isafof WtiatS Want,- ell WMi WkVMMS'Wimra iMmM ) Statesman' Classified Ads . Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per llne.IO Tbree insertion per i ' 11a ...... .80 Six Insertions' per Une.. 8 Oe One month per lie.. .$1.00 Minima m charge ...... tit " Copy for tbU page ae-,' cepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication . for classification . .C opj re ceived after th1a time will be run under the beading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assnmea FOR SALC-MisceDaneooa FOR SI-R OM pmrm oSto 8taterrmfi omr.. le a bun saafeess ssjseseaaaeaesa- , Winter anclea .5e box. Walnuts .10c I. Mrs. WrigUt, 41i ml Wallace ra. SALEM Linen Gifts 13c and np. Gr-enbaums. 340-HS N. Com'L Good used bike ctw con., cheap. Rt S, Box 81. R A- Boock. Baagaa sBsSigBiinj Wheat for sale 0e hundred. Cecil Baraenti Rt. J. of Liberty. w.n.njuuuxri:rir ri Kind's and other vatietles of apples s. winter -Dears 40c Almonds 3 Iba for 85c Filberts 3 lba far 39. Thornp- m' svnlt an veaeta-ie inaraet. -a. mt north on Pacific hlftrway. Brlns box Washing- machine repairs, parts. 785 South 8 Tel. Fresh sawdust delivered In basement $4 per unit. Paul Do-eie, aionmo-in, Or con. TCvercreen and Towering shrubs. reasonable. Mrs. O. W. Noyes, WooO bura, Oregon. nnnm mnma nlnuin nr nlnk Sc Per lb. n..u ,.va fina ftah to smoke. Fid- tar's crab stand. Intersection Portland and SlJverton roaaa near rnni" TL fr7l. Pekln ducks, dressed, cheap, aeu 2F4. - - fii- nriars"i - i FOR SAXa-FanqJBresaed twaays 10c per lb. Sunday, Ko. 20th. t H mL Waat -of FatrsTOuads, ml. west of Claxter. Mrs. W. A. WesUey. Butcher's outfit One capacity , i PumnMiMr. Sxlfxie zeet. ortahle cork wait Meat boa wjth colla Automatic start and atop. Laa v.if Af nrlefnal coat. Come and see it operate. Rt1tor."S,,n: going oat of business. Oakland Silver Fax Farm, Amy. Prtma dressed turkeys. TeL 7FI. a i , i 4M-ra nf mnrti wtricht 150 mm -awl tiifmr. ' IS A, partially beaver dam. rea-on-abl. terras. See this tf you are inter ested In garden land. H. Oregon XUdg. C. SHIELDS TeL ". TRADE MfeceUantoaa The 8nlem Brick and TUe ctwapasy wiU tra-e drain, tile or bullj ding tile for four foot cord wood. Call at fac- try pnone en. j- 1 WANTED- flllscella-eous n n n rnrumWirtrrr - - Alt kinds of rinaa, plstela, aijotguna. et4 aoldod Jewelry. CondlUoo a eb- 'rVEXCHANQt. IIS N. Commercial - Tju". nr.nrii-inrri ar a (OTam Haa otaaoa. ta ea- akiaaaa M raAloa. OrtOnOCTS (jh. V Ciw tture. H. L SUff Furniture Cawpaay Wanted, old fir on road. Phone 1se. aMasasasasBBaBaaMasaaBaaS Cash paid for used furniture, stoves, i eto. TeL 53. u ' - - . . - - - WANTED 49 to "milch goats to keep en shares. Would constaer vaj' tut: some. Box 2, Statesman. t MISCELLANEOUS Order your tamales frota the Ralph tamale kitchen. Tet 469. Room Listing for Legislature Those who desire to rent furnished rooms, furnished apartments and housekeeping rooms to members and clerks during legislative session, are requested) to send In tall Information te the office of the secretary of state. State House, Salem Oregon, not later than December 1, 1122. wwwMWwa' waa Beauty work done la your ; noma, reasonable. 'Appointments any. ttone. Tel. 7193. ROOM AND BOARD For students or buaiaesa women. House privileges. Close In, reasonable. TeU 320J. . Board and beatedT Yooms for ladiae, 757 Ceater. Phone 87SL. FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 0sSspaakiaaSaeMSSSiaS Wen fnrtshed S-wa' atrhaaot. ttSl HaseL Tel. 1114. Pattoa apartmaiue-vdOWntewBv. Call Patton's book atere. BeaaaaasSa-saaSaaB AoL Gsrs-e IU.50. 91 K. Com'L 1 j'i in nnnnr t" - UvciT t R. uL OraatlT reduced ratea IMS Center. - . , ' . MaaajWa Lovely court bungalow rarnianou. Rrnl-r. ad w. ' flra. Karage, alee. Mnn S. Phana 6154. w,a t Furn. apt, light, water, heat, 8S 51141. m t- totn. . gar- Olympl-w 7I N. Libert. Mod. S and l room rum. apia 1 H. K. rooms, cloaa In: 255 Plvlslo-. F0R RENT-CHOUSES Oood ft R. beasa. 476 B. Wiater. POLLY AND HER rWES TUURS TH5 PQR3 WITH THIS TURKy-CA-,VBfT THAT '1THTH THB PBNIAJLTV THGV DUMB. IT if npuwa dehn iTtf ry-?r2 -. I V"41 r3 0aa X ' 7 II' w I I i i-wat.ei srr lilt i 5 r no - financial responsibility Cor errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns, and ia cases where his paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occars. The Statesman rserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising. It far ther reserves the right- to" classify all advertising an der the proper classifica tion. t FOR RENT HOUSES- I -I houses. Tel. 66 SI. Furn., tjnfum. $ R. bouse close In. S55 Division. S R. sub. IIS. Aferams, Masonic blda. Refin I shea S room fur. duplex. 1st floor, garage. 8S4 MilL T. O. Albert. S no. house partly furnished. Dial 4 rra. furn. bungalow, reaa TeL 101F2I. Strictly mod. home, two baths, dou ble garage. Cleae In. TeL 74 8. FOR RENT 4 room house with stores. Phone 5L 1S7S N. 21st. FOR RENT Large flat for rent. rooms, furnace. block to post office. Vacant today. ! First floor ADULTS. $25 a month, I Other rentafa BECKE HENDRICKS 189 North High Street CO acres IS cult BaL timber and past, jgooa soil, good roads, near chooL room house, larga bam. llv- tn water. Rest S1S0.S9. Box 122. Jef ferson. FOR SALE Real Estate Good semi-modern nlastered Ideaee, base ant. fireplace, plumbing, -rooms, two w four lots, fruits, nuts and berries more than pay tajcea, paved, street, nice view. House, garage and two lots MxlSS each, 2SJ00. terms. Located at 7S5 Rural avenue. pnvu aaai, owner. -i-if-ii"n"in on n ri.rLfi.n 111 acres with 28 acres hops, 19 acres eherrle IB acres timber, spring, sandy loam, strictly modern 7 rm. house 4 yra old. This cannot be beat for vara. Will take some trade and cash, price "16.509. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 175 South High Street Sacrifice 6 reotai bungalow or trade. ISO N. 8 th St. Phone 8S5I. Sale or trade at sacrifice house 2 Wks bustaeai district TeL 6165. WW-aa-aejaasSaasaa BARGAIN DAT 79 acres, amaU im provements, 40 acres tillable, balance oak timber, good road, 9 miles Salem. only 1150. Splendid t room house, fireplace. garage, pavt4 street must aelL Only 11290. '.,., 4 roosa bouse, garage, large lot. paved street only )&S9. Usy terma McGILCHRISrr A PJJNNINGTON 209-19 U. a NatX Bank Bldg. EXCHANGE Real Estate jtfSateSJs'asABV'eala EXCHANGK We want 2 smalt houses er. 1 small house and acene cash to exchange for a f me 7 room ouse located en corner lot 99x120 ft.. North Salem, abundance of shrubs and 11 ewers. What have you? 6KB Mr. EIH with CHILD8 AND KILLER, Realtors 244 State Street Phone C709 45 acre dairy ranch to trade for small tract er h seise ta town. Write Box 84, Stateaanaa. FOR SALE FARMS WALNUT ORCHARD FOR SALE 21 acre tares with 18 acres of wal nuts, moat all 17 year old trees, 9200 Iba. harvested this year. Price $4000 with $2500 caah. SETB Art aladsen with CHILDS AND MILLER. Realtors S44 State Street Phone 4708 A DANDY RANCH 1 150ft down, baUnce of 18009.00 for long; time. 100-acres, ood seU, - an ! curL. nice colonial 7-R. liotfse, bath aad toilet Larse dairy barn, Cmod-; era), bee and slaughter house. Poul try house. Ttua ptace sola xor siy.uuw in lfZ tnia is a snap. ANOTHER GOOD BUX 40-acrea. 9-A. In beartntr filberts 11 acres la wakiota, 2 A. cherries, good boaae wltn Vaaetnent and furnace, elec tric iwbts and water system, barn ana noultnr house. Any reasonable offer down. BaL easy at a bargain. Only 3H mOes of Salem. For particulars, SEE JA& D. SEARS, Realtor 133 'Sou- High Street aseSsneasJejs-aj'.a-a FOR SALE 34 cows, IM tone ef hay. 10 tone, grain feed, 2 sows, 4 bead of sheep, tractor, binder, bar beater, etc. Thirty acres seeded, lease on ISO A. 1 it. all for 1 350ft. Terana HELV1N JUHMSUN 275 State Street Pboe 479S. aa,a mV Vioaw.t-1 MmUHoiu make this bar- gatn- 4ft A SO eut-, baL timber and pasture. Saverai handred cards wood. aprtnc, ea vcmnry roera. a ma sooa val ley town. Price 120.ftQ. Terms or am trad, Br 128. Jefferson. ACREAGE Ma M A. S 3HL from Sal era on paved road, I room bankw. unfinished up stairs, aaaeraent. fireplace, bath, eleo trto pump, fruit, $2800. Take late asot- ear down laryenea. -v A. SaaL taesa Baleai, almost new room, house, dlreplaee. electric lJjchts, banv earaaTe, Mckea hooan alt culti vated. 4 A, atrawberrtea $3750. iavrj JOcWSON h t7SSUto6eet Phone 1784. PALS DUM3 ESRDS PER J3EIN nii MONEY TO LOAN 4Bel!s of Harmony Heard over KOIPt dally ring out a loan aarvle that la really, really different. TOO GET TfTB FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH OXLT LAWFUL INTKREST STRICT PRIVACT QUICK AND COTJRTEOUS SERVICK ON LOANS SIS tO SIOV Beneficial Loan Society OF SALCaf Room tit New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATE 118 State St. TeL -T-4-S MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced ' Arrange to reduce youi payments Too keep the car P. A. EIKEFt Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4712 Salem. Ore. PERSON-AL INSTALLMENT JOANS STATE LOAN COM PA NT 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor. )fftce hra. 1A:0e A M to (:S P. M Telephone 7781. State license No. s-ici PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldgt Phone IS 1 2. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY "- i-,-ini iHi-ini-innnri.ruin.n FOR SALE Live or dressed poul try. Salem Poultry Co., 288 E. Miller St. Phone 870L lglaaglUU1 LI1jXLS WANTED Jersey coara, he If ere, freshen soon. State price, location. John Halt, Rt 1, Box 24, Salem. -iiisasMvsria FOR SALE Guernsey service buD. Chester White pigs. 8 wks. old. Gee. Ramsden, Macleay. Ttrrkera wanted at onoa. TeL 122F2. j Lee'e Hatchery. FOR SALli WOOD Caal Baggie for dry and maple. Reasonable 2722. fir. oak, ash prices. Phone GUARANTEED ORT wood coal TeL MOO Salem Fuel Ce. Trade Cottage. Dry wood at Tracy" a, Phone 299. DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel etL Can ea as for prlcea We rtre good measnra. aood aualltv and good service. LA KM BR TRANSFER STORAQR Taleohana 1121 Old fir, oak. Tel. 9719 Earhart. lS-ln. old Or. Phone 4865. Dry old fir. II la $4.75. Dial 7800. Number one grub oak furnace wood. 1810 North Church. LOST AND FOUND " iiiii"iriiii'yirifV"irtnnnrrLfi-rLnji LOST Black and white umbrella. i Finder please return to Statesman of fice. McKays uskd cars with an.o. x that counts 2T Touring S 6S.00 19 SpL Rd. t of them 15.00 '29 Sedan S ply tires 225.00 '20 But. Rd. new rubber 275.00 '11 Coupe ltaa.50 Urea , 145.00 '27 Butek Coupe a dandy iss.os '2 S Veils Sedan fine buy ITS.00 CHEVROLETS '29 Cpupe reconditioned . . '285.00 '49 Coach 824.00 '21 DeLuxe Sport Rd. 2(5.00 I'll Coach 445.08 '32 Coupe $50.00 885.00 195.90 I '22 Special Sedan '28 Graham Truck TERMS TRADES McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 212 Center Phone 2189 430 V. Com'L VAI-LET MOTOR USED CARS 1925 Bukek 4 Pass. Coupe ..$150.00 1920 Cbevroret Sedan 345.00 115.00 35.00 1S5.00 325.00 815.00 285.00 200.00 325.00 325.00 184.00 15.90 45.00 1321 Chevrolet Roadster .. 1924 Chevrolet Sedan '33 1933 Essex Sport Coupe . 1931 Ford Pport Roadster . Ua. 1931 Ford St coop 1930 Ford Btd. Coupe 1929 Ford Sport Coupe 1929 Ford Coaoh , 1929 Ford Sedan , 1929 Ford Tearing 1917 Ford Coach . 1928 Ford Coupe 192S Ford Tourimr 35.00 193S Franklin, 7 pass, sedan 475.00 1910 Jewett Coach 75.00 1921 Lincoln, Inclosed tourln 375.00 175.0ft - 50.00 1919 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Old-mobile Coach Center Street Display BEE Jim St. Clair Phone 2158 WANTED USED CARS WANTED Good used car. Pay cash. High school auto shop. Higii School Play Nets Bethel Group $27; P. T. A. Meets BETHEL, Not. 17. -The play "Mr. Bob, sponsored by tie Bethel high school t Polk coun ty, on Wednesday nlbt, netted S28.CS. Those taklar part were Harlan Chrlstenson, Merrill Os terhandt. Robert Freeman, Mer alda Curner, Fanlina Domes, An ns. Cudney ana lois u raves, a skit, "The Llgblhonse Tragedy, was pTesente. between acts by Dale Creswell, Paul Jewltt, Rich ard Domes, -Bud Lynn and John Crowley. The play was directed by Mrs. Cecil Johnson. The Parent-Teacher association will meet Triday night, Noy-m- br 11, at the acaoolhonse. A din ner is to be serred it T o'clock followed by a business meeting, program and tatka by Mr. Msr- dock ot Monmouth, county presi dent, 'ando Uxor oftlcars. -A Bird Who --LbLbL X laaai Sa aL a ; Shopping Days Until Christmas After reading- the classified ads on this page look at the grocery ads on ether pages. Ton can save if yon read these ads carefully. oieDiioiiiiseo UP TO BSC CENTAL PORTLAND, Nor. 17. (AP) Advance of 2e In all grades of cube butter with the exception of flrsti, which was nv-le pound on the Portland produce exchange for the last session, indicated more severe weather conditions thaav anything else. Greatly decreased supplies from ' out-state . points have hare been shown in the lo cal trade recently but centralized production has held its own quite well. The latest Quotations In cube bntter show an extreme of 25e for extras while standard and first are each at 24c pound with a dif ference of bat 2c between lowest and highest scores. The advance of bat le ta the price of bntterf at suggests that the trade does not feel that the sharper rise in batter was Justi fied or can be maintained. Trade In the egg market con tinues of very firm character for fresh offerings with a scarcity ta the late movement from henneries. No shading of price on fresh stock Kitt a-tMa . atnra era. -.4"sn rl . ,. v v , ! Market for lire hens was about f steady' along the- wholesale way with prices sustained generally. Springer stuff, while unchanged in price, is still weak and very slow sale. It was difficult to sell live col ored ducks at a price that appears adequate. Indian Rubbers and do mestic Mallards are I -Be while MnseoTie are as lew as a nickel. There U ft good call for Pekins up to 12c for heavy &d 10a for light weight. There . remains ft rather good movement of turkeys both for shipment and Into local consum ing channels but prices were prac tically unchanged for the day. With only a nominal activity in the country, wholesalers were forced to advance their selling prices on Oregon onions to sic cental during the day. Stocks and Bonds November 17 stack averages (eopyrlgai. 192. Standard Sea ti (tics Co.) t so so SO 00 -Xaa'ta Rft's Ufa Total Today '65.8 S7.4 J SS.T jrTevieaaaay . o.w - Weak ace 57.7 89.1 0L0 50.1 Tear age 8 years age . . 03.4 49.2 122.0 44.S lot s 129.1 irr.t ii.s I . 72.S 8941 111.0 78.S 85.1 18.2 51.8 88.0 aigk iisszi Iwl.r2) . High (1-80) .202.4 141.0 281.8 805.0 w (ise . 112.9 80.4 140.8 114.7 KavMnh-r 17 bond sverS-ea (ODTricki. 1932, Staadard Sutistiea Co.) t IV IT -W 9W Ind'ls BR'S Ut's Total Today 08.2 62.8 08.4 04.1 03.5 03.S 78.S 88.S 90.4 10S.S 71.5 78.0 53.S 47,4 HA S9.S e.d rrarioaa gay Week aa oe.s eo.s ss.7 1 S1.S 91.S 90.8 S4.8 xear are Syeareafo . Hlfa 1933 00.4 10.1 87.8 Law tl3) . Higa (1980) 70.9 OAS 100.S 1S1.4 1913 LOW flSSO) . 91J9 04.0 S3.S 1 Radio Program ralDAT, XOTZ-CBXn is XOEH Portlaaa 940 Ko, 0:00 KOlH's Klock. 7:45 Orgaa concert. 8 :30 Jack Leaard. . 8:45 Goldoa Helediea. 9:15--Ooldea Melodies. 9:45 Colombia Kdaeatieaal Testare. 10:00 Georfe Hall's ere-estia, 11:00 Amerieaa Scheal ef the Air. 11:80 Pbitadelpaie Pkilaaraaoale orekss tra, CBS, 3:00 Pe-daiaa faaelea, DLB9. 0:00 All Amerieaa Football Show. 7:30 Caaada the Xegieiaa. 8:00 Jock Leaard. 8:10 Pay Lombarde aad Boral Caaa- dtans, CBS. ft :00 Oiiia NeUoa aad are-estra, CBS. ft 145 Hal Kama's orchestra, CBS. 10:00 Ted Fie Kite's orchestra, DLB8. 11 :00 DneiB wi tte tara, OL-U- KOAO corva-li 85ft Sc. 7:00 Moraias XeaUatieaa ted by Rev, Fred B. (arrow. S :00 Moraiar seaeera. 10:00 Home Eeoaoaiiea Oaaerver. 11:00 Cha I with the Weather Kia. 1 1 la A Haw Snrcaati aa ia Caaadlaa Thistle Central - Pref. O. B. . , Hrsarp. -2f nnMi.trT aad Hat 1th. 8:00 Books Worth Rea dial Aload; PreetoaeaBsaa. by Hsry Webh Mrs, M. Kllwood Baiita. 3 :30 As Toa Like It Aathoay Fa war. T:15 Reriaw af Operations fe -U Garde as la 1833 Prof. A. K Bonaaal. 7:80 Booatiac Oa Meto-ler EUle by Billtsas Pre. L. 4eHB, aS Urd SeeniMtaeata of tfcforea- abta Coatracts Prat J. Uey Lamaaiae. - - " .. S:I5 Philoaopaer of the Croairoada " Aathoay Sawaav -8:30 TheTPaaeUe-a af Life Prot a U Kelly. Talks Turkey t a a- s. - - aB - , 32 aasaaBS4aBaasaaawgaaaSBBBawaC -j- daaaajrJs --w -ts aja --ssKr; 4 "2- 'feV3i-!i't;?,: tit r -M ho- 3U INES GAjLTSElS v? - A31i-. ... -..TV ., i mem Wheat is I "4-3 Cents Down Corn is Vi ' Cents off CHICAGO. Not. 17. (AP) TJneaslneea that followed breaks la British exchange and the res ignation of the German cabinet went hand in hand with new downslidea of grain values today. Stop-loss selling both of wheat and corn took place, with nnsettle xnent of grains. Increased by irreg ularity of stock. Enlarged llqolda tln of December wheat contracts here pat an additional burden on the market. Wheat closed mnsteady at the day's low point, 14-2 cents under yesterday's finish, corn 1)4-1 down, oats off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat December, .43-.43H; May. .481,4-; Juiy, .49-.. Corn December, .24 ; May, .3(K.30H; July, .31. Oats December .lSH-: May, .18; Jaly. .!. FORTNIGHT, STREET NEW YORK, Not. 17 (AP) Stocks gave ud a little more ground today, although they held much better than grain. Volume was the smallest In a fortnight. Kxeept for Homes take Mining. which Jumped merely I points. ,v nnf.t.nin r h M(arrel yesterday. Farm .f,v- nnaffeet- ad br loasea running close to 2 cents a bushel fa wheat. Met leases la share were a! most entirely fractional. TJ. 8. Steel. Bethlehem, Anaconda, Na tlonal Biscuit, Western Union, Consolidated Gas, New York Cen tral, Peaasylranla and Santa Fe averaged half ft point lower. Loss es of around point appeared In Westinghouse, Union Past fie. Southern Pacific and Lackawana Eomeatake's strength coincided with news of larger gold produc tion In the United States during Sentember and the general let down of commodity prices. Sales totaled 700.040 shares. CALL BIDS Cat PHOTOS INDEPENDENCE, Not. 17 Tha bids for pictures for the sen for class are to be closed Monday, November 21. aid the pictures will be taken the following week. Several concerns hare made bids Rim. Carter, and Kennel and El lis. The announcements will be ehesen In Deeetnbef. Business o- BATTERY ELECTRICIAN K. D Barttra Barter- Starter and ; gaaarater work. 545 Cbemeketa at. CHIMNEY SWEEP Talaphooe 4450. R Northnesa, CHIROPRACTORS Dft O. U. HCOTT. PSC. Chlropracter. ) 253 N. ttlgtL TeL Rea st ix. FLORISTS CUT fiowera, weddlns bouquets- funarai arraatha decora tiona u. w. Breltha-BL florist. 557 Court street. TeL 5904. ALL k-vde of floral work. Luts Flar- tet. 18th IfarkeL TeL 931L FLOOR CONTRACTING Otsea rioor Oa Tet MIL INSURANCE 8BCK-S Iff M. (Tick HEHDRICKS Tel 4lf "LAUNDRIES TITS NEW SAf.ff-f LATJNDRT TUB WUDr--lDRT IO 3V HUrfc TeL 81-5 Aprrat. nrrrsf-aaiiDRT "Vim Wash KverTCbrae ta Lor" Teerwmo SI 85 ,1344 ftmadway LAWN MOWERS gharpawad ae repaired.; Also tra dea sr. Scott. lT b. vom i. leu eaia. ilATTRESSES Mattf saaes ' fresa factory to boss. tortna mattress IkftKr' Reaeva ora and -umlaatora, Capital Beddt Ce. Tat -40(a ,3939 Nortb capital. Mtmr eiltraaa made te order, aatresa renada carpet cleaalna, SALES SMALLEST IN sis - Ina : naff rna weaviac. a-lam rma Rue a Uart-aas Pactorr. B. 18th WkJur, TeL. Si 41. utxe r. awiea-a. si. MIL - B - JP - - - .. - . . i: al I f rr4i:i CaiAiu 1 X If SOLD Kd A HCZKET-CAJUL BV3 (XfiY, 1 it rAMiszfi.ti.rcfitrouTTxi iin n Mil i - 1 1 1 1 1 rtvv 1 . 1 1 " a - if t ; I - - - -ft , - BUTTJERFAT GOES UP AGAIN Salem Markets . Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 1.28 per hundred. Surplus 82c (Milk based ea s mi -monthly batterfat eTerefs.) Butte rf at Sweet, 25cf tour, 23c. Batter Cubes, 24c; prln ta, 26c TKU1T AJTD TEOETABUSS Prices paid te growers by Ssles karera Kovensber 17 (The prices below, supplied by a local ereeac, are iadteative at tbe daily market bat are aet gasrsatead by Tbe Statesmas) Hetkoase eaeambers. des. .SO Chiaeee csbbafa, dos. , .SO Carrots, dos. .20 Csrroti. 40 bag .80 Beets, local, dos. . ..... . .10 ta .i Tarnlps, loeal, doi. ., .25 Creea peppers, lb. .04 Casbage, sack- . .so Sadiahas. dos. baaehea , .20 Oaioas. des. baaekea , .90 Leeal pots tea . .75 te 1.00 J.50 JO .20 .50 1.15 Kvee potateea, 10U, iba. . Celery hears, dos. Local celery, dos. Loeal lett, crate . -. The Dalles lettaee . 8alaaa, ante Hotbaasa teecataea, ecate Oaieas, Walla Walla .50 s.a .85 .20 .45 Oaieaa, Lablsa, U IM, . Daalak sqaasb, dea. HaekUberrisa, rataO. lb. .OS Istoa ef rra mferrait, retail S far . t analps, baaared 1.00 rr . ataca, on. . .45 . .M . .05 . .OS . .05 j.oe . .60 -L50 ftpitseabercs JTortkera Spy Ortlnye Jeasrnsas Delieleaa CaUnever. Ka. 1. exate Baiabat-a, kaos-red sort Tep. 1922. Ib. .20 .Id Tap. 1VS1, lb. BOOS Boylaf IMees Cartas - .27 .SS .22 .IS Biene-rds ModieJBS - Pallets CBCSSaS Old reosters . Celered keas .04 .11 .08 to .00 J99 te .07 ,ie at .10 te .14 .10 te .17 Uadiam keas M-at keas Spriarera Tarksya, Uve Tarkeys. areteee MXAT Taib. top 4.00 8.TS OS u .04 ,01 ta .OS na to .os .OS Hoes, top Hare, first eats Steers ... Oewe - Heifars Dresaed Teal, tap Xreeaed ao . .OS GXAIB ASP BAT Wkeat. wattera red ... .. Wklte, Ko. 1 .40 42 Barley, top, roa . .14.00 Oats, white, toa 14.00 Oats, rray, top. toa 18.00 to lS.uo OaU sad vetch, tea 7j00 te 7.50 Alfalfa, valley, 1st eat, .0.00 to 10.00 WOOl, Vtdlum -tf roarso -e Xehalr . . --ne market wrrra arms Walaots, orchard raa - niberts, fair f da 10 te .IS 18 Directory MUSIC STORES OEO C WILL Plan oa. eianha aawtna machtnea. and olano atudlea Reoatrlnc arraph. and aewtas macninaa 433 OJfat Htraat MXInT MEDICINE nr.Chan Lam Chlnase lfedkae Cat Honrs Tuea and Bat. 3 te 5 e. m. 348 If. C rmmerclaL PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMB I NQ eraaeral rapatr 144 So. Liberty work. Oraber Broe, TH RS4 PRINTING rrm BTATinNERT. earda, eairma- wta proerama books er any kind ertntlnc eaU Tbe SUtaamaa Print Ins Department. 813 W Ca-tea Telarthrwt ftlOI. ' STOVES TOTB9 aad stew raa-Jrtna, Stevae for aa-a. restrat aaa iwDatrea. aji ktnds of wares wire fence, fancy aad lata, bop Basket, hooka, teeaui aaow laleta rence aad Stove Worba SI Cb-a Tet 4774. W W TmAn. TRANSFER CAPITAL CTTT Traasfer CattS State St TeL TTT 33asMa. to wardioa aad storace sasr scteclalty Oat ear ratea, rOR local er distant aaa. call 3131 Lataiar CSV r rocks ta poruaaa aay. O- Real Estate Directory 1 BRI'KI a xmRiCK9 ttS It Hlab , Ttf, dflt ...... a it, EOsb 84. . BARUS tti K. Cat tm mtvi rrrTCT a matt 114-4 first Nat. Bk. Sadg. - Tat f - f j. r. uLRica tt 8taU Street ta tm aid murr.n n irasT-it rjoaltt cot tot. State 8b ' Tat tiSl h rmaPT-TmiisT a CO. 114 & Ltbarty u . Tot sis By CUFF STERRETT GRAINS SLIP One-Cent Gain Made; Turkeys Available At 13-15 Cents . Batterfat climbed another point locally yesterday, to 2Se on sour and 25c on sweet, and batter also went up, with prints at 26c and others- accordingly. Dressed veal and dressed hogs each backed up a half 'point, to 6c on real and Sc ! on hogs. , The turkey market is In pretty t much' of a Jumble. Trlth av-rariety ! of prices offered, and many more birds available than there Is mar ket. One dealer reported that he is able to bay from 1000. to 1S00 dressed young turkeys at. 15e pound, and any- amount at '13c, live. General Markets OSTOX ZX0HAVG8 POKTLAKD. Ora Kar. 17 f AP) Predaea axcaaaca, aet prices : Bntter, extras tSe, staadsrda Sae, priate tints 24a. firsts 23e. Ea, freak extrss 29c tfeaa siediams 2(e. 1 Portland Grain FO ST LAND. Ore. Xov. 17- tAP) vf teat Opea ua Lev Close eeesabar 4S .45 .44 .44 May 40 .49 .48 .48 Cash waeat: Bis Bead blaeateat .64: dark hard wiater, 12 per ceat .52, 11 per cent sett waite, Sara win tar .44H westera white, a art-era spriag .48 H vestera red .42. Data b'e. 3 waite, $17. Portland Livestock - PORTLAND, Ore Kev. 17. (AP) Cattle Receipts 50. calves 10; steady. azeeat toe heavrweictat steers. Steers. SOS ta SOO poaads, snediuni S4.S0-S, ceaiaisa SS-4.50; SOO to 1100 peaada, SMdhtta $4i0 5, nnan SS-4.50: 1100 te 1800 paaads. aaediaat M-4.50. HeiUrs, 550 to 850 peaada, stediaa ss.e-4ia. eoBvoa -owa. eaaaMia sad ssediaai S2.25-Sv lew eatter sad eatter S1-S.25. Balls, yeartaan ex- lelsded. seed aad choice (beet) 82-2-50: eatter. eoaaato sad atediass S 1-5 0-1 Teelers. aUUc fed. aooa aad cfeeiea S3- 15 JO, aMdhua S2.75-S, rail aad eotanea SS-S.TA. -aivea, se to mjo peemea, ai aad choice f 8.15-5. common aad modi' aa-s.75. Hors Becaipta 500: iteaey ta streac. Lixht Bjchta. 140 te 160 aoaada. aoed aad shoiea, 83J0-4.25; ISO te 180 peaada. C aad choice, S4-4.Z5; iso te toe ooaaac. rooa aaa eaotca. Hsataaa weicftt, 200 te 820 poaads, geod aad eaaiea, zzo to aao poaaaa. sread aad choice, 81.25-4. Heavyweihta, i s&e te sae ua cooa aaa eaoiee. as- 2.85 : 200 te S50 poaada. food aad choice, 22.85-2.75. Packing sow. 275 ta 600 poaada, medium and food. S2.75- 8.25. feeders - stackers, 70 to 120 aoaada. rood aad choice. 88-8.50. Bheep saa lambs ueceipu loo: LiBDt, 99 peaaaa aoars, cooa aaa ekoiea 84.85-4.50. nediata 88.50-4.25. aU weights, eeiaatea 88.50-8O. TearHns wetben, vu te lie poaaas, aaediem ta choice 1.25-2.85. Ewes. 120 pounds, me dian to choice S 1-1.25: 120 to 150 peaada, aediaai to choice. 7Se-1.25; ea weights. esH ta eeaeaoa, 50-TSa. "nl Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore. Kov. 17. (AP) 1 Batterfat Direct te shippers: 8Utiea 18a. Portland delivery prices, eharniag reaaa Sea posed, tweet cream alfaar. Setter Print. 03 score ar belter 37a. tandai-s S8c. Err) Pseifie Poalsry Predaeers" Sou- lar peiees: Preah aatraa e. staaaards S7, aieaiams 28e, aallaU Jo. Lira aealtrr Bet Sanaa price Beevy baaa colored. 4 eeaaes. 18e aoaad: da a-KUaaas lie: -cats e: sprtass. ooioraa lie; sH areit-ts. wsite, lea; eta raeeters I Te: daaka, Pekiaa, lO-lla Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SUEFFER I T 3 H 3 6 1 & 10 II 12 ,,r a a. ti-t- rry. 7-7 ii io 21 1I!1II1-!II1I 33 34 35 36 37, 3ft w zmzzz !LI!IZ-II-l-f- "1 1 I N 4111 i 1 - av . i . . -., at , HORIZONTAL ; l-iplca ' - t--eties of - atepe, " ; ieU-array .,-t .l4V1-T, teU-noteef - S . . k-caleal 4--alxla cat .45 ehet-ieal ; sirs lap Ml j Jim 48-blaea lack vT-Uaualte" " 81) reswnie . r ieeldase - -yi8--wa H-peeTisk : UU-father t 19 -tree of polsoa J alee n--ak'sbeat S-V-yf-easiof terda-a- -. 5 a Bamberg ; iftVsVIs t-B&oi - tVcalf meat : . ;i7s woTm. "13 1 eaie - . 29--eooa ZZqaxuiilt . 5 'aelte - t3 ay cTit-.-' : 85 3tabieaT t , - ralae S5 Swass rhrBT -arbor - 41wratk , belnxiatbe - abstract iSpartaf to be I T r V - ta iiiii t --flu" - wTT 1 y G 1 -fc4Ss S .-. W r-sM- eas- taJl j ' -J - t'J I W I I la lAiTtA'UiO.-N w WE 11(8.1 I VOYAGER M 1 -o- . . f i r Taking advantars of the low rates . now in effect. Gnisesse Can-ona. Mew York street organ grinder, has contracted with a stcamshln line for five round trips to Italy. Here is ualsepne sailinsr inn-ira class for the first of the fire trips he will make 40 Us native land daring the next sre years. C MARION, Not. 17. The com- m unity clab meeting held Tues day night was attended by over 100 people. The program was in charge of Harley Libby. The executive board ef the club is to confer with the two churches in regard to ararngements tor the usual community Christmas, in which Warren Cray, Mrs. Hol land and Mrs. Wayne Barber were appointed on the ways and means committee; Uiss Rose Hutton on program committee, and Mrs. Ov erhonlser tor refreshments. Three members of the Salem chamber of commerce were pres ent, Sheldon F. Sackett of Tbe Statesman, who gars an Interest ing talk on' the wet and dry laws of Oregon, the state tax problems and foreign war debts. Mr. Hutch eon and Mr. Charge gave Scotch songs and bagpipe music that brought several encores. Mary Miller and Zana Highbee each gave a piano aoio, wnue mue Miss Jean Redman sang, follow ed by a Holland clog dance. Coaetry meats Seniaf priee to re tailers: CeaBtry-killed heirs, best batcher aader 150 peaada, 5H-ee; vealers. eft ta 100 peaads. 5H-7c. laiaha 8 -9c, yaariiors Sa, beary aares Se, saaaer towa 3-3 He. balls 4-4 Oaioas Selliag price te retailers: Ore-j-on 75-85a cent a I, Yakima 70-80e eentnt. Potatoes Leeal 65-75e eraafs boa, Deaehatea Osmi fl-1.05. Yakima t?ema 70-90e eaataL Wee( 1983 clip, aemieal; WiUametU valley IS-15e yeaad. aastera Oreroa 10 13s peead. Hay Baytaa aeiea from prodacar: Al falfa 81LSe-li, alaver $9-9.50, aastera Orefoa timothy 1 10.50. eats aad veteh f 10.50-11. Met Ore ra arabtets 15-19 peaad. eaaa-ts Ifte, Braaile ll-14e. slmeada 15 18a. fiibarU 10 31a, aaeaas 30a. Cateera bark Beylac price, 1933 peel, 3 peaad. HoVaMoeaiaaL 1913, 30-31 peaad. . VUITICAL ;-b--: t-Wri-r-uy aV--ci 4jf "torahoasas tree t :v k aaa-LtfaalsV 11 'UieinHr ' . titles , tastsle . tniaaral .-lake? , rT-lia;ht f-rmeiit - : v t-Ji-kt wuad; w." . V aw. . .a - - . Sl-aa toseet - 12 browa color ,Jlanes . " 14a f abrle S5 slede bea4 , 87 ascended : 4 male bee '-3--Am,s seo- end soa ' A 44--lie of - jsmetiom - : '-- 48 -overr prefix ' 47aiek 4a-fter- v ; y lan-B-v-' r--! mm 51 prepositioa reaxi a HIKED I