.TEe OREGON STTATESMAN, SaTcnf, tfrcgorl. Sunday Horning, November 6, 1932 pacts imm Society N ews and Club Olive AI. Doak, Society Editbt" mentler and Mis Camming tAngl NAwlvurMTt' nnM two duetal Mr. Arthur Oum-I oWiyWCQI stings garo readings: Howard and Erma Colt, ft piano duet; ! David Saucy, s Swiss yodellng so-lo. At X late honf dainty lunoh- eon served by the hostess, Gets Crowd t Road Ready For Gravel VICTOR POINT, Nor. J Orer 200 prioni attended tho dance at Mrs. Colo, assisted by Mrs. Roy the Union HM grange hall Wed- M Radio -1 Piogianis A Child Study Group Jo Hear Lecture ; Tho Association of Childhood Educatloa will meet id two sec tions! this week tor lectures and demonstrations concerning tho educational methods used In in structlng tho blind. Tho I meetings -will bo at the school : for the blind and the lec tures will bo given by Walter R, Dry. Because of limited space the division of tho group has been necessary and tho first and sec ond grade teachers will : attend tho lecture and demonstration Monday at 8 o'clock: tho third grade teachers and principals will attend Tuesday afternoon at s:su o'clock. Officers of tho Association in clude Mildred Wyatt. president; Graeo Hendrlckson Tice presi dent; grace Allen, secretary treasurer: and reporter. Grace Fallia. ' Salem Heights. Tho Salem Heights Woman's club hold its regular monthly meeting at tho community hall Friday afternoon with an attendance of about 45 Tho program was held first and Miss Beneltta Edwards and Miss Harriett Adams, with Miss Schrei- ber at tho piano, furnished several musical numbers. This was roi lowed by a humorous reading by Mrs. Clifton Mudd of Salem, en titled "Potters Discuss the Elec tion." At the business session reports n-ero hoardifrom the delegates who attended ttie county convention at Woodburnand plans made a com mitteo appointed to take charge of the flower show which will bo held at tho hall soon. Mrs. Myron Van Eaton, Mrs. Jay Morris and Mrs MeWain wer the committee ap pointed to conduct tne snow Helen Crosby of Salem gave a talk on "Politics From an Econ- j omic Standpoint," followed by a talk on "Prohibition" by Mrs. Sta cy of Liberty,-speaker of tho day. Mrs. F. M. Erickson was in charge of tho meeting and program. Mrs. Mary McClure, May Bedlent, Mrs. Frank Walters and Helena Nixon were hostesses. i 'Kingwood. At the meeting of the Book and Thimble club Thurs day afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Ross Damrell, it was unanimously voted to suspend tho duos of the society for the current year. A dis cussion was held concerning tho desirability of daily hot lunches for students of the West Salem schools., Educational games were enjoyed with Mrs. A. L. Apple white and Mrs. Ray Lacey in chargo. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Lacey and Mrs. Ray Fer guson. . Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Waldo Bizel will bo hostesses Thursday, November 17, at the Ferguson home. ' Special guests were Mrs. Sallie TALENTED SOCIETY MAID i : V Yt-L t 1 1 - - - - - ; t" - r - , . , ? i. , i. . -: . -, ; s Edward MacDowell Benefit Tea Planned One of tho smart musical events la Salem tor December will bo tho benefit tea being given by tho Beethoven society ox . Willamette university In memory of tho life and service of Edward MacDowell. Tho proceeds from tho tea will go to tho MacDowell colony founded ! by tho musician la the Interest of aid to musicians. The musts, clubs all over tho United States will be celebrating with some sort of benefits during i tho first week' in December and the Beethoven club is offering its bit through tho . medium of a charmingly planned tea. Tho date will bo sot for sometime In tho first week of December. Miss Frances Law, president of Metson, Mrs. W. X. Savage, Mrs. I needay night honoring Mr. and Albert MlnUra and Mrs. Q. K. Thompson. Present were: Kr. m4 Kn. . BuiuO. Kit J. 0. BayaeUU a4 lkwr Otrol. Da rid Bn- rf, OUniu PmUl Xr. ui ilra. Jo Bai tmif. Mr. ao4 Kra lUy lUUoa. Mr. aA km. j. m. utasift. Mr. Mra. Arthw Mr. an Mr. B1art MeOUy, CJomminri, M Mra. RaaMU, Lorralaa aa Wayaa RaualV Oms Mr. aai Albart Miat W. M. BaTara. Mr. and Mra. toral Mr. and Mr. K. T. WaM aad danghUr ZaUft, Mr. Ml Kn. Ward Harold. Rath Malao. Xralra Malaaa. Da- rarnuar, Mr. aa Mrs. . M. Taama- aaa, sir. ana Mrs. O. O. Uota aad iloard aad Erma. Cola. o , o Mrs. Edward Robl, who war mar ried October 21 at Sublimity. Mr.and Mrs. Julius Krem and Mr. and Mrs. Vorny Scott of Union Hill made a trip into tho moun tains near Detroit tho first part of tho week, going to seo tho road being built there. About IS miles of tho road beyond Detroit Is fin ished except for top surfacing ot gravel which will begin soon. I O- Sage of Salem (Continued from page 4) guo of Tho Statesman, a mai aft I er taking a snort ot whisky wipes his mouth with tho back of his handf Putting asldo tho possibll- tho club, will bo in general charge y that this poser is in tho "why oi. arrangemen. miss A charming portrait, study of Eleanor Post, society maid and graduate of exclusive Mount Vernon seminary, Washington, D. C. who is aspiring for honors in Thespian Ciark pitcher read a paper on auuuy. one is entering pictures, oasq. Frances Vlrglnie Melton la advisor for this group Amity Election day is the time for the regular meeting of the Woman's Civie Improvement club. Hostesses for tho meeting are Mrs. James Payne, Mrs. Lloyd Mc Cready, Mrs. George Thomas, and Mrs. W. W. Jones. Tho meeting will bo at the Payne homo on North Grade street at I: SO p. m. Mrs. A. E. Murphy will describe her visit to "Mount Vernon' Hareaville The H a y o s v 1 He Woman's club met at the home ot Mrs. Beers with Mrs. Fred Wil liams as assistant hostess. Mrs. does a hen cross tho road?' class, tho answer may be that tho tendency has come down from ear ly times, when men wore fierce and bristly beards and tho palms of tho hands were ticklish and tho backs of tho hands were not, even as today. Tho voters pamphlets just by tho way of saying something- are racy (In tho political sense) but not spicy. Aged Waldo Hills Resident Extended Honors on Birthday turner. not. s Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Given spent Wednes day at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savage, Sr., in tho Waldo Hills, to help celebrate Mrs. Giv- ens' father's 72nd birthday. Mr. Savage's other daughter. Mrs. R. B. Archibald, and Mr. Archibald, were also present. Two eons, C. W. and Albert Savage, Jr.,- of Bremerton, Washington, wore unable to bo present. Mr. Savage has Just returned from a trip to Canada. Tho birthday cake was made and sent by Mrs. C. W. Savage of Bremerton. snnroAT, movxmbk s SOW rartlaaaV sso Xa. S:0 Moraiac Saaaaiaa. : Aaaarica Laciaa prorraau ie:0O Srmphaar aaaaart KBO. 13:00 Way aa Kia aad HU Oreaattra. : KBC. IS :80 National flaadar Foraaa, XBO. 1:30 Hirtlirata taa Bibla. NBO, t :0O World of Eallgioa, NEO. 1 S:S -Boak chat, Richard Maatfaatarr. S:0O CaeiUaaa, NBO. S:SO Baacaaaara. NBC. 4:00 Dsnald KeU. NBC. 4:SO Oraat MoaaeaU ra HUUrr, NBO. Albaaa o( ramlllar alaaia, a BO. T:I0 On mt taa ttotk. 8:10 Taraa Wara Mordarad. 10:19 Caacart aoartat. 10:45 Oljapiaaa. . 11:00 Bat Tabaria reaaatra, NBO. 11:1S Tha Eraniac Star. K01X rorUaad 40 Ko. :00 Salt Laka Tabaraacla jrograat. CBS. 9:45 Emory Deetaca'i orchettra. CBS. 10:00 National Adriaorr Coaaeil. CBS. 10 :S0 Colambia Caareh of taa Air. UBS. 11:15 Albert Malotta. concert orfaaiat. DLBa. 11:45 Hooiiar Editor, Alka Sattsar, CBS. 12:00 Saw York 1'kiioanaoala Bjm- nhony areaaatra, CBS. :00 Lindaey aad Harlino. DLBS. , 1:15 Bakbi Magnia. DLBS. S:00 Foot' a Oola. CB8. 4:00 Dr. Jaliaa Kloia, "World Baal- to." CBS. 4:15 Naw World Symphony, CBS. .4:45 Casta Nina Singing- Girla, CBS. a :0U Eraea iiatefeeaoa, coaeort piaa- tu. CBS. S:S0 Malady hoar, DLBS. T :1 Wtlfara roUol msbilizatloa pro- : Doattatry aad S:00 Inaroviat Oaa'a W. Valla. I - SttO a Taa Uka It Aathaar T:0S Tha SovtU Tank aad Sawage ZKa- : em. w. Ultaiora. s tt m :to Horaiar eoarorr. " -it 10 tOO TTaaia Xeoaaaics Obaorrnfc, 1 s wo rarnt soar, t . u r aoalta f T:J0 taa Couaty Agaat Drop B. Bock. T:S0 4-H alab mootiag. ' S:15 Oragoa Poota; Ckarlaa Plat Olaoa. Women's Club Has Meeting ' at Potts Residence. Talbot TALBOT, Nov. 5 Mrs. George Potts was hostess to tho Talbot Women's club Wednesday after noon at her home three miles west of Talbot. Mrs. G. M. Bel knap, president, was in ehargoof tho meeting. Members present were Mrs. Nana, Mrs. G. M. Bel-) knap, Mrs. Addle Davidson, Mrs. A. E. Colo, Mrs. Sarah Taylor. Mrs. Delmer Davidson, Mrs. D. S.. Blinston. Mrs. Charles Taylor and the hostess, Mrs. Potts. Tho afternoon was spent mak ing plans tor work to bo done by tho club in the near future. rraau IBS. 0:00 KHJ Marrnaakara- DLBS. 10:00 Tho Wandorar, Gaaa Bakor aad Coeu Teagna. 10:30 Tod Fio Rita'a oreheatra, DLBS. 11:00 Midnight Moods. DLBS. MONDAY, NOVXMBEB T KOW Portland 620 Ka. T: IS Morning Saaahina. 8:15 Lit t la Orphan Aaala, NBO. 0:30 Cooking achool. 10:00 Arion trio, NBO. 10:80 Wotnaa'a Magaiina af tha Air, NBC 11:30 Ma and My Shadow. 12:15 W eitera Farm and Homt hoar, NBC 1:30 Kelly' Salon orchettra. 8:00 Taa Time Bataar. 4:15 Foreign Affair. 5:00 Fine Art atring qnartet, NBO. 5:30 Eiloea Piggott. NBC 6:00 Organ concert. 0:30 Parade of tha State, NBO. 7:09 National Badio Foram, NBO. 7:15 School contolidation bill. 6:00 Amoa 'n' Andy. NBO. 8:30 Roaiernciaa Quarter hoar. 8:45 Barbara Pittoek. 10:15 Dancing with Vie Meyer. EOMO, 11:15 The Erening Star. A key on a certain typewriter in this town will not Ho down when it is up, nor will It get up when it is down. I have known boys who were like that. Brnsh College A feature of special interest at the meeting of tho Brush College Helpers at the home of Mrs. A. R. Ewing Thurs day, was an address by Mrs. D. J. Lehman, president of the Sa lem W. C. T. U. who told of her recent trip to the national W. C. T. U. convention at Seattle. Mrs. Lehman stated that govern ment control was the worse curse that ever befell Canada and ' that prayer bands are being formed to pray that America would hold her dry law. In con clusion she said that "Old Glory became more glorious to us when we ceased to drape it over the sa loon." Mrs. Oliver Whitney, president, and Mrs. A. E. Utley gave a re port of the Institute of the feder ation of women's clubs held at Rickreall. A vote was passed to do some Red Cross sewing. Mrs. A. E. Utley is in charge of this Red Cross district made up of five communities of Polk county. Mrs. Karl Harrltt conducted do votlonals and Mrs. F. C. Ewing led the flag salute and gave a patriotic number. Mrs. A. E. Ut ley sang two selections to her own accompaniment. Tho next meeting will be at the home ot Mrs. F. C. Ewing. Mrs. M. Focht and Mrs. Joe Sing- Spocl&l guests were Mra. Charles Park, Mis I Stout. Mra. B. B. Car rier, all of Salem ; Mrs. Jenny P&g-a, Portland: Mra. C. Linden. Mra. W. Orlawold. Mrs. Peter Krall, Mlaa Rose Krall, Mrs. Mary Sehon and Miss Ruth Bennett, and Mrs. Maria Flint McCall, Mra Karl Harrltt, Mrs. Jo Hadae- Deck. Mrs. Clifford Smith and chil dren. Doris and Doreen. Mrs. Paul Wallace and children Nancy Lou and Paulina. Mra. Joe Slnjrar and daughter Josephine, Mra Ferdinand Singer, Mra Lout Singer, Mra M. Focht. Mra A. K. Utley. Mra F. C. Swing, Mra Ooorre Mercer and children Gertrude and Myrtle, Mra U. J. Lehman, Mlaa Sadie Singer. Margaret Ewing. Mra Oliver Whitney. Ralph, and Donald Ew ing and tha hostess. a a o Hubbard Eugene Silks, Mrs. Nellie Cornell, and Mrs. Adeline Fields chaperoned the reciprocal party Friday night at the schdbl house honoring tho upper class men. Games and stunts made tho evening pass quickly until tho re freshments were served by tho freshmen. Tho campaign has lasted plenty long enough. Patience shows signs of wearing thin in spots. Even the most angelic of dispositions can stand only so much, and when an angelic disposition busts out It busts out. A wild wise guy says wo are about to go into another dark age period. Good bye. Have a pleasant time. Quite a number of us aren't going this trip. state and national parks A miscellaneous shower was given to Mrs. L. B. George whose home was burned recently see Wesleyan Service Guild of Ja son Leo church meets at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. H. G. Humphrey, 860 Jefferson street. All women of tho church are urged to attend this meeting, at which Ronald Glover will discuss election meas ures. o a Keizer The home of Mr. and HoOVer Ha Lead in Mrs. jurti uoie was tne scene i n.n . oi , of a pleasant surprise Friday DailOI, OllVertOn night in compliment to Mr. Colo, tho newly elected president of I BILVERTON, Nov. I A the Keizer Community club, straw vote condacted by tho Sll About 4.9 neighbors tand friends verton Appeal-Tribune at Stiver- gathered for a social time. The I ton gives President Hoover a lead evening was spent Ua games, go-lover Gov. Roosevelt In tho com cial conversation and a program ing election. Tho final count of unusual Interest Miss Lucille I shows tho presldeat with 1S1 Cummings gave two vocal solos,! votes to tho governor's 104. Last and a piano solo; Armond Per-1 week tho count was Hoover 104, montier sang two songs; Mr. Par- Roosevelt 18. Harmonica Band is Formed by School PupU. Mill City MILL CITY. Nov. 5 Something new in school activities and for that matter in the history of tho city. Is the harmonica band which has been organized by Mrs. Sven Ellasen, with Mrs. Eliasen as in structor. So tar I a pupils are enrolled and it is anticipated that several more will be added to the num ber. ... O- Tho Instruction books and harps have arrived and tho first meeting was held this week. Mrs. Kelly to Give Report on Gathering MISSION BOTTOM, Nov. I Mrs. Van 0. Kelly attended a ses sion of tho Regional P. T. A. con vention in Portland Wednesday. She will give a report to the local P. T. A. Friday, November IS. Others of th local program com mittee) who are planning to have Mrs. Wester and Frank Lamb en tertain with old-time music are Mrs. Panl Townsend, chairman. and Mrs. Theodore Jelderks. KOUf FortUad 910 Ka. 6:00 KOIN'a Kiock. :5 Faraa talk.. 8:30 Ooldea Melodioa. 0:13 Baddy Harrod'a oreheatra, OBS. B :30 Colombia Borne, CBS. 11:00 Tho CaptiTators. CBS. 11:80 American School of tha Air, CBS, iz:so Hast rrsger, punirt, UBS. 11:45 The Foar Etoa Boys, CBS. 1:00 Feminine Tsaelaa, DLBS. 6:00 Colombia lea tare, 6:80 Mysteries ia Paris, CBS. 8:04 Columbia foe tare. CBS. 8:80 Blye Monday Jamboree. DLBS. 10:20 Erode Ethiopian DLBS. 10:45 toti Torgenaon. DLBS. 11:00 aek and JUl's Tarern orchestra. KOAO CorvalUs 550 Km. 7:00 Morning Meditations, led by Bar, uovera Jeruonnel. Auburn Women to Meet Thursday at Ben Hawkins Home AUBURN, Nov. 5 Tho Auburn Woman's club will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Ben H. Hawkins, Thursday, November 11. James McKenny a senior at Sa lem high school got a deep cut In his chin while diving at tho T. M. C. A. during swimming class. Rob ert Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Morgan Is in a Portland hos pital convalescing from an appen dicitis operation. Eberly Moves to New Farm Home on Coast SPRING VALLEY, Nov. S H. 3. Eberly and son Ivan have moved to their new homo near To ledo. Mr. Eberly traded bis 10 aero place here for a largo tim ber ranch about seven miles from the coast. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thoma who now owns the Eberly acreage, have moved la and are planning to operate the place as a chicken ranch. Mr. Thoma Is a carpenter and Mrs. Thoma a teacher. MICKEY MOUSE CHEMAWA, Nov. B Thursday evening a reception was given by tho Federal Employees Union tor superintendent and Mrs. J. T. Ryan at the T. W. C. A. rooms ia Winona hall. All employees ot the Chemawa vocational school, and their families were invited, and there were about 12S present to extend best wishes to Mr. Ryaa la his new capacity as superinten dent of this school. "Th Messag Without An Answer" By WALT DISNEY Damrell, Mrs. E. Saunders and I er will have charge of program Mrs. Frederick Burcn. I arrangements. Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER i 3 4 r i5 i6 va'1 i8 - - - yy ' ' WZZZZWLZ ST ""T"" H 111 I yH ' l 33 3M 3d " "II Hp- w Receiving WORD THAT WIDOW" Church -mouse is MlCKEV AND THE CAPTAIN ARE SAILING FOQH0M& AT TOP SPEEDl fASK ,&MMJ (lT'3 TCMJSPOOKLSn.Ur-M I LSMOR. FIFTEEN I Mra&l lVCANRECEJVB S lTTmW L COME ACK, RICH. 7 VM1CK.E.Y1 J v MESSAGES. WOQTM TQ Mi le'UQl 7 AN FIND IT'S TOO g WWL.E AT HOME- -1 ILZ. -f ITS KlO U,CLABEU(W3 (WE'VE BEEN BaOADCASWylTTfftTM V rOQ TWO HOURS AN f Wy.Ij THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Now Showing The Prodigal Son" ' M- By SEGAR Oo yoo KHOVO toe REP HErA 3 WHERE ) TKri 16 HrVZ.UAi ! I J WEK J C MV COuKTRY I - MV tMy KIH6DOM .1 UftMP imm - laia aUa f,a 3.JA&- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY "Putting It In Black And White" By DARRELL McCLURE 4i i ; HORIZONTAL 1 a company . traveling together -byroad. -7 vessel engaged la coasting trade IS eager 14 intrigue lft anythinr . very small ' 17 carry 15 make correqtjons in a literary work 19 a heathen , deity 20- kind f snake z8 prior to 13 the center oi an am pUtheater . t4 consume 5 a writing fluid t7 perpetnally , ' facontxse- ! ion). S0-bod . ! 83 ldst J$ a jogrginff - l-iaet ,7 paret 1$ dry t ae&atky 1 lores - ' '49 deprived of v;r. I sharpness 41 uncovered 'j i , - m a wruiani) ai oevico . Iters IS scold 21 quick, smart blow 23 connective 25 tumbled down 26 guaranteed 28 burst forth 29 flowers SI composed type again 32 a church officer 23 pertaining to extent of surface 14 upper part of a range of hills 88 a largo cask 88 entirely 41 greasiest 43 tho face 45 frighten . . raddenly i 47 rodent Herewith Is tho solution to Satur- i!AU.ic 60 strong pins 1 wt : ' - " o one wno 46 belonging to that thins 47 withdraws 49 allow 50 wicked 51 dip gently . into water 53 a mass of cast metal 58 woolly surface of 58 having less ! color 61 nobleman 62 earnest 64 two wheeled , vehicle 65 narrow shoal : extending. -from tho ' shore 6ft all 67 hurtful . 68 tautly 69 earthy VERTICAL 1 cafe 2 old 8 highway . 4 accede 5 sir hero 6 appellation 7 walking stick 8 long used 9 simper 10 tho rise and fall of 11 TEn'gllah college U allied by kMtdrtd 1 1 fJW sot nc " fl f' Sn I woMesiOajryeHERaWfSwAeE.1! l I vJOCSTEST KlWO Of WA-WAJAa II OVERHEAR. "TUB. SERAkJT3 6AV C MOWCR2 AOtr40TlWHnr IP" IT GETB AMy OXDEC TUEVU- J TMAT AAAUV IS W0?2feiEX) TO I 1 PEEL AWFU-TlCED AMO DUST- filE JV. TARTA FRC N'TVE OLO RJRKlACt & I DEATH CAU& MP 6HE LOSCS MB ! SEE, ZEOO, I GOTTA HUNCH r--vZ! VVVr-yKE HD1M ' Ik QHE LOSES TMZTEM M1LUOM A- - - rrf f gtt . wj I L I GOT SOME VZTTlKlG PAPER. J W T?OOM TDWIGWT W&LU SK1EAX UP AU' VsCJTE. A LETTER TO AAEAktA. AM PUT IT UMOCS-THe. FOOMT TXXW-5MEUL NCVTJt KNOW fT CAMC FROM! 0 TOOTS AND CASPER "A Fighting Chance" day's Puzxle. CaayrlsU.Isn.Klas walks with measured steps 54 tho back of tho nock 55 broad smile 58 a fleet of v ships 57 Impudent - 59 to. wash 60-early nam of one bf . the British r Jales 62 a snakeKks u fish 63 cereal '-grass . . WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME THAT, WAY FOR. SOPHIE r SfOUKNOWVaHYl YOU KNOM WHAT TM THINKING t tlL NEVER FORGET HOW LITTLE CASPER,WHO ONLY HALF YOUa 51ZEXN0CKE0 Y00 OUT IN TVUCT AJWfcJjK f50Xi CCMTEST aJkOTAPRtLt HAVENT YOU ANY " SPUNK OR PR1D5T Y0UOU4HTTO hide Yam 5HAME1 i V ss h r li WlfU. KiM femiat Sflietxe, He. Goat tWtaiia rfcfw VJX1T iaM?yMWMJamil fl a nil. ' THE 6000-FELLOW5 OJUB IONMA ANOTHER 80XW6C0NTE5T SOONJ B3 ONS Cm THS TWO 6rUY5 IN TH3 Rlr4r AND t HOPS THE KE&ULAR FACTV0N,ATTHaMEETTr4iTDDWsLL PKX ME TO BE H15 OPPONOTTl fM ANOTHER CRACK AT ' THAT- . ' YOyRSMYPAU CAVER,oUTrM WARNING YOU THAtmfcrcnNA IXCTTCIYOUW JON1FJOUNOIN fjUUtOMlN , v L8APl tU WONT fnjCrncNMa ttCAU9ET00T V NOT TO BOA ' AitAiNANOt WONT TAKE R.TT 1NTHEN5XTB0UT BVENlFfM SELCCTEO! By aJEVIMY MURPfn t COUU TitLL, FROM THE SLY LOOK IN CASPER THAT HES TRYlNtV TO "WROW t OfW THS TRACKBUT IT WONT K, HEt) PREFER TO HAVE SOMEBODY . ELSE AS Htt OPPONENT BUT tVE COM3 : TO THIS MEETlHer TO SEE TO IT TH AT THS DOY5 SELECT MB AS THEY PKSyTODO1. ar7.rt TK2 HXXTUtiS HAS NOW CCM2T0 CSSDU A ' YIOLCOL. HOOFER EZ crn SALLY TOTAKX PAST 01 TtsZMAT AMATEUR CCX1M6 CCNTESTf ' WATCH - . . : i -i : ' r.