard Schroeder; fifth,, Vean SteUler : and Adelle .Freyj sixth, "Evelyn Eggen; seventh, Allen Smith and Marcelle Frey. , - , Phone 7536 171 S. Commercial St. ED.MIED3 (DKCQJITTJ Delicious Magic Bell Chocolates in lucious creams, caramels and honey nut nougats, 1 pound box , 25c Crystal White Soap, 10 bars . . . 29c 1 am. Pkg. White King Washing Powder FREE RAJAH-J o Coffee IOC The increasing popularity of Rajah Coffee has made it difficult for us to keep the demand supplied. Our ship ments have been increased but occasionally we find a depleted stock for a day or so. Fresh shipments arriv ing almost daily now. Get the Rajah Brand - and get the Best at the price 18c lb. NOW COME THE HOLIDAYS . . . and Candied Peels, Currants, Raisins, Dates, Oregon Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Etc., will be needed. Our stock Is fresh and priced low and above all is kept clean. Jell-0, 3 packages . . 19c The original Jell Powder Bird Seed 16 oz. pkg. 10c Wellman. Contains 1 envelope Fine Bird Sand 1 cuttle bone Tomatoes, 2 cans . . 15c New crop, excellent Quality, No. 2 H Oleomargarine, 3 lbs. 25c Log Cabin Syrup . . 42c Med. sire. Get one Glass Waffle Plate Free Vitali-t, package . A 'Breakfast food of whole wheat. Try this energy food. Crescent Coffee, pound 31c 1 l-oz. Bottle Crescent Vanilla Free White Beans, 10 lbs. 33c Brooms . . . . . 29c Fancy. Extra quality for the price Catsup, 18 oz. bottle . 15c California Home Brand Grane Fruit, doz. . . 45c 20c Juicy. Fancy large Kerr Products isr White Eagle Hard Wheat Sack ... 73c Barrel $2.92 Graham fine - coarse Made from the finest hard wheat Bag .... 25c Farina Also made from finest hard wheat Bag ... . 39c ROLLED OATS Made from Pacific OC White Oats, Bag. aWC Hot Cake Flour 39c Hot Cake Flour. Ready mixed. Bag- mm on9 sir 294 N. Com! Phone 3527, Walker says, quality groceries, prices n o higher than you expect to pay every day in the year. The latch string hangs o n the outside. , 3 Big Days, 'Friday Saturday and Monday Shortening Vegetable 4 lbs. Lard Pure I 4 lbs. 25c 29c Butter lb. Sugar AO lbs. 23c 42c COFFEE, fresh roasted, 3 lbs. . . .45c Hominy Med. tins.... 5 cans Mount Hood Soap Co. Products ; Feldman's Naphtha 10 bars . . 39c Liberty White 5 bars . . . 10c Festival Floating Bath Big Ban . 5c : - i . - . .. t . ,i .. ' . - . 1 Wonder Foam granulated soap .' fkg 1 it Kraut 2V4 Tins : 3 for Lye Time to make soap 3 cans Raisins 4 lb. bags Jell-0 or Jell Well : Pkg. Marshmallows lb. Beans Red or White. .-10 lbs. Broken. .5 lbs. 2o 28c 25c 19c 5c 17c 33c 11c Nalley's Salad Dressing Full qts. 23c Nalley's Real Mayonnaise ots. .... 45c PinU 25c If it. Nally' It's Good Salt Morton's. Balloon Free. Oranges Nice size Pkgs. .doz. 0 Cranberries' Mince Meat Kerr's Best Eggs -'Guaranteed fresh, medi 9M 2 lbs. v w Tm ' , . C: -2 IDS $2.00 or'brer Delivered Free f ' v ; " : mm "American Blaize Products - Amaizo Corn Syrup 101b pail 59c 546 ifl .. ... ...34c - - , - - . - Starch Corn - Glois : -m pKg SJ