The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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'TX . oil,. . -v. TT
I I III . . I J
rsininonr r
JLlililCillt' JL
r sinore Shows 'Washington I
jf.lerrY-Go-RoundV Today;
Bonus Army Filmed :
v 8 a motion nleture aucb as Co-
ifmbla's epic film of national pol
mtS: "Washington M e t t r-O -'ElDond,
now showing at tnotlsi
, were theatre, m amrecr reec
, tSj of the new standard of Amer
fcsjrtsm which , lua emo into be
, IffiK daring recent yeas of flnan-
Cl depression ana barasnin.
gThe storr of "Washington Mer-
. rMGo-Roond" Is -that of a patrl-
olc ' young congressman, played f
Leo Tracy, who goes to the
' , nioltol Imbued with ideas of ser-
! TioOr-, but Cnds his-efforts f utile j
; a alnst , the, barrier or pouucai
2 fading and manipulation and ad
, fl Vsrse Influences. -
ft The nieture takes audiences
tf rough the capitoi. showing his
i tfrie buildings, and a number of
tie important scenes take place in j
Se honae of representatiTes, the
' frilamber or which was recon
v sirncted bythe Columbia art , de
- s nrtment at the studio lor the
'S'fim. - ... ' ' . ,
-, The soldiers' bonus, army and
teir late tragic eneompment at
jknacoatia jriats are saown in u
jwn iu iuc
picture, too. a. well a. reaf hotel.
ajid resUuranU and omce ouuu-
lifirs in the Capitol
& Constance Cummings, who was
' sea recently in Harold Lloyd's
r-'HVlovie Craiy.' - ia-l "American
liadness", "Attorney for the De-
tinsel and other pictures, is the
lTolne, having the part. of a seur
' ors granddaughter, politically
' ' and socially enlightened on Wash-
tfpgton, who takes the young con
eressman in tow.
I Others in the splendid cast are
-waiter Connolly, Alan Dinehart,
Arthur Viton, Tjlarence Muse,
- graak Sheyldan, Arthur Hoyt,
, frallls ClarTr, Samuel Godfrey and
Itrnie Woods.
Feculiar Accident
Occurs and Bridge
1 2, . . And Animals Loom
. : -
I LYONS. Nov. 5. As the Jung-
J firth boys wero driving to Mill
llty on night recently they met
frith an all but serious accident
near the. Orvill Denning place.
ithen a horse and a mule appear
ed In the road ahead of them, ana
Hear a bridge. The boys either
ad to take chances on hitting the
'fridge rail or the obstructing anl-
faals, so they attempted to go be- j
: I ween the mule and norse, wnicn
' ntesalted in a badly mashed up car.
ho boys escaped injury, which
jams considered miraculous under
be circumstances.
The animals on the highway
lirere the property of the Spencer
Si Tessen family who live on the
ountaln 'east of Lyons. As an
her party holds a mortgage
Higalnst the horse and mule, Mr.
angwirth was unable to collect
falifornia Folks
Movine on Farm;
i f.M l R..:l1
? . iruiuuuii w
MEHAMA, Not. 5. Giles Wag-
tor has purchased the Bouche
jlace and will; move on It soon.
rt'iyean ago from Alhambra, CaL,
km wnrv w .prr in thft
arts they lived in Salem where
jley foundl work In the woolen
rf Hlg. . r
The Johnson family has pur-
chased from F. A. Boyington the
raet of land lyiag across the road
from the' Carl Windsor home and
fsxpects to build a house there I The story Is in humorous and sa
poon. They are now living on the Ulrica! vein, .dealing with the ac
Neibert place,, which Is part of
the old Richards place east of
own on the Elkhorn road.
Sunday School Will
;Be Reorganized Again
j. : " ' 1 kuo cash iuuuub i raiiK. xacnuga,
V 'Wim . v.iGlenda Farrell, Helen Vinson,
feolina- 57
iiNerember 8, were made' recently
. t a meeting held -in the club
" rrooms here. Sunday school was
f held regularly hero until late last
,-sprlng when duo to small attend
franco it was. discontinued., It Is
vhoped that the parents of the
Jeaildrenr will also attend this win
der and that, a, largo Bible class
!may be had. Mrs. Otis Dike was
' selected superintendentof the!
t! school at the recent meeting.
Board .
f Today Leo Tracy in "Wash-
ington Merry-Go-Round".
Wednesday George-Raft In
Fridav Turn RrvaniJLsitm
Summerville In ."Tom
.3 l 1
Brown of Culver.
Today Will Rogers In "Down
to Earth. - .
Wednesday Joan Blondell in
-Mis Plnkerton". ,
Friday James - Cagney la
. aWiBTif Tak an." .
e . nnu.Tvnon e
Today-Bela Lugosi la "White
Zombie'. . ,
Wednesday Herbert Marsh-
L all la -Bachelor Folly".
sT Friday Jack Oakle in "Mil-
e lion Dollar Lera.w .
lr - V
. v , : ...
eu acy, tne amusmg
aramauc possioiuiies m nis
Merry-Go-Round", unusual
Warner Bros. Elsinore.
u, tq; s c.U f
7.7s . , V V "
zemm 01 weira ana ieaxsome
Warner Bros. Studios Are
Speeded up With 8 New
Pictures Getting Started
With three new pictures just
starting, making a total of eight
now shooting, two others Just sent
to the cutting rooms, and five
more ready to start in the next
few days. Warner Bros. First Na-
tlonal studios have spe
peeded up to
top notch in production activi
ties. The three new pictures started
Include "The Inside", "Grand
Slam" and "Blondio Johnson."
I msiao wnicn is an ongin-
1 tory by Houston Branch, stars
Jnf Cagney with Mary Brian
playing the feminine lead. Others
n the cast include Claire Dodd,
AUen 'Jenkins, , Ruth Donnelly,
Emma Dnnn, Gavin Gordon, John
Sheehan and Robert McWade.
tivities or, a puDiiciiy ageni ana
"Grand Slam", which puts the
bridge fiend "on the spot", is
taken from the novel by B. Rus
sell Herts, and features Paul Lu-
hi" Lorftu Young, others m
Harry C. Brad-
ley and Charles Le Vinson.
Joan Blondell has the featured
role in "fllondle Johnson", an
In his fuiinitst Jncfatre.
: with
Irono R I C H
Metty Kemp
.4 VOX Picturo
Snnday . Monday
Tnesdaj . Wednesday
..... 1
r are
v . -m i
new w pv uu
laicsi piciure, nasmngwn
picture now being shown at
m?. -7wa mm K- 4 ha
7 .
pictures now snowing ai vno
original story by Earl Baldwin.
Others in the cast Include Chester
Morris, Claire Dodd, Harold Hu-
ber, Allen enkins, Toshi Marl and
John Wray.
The fire pictures now prepared
and ready to start "shooting"
within the next few days are
George Arliss' next starring ve
hicle, "The King's Vacation",
vh wflti wi"ltf&n Thsviefallw n
him by Ernest Pascal. Mr. Arliss
is now in conference with studio
executive selecting a cast, which
it Is said will carry mora noted
players than have ever appeared
with him in a picture before.
"Elmer the Great," by Ring
Lardner, will be Joe E. Brown's
next comedy, some of the scenes
for which have already been tak
en at thewarld, series games
which Brown attended.
Richard Bar thel mess Is to star
in "Grand Central Airport", an
aviation story by Jack Moffltt of
the Kansas City Star.
"The Sucker", a story of the
prize ring by Betram Milhauser
and Beulah Marie Dlx, will star
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., with a
strong cast.
Bebe Daniels will staT in "Ra
dio Girl", a musical show with an
engaging plot and musical num
m 3
w3g1,...l ..
Bela Lugosi Starred; .Eerie
And Fantastio Story
Well Portrayed
"White Zombi," one of the
eeriest and most fantastio stories
erer pictured for the screen, will
be the Sunday feature at the Hol
lywood theatre and American
moTie fans will thus learn, thous
ands of them for the first time.
of the occult practices In Haiti la
which by processes of sorcery dead
bodies are dug from their graree
and pat to work as slarea.
Rumors hare been reaching
the United States for years of
these sinister practices, and now,
for the first time, light is thrown
I upon them by a screen presenta
tion. The story. of "White Zom
bie" Is based upon personal ob
servation in Haiti by American
, writers and research workers, and
fantastic as it sounds, its entire
substance is based upon fact.
Logos! Starred
Walte Zombie" waa produced J
In Hollywood by Edward and Vic- picture Is a continuation of Ro
tor Hugo Halperin, independent f9n' first talkie, "Tbey Had to
producers who have made count- gee Pari." Us theme and locale
less successful pictures in the past I
J M - A - a m.-f 1
u;ufi, mt aiory owng ma od- l
ins i dt uarnecc weston. it is oe-1
i.rrtH throughout the world
Dy united ArUsts corporaUon.
t.i. w e i
Dvim laugoni, who cam aw
prominence in this country with
his stage and screen creation of
uouni uracuia m .uracuia". nas
tno principal role in this new-
comer, ana his portrayal even
surpasses that former work of ar-1
tlatry. Ho plays the role of a sin-
ister fiend who traffics in the ex-
humaUon of dead bodies in order
man his 1 sugar cane mills and
nis neios. o aiso nas nine or tno geU aU family down to earth
Zombies as a personal bodyguard, again forms the basis of the sltu
a bodyguard which perpetrates ation
heinous crimes at the behest of Irene Rich as Wife
their hypnotic alter ego. irent riCOj wno appeared as
Madge Bellamy, who retired Rogers wife in his first two
from the screen two years ago In talking pictures, again portrays
order to devote her time to stage the socially ambitious spouse who
work, makes her screen comeback brings about most of his hilarious
in the principal feminine role. Jo- troubles. Matty Kemp, whoso
seph Cawthorn also plays one of work on the first few days of
the principal roles, as do Johnny tha nroduction won him a lon
Harron, Robert Frazer, Clarence
Muse and Brandon Hurst.
Present Mayor is
Debt Reducer For
Monmouth, Shown
Ter??x . caiauut to
succeed himself for mayor of
Monmouth at the city election to
DO nem Wo V. 8.
His record over the past two actor players are tn the support
years shows that $14,950 has nK cast. Edwin Burke wrote the
been paid oft on the city's water screen play and dialogue from
uuuus aeoi, ciiy nan Don as, nre
department Indebtedness and
Bancroft paving bonds. He also
secured replacement on 100 feet
of hose which effected a consid
erable saving.
bers by Al Dubln and Harry War-1
"Common Ground", starring
Ruth Chatterton, "Wax Museum
featuring Lionel Atwlll, Glenda
FarrelL Frank McHugh and Fay
Wray, and "Parachute", starring
Douglas Fairbanks, are practical-
1T completed and will go to the!
cutting rooms shortly.
Work is well under way on
Barbara Stanwyck's latest star-
Ladies They Talk
About", and on "42nd Street",
with all star cast including Bebe
Daniels, Warner Baxter, Ginger
Rogers, Ruby Keeler, George
Brent, Dick Powell, Una Merkel
and Guy Klbbee.
"Lawyer Man", starring Wil
liam Powell, with Joan Blondell,
and "Employees' Entrance", fea
turing Warren William with Lor
etta Toung, Wallace Ford, Alice
White and Allen Jenkins, hare
just finished actual production
work and are now in the cutting
Homo of 25c Talkies
Look at the people n4r
yon I They may be Uvinjg,
walking . . . breathing eta
der the spell of . . .
11 fa
J 7
il 1 r. aSV B-
; 1 n ; "i .
IT D TIlEffi
"Down to Earth" is Feature
ThU Weekend; Sequel
To Comedy Success t
Will Rogers 1 newest comedy,
'Down to Earth." - comet to the
Grand " toeatte. today. It la said
to focus all the brilliance that
Will Rogers and Dorothy Jor-
don in an amusing posa
from "Down to Earth,"
Rogers' latest picture now
showing at the Grand.
baa made him the keenest and
most uotad ohaarver of the coun-
tnr today. wtiu in a sense the
are completely different.
Th. .tarr tsui with Roen u
imii.. r-.- .v. nun n .
bk ho. TST wi
kTa famiiT it ter their Parts lannt.
Th mVt l. ihnt tn
pleceg aBd Peters is greatly wor-
ried. bat hU wife has an lnsatia
bl aeejrft for iacial aoBors and
nlg aI(U neP la extravaiant
iwndlnr Tn, failure of a bank
farc ptr to aonlv for . loral
loan ana, tbat failInf M a reault
L. Mm Patera lar of tlmnn
and disnlav ha aoaa to Chicago
wlta tna ,am ,8 How ho
term contract, enacts the role of
the Irresponsible son, and Doro
thy Jordan that of the boy's
childhood sweetheart who steps
aside in favor of her wealthy
Theodore IodI, the Grand Duke
"Mike" of the earlier picture, re
creates the role In this new film
and Mary Carlisle plays the part
0f the spoiled "deb" who sets her
cap tor young Kemp. Clarence
Wilson, Brandon Hurst, Louise
I Mackintosh and other notad char.
Sunday Specials
Boast Young
v.ith dressing and fresh
cranberry sauce
or Breaded
Veal Cutlets
with, tomato sauce
New Carrots and Peas, French
Fried Potatoes, choice of Des
sert, Hot adnoe Pie. Pumpkin
Pie, jeDo, Zos Cream or Choc
olate Pudding.
Coffee, Tta or Milk
Salem's Finest Bestaanat
fit. Today, Monday &
f v-. '-' . , 4.
4 afc eae Saaab mIm
taa4 aaW staaki Sm waaaaa be daaM
1 1 niji iji.f if
WowUea feMaa y soaaaW
bar la Ml BaMShe m 4 s
Starts vhoro all othor
Thrillors loavo off 1
Croy's original story. Datld But
lef t: directed; tht. prodmctloa tor
Fox films.
Committees Named
J !i -A
; H; E. ClubV ,
Supper on Nov. 18
FAIRTIKUV- Not. I At the
Homo Economies club meeting
Thursday at Fairfield grango hall
plans were discussed and several
committees appointed to sorro tor
a program and corned beef and
cabbage supper to bo given at the
hall at ff:30 Friday, November 18.
Comralttees are cooking, Mrs.
Frank hlahonty and Urs. Don Du
Rette; -serving, Helen Mahoney,
Margurlto DuRette. Ethel bander
beck, Nancy Keene, Dorothy an
Began. Rita Forshwolller; salad,
Mrs. William McGllchrlst, Mrs. B.
J. Miller, Mrs. J. E. Schart and
Mrs, Allyn Nosom; decoration.
Mrs. Frank Felton and Mrs. Hen
ry C. Stafford. Program and table
committees will bo announced
Mrs. Allyn Nnsom was appoint
ed secretary of H. E. C. until elec
tion of officers In January; Mrs.
Koy Pltier having resigned.
Laymen's Service
For Prohibition
Slated at Dallas
DALLAS, Nor. S A laymen's
service in the Interest of prohibi
tion will bo featured at tha Dallas
Christian church Sunday evening.
Mrs. Anno DashleU will lead the
song service. A mala quartet from
Salt Creek will sing. Mrs. R. L.
Turrell and Dr. S. R. Smith will
be the speakers. Mrs. Turrell will
tell why the Oregon dry law
should not ' bo repealed. Dr
Smith will tell of things he saw
and heard during saloon days.
A one act play "Stop It" will
be presented at the Bible school
hour Sunday morning, directed by
Mrs. K. E. Burke.
GERVAI9, Nov. S As a return
for the sophomore party given the
freshmen a short time ago the
freshmen gave a masquerade at
the auditorium Friday night.
Prizes for costumes went to Mary
Miller, Betty Cutsforth and Tris
ATP TT A CSTfV The Picture That Will
" J-MBi nfir,elr
TVwkm nnn 1 1K P.
i f r "
Mil lllll Ml XI11M aeror
XII lllll a I XI I 1 M
ILEDS rniA(g 7
III J- mcuniO; . 1 ' Ernsa: jl
n mm list
Forty-tour newcomers are list
ed by the Salem chamber of com
merce In its compilation of No
vember 4. The number Is one
greater than the October 17 list
and beats the If names on tno
September list. For tbo past three
months 1SS residence have been
established, according to this
The November list folio ws:
Walter Butler, 115 North 17th;
W. John Ketley, 240 Marlon; F.
H. Dushane. J5& North 17th; Otto
Schmid, 471 Klngwood; D. Gra
ham, S48 North Cottage; H. P.
Dirksen. 2430 Myrtle; L M. Beck
with, 2633 Fairgrounds Road;
Jack R. Loneoak, Route 5, Box
450; Charles Goode, 7CS Ferry;
Erie Hail, 1128 State; M. H. Da
vis, 141 North ICth; H. R. San
born, 65 Girth Avenue; G. Mum
ford, 594 North Commercial.
Peter Paul Dwinln, 2826 Cher
ry Avenue; J. C. Fuller, Route 4.
Box 107 A; A. J. DeHaene. 1850
North Winter; Mrs. Carra Bulan
ey, 1259 8outh Liberty; Nsnnie
Griffin, 651 Klngwood; Alva Han
sen, 245 South 14th; Frank A.
Hughes, 2460 Laurel; Mrs. F. Gall
Geer. 943 Center; C. B. Lynch,
968 Saginaw; Dr. J. Benson
Scott, 532 Statesman; Harry R.
Tobias, 1095 South 22nd; A. E
Longwell, 1390 Chemek eta; Mrs.
Mat Thompson, 1155 Leslie; Myr-
tle H. Muellerwelss, 475 North
Catherine Dyer 121 Klngwood;
Cora G. Rose, 2342 Walter;
George Plppandrent, 2775
Brooks; Fred Kuhn, 1243 Frank
lin; H. H. Baldridge, 448 North
Water; B. A. Shoff, 1131 Edge
water; W. W. George, 935 North
18th; Carl Susbauer. 1625 Ne
braska; Judd C. Cupp, 2826
Brooks; Elton Dorman, 2054
North Capitol; C. Collins. 2084
Maple; H. E. Church, 1860 Fred
erick; F. E. Satterlee. 720 Mill:
Hal Flora, 2025 Myrtle; Mr. C. E.
Hodge, 1175 Marion: Chas. L.
Kaufman, 1230 Chemeketa; Chas.
W. Crary, 1264 Saginaw.
ROBERTS, Nov. 4 Men of the
Roberts community club gathered
120.000,000 AMERICANO
TfMofyf Staaatfonaf f $maktaH
A BMctare that Wlal scorches, seorj ost4
erai. . . . that wt9 heat evefy oVe of re4
.blood in yoctf tomis.
! The trata ebeot WaskUftea U a britSasrl
cfvssaatk rosMoco of 1 Wy Com itssMaasjai
fH who found the Htgher-Us--dM lm
th core1 crop for Frank Borgelt.
who has bees ' confined to bis
home all fall, by aickaess. ,
Mr. J. fcFarrai-
Come to WWitE
Daughter, Chemawa
CHEMAWA. Nov. 6 Mrs. J. F.
Farrar of San Francisco,, arrived
at Chemawa Thursday morning,
being called hero by the serious
Illness of her mother, Mrs. H. L.
NewelL . ' Her sister, 1 Miss Mary
Newell,-Is head of the Homo Ec
onomics department of tha; Che
mawa vocational schooL Miss
Clara M. Strauch, teacher of home
economics, has been confined at
the Salem General hospital the
past few days, but it la expected
that she will soon be welL enough
to return to duty hero.
Mrs. D. B. Klelhege and her fa
ther, C. D. Titus, returned to Che
mawa the early part of this week
from New Tork state. Mrs. Klel
hege and Mr. Titus have spent the
past month at their former home
in'Tawando, New York, and vicin
ity, and report that, they had a
very enjoyable trlpj -
Parties Are Held
By Several School
Groups, Rickreall
freshman class entertained the
rest of the high school members
and' their teachers with a lolly
Hallowe'en party on Monday
night. Games and stunts were en
joyed and the time honored cider
and doughnuts were served as re
freshments. Mrs. Helen Hatch, English
teacher, is the freshman class ad
visor, and assisted with the party
arrangements. The Sunday school
held a party at the grange hall
Saturday night, and the grade pu
pils held a party Friday night.
HAIR on the FACE
or en th body U tflj Bad sorely f
aioTd hj vomn attaadsata aiiaf oar
method. Siin left aaoata nd free from
blemiih. ConiulUUoa free, or write for
04-8 lac '! Zaak rhaaa 4427
Btism, Oragoa
Alt Hnlnmt
Y;r il
' ' ' . . j