1 r ' WEATHER ) Distribution -Average ' , Oct. :ja ! Unsettled today - and Sat- rday; 3Iax, Temp. Thurs day &&, Min. SO, river . feet, rain ,03 inch, partly dowdy, north wind. Net iwfld, daily Sunday, 6837 -X ' MEMSEK A. B. C. FOUNDED 103! EIGIITY-SECOND YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Slorning, November 11, 1932 No. 196 V ? CIRCULATION" r' piilsenYears Peace Celebrated; Parade to Open Exercises May Procession Starts at 10:15, Program Slated at 11 Football Game is one Of Highlights Legion Event in ARMISTICE CELEBRATION PROGRAM FOR -TODAY 10:15 a.m. Parade; line of inarch Marlon square, south on Commercial to State, east on State to Church, north on Church to Court, west on Court to High, south on High to sol diers' monument. 11:00 Memorial exercises at monument. 12:00 Theatres open. 2:00 Salem high vs. Eu gene, football, Sweetland field. 8:30 "Legion dance, modern and old time. Crystal Gardens. November 11, 1118. Reund the world went the message that at last the greatest war ever known was ended. November 11, 1932. The world Joins the veterans of that war in rejoicing for those returned, and together with them remembers the ones who did not come back. As did the ClTil war veterans when their numbers were lessened by the. toll ot time, today the World war ex-service men will gather to relive those days in which fun and death intermin gled. War Mothers' Flag To Grace Capitol From th statehouse staff will fly the American War Mothers' state service flag. It bears 4 4,1,66 stars for the enlisted men and 1030 for those who Josltheir lives. Similar flags will wave from the other 47 state capitols In the United State. Today Capital Post, American Legion, will devote the morning hours to another celebration par ade and memorial service, the af ternoon to the annual football battle between Eugene and Salem Meh schools, the nlxht to Unknown Soldier Tomb Due to be Dedicated Today WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 (AP) Armistice day ceremonies to morrow will see formal dedication of the tomb of the unknown sol died at 'Arlington National ceme tery. The exercises will begin at 11 o'clock In the morning, eleven years to the day after the un known soldier was brought back from France. i Led by ' the American Legion and with the Washington bicen tennial commission and other pa triotic organisations participating, a white marble tomb that recently supplanted the temporary one be neath which the unknown was laid to rest on Armistice day in 1921 will be formally dedicated. Secretary Hurley will make the principal address. The American Legion National commander, Lou is A. Johnson, also will talk. A military parade starting from Washington and ending at the tomb will precede the exercises. ENFORCEMENT OF P TO BE LIMITED LAW Drunkenness, Driving While Intoxicated, Operation Of Stills Illegal Mash Possession Also may Be Punished it CfiMSf Dec&li Galsworthy Is Awarded Nobel Prize STOCKHOLM, Nov. 10 (AP John Galsworthy, British nov elist and playwright, long recog nised as one of the masters of modern Bnglish literature, today received the 1982 Nobel price in literature. Last year the prize was award ed posthumously to Erik A. Karl feldt, the Swedish poet Sinclair Lewis, the first American to achieve the honor, received the award In 1830. Mr. Galsworthy's outstanding work is "The Forsythe Saga," a series of novels -which traeaa th . if" i j nisory or. me jrorsytae: xunujut. England and &merlti.Ai iS . .-. M lAAhi . -a--r -hw? a Etatg fT. ftnV fn if OSKUt.U VlSSWlth fnrrfnrV thkllarfn' la -rff' -bitT'-hiVi"---. I 11011 Wit J Otm hi -as m t i . J .i' r u-.-ls' F tI jt T afteonrhumelr actitiUes tft. at J sra NJhder, tne jSfewajnin J. .1 . V. V '' ' - ".V YAV" . ""WW " - r . ffr reefs for drunkenness, drunken driving, operation of stills and possession of mash. It will nd longer be possible to prosecute for possession, transportation or sale I n& to a . a'fca-I-i Y tTePPedable rtjeaetation In both a. viviti.. ! niTi- -tfniaS TnT.- .hnrwtf J coatss. Benaj.w:sB L. Eddy of of liquor under Oregon laws, de spite the fact that a state consU- these acts is still i "existence,;: Tn let waa rKo nan atlssk&vm waa aaaar w , iuw tvuvi uviyu A m m - :- at a conference betweenil Vaa4 'Tf" '5J5J winvio ttnrw iAr.f :iiTri l0-Oaiworthy a, ' man us aeora-a AlaTandarTanWr. iin MayeT 'Follr'rOfciS lntendent of state-spoiic ; her i " mT vfaTtima9'- ' ; Thursday at whlcI?pelIcAll"sweew csraran results of repeal of. th A64ersoa ' 'r1"4, ?dnnt wrltinr, viv.i.1 '.i. t Their friiBdalilft lt'7itn rnt,. wm to n Will Leave Palo Alto Late Today, Reach Washington Sometime Tuesday into effect' immeaieatelyafter Tuesday's election. Mi Officials declarett'Iths't. :.th-e peal of the Andersdalact eliminat ed the machinery lir enforceiaenf of the constitutional jime&djaent and at the same tiieiibolished; all penalties. It also wai Isrou'gbt out for enforcement wdrk eren thongn -2; JA- AVZI TT rt-Sii&i the constltuUonallo,edoent It- Shares DrOD WnhiHTCt lOHl 5P J?-I Federal Agents Mii Enforce U. 8. Statit8"ri. Announcement f 4 Made, how ever, that the repeil ot the Andern son act in no waj icarbs the ac- PALO ALTO, Calif.. Nov. 10 (AP) Determined to keep his hand close to the governmental helm during the next four months, President Hoover today decided to speed back to Washington, leaving here tomorrow ntght- Instead of Saturday as originally planned. The president told his aides It would be necessary for him to be re I at his White House desk by Tues- Traln schedules Gardens. Legion-sponsored: were hurriedly worked out that Trrt narticinants are urged would time the departure from his vr r V Wnntnn rrand neme here about 9 p. m. tomor- n.or.h.1 to 'assemble at Marion row night and place him in the square at 9:45, prepared to de- capitol t about 11 : 30 a. m. Tues n.4 thtr trtiir of downtown day after a speedy trip. Indica street at 10:15. to the tunes of tion was given by one of the chief four hands and CaDital Post executive's secretaries that Mr. drum corns Hoover has a definite program he Ending their march at the sol- desires to place before congress diers monument, west entrance i wnen n convenes uecemoer a. in to the courthouse,- at 11 o'clock, ternational debt questions also the paraders and following I may be considered after his re- erowds will observe one minute's turn in addition to important bud attention In honor of the city's get matters. and nation's gold star soldiers. Reports that Franklin D Whistles are to blow at this I Roosevelt would be Invited to the time and national guardsmen will White House to confer upon gov flre a salute. Wreathes will be era mental policies were met at the placed about the monument. Ex- Hoover home today by a state- Governor A. W. Norblad will de- ment that the chief executive had liver the day's address and the made no such decision. He left champion drum corps will play, open, however, the possibility of Theatres Accept such a conference. Legion's Tickets Immediately after the exercises, all Salem theatres, which are par ticipating In the celebration by accented legion tickets at face value, will start their day's run et entertainment. Lerion tickets, whereby the nost will obtain funds for ita re- 8TOCKHOLM, Sweden. Nov. 10 lief work, will sell at 25 cent. (AP) Dr. D. Irving Langmulr Two tickets will constitute ad-1 "was awarded the Nobel prize for mission to the football game, and chemistry today, ne at the dance and the Grand, I ' Hollywood and balcony afr War- ! Dr. D. Irving Langmulr Is asao- ner Brothers Elsinore theatres. I date director of the laboratories Ten cents additional will be re-1 of General quired for downstairs Elsinore j tady, N. T.J eats. , Determined to eliminate flnan-jnum tabes elal losses from past hordes of gate Crashers," the celebration committee will station a crew of legion police at the football game. Each officer will wear an Identifying ribbon. O. E. "Mose" Palamateer and Irl S. McSnerry are the two police chiefs. A general holiday will be ob served throughout the city today. Public schools, city, and state offices, and stores will be closed. Willamette university students will be dismissed at 11:20 o'clock. Irving Langmuir Is Nobel Winner Electric at Schenec- and Is a well known authority oil radio, especially vac- John SInJohn. An Int career is him witli2direcU4?Jseph Can Forty went to LEGISLATURE'S COMPLEXION IS MUCH CHANCED Democrats to Have Notable Representation in Both Houses, Revealed Kiddle Expected to Preside iirar i r iinn m m lev v the inbllcaij vSw HTK N fe b ' .7 . . i iurt' BiMiv csancea m itmm- hlp as afresalt of thejelec- de light on his I v... , v. , rlfhlch eredUsltv.- W!1L A.tt..tlA Tn-d For the firat time In many aee- flans the democrats will have an School Budget Much Reduced but Levy to Decrease Only $5515 Discrepancy due to Anticipated Shrinkage of Receipts From County and State; may Mean Increase in Millage LOPPING $16,904 from the 1932-33 Salem school budget, the directors and citizens' committee last night found themselves in the predicament of being able to show only a $5515 reduction in the tax levy because of an $11,389 de cr0ftihec0imrx)unty and state funds. The budget, i$&ssed for the Jftiial time, calls for total expenditures between . 3alr 1, 122 and July 1, 1933, of ."3 ? nrn nnnftmnTinTft HtU-UHUS& b AH b HEME! TODAY itLteri I laiwnT, n3j UTD V 111 Ok 1 V - . , . ' . . fto.i 'li Kcse&wrmwas.aereated by Walter This was. the eonshisfon raaehea 1 r..nW WMcptvnwnc . . IX. M 1 ii vdiui-vriuii. former , re- Colon Eberlurd 3500 Memberships Goal of IJViliaraette Chapter; coion KDernara i . x ,, county t6 Henry J j Canvass Homes former' repre- .fs n n-m a swa ia wwa vv aaa. A w aar amsj tlaed to go to the senate waa . de feated by John Gosr, Mtrshfleld raJorneyr4enwcrt wj s- Bfnton-Polk district in the GecTgw-penmaB,reptfblican, was, defeated. by Julian UcFadden la thejraca for the unexpired term rrft4lsU- B.Wi Johpston. P. J. StafteltoanV'tepobUcaif ofv. The, JDaHW yki&t to Jam erf, Haslltt, aemocra.1 ei nova niver. lor J6in aenlitor: ' Herman Chlndgren was defeat-1 Mrs. Curtis d ttr reectlon,-lpje house la aan.s i6dafmar1u the start of the an nHal Ked'fJross roll call. Willam- Marion county, has set Its goal at 3500 member ships, which will be sold at a min imum of $1. Har old E. Eakin is general roll call chairman and B. Cross, city chair- Th CJUBpairn. which will run eeuVCl lHat Vao-lvln cr will Kav Ann. CpKttXmcw' 'Bajqi'.r, Iducted o a house-to-house basis MuVom'ah'cOUJity- os' a.'great-I in galem knd surrounding towns. ' laJtexeQ -legislative aeiegauom IBOeiness bouses also will b soli einVettf wiselectid eitTl'caunUij,lrn6d and.booths will be maintain- aigiet. Vaserwar defeated ,4a thtaiiliifialem bankB, the Marion KEW TORK3ovIiiipSiMl3WW.-J Miller's store. Mrs. snsuca 05vej7saprBineyi wrw.tjf08,iaas torce or 7 wc 1404.230. The district tax will amount to $250,184, of which 156,000 is for redemption and interest on bonds voted by the people. Had the six per cent legal Increase been made, the total tax would be approxi mately $268,000. Estimated receipts from the va rious state and county school funds, Including $19,000 for pu pil transportation, total $153,245. If the property valuation In the district drops one million dollars, as estimated, the millage will be approximately IS. 9 as against 13.4 for the last year. Thus al though the directors will have re duced the budget 816,904, dimin ishing revenues and property val uation will make the reverse seem to be the case. Greatest savings, $21,150, were accomplished through reduction of teachers' salaries and other in structional items, including $500 for purchase of free textbooks. At the insistence of John Hunt of the citizens' committee, $300 was cut (Turn to page 2, col. 1) STORM'S TOLL IS GROWING Over 1000 in Cuba Known to Have Been Killed; Wall cf Water Carries Many out To sea, Report Almost Entire Population Of Santa Cruz Victims; Wide Territory Struck Says Aerial Observer naic ui up Villi kcrcuiiurt T News but RiWsfiarpJy . To Erasfyi0sieV b. via stel tivities of the federalagents who The traditJonalipostleettonl ra operate unaer me ieaerai suuuiee. i wwou;!' There also are a re state laws I dayt;8aylacte under which certain arrestm Hit rricea snrKea. K A mtta Af f nl.l. MiA mJ 1 HIT DmrflflA mnvitiiiu Alexander expreesed the opinion 1 j-e ' anareT 5 v. j- j -.T c r . . i re. w hlbited for the reaion that ,.the-ex 1 yesieraay ipsseaj 3 TUW" 1 y"1 i ibtiiw vnvfftnt hart raaznpa i -?-1- rtiHva 3 llU ' : :! ; i:to.;JeBttJlige-int:Oal jjWhUelie Red Cross t.K kim.t ilhls election to that 'jofflce; ;Thej titular 'nalronaee beca hew Beeators-, are;Ahby;"CiclCBdnr naUonal romen to claims par- use of its nnections and disaster eatest service is given but 50 cents out of rship payment leaves ktin. i.w. nvnI'Kt m I ackw.vrr)B. tnA i m' MrtAktl rae!etei;. tlldJlaBV.ymuin, t tha'.Ottitt. Chairman Eakin de must be issued covering' thl 9p.iviitJMUt.iUUn if l4.IottyilWo-1 Ilae4yeaerday. adding that con- erauou. mere is 0 way open at paie..ano,'wj ooaa jmarxet largea, hiuwiwjiu, tha present time fWagnhe otiH aaea; partlOttlaflT? th railroad '-Ww&'lU' PytBflb 50-cent national mem- cers permission t6 lssae each a tSeTBa.Whal market alad HJB0 7, oetsMiCte. permit. i f- ; "v ' ImsfrotaJsnt'sUf jgnlu Uader another lftw Ulcer said I Unlte&4?-a? aHbushl- "F""? " JvF,-ri1 Klr5MT 1Ten exiensoe they haTe authority -to tproceed I-Va4wCr?JyfrleHaTeake4 Tt SJ'W I countT court and l axainst the nosseSslon of wort.-1 the advance, was ene ofHhe mesl iiWMw .cv:y?r 5v;ivoiBBftHj oervic. wash or mash. DA. Maw dealing sweeping ox tee-year, (Turn to page 1, col'l) sharpest since Spt CAMAGUET, Cuba, Nov. 1 (AP) More than 1000 persons were known to have been killed, police said tonight, by the heavy storm which swept over souther Cuba yesterday. The entire province of Caiua guey lay in waste tonight and the town of Santa Cruz Del Sur en the south coast of Camaguey pro vince was annihilated. Police described the disaster as the greatest in Cuban historv. Hundreds of injured were bete; carea lor In Improvised hosuitata and as trains came in from the province bearing the injured, it was estimated the total death toH might reach 1800. Three trainloads of iniared reached Camaguey from Santa Crui Del Sur tonight. A dosea doctors and medical supplies were dispatched to the stricken town this afternoon. Mayor Umberto Rodrignes. of VeSSd SendS OUt S 0 S and amagney.' told the Associated i iras luiiiEiii uai nig inioroia- HURRICANE CATCHES L TUG SM Other Craft Dispatched To her Assistance A total of WON SSIH ROUTE CONTRACTED . .The railroads aeetiitfi partlcularlr strong', i bnfc praeti callynll5 group Joined t In the 1 irnttnuf: 'Tnrfiftfif ri.aieias.aB area. a !r ,.i Was tae i '"mwv w .w"e' j!'T' i f i maiutKa came iu iu hicuhuu ' Jia iff Mons trtctarirntttreporUJiaat ? ivera Turn w . page, z,- you- tt,ttM has1: 4 6 4 families on its llsu i. 1.558 iBPoitfera ai snort eovetina: er idehtlt provided ranch of the fori wardatimnlus h pointed to op timlstic -post 'im ion statements as probably-ah- lavportapt factori particularly the'atatementhy AH fredJP. Sloan, r;tideait GeoeTaiC-atotora i;orp.,irao nressed .conxldenee bustneea Tpnsh .Jorwra meBlvy." , fitrenrthvof .the- railroad Mseuea provements amounting td appro, j coincided .wlth twaetlngaof the tigatlon showed that the: ttv'toi; imately $150,000 were contracted J itasociatlen ot xallway t-es eetitlves. K. M jcumous kamea ea PORTLAND, Ore., NOT.? 16 (AP) Following sthe opening' of.' bids on two Oregon projectr'ty the federal bureau- of pnblio" roads today, federal forest highwiy-lm-j y AH ent oil hov exj would; . . . . . . . t i . . i "... Mfl'ii uaiiv eivinK assismncit iu 'H:-? '.-"?,hJsrT. .v,0l .lAhinr .Till I aaa v gjva an. va. a w v t ; medicine. I Additional activities ot the Red 'illC'Csa ladade lifesaving and swim- tniBg ciaases m summer ana iub Jailor Red Cross program for chTtdrenj In last summer's swim minr classes. 706 Dersons oartici- .-f-ll PU-di 101 passed the lifesav IBlli Tiro-?Ban franclsco boxers mnd - j ' . auejendedr -the; geatue ntnieite 1 XwOOge VCi t VY UUlU. commission toaay, aur s-imrw-j vtv" , - fueii ixumors on NORFOLK, Va., Nov. 11 (AP) The naval tug Sciota shortly be fore midnight sent out an S O S call stating she was in a sinking condition and asking for help. The tug, which carries a crew of about 30, apparently had been caught in the tropical hurricane approx imately 350 miles east of Fort Pierce, Fla. She was sending up rockets ev ery five minutes in an effort to attract other ships to her assist ance. The naval destroyer Dahlgren, which was in the vicinity, was or dered to the aid of the Sciota. The coast guard cutter Tamacraw also was ordered from Savannah to the rescue. The Sciota'a station is the Canal Zone and her presence in the position given was accounted for by the fact she was acting as tender for a fleet of airplanes en route to Norfolk from the south. The position is about 600 miles south of Cape Henry. for. r. vv; "Aftenthe marketv closed the asso-f 4 ;ard ln -0iehf four; SanJTn- Tha larrer nrftfect ? ealla for I elation announced it had 'deciaed l. .r.a mnn tut. grading a part o the . Diamond Jt aakv the .IhteTS et -rBad Newa Johnson" "and: Cabinet Choices and Douglas county line alonsr thai -.freight surcharge wblen; took Upper Rogue ri-eer toward vtho south end of Diamond lake. v Xow bidders on the bas p sipg net al pipe culverts wiere:; ?;-iSXS? Ponder Hallen end- Pierson- t Medford, $115,62;II;re,sc Young, Oakland, ifcaliSJUMsIT: and Fred Slade, Portland, $140, 316. Eight contractors submitted bids. For oiling about 14 miles of the Santlam highway from Sisters to Sattle lake, F. J. Kiernan was low with a bid of $34,483. J. C. Comp ton of McMinnville was next at $35,891, and Babbler Brothers of Portland were third at $36,10$. Seven bids were received. -o iLBllOr. N. Y.. Nov. 10 (API- Franklin D. Roosevelt, the it - m4j u.vii'-? it vktj appointmenia. A. J MX qooh dels Search Warrant Refused 4th Street is Highway Straub's Widow Is 111 Callicotte Speaks Again Community Service was granted permifBlon by the school direct- . ... . ilia ors last nigni again xo loueu teachers tor contributions to wel fare work for the winter. The matter will be handled though the Salem Teachers' association, of which Mlsa Mary Eyre ta president. J. N. Chambers and W. w. Moore made the request. Utarr , .-n s& V' ' 'Jh-,f -'-'f -J - Francisco manager, was maeiin ltely suspended for sending the boxers here. George W. (Biddy) Bishop, of the Austin and Bishop club, was fined $50 for making the match es and Lonnle Austin, of the club. will hereafter be recognised as the matchmaker, the commission said. It was also decided that all California boxers must be here at least three days before a show and have their licenses with them. Mayor P. M. Gregory also ap- f-t--Zl- peared at the meeting for the Hoi- JI gaUlZclllOn Or 20 Per Cent Cut County Salaries Necessary, Held PROHI REPEAL IS CITED PORTLAND, Not. 10. (AP) Municipal Judge Henry M. Tom- linson today refused to Issue to police a search warrant for an ad dress where liquor was beJJeved to be stored. Oregon repealed Its prohibition enforcement act by a large ma jority at Tuesday's election, and possession ot liquor Is ne longer a crime in the state, Judge Tom linson held. Ti 9n wit tha f irt of Its Reduction! In salaries ot eoun-I Vin nm n 1 hv ia ty; courthouse workers most be forcement following repeal of the made In tha 113$ eounty hndget enforcement law. ln tha opinion of James Smith, eounty commissioner. Be express. FORMALLY DESIGNATED ed the opinion yesterday that a- to PORTLAND, Nov. 10. ( AP) per eent ent would not be excea- Fourth street was designated offl- alve considering the adjustments dally as part of the state highway which have come In living costs, system at a special meeting here The farmer, according to Smith, i today of the state highway corn- has been forced to take less than mission. - 1 10 per cent of the former price I ." The designation was made ao for his commodities and when tax-1 that state money could validly be share been met, nothing for a I spent "on. Its development. Plans llTinjr has been left - - - 1 In whleh the city, eounty and Smith said tha court would not l sute are to cooperate can. tor im- appolnt Its budget Committee un-1 provenxent ot the south part of til late this month or early in De-1 Fourth street as the west Biae en- eemler; Several mills may ba cut i trance or tne pacmc nigaway into frora the county tax next year. I Portland, TAKEN TO HOSPITAL EUGENE, Not. 10. (AP) Mrs. Cornelia Straub, widow of the late Dean John Straub of Ore gon university, was reported by her physicians today to be serious ly 111. She was taken to a hospital here for treatment. TELLS DISTRICT ATTORNEY SAN FRANCISCO, Not. 10 AP) Paul M. Callicotte, Oregon mountaineer, repeated his story expressing belief he accidentally placed the IS 16 San lFrandseo Preparedness day bomb again her lywood Community club to ask the board to consider constructing an addition to Highland school, which he said Is badly overcrowd ed. Directors admitted the situa tion but explained that ln the face of complaint over taxes, such ex penditure teemed out of the ques tion. Improvements to Highland school were contemplated when stockholders, j The rote followed the citizens voted the $500,000 the report that the affiliation of bond issue several years ago. Over three or more large lumber mills Coast's Lumber Group Continued TACOMA, Not. 10 (AP) The West Coast Lumbermen's as sociation will, continue as an - or ganisation, it was unanimously Toted today at a meeting of the In1 a. clainly worded, fire sen tence-etatement which the presl- eefcave as an answer to wholly unauthorized rumors," he asserted no decision had been reached regarding any appoint ments and that none would be reached, "for at least two months. V. 8. SEAMAN DROWNS MANILA. Friday, Nov. 11 API Euxene Lawrence Connlek. XI, a seaman, was lost overboard from the destroyer Paul Jones during a storm yesterday it was learned today when the ship ar rived here from Hong Kong with ten other craft. tion rrom Santa Cruz was t!ht 1500 were dead and that only 300 persons in the town escaped unscathed. The mayor said a 2 foot wall of water was driven five leagues Inland by the terttific wind and that not a single boue was standing in Santa Cruz, i Many Reported as Washed Into Sea One survivor brought in tor train said many persons were washed into the sea. Various es timates of the number killed were given by survivors. They varied from 300 to more than 1000. Vast fields were laid flat as , though brushed by a giant hand. Banana plants were laid down tn geometrical rows. Forests of royal palms were halved and nptorn wy the roots ln Camaguey Province. Trees were converted into brush wood. The pilot of the first Pan- American airplane to take eft from Santiago after the storm sM tonight that similar conditions n isted east of Camaguey as tar ac Mansanillo, in Oriente Prorinee. He said Oriente Province was suf fering from floods. The town of Camaguey had ?S7 buildings completely destroyed. about 1,000 others were damaged. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 Fri day (AP) The submarine Dol phin and four vessels in destroy er division No. 2. which are at eea The hospital itself was damaged near the disabled naval tug Sciota but nurses and doctors continued were ordered to her assistance to day by the navy to take ln patients. The nearby town of Florida, with a population of 4,000 was re ported badly damaged. Relief Efforts Are Being Rashed The mayor of Camaguey sate he believed the number of dead in O Then kf I7rTWac I hls town would ultimately reach Li, X UUilJUC" 4o. The toll here included 16 beg gars who were sheltered with 294 J ..i i . . i mi .v. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 10. . Jn ?ia at n.wi .. . .in Af V1. oouiiru oi a town. it m ,.. vtk.r m.w feared such ruins would rveJ ouf. a traveling salesman, whip- ww Rejected Suitor Oi Cousin Slays ped out a gun in the girl's home j here tonight, shot and killed her mother and sister and then com mitted suicide, police said. Malout, shot through the head, died at an emergency hospital. The two women, Mrs. Natfa Mal out, 40, and Miss Anessa Malouf. $4, were dead when police arrived. $40,000 of this has never been of fered for sale. with the association had raised the percentage of production in the association to 84.S per cent. The West Coast Lumbermen's association now la the sole Indus try organization of the Douglas Fir Lumber manufacturer's of D rUZt TUtZ-,- Washington atad Oregon, the wn tV IsUiet VflintOX lamette Valley association hav- r 1 I . M . i. ia r. - i ing recent. x merged wit, iu ot- Chief ot Police Frank Mlnto e"" montna ago it -was aeciaea Advice on Prohi Status is Asked today this time to District At- yesterday requested City Attor- that the association should hare torney Matthew Brady. ney William H. Trlndle to advise! 0 per cent ot the prodnctlon re- Callicotte waa questioned - for I him of his daty In regard to II-1 four hours In the presence of the district attorney by John R. Tyr rell, assistant district attorney, and -Police Captain Charles GofL qnor arrests. In the" city. Mr. Trlndle will give oat his find ings this morning. City ordinances provide penal- presented within It to- warrnt Ita activities. Brady said, he was "impressed" 1 ties, for drunkenness, drank drir- TTERCE JURY OUT SEATTLE, Not; 10 (AP) A Jury of three women , and nine men began deliberating the ease of Ahlra E. Pierce, former man ager of the defunct Home Savings by. Calllcotte's story. The Oregon ing, and sale, - possession and man who spoke at a meeting here transportation of intoxicating bev Snfidav in annnort of a nardon of era gen and boaaeseion flf 'stills.' Tom Mooner. serving a life sen- . Til submit mv flndinas to the I and Loan association being tried tence for the bombing, left tor chief. It will be up to his discre-j on forgery and grand larceny Portland after repeating his story tion as to how he 'will proceed," I charges, shortly before p. m. to to the district attorney Trlndle stated last night. 'nitbt. . Income Tax Change Loses Latest Returns Disclose The Injured from Santa Craa were taken to the Municipal hee pltal as the trains arrived. Doe- tors said they had 76 from that small town. Eighty six others wese in the Casa De Socorros and IS more were in the Spanish colony hospital. An unknown number of Injured were being cared for ln private homes here which had been fitted out as hospitals. PORTLAND, Ore. Nov. 10 (AP) The lead of Franklin D. Roosevelt, growing steadily as each new report came in ot Tues day's election, had widened to more than 75,000 votes over Pres ident Herbert Hoover, latest fig ares tonight disclosed. At the same time "Frederick Stelwer, the only republican re elected to the United States senate ln tha western states, had increas ed his margin over Walter B. Gleason. democrat, to nearly 59, 000 Totes. - The Tote In faror of repealing tha state prohibition enforcement act had Increased Its lead to more than tS.000. . Meeres meeting the approval of the atate'a roters included those, to enable the legislature to appropriate money for public development ot Water 'power; per mitting a prisoner en his own consent to be tried without jury; establishing new tax limitation. - Bills ' defeated Included. those seeking -an oleomargarine tax; closing the Rogue river to com merclal fishing; seeking an ad ditional education appropriation: imposing a new tax bill on buses and trucks; and establishing low Former Chief oi Police Acquitted Due to Insanity VERNON, B. C, Nov. 10 (AP) David Murdoch, former er exemptions and higher rates enlef of Iiee at rflown TV ln tha state's Income tax law acquitted because ot Insanity late " I a - a. a . t t - Aa a uinia i lonirui in bis inira iricu va B fc. WV 14 -Of lUVtUUVt I w Hnnror i si ft7s TtnAMw-it I charge ot murdering Jean Nolan, 108.672: Reynolds 164$: Thorn- after the jury nad oeuaeratea ire. as 114,01$; Foster 1500 . Senator: Coulter $07$; Glea son 113,115: Jacobsen 1134: Krueger 2314; Stelwer 110,357; Thomas $841. First congress: Butler 10416; hours. Two juries, one at the apriag session and 'the otBer this week, failed to agree on a verdict, Jean Nolan, police operative in Kelowna, was shot and killed aV- Giddingi $611; Mott Tt,f$2; legedly by Mardoch Uta in tae SUrkweather $762$; Upton 1076. afternoon of last jannry is. imwj Second congress: Brady 4770; that day Mardoch waa aiiegea xo Butler 24.142; Pierce 11,$30; Teel 1087. Secretary state: Hose 110,641; Mldwood 13,144; WUeearTer 141,371. Treasurer: Holm an 182,898; Maloney 135.643; ilcFarland 15. 014; Ward $164. . Attorney General: Dobaon 142, $19; Hoamer 11,539; - 8 reason (Turn to page 2, col-O) have ahot and killed Constable Archie McDonald at the taUter'a homo. - FISHER CAR STOLEN C. A, Fisher, route one, re ported to city police last night that his sedan. Oregon, license No. -llt-T$$. bad been stolen from -the 100 block en North High street. - t