The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday MoraingNovember 18. 1932 L1M1Y STARS ... , . ...... .mi , j t THETOLLOVMNG PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS FIRMS S 1 S t S X i v - - w w . FIRST PROS ; Super-Production i Creating ; : Unusual Demand; Ideal i : Choice for Opening Or SALEM OFFER THEIR CONGRATULATIONS AND HEARTY COOPERATION TO W ARNER BROS. THEATRES UPON THE OPENING OF THEIR . . . . . . Willamette-Whitman Clash fPAGS.TWO o- i . ' i ' oini n nnnnnrn i . , : : : , 1 "MA" MAKES GRADE AGAIN 1 HHilH III MHfiHP 1 J II.. . 1 -.ka..'.... L1? ' Saturday Main Feature For Homecoming (Continued (rem pass t) 1 I--t - The Capitol opens today with a - picture. th c&at of which sounds Ilia a roll call 6f atari. So much ' Interest has been proToked by the 'penlnr with this picture that a i demand for reserred seats haa been made In many instances. This ! ; picture is "The Bis Broadcast and among those to appear in u are Stuart Erwln, Bins Crosby, 1 Leila Hyams. - Burns and Allen, h Kate Smith. Mills Brothers, Bob 's well Sisters. Arthur Traey. Vln- ; J cent Lopes, and Cab f Calloway, fj the latter each, presenting an or- " ueheetra. - - J Music; fun; and romance, all are P presented in this picture. It will . ; make ami admirably adapted pie I "tore with which to break- the sl- glence ot the Capitol theatre. Ions , - tertainment. 11 Manager Carey of Warner Bros. " is "feelmg fine" oyer the superior iMist of pictures which are ready 'to .( be shown at the Capitol. - With the opening ot the Capitol - there. Is' a new set of prices to rrmeet the depression demands. ; There will be two complete fea- tares shown In the afternoon be ... ' tween the hours of 1:45 and 1:11 o'clock. The doors will open In tbo evening at t:4S o'clock and two complete shows will bo presented between tbo opening hour and 11 o'clock. '. Holidays, Saturday and Sunday tho shows will bo continuous from Z o'clock until 11 o'clock at night. Q- - "I II ' O i I I 1 i t -I ' f ; ::' . ": '::'f' - o VI- 1 v 1 COOPERATIVE PK HI 1 (Continued from' page 1) prunes. The general agreement - i was also arrired at to expand rihe eooporatlTo already la exls- Uneo. Uo North Paeifle Pruno ? growers associatloa of Portland, P which haa oight local units about I the state. Tho plan proposed ,: would be to start additional lo ealo lm districts where none now , exists. ; . ' Effort will bo made to inter r est tho growers who hare hither ; to boom nnresponsiro to appeals tor Joint action. Tho holdouta 1 wero pointed to aa tho ones who la tho past hare prevented co VoperatlTO action. ..- 'Those present at the Thursday meeting included: .) J. L Blocklan, Lebanon; L. B. : Tho-npeosL Urn puna; S. C. Brown, :. Oregon City: J. a Leedy, Rose- . burg X. F. OstIs, Oregon City; T. B. Bason bach, Roseburg; M. ': H. Harlow, Eugene. Goo r go Mounor, Portland; v v Charles A. ' Cola, Salem; J. D. t Hamilton. U. I. Pepartmont of I Agrieultuxo, Portland; J. P. Dou- i braaa, Hubbard; Oeorgo O. Gat "M-Un, State College, Corrallia; C. ,.H. Tajlo Salem; V. D. Looney, T Albany;' H. W. Jones, Myrtle 1 V Creek: F. C. Ewlng. Salem: W. 1 ' M. Bostfleur, Salem. SOEIK'iElEFT mm fiy uw Abheogh tike victory mt Mr. ICrUss (Ma) FergosM in ti rae for Go Termor of Tiim cemes as bo sarpriao, the Oemocratle mesalmatlsn la tbe Leao Stt State keiag taBtamMnt to oUctson. tfc ssilitaat lady was nudabia obttacles bofore sbo swept office oa tho crest of the RooMTalt tidal wava. Net the laaat f s botaclM was tbe "Stop-Ferguson" movement, headed by th iactunbeat, GoTcroor Reu Storliag, whoa Mrs. Fergmeo beak at the prlaMry (or tbc SMtauaaekMU Coveraor SterlUff charged Ma with brrofaUritUe is tho rsua off, oe a.eetucif emco of which her kaato was o-aittod frooi the ballot. Bt hire. Forgoa took her taoo to tho SUta Sr Comrt aatd was grroa tho eloebioa. The ca-apaiga pwooedtag bar electioa was kitW-g toasiy dyod-Aa-the ereal Pwiocrats throwiag thoir ot-opert to isVc KosoA lkaa eppoaoat, Orrillo Balliagtoa, be reiaialag loyal to tho Mlioaoi ticket. This will he Mrs. Fergtuoa's eoeesd torss ao Goreraor ed Texas, la 1924 oho raa and was elected "im ardor to viadiaate Jias fhor hao baad, f orator CoTormor Jaaiee . Forgasoa, wbe was tatpoaehad ia 1917 aad has elaco booa declared laoligiblo to hold public ofi&oe ia tho State) rather thaa for the honor it wewld briag.' Her teaare of olnco was chiefly ssarfced bjr her activities ia pardoning criminals. Daring kar two years ia the capital she released ao lose thaa 3,300 priioncri. autty af whoss were said to be aotoriotu crimiaais. Id 1929 Texas Psautrats refosod to give Mrs. Forgasoa the aomiaatioa far a second term aad Dan Maady was alocted. It has booa the charge af Ma'e opponents all thioagk tho oaataalga that Mrs. Fee neon will ha merely a dgaiiikoad far hor haeband, who, they say, will be tho real CoToraer af the citato. The Call Board . Bj ouvb m. doar e o o a e o Warner Broo. Elsinoro Today Charles Laughton in "DotU and the Deep." Friday Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. 1 "Scarlet Dsfwn.- Tho Crsad Today Tim McCoy in Fisted Law." "Two Tho Hollywood Today Phillips Holmes In Night Caitt." Friday Bob Steele in "Near tho Trail's End.- WARMER BROS. CAPITOL Today All-star east in "The Big Broadcast". Mickey Mouse NOTES j Bulk of the estate of Ole Horde ,-of Silrerton, who died last week 5 In , Portland hospital, is left to .' the L. C. Fosa Sanset Homo at So j attto as the Gulda Horde endow meat fund to provide a home tor 'j? needy, according to tho will admit ted to probate here yesterday. Tho estate is estimated to be worth $12.. with Carl Fosa of sflrertoo as administrator and Os v car ISatern, Martin Hatteberg and - Jdih Meso, appraisers. :By terms of tho will, a eousln, isiCTi'I J. "Horde of Norway, aad i ail uncle, Knut Nelson Herlik , plads, also of Norway, are to re r celte fl.40 each. The win was drawn, about a year ago. Second Aspirant For Beer Permit ' Enters Petition Salem. now has two beer and : wino gardooa definitely la pros ;;psct If and as toon aa sale of tho t- bereragee becomes legal. a R. 1 Galloway, manager of the r west em Paper Converting com ' pany, yesterday made application c, for a beet aad wise license. HU letter, written on company ata jtionery and addressed "lo the city : council creed: . -inoi writer respectfully re t QuesU e permit that will entitle v him to dispense beer and wine . witnia the corporate city of Salem, i Oregon mt such time as the sale tnereet may be legalised by the t urw, sxsie ana oity gorern - , meuis. , - . v' , Record Heat for j - November Noted V'1' " : f " v Wnsjiin ii ll r.j, vfe'' r-.i-.- 'v ; SAN FRANCISCO, Net.' 17 ; soaring to 85 ia Los An r seiw, o in tan t s ranctsco and proportionately hjgb fia other 'parts of California, the tern per a- - ture brought summer he&t .te -larga portion of California ' and - unseasonal , warmth to - other ..: areaa of the Pacific aeaboard to . it was the ; warmest- weather registered here this late In the nual chicken pie supper of tho sis terhood and the cornerstone lay lag will be held the week proceed, lng December 4. Following tho dedication a short evangelistic rally and bible con ference win be held with Dr. W. S. Martin, noted song writer and evangelist, leading. No money drives are to be eondueted at the services during the dedication season. have their first official opportun ity to mingle with tho students at the Homecoming skate, at the Dreamland rink at the east end of State street at 9 p. m. tonight. Saturday's ' events will open with the football game at t 9. m. Between halves, the feature will be the annual freshman-sopho more bag rush, a traditional con test for tho past 20 years or more. If the freshmen win this 'lively contest which . Is really rougher, than football, they are privileged to discard their- freshman caps and ribbons; If they lose, they must continue wearing them until the Christmas holiday. Saturday at f;30 the annual alumni reunion aad banquet will be held at the Masonic temple, with officials of the alumni asso ciation to charge. Charles Redding will be toasts-aster. The Homecoming weekend's events will he culminated with the Theta Alpha Phi play which win be presented at the high school auditorium Saturday night at 8:15. The play this year Is Sher idan's "The Rivals." Signs Wink Welcome To R-turning Grade In accordance with . tradition, present Willamette students have arranged Illuminated displays at all of the student residences. In cluding Lausanne hall and the fra ternity and sorority houses, the message of which ts a welcome to the alumal jtnd aa expression of determination to "Whip Whit man.' Judges will view these signs tonight and the winaer of the alga contest will be announced betweea acts ot the play Saturday night Persons in charge of tho Home coming plans at Willamette report that there haa booa aa unusual number of early registration of 'old grads," indicating eae of the most successful events ta many yearn. Class reunions at Homecoming time are usually eon fined to a gathering of tho youngest class. The 19SS graduates win hold a uncheon at Hunt's cafe at Booa Saturday. Reservations are be ing made with Isabel Chflds, class secretary. It's not long until we eat good old turkey aad all the fittings to go with it yes sir or yes ma'am. M.M.C. It's taking me a long time to type this column today as I can't use both of my typing fingers I smashed one of them while try ing to hit a naiL M.M.C. A maa in tho audience told me he laughed so much si "Elmer" that he lost his false teeth. We helped him find them after the show. Just wait aattt you see "rimer" tomorrow. M.M.C. Uncle Cherehntouse says. "About th' only liberty a man howls for Is th liberty t' do some thing he shouldn't. . ." M-M.C. There's doing to be a special picture tomorrow, and Mr. Carey said it's toihg to be great. MJM.C. Do you know that there are nearly t.v9d,969 members in the Mickey Mouse clubs In the world? M.M.C. Every week and every week end every week the programs get better and better. Longfel low. . t ' U HarrlerCrterfdrd; Berry Crltes," Carolyn Brown the throe "Well boss! uMei-t. AIa Kaff erty. that a ii-America it gin, rauime uerry, Bobby Krechter, Louise - Camer, and Rosalie Nsiebaum, (those two always steal the show), and Msrlon Draper's "Rats" filled the program. M.M.C. Remember- tor a good time- tomorrow at 1:09 o'elock. So Long ZOLLIS. Attendance Record Made by 10 Pupils Of Raral School BETHEL, Nov. IT. Pupils of Bethel school who have bees neither absent nor tardy during the first quarter of the school year are Derathea Froehllch, Lor rnln KIrscher, Lillian Hamrtck, Alfred Bahasea, Werna Froehllch, Letsla Darr, Lois Hamrlek. Wan da Froehlleh, Dean Lauderback and Edward Schuls. Additional pupils who held the same record for the- first month of school are Norma June Boles, Coral ee Nichols and Ila Mae Creech. Clarence and Betty Boling held the same record for the sec ond month. CUTS COSTS Of COLDS Reports from thousands of families prove that the num ber, tturaUsn and costs of colds can be reduced by half wttb the sew Vlcks Colds Control Pisa, prove) & for yourself, as directed ia each Vlcks package. for better ccrrmoi OF COLDS Friday Saturday Christian Church 1 Dedication Slated ' To be December 4 DALLAS, Nov.! .---Dedication services - for . the - new - Christian church building have been set tor Sunday,- December 4. .: - special program; for the .day is ; being worked out by the pastor, K E. Burke. Three different affairs will be held In the new building pre ceding tne dedication services. A I W'SSlaWl f.- je- . -av I t T I Also" - Slim Suxo- - snorvIUe to "Ia the Bail'. Cartoon A, ' ' News q z - Coming Sunday r . . jsan mm a. a-'-a isk sss a a1 MICKEY MOUSE CLUB Metis Tomorrow 1 P. M. at Warner ? Bros.. f e mi cuinore ALSO Special Feature for Mickey Mens Matinee) iOLLYWOW Home of 25e Talkies Today A Saturday Tonight We Pisent On the Start ' COMMUNITY VAUDEVILLE Oae Prise f 10.00) '(iff1" ltf Also :. JAMES VEXmOBE COOPER'S Issnsoftal fTatsis tfEOVIHACQOfe: Ahw News, Gocaedy aad - Cartoon Comedy Coning- Sunday i -r aI y a J uis YJUJtoT-jLSiaaKu. i ( rDonALB-cDots PHaxms f H-eaawwwaon ana-- mm. I p Blue Bird Confectionery 1 524 State Street mmmmmmmmmm Btaaaaaai na an aa n aw aaaaaaaanaa Chas. E. Spaulding Logging Co. Miller Mercantile Co. 189 N. Uberty St. Gunnell & Robb Photographers 520 State Street Hansen-Lil jequist 582 Mill Street New Salem Hotel 161 South High Stl eaaaanaaaaaaanaaaaaafanaaaaaaaaaanaa V Valley Motor Co. 375 Center Street Congratulations To Warner Bros. Theatres From a Friend The Oregon Statesman Ladd & Bush Bankers Capital Journal United States National Bank' Motion Picture Projectionists Union Local No. 613 wswm By Op c rati no tho Two Most Luxurious First Run Thoatroo at Popular Prices.. Presenting Only tho Finest Pictures of tho Major Producing Studios . . . l m iTaesataaaaaiani i Tho Most Astonishing of All Screen Productions! 1 Exerting Srfima-.h!!sn-ous huzhittm Atndzx rcntsn-cnd KEVHl AGAIN wT.I you tee t!I t!:ssa srest iters ci recUa tossther m one jrsnci motion picture! e ft : iXImr:! 0 n Most Beantffnl Thaefra fa la Willamette Valley, continues its record breaking hit policy witE :sgise Ia the llammoth SUPER - PRODUCTION of the year M23 with n Ad c V CARROLL AND . 1000 OTHERS PLUS . - A lUpJUarlng Cocaedjr WUAT PRICE TAXIr ; TUp tbe frog Oattooa t:Jk ,. A'Oona : ' laraer Bros. News ' --. . . - 1 T"uira1t-.' a-J (Except Logee - tSe) 0 iii--- V ' 1 I . atwMo- Hmm C t j T Is tas.aisil f ft i PRICES Wl liti r Also . tiik ritf-cE oir comic CHARLIE CHASE la TOUNG moNsroEs SJSSBBBBBlBjaaSBaann- 'Nuri the Elephant9 A FEATUHBTTK TOJf VTCUt' Lpyp REMEMBER . - ""aaaaaaaaaaaaal Warner Bros. Newt Carre&t EreaU - 'T In Sound, - LSINORE PREVAIL - - .. s ' 4 peaioa for, 61 years. congregational meetfcatt he an-