The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1932, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 6, 1932
I . 1 - ' . . . J. V,- '
hurchi . Howard and uean
Viinr to-Appear
DALLAS. Not. S.-r School la
oik eoahty wfSTcloae Thursday.
ovember 10, In order to auow
teachers to at ten a the annual
chert Institute at the bigh
tfchool building. The Institute this
fear hat been shortened, from two
(Jays to one. The program for the
fnstltute was announced thl week
y JosUb Wills, county jschoitf su-
erintenaeni. . . -
The program follows;
litOn Ditlribtin ml WPIM. .
:10 InTa-ation. Dr. O. W. Brw.
MtlW, Jliaa Aim nicnrnn.
:t&-Addrei, Supt. C. A, Howard.
: 1 ft I stars Itsion.
:20 Dapartmaatal wark. klfh aeheol,
.. Sap. Howftrt: a--aa..d. Stephaa
B, JJwm; inUrm4iate, Clara
Trottw; primary, Ann O'SeiU.
0 5 ntri iaaioo.
IlilJ A-dre-i. Pra. 3. A. Cfcnrehill.
DO Lnarbaon at. Mct-Mtat cnurrn iot
- taaehara who haa attended Ora
. - foa Normal a-baaL .
l;30 Papartvcatal work, Sif- icboal.
DMi J. K. jeweii; Tncen, -ia-
km B. Jane; latcrmcdiata,
Clara "Tro1'! ' primary, Aaaa
f:15- Intao-iiaaloa.
1:10 Aaaual B rating of Polk County
- TVaeaeri aaotion; election of
of Hear. . -t
: 45 Addretii, Dean Jewell.
4:80 Cotnaiittra setic.
oyaT Neighbors
-'-. . i
Are untertamea
-j. By Losing Camps
: v
t a v,
USIe Matse
ONKofte. important pxoh
(leJ to consider In. choosing
, ' the plants to plac in the
rockery is to choose those fwhich:
will give a continuous bloom and1
one more thing to consider par
ticularly ir.tne
rock garden is
small choose
those plants
which are at
tractlTe even
when not in
O f course,
among the ear-ly-b
plants suitable
for the rockery
are many bulbs
including varie
ties of narcissi.
crocuses and snowdrops. There
are' also the violas, some of the
primulas and the nlyssuma. Most
reliable catalogues giro the bloom
ing time of their plants and these
should be watched when you make
your selections.
Perhaps most desirable of the
alyssums for rock work is the
alyssum saxatile. often . referred
to as basket of gold. This is al
ways a mass of yellow early in the
spring and if the seed heads are
kept clipped off it will bloom
many times during, the season. In
mild winters it will brighten the
Spline garden erta In January
and February. It grows from six
to 10 Inches in height. The alys
tura will , grow in any ordinary,
good soil. ,
Another little yellow flower
suitable for the rockery is the
achillea tomentosa. This grows
from -1- tn fetrhr Inrhpa hlffh and
k DALLAS, Nor. 5 Salem camp blooms from Jnl- to September.
I the Royal Neighbors of Amer- It rrown .,, vinm ranidlv and
&a was the guest camp at a meet- freely and as soon as it is through
(feg and banquet held here Thurs- blossoming the flower shoots
fay night Salem was. the winner should be cut back.
jfc sT membership contest ana tne
tjtRnaueiTwas staged by thajosing
fifunps, Dallas, Independence, Su
ffer, and Chemawa. About 12 S
WBrsons attended the banquet.
A short program was given con
Russian Flower Attractive
An early flowering, blue rock
I plant is the little anchusa myoso-
tidiflora which comes from Rus
sia. The bloom makes ryoTr think
nmaarhat nf thft forsfpt-mA-nnt.
gating of a solo by Mrs. Mayland, Doth jn coior and nabit of growth.
ifcccompanled by Mrs. Laura Ebbe, It will grow ln either a shady or
both of Independence; reading by Bunny place if the soil is well-
Krs. Roy Alderson; and a solo by drained, and it blooms from late
Miss Louise Fink, accompanied by April until June. The little blue
Miss Edna Bollman. anemone hepatica coerulea (wood ner, consisting of Mesdames John
1 In a dog show conducted by anemone) is an exceptionally rood Evans, C. R. Brown, Jed Austin
irs. Aiirea uomasnorsay, me iiower lor tne rock garden, it J. u. Minion, isimer Kierson, ana
rises for the largest, best look-grows but six or seven inches tall, helpers; tables committee, Mrs
ig, and ugliest dogs went to the blooms quite early in the spring Guy C. Newgent, Jack A. Gosser
ilem camp, while Miss Gwendo- and prefers shade. The soil should and Darrel T. Bradford; program.
fvn Burelbach won the prize for be rich and comparatively moist. Mrs. C. L. Dark and Mrs. John
Oregon has many native saxaf ra
ta which arc suitable for the
rock garden). I haven't even men
tioned, ln this article, the sedums
and sempervirums. But If I were
to try to mention all of the good
rock plants in cultivation I am
afraid I would have an endless
task before me. My Idea was to
try to answer - those- of you who
asked me "What should I plant
in my rock garden?" and "Please
suggest some rock plants, as I
want to change some of mine this
autumn and put ln some different
According to some of our great
est rock garden authorities, very
nearly all rock gardens, particu
larly the. small ones, should be re
built every three or four years.
trons of the Ladies' Aid society
of the Ford Memorial church of
West Salem are planning two en
tertainments to be given this
month. The first to he Wednesday
afternoon, November! 16, is a big
"Harvest Home" afternoon, to
whleh all women of; West Salem
and' outsiders interested are in
vited. This Is to be held in the
basement of the church with Mrs.
William L. LaDue, chairman of
the' general committee on ar
rangements. Her helpers are
Mesdames L. T. Wallace, John R.
Bedford, B. R. Miller and Avery
L. Applewhite.
At the regular meeting of the
Ladles' Aid society, held at the
home of Mrs. C. R. Brown Wed
nesday afternoon, Mrs. W. D,
Phillips was elected president of
the group, and plans were formu
lated for an elaborate evening,
turkey dinner and apron sale to
be held Friday night, November
This was an enthusiastic "boost
er" meeting and many matters
came up. Committees were named
to have charge of the turkey din-
le smallest dog.
Ah anemone specie which is a Evans; apron sale, Mrs. J. R
little larger is the Pulsatilla, often Brown and Mrs. Donald Kuhn;
known as the pasqueflower. It publicity, Mrs. Avery L. Apple-
grows around 10 inches tall, pro- white and Mrs. John R. Bedford;
duces violet flowers and blooms in candy, Miss Lottie Mc Adams; kit
April and May. The pasque flower chen, Mrs. W. D. Phillips and
nil ting is Slated
For Next Meeting
Of Communitv Club enloy8 tnU 8unllht- An anemone Mrs. A. T. Kelso and helpers.
is the A. vernalls, called the lady H
of the snow, it is not so very com- II II I IP I I"! 111" 11
mon but it is well worth adding 1 1 II I II I HflKrH
to the garden. Its flowers are LILLIL Li UrillLII
quite large and pure white.
WACONDA, Nov. 5 An inter
fisting all-day meeting of the Wa
fjjnda Community club was held
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
l. N. Parsons with Mrs. Parsons
wnd Mrs. Theodore Jelderks as
g Mrs, Robert Cole, vice presi
dent, presided at the short busi
ness session, when Mrs. J. E.
Kcharf was appointed assistant
tiuyer. Quilting will be continued
"fct the next meeting Wednesday,
-t?ovember is, with Mrs. A. L.
(iamb at her home in Mission
bottom. I
ty Visitors present included Mrs
blooms in March and April and
enjoys a rich soil in full sun.
A dwarf columbine, suitable for
the rock garden, is flabellata nana
alba. Iterows about 10 inches
hieh and bears ivory-white flow- INDEPENDENCE, ov. S
er3. A1 top dressing of peat moss Mrs. Liilie J. Baker, wife or E. n
Baker, died at the family home ln
Suver, November 2. She had been
the last half of 1831 were paid
here this . week by the Pacific
leiepnone ana Telegraph com
pany. A check tor - this amount
wast timed over "to the sheriff
office by H. yt Collins. Salem die
tnct manager. The payment' of
the-taxes for the last half of the
year hrouiht tha total ra.l AaratA
JEFFERSON, Nov. S Funeral I and property taxes of the eonT-
services xor rercy J. Thomas Inanv b Orttan for- issi t
were held from the Jefferson J 794,,000... according to Mr. Col-
vnrisiian cnurcn, riaay auer-1 una.
noon, with Rev. Albyn Esson of
ficiating. Interment ln Belcrest
Memorial park in. Salem. The pall
bearers were J. T. Jones, William
Skelton, Frank Glasser, E. C.
Hart, Earl Lynes and Harry Mc-Kee.
Percy ' Thomas was horn near
Scio June 10, 1894,' and passed
away in the U. S. Veterans hos-
fl , av . ni-11- i-trr 11 VWT.
wu waiia, wn., wot. irmi xirt, r Tt.
. A 1. - I , W M T. U.
, a. wm uuuau in niat'lw. an1 mMt. nf anin
xr T T.A 1' m l -rl Valley Missionary society enjoyed
son. Nov. 10, 1920 and made their tne h708p,UiltT 0 M. w. rrink
home ln and around Jefferson, un- rn-tnrA L i m. an
tU about four years ago,,when he rl8e trult UriUt Wednesday after-
ulcu iu. THOTU Hifiui. n noon. Mrs. J. S. Worthington and
u t T, ,M. . A. L. Klnton were Joint
vwu.u. iuo aui i x oreiKR i hostesses with Mrs. Crawford. As
wan, ana ine aisaoiea American i Bi.finr with th mnini nm-am
veierana oi me wona war. 4 ... Mra a n Hrawforii
tie leaves 10 mourn nis loss, nis Th huaineaa msetinr was nra-
111- A . .LIU - W 1
wiuow, iwo cauaren, r-auune ana sided over by Mrs. S. D. Craw
t.yie. Also survived by Ms moth- Uord. Mrs. Fred Muller conducted
er, Mrs. Mary Thomas; two sis- devotionals. The group decided to
ters, Mrs. Ethel Mary, and Mrs. cut the club duee. Mrs. Hurh
uess uiiyeu, pesiaes otner numer- Craig, chairman of the studv com
ous relatives. Percy Thomas is a mlttee spoke on International re-
son-m-law of Paul Buchner of lationshin with Janan and China:
jenerson. she was assisted bv Mrs. Charles
McCarter, Mrs. W. W. Henry and
Mrs. L. Frank Matthews
The society will have a Red
Cross membership call -and also
ell tuberculosis Christmas seals
ixnis year as requested by Mrs. V
Bilyeu, president of the State
Federation of club women. The
group made three dosen towels
for the Deaconess hospital at Sa-
DALLAS, Nov. 6 Polling place. lem durln the ernoon
for the 35 precincts in Polk coun
ty have been secured by Sheriff
T. B. Hooker. The majority of
the polls for the general election
are the regular ones but there
have been a few changes made
The polls will be open from 8
a. m. until 8 p. m. Tuesday, No
vember 8.
The list is as follows
Firat Dallas, City Hall ; second Dal- 8WEGLE, Nov. 5 The Swegle
ulm, court nouaa; inira muiaa, oiy communitv hpld 1t mrular mppt
water offlco ; fourth Dallas, Ed Dunn f v v JS T T
residence, sis Shelton street.
Flrrt IndeDendence. A. G. Baker res
idence. North Independence: aecond I np.ic.ll
Independence, city hall: third Inde- Tv " tttvi.,. a ' t
nendPn. Woman-. Mh Kiiiwinrf 'm Whitehead Jr., secretary;
fourth Independence. Lundrr hulld- Mrs. Wells, treasurer and Mrs.
is I Al Meyers, sergeant at arms
boutnweat Monmoutn, unrisiian tv v.Mi,.ii -. .nint.j
church; Southeast Monmouth. Wede- I . -n; -
kind Bufldlns: Northeast Monmouth, on, inm entenainmeni
wmesar Building-; Northwest Mon- committee lor tne next meeting;
mouth, B&ptiat church. South Falls Mrs. R. A. West will serve on
uit, unrisuan cnurcn: norm fiui ,v. i . .
City, city library. ',cl1" , CUL "T"1""8' 1
West Salem, basement or J4. EL I ler uu ousiueaa lonniuu iuo uieei
ehurch. Sprtnc Valley, basement of I lnr was turned over to the en-
n school building. Brush College, I tertalnment committee. Mrs. Ad-
Eola achool building-. East Rlckreall. mB anl ner son gave some de-
Masonlc hall. West Rlckreall, Qrang-e Ugnuui musical numoers. Henry
hail. McCoy, t o. o. f. hail, McCoy. Leavenworth entertained old and
tf" rV'r'T- young with reading, and imper-
O. F. hall. Salt Creek. North Dallas sonatlons and an appropriate
school building. Buell, Buell. grange I ghost story for a closing number.
ball. TTi Tin nil a aan c thA Svnela
Gold Creek, Gold Creek school build- " --1-1.. j-j TvI
h. TV,.. P.nnl BnnAml v.. KUUVI VUI. iUO CUUUUUCU
Grand Rondo community hall. Oak- I meeting. Refreshments were serv
dale, garage at H. S. Buta residence, hv Mra Srhaffer Mm. Wlls
UK low avenue. xriasepri, union I mT,A fm WhltAhAad
mm places in
Virgil Perrlne was hostess to the
Sunshine Sewing clnb Wednesday
afternoon. A straw vote was tak
en, Roosevelt receiving 11 votes
and Hoover fire. The club voted
to quilt for one -dollar. Names
were drawn for Christmas pres
ents. The afternoon was spent in
quilting. Mrs. A. T. Van Cleave
and daughter, Mrs. Alvln Van
Cleave will he Joint hostesses at
Mrs. A. T. Van Cleave's home for
the next meeting, November 16.
There were present, Mrs. Per
rlne's guest, Mrs.. Kenneth Walk
er of Portland. Mrs. Clark of Mid
dle Grove, members, Mrs. A. T.
Van Cleave, Mrs. Joseph Cook,
Mrs. Ben Clemens, Mrs. MIlo Bar
nett, Mrs. Ralph Gilbert, Mrs. C.
A. Kohow, Mrs. Lester Van Cleave,
Mrs. Rudolph Waeken, Miss Hul
da Stripling, Mrs. Gladys Hum
mel, Mrs. Alvln Van Cleave, Mrs.
Herman Wacken, Mrs. Clifton
Clemens, Mrs. Charles Ziellnski,
. Mrs. Peter Woelke planned a
surprise party for her daughter,
Helen on her 14th birthday. There
were present: the honor guest.
Miss Hazel, Mrs. Vida Miller and
Miss Margaret Barquest, teachers,
Lucille Dunnlgan, Edna Ruther
ford, Emi Tada. Margaret Dunnl
gan, Ruth Montandan, June Dun
nlgan, Alfred . Montondon, mem
bers of Miss Woelke's graduating
class, last year. Miss Ellen Smith.
Cecil Lueker and Ellsworth Smith.
Other numbers on the program
were: accordian selo, Hilda Bahn
sen of Bethel; Black Cat drill,
first and second grade of Mac
leay;' reading," Raymond Gerig of
Frajjtland; piano solo. Hazel Ma
gee. Rickey, reading, Edith. Am
ort, Truitland; political stunt,
Harry Martin. Sr- Harry Martin
Jr - Ed Tooker, Louella Shaw,
Evan Shaw, Mrs. V. L. Masten.
Bill McGee, Clifford Arnold, Ed
wlnHensel of Macleay.
Lutherans Attend
State Gathering
Iri Large Bodies
SILVERTON. Nov. 6 The Ore
gon circuit of Lutheran church
es and the Women's Missionary
Federation . held at Canby from
Tuesday to Thursday night 'Inclu
sive, have drawn suite an attend
ance' from Silverton. Some attend
ed very nearly all the sessions
while others Just motored down
for one or two of the programs.
Among those going were Mrs. Oscar
Satern. Mrs. Anna Rfttenesa, Mra. Hans
Thompson, Mra. Anna Jensen, Mrs
Hans Jensen, Mra M. G. Gunderaon.
Mrs. Alvln Legard. Mrs. Christine Ja
cobaen, Mrs. Joaephlne Jacobaen, Mxa.
O. Ormbrek, Mra. Henry Torvend, Mrs.
Ed Holden. Mra. Arthur Dahl. Mrs.
R. O. Solum, Mra. J. P. Dullum, Mra
Conrad Johnson, Mra. Oacar Johnson,
Mra. K. Funrye, Mra. C. E. Jorgenaon.
Mra. John Wormdahl, Mrs. Samuel
Torvend, Mr. and -Mrs. Silas Torvend,
Mra. H. H. Ballengrud. Mra Helmer
Jorgenson, Mrs. Oscar Overhand. Mra.
Edwin Overlund, Mra. M. E. Strand.
Rev. and Mra J. M. Jensen, Mra A. O.
Legard. Mrs. John Harstad, Miss Ag
nes Nelson. Miss Clarlwia" Brager,
Miss Selma Jorgenaon. Miss Marie Tin
gelrt&d. Rev. and Mrs. U C Foes, Mr.
and Mra. Severin Nelson, Mr. and
Mra Ole Samdahl, Helge Rue and T.
SILVERTON.SNot. 5 Educa-
tlonal week ;wlll be observed at
snterton,' beginning November. 7. f
The Silverton school and the Par f
ent-Teacherr association are com
binlng fa the plans for the week, '
Open house will be held from 7. .
to 8: SO o'clock next Wednesday ;
evening. . ' ";
At 8:30 the P. T. A. pregrsni
will be given, opening with musie
by the community orchestra, tin
der the direction of Prof. Hal
Campbell. Robert Gocta, superin
tendent of schools, will Introduce
F, i Roubat. principal of the Jun
ior high school, who will speak oa
"The Development of Publie
Schools ln the United States.
This is the first of a series of six
meetings to be held this year on
the general subject or education
and child welfare in Oregon.
RICKEY, Nov. 5 A full house
attended the republican rally held
at the school house Thursday
night under the auspices of the
republican women of the East Sa
lem precinct.
C. A. Sprague of Salem gave
an interesting and instructive dis
course on the campaign issues and
a strong plea for the reelection of
Hoover as the best method of
bringing conditions of the nation
back to normal. He also spoke on
the measures that are to be voted
on at the general election.
Mrs. Charles P. Bishop, chair
man of the woman's division of
Hoover-Curtis club of Marion
county gave a short talk about the
club and B. W. Macy secretary of
the Marion county central com
mittee gave a short talk on the
tariff questions.
Taxpayers Meeting
Slated at W. Salem
There will be a freeholders'
meeting Monday evening Just pre
ceding the regular council meet
ing at 8 o'clock. At the free hold
ers meeting the budget as com
piled by the councilmen at a
special called meeting, must be
approved before it can be adopted
by the council.
This Question
01 Looks
prevents' many people
from wearing glasses
who need them.
Let us show you how be
coming glasses can be.
333 State St.
Leaders in Style and Value
Fur Trimmed.
at prices far below
their real values.
Priced from
Formerly $19.76
to $4S.7S
Sport Coats
New styies
Reg. 816.75 to $24.75
A few Camel's Hair Polo
Coats in 1 A
this lot at DliolJ
Sizes 14 to 44
This sale is nothing short
of sensational! Material
are diagonal tweeds and
nobby mixed tweeds in va
rious colors. All perfectly
tailored -all silk lined.
Distinctive Apparel for Women
415 State
i -
or other fertilizer in the autumn
is welcomed by the-columbine.
Of course all rock gardens ill for many months
should contain some rock cress Funeral services were held at
(arabis) .and-both the white and the Keeney funeral home this aft
pink are good. Ther is also a dou- ernoon. Rev. Henry Albers of Al-
Rbaries vogts and pearl ana .uen bie white rock cress that is beau- banv is to officiate. Interment will
tfogt, Mrs. Ji. McDonald and son I tiful. The rock cress is very good be in the Odd Fellows cemetery,
Uackle, Mrs. jean catcmng, au oi to cover tne ground wnere bulbs south of Independence,
5fervais: and airs, faui Townsena, are piantea. Mrs. Baker was "born in Lane
juth and Elaine Townsend, Mrs. Ther are several campanulas county on a farm 12 miles west of
nuiv.u mc duimuio iui lug iuv i iugene, iNOvemDer o, ibo, ur
garden but there is one which is narenta beine John and Margaret
really not suitable for any place Dickson. He was married to Rob-
otlier than the rockery. This is1ert Wilson November 13. 1887.
tne mil muraiis, wmcn comes ln- He diea March 21, 1908. She was
to bloom with a mass of blue flow- married to E. L. Baker September
ers in june. it is one or tne most ie ions
Mrs. Baker was a member of
the Baptist church and the. United
Artisans' lodge. Beside the hus-
Brldgeport. LewiavtUe, Lewlavllle
church. Pedee. Union high school
building. Airlie, W. E. Williams atore
building. Suver. hall over LAraon store.
Buena Vista. W. O. W. hall. Buena
Vista. Rock Crest (Valaets). V. A 8.
depot, Valsets.
rlfloyd Webb jand daughter, Flor
mce, of Mission Bottom.
Armistice Day and
I Institute to Brine
fri tt' F a popular of the little rock plants,
UOUDie Vacations and thtjse who do not have it in
U . 11 their rockery will do wall to add
jp inufn.JiJK.i. ov. a in- ii. Aireiaer ueugnuui rock cam- hand Bhe . gnrvived bv a danah-
dependence will dismiss school panulff-is the little garganlca. ter Mr8 Vera Kester. Rlckreall,
I iur insuiuie ana ArHMcc vc- i n.u 1BU 0,UUui iu JUn out and tWQ .0n9. C q Wilson. Eu
Sons. IDS troiK. lioumy iDSiuuie nuuac nuntris me n uguier Din,
being held in Dallas on Novem- I "Spow-inSnlmer', Pretty
4 ler 10. Miss Ann O'Neill, super- Snow-in-summer (listed as cer
i'isor of the Independence Train- I astium tomentosum) is very well
Bg school will be a speaker at the known with its silvery foliage and
" tiieetlnr.Armistice dav brines to I snow-white flowers coming out in
he students of Independence hieh 1 April and May. There are three
chool one" of the big thrills in or four cypripediums or lady sllp-
u Eieemg me annual uaiias-i. ri. . i "- 6u,
football game which this year will These com into bloom in March.
e held at Dallas. I Uke a shady Place and plenty of
ac T-hm. rtallaa iim Visa nnt tMn I leal-mOUld
3 eaten, and the Independence
gene, and E. R. Wilson, Albany.
Board to Attend
School Business
Every Two Weeks
GERVAIS. Nov. 5 Officers
and committees are completing
nlans for the semi-annual Marlon
county council of Parents and
Teachers to be held at the audi
The meeting will open with a
dinner at 6 o'clock and the con
vention session and a musical pro
gram will follow immediately
Mrs. A. H. Bradley of Aums
ville, president, will preside. Dr.
O. Riley of Hubbard Is tne
speaker of the evening, taking for
his subject "The Task of Parents
WOODBURN, Nov. S Decision
to hold meetings of Woodburn's
aj aaI Kami tla a mtnth fa
Our native dicentra or bleedinr .a .i
?eam has won only one game but ft a been grown with quite meeUngl b. held on th. firBt
aopes ara highbecause when in- - "'T0"",;'" I Wednesday and the third Thurs-
aiependence meets Dauas, some- "" . S I day.
-bfhinv Mmarall hannna
, 2.,, 9 J r w
W. '. E; T
ifLast Minute Study
Of Measure Said
i shade or at least partial shade and
Mrs. Miller will be hosts to the
plenty of leaf-mould. I have found wh wnrai einh . t w w I
that if the soil in which it Is plant- SlSSL r?n
mA mntaitii. .nrfi.i.. I Wednesday afternoon, November
" " auu
On in Howell Area ' months
if the plant is not permitted to
dry out during the summer its !
blooming period will last over sev-
9 NORTH HOWELL Novj 5 which grow threeor four inches h,n .achocJ' mbp -"L"."r
-Th' - hl-h and which nr anitahle fo, h' class wUl sponsor the annual
9. Assisting Mrs. Miller as hostess
are Mrs. F. P. Brouhard and Mrs.
Elmsr Mattson. The meeting will
begt n at 2 p. m
As Is the custom at Wood burn
ttVlth general election near at J "Wch are suitable for
Sand voters in this precinct are the rock garden. The on. is rose Arm" "yPf0!!!- -v,..
tjbnsy studying amendments and "a inr " jney bloom Vli; VttdaVhV twn7-
ft, 'i., ' nrmnnrm- . I in May and June and like well 18 tisuauy well attended by towns
- rSt ??t0rr l elt drained soil. Too much moisture Peopleas well a. i students, will b.
a7b: wresner. A. T. dine. Je ?in death to these. jew ijy
tlf. i . ' n j I . There are snv number of helan. I her s, at 1:45 p. m. Dr. Levi Pea
' ",J themnms or rock roses. These hintton.. who U president of Pa-
etT hoaV lid hava charaa in leom ln double and single whites li"C university, at Forest Grove,
tf leetlOB hoard and have Charge in . . . . . ..,.. I will deliver the main addreaa. Th
he raala hall of the North How- --- , ZZZ.l ,
rM LlZ . v.ii I and even In crimson-bronze ef-
Knave been held for, many years ,.:d ,V . ,V. ' J
tand Mrs. J. 8. Coomler, Mrs. Earl PASiXXaii
hlarmon. Mrs. Silas Torvend. SS' Jfmm Jtlt.x utti.
f Perle Pickens and W. Van' Brock- MT?"JhFt KJSLH
En. ... v.. irises which do not grow over four
oxfLJll 0T IlT lnche tM wWch bloom in
ttKYMn ? April d May and which enjoy
itchea of the grange hall. - the rock garden location. These
Pmtt mIr Kortv e0Be ln Mi-yWw and white.
Krt.nn thIiIOTi may, be other colors, too.
mmelnan democratle com-: but these are the colors with
f - y waica.i am acQuainiea.
, . . The evening primrose (oenoth-
lr. J McGuire IS era. speclosi) Js a Uller rock
H T-.:J t XI plant, growing about 18 Inches
JT resident OF IN ew and blooming all summer long.
- " 17M.:sl.MJ D T A Its flowers are nnre white. It re-
ut anil shifll
ehnnlit K. m mMnM i mmnA mmA
FRFITrLA vD' Xov' , -leaMnould. Sun Is also required
rjiaicut Mowmuus T)r hy this flOWer , v -
gganited recenUy. elected the tot- Alplw Flowers CSood .
jClowIng officers lor, the year: pre- t hT Sxlit touched upon a few
Naldent, P. J. McGuire: vice pre- of the thonaanda .ini
fjsident. Kenneth ; Runner; " secre-J vrhicbiare lovely in thai rock car-
ytary-treasurer. Edith : Amort. ; j den. ftrntB, are the Iceland pop
B .The first .meeting Is to be n eld I pies, -often called papaver audi-
-tne scfiooinouse saturaay, o-ieauie,5 the many, rock phlox and
Lvember $, at 8 p.m., when a pro-j mountain pinka. the many nrim-
pgrara will be given and plans! roses, pearlworts, and the indis
!made foe the coming year. Ipensable saxaf r a gas (by the way.
win deliver the main address. The
boys' quartet will sing, Barbara
Espy will give a recitation . and
Mary Alice Conyne will lead group
singing. The- committee ln charge
Is Lois Seely, Dorothy Lee, Wes
ley Ebey, Carroll Olson and the
class advisor Miss Virginia Mason
JEFFERSON, Nov. 8 Mrs.
Maude Rodgers of Enterprise,
president of the Rebekah Assem
bly of Oregon, paid an official
visit to Mt. Jefferson Rebekah
lodge this week. Mrs. Rogers was
accompanied . by Mrs. Hallle In
gle, past president of Albany.
Mrs. Rodgers showed slide pic-
fneas t A DaAttlns TTMTi aa In
lonum aionaay mint, ,iuu Portland; tha buildings and
grounds; and the Interior of the
buildings, and the old people and
children living there. Twenty
members of the Albany Rebekah
lodge were present. A midnight
supper was enjoyed. The dining
room was beautifully decorated ln
autumn leaves, and the tables
a v iiah i a &s4 with m yr iinnot nf
ana ieacners . m presiueu i lowers, and black and orange
ine several warion wuiv BT crepe paper streamers to lend an
clatlons will give reports of work of Hallowe'en.
done and future plans. . .ontM in the nebkah lodee
Mnsie WUl D IumiBUBU UJ uiu- t. m.Amm tnr nninta. with
sicai organizauons irom noayion, T .pv-,-. -n(, Mr-.
Salem and Woodburn. Mrs. Berta -,,., .-d?
w, pr..ia.nt qi v with Miss Thomas's side as the
association, xienas u i.til.juu i eft-.
to au xo attena ibh meeung
whether members of the assoda
tlon or not.
FALLS CITY, Nov. 8 Parents,
ititrnni rA fHanila ef the district
Telephone Pay Big I W,J niT-lnd. .4?kbJir',t
lax in JrOlK ViOUnty howe'en masquerade party by the
pupils and their teacher. Mis Jaa-
DALLAS. Not. 8 Real es- rle Vtuelbarg. The school house
tate and property taxes totaling was appropriately decorated and
88018.47 for Polk county fori lighted by Hallowe'en lanterns.
Weather Holding :
Up Annual Parade
Of Dallas Kiddies
DALLAS, Nor. 8 Due to the
stormy s weather the annaal Hal
loween1! parade tor grade school
children has :- been . postponed in
definitely, but It Is planned to
hold tha parade as soon as the
weather permits.. Considering -the
amount of work which had been
dona on costumes the members
of the Anerican ; Legion , decided
that it would not be advisable to
call the parade 'off entirely and
so merely postponed it.
. . Tha new data for the event
will be announced as soon ,m the
weather settles according to R.
S. Xreason, chairman . of the
, Legion committee."-
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