The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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; Four Touchdowns Scored on !
JljHelg Frfim Breaks ..
; V OREGON CITY, Not. 4. (dpe
eUl) - The Salem high school
- football team broke Into the ric-
- lory column In. thorough fashion
after three1 one-touchdown de-
' feats, this afternoon when it bowl
, ed orer. a possibly orer-confident
' Oregon City high eleven to win
tt to f-.,.. .r;.-; ... .
All I of Salem's ; scoring, four
touchewns in all, was done on un
interrupted, marches down the
field, the shortest being the last
one of about 40 yards after Mel
Tin En tie had Intercepted a pass.
The first one -was a steady ad
Tnce of OTertO yards, early in
the first period. Another touch
down was added in the second per
iod aid. two in the fourth.
After acquiring a -safe lead.
Coach Holllr Huntington of 8a-
VWCffl H14 i D- I
lem high sent In almost an enUre
ed on this group, partly with the
aid of two exceedingly bad passes
- from an inexperienced center. Ore
gon City had only about four
. t yards to go to get its score. ,
' Well-coordinated blocking on
'" the part of all of Salem's players
accounted for the improved sjiow-
lng made; by Huntington's eleTen.
Welsaer and Perrine dashed
. through wide-open holes repeated-
ly, and tten -made the most of
: their opportunities by cutting
back Ind dodging in smart fash
ion, j - i'
' Oregon City had reached Sa-1
lem s 18 -yard line twice in the
first halt but got no farther. Sa
lem's; pass defense was much bet- !
ter than in the last several games,
a number of passes being knocked
rln (.A IntM-K-ontAif
Salem's starting lineup inclad- I
1 o.. ..4 nnK.hnt !!
M oetsswwtai smu v f
fronkt and Earle, tackles; Yada
and Brownell, guards; Halvorsen,
center; Perrine, quarter; Knight
and Engle, halves; Weisser, fulL
DALLAS Not. 4 Dallas!
t,(.t. .,nnv. An4t..ii Mm
- tended lta atrinc ef Tictoriea to
me nl tii ViJt itl ei ilia
a- if j..,.!
7ZZ i 7 o nnw7r
the victory was costly for
, Millan, one of Coach Shreeve
; best ball carriers, suffered
vere iankle snrain which , will
keen him out of the Hneuii for
keep him out Of the lineup; for
,.. several weeks. 1
This catastrophe occurred on
the klckoft following a touch-1
: down iin which McMillan played
an - outstandin g , role. Lewis ear-
tied the ball over but McMillan
" with a long ran had placed it on
the one-yard line., McMillan then
. hit the line for the extra point.
That happened in the third
quarter. In the first quarter Lew
is ' had passed to Friesen for a
touchdown after about eight min
utes of play.
The game was called on ac
count of darkness when two mln
- ntes were left to play in the
"third period.
Dallas has npw scored 19
points to opponents' none. The
. next game is with Independence
here Armistiee day. -
v,.;v i f '
Monstet Bonfire
Planned for SHS
ridUUCU lUl UlAU
' 'ArmiQtirt RaUv
l irmiSUCe rdliy
: vs ; J
i '
If eerone nhtieea Games shoot-
. - -
' JL Z I -. W . . v. - ,v.
mb -v w ea va v mm-J va v
night of NoTember 10, in the
direction of dinger field, don't
be alarmed high school students
under Rnpert "Peewee". Parks,
yell leader, ar laying plans for a
real bonfire and rally for that
night preceding the. big game
with Enrena hlKh' school Armifr
tiee day. The;
rally will start ; at
7 o'clock and
last until everyone
is wont out. I
Boxes, crate
and anything that
will burn along with . a quantity
of oil, will be procured from lo
. cal stores and piled high on the
field. From tile time construction
ef the -pile - is started a " heavy
guard will be maintained to in
sure, that everything will go as I
planned on the big night.
Carnera Floors
Kennedy in 3d
BOSTON.' Not. 4 -(APj Prl
mo Carnera tonight toyed ' with
Lea Kennedy 210; pound Los An
geles battler, before knockinghim
out In the third round; with a bar
rage of short lefts and right hooks
. ... ., . . .
. . , V
giant : weighed; 200 but stepped
. about - the arena's 18 foot ring
with the grace of a middleweight.
U WUlamette U. Linfled . ;
Oregon Normal 19, Pacific Lu-
tieran 0. " : ..r '.
, falem high 2 Y Oregon City
', ."oodbnrn high 21. ? Molaila
- talUs high II, Gervals I ImmanbeLgroup are Mrs. L. Ope- autumn, is holding a rally at the (post's at Miller's. The net ot llfe
AznsTille 1. Ptrrish I. v' r JdahL1 Mrav S. Nelson. Mrs. Ar-IW. O. W. hall Satnrdar nirhLl.f.a
Eauturn -Oregon Normal r l,
Cpok&ne university 9.' . .
Oregon State rooks 0, Oregon
tr-i o (tie), .
i.aekell 14, Temple 14 (tley,
Horde, Grid
17 X KV k the starting,
signal for the Oregon Webf oots
today, and every ply they burl
at the Staters will be eleven
Tocal votes against consolida
tion. However, we wouldn't call
the games a straw vote. And
maybe, though we haven't any
reports 'to back up the suspi
don, the Staters answering;
starting; signal win be M816 X
Tee. la which case, possession
of the hall for the greatest
number ef plays would decide,
the election.
n siuica oai vreat a luusr
t i . . . .. .. I
wr.. r. in. wm I
XVnAnamA- -,lfl. .t.l.v
" r rrr "J". - "
17 'A "r.?""""
wV.-t, - i
rnnd 'or Engene, as Pete
was one
And Eugene also drew second
Mood, lta high school football
team Thursday night defeating;
Corrallis high 10 to 6; playing
"under wraps' at that because
Coach Kramer of Eugene faced
the dif flcnlt situation of an
other game Saturday against
Hedford. Brown, a younger
brother of "Elmer the Great,"
is one of Eugene's bis; stars.
'Bishop, the noted baseball play
er, is another.
About that big game over at
CnrvniHa v..
-v. wtt "
- . !" .w "r I
" " ?-lzJ "
u I now WHO Will
win but Oregon ought to win this
year if it were an ordinary game
and not this traditional battle in
which dope is tossed out the win
dow. Oregon is still ri;ht ep there
near the top with only one de
feat; to TJcla which is still un
beaten; Oregon should have
beaten TJcla which, in torn de
feated Stanford which shel
lacked Oregon State.
What's more significant. Ore-
I mrT mikA C3 . . . . . I
6vi" ou-w were jusi t
jew ego h uj
two team could be. Since then
1 0re011 cooJred whole flock of
I big isurs from the Frosh team
I that OTerwhelmed the Rooks a
.re?on iut acquired
noima inBcn f-ranklln, who
I they'r6 now admitting that for
the fIrst t,m In year. Oregon has
the edge on reserves, though that
is a relatively minor matter in
this game which sees few substi
tutions, as a rule.
We'Te seen fVonple of analy.
seg of the tea nT man for man;
they aire Oregon the edge ex
cept In the matter of kicking.
If the rain keeps on, kicking
may be 40 per cent of the of
fense. In such ay situation also
line play is rated at SO per cent
of the defense. But the two
lines , are fairly even in
strength. On a muddy field,
Oregon will hare the advantage
of a heavier first string back
field. Oregon State is reported
to be planning a shift which
would give Hal Moe the ball
carrying Job, but we can't see
where that would be effective,
with about three men in anac
customed positions.
i -o-
kay iem ,u g on ZcZl S
h McInHfi sa -ItS?
ioo aiuiiwsw iney say at JSU-
oregon State Is supposed to
I . iv-. v . ...
guo inn jarrij can i na mnen.
i :b. ... . - --
I uicius as IS reported, because his
annen1T ... j v.
- - - v ituuv
w8 in high school. There's an
example of . the over-emphasis of
"Ports ; they even keep track of
the rival team's appendices or ap-
lendlxee or appenda or whatever
the plural is. It does seem strange
that Mcintosh was Injured when
be djdrf't do a thing but gallon a
i wmie m me west coast Army
J game; he surely hasn't been
tossed into any rough scrimmaees
1 thla week.
rrpwiea injuries wuich may or
. may not be injuries. Well say
that Oregon at peak strength
ought to beat Oregon. State at
peak strength. Bat whether it
will or not, we haven't any Idea.
Nobody ever has, on this one.
Silverton Fights
On NOV. 25
SILVERTON. Not ' 4. w- The
first of a series of winter boxing
. . . . .V "
rm nr. ni v. ia m .r
I . n ! iWUW
American-Legion, is sponsor-
i ing the bouts, according, to Vic
I David, promoter. .
Buimess Sessions of
Youth SJated Sunday
SILVERTON. Not. 4. :
the Immanuel and the ' Trtnit
Teung People's SeeletlMi- win
hold tHefir regular month tr mW-
0. 1 tngs ori Sunday. Hostessea tar the
thur Dahl, Mrs. O. :0. Ellertson.
Hostesses for; the Trinity-: group
include! Mrs. Hans, Jensen, Mrs.
Martin! J. Hatteberg and Mrs.
- I "hn Moe,--
to Claw Troian ;
Battle Today
NEW TORK. Nor. 4, AP)
The nation's : gridirons will be
scanned as closely as the political
undcape tomorrow when ft dot
en of the major contenders for
j championship honors take the
first of the bis NoTember barriers
in the great college football han
dicap. '- '
Indiana hardly seems equipped
to ston the inarch of MIcMian to- AP) The orangemen of Ore- New York. Not. 4. (AP) Tony
ward western conference cham- ton State college stood ready to- Canioneri, masterful little cham-i?-vi
ATi f night for the Pacific Coast con- Won with the grinning face and
course, hare happened this season.
Jevertheless Wisconsin figures I
w overpower xuinoia, irnrane. u I
genuinely "feared" by Amos Alon-
so Stagg s Chicago Maroons ' and
Ohio SUte looks to hare a good
chance to turn the tables en
wT..(J r"." t!
Northwestern in other Big Tea
Tie eastern battlefront will
ball firing as a euartet of nnde-
f sated arrays Pittsburgh and
!:-t.Tt ' n.
rJr.- ,aL mim.
m. mM i
... ....
iatwiMUAntl watTst will be l
UB ball OarkS. SliO Maulgan'l BU
vr.-. n..i. Mn th
...h MMnu.f- r
vtwvin . ti - rnrdhim while
Georria's battling Bulldocs hone
tAmnie the fidie Violet, of
New York nnlTerslty. Upwards of
40 000 may see each of these
Notre Dame expects to regain a
winning stride against the Unl-
..nit,, nt ir.nuui t Terence end
-AMAa - I
probably will. j
California has a good chance to
upset Southern California's all-
winning record but the Trojans
look like taTorltes.
The chief prospect of a break
In the Snnthern conference lead-
rhin rent-In whether Alabama's
battered tide can npset Virginia
Poly's fast stepping array. With-
nnt WnlihaMr "Hnrrr" Cain. Ala-
k.m. win hun Scanned in this
. . "
Utah's drlre for a fifth consecu-
tiTe Rocky Mountain conference
championshlp depends on the In-
dlans ability to .scalp the Univer-
slty of Colorado forces at Boulder,
' Aumsrllle hlah school's foot-
. . . .... , a-
oaii team aeieaiea ramma j
inign on vne jiumoTiiie irwimn
Friday afternoon 20 to 0 after the
lighter Parrish eleven had taken
an early lead.
Phil Salstrom, Parrish quarter-
back, intercepted a pas
zv yaras lor a loucnaowa m
to score a touchdown and convert
the extra point to take a 7 to 6
led 4t time.
At the opening of the third per-
iod, an Aumsrllle man hid out in
SonTa CS; ?Sd6Daidiok
:,?S..tP?5Si2Sn 5
the' Aumsvlue bTy. got away
ror anoiner long run ana score
' . w-v a w. m 1
nSf'norSf "nd Hrt
WOODBURN, Not. 4 Wood-I
burn high school's football team
defeated Molaila high 21 to 0
o e Molaila gridiron this at-
temoon In a game which was rag-
. w .jiu.
I red dne to ike vnnAAf condition
:. : .
tv n a n.iji
I VL ... tr' .
I - MOiaiia PUC UP a
stubborn re
sistance and held Woodburn to a
safety in the first half. Boyle of
Woodburn opened the fireworks
in the second half when he in
tercepted a Molaila pass and i
sprinted 95 yards to a touch
down. A 30-yard run also by
Boyle provided the second touch
down. Courtney, tackle, and Koch,
end, were, outstanding perform
ers for the Woodburn eleven.
BlackDragons Will
J?irUihi QxtTimmi tier
UAiiiiiv urriuwjMiis
At Y November 16
The Ufesavlng, swimming and
diving exhibition by theBlack
Dragons life saving corps which
was to have been this week has
been postponed until Wednesday,
NflTMiilMr IS at the T. XT P. A:
,Wi nt vFeatar.61 ,tn
tion of holds and breaks Ln life-
&,uuwu " ..wmw
saving..-- V : . i
Te J wlml team
1 Coach Lob , -Needham .... is, fast
1 coach rx? r Needham . i.Tast
iTounamg mio.snape ana jooaing
. ... . . -'
Jf "L:
rT" "TT t-Ii -
ed ; with both the Central and
Northeast IV M. C. A; teams In
Portland for some ' time In . De
Pjaty Vm
"HftU n11iT!(lii
OW Kali? 1 Onigilt
SILVERTON, Not. 4 The Lib-
ertr: rarty. which has. gained
I larea hold on Silverton voters thla
with H. M. Potter as chairman, to
hold an open ; discussion ot the
measures." The meeting, Mr, Pot-
ter announces, ieopen to every-
;lone.. ; .
K'JinLrSlsVS ,ateral BM8 e,ed bac,ri,e- f mthalJ31. included me
leson ana vgiesoy enas, iaatsirom .n.n,i .vnj r.v 055.52. motor trnnrtHvn
Oregon Is Slight Favorite;
Mcintosh Plays; None
Of Webfeet out
CORVALLIS, Ore., Not. 4
Jerence football encounter here
tttv,.. . I
Thnnrh 1B1 WoTntoah irwv I
"discoTered' In last week's game I
against Army.
r, has been out of
practice with an injured leg all I
wk. u owtsd he will be
,MJ, ,M I
0!.?. ttemselTes
w w fea e wmj iuto
FromEnene cornea word that
ftks Webfoota will trarel to Cor-
rallis tomorrow shortly- before I
(the game and that ther will come
iu ins gw di tsuaiuan. wiia so
m t I
rJ. irem i
pracUce today and incidentally
because ef homecoming, from I
classes word reached here that
no wegon mm wu pui inrougn i
brisk practice while a drisxling
"I? elL
g-nie. wnicn wui De ue i
of each school, will be the 36th
football contest between the two
institutions. Oregon, by reason of
1.1 v 1 . . , . . .
"io "",ull m&oe mis le-son,
lulo ' bku- nn in ion
game. lasx. year s oaiue enaea in
a scoreless tie.
Oregon State's starting lineup
will find in the backfleld. Harold
Pangle, quarterback; Hal Moe,
rtg&t half and acting captain:
Johnny Blancone, left half, and
"roia josun ruuoacK. in the ,
ne win do xl. uans ana tu. ua-
Ivls, ends; Miller and Schwammel,
lacaies; xomsnecK ana Tuitie, mnA Tf1
sras, ana uanionn, center.
Oregon s probable starting une-
np shows in the backfleld; Bow-
erman, quarterback; Kotska,
right half; Temple, left half, and
auKui&K, iuiwacK. iiixpeciea in
the line are Bailey and Wishard,
ends; Morgan, captain, and Nils
son, tackles; Frye and Clark,
guards; and Hughes, center.
Normal Wins
19 to 0 Over
Lutheran 11
Z. 'i:
- - " VT " I
u w
a 1 9 to 0 score from I
the slightly lighter Lutheran col-
i?e xeam nere , uus
m .A. Ma.
h r l"oad. on end runs
and line drives into the enemy's
territory, marching down the
" '
, m a xt a At .
II f I W n Tfir II. iH. B IUllllWinK H
Wott.' htad
I -.141. n1..M4 V-l V
i nuiAuub mm m muuaui uii(ui-
enlng in Lutheran college's of
fensive play
Wolfe termed the boys from
if wauiuQwu asv arwv v y v vvw
his tough aggregation has met
this season.
Showing up especially well in
the Oregon Normal lineup were
Goode, Men, Gretsch, Phillips and
Johnson, while Wlllard and Mc-
Millan starred for the visitors.
I Dave Stritmater was umpire:
Jerry Buckley referee: and Emii
Piluso aerred as Head linesman.
A new group, to be known Ml
the Cadena club and sponsored
by the T. W. C. A has Just been
formed, with officers as follows:
President, Mary Malley; vice
president, Margaret McCarthy;
secretary, Margaret Peters; treas
urer, Lena Boelson
The club.
composed ot girls
vhn wark in Rim hnmea. will
I meet the first Wednesday night
jof eilco month. It's motto is "To
the col, oraw "d
At the drrinlutloii aAAsfnn thla
week. Lena and Abbey Boelson
ud Margaret McCarthy composed
the social committee; Mrs. Ruth
Versteed lead group singing, with
Helen Richardson at the piano.
tv. r- i.t .
wl be Peters, Abbey Boelson and
I M&J-T 1 I1UTT1HB- HHIinfl 'Will Da
held at the T. W. c. A. aoeiei
.1 rooms.
r . rpnU'
i aw&icaiij jl i UUlAlCd
I .
H Ti nfrl
rd-Y. ,
In Shop Windows
By. Monday, displays of Capital
Post and Capital Unit convention
trophies will . be set up in - a
number ef downtown stores, as a
B0T to attract attenUon to the
Legion Armistiee day celebration
next week and the valeriea Hf
I drive. v - j . t
at . The intiiun1, tmnf.1.. wn
I Wa t esfri-.
drum corps, recently displayed at
Corvallls and Albany, were net
up yesterday in Hamilton's win-
dow. One of the corns nnifarma
iwill be exhibited at : BUhop's.
Canzonerlr Fists all
Demolish PetroIIe ;
15-Round Battle
wide now of a miniature Babe
n,, ..i in itMii h..
been fllnalnc to the Uzhtweicht
division for years, and all bat de-
nolished the Yeteraa tonight De
fore a roaring crowd of 20,609
that Jammed the big battle pit to
Brilliant aa a n y of the light
weights of legend, Tony battered
the old .timer from' Fargo. N. D,,
dly there was no uesU6n
to the rictor at the and of their
18 ronnd battle. Canioneri failed
MrM -.
"' vui.u.o-, w u
. 7.
' on tne streeu oc ew oneans,
er nas appeared to nner ad-
nnUge than he did in driTing
- w wum
smashup in a long and Talerous
c!5 .v. , .v .
'" '"' rvuau mrouja
1 " . . w. wuv. 1 b
the start, a temporary stay in the
lghth and tenth rounds, Tony
made a target of the courageous
warrior who has been whipping
all comers in a thrilling comeback
campaign, eyen to the extent of
tipping slugging Jimmy MeLarnin
orer twice one night In this same
A total of 1 6,557 fewer motor
vehicles were registered in Ore
gon during the period July 1 to
October SI, 193 J, than during the
corresponding period in 1931, ac
cording to a report prepared here
yesterday by Hal E. Hoss, secre
tary of state.
The report showed that a total
of 201,725 motor vehicles were
registered during the four months
Jeriod in 1032, as compared with
38,282 during the same period
last year. The loss In registra
tions on October 31 of this year
was approximately 15.34 per cent.
Receipts for the four months
period this year aggregated $5,-
051.20 during the correspond!
Period in 1911. or a loss of $913.-
Private passenger yehicle regis
tratlons dropped from 213,615 on
October 31, 1931, to 178.591 on
October 31 of this year, or a total
ot 85 024 t- VnZ,:Z
j- -
merClal ?a,Mencr 3, and
om?erCial truck, 377. Seasonal
"2""" P-
Lossea in reoint. tnr t,- f.
months ending October 31, 1932
i wnsan rnmniTon wiin thai aama
1 " "w F MV DOUtW
and'mneag-e tax $10.-
I Tr Prrninn
Bureau Reports
43 Inspections
Although the main fire inspec
tion period was past, cit firemen
last month scrutinized 43 business
building, seeking out possible fire
brd' Ben Faught an-
nounced Thursday. In 24 cases.
recommend aMnna tnr rummi,.
recommendations for removiac I
nasaras were maae and or these
17 were reported taken care of.
No major hazards were discov
ered. Captain Faugh said. The ma
jority consisted of dangerous eol
I lections of waste matter in base
ments. fhirZicm TrtTifinA
Religion Editor
To Preach Here
The Rer, John C. Evans, rellg-
I ions editor of the Chicago Tri-
I bune. and for some time rector ef
1 one ot Chicago's largest Episcopal
parishes will be the preacher at
the special evening service at St.
Paul's church Sunday at 7:20 pjn.
Dr. Evans is no stranger here
o o
Good Stock Feeds
HigH Grade i Egg
-Mash j
High Grade Dairy
A complete stock of High Grade, feeds and as nsnal at :
the lowest possible prices. Terms, Cash, Free .deliver:;
.In city, . .-i,- . v
E. A. Vfcintfo Gone
r ; Phone 4952,
TONY I West Salem News 1 111
I . . liiu run it unssiu.
WEST SALEM. Not. 4 Lewis
Warner, who moTed here some
time ago with his brother and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knowles,
all coming from Fairfield, Iowa,
went to Portland to take the gov
ernmental entrance examinations
preparatory to Joining the marine
corps. He passed the tests with
the highest grades of any taking
the examinations and left Imme
diately for San Diego, Calif.
Mrs. L. T. Wallace made a bus
iness trip' to Portland and while
there Tisited her mother, Mrs. E.
Mayhew and sister,-Mrs. Harry
Gilbert for a few days. Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Kuhn and little son
motored to Tillamook for a brief
Tacation and visit with the family
ef Mr. and Mrs. -Waldo Faery,
former residents of West Salem.
Election Dinner Slated
The ladies of the Ladles' Aid so
ciety of the Ford Memorial church
will serve noon luneheon and
evening supper on next Tuesday,
election day tor members ot the
election boards and others who
wish to eat near the polls. Com-
mltteewomen in charge of the
meals are Mesdames C. R- Brown,
Emmett A. Dickson, I. T. Wallace
and J. R. Brown.
The Texaco station, on Edgewat-
er street, in charge of Milton
Stewart tor some time, has
changed hands again and A. H.
Hilke, who recently moved here
from Bellfleld. North Dakota, has
taken it over, beginning on No
vember 1. Charles Ruge ot West
Salem owns the property, the Tex
aco Co. the business and Mr. Hilke
will operate it with the assistance
of Paul Riffey.
in Oregon as he.began his minis
try as a missionary at Jordan Val
ley. Oregon. Dri Evans will be at
St. Stephen's Prio-Cathedral, Port
land, at 11 a. m.
He will also
address St. Paul's
Young People'4
group at 0:30
Elks Plah House
Party at Temple
On EleCtlOn Day
A real house party Is planned
for the Elks and their friends
next Tuesday evening. Election re
turns will be received "play-byplay".
Those present will hear an
address by Judge Floyd E.
Thompson, grand exalted ruler.
This address will be reproduced
by electrical phonograph tran
scription and will be heard pre
cisely at 11 p. m. in all the 1500
Elks' lodges ot the country. There
will be a wrestling bout and musi
cal numbers by way of entertain
ment. Leroy Gard, exalted ruler, has
appointed the following commit
tee to have charge: Lyman Mo-
Donald, Laban Steeves, Warren
Jones, W. H. Paulus, Walter
2560 Persons are
Furnished Work
Here, 4 Months
During October, jobs were
found for 401 persons by the U.
S.-T. M. C. A. Employment bu
reau, Assistant Manager D. D
Dotson announced yesterday.
Added to his monthly report were
o more persons piacea wnoita vn.nitai rnr tnitm,,)
were not listed on the September
Agriculture again supplied the
largest number ot Jobs in the
several classifications, 180. Next
was domestic service, 11; trades
and professions, eight; building,
six, manufacturing one, and un
classified, 203.
Of the 401 persons employed,
20 were war reterans and 16
women. The total number of per
sons plaeed between July 1 and
November 1 is 2500.
Women Seeking
Work Numerous
Says 'Y' Agency
Heavy demands are being made
upon the V. W. C. A. employ
ment service by women and glxja
tor ' work, with the October em
ployment report showing 402 ap
plications for Jobs, while only 74
Jobs were available. Seventy wom
en were sent to Jobs, 55 of which
were" permanent and 15 tempor
"So far this month the demand
looks even heavier, so anyone
having Jobs that might be tilled
through this office is urged to
call us," Mrs. W. B. Wagstatf,
employment secretary, comment
ed. . !
Good Dry Shelled
$1.15 , 100
Beit lVliU Run ,
SO bagaSSc eack
2(51 State SC '
' Legion Post Started
At the second meeting held for
the organisation of the West Sa
lem post ot the American iegwn,
held on Monday ' evening at the
city hall. Colonel Charles A. Rob
ertson was ehosen temporary
Chairman and Bay Ferguson, sec
retary. There, were 14 present to
sign the membership list as char
ter members and after an inter
esting evening and meeting, they
disbanded until Wednesday even
ing, November 9. at which time
it is hoped that the entire quota of
at least If will have signed up
and that the regular organisation
may be perfected. All who are el
igible, are urged to become char
ter members, so that the Legion
poet may really get under way
Members of the election board
for West Salem precinct are, Wil
liam T. 3rier, Leo Spltxbart, Roy
McDowell, Robert Adams and
Ralph Wilson for the tint board,
and R. A. Blerins, Mr. Needham,
Mrs. J. I. Miller, Mrs. J. T. Gos
er and Fred Gibson for the
counting board.' They, are antic
ipating the heaviest , yote ever
polled . in this precinct jte be cast
by the electorate here.
Mr. and Mrs. Elles Paxjott of
Newberg, Mr. and Mrs: G. 8. Ho-
aglin, of Vancouver, Wn.. the L. C.
Grays and the L. L. Knoxes of
Toledo; were among those spend
ing f a few days or more at the
Capital Tourist camp here. The
B. A. Shoffs, proprietors of the
cabins were business visitors at
Longvlew, Wn., for a few days
the first of the week and visited
in Portland upon their return.
Granting of a 24 hour morator
ium on election day next Tues
day, so that persons whose auto
mobiles are equipped with old 11-
their Totes.- was being consid-
ered by Governor Meier in Port-
land yesterday, according to in
formation received here.
The moratorium, if granted,
would extend from midnight next
Monday until 12 p. m. Tuesday.
Officials said such a moratorium
would enable a large number ot
persons to vote who otherwise
could not do so.
The proposal was called to Gov
ernor Meier's attention by Hal E.
Hoss, secretary ot state, following
receipt of a letter from J. G. Bor
er of Condon. Boyer said in his
letter that a number ot his neigh
bors would hare to travel a dls-
I tance of 10 miles to vote, and
without a moratorium, such a
journey would not be possible. He
Indicated that these persons had
not been able to purchase current
license plates.
Pen Inmate Hurt
In Truck Mishap
Ed Sumpter, serving a five-year
term In the Oregon state peniten
tiary for forgery in Lake county.
suffered a broken leg yesterday.
when a truck on which he was
riding skidded and ehashed into
a stone wall at the prison annex.
sumpter was sent to the penlten-
Three other convicts riding on
the truck sustained minor bruises.
Sumpter was received at the pris
on March 24, 1930.
Re-elect . B. Bowei?
No. 48 on Ballot
Election November 8, 1932
On a Bill Prohibiting Commercial Fishing
On Rogue River
The following excerpt from
aT e . S il 9 A. - J
uomrmsaioner oi tne unuea uureau oi fisneries, con
stitutea a conclusive argument in favor of the passage of tha
Rogue Biver Fish Bill.
I strongly feel that the Kogwe River, as well as the other ,
Sainton riTers ta Orecon, should be closed to conuxxercial '
fishinsj if it is hoped to maintain the riTers la' anywhere aear
their original prodactivity. These rivers are no anllke the
rivers of Alaska, and we do not permit any fishing in any of
. . onr rivers in the north. In fact, some of them are closed a
- mile or more outside their inoaths. I belieTe that the fibsh -'
- ia the riTers shoold be left there to reprodace their species.
r" This would give the.steelhead trout, which ia largely
tlsh, aa opportunity to perpetuate ltselt and furnish sport ' V
and food for the people of Oregoa and the thousands of Z
- touriaU who are now seeking the great out-of-doors. These1 ' ,
- tourists will prove to be one of the valuable asset of the
state of OregosC4'; t.v;, -'rjyZ-vv- z-, : V
By H. L. rHaoa, Vice President .
V . Iw Harrey, Secretary .
C T. Baker,
Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce
trio vof yonnf men were
brought Into Justice court y ester-
day afternoon as result ot at- ,
tempts of one of them to pass s
forged check. Walter. I William v
Louis .Williams, v xaces a
charge of attempting - to commit
a felony; and John . uoore ana
Charles Belgard are held for ot
tering a forged Instrument. r
Williams asked , 2 4 hours - in
which to enter' plea, and commit-.
meat was Issued when he was un
able to raise $$00. He will enter.,
plea at 11 o'clock this morning.'
Moore and Belgard pleaded guilty,
and were bound over to the grand
Jury, with bail set at f 10 Of each.
Neither could raise .ball and bota
are la Jail. .- '
- According to the story gather
ed by police, Williams attempted
to pasa a $11 check, on which tha
name of Paul Townsend had beeaf
forged. The person to whom Wil
liams offered the check became'
suspicious and called Townsend,
Upstart of this was that Williams
was arrested, and then he declar
ed the check had been written by!
Moore and BelgardT
Jury sitting In the civil ac
tion brought by Junette Cooley
against Ellis Cooley, and Thurs
day afternoon tried in Justice
court before Judge Miller Hay
den, returned' a verdict in sum
of $122 ton the plaintiff.
; The suit was aftermath of di
vorce settlements, plaintiff con
tending that Cooley failed to turn,
over to her $155 money collected
as insurance on furniture which
was burned in the Larmer ware
house fire two years ago. She at
tempted to show that there had
been agreement that defendant
was to collect this insurance
money and turn same to her
Defendant set up that plaintiff
held certain property of his which
she failed to turn over, and for
that reason he did not give her
the insurance money. He claimed
she removed certain property
without his consent and while he
was ill and in the hospital.
Two Wives Win
Divorce Pleas
In Court Here
!(A divorce was granted to Ferne
A. Darenport here Thursday bj
Judge L. G. Lewelllng along with'
the custody of two minor children.
Lowell E. Davenport, their father,
is to be allowed to see then from
time to time and meanwhile must
provide $15 each month for theio
Because her husband, William
T. Minniar, used vile language
and then deserted her, Carrie I
Minniar was granted a divorce
from him. She Is to have restored
her maiden name of Carrie L
O'Neill. The couple married De
cember 2, 1931, in Los Angeles.
AURORA, Not. 4 Miss Ethel
Harrison is in a Vancourer, Wash,
hospital where she underwent an
operation for appendicitis. Miss
Harrison was on a visit to her bro
ther at that place when she was
(Paid Adv.)
2l d
a letter from.Henry CMalley,
fwa. . A W-fc -ee m W
;," '
Ashland CSiamber of Commercf -By.
B. O. BarkwelVFrealdent
B. "E, Dctrick. Becretarr i '
- r
Hedford Chamber of Commerce -': -r--.'"--.t
By XT, 8. Bolgcr, President '. : t v , C n -
Secretary - ; . .
Till Air,